Unit 3 Assignment on Organisations and Behaviour

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Unit 3 Assignment on Organisations and Behaviour
Unit 3 Assignment Organisations Behaviour
Unit 3 Assignment on Organisations and Behaviour


This Unit 3 Assignment Organisations Behaviour has been executed over the topic organisations and behaviour.  The main motive of this program is to analyse the behaviour of an individual in an organisation and the manner in which they execute the activities of the organisation as a team. The behaviour of an individual plays a vital role in every business. It is essential to establish healthy relationships with each other in an organisation so as to execute the activities of the organisation in a better manner (Richards & Schat, 2011). This report discusses the structure and culture of an organisation so as to analyse the role of the structure and culture in an organisation, the manner in which the structure and culture of an organisation creates an impact over the performance of an organisation and the various factors which influence the behaviour of an individual in an organisation. It also discusses the various types of leadership styles and their effectiveness in achieving the goals, organisational theories which affects the practice of management of the organisation and the various approaches of management. It provides an understanding of the impact of the various leadership styles, motivational theories used for the purpose of motivating the individuals in an organisation and the importance of motivational theories at the workplace of an organisation. It also covers the various factors which help in developing the effective team work in an organisation and the role of technology and its impact over the functioning of the team of an organisation (Li & Ahlstrom, 2016).

For the better understanding of these aspects an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected named as “CAPCO”. It is a global business and technology consultancy based company which was founded in 1998 by Rob Heyvaert. It is located in various countries of the world. It provides financial services which includes banking, capital markets, insurance, finance, risk and compliance, technology, and wealth and investment management to its customers (CAPCO UK).

investment management

Task 1

Under this section of the program culture and structure of a CAPCO has been compared with the culture and structure of Aventas group which is also a financial service provider company of United Kingdom, the impact of culture and structure over the performance of the organisation and the factors which affects the behaviour of individual in CAPCO.

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

CAPCO is offering financial services to its customers so as to safeguard their capital and provide them higher returns over their investments. Organisation’s culture is a broader term in comparison to the structure of the organisation. Culture of an organisation can be understood as values, behaviour and norms which have been adopted by the internal stakeholders of the organisation for the purpose of execution of the activities of the organisation. The culture of the organisation determines the behaviour of the individual towards each other and towards the work. Organisational structure can be understood as the infrastructure, methods and practices which have been adopted by an organisation (Desai, et. al.,

CAPCO has adopted structure in which the power, roles and responsibilities are delegated to some extent to the employees of the organisation so as to facilitate faster decision making and to promote the team spirit and reduce the communication gap among the different levels of the organisation. It has adopted clan oriented culture which focuses over mentoring, guiding, monitoring, nurturing and performing the activities of the organisation together as a team so as to complete the task in a better manner and to accomplish the desired results.

Organisational structure

Organisational structure

On the contrary, Aventas group has adopted a traditional structure in which the power, roles and responsibilities are restricted within the hands of the top level and middle level management of the organisation which may results in communication gap and lack of team spirit and lack of a common direction to the efforts of the individuals. It has adopted market oriented culture which focuses over the competition, achievement and getting the tasks completed so as to attain the objectives rather than creating a healthy relationship with the employees (Li & Ahlstrom, 2016).

healthy relationship

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business.

Culture and structure of an organisation are interrelated or linked with each other. Both the aspects are dependent over each other. The structure of CAPCO helps in determining the attitude, behaviour, disposition and practices adopted by it so as to execute the activities in an ethical manner. It has adopted a delegation structure which has helped it to manage the activities and internal stakeholders of the organisation in a better manner by keeping its focus over the attainment of the objectives of the organisation. It has provided freedom to the employees to take certain decisions instantly so as to reduce the chances of risks arising in front of the organisation. All these aspects help in maintaining the culture of the organisation and making the process of the organisation independent and personalised. The manner in which it has allocated the power to its different levels of the organisation has boasted the morale of the employees and generated trust and loyalty which has resulted in improved performance of the employees. CAPCO is maintaining a balance between the structure and culture of the organisation so as to execute the operations in a better manner and to maintain the behaviour of the individuals towards each other and towards the company so as to provide a better workplace to the employees (Khan & Rasli, 2015).

The structure and culture of an organisation helps in determining the chances of the organisation to survive and grow in the environment so as to deal with the changing conditions of the environment. These aspects can help CAPCO to make chances in the pattern or methods adopted by it for the purpose of managing the employees as well as maintaining a healthy relationship with each other in the organisation (Desai, et. al., 2011).


