Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment

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Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment
Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment
Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment


This program is executed over the topical issues on managing human resource so as to provide a better understanding of the various aspects of human resource management. Managing human resource is an important task for every business as human resource is the most important factor which affects the operations of the business. The main focus of human resource is on managing the efforts of the employees in a common direction so as to achieve the objectives or goals of the organisation in a better and effective manner. Topical issues on managing human resources assignment report discusses the guest model of Human resource management which helps in the accomplishment of the standard performance which an organisation wants to achieve and the implications of the line manager.A model of flexibility has been explained, the various types of flexibility which an organisation can develop andthe use of flexible working practices from the prospective of employer and employee have been discussed. There are various types of discriminatory practices which can take place at the workplace and for the purpose of dealing with these practices there is a need to provide equal opportunities to the human resource. Every organisation need to manage its human resource so as to comply with the legislations or rules and regulations (Coslow, 2012).

For the purpose of better understanding of the various aspects of  human resource management , a company of United Kingdom has been selected named as “Iceland Foods Ltd”. It is a British supermarket chain which is providing various food products to its customers which includes prepared meals, meat, dairy products, dry goods and vegetables. It was founded in 1969 and it’s headquarter is located in Deeside, Wales, United Kingdom(Iceland UK).

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment 1

Task 1

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment - Assignment Help

1.1. Explain Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organisation of your choice.

Guest’s model of human resource management is a framework which provides different approaches for the purpose of managing the performance of the employees so as to match with the standards decided by an organisation. This deals with the goals or objectives of an organisation, behaviour of the employees, and performance of the employees and long term results of the activities undertaken by the organisation. Iceland can apply this guest’s model so as to provide a direction to the operations of the organisation in a common direction. There are six dimensions of analysis available according to the Guest’s model. These dimensions can help Iceland in the attainment of the desired objectives or the standards so as to develop and expand its areas of operation (Coslow, 2012). These dimensions are as follows:

  • HRM strategy: these strategies help in making innovations in the strategies adopted by the organisation so as to differentiate from the others and to compete in this competitive world. It also helps in focusing over the quality of the products and services offered by Iceland so as to reduce the cost involved. This cost reduction can help in maximising the profits of Iceland.
  • HRM practices: this dimension provides a direction for the selection, training, appraisal, rewarding, designing the job, involving the human resource in the various activities of the organisation and providing safety and job security to the employees of Iceland.
  • HRM outcomes: this dimension helps Iceland by focusing over the commitment, quality and flexibility in the operations of Iceland (Dehaghani & Faradonbeh, 2013).
  • Behaviour outcomes: this dimension focuses over the efforts which need to be made so as to motivate the human resource which will help in better cooperation among the different levels of Iceland and involving the human resource so as to enhance the behaviour of human resource towards the organisation.
  • Performance outcomes: performance outcomes focus over improving the quality, productivity and making innovations. And to reduce the employee turnover, conflicts among the employees, complaints of the customers and absenteeism among the employees.
  • Financial outcomes: this dimension helps Iceland to maximise its profits so as to gain a better return on its investment (Dehaghani & Faradonbeh, 2013).

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment 2

1.2. Using an organisation of your choice, compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices.

The storey’s model was developed by John Story in 1989. It defines the Human resource management as a strategic approach of management used by an organisation for the purpose of valuing the human resource so as to contribute towards the accomplishment of the objectives of the organisation with efforts in a common direction. This model has divided human resource management in to hard and soft human resource management. Hard human resource management focuses over the management of the human resource in such a manner that it contributes towards the overall growth of the organisation. And soft human resource management places its focus over maintaining the relationship with the employees so as to maintain the quality and value the human resource (Dalton & Druker, 2012). The differences between storey’s definitions of human resource management and personnel and IR practices are discussed below:


Human resource management

Personnel and IR


It is an approach which is focused over gaining a competitive advantage to Iceland and lead towards success.

It is focused towards providing an advantage to the employers so as to develop relationship with the employees for gaining their commitment and satisfying them.

Beliefs and assumptions

It motivates the employees for performing well so as to enhance the performance of the organisation.

The main focus is on the needs of the business.

It includes the execution of the activities within the framework of the contract or the guidelines.

The main focus is on the procedures and policies of the business (Dalton & Druker, 2012).

Strategic aspects

It involves less time in decision making and adopts customer oriented approach.

Key relation in this is with the customers.

The time involved in the process of decision making in this is more as it adopts labour management approach.

Key relation in this is with the labour management.

Line management

The role of line manager in human resource management is transformational.

The communication in this is direct.

The role of the line manager is transactional.

The channel of communication in this is indirect.

Key levers

Pay in human resource management is based on the performance of the employees.

Communication in Human resource management is increased.

The pay in personnel management and IR is based on the evaluation.

Communication in Personnel management and IR is restricted to a certain limit.

1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees for developing a strategic approach to HRM for any organisation of your choice.

