Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Tesco

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Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Tesco
Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Tesco
Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Tesco

Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment Tesco - Assignment Help in UK


Managing human resource in any organisation is considered to be one of the importance aspects. Human resource management is all about proper supervision of the total workforce in an organisation and it mainly concentrates on proper selection of the manpower, followed by their training, assessing, proper compensation, rewards etc. Under this Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment – Tesco, I have discussed about the importance of guest model of HRM and how the six principles of David guest is being implemented in today’s organisations like Tesco.  Moreover I have also depicted the difference between storeys definition between hard HRM and soft HRM followed by the comparison between human resource management and Industrial relations.  I have also discussed the importance of line managers in organisations, the importance of discrimination and their effect on the people.

Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment Tesco - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1. Explain Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organisation of your choice.

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Tesco is considered as the largest supermarket which provides multiple shopping aspects. It being a multi brand super market tends to follow certain models which are important for the success of the organisation. ( Galinsky, Sakai, Wigton, 2011).

David Guest in his model of Human resource management has mainly depicted six major attributes namely:

  • The HR Strategies
  • The HR practices
  • The HR Outcomes
  • The outcomes relating to behaviour
  • The Outcomes relating to performances
  • The outcomes relating to financial terms

Tesco has applied certain important characteristics which are as follows:

  • Integration relating to proper planning: At Tesco, there exists a good relationship between the employees and the employers; it helps to create proper synergy. Tesco thereby properly plans the specifications to its employees whereby it can readily modify certain changes, thereby improving the efficiency of each employees present. The guest model if ap0plied at Tesco, can readily help Tesco, in several ways, first being adhering to proper strategy making.
  • Proper flexibility: At Tesco, all the employees are readily made to familiarise to all the departments concerned. It tends to are sure that all the employees are readily multi skilled in every department in the super market. It tends to follow David guest model where after much commitment, there comes flexibility in their way of working. . (Galinsky, Sakai, Wigton, 2011).
  • Commitment: At Tesco, the people are highly committed to their work; they work hard to attain their goals readily. Tesco readily abides by the guest model proposed by Asda, where it mentions about the level of commitment.

(1.2) Using an organisation of your choice, compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices. 

 According to John Storey, he readily depicted four various elements and aspects of Human resource management which is:

  • Beliefs and assumptions. Employees are considered to be the most valued assets so it is important that they should be nurtured so is their beliefs.
  • Strategic thrust which helps in taking calculated decisions about managing the people : the strategy is the main root of all levels , so it is importantto critically analyse a situation
  • The involvement of line managers : as per storey line managers are very important
  • Dependency on the set of leverage in order to shape the relationship of employment.

Further it mainly depicted on two types of model which are: hard HRM and Soft HRM

  • In soft HRM: At Tesco, the employees are considered to be the most important resources where proper planning is made as per their role, rewards ways to motivate them etc. It mainly concentrates in building strong communication processes where employees like are given the r5esponsibility to depict power. The main focuses of strategies are mainly of long- term. ( Galinsky, Sakai, Wigton, 2011).
  • Hard HRM: in such model, the employees are treated as mere tools of the organisation like in Gazprom. The main aim is recruiting like hiring, managing the employees working accordingly and thereby if not performed up to the level of expectations they are fired. The employees are generally of short term, due to such the rate of turnover is higher. There is a gap in the communication process. The amount of power is not being given to employees





As per Storey, human resource management is all about managing the total work force . it is concerned with the training , assessment , proper selection , performance etc . at Tesco , being a multi supermarket it is mainly about handling the employees .

Whereas industrial relations is all about collective bargaining, the machine and the organisations profit being the main purpose  like Gazprom .

Contract :

Tesco being a super market, it tends to follow the regulatory framework as mentioned in storey’s model. (Hendry, 2012).

Whereas under IR, Storey defined that at Gazprom , it tends to go beyond the rules and regulations as mentioned.


Management :

The management under storeys model depicts that Tesco readily abides by the strict rules since being a multi super market it has to follow these rules

Whereas under IR , the model of storey defines that , it first adheres to the management before taking such decisions .

