Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment - Morgan Hunt

 Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment - Morgan Hunt

Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment - Morgan Hunt

Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt - Assignment Help in UK


The Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt is prepared in concentration with managing human resource in an organisation. This Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt will help in gathering the information regarding the human resource management of the organisation and how an organisation could manage its employees in an effective manner. With the help of this report organisations will be able to remove discrimination from the workplace and will be able to manage the equality at the workplace. Report will also include information regarding employee’s rights at the workplace which will help in providing the direction to the employees to manage their work process at the workplace.

Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Explain Guest’s Model of HRM as applied to the organisation.

Human resource management is the management system in which people working in the organisation are being managed. With the help of human resource management an organisation could ensure that it could manage its internal process and could manage to attain its set objectives. There are various models attached with human resource management and one of the models is Guest’s Model which was given by David Guest so as to help the organisation in managing its employees in a better manner. According to the guest model of David it is being stated that the leaders of the organisation as engaged in the practices which should help the organisation which could help in reducing the employee turnover rate. There are certain aspects related with guests model they are:

Guest’s Model

  • HRM Strategy: Human resource management help the organisation in making different set of strategies which could help in reducing the employee turnover rate. Strategies are made which could help in assisting the employees and could help in assuring that the employees could perform better in the organisation. Morgan Hunt keeps on indulging in such kind of activities which could help in building trust among the employees working (Ballester, 2013).
  • HRM Practices: Human resource management of Morgan Hunt uses certain set of practices like hiring the candidates for the vacant position, providing training to the employees and new hires present in the organisation, appraising the employees according to their performance, providing compensation to the employees according to their work, building employee relation with the effect of which employee could build trust with the organisation and could work to help the organisation in attaining its set objectives.
  • HR Outcomes: Human resource management of Morgan Hunt evaluate the outcomes that they get after focusing upon the employees working in the organisation. Human resource management of Morgan Hunt evaluate the quality of the work done by the employees, and ensures that the flexibility could be maintained so that the work could be managed according to the requirement of the market and customers available in the market (Doherty, et. al., 2013; 2014).

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  • Behaviour Outcomes: Behaviour outcomes are other aspects that are being managed by the human resource management. Human resource management of Morgan Hunt ensures that the employee of the organisation could be motivated, and focus upon the organisational citizenship which helps in building emotional attachment of employees with the organisation.
  • Performance Outcomes: Evaluating the performance of the employees is another aspect attached with the human resource management of Morgan Hunt. While evaluating the performance outcomes of the employees human resource management of the organisation ensures that the productivity should be managed, quality of the work should be managed and keeps an eye on all the negative factors which can affect the organisation.
  • Financial Outcomes: Last aspect that is being evaluated by the human resource management of the organisation are financial outcomes in which it evaluates the profits that the organisation has earned and the return it has earned by investing the money in human resource of the organisation (Dehaghani, et. al., 2013).

1.2 Compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices at Morgan Hunt.

According to Storey human resource management is the way which helps in preparing the strategies with the effect of which human resource of the organisation could be managed which could helps in attaining the objectives of the organisation. On the other hand personnel and IR practices are implemented by the organisation so as to ensure that it could motive the employees to perform better at the workplace. Therefore, below are some of the difference between the Story’s definition of HRM and personnel and IR practices at Morgan Hunt:


Storey’s HRM at Morgan Hunt

Personnel Management / IR

Strategic aspects

Approach is customer oriented and the decision making is quit faster.

It is a more time consuming process.

Beliefs and assumptions

In this employees are being motivated so that they could achieve the objectives.

Careful description of the program is required.

Line management

Role of the management is transformational.

In this role of the line manager is transactional.

Key levers

Focuses on the effective flow of communication.

There are restrictions in the flow of communication.


Consideration is more upon strategic planning.

Consideration do not rely on strategic planning. (Doherty, et. al., 2013;2014).

1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for any organisation of your choice.

Change is the requirement of every organisation which requires that the approaches used for the strategic adoption could be changed according to the requirement of the market so that company could gain competitive advantage over the others in the market. It is necessary that the line manager of the company should implement the strategies for the management of culture, business policies, goals and leadership styles (Ravazzani, 2016). It is necessary that the line manager should try to integrate the strategic approaches with the principles, objectives and goals of Morgan Hunt in relation with its production system. Line manager should represent the employees. Line manager should ensure that the jobs of the employees could remain secure, they should be appraised time to time, and bonus should be provided to the employees working under the line manager. It is necessary that the line manager should indulge in the activities which should help him in learning new things and should help the employees to learn new things accordingly. He should train the employees so that they could manage the work effectively (Ravazzani, 2016).

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Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in Morgan Hunt.

