Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Solution

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Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Solution
Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Solution
Unit 11 Research Project Assignment Solution


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Research Project Assignment

QFC Level

Level 4


The research project assignment solution project is processed over the impact of pay cut for paying high to the great manager. The problem statement that get identified for conducting research study is it is worth to cut pay for hiring Great Managers. Hiring low cost employees and paying higher pays to the managers is the effective concept followed by the management in order to attain the competitive advantage. These managers are effective enough to execute the strategies and other activities in effective manner that helps in achieving the set objectives of the business organisation. The motive behind paying higher payments to the managers is based on their capabilities as they can increase the production level along with the adequate efficiency and effectiveness. They become the key pillars that helps in getting the set objectives as well as competitive edge over their respective competitors.

Unit 11 Research Project Assignment

Is it Worth a Pay Cut to Work for a Great Manager

Literature Review

There is a great need of operational framework in organization. For the success the human resource should be adequate and planned. This needs to make a revision in the existing workforce and remove the hindrances of the process. There should be a right person on each right place to coordinate with the process. In this report we are discussing with the attributes of the managers which will be deployed in the process with the fairly wage cutting in the existing base of workforce (Chatjuthamard, Jiraporn, Tong & Singh, 2016).

An experienced manager can undergo these changes and organizational visions and aims to make the organization successful and prosperous. Our main concentration of this research is related with the wage cutting or economical facilities but running by highly experiences or great managers by paying them great.

Literature Review for Manager

For an example, a manufacturing unit is run by several staffs who are having high cost as having high industry experiences. They are paid well but the manufacturing facility is producing just few number of units on a daily basis as the staff are having various disconnects and conflicts of interest (Carrau & Acevedo, 2013).

On the contrary the management put a great manager with a great salary who was having good experience in the field and all the lower staff with a basic salary structure. Now the things changed and manufacturing unit is producing high as compare to the before. There is no conflicts of interests for now (Pletnev & Barkhatov, 2016).

The above case is true and hence the business environment should focus more on the great managers rather than the employee perspectives or trained workforce or labor force. A great manager will automatically develop and generate new ideas to make the work possible in quality and in time. The organization expense on the great manager will turn out to be an investment and make the things versatile and in control with the operations of organization (Shavazi & Shorvarzi, 2014).

Successful managers are managed on their own and hence they are successful in meeting the targets of the company. They focus on the organization need with taking care of the employee management. They are making organization polices and procedures followed with adequacy and transparency and allowing the employees to speak up in the forums and making organization goals and aims successful (Guest & Woodrow, 2012).

There are certain parameters which are important in the organization which are related with the employees attributes. Like attitude, it plays a major factor in the employee for their development. Attitude in the organization comes from clothing, attitude and way of handling things at the store which determines the success of the store. Good appearance impresses the customers at the store and they are convinced to buy products from the stores (Risi & Wickert, 2016).

The employees who wear formal clothes and have good appearance are generally more focused towards their work have better attitudes, also high levels of job satisfaction which creates higher levels of customer satisfaction. The attitude of the employees affects their targets and pay. As the competition between the companies is becoming tougher day by day, the companies need to strengthen themselves in the market in order to stand out in the crowd (Maund, 2012).

The efficiency in high end stores is decided to develop a cohesive team and to unite the employees. The wrong appearance or poor appearance of the employees may hamper the image of the company in the front of customers so it is very important to have good appearance. For e.g. A customer visiting in Store A needs to ask something from the workers/ employee to get an assistance, he will easily recognize the employees from their efficiency and will find it easy to shop in that store whereas in Store B, it will be too difficult for the customer to get an assistance from the employee because it is difficult to recognize the employee to ask for help (Tallo, 2015).

Efficiency supports the attributes of the store too which can be its products, its services, prices charged, layout, location of the store, etc. these attributes determines the success  or failure of the store and efficiency adds up the efficiency to it Efficiency boost up the confidence of the employees because there will be no differentiation between the employees in terms of dresses which also prevent the chances of inferiority complex among the employees (Owen, 2015).

Confident employees are the most important assets of the stores which helps it in getting more sales and success in the market. When efficiency is followed in the companies, the employees cannot deny for fulfilling their duties. They are identified as the employees of the company and they have to fulfill their tasks whatever is asked from them by the customers or the bosses (Scott, 2014).

It is evident from different researches that efficiency increases the job performance; it develops better attitudes for work and promotes higher level of job satisfaction and ultimately higher levels of customer satisfaction. It develops the employees’ morale and confidence and the employees feel that the efficiency increases their credibility because a well-dressed employee is trusted by the customers more easily which helps the customers in interacting with the customers (Scott, 2015).

It also leads to employee retention in the company and promotes the performance of the employees. It brings long term profitability to the store because the employees give their best because of the strong connections with the company and the operations of the company are executed properly (Constantin, 2014).

