Unit 19 Heritage Cultural Tourism Management Sample Solution

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Unit 19 Heritage Cultural Tourism Management Sample Solution
Unit 19 Heritage Cultural Tourism Management Sample Solution
Unit 19 Heritage Cultural Tourism Management Sample Solution


In the recent year there was huge development in the travel and tourism industry. The tourist are highly attracted towards the cultural heritage and ancient monuments and other archaeological sites and remains.The major benefit to the Africa that it is rich in culture heritage and monuments but due to the lack of the resources the company is not able to effectively manage its cultural sites. The country needs to make effort to protect its heritage resources as it will help in attracting the huge fund from the other country which will help in the development of the economy of the country. The increase in the number of the tourist will also help in developing the standard of the local people. The major problem which the African country is facing is that it is not able to protect its heritage due to the lack of the resources. The economy of the country is so bad that it is not able to meet the basis needs of the public. So the country cannot make expenditure to protect its heritage culture and monuments.  There are certain ways through which Tanzania can raise fund to protect its culture heritage. The country can raise a huge fund through the development of the cultural tourism. The revenue which is generated from the culture tourism will help in development and maintenance of such cultural heritage. Through this both tourist and the culture heritage will be benefited from each other. These heritage can also be protected by forming partnership between the tourist industry and the local community which provides the success to the various culture program.

Unit 19 Heritage Cultural Tourism Management Sample Solution

Body context

The major benefit to the Tanzania is that it is rich in culture heritage but the country is facing the lack of the fund to maintain and protect its culture heritage. The central Tanzania is very rich in rock painting sites which tells about the Stone Age people, and there behavior can be learned from Stone tools, pottery and other form which provide basic of the archaeological statement. Tanzania was one of the earliest centers for the origin and evaluation of the artistic capacity in the world. This and the other sites of Tanzania has a huge potential to attract a lot of the tourist from all around the world (Boamah, Dorner & Oliver, 2012).
The Tanzania coast is endowed with many prehistoric and historic sites that documents the development of urbanism and Swahili culture in east Africa. The major problem is that the culture tourism on the coast of the Tanzania is still underdeveloped. The Tanzania has the favorable market condition to grow travel and tourism business as the country is rich in culture heritage. The country can use its culture heritage sites to attract the huge fund from the tourist which will helps in the development of the country (Alberti&Giusti, 2012).
For the development and the success of the tourism program the committee to manage the activity need to be formed. The committee will advise both private as well as public sector on issue in relation to culture tourism and form a strategy to promote the tourism in Tanzania. The committee needs to check how the fund which is collected from the tourism activity to prevent these culture heritage. They needs to check that the fund is not used for the inappropriate purpose. These committee helps in checking that the needs of the tourist at the particular location are effectively met. The efforts need to make to facilitate the basic infrastructure at these location to attract more tourist to the location.
The major goal of the culture tourism to preserve, prevent, manage and conduct research to prevent the culture heritage of the Tanzania by effectively utilizing the fund which is raised for the purpose of promoting tourism activity. The fees and donation collected at the culture sites are the major sources of the fund for these culture heritage. The fund can also be raised by selling the articles which are related to the cultural sites. The fund also needs to be utilized to develop the nearby community which are located near the culture sites (Jeon, 2016).
The efforts need to make to promote the culture tour that moves from various location to promote the tourism at the particular location.To increase the number of the tourist at the particular location adequate training and information needs to provide to the guide. It will helps in conveying the key attraction point to the tourist about the particular location and create there trust to visit the other similar location within the country. Many of the tourist are attracted to the particular culture and create there interest to explore more about the culture. The appropriate presentation of the particular sited will attract the tourist towards the site and will helps in collecting huge fund for the future development of the particular location. The effective and meaningful presentation of the particular sites will create the trust of the visitor towards the particular culture. The tourism culture needs to trained the local people to convey the importance of the particular location. These guide needs to provide the standard information about the culture heritage so that the tourist are notprovide the wrong information. The guides need to be trained about the various language to effectively manage the tourist.
The development of the culture will create the opportunity for the local people to grow their standard of living. Due to development of the tourism there will be development of various infrastructure at these location.To develop the cultural tourism and heritage of the Tanzania, it requires government, non-government, private players and localities of the African nation for bridging gap between where the infrastructure of the nation is including heritage and non-heritage sites for tourist attracting and their fooding and lodging. It highly requires huge customer satisfaction by deciding in advance the most appropriate action. The planning for the appropriate course of action relating to development of heritage sites is taken with the determination of need and objective of the tourists. Planning activity cannot taken place in the absence of the needs of objective it further includes procedures and steps to be taken for the overall development of heritage site in the available resources. Further it includes planning management of recruiting the appropriate human resource which includes heritage managers and guides. It further includes managing customer satisfaction customer satisfaction activities (Fiedler, 2014).

