Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment GSK

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Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment GSK
Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment GSK
Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment GSK


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour GSK

QFC Level

Level 5


Organizational behaviouris the study under which people interact with each other and always create the good working environment. The major focus of the employees in the organization to improve the perception of employees in organization thus they are able to perform better in the organization. The current study explains the cultures and structures of GSK and relationship between organization culture and structures that affect the performance of GSK. The report explains the behaviour individual employee may be influenced by various factors and it will give brief about the leadership theories in the organization. The  organizational behaviour  GSK report identifies the impact of leadership style on the motivation and compares the application of two motivational theories at the work place. It also identifies the importance of motivational theories for the manager and also elaborates the nature of groups and impact of technology on the team functioning at Glaxo Smith Kline.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK 1 - Uk Assignment Writing Service

                                                    Figure 1Glaxo Smith Kline

Taks 1

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK - Uk Assignment Writing Service

1.1 Comparison of structure and culture of GSK with Morrison

Table 1Comparison of the organizational structure between GSK and Morrison’s





Formal organizational structure is been followed by GSK.

Morrison’s follows informal organizational structure.


  • A prescribed organizational structure reflects a methodical distribution of employees to complete the task.
  • This type organizational structure strictly recognizes the policies and procedures along with the organizational objectives in the prescribed form (Willard.et.al.2014).
  • The channel of communication operates in the form of straight chain of authority.
  • The informal organizational structure follow by the Morrison’s is highly flexible and disorganized as there is no fixed links.
  • Informal structure assists with the memberships that are related to subordinates.
  • Morrison’s with informal structure that is acquired more than single informal group at the similar time.


  • With this type of structure, GSK is able to operate its functions in proper manner and also able to achieve the organizational objectives.
  • Formal organizational structure helps GSK to manage the employees in better way.
  • The structure facilitates employees in focusing on the responsibility as it has inadequate duties to be achieved in GSK.
  • Morrison’s attain informal management structure that brings appropriate regulation of activities in the organization.
  • The structure of Morrison’s different from GSK to the great degree as its arrangement is very flexible and obtains no normal set of plans.
  • This type of structure facilitates in set up a elastic and healthy environment to the subordinates and make them function towards the accomplishment of objectives (Fuhse,  2013).

Comparison of culture between GSK and Morrison’s

Table 2 Comparison of culture between GSK and Morrison’s





GSK always follow the academic culture.

On contrary Morrison’s regulates Pragmatic culture.


  • Academic culture is always focused on recruiting skilled employees.
  • The GSK culture is totally based on customer oriented approach and adopts innovative practices that help its structure to the high extent (Thornton.et.al.2012).
  • Pragmatic culture is highly emphasized on the clients and their exact demands.
  • The Pragmatic culture is highly flexible and gives liability to the employee and also gives authority to take the decisions.
  •   Customer satisfaction is the most important task for the organization thus they are able to achieve the organizational goals.
  • There are no strict regulations for the employees of Morrison’s within the structure.


  • With context to the academic culture, GSK is been assisted in regulating a quality guideline within the employees.
  • On contrary, Morrison’s the employees are been given with the working environment (Sabir and Zaman, 2013).

1.2 The impacts of structural and cultural relationship of GSK on its business performances

Organization has combined craving among the structure and culture in GSK’s framework. Assessment of task is related to the management structure to straight and controls the man power resources to accomplish the designed goals of GSK. The organizational structure is mainly informed to accomplish fixed need and goals. So it can be said that management can easily achieve the organizational goals. For those achievements, structure defines a bunch of authority in the organization. Management is focused to create that kind of  business environment  which increases the trust of employees towards the organization. Subordinates in the organization feel motivated in the organization and they can easily carry out the task. Behaviour of the employees is totally based on the working environment of the organization that leads to achievement of management of goals. Positive behaviour of employees helps the management to keep the authority updated. Organizational culture is one of the most important three pillar in the organization like observed attitude, behaviour and ethical values (Pollmann-Schult, 2015). Under this culture power to take the decisions in the organizations help the management to achieve the organizational goals.

In addition to this limitations at the lower level always influence the culture of the organization. Lack of sharing the authority creates limitation among the employees thus they are not able to contribute in the organizational goals. For the employees of GSK made the culture independent, accountable and personalize. Power and responsibilities is divided among the employees thus they are able to achieve the organizational goals. Power plays vital role in the behaviour of employee in the organization (Chua.et.al.2015). 

