Personal and Professional Development Assignment Help

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Personal and Professional Development Assignment Help
Personal and Professional Development Assignment
Personal and Professional Development Assignment Help


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Personal and Professional Development

QFC Level

Level 4


In the business environment, there are many hurdles that have to be faced by all the people that operate in the business world and it is just not the organizations that have to cope with the changes that happen in the business world but also the people that want to go far in the organization that they work for. The various employees have to keep up with the changes that happen in the business world and in this assignment we will discuss the various means that hey can adopt in order to keep up in the business world and attain success. (Weston, 2010)

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Task 2

LO2. Be able to take responsibility for own personal and professional development.

P 2.1 Evaluate own current skills and competencies against professional standards and organizational objectives.

In the current times the biggest challenge that has been put in the line for the organizations is to find the employees that are capable for meeting the objectives of the company in the best possible way so that they can take the company to a new dimension of success in the business world and this is something that they can do by maintaining their skills as per the needs and demands of the objectives and he operations of the company that the management wants to perform during the tenure of the organization in the business world. As an employee of the company of Cadbury, I can say that I will have to work very hard to be able to prove myself as an asset for the company and the most important thing that I will have to do is that I will have to brush up my skills and talents as per the standards that are se by the management of my company. The one thing that I lack and the thing that I will have to improve on the urgent basis is to improve my knowledge about the working of the business world, I will have to brush up my analytical skills so hat I can give appropriate results for analyzing the status of the market for the company. In the long run, it will prove to be a good asset for the future of the company and for my self also and I can be a successful employee. (Lifelong learning council Queensland Inc, n.d.)

P 2.2 Identify own development needs and the activities required meeting them.

In the business environment, the biggest advantage that is available to the people that operate in the business world is that they have a wide range of choices that are available to them from which they can choose the best that they will be the best for themselves and also for the organization that they work for. The same choices are available to me as an employee in the world organization of Cadbury wherein I have just joined to improve my employment skills. I am yet to prove my self as an asset for the company and this will only be done once start performing the operations that I am given as per the standards that have been set by the management and this will only be possible if my personal and professional skills are of a high quality and well updated. In the past part of the assignment, I discussed that my analytical skills are not up to the mark and this poses a threat in my way for doing the research for the market and providing the management with the right type of solutions for a better future. In order to improve this skill, I will have to study a good amount of material on the trends that have been observed in the market and then use the knowledge to study the change in the current rends. Other than this I can also attend the various seminars and sessions that are conducted for the newcomers to have a good understanding. (Hein, 2013)

P 2.3 Identify development opportunities to meet current and future defined needs

Like we have mentioned in the beginning of the assignment that everyone that is involved in the working of the business environment in one way or he other has to be careful about keeping up with the change in the trends of the business world and the only way in which they can happen to be able to keep up is to keep brushing up their skills and talents as per the needs of the company in which they work and this has to be done in the regards of the present as well as the future of the company. The biggest advantage that I get as an employee of the Cadbury Company is that I get to improve my skills at every point and the management of the company makes it a point that the employees of the organization get every chance that they need to improve and have a growth in the company. We get o handle project along with out seniors and then also have a sessions with the high end management so that we can learn the way we operate. The sessions also give us a good picture of the goals of the management for the future and we are prepared before hand to be able to deliver those set targets. Of any of the employees does a good job of the task hat he was allocated, the management along with the seniors make a point to appreciate the work that id done by the employee. (Feher, 2013)

P 2.4 Devise a personal and professional development plan based on identified needs.

Being an employee for an organization like the Cadbury has never been easy considering the reputation of the company in the eyes of the market and also the people of the society and also the area of operation of the company which happens p be virtually the entire world and the only thing that can help the employees of he organization to keep up with the demands of the company is o have a good and full thought after plan for personal and professional development that covers all the points that need to be considered in regard to the objectives and the future of the organization. As an employee of the company even I have a personal and professional development plan that focuses on learning new things and then also improving the skills that I already have. As per my plan, the one good thing that I possess is my grasp on the aspect of communication. I never have a problem in conveying my thoughts to the people around me neither do I have an issue in interacting with new people. Other than this, I need to improve my management skills and my team leader qualities and this will help to get my promotions in the company and lead new projects. Other than this I can always take up the time to study the market and its latest trends since this are the one thing that has to be done at all times to be able to sustain. ( (I), n.d.)