For an organisation it is necessary that it should remain flexible. All the plans and procedures of the organisation should be prepared in such a manner so that they could be modified according to the requirement of the time and the market. For Morgan Hunt it is necessary that it should focus upon the flexibility model so that it could make sure to keep the internal process flexible and effective:

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To be flexible it is necessary that Morgan Hunt should understand the responsiveness. Morgan Hunt should response to the customer needs as well as market so that it could make changes accordingly. Morgan Hunt should know how to differentiate its product so that it could make the changes according to the requirements of the market and the people available in the market. Making changes in the products and services according to the requirement of the market will help in differentiating it in the market (Bal, et. al., 2015).

Another aspect is efficiency, encouraging the employees to provide lean ideas will help in bringing innovative ideas at the workplace. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should take lean ideas from its employees and choose the most appropriate idea to be implemented in the organisation. Morgan Hunt should indulge in the activities which could help it in determining the magnitude of the desired changes in the market. Morgan Hunt should make the changes accordingly (Kelliher, et. al., 2010).

2.2 Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by Morgan Hunt

Flexibility is important for every organisation doing business in the market. It is necessary that every organisation should work according to the requirement of the market and the people working in the organisation. There are various types of flexibilities that could be adopted by Morgan Hunt with the effect of which it could ensure to make successful changes and could move on the verge of success and sustainability. Therefore various types of flexibilities are:

  • Functional Flexibility: Functional flexibility is the flexibility in which employees working in the organisation are trained in such a manner that they could be redeployed in any kind of task while performing other tasks. Morgan Hunt should provide cross training to the employees so that they could gain knowledge of every process (Strauss, 2013). This activity will ensure that at the time of requirement employees could be redeployed to any process according to the requirement of the process.
  • Numerical Flexibility: Human resource management of Morgan Hunt should develop a system in which categories of the employees could be bifurcated according to their requirement. Human resource management should develop a flexible plan in which increase or decrease in the number of employees could be managed according to the requirement. For example Morgan Hunt can keep the employees on temporary basis, part time basis, and on contract formation basis so that at the time of excise they can be removed and at the time of requirement they can be hired.
  • Financial Flexibility: There are certain set of payment systems that supports and reinforce flexibility are financial flexibility. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should have the flexibility in the payment systems so that it could manage the things accordingly and could ensure p[payment security.

2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective.

Flexible working practices are beneficial for both for employees as well as for the employer who has hired the employee. For an employer it becomes easy to increase or decrease the employees according to the requirement of the company. If there is access in the employees in the organisation then the employer could reduce the employees accordingly. Employees could be reduced according to the requirements as they will be working according to the requirement of the organisation. Employees working in Morgan Hunt could be hired on contract basis or they could be hired at part time basis so that at the time of access requirement they could be appointed to the organisation so as to manage the work. In such case employer will not have to pay extra money to the employees (Nier, et. al., 2012). Flexible working practices also help the employee as the employee who works on the part time basis can manage their studies and other works. They could work according to their requirement and can earn according to the money required to them and can manage their life accordingly.

2.4 Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices.

When something is changed in the organisation then those changes has a great impact on the process of the organisation as well as on the people working in the organisation. Changing the working practices in the flexible working practices could help the labour and could help them in working more effectively. Bringing the flexible working practices to the labours Morgan Hunt will be able to increase its practices and will be able to ensure that it should send less money on the labours. Unnecessary expenses will be reduced by the organisation. With the help of flexible working practices labour could manage their earnings (Miles, et. al., 2010). They could manage the other works effectively and could balance their life. Flexible working practices will introduce a new way of managing the work and will provide new opportunities to the labour working in the organisation. Using such kind of practices labour working in the organisation will be able to earn double income as they would be able to work in shifts and will be able to enhance their pay with the effect of which their lives will be managed in a satisfactory manner and they will be able to produce more for the company. This practice will also help Morgan Hunt to enhance its productivity and will be able to ensure its success in the market.

Task 3

3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Discrimination is an offence which should be avoided by every organisation. It is necessary that an organisation should treat all the employees equally no employee working in the organisation or candidate hire to work in the organisation should be discriminated. Morgan Hunt should hire the candidates on the basis of their skills and knowledge rather than choosing then according to their religion, race, colour or gender. There are various forms of discrimination which should be taken under consideration by an organisation. Therefore various forms of discrimination are:

  • Direct Discrimination:It is the discrimination in which the candidates are chosen on the basis of their race, caste, gender, colour and age. In this type of discrimination different employees are treated differently. In this the situation of discrimination arises when the employees working in the organisation are treated differently and their groups are formed according to their race, colour, gender, caste and age. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should focus upon these kinds of practices and should try to eliminate them from the workplace (Mishra, at. al., 2015). Morgan Hunt should treat all the employees equally and should take the decisions wisely rather than doing partiality with the employees. Company could take the this kind of decisions in certain circumstances only, like in case of working on heavy machinery physical strength is required in such case age factor could be considered by the organisation (Case discussed in O’Bannon v Friedman related with race discrimination).
  • Indirect Discrimination: This is a kind of discrimination in which each and every employee working in the organisation are treated equally except a particular group working in the organisation. In indirect discrimination doing discrimination for a particular factor will not be considered as justified. Like in case if the requirement of the job is prescribed for the female candidates then the female candidates will only be hired at the safety workplace.