The key responsibilities

At Tesco , storeys model mainly depicts that each employee should work as per work assigned under different departments and sub – departments without any fail

Whereas in IR, due to its mostly unskilled labour each of the EMPLOYEES AT Gazprom should be first properly cultivated.

Strategic areas

Under     Tesco, the major areas concer4ned is the people i.e., the employee itself , they are the main asset for companies like Tesco, like in storeys model , it deeply connects with the employees.

While in IR, storey defined that the main decisions are mainly taken by the authorities and management itself, so no space for the employees.


The relation in relation to storeys model in Tesco is mostly pluralistic. Where the main concentration is on the co – operation of the employees.

While in Gazprom , under storeys  model , it readily applies an Unitarist  approach , where the decision of the management is considered to be the ultimate .

(1.3) Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for any organisation of your choice.

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The line managers are considered to be the most important person who helps an employee in every aspect as well as the organisation to grow. At Tesco, the role of line manager is numerous.

  • Future vision: Tesco being a multi super market in UK, it is the responsibility of the line manager to analyse the company’s breakthrough success, by properly allocating and planning thereby forecasting for the future. ( George , 2016).
  • Ability to identify people: Tesco is mainly concerned about how the employees in the organisation can be properly identified and the best results can be brought out of them being a super market, it is sometimes difficult to identify each and every employees. So it is the responsibility of the line manger to proper identify them
  • Proper communication skill: at Tesco, there have different types of cultures, so it is very important that every type of people from different cultures should be made comfortable. The line managers should properly see that different forms of communications should be used.

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  • Building self – confidence: it is the responsibility of the line manager especially in a big brand like Tesco, to build a high level of self - confidence among them. So that the employee’s can readily work efficiently and effectively. The line managers should plan some new sessions apart from work to refreezing their minds buy doing some activities like lunch hours, free happy hours etc . (Hendry,2012).
  • Motivation and creativity: it is the duty of the line manager which tends to follow certain necessary rules, like motivating employees to a great extent. The line managers readily help its employees to create their own ideas and suggestions which readily help the employees to work even in a better manner.

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Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in your organisation.

Flexibility is the ability to adapt to a certain environment quickly while protecting the interest of the employees in an organisation. Bucki and Pesquex in 2000 defined flexibility as the capacity to differ as per the requirements, therefore reflecting the capacity to be operational whenever condition changes. At Tesco, being a multi brand, it always maintains it work flexibility. ( Galinsky, Sakai, Wigton, 2011).

In this context there are namely four types of flexibility:

  • Numerical: it mainly fluctuates it may be long term or short depend on the terms of the contract.
  • Functional : it refers to the individual skills of the workers , with wide range of multitasking
  • Temporal : it mainly depicts the variations in the number of hours worked depending on the demand and supply of the organisation
  • Wage: in such flexibility the wages are individualised and not standardised.

Flexible arrangement at work

Part time work

Term time working

Job – sharing


Compressed hours

  • Part time work: under this any work which is less than 24 hours, under Tesco there exists lots works who work on part time basis
  • Term – time work: under this the contract is always under permanent agreement, but the employee can take leave during this period.
  • Sharing of job: a type of work where a work and its responsibilities are being shared by two people.
  • Flex time: it is the job of the employers to direct an employee the initiation of the work and where it should stop.
  • Compressed work: it doesn’t refers in compressing the hours work but it deals with reallocation of work into lesser and longer blocks during the office timings.

(2.2) Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by your organisation.

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Flexibility at workplace enables the employees to work more freely and thus giving there more efforts and efficiency.       Tesco, being a big brand it adopts certain methods:

There are different types of flexibility which are being adopted at Tesco namely,

  • Functional flexibility at Tesco, the more stress is given on how each of the employee perform their work as per their skills. Tesco has a huge department so it is important that the employees are thoroughly flexible to the work they perform
  • Flexibility relating to numeric: this flexibility at Tesco, it varies widely from long term to short term. Tesco hires employees with various contract bases; it might be short or long term agreement.
  • Flexibility relating to compensation: at Tesco, the wage is being given mainly because of the skills performed by each of the employees. (vpsc.vic 2016).

