Unit 22 Managing Human Resources Ascari Cars Assignment

Unit 22 Managing Human Resources Ascari cars Assignment

Unit 22 Managing Human Resources Ascari Cars Assignment


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 22 Managing Human Resources

QFC Level

Level 4


The managing human resources Ascari Cars assignment report assesses the implications for the line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for the organization and assesses the model of flexibility that is applied in the organization. It discusses the types of flexibility that is applied in organization and use of flexible working practices from both the employee and employer perception. The report discuss the impact of change in the labor market have had on flexible working practices and identifies the forms of discrimination that measured at the work place. The report identifies the practical implication of equal opportunities legislation for Ascari Cars and evaluates the impact of another topical issue on human resource practices.

Ascari Cars

Figure 1 Ascari Cars

Task 1

1.1 Guest’s model of HRM that is applied in Ascari Cars

The model is based on the sense that HRM is unique from the traditional personnel management. It is the idealistic model and it is the fundamental element of the HRM process. The guest models of HRM identify the potential of the HR manager and try to develop the skill of the employees in the organization. The model assists the organization to win the trust of the employees and put full efforts in order to improve the efficiency of the employees. The major role of Guest’s model of HRM is to utilize the resources in better and effective way. It assist the human resource manager to achieve the organizational goals and try to motivate the employees give their best. The model assists the Ascari Cars to achieve the management goal by implementing the policies in better and effective way. David Guest’s proposes this model in the organization and this model are based on six dimensions this are financial outcomes, performance outcomes, HRM outcomes, HRM practices and HRM strategy. The model is based on the development of the entire department in the organization. The model is based on the hard and soft versions that must be applied in the organization. The soft model is related with human intentions and hard model is associated with employees that are an asset for the Ascari Cars (Sanders.et.al.2014). The hard model always tries to promote the hr planning, hr strategy, business planning etc.

On the other hand soft model assumes that employees will give their best if management will appreciate their performance it is the best way to keep the employees motivated at the work place. The HRM Guest’s model identifies the features of the human resource management if organization allows the employees for the comparative measurement and identifies the link between general business planning and hr strategy.  

Guest’s model of HRM

Figure 2 Guest’s model of HRM

1.2 Storey’s definition of HRM, Personnel management and IR practices

In order to managing the human resources at workplace, there are different types of process and tactics have been used which are selected by the HR manager according to condition and need of the organization.  Following are the major terms that have been defined by Storey:

HRM (Human Resource Management)

This is an important approach that used for maximizing the employee’s performance considering the strategic objectives of organization. According to this term, HR manager of organization majorly focus on the policies, selection and recruitment process that have significant impact on the achievement of individual and organizational objectives.

Personnel management

According to Storey, personnel management refers to obtaining, using and maintaining the workforce. For organizational prospective, personnel management involve planning, organizing, compensation and integration of employee oriented policies to maintain the growth and effectiveness in organizational activities.

IR practices

For organization, it is important to develop and implement rules and regulation to manage the behavioral and performance of employees. The term IR practices involve the analysis and consideration of legislations that are being proposed by the leading authorities to maintain the ethical and legal process for managing the human resources.

Table 1: Difference between HRM and Personnel management


Personnel and IR (Ascari Cars)

HRM (Bentley)

Employee relation

Adversarial, this only focus on the individual interface

Developmental and collaborative, consider the overall gaps in human resources


Reactive, HR manager make decision after analyzing the situation (Storey, 2014)

Proactive, HR manager forecast the conditions and make decision accordingly


Separate functions, every individual has different approach for planning and performing the activities

Integral functions, this develop the collaborative approach to meet the HRM objectives


Management, this only have concern over the leading people of organization

Management and employee both


Order, equality

Problem focused to enhance the effectiveness of operations and functions.

Major Role

Regulatory and record keeping

Problem sensing and training

1.3 Implications of line manager and employees for developing the strategic approach in Ascari cars

The line managers are in charge for all the activities of the employees. To execute a plan, the implications of line manager are essential. Ascari cars use the benefits of line manager in their business, their role is to execute functions like target setting, policy making, decision making. The individual is responsible for managing employees and resources. A line manager places a high priority on coaching employees, good coaching results in achieving the targets on time. The responsibilities of a line manager includes recruiting and hiring new employees, providing training to them, providing coaching and performance feedback to all the members of the team, communicating with the employees about departmental goals. Line manager is significantly responsible for overall operations, provides support and guidance to the employees for accomplish the targets given (Vahlhaus and Simón, 2014). A line manager is sometime confronted with walking a fine line between being a supervisor and the employee’s confidence.