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

It is necessary that the employees working in the organisation should be provided equal opportunities and it is necessary that they should be treated equally and in a fair manner by the organisation. There are various practical implications presented by the legislations for the organisation so that the employees working in it should be treated equally. These implications are as follows:

  • It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should review all the HRM policies and guidelines. These practices will ensure that the healthy and safe practices could be implemented at the workplace. HRM policies and guidelines help the organisation in the effective execution of the operations in the organisation (Dehaghani, et. al., 2013).
  • Financial implications are other implications that should be fairly implemented in the organisation. Organisations like Morgan Hunt should ensure that all the employees working in the organisation should be financed equally and should be financed according to the skills they have.
  • According to the legislation there are policies of equal pay and compensation to the employees working in the organisation. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should provide equal pay to the employees working at the same position and having same set of skills. Morgan Hunt should not discriminate in the pay of the employees working in the organisation and should ensure that their pay should be provided in a fair manner as any discrimination is termed as violation of the law stated under Equal Pay Act 1979.
  • There are certain set of policies that are provided according to the legislation. Human resource management of Morgan Hunt should include all the policies related with the discrimination so that the people present in the organisation should follow all the policies and procedures. Morgan Hunt should ensure that the employees should avoid all the unethical practices and should be term any kind of unethical practice as a compliance issue (Dehaghani, et. al., 2013).

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give examples from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

There are certain set of approaches that are prepared by the organisation so as to manage equal opportunities and managing diversity so as to ensure that the organisation could manage its employees in an effective manner. It is necessary that the organisation should prepare the policies which help in ensuring that the equal opportunities and diversities could be managed accordingly. Policies will ensure that the organisation should work upon these policies so that each and every employee working in the organisation should work and should help the organisation to manage equal opportunities and manage equal diversities. Organisation should take care that the employees should be hired on the basis of their skills and work experience rather than choosing them on the basis of their race, colour, caste, gender or religion (Gallie, et. al., 2012). Making the team is one of the aspects that could help in managing equal opportunities and equal diversity in the organisation. Morgan Hunt should divide the employees in team and the team should have the people of different diversity. This kind of practice will help in interacting and understanding people of different diversity with the effect of which they will be able to work more effectively. If a team will have people of different diversities then they will get the opportunity to understand their culture and will help in performing better in the organisation.

Indulging employees of the organisation in different cultural activities will also help in managing equal opportunities and managing equal diversity in the organisation. This type of activity will help the employees in understanding the culture of the people of different diversity with the effect of which they will prefer to work together which will result in the management of the diversity (Muyia Nafukho, et. al., 2010). For Example Morgan Hunt should implement various cultural games which will help in making the people refresh and will help in bringing different culture together. When people of different culture will come together they will communicate with each other and will make themselves comfortable. This practice will help in managing equal opportunities and will help in managing equal diversities (Belobragin, et. al., 2016).

Task 4

4.1 Select an organisation you work or have worked for, identify and compare the performance management methods used.

Performance management is one of the most important aspects attached with every organisation. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should use effective set of performance management methods so that it can assure that the biasness could be removed from the organisation and employee working in the organisation should be appraised on the basis of their performance that they have done in the organisation rather than choosing the employee home the manager of organisation knows or likes the most. Therefore, various performance management methods used by Morgan Hunt are:

  • Reward System: It is the system in which performance of the employee is evaluated on the basis of its achievements that he has achieved in his job career. This is the process of gathering effective set of information about the employees working. Reward system helps in ensuring that the appropriate information regarding the employees could be gathered (Belobragin, et. al., 2016).
  • Monitoring and Supervising: Monitoring the employee work is one of the most effective ways of identifying the performance of the employee. Manager of the organisation should monitor the work done by the employee on weekly basis so that his performance could be managed by providing him appropriate guidance.
  • Organisation Appraisal Meeting: Organisation appraisal meeting is another aspect that will help in gathering the information regarding the work done by the employees. This is the method in which reports of the employees work done is gathered and their performance is evaluated.
  • Performance Development Plan: Performance development plans are prepared by the organisation to improve the performance of the employees working in the organisation. Performance development plan forms the basis for the employees working and helps Morgan Hunt to achieve its objectives (Belobragin, et. al., 2016).