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Task 3

LO3. Be able to implement and continually review own personal and professional development plan.

P 3.1 Discuss the processes and activities required to implement the development plan.

Like I have already mentioned in the various parts of the assignment that the biggest advantage that has been presented by the business environment is the wide ranges of choices to choose from and the choices can be made depending upon what is best for the interest of the organization and for the development of he individual as an employee. In the last part of the question I had developed a personal and professional plan for myself stating the various talents that I have and the skills that I need o improve in order to prove myself as an asset for m organization of Cadbury. In this question I will list down the various activities hat I can perform for the achievement of the goals that I have set in my personal and professional development plan. As far as my communication skills are concerned, I have mentioned that they are very good but there is always a room for improvement.  What I can do for them is that I can interact with as many people and possible and keep my knowledge up to date so that I can hold up good conversations and convey my thoughts confidently. For this I will have to read a lot of books and journals. In order to understand the trends of the market, I can attend he various workshops and open house sessions that are conducted at regular intervals to help the new comers gain knowledge about he working of the business world. (, n.d.)

P 3.2 Undertake and document development activities as planned

In the business world, a lot of effort goes into the process of planning and arranging activities that can ensure a good future but it not just the planning that needs to be dealt with. The biggest concept in the business world happens to be the success of the activities that are being planned and the only thing that can attest to the success of the activities is the written prove with supportive documents. The employees of the various organizations in the business world need to maintain the record of the work that they do in the organization and every small little thing is always on the record. This is exactly the rule that is being followed in the organization of Cadbury and as an employee of the organization, it is my duty to make sure that even the personal and professional development plan that I undertake is taken and recorded properly. I would like to bring into limelight that so far I have a read two books that discuss the future of the market and the trends that can possibly take place in the future considering the current state of the activities that are being performed in the business world. Other than this I have also managed to attend a session in which the guest speaker was the CEO of BMW and I got a lot of insights on the way he carried out things to make his organization what it is today in the position of the market. (, n.d.)

P 3.3 Reflect critically on own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan.

Every goal that has ever been set by any organization or by any individual has to be performed with all the best possible that could be made available at the disposal of the person but the duty of performing a job against a set objective doesn’t end there and the only closure to that happens to the evaluation of the task that has been perform and comparing the result of the performed task with the standard that was set at the beginning of the operations. The same rule applies to the personal and professional development plan that I created for myself in the beginning of this assignment and it is very important that I evaluate the outcomes of the operations that I have done with the targets that I had set for myself and see where I stand on the ladder of success. The first and the foremost result is that I have been able to brush up mu communication skills and they have seriously helped me to feel more confident while having a conversation with other people whether they are from my organization or from the outside. I have also managed to get all my facts up to date with the current status of the business market and this knowledge has serious helped me a lot in my operations in Cadbury. Apart from this I have even, till some extent, managed to learn the various aspects of analyzing but still there is a lot of scope of improvement in the future. (Rau-Foster, n.d.)

P 3.4 Update the development plan based on feedback.

As far as my personal and professional development plan is concerned, a big role was played by my seniors in setting up the goals of the  plan and even suggesting me ways in which I can achieve the set objectives and prove to be an asset for the company. They have been very encouraging during the course of the development plan and some of them even offered to record my performance over the period of them then give me suggestions and feedbacks of what they think still need to be done. As far as my knowledge of the business world is concerned, my senior have given me a very positive feedback in which they all have said that I have covered almost every aspect of the business world and what I know is going to be useful for me during hr sessions and working in the various departments of the company. The improvement that I have shown in my communication skills is something that was even appreciated by my seniors who believed that I gave in my best for the interest of the organization and that I was good at what I was doing. The aspect that they all still believe could be more improved is my analyzing skills. I have been told that have come a long way since the past but still there is very long way to go. Some of my seniors suggested that I take up classes and crash courses to understand the concept and the dynamics. (Reference for Business, n.d.)