The role of employees in Ascari car is also very important, as they are given responsibility and roles for their work. They are been trained and encouraged to provide best service in different dynamic environment. These types of motivations would bring the organization with the competitive edge to deal in any type of situation by providing good services to the customers. An employee should have a clear idea that how to grow professionally and improve knowledge, skills and experience. Employee should give feedback about the work culture at the workplace, which works on improvement of the organization. An employee always seeks support from line manager and other staff.

Task 2    

2.1 Model of flexibility applied in Ascari Cars

Flexibility means to adjust and put the skills in the employees in order to perform better. Organization has to give freedom to the employees to work in the organization and to take the decision for the betterment of the organization. The flexibility model decreases the work from the senior employees and tries to keep the employee energetic for the better performance. HRM can design that kind of work in the organization that helps the employees to perform better and transfer the unnecessary burden from the employees. The main motive of the Ascari to transfer to manage the work in that situation that keeps the employees motivated and always encourages them to work better. Flexibility model motivate provides risk free situation to the employees thus they found the job security and easily win the trust of the employees. Employee’s flexibility raises the productivity in the organization and also increases the job satisfaction among the employees. It helps the business to remain on the top position in the market and assists the business to gain the competitive advantage. The model provides the responsibility to the employees thus they feel motivated in the organization (Do.et.al.2016). The flexibility depends on the nature of the job if it is at high level than employees can transfer the work to the subordinates. HRM department provides rebate to the employees in order to perform better and maintain the efficiency of the employees for the better performance.

The flexibility in the performance may improve the production capacity of the employees and also motivate them to perform better. Management must fulfill the demands of the employees in order to transfer the responsibility. Lack of motivation and lack of concentration towards the work may affect the work of the Ascari Cars so proper training and job sharing must be done at the work place.    

2.2 Types of flexibility that may be developed by Ascari Cars

Flexible working at the organization may raise the productivity and attract the new employees towards the organization. This may help the business to find that kind of employees which are attentive and committed to the allotted task. In the present scenario Ascari adopts two kind of flexibility models in the organization that may help the business to gain the competitive advantage are as follows:

Numerical flexibility: Under this kind of flexibility organization has to do the short herm contracts with the employees to perform better. Different employees are dependent on the organization for task. It can be said that demand of the organization fluctuate as per the time that cannot be maintained as per the set bench mark standards. As per this flexibility model organization may use the required number of employees to complete the task. With the help of this flexibility model organization may hire the skilled employees in the organization and give them training as per the task. This model may maintain the demand and supply of the labor in the organization.

Functional flexibility: This model of flexibility may help the business to utilize the effectiveness and efficiency of the employees for better performance (Nandakumar.et.al.2014). The HR manager of Ascari can use the different type of flexibility tool to maintain the flow of employees in the organization at the urgent situation. As per the implementation of the model in the organization it may raise the productivity of the organization. Training of the staff may be done while transferring the staff from one department to another.

Types of flexibility

Figure 3 Types of flexibility

2.3 The use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective

Various flexibility models are used by the organization in order to promote the flexible working condition at the work place. This kind model helps the employees to perform better and try to motivate the employees for the better performance. Another benefit of the flexibility model is that it increases the productivity of the organization and profits too. Flexibility model raise the motivation level of the employees by which organization may retain them for the long tenure. The models of flexibility are as follows

Job sharing: Under job sharing employees may share the job with the subordinate and try to decrease the burden of the job (Wheatley, 2016). It assists the business to maintain the flow of work in the organization. It is the best way to keep the employees motivated and retain them for the longer period. Job sharing maintains the work load on the employees in case of absence of any engineer in Ascari than subordinate may work in his absence. This kind of working culture in the organization helps the business to easily achieve the organizational goal.

Employment of part-time: In Ascari employees may work freely with any work load. The organization adopts flexible working condition thus they are able to achieve the management goals. Flexible model assists the business to provide part time employment opportunity to the new employees thus they are able to work as per their desire and complete the task. Hr manager hire that kind of employees who want to work for the limited hours and organization pay them on the daily basis. For example students, housewife who is willing to work with Ascari Cars may join the organization.

Home working: Home working is another flexible working condition that helps the business strategy to maintain the work efficiency of the employees. Home working is good facility for the female employees in the organization and tries to boast the efficiency of the employees (Pedersen and Lewis, 2012). For example: female employees in Ascari cars have the facility to work from home in the last day of the week end.