1.3 Factors influencing individual behaviour in GSK

Employee attitude influences the operations of GSK to the high extent as different employees have different self beliefs, thinking etc that made him work as per the guidelines. It has been identified that there are basically three important components that affects the employee behaviour in GSK. These components are management factors, environmental factors and individual factors.

Management factors mostly contain management structure, leadership, and external facilities rewards etc that are being provided to the individual in GSK. All the employees are been affected with these factors in negative and positive context. For example, satisfactory rewards will lead to increase performance of subordinates and motivate them to do better (Yu, 2012).

In relation to this, individual factors that affects the personal factors are been divided into two forms like learning characteristics and biography roles. These personalities are further divided into different qualities that affect the individual to carry out the expected outcomes. It has been identified that human nature is been mainly designed of inherited and hereditary qualities. The physical qualities must be modified whenever required. The physical qualities likeage, gender, religion, marital status cannot be modified however learning qualities can be changed. GSK can offer training to its employees for improving the learning qualities of its employees.

Various other factors that affect the behaviour of the individual in GSKare demographic factor, social factor, economic factor etc. These factors affect the individual perception thus employees are not able to set their mind towards work and sometimes they are not able to give their best towards organizational goals (Pacleb and Bocarnea, 2016).Cultural factors include working environment of the organization, employee behaviour towards other employee etc.

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Task 2

2.1 Comparison of leadership style at GSK

Leadership is the most important aspect in an organization. It helps the management to give guidance to the employees and to instruct the employees to do better. Leadership is the most important factor that provide high rate of contribution in the growth of business. Nowadays all the business depends on leadership for better growth. Leaders in GSK always try to motivate the employees thus they are able to give their best in achievement of organizational goals. The main motive of leadership is to increase the efficiency of employees and increase the productivity.

The most influencing leadership style is that which impactsthe whole organization. In GSK the influencing leadership styles are autocratic, transformation and transactional leadership style. Top line managers and management uses autocratic leadership for taking strategic decisions (Renko.et.al.2015). Under this style an employee is not allowed to interfere in the decision making process thus they have to follow the instruction given by the top management.In comparison to this, transformational leadership style solely depends on the interference of employees in the whole framework of GSK. Relations in the organization motivate the employees to work more quickly by exchanging the ideas and skill with subordinates. It is the best way to improve the relation among the group members or employees in GSK. It is the foremost duty of any leader in the organization to improve the relation among the employees.

Transactional leadership is been identified as the style of self assessment and motivates the employees to evaluate their personal strength and weakness and always try to encourage the employee to do better (Chodosh.et.al.2015). GSK line manager follow this kind of leadership style in the organization and always try to communicate with the employees.

2.2 Impact of organization theory on the management practices

Operational practices of an organization are affected by many theories like administrative, socio technical, scientific and system theories. The operations at GSK are impacted by the system theory. A system can be defined as a collection of components which are organized together for a common purpose. The elements interact among themselves in a manner for accomplishing the business activities of GSK.On the contrary, scientific management approach operates to emphasize and blend the workflow. Thus it plays a significant role to develop economic efficiency, specifically the productivity related with labour (Stark, 2015). The approach assures the full use of resources and thus it gives better result in the increment of productivity and performance. It is also related with the mutual concern of the group members of the organization like employer ad employees.

In addition to this the socio technical theory emphasizes the relations between the employees and highermanagement of organization. It is very helpfulto carry out the efficient communication channel in the organizational framework by clearing the doubts or miss-perception among the employees and employers. It develops the feeling of unity among the employees thus they are able to perform better and their show positive attitude towards the organization (Miner, 2013). Therefore it can be said that employees are able to perform better in the organization with the help of this theories in the organization.

2.3 Use a range of theories and other sources of information to evaluate the different approaches to management at GSK

There are different approaches to the organization that help the organization to perform better and try to guide the employees in the organization. The most efficient approach is distributing the authority to the subordinates and tries to manage their work providing effective solution to them. The most effective approach is being evaluated is equipping and enabling approaches, transferring approach, approaching the goals and scheduling. These all approaches help the organization to reach the desired destination and try to improve the working efficiency of the employees in organization. This all approaches help the organization to reach on the specific destination and try to guide the employees in the organization. There are various sources to collect the information regarding the management policy like employees feedback, performance evaluation of the employee’s etc. To identify the role of approaches in the GSK is through various processes like performance evaluation, identification of approaches etc (Heinrichs.et.al.2013). The delegating and micromanaging approaches facilitate in analyzing the load on the subordinates and if they are able to handle that workload then they can easily handle any situation in the organization.