At Tesco it offers several times – flexibility like:

  • Part time: Tesco being a super market, it needs to hire some employees on part time basis.
  • Term – time: it mainly depicts the permanent staffs, as per the contract in Tesco.
  • Flex time: under this being a super market, there are certain works which has to be told and depicted by the authority so this refers to the flex time.

(2.3) Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective.

It is very important to critically analyse the practices which are important for the employees and employers or work efficiently. At Tesco, being a multi super market it always pays towards using such practises which will help its employees to gain a proper and better prospective in a workplace.

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  • Use of better technology: Tesco being a multi supermarket it always paid better concentration on the use of modern technology. Recently Tesco brought a new idea of using virtual shopping. Technology not only has helped Tesco in shopping but always online shopping , virtual shopping , it has helped the employees to scan the products easily , new modern equipments of handling the heavy loads etc
  • Use of modern ways to recruiting: Tesco in recent years has valued the system of recruiting and hiring employees, for this it tends to identify each and every candidates. Further Tesco has initiated the process of using online e – recruitment. Tesco is also using the internal employees for different kind of jobs in the form of promotions, transfer to different departments, so that it will save the cost of hiring a new employee. . (Hendry, 2012).

Diversification is another aspect which is to being brought in knowledge at Tesco. At Tesco, there are diversified employees which different cultures, so it is the responsibility of the authority to properly see that all the employees coming from different cultures are being properly adhered and reached out. Providing training: it is one of the main aspects of any kind of organisation. But super market like Tesco, it always takes into account the importance of training.   It is the duty of the authority to properly look into the employee’s performance and thereby providing training to the employees who are lacking.

(2.4) Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices

Labour market refers to the place of interaction between the labour and the employees. It is the labour market which readily functions the forces of demand and supply. At Tesco, the labour market plays a very important role. In the past few decades, there has been a recent few new changes in the labour market, which has enabled the people as well as organisations to get good skilled labours. The first and foremost being the depicting a high amount of loyalty among them.  The reason being the high amount of flexibility in the number of hours worked due to such balanced work schedule, the workers who are working can readily maintain their family life as well. Tesco always makes it sure, that the employees morale is being uplifted for this reason, each worker is being given extra lunch hours, extra privileges like tickets, parking tickets, free lunches etc.( Hendry, 2012).

But this kind of work hour flexibility was not found in Tesco earlier which created a whole lot of problem and chaos, later after much speculation a flexi time was being assigned and scheduled. .after the proper initiative of such flexibility it helped the employers as well as the employers to work at ease. Recently, Tesco, in giving a very fierce competition to it brands like Asda , Sainsbury ,Waitrose etc . It has initiated a new scheme, where the employees will be benefited from happy sleep time, which allows the workers to take some rest for 12 – 2 hours daily. Moreover, in 2014, Tesco announced vacation for each employee from Tesco, basis of their performance al this helped in depicted healthy competition among all. .( George 2016).

Task 3

3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Discrimination are the differences which are being made in a workplace on the basis of their race, religion, language, sex, gender etc. in my organisation a small grocery shop there has been lots of discrimination based on :

  • Inequality pay: being a small grocery shop where I have worked in, I have often seen certain discrimination relating to pay.  For example, a person was being denied of being paid his extra hours worked. this is a sheer inequality of pay where the man was denied of  his own hard earned compensation
  • Discrimination based on sexuality: I have seen in one of the organisation that a Russian employee of a renowned bank of Scotland had won a claim of about £ 3 million. The scenario being , she was the head of a bank , but being a women boss was not being accepted by the other employees of the bank , so she was harassed mentally and alleged of not working properly which later being claimed was claimed as false .  .( George 2016).
  • Discrimination of language: I have seen that in my organisation, those who are not so familiar with English as a language are being sued immediately. one of my colleagues was Chinese , and was not able to speak or understand English which made the employer to fire him at will.
  • Discrimination of women during maternity: mainly 88% of the women in United Kingdom are being forced to quit their job because of the issue during maternity period. Till now no other provisions is being taken by the government.
  • Disability: disability by far is one of the most discriminated topics of all. In one of my friend’s organisation a man was denied of their job because he didn’t had one of his had post accident. This was a serious issue, where there was given no special privileges to these people suffering from any kind of discrimination.