Flexible working practices

Figure 4 Flexible working practices

2.4 The impact that changes in the labor market have had on flexible working practices

The impact of changes in the organization with the help of flexible working conditions that efficiency of the employees may be raised and profit figure of the organization is also been increased. It has been identified that changes may give positive and negative impacts both in the organization either in the form of profit or in form of loss. The changes may increase the trust of the employees on the organization but made them lazy at the time of working. Ascari is providing all the facility to the employees but still they are not getting the employees of their requirement. In the present scenario due to fluctuation in the labor market planning and development plays vital role but lack of planning May affects the growth of organization. The retention of workers is also a difficult task for the organization rather than organization offers high salary packages and flexible working condition than also they are not able to retain them. This kind issue affects the development of the organization and de-motivates the current employees to continue the job (Glitz, 2012). Job sharing also affects the business due to continue change in the job may make the work hectic and thus employee may leave the job.

The impact of change in the organization may affects the labor turnover in the organization and this may be the serious issue for the business. Continues change in the work may affect the brand image of the organization and create the burden on the hr manager to hire the employees in the organization.   

Task 3

3.1 The forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace

Discrimination at the work place may hamper the brand image of the organization in the market. Ascari have identified the discrimination at the work place and implement different kind alternative to eradicate this problem from the organization. Different kind of discrimination has been identified in the organization are as follows:

Gender discrimination: This kind of discrimination affects the image of the organization in the market and keeps the employees de-motivated towards the top management. Under this discrimination manager always give work priority of the male employee and always ignore the capability of the female employees. Gender discrimination hampers the women rights in the organization and thus female employees sue the organization related to the work. For example manager in the Ascari always give night shift to the male employees rather than female employees this kind working flexibility is not available for the female candidates (Crawford.et.al.2013). Even at the time of recruitment hr manager prefer the male candidates and reject the female candidates at the time of interview.

Discrimination of disability: Under this discrimination organization hire the perfectly fit organization in the organization and reject the disable person. This kind of discrimination affects the morale value of the candidate and it give s negative impact of the organization in the market. For example person is disabling by hand or nay body part hr manager in the Ascari may reject that kind of candidate and hire the fit person.

Discrimination of religion: This kind of discrimination is related to the cast of the person and much time management may reject the person due to his her caste (Freeman, 2014). It is the biggest disadvantage of the post and designation in the organization.

Forms of discrimination

Figure 5 Forms of discrimination

3.2 The practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for Ascari Cars

The equal opportunity act bind the organization to provide equal chance to the employees and it may improve the image of organization in front of the employees. Equal opportunity is the law that protects the rights of the employees in the Ascari cars and also helps the manager to give responsibility to the employees as per their qualification. Organization has to provide equal chance to the employees as per the guidelines of the law. In case breakage of the law organization may be sued by the employees. Now a day’s all the leaders in the organization are focusing on the male employees and ignoring the female candidates as per this law all the genders are equal in the organization. If any, organization is hiring the candidates as per his or her gender than it would be cause of penalty for the organization. The practical implications of the equal opportunity act in the organization that all the employees need to hire the employees as per their qualification not on his gender or caste (Schaufeli and Taris, 2014). Manager in the organization has the legal liability to hire the candidate on the basis of experience and qualification either male candidate or female candidate. 

The discrimination during the requirement and selection of the candidate must be avoided and hire the best candidate in the organization. The act implicates the selection process must be free from the biasness and all the candidates must get the equal opportunity to show their talent in the interview process.

3.3 The approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity

Managing diversity and equal opportunity in the organization is the liability of the employee at the time of changing the job. In order to promote the equal opportunity and diversity in the organization the first step is management has to design the equality policy in the organization. Another step that management has to take that the implementation of the policy must good that all the employees will the benefits of this policy. The policy is implemented in that department where it is necessary like training, recruitment and selection. It is the liability of the management that hr manager in the organization must monitor the performance of the policy. The action plan must be promoted in the parts of the organization and this policy may be helpful in eradicating the ups and downs in the organization (Barak, 2013). The discrimination at the work place may be removed and all the new candidates may get the chance to show their talent.

In order to identify the outcome of the policy hr manager must monitor the performance of the action. To avoid the discrimination on the equal opportunity and managing the diversity at the work place organization need to take the update of action plan in the following steps:

  • Review policies and action plan every time in the organization.
  • Analyze the collected data in very significant manner.


The report identifies the laws that govern the organization and protects the rights of the employees in the organization. Different kind of discrimination takes place in the organization that affects the growth of the business enterprise and thus employees have the right to sue the organization against the discrimination. Different kind of flexibility models are applied in the organization that provides freedom to work in the organization like home working, part time working etc. Ascari Cars adopt the health and safety plans at the work place in order to protect the employees from any accident.


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