Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd

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Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd
Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd
Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd


This program has been conducted over the topic Development of an individual personal and professional development plan so as to analyse the role of personal and professional development in the life of an individual. Development of an individual provides knowledge and develops the skills possessed by it. It helps an individual in developing its capabilities so as to enhance the skills and knowledge possessed by it. This program provides an understanding of the self-managed learning and its impact in development of the individual. There are various approaches of self-managed learning which have been discussed in this program (Sugarman, 2011). It provides an understanding of the advantages of self-managed learning to an individual as well as to the organisation in which it is working, evaluation of the skills with the objectives decided by the organisation, identification has been done of the development needs and measures or needs which helps in eliminating the gap between the current skills and the desired skills and a personal and professional plan has been developed which is based on the identified needs. There is various process and activities which are required for the purpose of implementation of the development plan. An organisation faces various issues or problems during the execution of the activities of the business and there is a need to identify a solution for these work based problems. For the communication of these solutions there is a need to adopt methods of communication and for enhancing the performance of an individual as well as of the organisation there is a need of time management strategies (Hinojosa, 2012).

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd 1 - Assignment Help

For the better understanding of these aspects related to personal and professional development an organisation of United Kingdom has been selected named as “The Larder Ltd.” a restaurant of London. It is offering variety of dishes to its customers which include UK and Mexican dishes

Task 1

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd- Assignment Help

1.1 Evaluate the various approaches to self-managed learning.

For the purpose of fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of a senior manager of The Larder Ltd., there is a need to possess various skills and knowledge of the various aspects. For this purpose the most effective method is self-managed learning which helps an individual to develop its skills. Self-managed learning can be understood as the technique which helps an individual to manage its own learning. There are various approaches of self-managed learning. These approaches are discussed below:

  • Internet: internet is the most common and most effective measure or approach which helps in the development of an individual by providing information about the various aspects within short span of time and it an effective manner. An individual can learn management techniques, risk management techniques and various other techniques which help in fulfilling the responsibilities of a senior manager in an effective manner (Sugarman, 2011).
  • Seminars and conferences: in the seminars and conferences different people come together to share their thoughts and knowledge which helps an individual to develop its knowledge.
  • Social networking: with the changing world, the use of the social networking sites in not limited to interactions among people living at different places but it can help the individuals by interacting with the other people and to learn from their information knowledge  and experiences shared over the social networking sites (Bunderson & Boumgarden, 2010).

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd 2

1.2 Propose the ways in which lifelong learning in personal and professional contexts could be encouraged within your chosen organisation.

There are various ways which helps in lifelong learning in personal and professional context that can be used in The Larder Ltd..These ways helps the organisation to enhance the capabilities of the individuals and improving their performance. These ways are as follows:

  • Setting goals: setting the goals for the short as well as long term periods helps in the attainment of the objectives in an effective manner by motivating and providing a direction to the employees for developing its skills (Hinojosa, 2012).
  • Self-evaluation: self-evaluation helps an individual to evaluate its performance in a better manner and to analyse the differences between the actual performance and the desired performance. It forms a base for the personal strategy which helps in the development of strategy for the personal development. It helps in analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of an individual which enables it to grab the opportunities or suffer threats.
  • Self-reflective learning and further education: it helps an individual to learn and develop its skills while executing the duties or responsibilities assigned to it and further education helps an individual to gain theoretical knowledge which can be applied for improving the performance.
  • Motivation and communication: Motivation boasts the morale for encouraging a person for improving its performance and effective communication helps in better coordination and learning from the others (Abiy, et. al., 2014).

1.3 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to you and your chosen organisation.