Business Review

Efficiency also brings higher levels of loyalty and commitment by the employees towards their job which ultimately translates to higher levels of job satisfaction. A great manager keeps these things tracked and make the employees motivated to achieve the organization goals and guiding them for their career as well (Sweeney & Knudsen, 2014).

A manager is not only responsible for the organization dilemmas and know how process. But they are also open for the personal nature problems of the employees and other associates. This is because the nature of the manager after having a vase experience becomes versatile and they keep a track of the personal activities of the employees as well (Ramazani & Jergeas, 2015).

Now we will take this research to the advantages of the pay cut which will make the process efficient and economic. The pay cut makes the facility effective in terms of the rates and organization saves money which are rather spent on hiring good people or making the development in the process (Moore, 2016).

Pay cuts are evenly distributed and organized by the organization which will make the work not impacted by the several strikes or riots kind of situations. Pay cuts might frustrate the employees working on higher wages or thinking for negative circumstances. They may create the negativity in the environment of the organization (Axelsson, Axelsson, Gustafsson & Seemann, 2015).

Managers working in the organization are working with a motive to earn for themselves as well. They will work keeping a proper track on the operations to make the management successful. But when they are failed to do so the organization thought of keeping a replacement. This will deploy a new manager. A new manage is always been costly for the organization. But new managers creates new energy in the organization with the specialty and experience they are possessing (Beeden, 2014).

Organization gets business with the team coordination. They should not get set back in terms of the facility non performance. It is the greatest bad luck and hard time for any facility in administration to make the process viable and sufficient. The non operations leads to loss and finally firing takes place. For better optimization the organization hire good and great managers to control these situations which can take out the wrong things from the improper order and make the things correct with their wisdom and new costs involved. This makes the organization profitable in a small investment time and make the mechanism smooth and better for future usage (Dodsworth, 2016).

Employees gets disconnected with this in the initial phase. There may be few firings in the employees as well. There may be low production in the initial phase but for a long term this will benefit the organization. The employees will be getting several other motivations which might be related with the non monetary and kinds things which will attract them to retain with the business (Matteson, Musser & Allen, 2015).

Society and Business Development is the last part which will also be developed with this. As a great manager hired will take care of almost everything in terms of the nature, society and development according to the basic standards. In spite of this the corporate social responsibility is also kept in mind for the great managers as they not only work for the organizational development but also for the organizational reputations. The corporate social responsibility includes several entitlements and programs which are related with the blood donation caps, which is a societal affair and having a global recognition. Plantation camps which is again a societal affair and having global recognition. These all the factors are kept under consideration by the great managers. The exercise they provide is the value add to the organization (Loughlin, 2016).

Research Specification

There are two methods that helps in conducting the research study that is deductive method and inductive method. Both of these methods are effective enough to process the research study in systematic manner and helps in attaining the set objectives. But both of these methods are following different pattern in order to process the research study (Noble & Bestley, 2011). Below are the methods discussed such as: -

Deductive approach

It works as an top down approach and more general to more specific. According to this approach firstly researcher select the theory or a topic of interest than set a specific hypothesis in order to get the specific results. In order to meet out the hypothesis observation is gathered in the form of the data. Gathered data get utilised effectively in order to meet out the hypothesis by making confirmation (Noble & Bestley, 2011). This method is more close ended approach with the effect of the narrow nature because it is concerned with the fact of confirming the hypothesis.

Deductive approach

(Noble & Bestley, 2011)

Inductive approach

It works as an bottom up approach and move from the observations to more general aspects. According to this approach specific observations are taken into consideration that helps in beginning or detecting the patterns or regularities. With the help of the detection researcher build up some of the hypothesis with the use of the observed data and then in the end get some of the general conclusions. This method is more open ended and explanatory from the beginning itself (Habib, et. al., 2014).

Inductive approach

(Habib, et. al., 2014)

Both of these methods are different enough in getting the results and results also are not similar as both are performing over different basis. So in order to process the research study further deductive approach get followed in effective manner that helps in meeting the set objectives and hypothesis of the research study. With the help of this research method research get conducted from top to bottom (Gorard, 2013).

By following the deductive research method researcher set the objectives and hypothesis for research. Then literature review is conducted that helps in gathering the information related to the research topic. Some of the questions set in order to gather the primary data that helps in meeting the set objectives of the research study. With the help of questionnaire relevant information is gathered that get analysed further with the help of different techniques in order to get the results. These analysed data helps in answering the research objectives that helps in executing the research study in successful manner (Gorard, 2013).