1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

There are various factors available which creates an impact over the behaviour of an individual in CAPCO. These factors determine the behaviour of the individual towards the organisation and performing the activities in a better manner. These factors which affect the behaviour of individual in CAPCO are mentioned below:

  • Skills and capabilities: the skills and knowledge possessed by an individual creates a great impact over the behaviour of individual and the manner in which it performance the activities of the organisation. These skills, knowledge and capabilities helps in performing the activities of an individual in a better manner. Requirement of skills, knowledge and capabilities differs with the difference in the jobs, roles or responsibilities which are assigned to the individual.
  • Assumptions: every individual have different assumptions or perceptions or beliefs towards the different aspects. There are various aspects which creates an impact over the perceptions of an individual. It is crucial for CAPCO to identify the assumptions adopted by the individuals and set the perceptions for the different levels of the organisation so as to provide a common direction to the efforts of the different levels of the organisation.
  • Behaviour or attitude: the life style, culture, family background of an individual creates a huge impact over the behaviour or attitude of an individual towards the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. CAPCO need to analyse the behaviour and attitude of the employees so as to manage them and guide them towards the attainment of the objectives or goals of the organisation (Foltz, et. al., 2016).
  • Demographic factors: these factors can be understood as the educational background of an individual, colour, race, caste, religion and sex. CAPCO need to identify the need as per the jobs available in the organisation so as to match the candidates with the jobs or skills required by the organisation.
  • Personality: personality of an individual affects the tasks which it is performing. An individual may have positive as well as negative personality which creates an impact over the others as well affects the culture of the organisation. CAPCO need to maintain the level of the positivity so as to ensure that the culture of the organisation is maintained (Gifford, et. al., 2014).

Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

There are various types of leaderships which can be used at the workplace of an organisation. The style of leadership is determined by the culture and goals of an organisation. These different styles of leaderships are discussed below:

  • Laissez-Faire: in this type of leadership there is a less focus over the supervision of the employees and to give regular feedbacks. These leads to no chances of making changes so as to improve the performance of the employees by providing guidance to them and by providing feedbacks to them for the activities performed by them.
  • Participative: in this form of leadership, the focus is on the input of the members of the team. The main responsibility of the leader is to take final decisions so as to ensure that the operations are carried out in a right manner. This type of leadership is best suited when the organisation wants to achieve the objectives in an effective manner within a short span of time.
  • Transactional: in this form of leadership the managers need to perform certain task and to monitor the performance of the employees so as to provide reward or punishment to them on the basis of their performance. Manager holds the power to check and review the performance and to correct the employees as and when required (Ali, & Waqar, 2013).
  • Autocratic: this form of leadership permits the manager to take decisions on its own and holds the power to impose duties or responsibilities over the other employees so as to conduct the activities of the organisation.
  • Transformational: in this form of leadership, there is a need of proper communication with the different levels of the organisation. The main responsibility of the leader is to motivate the employees so as to improve their performance for the purpose of enhancing the productivity and efficiency level.

efficiency level.

CAPCO has adopted autocratic form of leadership which helps in the better execution of the activities as it facilitates quick decision making which reduces the risk and provides benefits to the employees by providing them proper supervision and guidance. And promotes creative and innovative thinking and helps in the development of the skills and knowledge of the employees (Cangemi, et. al., 2011).

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

Organisational theories play a vital role in the functioning of an organisation. These theories can be used in the various aspects of the organisation so as to promote functioning of the organisation in a better manner. These theories helps in the better execution of the roles assigned to the employees in an organisation. This report discusses the scientific management theory and human relations theory.

As per the scientific management theory the main focus is placed over producing the maximum output rather than over the culture or employees or individuals working in an organisation. The main motive of adopting this theory by an organisation is to maximise the productivity of every individual so as to serve the customers in a better manner to attract more and more customers. This theory is an effective measure for those organisations and behaviour which aims at attaining the objectives of the organisation or aims of the organisation without focusing on the demands or expectations of the employees who are performing the activities (Brazer, et. al., 2014).

On the contrary human relations theory focuses over the expectations or demands of the employees so as to fulfil their demands and expectations and provide a job satisfaction to them. This helps in improving their performance as well as attaining the objectives of the organisation by creating healthy relationship with the employees as employees are the most important assets of an organisation. The main techniques or methods used in this theory is providing rewards to the employees and motivating them.