Self-managed learning is an effective measure for the development of an individual and of the organisation. It provides various advantages to an individual as well as to the The Larder Ltd.. These benefits are discussed below:

  • Developed communication skills: It helps in the development of the communication skills of an individual as well as of the writing skills of an individual. It makes an individual self-dependent and enhances the performance of the individual. And it helps the organisation by creating effective mediums for the purpose of communication and creates a healthy and better environment at the workplace (Sugarman, 2011).
  • Developed presentation skills: With the help of conferences and seminars an individual gains knowledge of the different ways of presenting the things. It develops the presentation skills of the individual. It helps the organisation by preparing its employees for presenting the ideas or information of the organisation in front of others in a better manner. In a restaurant there is a need to learn the effective way of presenting as it creates huge impact over the customers.
  • Developed team work skills: every individual is a part of a group or a team as the operations of the organisation get performed by them as a team. It helps the individual by preparing it for working in a team and helps the organisation by promoting team spirit among the employees (Cunningham, 2010).

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd 3

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Task 2

2.1 Evaluate your current skills and competencies against professional standards and the objectives of your chosen organisation. (You must identify the professional standards and your organisational objectives to identify the gap in your current skills and competencies through CVs, skills audit forms or a personal SWOT analysis).

Personal and professional skills and competencies audit:


Typical description

Skill level

low                 high

1    2    3    4    5

Specific comments

Organisation and management of time

Allocation of time for the completion of the activities of The Larder Ltd.


Techniques used for this purpose are effective (Sedlack, 2011).

Decision making and problem solving

Approaches or effectiveness in dealing with the problems arising during the execution of the activities of The Larder Ltd..


Approaches used for decision making are effective and effectiveness in identification of the problems (Hinojosa, 2012).


Preparation of plans for specific targets.


Planning process is less effective and can be improved.


Dividing the authority and responsibility to others for better functioning.


Delegation has been used properly for enhancing the performance.


Encouraging the employees or others for performing better.


Motivational techniques have been used for encouraging employees.


Guiding others for the execution of the activities.


Coaching or guidance need to be properly provided (Hinojosa, 2012).

Target setting

Deciding the objectives or the target which need to be achieved.


The targets have been identified in an effective manner after proper evaluation.

Interpersonal skills

Skills possessed for dealing of behaving with other.


Interpersonal skills are effectively used (Sedlack, 2011).

Communication skills

Effectiveness in communicating the thoughts and ideas with others.


The methods of communication are effective but can be improved.

Developing oneself and others

Providing training to oneself or for others for developing the skills and knowledge.


Training needs need to be identified in a proper manner (Hinojosa, 2012).

Customer oriented

Providing quality services to the customers and ensuring quality experience.


Focusing over the needs or expectations of the customers.

Knowledge of restaurant operations

Gaining knowledge of the operations of the restaurant


Gaining understanding of the manner in which operations of the restaurant are carried out.

Dedicated team player

Effectively working in a team.


Effectively performing the operations in a team for attaining the objectives.

2.2 Identify your development needs and the activities required to meet identified gaps.

An individual need to have knowledge of the various skills aspects which helps in meeting the identified gaps. It needs to gain knowledge of the management techniques or strategies for managing time and people, leadership skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, anger management, listening skills, quick learner, customer oriented, helpful, dedicated team player and  decision making  skills so as to deal with the problems. For the purpose of meeting these identified gaps a personal strategy need to formulated and implemented. This strategy will help in the development of an individual as well as provides knowledge of the various aspects. It helps the individual by developing it for maintaining effectiveness in the functioning of the The Larder Ltd.. All the aspects can be analysed with the help of a SWOT analysis of the individual which helps in identification of the strengths, weaknesses of an individual opportunities and threats available in the external environment (Hadidi, 2014).

2.3 Identify your own development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs.

Personal SWOT Analysis:



  1. Effective communication skills.
  2. Effective interpersonal skills.
  3. Effective time management techniques.
  4. Effective use of delegation.
  5. Knowledge of the motivational techniques.
  6. Develops team spirit.
  7. Knowledge of the manner of presentation
  1. Less effective in planning process.
  2. Less knowledge of the training and development aspects.
  3. Less effective in using identification of the problems.
  4. Less effective in guiding towards the common direction.
  5. Less knowledge of the leadership skills.
  6. Less knowledge of self-management tools.