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

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In the United Kingdom, there is a lot of discrimination which takes place almost all the year round.  There should exist equal opportunity of work in the workplace , not there shouldn’t exist any discrimination based on religion , colour , race , ethnicity , gender etc . (guardian.com , (2016)

  • The implication relating to geographic area: Big organisations like Tesco, it is often seen that there are lot of employees who are actually migrated from other parts of UK for the purpose of job. Sometimes the people migrating from other parts are not being given the equal privileges. So it is the duty of the legislation to properly look into providing equal opportunity to all employees. (guardian.com,2016)
  • Disability implication: in Tesco, being a giant, and is well known of its duties and responsibilities. But in reality there is not provision as such for the disabled employees. No matter what laws has been passed but no initiatives have been taken.
  • Implication relating to gender: in Tesco there has always been providing equal opportunity in terms of setting equal goal and compensation, but in reality it is not. The female employees working in the distribution centre of Tesco are paid less than that of the male workers.
  • Implication in relation to women and their benefits: in Tesco although it is being said all workers are the same but in reality this is not the case , male workers are always preferred more than that of the female ones.

(3.3) Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give examples from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

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There are certain analyses which are taken into account while depicting the equal opportunities at TESCO, Tesco being a multi brand is always well known for providing good working environment for its employees: .( George 2016).

  • Providing equal amount of opportunity to all: at Tesco, equal amount of work is mandatory to provide to all employees. This method of depicted equal amount of work helps to balance both the personal and professional life respectively.
  • Proper training: at Tesco, the employees are being provided with proper training, which is very helpful in several ways. Since these regular sessions of reviewing the training as well as their performance will help the organisation too properly identify the gaps if any of the employees.
  • Provision of equal and rightful pay: at Tesco, being a reputed brand, it always ensures that employees should be paid for their performance and the work they do. So even for any overtime work, Tesco always tends to provide the compensation which they deserves. Tesco also follows monthly bonus system in the kind of appraisal which helps them to work at a more dedicated and effective way .

Task 4

4.1 Select an organisation you work or have worked for, identify and compare the performance management methods used.

The organisation which is being chosen by me, in this context is Coco – cola. Coco – cola being one of the biggest beverage companies is well known for its way of managing their employees and for adopting certain ways to improve the performance of their employees.

At coco – cola they use a certain parameters to measure the performance of the employees they are :

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Under such process there are 4 main stages or steps they are:

1. Reviewing the performance: it is very important to review how the employees in an organisation are actually performing. So for this coco – tends to review the performance of each of its employees by means of:

  • self evaluation: under this process, all the employees are being asked to rate their own performance by means of multiple choices. This helps the management of coco – cola to review more accurately. . (George 2016).
  • 360 degree evaluation: under this the employees are being rated in a full scale as per their performance and relations with their colleagues, with seniors, the amount of work performed etc

2. Performance plan for the year: at Coco – cola this is done by setting up the key responsibility areas of each employee and thereby it concludes on the improvement plan.
3. Rewards: without proper compensation employees cannot work properly, at coco – cola, it is made sure that all the employees are paid adequately as per their performance. There by recognising each employee and awarding them respectively in the form of bonus, promotion, Perks etc.
4. Measuring the performance on a monthly basis:  after which it is important to measure such performance on a monthly basis so that it is possible to review if there doesn’t exist any kind of discrepancies.

(4.2) Assess the approaches used to managing employee welfare in your organisation

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Employees are the most rich and important asset for any organisation, so it is the duty of every organisation in safeguarding their interest.

  • Proper environment at work: employees should be provided with safe and clean environment where they can work with, proper facilities of sanitation, light, a place for rest etc should be made available. . ( George 2016).
  • Safety and measures: there should be proper safety measures for each employee, if the employees are being faced by any kind of pressure it should be immediately looked by the authority concerned.
  • Proper training: it should be noted that a employees health will be automatically uplifted if they are provided with adequate training, which will not only help in the organisation they work in but also their own career development as well.( George 2016).

