Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment – Training & Development

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Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment – Training & Development
Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment Training Development
Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment – Training & Development


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment – Training & Development

QFC Level

Level 4

This Unit 23 Human Resource Development Assignment – Training & Development we have discuss advantages and disadvantages of traning methods, traning development and lifelong learning.

Task 1


Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM
Presentation | HRM

Lecture notes

In slide 1 it is asked that Why training is required? So the answers are training is required for the purpose of enhancing the existing skill set of the employees and make them learn new things. With the help of training they get to know about the new ways and procedures so that they perform their activities in effective manner. It helps in enhancing their abilities as well as improve their overall performance.

In slide 2 there are different learning styles that attained by the individuals. Different learning styles include Visual - In this type of style individual may be able to learn through pictures, images and spatial understanding. Aural- in this style, individual learn through sound and music. This approach is also called auditory-musical. Social- in this style, an individual learns through groups and other people. This approach is called interpersonal. Verbal- people prefer words in speech as well as writing. This approach is also called linguistic approach.

It get continued over slide 3 such as Logical- In this style people prefer logics, reasoning and system. This approach is also called mathematical approach. Physical- in this style people learn through using body, hands and sense of touch. This approach is kinaesthetic. Solitary-in this style, an individual learn through self-study and by working alone. This approach is called as intrapersonal approach.

In slide 4 role of learning curve is discussed as learning curve is that curve that helps in knowing the learning status. There are two purposes for which learning curve is utilized such as knowing body of knowledge learned over time and where the same task is repeated as per the series of trials. With the help of the learning curve there are various functions shows such as exponential growth, exponential rise or fall, power law and S-curve.

In slide 5 it is shows that under learning curve horizontal axis shows the experience and vertical axis shows the learning. The line drawn shows the learning effect and also shows the effective relationship between time spent in learning and level of competency attained.

In slide 6 it is discussed that transferring learning within organization render effective importance such as it create effective back-ups within the process so that in case of absence their process didn’t suffer and everyone remain at same level. It create healthy competitive environment that motivate the employees in effective manner.

In slide 7 it is discussed that learning styles and theories plays a vital role in planning and designing  a learning event. Theories such as behavioural theory, social learning theory and cognitive theory rendered different insights. As behavioural theory focused over changing behaviour by adding effective knowledge in it. Social theory focused group training programs and cognitive theory helps in understanding the employees perception.

In slide 8 model processing it discussed as there are four features that helps in learning such as Attention as it focused over learning features, Retention as employees need to retain the information shares, Reproduction emphasized over improving the ability with the help of the shared information and motivation that help in supporting while practicing.

In slide 9 it is discussed that learning event get planned with the help of audio-visual training module because there are different people attain different learning styles in order to make them learn in effective manner.

In slide 10 it is concluded that for the development of the employees training is must. Organization need to observe the need of training and then arrange the training program in which effective learning module is used that satisfy the learning style of individuals. They also make use of learning curve in order to know about the learning progress.

Task 2


In an organization, staff members or employees are the most important assets which are crucial for the efficient performance of organization to external parties and therefore, a human resource manager it is important to provide proper training and development to their organization employees at various levels. There consists the expectation from the employees that they contribute largely to the organization. It is important that staff is trained and able to respond to the circumstances within the organization. There are basically three levels in the organization where the staff needs the training. They are individual level, departmental level and organizational level. The training needs of staff at each level are as follows:

  • Individual level – At this level the training is needed for personal and professional development through improving the skills possessed by the staff members and learns new methods and techniques to perform their roles and responsibilities in a better and efficient manner.
  • Departmental level – At this level the training needs directly relate to the achievement of objectives of department by directing the skills and performance of the staff of specific department in accordance with the job requirements of that staff member within the department. For example the staff at production department shall possess the skill of achieving production efficiency; the staff at Information Technology department shall possess the technical IT knowledge and skills etc.
  • Organizational Level – It is the wider area where the training needs relate to the accomplishment of organizational goals on an overall basis for the improvement in the organizational performance through individual training and development of each member of the staff of the organization. These needs directly relate to accomplishment of those training objectives which focus on the organizational goals rather than individual goals. Since these goals are based on higher standards therefore, to accomplish them proper training and development of staff is required (Scully-Russ, 2015).


There are various ways through which employees can be trained in the organization at various levels. One of the ways to perform the training is through on the job training method. In on the job training method there are various ways to perform this task. These ways include coaching, mentoring, job rotation, job in structural technique. Each technique has its own quality and uniqueness. In this organization the beat to train employees is through job rotation.