Research Approaches

There are two different approaches are there in the form of qualitative approach and quantitative approach that helps in conducting the research study in systematic manner. These approaches are firmly effective as it helps in getting the adequate set of information that meet out the respective research objectives (Creswell, 2014). These approaches discussed as below such as: -

Qualitative approach

This approach is highly focused over getting the quality set of information. The information make inclusion of the gathering data available in the form of secondary data. These set of information is having adequate quality in it because these information already get analysed and evaluated for the purpose of meeting different aspects. Research gather the data from the distinct sources that make inclusion of websites, journals, articles, etc. With the help of these effective sources they are efficient enough to get the required set of information that further utilised in order to meet out the objectives of the research study.

Quantitative approach:

This approach is highly focused over the numerical data as with the help of it adequate set of information is analysed and evaluated. All the data must gathered from the primary sources and with the use of the distinct tools. As primary sources specific population get targeted and tools make inclusion of the interviews, observation and survey. With the help of the adequate tools information is gathered that helps in getting fresh and relevant data that helps in meeting the set objectives of the research study (Yin, 2014).

Both of the research approaches get followed in order to gather the data for the purpose of meeting the set objectives. Distinct and effective information is gathered that helps in answering the set research questions and meeting the objectives as it helps in successful execution of the research study (Toledo-Pereyra, 2012).

Preliminary results

With the use of the literature review set research questions get answered in effective manner that helps in rendering adequate level of information. The answers are made below such as: -

1. Discuss the possibilities of efficiency enhancement with great managers in organization?

There are higher level of efficiency enhancement is made with the great managers in organisation. Great managers are well known for their decision making, strategies, implementation and influencing behaviour that helps in getting the preferable results. Managers make use of their capabilities in using the right and efficient employee at right place that helps in getting their desired results.

2. Analyze the factors of employee motivation and dissatisfaction working with the great or experienced managers?

Great or Experienced managers are effective enough in motivating their employees as they make use of different techniques for executing the work as well as satisfying the need of their respective employees. In order to motivate their employees they are highly focused over paying them some additional monetary benefits, performance appraisals or by nominating them for rewards. Like these managers make use of different motivational methods in order to motivate their employees. They are highly focused over making fair decisions in order to satisfy their respective employees as fair decisions put positive impression over their employees.

3. Evaluate the goals and aims achievement of organization with the active and great managers?

Organisation set different goals and aims for a specific period of time and in order to attain them they hire managers. Active and great managers are effective enough in meeting the set goals and objectives with the help of their respective employees. If they do so successfully then organisation easily make higher payout to them. Active and great managers are highly focused over efficient and quality work from their employees that helps in getting desired results. These kinds of managers are highly beneficial for the organisation as they help in getting the desired results as well as contribute in getting the competitive edge over their competitors.

Results and Discussion

With the use of the questionnaire huge data is gathered and as per the available time period it is not possible to analyse whole data. In context to this adequate sample is taken into consideration that get used for analysing and evaluating the gathered information for extracting adequate set of information. 20 responses are taken out from the whole gathered responses and get analysed below such as: -

Table 1. Working under experienced manager is always been a fun?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Working under experienced manager responses


Majority of the employees are agreed that they enjoyed a lot while working with experienced manager as they help them out in understanding the things in most easiest manner.

Table 2. Great manager leads to great quality?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Great manager leads response


Majority of Employees in the survey are agreed with the statement that great managers results into great quality as they make use of their experience and other features in order to execute the strategies that helps in getting adequate and favourable results.

Table 3. Atmosphere provided by the great managers involves efficiency and effectiveness?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Atmosphere provided by the great managers response


The employees in the survey majority of them are highly agreed with this statement that great managers create adequate environment that enhance the efficiency as well as effectiveness of the employees that get reflected over their work as they attain adequate returns.

Table 4. Do the tough time is easily accessible under professional demeanours?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Do the tough time is easily accessible


Yes the tough time is easily accessible under the professional demeanours and it is highly favoured by the employed in survey program. According to them experienced professional make use of their experiences as well as set of knowledge in order to deal with the adverse or pressurised situation. They come up with effective solution that get followed by everyone in order to perform positively in high pressurised situation.

Table 5. The pay outs to the experienced managers will be slightly higher side as compare to the lower level teams?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








The pay outs to the experienced managers response


The majority of the employees are agreed with the statement that managers pay out are high enough as compare to the lower level employees. And the reason behind this is they manage all the processing, develop short term strategies in order to meet out the long term goals and many others aspects in order to meet out the set organisational goals. They make use of the different tools and techniques in order to execute the processing and helps in attaining the competitive advantage over their competitors.

Table 6. Managers make the quality and organizations dynamic and dimensional?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Managers make the quality and organizations response


Employees are highly agreed with the statement that great managers add value in the organisation in making it dynamic as well as dimensional. With the effect of the great managers employees make use of different tools and techniques in order to execute the activities and helps the organisation in getting their set targets as well as increase their overall efficiency.