There are various implications for a line manager as well as for the employees so as to develop a strategic approach to human resource in Iceland. It is the responsibility of a line manager to coordinate the process of the whole organisation with the human resource so as to serve as a link between the different levels of the organisation. With the changing environment there is a need to change the strategies adopted by Iceland so as to deal with the increasing competition and gain success. Line managers forms the strategies for human resource management as it is aware of the different aspects and is serving as a link between the human resource and top level management. They execute the human resource practices at the workplace of Iceland. There is a need to possess certain skills and knowledge by the line manager and by the employees so as to execute the activities of Iceland in a better manner. There are various aspects of Iceland which need to be managed in an effective manner. These aspects includeorganisational culture, leadership style, policies of business and goals of Iceland. Line manager need to have a proper means of communication so as to develop a better understanding and coordinate with each other in a better manner. Line manager and employees also need to possess skills and knowledge of the various tools or techniques which helps them in performing their duties well. Iceland is having skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workforce which need to be properly managed so as to conduct the activities in a better way (Rees & Johari, 2010).

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Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in your organisation.

Flexibility in relation to the organisation can be understand as the ability of an organisation to react to a change and adopting it quickly so as to gain the maximum benefit from these changes. It shows the ability of an organisation to change according to the changing environment or requirement of the customers. There are various aspects of Iceland which need to be managed with a flexible attitude so as to grasp the opportunities standing in front of it. These aspects includes changing technology, change in the demand, taste or preference, change in the availability of the resources, globalisation which leads to increase in the competition, change in the human resource of the organisation and change in the growth rate of the product market. Working in a flexible environment increases the effectiveness of the employees as well as develops the capabilities of the organisation to adopt the changes occurring in the environment in which it exists. Flexible workings help Iceland by improving its performance as well as increase the satisfaction level derived from the job. For an example when Iceland will adopt a flexible working hour schedule which helps it in managing the performance of the human resource in a better manner as the employees will feel motivated and encouraged (Sparrow, 2012).

2.2 Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by your organisation.

There are various types of flexibility exists which help in improving the performance of Iceland as well as encourages the human resource so as to enhance their performance for the accomplishment of the objectives of Iceland. These types of flexibility help in involving the human resource in the execution of the operations of Iceland in a better manner. Flexible working arrangements can be in the form of part-time working, full-time working, and job sharing, flexible timings of work, mobile working, career breaks, and annual hours, working from home and compressed hours. Different types of flexibility are discussed below:

  • Functional flexibility: in this type of flexibility the employees or human resource need to be able to perform various functions which helps in dealing with the changing situations. When the employees will be able to perform the various tasks then it reduces the dependency over a single person.
  • Temporal flexibility: this type of flexibility can be understood as the change in the working hours, working schedule so as to meet the changing requirement which Iceland faces in its routine functioning.
  • Wage flexibility: in this form of flexibility the ways given or offered to the employees need to be based on the performance of the human resource so as to enhance their capabilities and motivate them to perform better.
  • Numerical flexibility: in this type of flexibility making arrangements of the human resource within a short span of time because of the changes or fluctuations in the conditions so as to grab the opportunities. The arrangement can permanent or temporary in nature (Bal & De Lange, 2015).

2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective.

There are various advantages of using flexible working practices or adopting these practices in the workplace. These types of flexibility provide advantages to the employer as well as to the employees. The major advantages of flexible working practices from the prospective of employer and employees are discussed below:

  • It enhances the satisfaction level derived by the employees from the job, improves the morale of the employees and increases the productivity of the employees which results in increase in the productivity of Iceland.
  • It provides quality human resource to Iceland which helps in executing the activities of the business in a better manner.
  • It motivates the employees, which helps in enhancing the capabilities, skills, knowledge, energy and creativity of the employees which helps in attainment of the objectives of Iceland in a better manner.
  • It reduces the stress among the employees and employer and promotes effective communication which helps in the flow of information between the employer and employee effectively and reduces absenteeism among the employees.
  • It promotes the career development opportunities for the employees and provides a fair treatment to the employees so as to provide safety to them.
  • It helps the employer in meeting the changing situations and dealing with the increasing competition (Aladwan, et. al., 2015).

2.4 Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices.

Labour market refers to the market or a mechanism with the help of which the  demand and supply  of the human resource met by an organisation. The requirement of the type of human resource with different skills and knowledge affects the supply of the human resource in the market. Iceland identifies the requirement of the human resource according to the type of job which need to be fulfilled by the recruitment of the employee. It is an important aspect for every organisation. The availability of the human resource may get affected due to the demographic conditions, diversity, skills, knowledge and qualifications. Demographic conditions create huge impact as change in the demographic trends affect the availability of human resource which suits to the requirement of Iceland. The impact of diversity can be understood asthe availability of the human resource which gets affected due to the differences in gender, age, caste or race. In United Kingdom there is a sudden change in the number of females getting engaged in the business sector. Due to this aspect there can be chances of increase in the discrimination which adversely affects the performance of the organisation. Skills, knowledge and qualifications are one of the most important aspects which create huge impact over the flexible working practices of Iceland. As the skills, knowledge or qualification possessed by a person or an individual helps it in the execution of the role or duties assigned to it in a better manner (Amin, et. al., 2014).