Job rotation: Job rotation is a technique or a process in which all the employees are trained by repeating rotating them in the series of related jobs. Through job rotation an employee not only learn and gain experience from different jobs but also able to overcome the problem of boredom. Through this method employees may able to learn and gain knowledge from the different jobs within the organization. Through job rotation technique the employee also perform various tasks under the different jobs. This technique improves the skills of the employee and set the employee to do different tasks and be flexible.

There are certain merits of this method which are discussed below-

  1. Minimize the boredom
  2. Improves skills
  3. Provides new opportunities

There are different demerits of this method which are discussed below-

  1. Dissatisfaction from job rotation
  2. Reduce morale of the employee for long time rotation
  3. Breaking of workflow due to regular rotation

Mentoring: Job mentoring is the process of providing coaching to the employee to perform the task. The employee in this technique gets the instructions and advice by the mentor or the coach and learns the experience of working. The employee can ask for help assistance by the trainer.

Advantages to this technique-

  1. Personalized training
  2. Immediate assistance
  3. Personal growth achieved within the organization


  1. Mutual understanding may not be built among the mentor and mentee
  2. Regular training disturb the workflow

Coaching: Coaching technique is the training technique which find out the weak aspects of the employee and are removed the weak aspects by providing practical learning instead of theory learning. This is the fast and effective training styles.


  1. Enhances team work
  2. Increase the competitive advantage among the employees
  3. Improves leadership skills among the coaches or the employees of the organization.


  1. Tough to understand this training technique
  2. Repetition of tasks in this technique


Systematic approach to plan for training and development

Identifying organization’s objectives

Analyzing the need for training

Setting goals and objectives

Designing strategy for training

Implementation of strategies of training


The approach to understand and plan the training and development are in a sequence of certain activities:

  • Identifying the organization’s objectives- The first activity for planning the training and development is to find out the objectives of the organization which are to be achieved in a particular span of time and how these goals can be achieved.
  • Analyzing the need for training- The next step is to identify the different needs for the training and development session by the organization and to examine those needs which are needed for the development of the skills of the employees and to achieve the maximum target.
  • Setting goals and objectives- Then it is important to understand and set the goals of the training and learning objectives which training will provide to the employees to improve skills in them.
  • Designing strategy for training- designing the different courses and modules to provide proper training to the employees and strategy of the training techniques are to be designed.
  • Implementation of strategies of training- After designing the strategies the next task is to implement these strategies and execute them in the way to increase the productivity.
  • Evaluation- The last task is to evaluate the strategies used and how they helped in the training and development of the employees and by using such techniques what the organization has achieved (Ruona, 2016).

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Task 3


Training evaluation form
Venue of training:
Name of the training:

1.Was the training objectives fulfilled?

  • yes
  • moderately yes
  • neutral
  • moderately no
  • no

2. Were the materials distributed helpful?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • no

3. Were all the trainers able to make you understand the work?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

4. Was the training successful for you?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

5. Does training need the improvements?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

6. Did training session help you to improve your skills?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

7. Was the training technique appropriate and effective?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

8. Was the time allotted for the training is appropriate?

  • Yes
  • Moderately yes
  • Neutral
  • Moderately no
  • No

Purpose of designing the evaluation feedback form

The purpose to prepare the evaluation feedback form for the on the job training technique was to identify the success of the training technique and to identify the opinion of the trainee employee regarding the training methods and their effectiveness on the training. It is designed to take the view and opinion of the employee and analyze them to improve the techniques and their implementation on the further training and development sessions.


















Was the training objectives fulfilled?













Were the materials distributed helpful?













Were all the trainers able to make you understand the work?













Was the training successful for you?













Does training need the improvements?













Did training session help you to improve your skills?













Was the training technique appropriate and effective?













Was the time allotted for the training is appropriate?












Analysis: From the above evaluation we can evaluate that the objectives of training were fulfilled as the result is yes and moderately yes. Materials distributed for the training were also helpful. Trainers were very effective during the training and get a good response. Training was moderately successful to the trainees. Training needs moderate improvement according to the response. This evaluation shows that the training session helped the employees in improving their skills. Training technique used to train the employees is appropriate and effective and the time allotted was moderately appropriate (Rose, 2016).


The technique used by the trainers was on-the-job training technique to train the employees. According to the evaluation above it is observed that the technique was resulted effective and it lead the proper implementation of the technique on the employees. The feedback took after the training session showed the positive results for the technique used for training of employees. The on-the-job training method was easy and effective to adopt and helped the trainees in understanding the work and improving the skills of the employees.