CAPCO has adopted human relations theory which has helped it in developing relations with the employees and reducing the employee turnover ratio as well as saving the time, cost and efforts involved in the recruitment and selection process. This theory has helped CAPCO to achieve the objectives of the organisation by maintaining team spirit and promoting healthy relationships with the employees.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

There are two types of approaches available for the management which can be used so as to eliminate the risks. These two approaches are discussed below:

  • Contingency Approach: in this approach the main focus is on the efficiency of the organisation so as to improve the chances of the success of the organisation. This approach assumes that adoption of certain principles so as to establish functional interrelationships in the organisation. It ensures that the execution of the operations of the organisation in a flexible manner. According to this approach an organisation needs to adopt flexible behaviour so as to adopt the changes as and when required which helps in dealing or coping with the adverse situations in a better manner (Schneider, et. al., 2010).
  • Human Relation Approach: this approach focuses over creation of the healthy relationships with the employees or within the different levels of the organisation. Its main focus is on the behaviour or attitude of the internal stakeholders of the organisation. This approach to management helps in motivating the employees by providing rewards to them so as to motivate them and encourage them for the attainment of the objectives. This helps the organisation to ensure that the environment of the workplace is maintained so as to ensure that the unethical practices are eliminated.

CAPCO has adopted human relation approach which has helped it in maintaining healthy relations with the employees which has helped it in the better attainment of the aims or targets of the organisation.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

There are five types of leadership which can be used by an organisation so as to motivate or lead the employees of the organisation in a right direction. Leadership is an important element for every organisation as it helps the organisation to maintain healthy relationships by ensuring the completion of the work assigned to the individuals. It is the responsibility of a leader to ensure the safety of the employees at the workplace and to ensure that the employees are performing their duties well. CAPCO need to adopt an effective leadership style so as to ensure that culture of the organisation is maintained. The impacts of the different leadership styles are discussed below:

  • Laissez-Faire: this form of leadership is less effective as it lacks in the proper supervision of the performance of the employees and it also lacks in providing feedbacks to the employees which helps in making improvement in the performance of the employees. It affects the performance of the employees.
  • Participative: this form of leadership focuses over the attainment of the objectives of the short term period. It is less effective for the long term objectives and the main motive of every organisation is to survive in the long run (Morgan Tuuli, et. al., 2012).
  • Transactional: this form of leadership can be effective when applied in a right manner. But the major responsibilities or powers are within the hands of the manager which may lead to arise of certain risk.
  • Autocratic: this form of leadership is the most suitable form of leadership. It focuses over the decision making process of the organisation and helps in assigning the duties or responsibilities to the employees so as to fix the accountability.
  • Transformational: this form of leadership can have a positive as well as negative impact over an organisation. The major impacts of this form of leadership can be seen over the performance of the employees. Productivity level of the employees as well as of the employees and efficiency level of the employees and organisation (Cangemi, et. al., 2011).

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

Motivation plays a vital role for every organisation as it helps in motivating the employees so as to enhance their performance for the purpose of attainment of the objectives of the organisation in a better manner. It ensures that the employees are performing their responsibilities with effectiveness and efficiency. CAPCO need to apply these motivational theories in its organisation so as to attain the objectives of the organisation without creating any adverse impact over the employees.  There are two motivational theories provided by the experts, which can help CAPCO to maintain healthy relations with the employees and by motivating them for improving the performance and to achieve the objectives in a better manner as attainment of the organisational objectives helps in the attainment of the objectives of the individuals. These two theories are discussed below:

As per the Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are five stages of the needs and expectations of the employees which need are satisfied in a manner. According to Maslow there are five stages of the needs of an individual. When one need of an individual is satisfied or fulfilled it moves towards the fulfilment of other needs. After the attainment or fulfilment of the need an individual feel motivated and it performs its duties or responsibilities in a better manner as it feels satisfied with the job. According to Maslow’s theory a person never feel satisfied as the human wants or needs are unlimited (Bassett, 2016).

needs are unlimited

On the contrary, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation explains that there are two factors which provide satisfaction or dissatisfaction to an individual. These factors are Hygiene factors and motivation factors. Hygiene factors can be understood as those factors which help in elimination of all the aspects which creates dissatisfaction among the employees. Motivation factors can be understood as those factors which help in providing satisfaction to the employees.