Proper compensation and rewards: work and compensation goes side by side. If an employee is not being properly rewarded as per their performance it will affect the employees morale and they won’t be able to give their best.

Other approaches are:

(4.3) Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices

In United Kingdom , it is very important to take proper precaution in safeguarding the interest of the employees, the government in 2010 , had launched a national well – being programme in order to measure the quality of the people’s lives . In this context the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence has given some provision for supporting the well – being of the people .

  • Ill – health:  the employees or workers working in any organisations should be properly look after. The employers should always keep a vigil check on the problems and how is it deeply affecting the people.
  • Providing a harmonic environment: it is always considered that if employees are happy in the place they work, their performance will be automatically boosted. So proper and soothing surrounding is important which will help in their health factor.
  • Responsibility of the employers: the employers should always keep in mind that employees are the backbone of any organisation, so their health factor should be always safeguarded. The employees should help regular meeting, their health conditions should be always be kept in proper check. .( Buller, McEvoy, 2012)
  • Providing proper accuracy relating to health and safety: it is important that the workers should always be adhered to the problem which is affecting them mentally.
  • Monthly health check up and necessary schemes: the employees should be provided with monthly checks, it will help the employees to work in a positive way.

(4.4) Evaluate the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices

In the United Kingdom, there has been a widespread of many issues which directly affect the employee in an organisation. The most widespread in today’s world is the racism and the discrimination which are being made. The discrimination it is seen that in the United Kingdom, most of the people are being discriminated based on their colour, race, gender etc. In 2015, BBC has depicted one such scenario where a black African was being denied from her job because of the race factor. Later the woman had to sue the organisation for which she had won the case.

Another aspect is the age: age is something which we all know is increasing, but this cannot be a reason for replacing an employee in an organisation. In many organisations, the people above the age of 55 are being provided with voluntary retirement system. The logic behind it, they can hire more fresh talents and the young people with their expertise and new innovative thing can readily come up with. So this age factor is definitely a widespread one. Firing an employee at will: these days employers recruit and fire people just with a flash of a second. So it is a huge issue which is being taken practised nowadays. ( Buller, McEvoy, 2012)

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Human resource management is all about managing the total work force management. It includes training session, performance management, in this Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment Tesco i have learnt about the importance of David guest model in the multi brand supermarket Tesco. Moreover I have also learn about John Storey’s model on soft hrm and hard hrm and , the difference . I have also learnt about the importance of line managers, their main role in a organisation like Tesco. Further I have learnt the importance of discrimination in certain organisations and how did it affect the employees respectively. Lastly I have also mentioned about the issues which takes place in this current year and ways they can be eradicated.

Reference :

Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight. Human resource management review22(1), pp.43-56.
Galinsky, E., Sakai, K. and Wigton, T., (2011). Workplace flexibility: From research to action. The future of children21(2), pp.141-161.
George N,(2016). Methods of Performance Evaluation. Available online at  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/methods-performance-evaluation-1869.html . Accessed on 7/7/2016.
guardian.com , (2016)  . Tesco picketed by unions alarmed by treatment of migrant workers . online Available at https://www.theguardian.com/business/2009/jul/03/tesco-migrant-workers-protest . Accessed on 7/7/16.
Hendry, C., (2012). Human resource management. Routledge.
ourtesco.com, (2016). Flexible working.  Online available at https://www.ourtesco.com/working-at-tesco/people-policies/expenses/flexible-working/ . Accessed on 7/7/2016.
Pager, D. and Western, B., 2012. Identifying discrimination at work: The use of field experiments. Jou
vpsc.vic (2016). 3. TYPES OF FLEXIBLE WORK ARRANGEMENTS. Online available at http://vpsc.vic.gov.au/html-resources/making-flexible-work-a-success/3-types-of-flexible-work-arrangements/ . Accessed on 7/7/2016.

Under this Unit 3 Managing Human Resources Assignment Tesco, discussed about the importance of guest model of HRM and how the six principles of David guest is being implemented in today’s organisations like Tesco, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.