  1. Future aspects or growth.
  2. Developing the knowledge of effective planning.
  3. Availability of the proper guidance.
  4. Developing leadership skills.
  1. Leakage of information.
  2. Lack of availability of knowledge of leadership skills.
  3. Lack of interest of external parties.
  4. Social factor of the place 9Mancuso, et. al., 2015).

2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs.

Personal and Professional Development Plan:

What do I want/need to learn?


What will I do to achieve this?


What resources or support will I need?



What will my success criteria be?


Target dates for review and completion

Development of the communication skills and decision making skills.

For this purpose self-managed techniques or approaches need to be used.

Internet, seminars and conferences will help as a resource.

Comparing the present skills with those after application of the techniques (Jackson & Thurgate, 2011).

25 August 2016

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan.

For the implementation of the personal and professional development plans there is a need to decide various aspects which affects the implementation plan. These aspects are as follows:



Deciding the  time frame

There is a need to divide or allocate time for every activity of the implementation plan so as to complete the development in an effective manner within the specified time frame.

Assessment of the skills and knowledge

Identify the skills and knowledge required for the activities and develops those skills and knowledge (Jackson & Thurgate, 2011).

Learning strategies

For the purpose of implementation of development plan there is a need to adopt strategies.

Learning resources

Various sources are available which helps in developing the skills and implementing the plan.

Getting feedbacks

Feedbacks are an effective method which helps in evaluation of the activities (Hosoda & Suzuki, 2015).

3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned.

For the purpose of execution of the activities as the plans there is a need to consider few aspects. These are as follows:

  • Consulting with each other: this helps in executing the implementation process in a proper manner without any error due to lack of communication between the employees.
  • Guiding and supervising: guiding and supervising the employees helps in providing a direction to their efforts and it leads to attainment of the objectives of the organisation in a better manner. And evaluating the roles played by the employees in a better manner (Sugarman, 2011).
  • Organising the groups and managing performance: organising the groups helps in the generation of team efforts among the employees and helping each other in the execution of the activities of the development plans as per the planning.
  • Training the employees: providing training to the employees helps in enhancing the performance of the employees and execution of the implementation process in a better manner (?lin & Y?ld?r?m, 2010).

3.3 Reflect critically on your own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan.

With the help of self-managed learning employees gains a knowledge of the roles and responsibilities they need to fulfil for the purpose of meeting the expectations of the organisation from them. Staff learning approach helps the employees in understanding the manner in which the activities need to be carried out for the execution of the plans of the organisation. Self-learning approach or techniques help in preparing the employees for the roles they need to play and for their personal life as well. Self-learning technique helps the employees in understanding the expectations of the organisation from them and identifying the problems or issues faced by the organisations. Self-managed learning has helped in the attainment of the objectives and aims set in the development plan. It has helped in the development of the individual in personal as well as professional life and gaining the knowledge of the various  employability skills  required for the purpose of fulfilling the responsibilities of a senior manager (Tractenberg, et. al., 2010).

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd 4

3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback and evaluation (the feedback and evaluation can be from tutors, mentors and line managers)

Feedbacks and evaluation is an effective manner for the identification of the loopholes or aspects lacking in the development plans prepared by the organisation.A development plan needs to be effective so as guide the efforts towards the attainment of the objectives and aims of the organisation. The feedback and evaluation of the development plan by the line manager has helped in the identification of the issues or problems which may results in failure of the effective implementation of the development plans. The major issues which were disclosed by the line manager were the lack of decision making power which may affect the activities of the organisation at large as decision making power is required at every stage of the activities. And there is a need to develop the leadership qualities so as to lead the employees and their efforts in the common and desired direction (Sugarman, 2011).

Task 4

4.1 Identify two work-based problems in your chosen organisation and select solutions to these problems.

Work-based problems can be understood as the problems arising at the workplace and which creates huge impact over the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. The major work-based problems analysed in the The Larder Ltd. is related to the team management which has created a huge impact over the performance of the employees as well as organisation at large. This can be solved with the help of generation of the team spirit and learning team management strategies. Another work-based problem identified in The Larder Ltd. is related to the lack of leadership skills. Leadership skills help in execution of the activities in better manner by guiding and leading the employees. For this purpose training should be provided to the manager so as to develop leadership skills (Akbarzadeh & Enferadi, 2011).

