Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment

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Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment
Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment

QFC Level

Level 4


This program has been executed over the topic “Human Resource Development in action” for the purpose of gaining understanding of the various aspects related to human resource development. Human resource development is an important aspect for every business as the development of the human resource of the organisation leads the organisation towards the success. Training and development aspect need to be considered by the organisation for the development of human resource and for this there is a need to analyse the different aspects and theories related to human resource development. This program will be conducted into four different tasks and in task 1 a presentation will be prepared which will cover the different learning styles, role and importance of learning in the workplace and evaluation of the learning style and theories during the planning and designing phase of the learning event. Task 2 will discuss the need of training by staff for the different levels, advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in the workshop and use of a systematic approach for planning a training and development workshop for the team. Task 3 will cover the evaluation with the help of a suitable technique and review of the effectiveness of the methods used in the workshop and alternative method for the workshop. Task 4 will discuss therole of the government in relation with training, development and lifelong learning of an individual, the manner in which the development of competency movement will create impact over the organisations and manner in which contemporary training initiatives being introduced by the government of United Kingdom contributes to the development of human resource of the organisation.

For the development of the knowledge of these aspects related to the human resource development an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected named as “Clarks” which is a British company operating at international level and engaged in manufacturing and relating activities of shoe. Clarks was founded by Cyrus Clark and James Clark in the year 1825. The headquarter of Clarks is located in Street, Somerset, England. It is offering different footwear products to its customers including Desert Trek, Wallabee, Joyance sandal and Desert Boot and the number of employees employed by Clarks is 15,380. The revenue of Clarks in the year 2015 was £1,492m. Clarks is having more than 1000 branded stores around the globe as well as supplies products to the third party distributor.

Unit 23 Human Resource Development Sample Assignment

Task 1

PowerPoint Presentation
PowerPoint Presentation | HRM
PowerPoint Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM

Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM
Power Point Presentation | HRM

Speaker notes

Slide 1: first slide of the presentation covers the title of presentation on which the presentation has been prepared.
Slide 2: second slide of the presentation covers the table of content in which the headings of the inclusions of the program are mentioned.
Slide 3: third slide of the program covers the introduction of the program which provides information of the various aspects of the program so as to provide an overview of the aspects which will be discussed in the program.
Slide 4: fourth slide of the program has been prepared on the different types of learning styles. Differences in the mind-set of the people have resulted in the use ofthe different types of learning styles so as to make them understand the aspects in a better manner. There are two aspects which create impact over the techniques of learning of the individual and these aspects are the behaviour of the individual and the intuitive factors.These styles of learning include:

  • Visual learning: in this style of learning preference is given to the use of pictures and images.
  • Social learning: in this style of learning preference is given to learning in a group.
  • Solitary learning: in this style of learning preference is given to learn alone.
  • Aural learning: in this style of learning preference is given to use of music and sounds.
  • Verbal learning: in this style of learning preference is given to use of words in written as well as in the form of speech.
  • Physical learning: in this style of learning preference is given to use of body and sense of touch.
  • Logical learning: in this style of learning preference is given to use of reasoning, systems and logics.

Slide 5: this slide covers the comparison of the different learning styles. The use of the different learning styles depends upon the situations and is used as per the suitability of the situation. Visual learning style is suitable in the situations where the employees need to be informed about the manner in which particular activity will be carried out, verbal learning is used when the employees need to be informed about the rules and regulations of the business, logical learning is used when the employees need to be information about the software used by the organisations and social learning is commonly used for training of the employees.
Slide 6:This slide covers the role of learning curve. Learning curve can be understood as a graph which is capable of showing the increase in the learning of the individual with the experience.
Slide 7: this slide shows the importance of transferring learning. Transferring learning helps an individual in using the technology on the requirement of the task in an effective manner.
Slide 8 and Slide 9: this slide covers the contribution made by the different learning styles. And these contributions include:

  • It helps in the execution of the activities within time and precise manner.
  • Management of the thinking of the individual and in the process of learning.
  • Helps in the application of the general rules and concepts for solving the problems.
  • Defining the state and storing information.

Slide 10: this slide covers the conclusion which shows the key points covered in the program.
Slide 11: this slide covers the references which show the sources from where information has been gathered for the execution of the program.
Slide 12: Thank you slide.

Task 2

In this task a scenario has been given in which a new human resource manager has been appointed for the improvement in the performance of the employees with the help of training and development plan in the Clarks. The new human resource manager has been asked to analyse the need of the training and development in the different departments of the Clarks so as to provide them training by conducting a training and development workshop.

