Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Hilton

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Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Hilton
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Hilton
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Hilton


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resource Management

QFC Level

Level 5


HRM is defined as the requirement of human capital in then organization and allot the right task to the right person. HR manager complete the task by hiring the right person at right place. Hotel Hilton is global brand that provide hotel and resort services to the clients in order to retain them. It is the most trusted brand that has more 500 hotels in more than 80 countries. Hilton is headquartered in Virginia and founder of this chain is Conrad Hilton. The current study identifies the role and purpose of human resource management in Hotel Hilton and analyzes the human resource plan that is based on supply and demand of Hotel Hilton. The report explains current position of employment relations in the Hotel Hilton and also discuss the employment is affected by the law and reaction of management over this kind issues. It gives the description about different kind of job and person specification in the Hotel Hilton and compares the selection process of the different service industries.

Task 1

1.1 Role of and purpose of human resource management in Hotel Hilton

The main purpose human resource in the organization is to hire, train and allot task to the employees. HRM is the base for Hilton with the help of HRM organization is able to hire the candidates in the organization and able to get the work done.  It is help the organization to train the employees for the job and collect the feedback of their overall performance. Through effective training and development employees are able to get the promotion and able to contribute in the growth of organization. HRM helps the organization to reduce the external hiring and make use of the present talent in the organization through proper training and development. HRM is the cost effective method for the organization it identifies the best talent in the organization and then allot the responsibility to the person thus it save time and money of the organization. It helps management to forecast the future needs of the man power in the organization do the proper planning to recruit the best talent in the organization. It helps the management to keep the employees motivated thus employees are able to give their best in the organization (Sharma.et.al.2011). HRM solve the problems of the employees on behalf of management and provide them best alternative to solve the problems. In case of changes in the market and there is no labor is available in the market but with the help of manpower forecasting done by the HR manager helps the organization to cover the shortage of employees.

HRM monitors all the activities in the organization and then plan the best strategy for the organization in order to recruit the best candidate for the organization. Human resource management helps the organization to grow with the proper efforts of employees in the organization. It facilitates management to identify the best candidate in the organization and then assure him that he is able to perform the allotted task in the organization. Hotel Hilton needs the employees which are motivated in the organization this kind of requirement can be fulfilled with the help of human resource management. HR manager binds the employees in the organization to keep the coordination among the team mates and this kind of initiative help the management to achieve the organizational goals. HR professionals are the best consultant for the employees in the organization thus they feel motivated. Hiring is the most important task of the HRM is the organization it hire the employees in the organization and management can easily achieve the management goals. It creates the collaboration among the employees thus they are able to perform better in the organization (Tremblay.et.al.2010). It can be said that human resource management is the best way to keep the employees motivated and always try to fulfill the manpower requirement of the organizational behaviour.

1.2 Human resource plan based on the analysis of supply and demand in the Hotel Hilton Stratford

HR manager will identify the requirement of the human capital in the organization than take the action according to the need. Hr department analyzes the future need of the employees in the organization and then approve the recruitment of the employees Hotel Hilton. The first phase to identify the demand and supply in the business is planning, forecasting demand of the employees. The demand for the employee’s product or services in the organization thus they are able to identify the demand of the employees. HR plan is totally based in the demand and supply of human capital in the organization thus Hr manager can easily identify the manpower needs. The recruitment is the most important task in the organization but it can be possible with the help of demand and supply forecasting (Stone, 2013). The most important criteria in analysis of demand and supply are to identify the future needs of human capital in the organization. Following are the factors that help the manager to identify the need of human capital in the organization:

  • Assessing human resource: The most important task of the manager is to identify the external and internal factors in the organization. With the help of identifying the external factors organization is able to evaluate the demand and supply of man power in the market and thus manager can easily hire the candidates from the external market. By identifying the internal factors organization can easily identify the employees in the organization and manager can easily identify the internal talent in the organization.
  • Demand Forecasting: Demand forecasting is the way by which management can easily evaluate the demand of man power in the organization as well as forecast the future man power in Hotel Hilton. Demand forecasting is the process of identifying the future needs for the human power in the organization in terms of quality and quantity. Future human resource requirement can be identified with the help of calculation and estimation methods.
  • Supply forecasting: Manager identifies the supply of man power in the organization and also identifies the sources of supply in the organization (Dubois and Dubois, 2012). Supply of human capital in the organization is another factor that helps the business to meet the demand.
  • Matching demand and supply: HR manager calculate the demand and supply in the organization. For instance Hilton is providing 50 rooms to the customers thus organization need 60 employees then organization will create the demand of 60 employees and take the supply of 60 employees in the organization.

