Unit 2 Principles of HSC Practice Assignment Solution

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Unit 2 Principles of HSC Practice Assignment Solution
Unit 2 Principles of HSC Practice Assignment Solution
Unit 2 Principles of HSC Practice Assignment Solution


Diploma in Health and Social Care (HSC)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 2 Principles of Health Social Care Practice

QFC Level

Level 5


This principles of HSC practice assignment comprises of a case study of the ABC Care home where the vulnerable people are admitted and being taken care by the care home authorities. There have been recently a lot of complaints that have been encountered and the CQC has already questioned the management of the Care home on the response, service and the level of care they are providing to the patients or the people staying in their care home.  As a new Manager being appointed at the Care Home, all the 4 tasks have to be answered. Task 1 would deal with the principles of support, ethical dilemmas, conflicts, procedures that could be adopted and benefits of a person centric approach in the care home. Task 2 will be analysing the importance of the legislations, policies, regulations and code of practice. Task 3 would be discussing on theories, social processes and effectiveness of inter-professional working. Finally Task 4 would comprise of the discussion on the roles, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties of Manager in Care home, contribution in the development and implementation of organizational policies and recommendations that could be given to the care home for making improvisations with respect to the objections being raised by CQC. The tasks would guide us on the actions that could be taken on various specific cases and the policies implementation with care and support that could be obtained and evaluated with time.

Unit 2 Principles of HSC Practice Assignment Solution


This task will help in laying a lot of stress on the importance of the policies, regulations, rules and legislations that exist in the field of Care Homes. We will study on how these can help in making improvisations in the processes, practices and systems in order to make it best place to live by the service users.

2.1 Explain the implementation of policies, legislations, regulations and code of practice that are relevant to own work in ABC Care Home.

A care home that possess poor health and safety procedure will be experiencing negative impacts on the clients, organisation as well as on the societal level. In ABC Care Home, the impact of illness has been used which are ranged from little challenges to very big results. The impact includes pain as well as suffering, illness, and even the sad demise of someone. The majority of organisations face the challenging aspect of making certain that the staffs leads a healthy way of life ad that is no different in ABC Care Home also. So let us now briefly discuss the implementation of policies, legislations as well as regulations that are relevant to my work in ABC Care Home which are mentioned below,

  • Risks: - Every aspect of safety, threat as well as security should be very clearly mentioned. The risks may be segmented into various divisions such as zero risks, minimum risks, property risks, individual risks, preventing accidents, restraining hazards, and providing safe measures, safeguarding from getting injured.
  • Communication: - One more significant aspect is communicating the data if I consider that there might occur any threatening situation. The process of communication may be segmented into various processes, information exchanges as well as maintaining of records.
  • Responsibilities:  - There are individuals who are accountable for the enhancement for the welfare of the staffs as well as ABC Care Home. There are procedures which take care of the assistance workers, users of the services, as well as the managers.
  • Legislative requirements: - ABC Care Home recognises the laws that are issued in relation to the health and safety as well as their implementation. There is also the presence of Health and Safety at Works Acts as well as related set of laws in this regard.
  • Technology:  - There is a pivotal role played by technology in regard to health and safety in ABC Care Home. The regulations are segmented in security aspects, safety measures as well as maintaining a healthy environmental surrounding.  (Zuckerman, 2009).

2.2 Explain how policies and procedures can be developed in ABC care home in accordance with national policy requirements.

National policies are having a significant effect on the resourcing of ABC Care Home but they also showcase indicator of performances as well as evaluating the criteria. For instance, if one of the aspect to evaluate is that all the patients is required to have a ‘named nurse’, then this would impact the work arrangement, and in a basic level a patient is welcomed to ABC Care Home. In addition to this, when there are various indicators of performances that are assigned by national government concentrating on the measurement of the patients, which will also create certain amount of pressurised situation in discharging patients from ABC Care Home more rapidly than other times. ABC Care Home has developed procedures for directing their characteristics.
There may be the existence of particular procedures in regard to ABC Care Home, for instance, assessing the policies or arrangement of management. But although these procedures are considered to be local, it is not all the time possible for tracing their place of origination. They are at times not being recorded by the groups that assisted in their development. But, assessing their effect is very straightforward process for instance when the food storage facility of ABC Care Home is considered. A particular procedure might be developed in respect of health and safety measures for reducing the threat of the storage of food in areas of practice as well as the risk of poisoning of food. But if ABC Care Home is trying to motivate the elderly clients in preparing their personal food, this policy of welfare of health may clash with procedures regarding the choice of promotion.