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in the organisation

Clarks is engaged in the manufacturing and retailing activity of shoe. Under the manufacturing and retailing activities there are variety of tasks which are performed by the different levels of employees. Different level of the organisation requires various skills and knowledge for the execution of the roles and responsibilities assigned to them. Clarks need to analyse the need of the training of the different levels of the organisation as the tasks performed by the employees or staff working at different levels are different and require training as per the need of the role or task. In Clarks there are different levels of employees which are engaged in different types of operations of the business. Due to the differences in the operations the training need of the employees performing the different types of operations differs (Burke, 2011). In Clarks, the different level of employees include the workers who are involved in the manufacturing of the shoes, the managerial level employees who are supervising the work of the lower level employees and the management who take actions or decisions for the business. For the workers or the lower level employees there is a need to provide training which helps in developing the skills of operating the machines and handling the manufacturing process of the shoe manufacturing. For the managerial level or the middle level there is a need to provide training related to manner in which management of the employees is done, developing their managerial and leadership skills for ensuring the completion of the operations of Clarks in an effective manner. The management of the Clarks need to develop the skills so as to take decisions for the business in an effective manner and for this there is a need to provide training. Clarks is facing few issues in the employees working on different levels and these including lack of effective leadership strategies, lack of effectiveness in the manufacturing process of the shoes and lack of effective decision making. For these issues Clarks need to provide training to the employees (Timson, et. al., 2012).

2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods (at least three) that will be used for the workshop

For the purpose of development of the skills and knowledge of the employees of Clarks there is a need to adopt training methods which results in improvement in the performance of the employees of Clarks. These training methods which will be used for training the employees and these training methods are discussed below with the advantages and disadvantages of each of the training method:

  • Workshops: Workshops are arranged for the development of the employees involved in the manufacturing process of products offered by Clarks. Workshops will be conducted in which training will be provided to the workers for developing their skills. The advantages of using this method of training as the workers are guided for using the equipments which results in improvement in the performance and effectiveness of the business. The disadvantage of using this method of training is that attention is not given to the individual worker as the focus is over the group of individuals (Everley, 2011).
  • Performance appraisal: this method of training will be used for the purpose of providing training to the managerial level of the employees of Clarks. In this the managerial level employees will be motivated by offering benefits for the enhancement of the performance of the employees. Advantage of this method of training is that it results in improvement in the performance of the employees and disadvantage is that it may demoralise the employees.
  • Role playing: For the training and development of management level of Clarks the roles of the individual will be defined. The advantage of using role playing is that the roles of the management id defined and the disadvantage is it may increase nervousness and anxiety (Wu, et. al., 2016).

training method

2.3 Use a systematic approach to plan a training and development workshop for your team on the needs identified for your department

For the training and development of the team by identification of the needs of the department a training process will be adopted in which the roles and responsibilities will be clearly assigned to the employees. In this training process defining roles will fixes the responsibilities and accountability of the employees (Lai, et. al., 2016).

The training process divided into steps and these are:

Step 1: identification of the roles

Step 2: delegation of the roles and responsibilities

Step 3: monitoring the performance of the individuals

Step 4:comparison of the performance with the set standards

Step 5:taking initiatives for reducing the difference


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Task 3

3.1 Prepare an evaluation using a suitable technique. Please note this will require creating a suitable document for evaluation like questionnaire, feedback form, observation sheet etc. that shows ‘what, why, when, and who’ information of the workshop.

Feedback form: in the feedback form questions will be asked which will be related to the training process so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the training process.

Feedback form

Question 1: is the training process or method suitable?

Question 2: the impacts of the training over the performance are positive?

Question 3:the expectations from the training process were met or no?

Question 4:have you learned from the training process?

Question 5:was it a good idea to provide training?

3.2 Carry out the evaluation of the workshop by using the document created and collate the response on a concise spread sheet.


Responses of  the employees








Question 1







Question 2







Question 3







Question 4







Question 5







3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods used or whether another method would have been more appropriate based on the response.

The method used for training was effective which has helped in the development of the skills and knowledge of the employees of Clarks and will results in improvement in the performance of the organisation. The responses of the employees collected helps in analysis of the effectiveness of the training method used by the organisation. At the place of these training methods for the development of the skills of the different level of employees of Clarks other training methods can be used which is performance coaching and in this approach the performance of the employees is being assessed so as to evaluate their performance (Shen, et. al., 2011).

Human Resources

Task 4

4.1 Explaining the role of government with regards to training, development and lifelong learning

Training, development and lifelong learning are crucial aspect for every business as these aspects helps in the improvement in the performance of the employees. The government of United Kingdom is placing its focus over the development of the skills and knowledge of the employees of the public as well as of the private organisations. The government of United Kingdom is engaged in the arrangements of or conducting training programs which helps in improving the skills of the employees. And the motive of the government behind conducting these programs is to develop the employees and enhancing the future prospects of the employees. In the last five years the government of United Kingdom has taken various initiatives so as to ensure that the employees are possessed with knowledge and skills and the employees are capable of performing the roles and responsibilities assigned to them (Mitchell, et. al., 2013). And the aim of the government of United Kingdom in providing training to the employees of the public and private organisations of United Kingdom is the removal of the barriers of the employability or the conditions of unemployment. Clarks is making efforts constantly for the development of the employees. Government is keeping a check over the training and development programs which Clarks is offering to its employees so as to engage the employees in the lifelong learning programs which helps them and reduces the chances of unemployment. And the aim target is to reduce or eliminate the gap between the skills and the youth unemployment in United Kingdom. Government of United Kingdom has set standards which every organisation operating in United Kingdom need to attain. Non-compliance with the set standards can adversely affect the performance of the business. Clarks is ensuring that proper training is being provided to the employees by keeping track of the training process (Zimmerman, et. al., 2011).