GSK follows the scheduling and it is deciding the goal approach with the reason of measurement of performance levels of the organization. It has been identified that having this kind of approach management can easily achieve the organizational goals. On the other hand Morrison follows the delegating the work and micromanaging approach in the organization thus they are not able to complete the task on time face various problems related to the management of work in organization. This particular approach help the management to achieve the management goals but not able to identify the issues faced by the workers in the organization (Rogers, 2014). GSK is able to understand the problems of employees and try to boast their morale in the organization.

Taks 3

3.1 The impact of different leadership style in motivation within the changing period

In a current situation, every organization needs a direction in an effective manner. For this purpose organization implement leadership style which are as follows:-

  • Autocratic leadership style
  • Democratic leadership style
  • Transactional leadership style
  • Laissez- faire leadership style

These leadership styles can fulfil organizational goal with the help of motivating the employee. The employee of aGSK gets a motivation in manner like a monetary, health and safety , environmental benefits etc. These motivation leads employee to stimulate their goal with organization goal so both goals can easily be accomplished.GSK follows the transformational leadership style (Moors, 2015).

Following are the leadership theory which is used for motivating an employee:-

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK 2

                                                      Figure 2 Leadership style

  • Transformational leadership style: In this theory, the leaders work with their employee to recognised required changes in an organization. This theory helps to leaders and subordinate to work with a new object which is change according to needs. The leader of an organization gets a motivation to employee work with in different situation so the desirable goal can be accomplished.
  • Autocratic leadership style: According to this theory, the leader of an organization controls all the affairs of business and makes decisions or less involvement of another team member. Here an employee and lower level management never involve in any  decision making . The lower level employees follow decision of leader whether it is right or not. This type of leaders takes a decision based on their skill and best judgment. The role of lower management is less and generally this type of leader rarely accepts any advice of subordinate.
  • Democratic leadership style: In this theory, all members of an organization take actively part in any decision making. They have an opportunity to express their view on any decision. They can exchange their idea on any projects so the productivity of an organization will be increased. The management give a chance to employee to build their knowledge (Bar-Tal, 2012). The decision is taken by mutual understanding with employee and employer but the final decision is always taken by top management. For instance leaders in organization always focused to get the work done.

3.2 Motivational theories at the work place

Herzberg theory: This theory is mainly based on two factors which are hygiene factor and motivating factor. Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of an employee depends on various factor. The hygiene factor includes salary, benefits, job security, working condition etc. Whereas motivation factors depend on the individuals need of satisfaction which are basically vary from people to people. The leaders in GSK use this theory to motivate the employees in organization.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK 3

Maslow’s theory: According to this theory, every individual have some basic needs. Every individual try to fulfil their basic needs if one needs accomplish then they do a work for another need. According to these theory, the need on an individual’s  are classify into five stages i.e. basic or physiological needs, safety needs love and belonging needs, esteem needs and self actualization needs. An individual give their best efforts to fulfil needs of them so setup objective of organization also accomplished effectively (West, 2012). The theory explains the leaders in GSK to keep the employees motivated and always try to complete their needs. 

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK 4

                     Figure 4 Maslow’s theory

3.3 Importance of motivation theories for the managers and limitation of these theories at GSK

Motivation is the most important part in GSK, with the help of this theory organization can easily motivate the employees in the organization. It can be said that motivation is the most significant aspect in the organization thus it can be said that manager can easily improve the efficiency of the employees. This theory help the leader to apply them in the organization and they are able to implement it in the organization.

For managers it is important that the managers have thorough knowledge of the motivational theories which they could apply in motivating the employees. As per the Maslow, manager plays vital role in the organization to motivate the employees in the organization and also improve the efficiency of employees. It is important for the manager to apply it in the organization thus they are able to get in touch with the employees. The theory of Maslow states that employees have some specific needs like safety needs, basic needs, love and belonging, self actualization needs and esteem needs. This are the basic needs that have to fulfil in the organization thus employees able are to be perform better (Qian.et.al.2013). The managers are wholly liable to keep an eye on the needs of the employee and assure that they are been achieved successfully.

In addition to this the manager must assure that appropriate allocation of remunerations and endorsement to the employees with the reason to keep them motivated at GSK. The manager must recognize the ways thus employees are able to perform better in the organization. GSK always expect that employees in the organization will perform better this can be easily be achieved with the help of motivation theory.

Task 4

4.1 Nature of groups and group behaviour within GSK

To achieve the organizational goals all the employees in the organization have to work in coordination. Groups in the organization are further classified into two categories like formal and informal group. The teams are been assigned with the different activities that are performed thus all the employees are able to perform better in the good working environment. It has been identified that organization has to follow the formal group working environment in the organization. These groups then ensure the achievements of provided task effectively and lead towards the higher goals. The formal groups are mainly designed by the top level management in the organization where as informal groups are designed by the staff members in the organization.