Table 7. Managers are definitely needed to monitor, control and guidance?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Managers are definitely needed response


Employees or the respondents in the survey program stated that yes managers are definitely needed for monitoring, controlling and guidance as all three aspects are necessarily required for the purpose of attaining the organisational goals and objectives. Managers need to monitor the activities in order to make the processing in systematic manner, with the help of controlling they are effectively monitor the activities as employees are performing as per the set procedure or not, if not then they need to take corrective actions and with the help of the guidance managers make their employees understand about the way of processing the activities in effective manner. So all three features are essentially needed in order to attain the competitive advantage.

Table 8. Supporting managers are the best guide to career and life?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Supporting managers are the best guide response


Most of the employees are agreed with the statement that it is beneficial for them as well as for their career to render adequate support to their respective managers. With the help of support they become efficient enough to execute the activities. Every manager require adequate support from their team members as managers can guide them, and employees need to execute the plans and make use of guidance in order to attain their set targets.

Table 9. Participative management involvement makes employee happy and satisfied?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








Participative management involvement response


Employees are highly agreed with the statement that participative management involvement effectively make them happy and satisfied as their managers effectively and actively participate with them while processing the activities or assigned tasks. With the effect of it they get adequate level of motivation or encouragement that their manager is actively perform different set of activities with them in order to achieve their set targets.

Table 10. It will be dishonesty if a manager having extra credentials are not paid well?

S. No.

Responses options



Strongly Agree












Strongly Disagree


Total responses








dishonesty if a manager having extra credentials response


The majority of the respondents stated that yes it will be dishonesty if the managers are not paid well even they have extra credentials. Extra credentials are the effective measures that helps them in making them great managers from normal managers. With the effect of these credentials they effectively handle adverse as well as pressurised situation, make their employees understand about the need of the process and help them in getting the desired results. After all this they can't get paid adequately then they get de-motivated and can't perform with overall capabilities.

Limitation of the Research

Limitations are such factors that are not in the control of researcher. Limitations are such barriers that adversely affect the processing the of the research study and may lead towards unfavourable results. There are various aspects fall under the head of the limitations that include time period (which is limited in order to conduct the research study), finance (the amount of available finance is very low), tools and techniques (basic tools and techniques are available in the form of questionnaire and survey evaluation method that helps in gathering information and analyse them) inadequate response made by the target population and many more. The majority of qualitative information can't get easily generalised as it get made over the larger population and can't implied over the small population.

There is effective need of following the research study is systematic manner and make adequate as well as effective use of the available resources in order to complete the research study well on time in order to get the desired favourable results. These are effective limitations that impact the overall processing of the research study and divert the processing of research study towards negative results. The above discussed factors are effectively affecting the progress of the research study if researcher can't take proper care of these.


It is concluded that the research study is processed and executed successfully. In order to start the research project adequate problem get indentified that helps in processing the research study in effective manner. Adequate data is gathered in context to the problem identified that helps in getting adequate knowledge for resolving the problem. It become essentially important that helps in satisfying the different aspects related to the research study. For processing research study further deductive research method is followed as it helps in processing research study in systematic manner. Qualitative and quantitative method is followed for the purpose of data gathering that get utilised for meeting the research objectives. In order to gather the data from the primary source survey is organised with the use of questionnaire. The responses get analysed further that helps in extracting adequate set of information that meet out the research objectives. In order to process the research study systematically action plan is prepared and followed in effective manner that helps in successful execution of the research study.


The gathered data get analysed in effective manner and it get utilised for making adequate set of recommendations and these recommendations are as follows such as: -

  • Management need to take care of their employees as they need to revise their salaries in such a manner due to which they didn't get de-motivated.
  • Management need to introduce effective measures in order to motivate their employees that helps in motivating them after pay-cuts.
  • They need to revise the salary structure for their new hires so that they get hired over low prices.
  • For existing employees they need to assign them additional roles and responsibilities that justify their existing salary structure. Adding responsibility to the employees helps in motivating them and successful and efficient employee attain the future growth.
  • Management need to remain fair while making decisions as it also helps in motivating their employees.
  • Management need to focused over employees as well as manager because if they prefer only one of them then another will create problems. Like if employees get ignored then they might go for strikes and other adverse activities that harm the processing of the business organisation.
  • Management pay the higher amounts to the managers but also need to take care of their respective employees by rendering adequate monetary benefits that helps them in motivating them.
  • After deducting the pays management need to arrange adequate and sufficient non-monetary benefits that helps in satisfying the need of employees.
  • Management need to develop adequate strategies in order to satisfy their employees such as get together programs, team parties and many other factors in order to satisfy and motivate their employees.


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