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Task 4

LO4. Be able to demonstrate acquired interpersonal and transferable skills.

P 4.1 Select solutions to work-based problems

Hilton hotels is one of the leading chain of hotels in the hospitality industry and since so many years they have been catering to the needs of the people that travel from part of the country to the other either for business or for leisure. Hilton chains of hotels have their branches in many different parts of the world wherein they entertain the guests in the best possible manner. Over the last so many years Hilton has been a renowned name in the industry and over the time they have faced their own share of problems that they have managed to solve because they have an exceptional team that works for them and it is the same time that will now enable the Hilton hotel in London to solve the problems of employee turnover ratio that they are facing in the working of the hotel. For this purpose I would advise the management of the hotel to have a session with the employees and try and understand the cause of the problem that the employees are facing in the working of the hotel. From there on the management of the hotel should work on eradicating the cause of the increase in the employee turnover ratio. They should make sure that they employ enough resources to be able to meet the needs and the demands of the employees which will enable the management to eradicate the problem from the root and therefore not face any issue in the future. (Amos, 2007)

P 4.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels.

In the business world, the biggest thing that has to be done by the management of the various companies is to ensure that all the employees of the company are always on the same page so that all the operations that are performed by the employees of the company do not go in vain and the company is able to make the most of the things that they do in the organization to ensure longer tenure in the business world which will not only earn them a good will in the market but also a good position in the minds of the people. The best way to make sure that this is achieved in the business market, the management of Hilton hotel will have to make sure that there some channel of communication that is followed in the organization. This channel of communication will ensure that all the employees are aware of the operations that are being performed in the hotel. This communication will also make sure that the management and the employees have a medium to convey their thoughts to one another and also they will have a medium through which they can exchange the problems that hey are facing in the hotel and therefore the management will be more aware of the mindset of the employees at all times which will help the management to act upon problem as soon as it occurs and this way they will be more equipped to deal with issues like the employee turnover ratio. (Weston, 2010)

P 4.3 Evaluate and use effective time management strategies

In the business environment, there are many different types of operations that are being performed at the same time and sometimes this multitasking poses a problem in the tenure of the business company in the market and sometimes the management and the employees will also have to make sure that they do the work in the right way and also that they are done in the right time. This rule has to follow with utmost care in organizations like the Hilton hotel that function on the global level and that they have a lot at stake to be lost if the work is not done in the correct manner. For this purpose, there are many different techniques and procedures that are available at the disposal of the management of Hilton hotel and the most important one of them happens to be that of time management. It ensures that the work that is done by the employees is done in the right time in the right way. Time management is one thing that helps the employees to differentiate between what is important and what is urgent and in this way the employees can get the maximum amount of work done in the small time that they get in the company. This technique can be used by the management of Hilton hotel to get the maximum work done by the employees without pressuring them about the working hours and without burdening them with the work that is beyond their capacity. (Everiss, n.d.)

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In the end of this assignment we have discussed various thing that have an impact in the working of the business market and the biggest of them all happen to be the employees that work in the various organizations of the business world as they are the ones that work towards the operations of the organizations and make the business world what it is today. But in the end, they are also in the lost of people that have to keep up with the changes that happen in the trends of the business world if they want to succeed.


Amos, J., (2007), Manage Your Time, Jaico Books, New York, [Textbook], [Accessed 3 J
Cadbury, The Story, [Online], Available: [Accessed 7 July 2015]
Colbourne College, Personal and Professional Development; What is Self-managed Learning?, [PDF], Available:[Accessed 7 July 2015]
Everiss, Big Names Prove to have the Youth Touch in their Branding, [Online], Available: [Accessed 8 July 2015]
Feher, R., (2013), Personal SWOT Analysis, [Online], Available: [Accessed 8 July 2015]
Hein, R., (2013), 10 Tips of Making Self- Evaluations Meaningful, [Online], Available: [Accessed 8 July 2015], How to Create a Professional Development Plan, [Online], Available: [Accessed 8 July 2015]

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