Task 2

2.1 Current state of employment relations in the hotel industry

Employee relations are generally originated as the relation among the management and the employee in the hotel industry. Quality relation among the employer and employee creates the motivation level in the business and facilitates the manager to achieve the management goals. Managed relation among the employee and employer set the standards for the upcoming employees in the organization thus they are able to manage them according to the set standards. Effective relation among the employer and employee motivate the employees to do better. It has been identified that effective relation in the service sector need good communication and use of different concepts that could be implemented in the management of service industry. Employee relations are mainly focused on checking and discovering solutions for the problems faced by the team mates. Sound relation affects the competence of the employees and increases the morale of the team mates in the organization (Blomme.et.al.2010). The main intention of management is to get the business goals for this it is significant for the manager is to regulate policies and standards so that employee’s relations are preserved in the Hotel Hilton through fairness and trust. Hotel industry in UK is being maintained trough labor unions, trade unions, employee health relation etc. For effective work management needs to keep the sound relation with all the subordinates in the organization.

The manager has to keep the sound relation with all the unions and solve their quires in the organization. Trade unions plays vital role in the organization if any employee is facing any problem at the work place then he inform to the employee unions in the organization for the fast solution (Yang, 2010). Trade unions protect the right of the employees in the organization and try to give them their right. They bridge the gap between the employee and top management thus it can be said that trade union is the way to connect the employee and employer. UK follows the win and win approach thus all the attached parties must get the benefit from all the action of the organization. Management has to maintain the relation with the internal and external employees both so it can be said that relation with the outsiders is important for the organization.

2.2 Influence of employment law on the management of human resources in the Hotel Hilton

Employment laws affects the decision making process of the organization thus management is not able to do the discrimination with the employees. Employment laws are designed to protect the rights of the employees and bind the organization to provide equal opportunity to the employees. Government of UK binds the hotel industry to follow all the guidelines that are being provided by the law. If any organization did not follow the rules and regulation of the acts then employees have the right to sue the organization. The law facilitates the organization to maintain the effective relation internal and external people in the organization. It develops the trust of the employees on the organization and also helps the management to motivate the employees in the organization. In case of discrimination with the employee in the organization than employee have the tool of law to protect his or her right in the organization (CG Davidson.et.al.2011). Different kind of acts is available for the employees that protect their rights:

  • Employee relation act: The main task of the organization is to maintain the sound relation with the employees thus they give their best to achieve the organizational goal. The act facilitates the organization to proper assistance to the employees and tries to maintain quality working environment in the organization. The act protects the right of employee and employer both and encourage employer to select the right person for the right job.
  • National minimum act: The act was introduced in 1998 to prevent the rights of the employees. This act depicts that employer should give minimum salary to the employee thus he is able to bear his own expenses in the organization. National minimum act is compulsory for the all the organization if organization did not follow the act than employees have the right to sue the organization.
  • Data protection act: This aid the management that recorded data by the organization must be keeps secured (Shen and Jiuhua, 2011). Personal information is generated from the employee while hiring. It is the duty of the organization that personal information of the employee must be kept confidential. In case if information is leaked or misused by any person in the organization than employee has the right to sue the organization.

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Task 3 

3.1 Job description and person specification for the hotel industry job

Job specification refers to the detail provided by the management before hiring him in the organization. It is the liability of organization to reveal all the details in the job description thus applicant can easily get the detail of the job. Job specification is looks like the portfolio by which employee access all the quires that are being attached with the job. Another term is job specification contains job title, salary, working schedule, purpose of job, liability and responsibility of the person during the job. It is brief about the job and contains all the detail regarding job. HR department of Hotel Hilton explain the authority thus employee is able to work in the organization.

Job Description

Job title:- Receptionist

Salary: - $13000 - $ 19000

Job reason: - Receptionist will hold the customers and the first person who deals with client either on face to face contact or phone. He/she will be the spokesperson of the Hotel Hilton which take care of the different departments, solve the quires of the customers and answer the calls.

Duties and Responsibilities:-

  • Must be able to deliver full information and knowledge of different packages.
  • Convert the customer for the organization (Boxall.et.al.2011).
  • Must have full knowledge about facilitates of organization.
  • Ability to complete the task on given time.
  • Always take the challenges in the positive way.