4.2 Explaining how the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private sector organisations (give example for at least one public organisation and one private organisation)

The level of competition is rising at a fast speed due to change in the technology and the demand in the market.Globalisation has also affected the competition in the market as the companies have started trading across the borders. This has given rise to the use of the techniques or strategies which helps in enhancement in the performance of the business which is possible by using the effective methods, effective resources and effective strategies. The companies are focusing over developing the resources so as to improve its capabilities for dealing with the increasing competition. Clarks is a shoe manufacturing and retailing company which is engaged in the manufacturing of shoes of high quality for ensuring that the demands of the customers are met. For this purpose of improving its performance and for gaining an advantage over the competitors it has adopted training methods which has helped in providing training to the employees (Su, 2015). For example: for the purpose of dealing with the increasing competition in the environment companies have started using the advances technology which has resulted into improved performance of  the organisation and dealing with the competitors. The use of the computers and machines for the effective operations of the business activities has increased as the use of computers and machines has resulted into increase in the performance of the employees as well as development of the employees for the better future prospects. The change in the methods in which the operations are performed has resulted into enhancement in the performance of the whole organisation, quality of the services offered by Clarks and reduces the time involved in the execution of the operations of Clarks. The impact of competency has resulted into positive as well as negative manner over the organisations of public and private sector (Ahsan, 2010).

Human Organisation Development

4.3 Assessing how contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for an organization of your choice.

Human resource development is an important aspect which is helpful in the development of the most crucial resource of the business which contributes towards the development of the whole organisation. For the purpose of developing human resource the government of United Kingdom has taken various initiatives. The government of United Kingdom has introduced various methods for the training of the employees of the organisations so as to train and develop the skills of the employees. The Main motive of the UK government behind using this training method is to reduce the unemployment, reducing the poverty, increasing the growth of the economy and attainment of a stable condition. The Government has initiated verbal trainings in which the employees are trained by providing verbal guide to them so as to execute the operations assigned to them in a better manner. The business organisations are using these training methods so as to enhance the chances of survival and growth. Clarks has used various training methods for training and developing the employees of the organisation for enhancing the manufacturing process of Clarks. The workers of Clarks are provided training so as to ensure that the manufacturing process of the shoes is done in a proper manner for the fulfilment of the demand of the customers. The purpose of providing contemporaneous training to the workers is to execute the manufacturing process in a faster and better manner and to match up with the dynamic environment and its conditions. Clarks is focusing over the solutions for the issues or the problems faced by it. The leadership qualities are being developed in the middle level or the managerial level of the employees of Clarks. Clarks has adopted these training practices for enhancing the quality of the products and the performance (Sabella & Analoui, 2015).


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Human resource development being an important element of every organisation, need to be initiated so as to develop the human resource of the organisation. Various initiates need to be implemented by the management for the improvement in the performance ofthe employees. This program has discussed different learning styles and theories which are being used by organisations. It has helped in the development of the knowledge of the training and development and different training methods. Government of the United Kingdom has played a crucial role in the training, development and lifelong learning and government of UK has also initiated contemporary training for the development of human resource.


Sabella, A.R. & Analoui, F. 2015, "Managerial training and development in telecommunication organizations in Palestine", Journal of Management Development, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 685-703.
Mitchell, J.D., Holak, E.J., Tran, H.N., Muret-Wagstaff, S., Jones, S.B. & Brzezinski, M. 2013, "Are we closing the gap in faculty development needs for feedback training?", Journal of clinical anesthesia, vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 560-564.
Lai, A.Y., Mui, M.W., Wan, A., Stewart, S.M., Yew, C., Lam, T. & Chan, S.S. 2016, "Development and Two-Year Follow-Up Evaluation of a Training Workshop for the Large Preventive Positive Psychology Happy Family Kitchen Project in Hong Kong: e0147712",PLoS One, vol. 11, no. 1.
Everley, M. 2011, "Training methods.(the advantages and disadvantages of computer-based and web-based training)", The RoSPA Occupational Safety & Health Journal, vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 29.
Cordero-Guzmán, H.R., Izv?nariu, P.A. & Narro, V. 2013, "The Development of Sectoral Worker Center Networks", The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 647, no. 1, pp. 102-123.
vol. 25, no. 26, pp. 33-33.Nursing Standard,Burke, B. 2011, "Staff training needs to be responsive to learner needs", 
Ahsan, M. 2010, "Contemporary Global Ummatic Challenges and Future Vision: Human Development and Clash of Civilisation", Journal of Political Studies, , no. XVIII.