4.2 Explain how these solutions will be communicated appropriately to various levels within your chosen organisation using a variety of communication styles and manner.

For the purpose of communicating these solutions in an effective manner to the different levels of The Larder Ltd. there is a need to adopt various methods or styles of communication. These are verbal communication, non-verbal communication and written communication. In verbal communication, communication is made in oral form. It is the most common method or style of communication and it widely used by the organisations for the purpose of communicating with the different levels of the organisation. In non-verbal communication, communication is made with the help of body language, gestures, and facial expressions and with postures. This style of communication is less preferred as it may lead to confusions among the different levels of the organisation. The last style is written form which includes communicating in written form. It provides clear understanding of the information and effective communication among the levels of the organisation (R?ducan&R?ducan, 2014).

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Larder Ltd 5

4.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of different time management strategies used in your chosen organisation.

There are various time management strategies which can help in managing the time in an effective manner so as to enhance the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. The time management strategies adopted by The Larder Ltd. are prioritisation, using a planning tool so as to avoid the wastage of time, delegating the work so as to reduce the time and to motivate others and dividing the tasks into smaller sections. These time management strategies have helped in enhancing the effectiveness of The Larder Ltd. as these strategies have reduced the time and efforts as well as helped in generation of the team spirit, trust and loyalty among the employees towards the organisation. These strategies have helped in allocation of the time for the completion of the activities of The Larder Ltd. so as to estimate the total time involved in the process (Zheng, et. al., 2010).

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This program has been prepared so as to develop the skills and knowledge of an individual for the purpose of enhancing their capabilities. For the purpose of development of the skills and knowledge of an individual there is a need to apply techniques or approaches. This program has helped in understanding the aspects which affects the personal and professional development of an individual in a better manner. It explains the role of professional development plan which helps in achieving the objectives. Unit 13 personal and professional development assignment Larder Ltd report provides knowledge of the methods of communication which can be used for the purpose of solving the work based problems. There are various benefits of self-managed learning to an individual and to the organisation which have been discussed in this report.


Abiy, D.S., Kabeta, G.G. & Mihiretie, D.M. 2014, "Developing a lifelong learning system in Ethiopia: Contextual considerations and propositions", International Review of Education, vol. 60, no. 5, pp. 639-660.
Akbarzadeh, A. & Enferadi, J. 2011, "A Virtual Work Based Algorithm for Solving Direct Dynamics Problem of a 3-RRP Spherical Parallel Manipulator", Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 25-49.
Bunderson, J.S. & Boumgarden, P. 2010, "Structure and Learning in Self-Managed Teams: Why "Bureaucratic" Teams Can Be Better Learners", Organization Science, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 609-624.
Cunningham, I. 2010, "Learning to lead - self managed learning and how academics resist understanding the process", Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 4-6.
Hadidi, R. 2014, "A curriculum to fill the gap between business and technical knowledge to meet the global need for business and industry professionals", International Journal of Education Research (IJER), vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 75.
Hinojosa, J. 2012, "Personal strategic plan development: getting ready for changes in our professional and personal lives", The American journal of occupational therapy : official publication of the American Occupational Therapy Association, vol. 66, no. 3, pp. e34-e38.
Hosoda, M. & Suzuki, K. 2015, "Using Management Control Systems to Implement CSR Activities: An Empirical Analysis of 12 Japanese Companies",  Business Strategy  and the Environment, vol. 24, no. 7, pp. 628-642.
?lin, G. & Y?ld?r?m, R. 2010, "Reflections of ?ndividual differences on students’ personal development plans",Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 1593-1596.
Jackson, C. & Thurgate, C. 2011, "Personal development plans and workplace learning", British Journal of Healthcare Assistants, vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 292-296.