Candidate must be able to hold the practical conditions and easily give solutions to the customers.

Person specification means the detail of the applicant according to the job described. Organization recruits the candidate as per the requirement of the job in the organization. It is the way under which management hire the candidate but ask the requirement before hiring the candidate in the organization. It is the best way under which management ask the applicant that this is the requirement of the organization interested may apply for the job. For instance in requirement of the job is in technical field than management specifies the details like technical qualification, experience etc.

Person specification


  • Graduation is compulsory
  • Fluency in English


  • Candidate must have the experience of 1 year
  • Able to hold the query of client (Hutchinson and Purcell, 2010)


  • Must be able to manage the team members
  • Quality communication skills
  • Focused towards work
  • Must be able to handle the complex conditions and communicate politely
  • Flexible in all the working conditions
  • Updated with the technological changes

3.2 Comparison of selection process of different service industries

Selection is the process under which management hires the candidates in the organization and also hires the appropriate candidate in the organization. The process helps the management to fulfill the man power need in the organization. Selection has various advantages like right person at the right job, fulfill the man power needs, get the work done etc. It consumes less time and hire the appropriate applicant for the organization also identifies the skill and qualification of the candidate. Normally manager selects the candidate but in some situations HR manager is instruct the in charge to hire the candidate. Selection process includes evaluation of the interested person and if their profile matches the job specification than call them for the interview and if they cleared the entire test then select them for the job (Saremi.et.al.2009). It is the most appropriate way to select the candidates in the organization and to fill the vacant seat.

It can be identified that Hotel Hilton Hire the candidate from the different sources like internal and external. It is the best of hiring the candidates in the organization. Different industries follow different kind working procedures in the organization to hire the candidates. Organization like Hotel Marriott hires the candidate on the basis of online test and other mode on interview. Hotel Hilton hires the candidates on the basis of their knowledge and way of communication at the time of face to face interaction. HR manager identifies the skills if the candidates and then hire them. Hotel Marriott hire the candidates on the basis of experience of the candidate on the other hand Hilton hire the candidates on his skill and competence of the employee. Hotel Marriot select the candidate in the basis of communication skill on the other hand Hotel Hilton hire the candidate on the basis of knowledge and qualification (Orfila-Sintes and Mattsson, 2009). The main motive of the both the organization is to select the candidate on the basis of job specification.

Task 4

4.1 Contribution of training and development activities in Hotel Hilton

Training and development help the organization to upgrade the skill of the employee in the organization and motivate him to do better for the growth of organization. Through training and development activities management can assure that the candidate is able to perform the allotted task. Fresher candidates in the organization can easily manage the task with help of training and development activities. It is the best way to under which employee can easily meet the desire of the management and complete the task on the given time. Training and development assure the organization that a trained candidate can easily train the upcoming employees in the organization. Senior employee has lots of experience and they have the duty to train the new entrants and also try to expand their knowledge in context of work. Training and development activities are the best way to update the skills of the employees in the organization and give the desired result to the top management (Chand, 2010). It is the best way under which organization can keep the employees trained and motivate them to do better. With the help of this process management can easily improve the performance of the subordinates and motivate them to do better. Organization can update the skills of the employee relation in various ways like training campaign, conferences, online tutorials etc.

Hotel Hilton provides training assistance to the candidate before giving him responsibility to the employee. It is the best way under which organization can train the employee and motivate him to do better. Hilton follows the procedure of training like in very beginning organization will give the brief about the job than provide technical assistance next employee will work according to the senior and after some tenure he will get the responsibility to perform the task (CG Davidson.et.al.2011).

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The study depicts the role of selection process in the Hotel Hilton and the importance of human resource management in the organization. HRM plays vital role in the growth of organization it helps the management to select the most appropriate candidate in the organization. It provides assistance to the organization that what will the future demand of the man power in the organization. The study identifies the employment relation in Hotel Hilton and Hr manager try to maintain those relation very effectively. Various laws like minimum income act, employee relation act affects the decision making of the organization.


Books and Journals

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CO Davidson, M., cail.. R. and Barry. S.. 2011. Hospitality HRM: past, present and the future. Inrerna anal Journal of Cont.rnpor , Hospua1iç,
The impact of HR.M practices on service quality, customer satisfaction and perfonuance in the Indian hotel industry. The InrernarionaiJournoiqfHwnanRe,rource .iknaggnte](4). pp55J.:566.