4.2 Assess the approaches used to managing employee welfare in your organisation.

Managing employee welfare is necessary for Morgan Hunt as if the organisation will look after the employees then only employees working in the organisation will help in attaining its objectives. Organisation should understand the fact that the employees are one of its valuable assets losing which could affect the organisation in a negative manner. Therefore, working towards the welfare of the organisation will also help the organisation to get positive results in return. Certain set of approaches that could be used by Morgan Hunt so as to manage the employee welfare are:

  • Welfare Programs: Bringing out the welfare programs at the workplace will help the organisation to help its employees and will help in developing personal attachments in the hearts of the employees. This kind of activity will help the organisation to ensure that its employee could remain happy and could help the organisation in attaining its objectives (Gallie, et. al., 2012).
  • Personal Assistance Program: Morgan Hunt could use the personal assistance program in which managers should meet the employees personally and should guide them personally so that they could work effectively at the workplace and could help organisation in attaining its set targets.
  • Anti-Discrimination Program: Anti discrimination programs are the programs that make sure that the fair practices should indulge at the workplace and should ensure that the discrimination should be avoided from the workplace.
  • Retirement Benefit Program: Providing the retirement benefits to the employees who have completed their time period of job will help in the welfare of the employees working with Morgan Hunt and will help in remembering the organisation for the life time (Gallie, et. al., 2012).

4.3 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices.

There are various set of regulations and laws made by the legislation in relation with the health and safety of the human resource working in the organisation. Morgan Hunt should ensure that the health and safety of the employees working in the organisation should be safeguarded because they are the important assets of the company. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should work towards the health and safety of the people working in the organisation. Morgan Hunt should provide training to the employees working in the organisation in relation with providing the better set of information in relation with health and safety to the employees working in the organisation. According to Health and Safety Act, it is necessary that Morgan Hunt should work towards the safety and security of the employees. It is necessary that the organisation should use effective set of safety tools and equipments at the workplace with the effect of which safety and security of the employees could be assured at the workplace (Dehaghani, et. al., 2013).

4.4 Evaluate the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices.

Lack of team spirit is one of the factors that is lacked by the organisation. Morgan Hunt should ensure that it should build the feeling of team spirit in the mind of the employees working in it. If the team spirit will be build among the employees working in the organisation then only they will help the organisation to attain the objectives of the organisation (Dehaghani, et. al., 2013). Employee turnover ratio is another issue that is being faced by Morgan Hunt. High employee turnover is the factor that will affect the organisation’s work process. Morgan Hunt should focus upon the employees welfare practices so that the employee turnover could reduced from the workplace. Motivating the employees by providing them appraisals will help the organisation to reduce employee turnover ratio and will help the employees to stay attached with the organisation.

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With the information shared in this Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt it could be concluded that managing human resource is one of the most difficult task. It is necessary that the organisations like Morgan Hunt should work upon the human resource management system so that it could help its employees and could ensure that its work process could be managed. It could also be concluded that organisations should follow all the legislations and should ensure that the discrimination could be removed from the workplace.


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Ballester, P. 2013, "Experimental quantification of anion-π interactions in solution using neutral host-guest model systems", Accounts of chemical research, vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 874-884.
Belobragin, V.Y., Burak, P.I., Zvorykina, T.I., Rostanets, V.G. & Magomedov, S.M. 2016, "Topical Issues of the Theory and Practice of Import Substitution in the Russian Federation", International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, vol. 6, no. 2S.
Dehaghani, M.V. & Faradonbeh, M.M. 2013, "A study on effects of the best human resource management methods on employee performance based on Guest model: A case study of Charmahal-Bakhtiari Gas distribution firm",Management Science Letters, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 807-812.
Doherty, L. & Norton, A. 2013;2014;, "Making and measuring “good” HR practice in an SME: the case of a Yorkshire bakery", Employee Relations, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 128-147.
Fernando, R. 2012, "Sustainable globalization and implications for strategic corporate and national sustainability", Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 579-589.
Gallie, D., Zhou, Y., Felstead, A. & Green, F. 2012, "Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare",British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 23-46.
Kelliher, C. & Anderson, D. 2010, "Doing more with less? Flexible working practices and the intensification of work",Human Relations, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 83-106.
Miles, A., Fleming, M. & McKinney, A.P. 2010, "Retaliation: legal ramifications and practical implications of discriminatory acts in the workplace", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 694-710.
Muyia Nafukho, F., Roessler, R.T. & Kacirek, K. 2010, "Disability as a Diversity Factor: Implications for Human Resource Practices", Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 395-406.
Nier, J.A. & Gaertner, S.L. 2012, "The Challenge of Detecting Contemporary Forms of Discrimination", Journal of Social Issues, vol. 68, no. 2, pp. 207-220.

This Unit 3 Managing Human Resource Assignment Morgan Hunt will help in gathering the information regarding the human resource management of the organisation and how an organisation could manage its employees in an effective manner, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.