Task 3

3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Discrimination can be understood as the process of treating different people differently due to the differences in the caste, race, gender, colour or financial status.There are various forms of discrimination which can occur or take place at the workplace of Iceland. These forms of discrimination are discussed below:

  • Direct discrimination: in this form of discrimination more importance is given to an individual from the others or the employer gives favour to an individual. This form of discrimination affects the behaviour of the employees for each other as well as for the organisation.
  • Indirect discrimination: in this form of discrimination a team or a group feels that the roles or duties assigned to them are hard then the roles or duties assigned to the other teams or groups. This form of discrimination affects the performance of the team or group which ultimately affects the performance of the whole organisation.
  • Harassment: when an employees is being harassed by the others in the organisation. This form of discrimination affects the environment or culture of the workplace which leads to increase in the employee turnover ratio which increases the involvement of time, efforts and money in the process of recruitment or selection process and it also creates harm to the image of the organisation in the environment in which it exists.
  • Victimisation: in this form of discrimination less favour is given to an employee in comparison to the others due to the complaints made by it which demotivates the employee and affects the duties performed by the employee (Nier & Gaertner, 2012).

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment 3

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

Equal opportunities can be understood as providing equal chances to the employees so as to avoid any form of discrimination in an organisation. Equal opportunities help in the elimination of the discriminatory practices taking place at the workplace of Iceland. Equal opportunities legislation can have positive as well as negative implications over Iceland. These implications are discussed below:

  • Financial implications: these implications affect the financial condition of the organisation. If Iceland is unable to fulfil the responsibilities which are specified in the acts then there may be chances when the financial implications are levied over the organisation.
  • Policy and practice analysis: there is a need to adoption of the policies which bounds or restricts the organisation for providing equal opportunities to the employees and providing equal pay to the employees so as to match up with the  contract law  or rules and regulations framed by the government of United Kingdom for safeguarding the employees from the unethical practices.
  • Policies for discriminatory practices: discriminatory practices not only create an impact over the image of the employee but also create an impact over the performance of the employees as well as over their behaviour towards the organisation and other employees working in the organisation.
  • Human resource management policies or guidelines: these policies or guidelines lay down the framework in which an organisation needs to operate so as to conduct its activities within the legal framework (Jain, et. al., 2010).

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment 4

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give examples from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

Equal opportunities can be understood as providing or offering equal opportunities to the employees so as to conduct the activities in a fair manner and for the purpose of complying with the laws. Managing diversity can be understood as the management of the people of an organisation or valuing the different stakeholders of the organisation in a fair manner. Diversity focuses over the visible or non-visible differences or aspects which exist among the people of the organisation and on the other hand equal opportunities focus over providing same treatment to the people of the organisation. When the discussion is about managing diversity it refers to the elimination or reduction of the differences among the employees so as to improve their performance for improving the performance of the whole organisation. It focuses on utilisation of the resources of the organisation in an effective manner so as to produce desired results. On the contrary equal opportunities focuses over providing freedom to the employees from the unethical practices so as to ensure their safety (Ravazzani, 2016).

Topical Issues on Managing Human Resources Assignment 5

Task 4

4.1 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices

Health and safety legislations create various implications over the human resource practices. These legislations set standards for maintaining the environment of the workplace so as to ensure the reduction in the number of accidents at the workplace, injuries to the employees and spread of diseases.Human resource practices adopted by Iceland need to comply with the standards decided by the government so as to avoid legal consequences. Non-compliance to these rules and regulations not only gives rise to legal consequences but also results in harm to the image of the organisation,  financial resources  implications over the organisation, industrial actions and fines. These legislations ensure that the policies adopted by the organisation comply with the standards set by the government of United Kingdom (Wang, et. al., 2016).

4.2 Evaluate the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices.

There are various topical issues on human resource practices faced by Iceland. The most important topical issue which creates huge impact over the performance of the organisation is the lack of skilled employees. There is a need to skills or knowledge for the purpose of execution of the activities of the organisation as these skills and knowledge enables a person to perform the activities of the organisation in a better manner. This issue not only creates an impact over the performance of Iceland but also creates an impact over the financial conditions of the organisation as lack of the required skills and knowledge for performing an activity results in errors and mistakes which creates financial implications over Iceland.

Another topical issue on human resource practices faced by Iceland is proper channels for the purpose of communication. Communication is an effective technique which helps in the flow of information among the different levels of the organisation in a better manner. Lack of the proper channels for communication creates gaps between the different levels of Iceland and affects the performance of the organisation due to the lack of coordination among the internal stakeholders of the organisation (Minbaeva & Muratbekova-Touron, 2013).

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This report provides an understanding of the various aspects of human resource management which helps in the management of the human resource of an organisation in a better manner. Organisation need to motivate and manage the employees in a better manner so as to provide a better workplace to the human resource. For the purpose of motivating and managing employees, organisations need to provide training to the human resource so as to develop the skills and knowledge of the human resource, providing rewards, recognising and appreciating their efforts. And their performance needs to be evaluated on regular intervals so as to ensure their performance in the right direction and to ensure the improvement in their performances so as to improve the performance of the organisation.


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