2.3 Evaluate the impact of policy, legislation, regulation and code of practice on policies and practice of ABC care home.

The impact of policy, legislation, regulation and code of practice on policies and practices of ABC Care Home are mentioned below,

  • The large section of overlapping government schemes are being presently being used that will be the reason for befuddlement in ABC Care Home.
  • ABC Care Home as a care sector is no more attracting individuals for being a career alternative as because there are more good jobs, which are paying a better salary in other areas of occupation.
  • Extensions of roles related to care are taken care of by the care support individuals at ABC Care Home.
  • ABC Care Home was contended with the level as well as quality of community nursing facilities that are available for all inhabitants.
  • ABC Care Home was not ready in transferring a patient to a different care facility if there was a requirement for needing a change.
  • ABC Care Home does not have similar access to scope of training that is available to the public sector.
  • The National Minimum Standards focuses on the framework as well as procedure that exist inside ABC Care Home. There is the requirement that has to be considered to incorporate the results of care into the procedure for assessment.
  • The reason being that assessment standard that is implemented by the caregivers can be different, it is recommended that the managers at ABC Care Home conduct their official or unofficial evaluation on probable clients prior to their acceptance into ABC Care Home.

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This task will discuss on the theories, social processes and effectiveness of the inter-professional working by the service users in the ABC Home Care and enabling it to become the best play to stay and work for becoming independent in all respects.

3.1 Explain the theories that underpin your work as care worker in ABC Care Home.

Freud’s Psychoanalytical Theory

Freud’s psychoanalytical theory is based on three aspects of id, ego as well as superego. The id is based on the part of unconscious mind that has the requirement for gratification. The idea of id defines the reason for individuals for acting in specific aspects, when they are different from the ego as well as superego. The id is the part of the mind that considers every general attribute of every human being. It is the spontaneous insentient part of the mind that bases itself on the urge of seeking instantaneous gratification.


For maintaining a realistic sense on earth, the ego is accountable for the creation of parity amongst pleasure as well as pain. It is not possible for meeting every desire of the id and this is realised by ego but there is a continuation for seeking pleasure as well as gratification. As the ego cannot distinguish between right or wrong, there is an awareness of it that realises that every aspect cannot be satisfied at a single time. Therefore, ego functions on the principle of reality for providing assistance for the satisfaction of the demands of id and to compromise in regard to the truth.


The superego, which is developed approximately at age four or five, inculcates the societal moralities. Freud assumed that it is the superego that permits the mind in controlling the impulsive behaviour which is morally considered to be wrong. The consideration of superego is related to the principles of mind and the reason for which is its ability in distinguishing amongst the real scenario and what is considered to be right or wrong. In the absence of superego, individuals would behave aggressively as well as conduct unethical behaviours since the mind will not be able to differentiate right from wrong.

Piaget’s stages of development

Piaget’s stages of development stated that there are four stages viz. sensory motor stage, pre-operational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operations stage. Let us briefly elucidate on each of these stages as mentioned below,