Other techniques except on-the-job training would be more time consuming and less productive as the employees will be engaged on the training and after training employed on the job work. The training session within the job help to reduce time and keep the employees productive for the organization. Other training techniques are more expensive and are needs more effort. The response on such training was positive and the objectives of the training were attained through this technique of training and development (Pace, 2016).

Task 4


Training is the process of improving skills of the employees by providing them the lessons and learning advantage of the tasks and the related work in the organization. Training of the employee is needed to maximize the skills and understand the work and its technique so that the employee can better understand the objectives of the organization and can achieve those objectives for the betterment of the organization and individual growth (Farnia & Nafukho, 2016).

Training and development of human resource in any organization is strongly affected by the government policies and laws of the country. The government of the country plays a crucial role in the organizational training and development policies. The government through their laws and legislations affects the companies training and development and lifelong learning.

The governments are taking corrective measures and steps to improve the employment issues of the country. They impose different laws and policies for improving the skills of the employees and their abilities to better understand the objectives of the company to achieve the targets in effective and efficient way. The different training and lifelong learning methods and techniques by the government have helped the organization in many ways. The employment opportunities are also increased by the government for the youngsters. The training for the specialization and developed skills among the employees enhance the company’s productivity (Obisi, 2016).


Competency movement has a great and a positive impact on the organization in both public and private sectors. The competency movement aims in improving the understanding of the world organizations that the need for human resource in the organizations is to be fulfilled on the base of their skills and the competencies. The people hired in any organization should specialize in their respective field and should have the competencies required for the work in the organization to achieve the objectives in the most effective and efficient way. The competency-based employees better understand the organizational work and objectives and achieve the targets in an effective manner (Nolan & Garavan, 2016).

Competency movement provides the aid to the public and private sector in various ways. It has examined the need and the techniques of training and development of the organization’s employees and the requirement of abilities and competencies in the people of the organization to achieve the maximum desired results. It also describes the advantage that the enhanced skills and abilities will provide the growth of the organization and individual.

The public and private sectors have understood the need of the skilled and competency-based employees in gaining maximum results and the type of human resource a company needs to fulfil the objectives. The public and private sectors have started defining roles and responsibilities to the people of the organization to systemize the organization and clearly identify the goals and objectives of the company.

Public sector Company of UK, Arcus Global achieved the government competency model and is now one of the leading information technology companies. Not only the public sector is adopting the competency-based model but also the private sector (Hedayati Mehdiabadi & Li, 2016).


The private company which of UK, River Island is a fashion company which was founded by Bernard Lewis and brothers in the year, 1948. Its head office is situated in the West London and the company serves in various countries. The main products of the company are women, men, kids clothing and footwear and accessories.ll

The UK government competency framework is not only based on the employees’ abilities and skills required in the organization but also to understand the cross-culture of the organizations and the people. The competency is the overall term which can increase the organization growth. The government competency framework includes the understanding of skills and abilities of the people of the organization and assigns the roles and responsibilities of the employees according to their abilities and skills. It also includes the basic understanding of the cross-culture to serve other nations according to their cultures and tradition. Respecting opposite gender in the organization for better results is the important aspect of the competency framework to promote the gender equality in the organization. It involves the understanding of conflicts of the organization and to resolve such conflicts. Understanding the technology and use it in the way to maximize the organizational profits and growth and to utilize the resources of the organization in the efficient and effective manner towards the growth of the organization. The UK government focused on the safety of the people, education training and the health training of the people of the country. The government has framed the rules and regulations for training methods of the organizations which are to be used by them. The different training methods which considers the health and safety training and the education training of the employee for the whole country are provided by the government (Garavan, Neeliah, Auckloo & Ragaven, 2016).

The company River Island is the fashion company which is operating in more than one country. The UK government initiative towards the company growth is in the various sectors such as health, education and safety of the people. The company needs the skilled people to design the unique clothing styles for the people and the regular changing of the fashion styles need the enhanced skills of designing the clothes and the other accessories. The business is working in more than one country and needs to understand the cross-culture and tradition of the different countries to serve them according to their tradition. The company using the framework of government competency will improve the organizational human resource and provide the organization with the specialized and skilled employees which will enhance the overall productivity of the organization. The company has understood the importance of the safety of the employees and their education and health training are crucial to provide maximum benefit of human resource to the organization. It is important for the company to understand gender equality in the organization because according to many countries rules and regulations the women and men are treated equal and they are to be given equal benefit in the organization.

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