Formal and informal groups are been included in GSK working with the different task for the achievement of organizational goals.

Formal Group: GSK’s formal group mainly contains a well defined structure framework and follows a well designed communication channel to circulate the information (Moreland.et.al.2013). In relation to this group behaviour plays vital role in achievement of organizational goals. The size of the formal group is large and the members are bound by professional relationship. Behaviour of the employees is the most important part in a group by which they can easily work with the help of coordination. The different formal groups in GSK are:

  • Command Groups: This is a group comprising of managers and their subordinates.
  • Task force: These are the groups formed for achieving or completing particular tasks.
  • Functional group: These groups comprise of functional members for examples, sales, finance etc which are responsible for a functional activity like managing the finances or looking after the sales in an organisation.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour Assignment - GSK 5                                               

                     Figure 5: Groups in GSK

4.2 Factors that may promote the development of effective teamwork at GSK

There are various factors that promote the cooperative work in the organization. Effective team work helps the management to achieve the objectives in the organization. There are factors like leadership, diversity, individual skills, communication which plays vital role in achieving the management goals. Leadership is the most crucial element in the organization; with the help of this effective team work can be achieved in the organization. Leaders in the groups can motivate the employees thus they give their best to achieve the organizational goals. Communication is another factor that helps the management to get in touch with the employees and try to encourage them to do better for the achievement of predefined goals. The skill of the employees is another factor that helps the management to get the work done easily in the business that with the help of skilled employee management does not invest the time for training directly allots the task. It is the dusty of the entire employees to get the work done on time with the skill and qualification (Miner, 2015). It can be said that this factors plays vital role in the development of effective team work in GSK.

4.3 Impact of technology on the team functioning

Technology plays vital role in achieving the team work. It makes the task easy and more crucial for the employees in the organization. Team mates of different groups can easily communicate with the each other and get the work on time. Leaders in the team can easily communicate the information to the team mated and it is simple for the leader to allot the task to all the employees. Technology has changed the whole procedure of communication in the organization. It can be said that information technology plays vital role in the achievement of task on time.

Management have the liability to flow the information to the employees. With the help of technology team leaders can easily flow the information among the group members. Email is the best option which leaders can use and easily flow the information among the group members. Another tool used by the managers is mobile phone that helps the leaders to share the information to the team mates (Nielsen and Nielsen, 2013). Trough video conferencing a manager can easily get in touch with the team mates and easily give the necessary information to them.

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The study gives brief about the culture and structure of GSK and Morrison thus it can be concluded that formal structure followed by the GSK is beneficial for the organization. The report identifies that relation between structure and culture is more important for the Organization. GSK follows the transformational leadership style thus GSK can easily guide the employees in the organization. Technology influence different groups in the organization thus they are able communicate easily in the organization. Email and mobile phones is the most important instrument in the communication process of differentgroups.


Books and Journals
Bar-Tal, D., 2012. Group beliefs: A conception for analyzing group structure, processes, and behavior. Springer Science & Business Media.
Chodosh, J., Colaiaco, B.A., Connor, K.I., Cope, D.W., Liu, H., Ganz, D.A., Richman, M.J., Cherry, D.L., Blank, J.M., del Pilar Carbone, R. and Wolf, S.M., 2015. Dementia care management in an underserved community the comparative effectiveness of two different approaches. Journal of aging and health27(5), pp.864-893.
Chua, B.W., Koh, S.J., Quek, G. and Yeo, K.C., 2015. The Relationship of 21st Century Competencies to Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Structural Equation Model. Advanced Science Letters21(7), pp.2488-2492.
Fuhse, J.A., 2013. Social relationships between communication, network structure, and culture.In Applying Relational Sociology (pp. 181-206). Palgrave Macmillan US.
Heinrichs, K., Oser, F. and Lovat, T. eds., 2013. Handbook of moral motivation: theories, models, applications (Vol. 1). Springer Science & Business Media.
Miner, J.B., 2013. Miner (2013), Addendum: The Role Motivation Theories of Organizational Leadership. Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary Edition (Monographs in Leadership and Management, Volume 5) Emerald Group Publishing Limited5, pp.395-398.
Miner, J.B., 2015. Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge.
Moors, A., 2015. Motivation theories .
Moreland, R.L., Levine, J.M. and Wingert, M.L., 2013. Creating the ideal group: Composition effects at work. Understanding group behavior2, pp.11-35.