  • Sensory Motor Stage (Birth – 2 years):  - In the sensory motor stage, the understanding in regard to objects as well as the method of their manipulation is achieved. By the attainment of knowledge in regard to the individual as well as the world and the individuals present there, the baby starts understanding in what ways one aspect may cause or impact another aspect, as well as starts developing basic information regarding time as well as space.
  • Pre-operational stage (2 years – 7 years): - This stage assists children in developing their processes of thought, even though they are still measured to be quite far from a reasonable thought process. The child’s vocabulary is also expanding as well as developing in this stage where there is a change in them from babies to ‘little individuals’.
  • Concrete operations stage (7 years – 11 years): - In this stage, the process of thought gets more logical, mature as well as like an adult or more functional. Even though, this process in a majority of situations goes in teenage years as well. This stage is bifurcated into two segments viz. the concrete operations as well as the formal operations segments.
  • Formal operations stage (11 years – 16 years):  - This stage allows the adolescents to do the reasoning that goes ahead of the world based on reality to a world of expectations as well as to function in a logical way which is based on symbolic features as well as knowledge which normally do not have reference to objects as well as circumstances in the real world.

3.2 Analyse how social processes impact on your service users in ABC Care Home.

It is considered that apparent wisdom is a beneficial aspect for the combined working of the service users in ABC Care Home. Although, there is a very limited argument for supporting this aspect. The current aspect is the assessment of the two incorporated jointly based health and social care groups that were designed in ABC Care Home for meeting the requirements of the patients as well as their caregivers. There happens to be a ‘one stop shop’ method that is affecting the service delivery method. The social processes showcases that in basic stages of the method of asking for assistance as well as for getting evaluated in respect of a service would gave assisted in the improvement by communicating in a better way, acknowledging as well as exchanging information between various groups of service users. But, having said that, there is also instances where the integrating aspect that is observed in ABC Care Home is not adequate enough in terms of better development in having an effect on the clinical result in regard to the patients or the users of the services. It is showcased from the given situation that social processes can reach a considerable distance for producing alterations in results for the patients. When ABC Care Home has the need for getting a beneficial effect in regard to the users of the services then a very significant change in the structural process is required. The scenario of having organisational changes can get better when there is the proof that such kind of changes will yield productive results in regard to the social processes. But, in the present scenario, there is no proof this argument even though it is suggested that beneficial aspects could be approaching if there is more incorporation that can be actualised in regard to ABC Care Home. (Sica & Lohmeier, 2006).

3.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of inter-professional working for your service users in ABC Care Home.

There exist various methods through which the caregivers can function in a combined way while they provide assistance to the patients at ABC Care Home. These caregivers would sometimes function in different fields that take into consideration doctors, nurses, as well as physiotherapists from ABC Care Home. There is also the advocacy of inter-personal working for assisting the service users who have complex as well as multiple requirements. Although, there is a increasing knowledge of what is supporting inter-professional working, there is a very little proof that connects inter-professional working to precise results in regard to the service users in ABC Care Home. It has been observed that there is very little proof of usefulness as well as cost-efficiency in respect of inter-professional working even though well incorporated as well as other enhanced methods of care are implemented as well as there is the potentiality for developing the inter-professional working in ABC Care Home. The modern facilities that are used in ABC Care Home in the present scenario have assisted in the creation of a team based structure of delivering healthcare facilities.
The effectiveness of inter-professional team working for the service users in ABC Care Home are mentioned below,

  • Effectiveness in healthcare has the requirement for co-ordinating as well as concerting efforts from people from different spheres as well as a delivery system.
  • Effectiveness in caring facility has the requirement for concerting as well as co-ordinating attributes of a large gathering of individuals as well as disciplinary aspects.
  • There can be satisfaction of job in regard to team work.
  • There could be developing aspects as well as promotional aspects that will get assisted via teamwork in regard to inter-professional interactive facilities at ABC Care Home.


ABC Care Home was experiencing a lot of problems and issues as per the CQC report. It becomes the duty, responsibility and accountability of the manager to find out the loopholes and address them on priority. It is important that the benchmarked and existing regulations and rules that are applicable to the industry. This would help in bringing changes in the processes and practices. The regulations, rules and legislations create a standard enabling the high quality implementation of the processes and practices. ABC care home should display the processes and practices on the notice board so that people remain aware and reminded of the actions they need to take in a specific regard. By the efficiency of the team and processes, ABC Care home could be made one of the best ever care homes of the location.


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