two factor theory

3.3   Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

Motivation is an important aspect which can help CAPCO to maintain the satisfaction level of the organisation so as to ensure that the activities of the organisation are carried out in an effective manner. It helps in keeping the employees motivated and encouraged. There are various benefits of using motivational theories by an organisation. These theories help in maintaining the satisfaction level of the employees as they feels satisfied when their needs are met and they perform in a better manner. A manager needs to understand the importance or benefits of using these motivational theories in CAPCO so as to develop the skills and performance of the employees. There are various advantages of using motivation to an organisation. These advantages are discussed below:

  • Enhances the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation.
  • Promotes positive aspect at the workplace of the organisation.
  • Creates or generates trust and loyalty among the employees.
  • Satisfies the needs and expectations of the employees.
  • Reduces the employee turnover ratio which helps in reducing the cost, time and efforts involved in the recruitment and selection process of the organisation.
  • Enhances the quality of the products or services offered by the organisation.
  • Generates confidence among the employees towards the organisation and its also develops a feeling of belongingness among the employees (Nie, et. al., 2015).

All these aspects provide an effective measure to the manager for the attainment of the objectives of the organisation. Manager of CAPCO need to consider all these aspects so as to enhance the quality of the employees and to encourage them.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Group behaviour can be understood as the behaviour of certain people which are working or living in a group that creates an impact over the behaviour of the others in an organisation. Every organisation need to develop a positive behaviour in the environment of the workplace so as to achieve the objectives by maintaining a healthy environment at the workplace. The behaviour of a group can have positive as well as negative impact over the behaviour of others in an organisation. CAPCO need to maintain the behaviour of the groups so as to maintain the behaviour of the other employees towards the company and towards the work. The nature of the groups can be of different types. These groups on the basis of their nature are discussed below:

  • Informal groups: these are the groups which are formed without any system or without any permission of the authorities. In this form of the group communication is better as the people in the group are connected in a better manner without any formal chain. These groups are formed in an organisation on the basis of the same interest, hobbies, same type of nature, age and behaviour (Broadhurst, et. al., 2014).
  • Formal groups: these types of groups are formed by the proper channel of system or formal channels. These groups are formed in systematic manner so as to share the information of the organisation with the internal stakeholders of the organisation. These groups are formed on the basis of the goals or same type of tasks assigned or group tasks.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

There are various factors which can help an organisation to develop the effective teamwork so as to attain the objectives of the organisation in a better manner. These factors which can help in promoting the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO are discussed below:

Motivation: motivation is an important factor which affects the performance of the employees at large. For the purpose of development of effective teamwork CAPCO need to motivate the employees for performing well.

Effective communication: communication helps in the flow of the information and ideas in an organisation. It helps in generating a better understanding in the CAPCO which will help in the attainment of the objectives as well as development of the effective teamwork.

Training and development: training and development helps in the execution of the activities in a better manner. CAPCO need to provide training to the employees so as to generate team spirit among them which will help in the attainment of the effective teamwork.

Guidance or supervision: guidance and supervision helps in guiding the teams in the right direction so as to achieve the common objectives. CAPCO can use it for guiding the team members which can help in the generation of the effective teamwork (Buljac?Samardzic, et. al., 2011).

 4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

Technological changes are taking place at a very fast speed and these changes create an impact over the performance of the organisation. Technological changes helps in the better completion of the activities of the organisation. CAPCO need to adopt these technical changes after proper evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology as the technology can have positive as well negative impact over the performance of the company. It helps the team in better execution of the tasks assigned to them as well as provides a competitive advantage to CAPCO over the others. Technology reduces the requirement of the human resource as well as reduces the time involved in the completion of the activities.

It enhances the performance and quality of the products or services provided by CAPCO. It can have negative impacts also over the performance of CAPCO as the cost involved in the installation of the technology is high and installation of wrong technology can results in huge losses to the organisation (Randström, et. al., 2012).


This report provides an understanding of the various aspects related to the behaviour of an individual which creates an impact over the performance of an organisation. it provides knowledge of the two motivational theories and their impacts over the performance of the employees and organisation. Gaining knowledge of these aspects will help in the better execution of the activities of the business as well creating healthy and effective relationship with the individuals so as to create a safe and healthy workplace. All these aspects discussed in the program helps in ensuring that the activities of the organisation are managed in an effective manner. Technology plays a vital role as it creates an impact over the performance of the employees as well as over the organisation.


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