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It starts with the concentration towards predetermined course of action. It gives direction towards increase in customer attraction towards heritage sites of African nations.The foremost objective for developing the above scenarios is to develop basic facilities that are essential to provide access to the tourist’s sites and heritage attraction. This can be done by public private partnership. First of all everything useful for the proper functioning which include raw materials, capital requirement availability, infusing human resource to the project, establishing authority subordinate relationship in orderly form to make most efficient use of resources. Further it requires huge government support by giving grants and subsidized loans to develop infrastructure activities. Development of infrastructure include improving basic utility functions like hotels, rest house, food and transport facilities like railways promotion and development, developing air routes and ports and further creation of recreation activities to make the possibilities more even and attract the tourists in lucrative way of approach. This should be done in setting objective and short term targets but with achievement of optimum resource utilization resource tourism industry in the Tanzania can easily meet the challenges of expanding the cultural and heritage development in planned regulated manner (Wall, 2015).
Although the developing the other facility to the tourism industry is necessary to its development but main focus is still on heritage and natural development. These include development natural landscapes, mountains and oceans which also include wild life sanctuaries. Other features also include development of local religious cultural heritage which the tourist across the globe is interested in. For example- Developing camps and boat ride activities which give leisure to the people apart from visiting historical places. It can be viewed as clubbed package (Underberg, 2014).
As discussed above local involvement is basic to the development of this industry. Ultimately it is the local or residents of the particular place who will be benefited in the long term. It will not only develop the infrastructure of the place but gives them monetary benefits too by way of increase in employment and growth in business with strategy and opportunities. It is the locals who can better guide the tourists in informing them about the historical heritage of the sites. It is responsibility of the residents of the locality to participate in the development programs like site renovation, making small groups at ground level to support government projects further supporting in form of creation of awareness towards a change.
Further referring to the managing activities regarding promotion and advertisement of the local tourism industry which can be done by various means including

  • Creating knowledge and spreading information about Tanzania across the world 
  • Launching of various advertisement and promotion campaign across the world as in the current era of globalisation where consumers plays an important role in creating strategies for the growth and flourishing the tourism industry
  • Primarily the focus is to deliver information about the service across the primary market and then selecting of target tourists and then influencing them to visit Tanzania
  • Mouth publicity is another form of influencing the people, this can be done by Non-residents living across the globe which belongs to Tanzania to promote about the beauty and cultural heritage of the country (Bugrul,2014).

It is a social process by which individuals and groups are motivated towards heritage of the state and achieve what they need and want while freely exchanging service to the ultimate customer satisfaction. The primary objective of the marketing team of tourism industry of the Tanzania is to identify the needs and wants of the tourists and tries to deliver the services according to their needs and within the available resources which would satisfy and create attraction about the particular industry. It is also necessary to create value to the services offered which is yet another important marketing process with the main motto of marketing manager to increase the demand effectively and efficiently. The next is to offer or create knowledge about the services to create awareness specifying the offerings keeping in mind that whether it creates the money worth to the tourists or not so that each of the party feels desirable to deal with the other. In Tanzania tourism and heritage activities are controlled and monitored by Ministry of Natural Resources and tourism. For any marketing and development activity it requires funds which are to be allocated by the referred ministry in support of government and various organizational grants. Target is not only towards developing internal markets but to flourish external market too.The focus is not only towards attracting local tourists of the country but to make it a happening place of the world by attracting more &more customers across the globe (Clinton, 2016).


So it may be concluded the most of the African countries can grow its economy with the effective use of their culture heritage. The maintenance and development of the heritage location will help the country to strengthen their economy and improve the standard of the public. The countries needs to prevent their culture heritage and protect them for the present as well as future generation. These country due to the lack of fund and resources is not able to protect its culture heritage. The careful plan of the culture tourism is the way through which Tanzania can gain fund for CHM. The country needs to make effort to protect these heritage for our future generation. There are many groups also which are providing the sources of fund for these country to develop their culture heritage. The income which is collected from the tourism needsto be effectively utilized to develop and maintain these culture heritage. The culture tourism in Tanzania is pretty much essential to prevent the heritage culture of the country for the future generation.


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  • Boamah, E., Dorner, D.G. & Oliver, G. 2012, "STAKEHOLDERS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE MANAGEMENT AND PRESERVATION OF DIGITAL CULTURAL HERITAGE RESOURCES IN GHANA", Australian Academic and Research Libraries, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 300.
  • Bugrul, H. 2014, "Evaluation of Petrifaction Legends in Turkey in Terms of Cultural Heritage and Tourism", Voices: The Journal of New York Folklore, vol. 40, no. 3-4, pp. 32-39.
  • Clinton David van der Merwe 2016, "Tourist guides’ perceptions of cultural heritage tourism in South Africa", Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series, vol. 34, no. 34, pp. 117-130.
  • Fiedler, M.Y. 2014, "Global Tourism: Cultural Heritage and Economic Encounters by Sarah Lyons and E. Christian Wells", International Social Science Review, vol. 89, no. 1, pp. Li.
  • Jeon, M.M., Kang, M.(. & Desmarais, E. 2016;2014;, "Residents’ Perceived Quality Of Life in a Cultural-Heritage Tourism Destination", Applied Research in Quality of Life, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 105-123.
  • M. Underberg-Goode, N. 2014, "Cultural heritage tourism on Peru's north coast", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 200-214.
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