Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment

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Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment
Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment
Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment

Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Assignment


The principles of health and social care practice assignment has been divided into 4 Tasks. The first two tasks are based on Case Study 1 and Case Study 2. They will be discussing on the questions based on the case studies. Task 1 will discuss on principles of the health and social care practice that could be easily employed with respect to the Bob Case Study. It will also analyze the benefits of a person centric approach with respect to Bob to attend him. Task 2 is based on case study of Aurther. It will be outlining the procedures to protect the clients, patients and colleagues. It will also analyze the importance of effectiveness of interpersonal working. Task 2 would be based on case study 2 for Mrs. Helen. It will explain on the ethical dilemmas/conflicts that have risen in providing care and support to Mrs. Helen. Task 3 would be a part of the presentation that will lay the significance of the policies, practices and the legislations related with the health and social care practices. It will lay down their impact on the people associated with them. Task 4 would concentrate on the portfolio based on the experience of working in  health and social care  and evaluation of the contributions.

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Task 1 – case study 1

This task would be based on the case study of Bob. The task will lay down the importance of the principles of support that could be applicable for the care and support that could be rendered for him. It will also emphasize on the benefits of the person centric approach for Bob.

Q1 In order to ensure that Bob is cared for in the residential care home, explain how principles of support are applicable to his care.

In health and social care practices there are certain principles that when followed help in taking well and effective care and support for the service users. In the case study it has been seen that Bob has been suffering from various illnesses and even can do the suicide due to his present conditions. In this case it is believed that care workers should follow up these principles. The principles are:

  • Bob has to be given special care or a person centric approach as he has attempted suicide earlier as well. In case he is not given these kinds of services then he may attempt suicide again.
  • He should be kept in a group rather than individual room and provided with clean and hygienic environment as he has stress related problems and illnesses.
  • The tools and equipments should be trained and taught to him that will make him independent on self making him confident and handling his daily chores. This will make him do his tasks independently.
  • A holistic approach of looking at various perspectives of the health and social care, a program could be designed for him that will help him live independent and healthy living (Whitehead, 1992).

Q 2 Analyze benefits of using a person centred approach for Bob.

Bob has been a person who is having stressed related illnesses. He has even got type 1 diabetes. He recently had a stroke and even faces partial deafness. He feels bored up when he remains in partial isolation. He has even attempted suicide. Considering all these factors related with the health and safety of Bob, he should be given a person centric approach. Person Centric Approach is beneficial for the service users in the care homes who have similar problems as Bob has been facing. The benefits of this practice are:

  • As per the practices and policies of the health and social care, the requirements, needs, care and support could be rendered to Bob.
  • The specific level of support and effort is put in the right direction as per the right approach. This will not waste the effort as well as the hard work of the care workers towards the service users in the care home.

Through the approach of person centric, Bob will be getting the best care in the care home and he may recover well.

Q 3 What will be your role, responsibilities, accountabilities and duties in relation to Bob circumstances within and outside the care home.  

As far as my role as a care home person is concerned, my responsibility would be listed as under:

  • Ensuring patient case history, needs and requirements are studied and understood for the corrective action in regard to the support and care that has to be given to him. This will reorient and keep the correct direction in implementation of the programs at care home (Kreuter, 1999).
  • Ensuring Bob participates in the empowerment and social inclusion training modules that will keep him active and independent.
  • He is always surrounded by the people so that he does not get involved in the illegal practices like suicide.

Q 4 Outline the procedure for protecting clients, patients and colleagues from harm and evaluate the effectiveness of interpersonal working.

It is always advisable that the clients, patients and the colleagues are protected and work together so that issues are resolved and effective health and social care needs are provided. The procedures that could be followed for the protection are:

  • Setting the standards, code of conduct and the practices that have to be followed at care home without any exception.
  • Ensuring that the service users are getting trained on the modules like independent operations and handling. This will ensure that they remain independent and get support as per their requirements.
  • Ensuring that the service users get services on timely intervals.
  • Ensuring all the necessary equipments, tools and appliances are available in the care home as per needs of the patients.
  • Motivating and encouraging the service users to attend the programs on health and wellness in social care settings.
  • Keeping people in closed coordination with each other so that they could forget their problems and remain supporting and caring for each other (Kawachi & Kennedy, 1997).

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Task 2 – case study 3

This task would be based on case study of Mrs. Helen who is 20 years old. She is a pregnant lady with signs of bleeding. In this task we would study the ethical dilemmas that may arise providing care and support to Mrs. Helen.

Q 5 From this case study, explain your understanding on the ethical dilemmas/conflict that has risen in providing care and supporting Mrs. Helen

Mrs. Helen is 20 years pregnant lady who is very critical in nature. She is a black Hispanic female. She shows the signs of internal bleeding and advised for the blood transfusion. The ethical dilemmas that could be encountered in this situation are:

  • The policies, practices and the legislations that are applicable to the people may not be same for the black Hispanic people. Mrs. Helen is black and she may not get the same treatment and facilities as white people may be getting in the helath and social care settings.
  • The data and record of Mrs. Helen should not be shared as a case with other people in the organization.
  • She is rejecting the blood transfusion due to her religious sentiments and commitments. She has to be provided with the blood transfusion as she is carrying a life inside her and it has to be saved. Above all she has been in a critical condition. Doctors have to abide by the laws and legislations of the health and social care. They have to give her the blood and at the same time her religious sentiments could not be broken (Luce, 2003).
  • Providing equal treatment on health and social care for all kinds of individuals at the health and social care settings.
  • Not hurting the religious sentiments but also providing the care and support that should be given to patients.
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Task 3 – report

This task is in the form of a report that will lay down the policies, legislations, regulations and the code of practice in significance in health and social care. A discussion would also be carried out on their impact in health and social care settings and the organizational policies.

Q 6 Explain how you have implemented policies, legislations, regulations and code of practice in significance to your own work in health and social care

There are various kinds of policies, legislations and the code of conduct that has to be followed:

  • Equality Act 2010
  • Care Standard Act 2000
  • Manual Handling Regulation
  • Cares Standards Act 2000

These policies and legislations have to be implemented. These have been done in the following ways:

  • Making the employees aware on regular basis for these acts, legislations and the policies so that they accordingly providing care and support to the service users.
  • These acts and legislations are depicted on the notice boards for the consistent reminder to all.
  • There are regular trainings on these legislations so that updates or the amendments in them are discussed and implemented on priority.
  • Meetings are organized on regular intervals to ensure that there is enough support and coordination in this regard.

Q 7 Explain how local policies and procedures could be developed in accordance with national and policy requirement and evaluate the impact of these policies and procedures on organizational policy and practice

The policies, legislations, regulations and the code of practice are implemented to ensure that the processes and practices are streamlined within the care home. They are developed as per the national, demographic and the policy requirements. These also ensure that the care workers and other medical professionals are aware on their roles and responsibilities. It will also ensure that irrespective of the diversity and the differences, the people are given same kind of care and support. The policies therefore could be developed in accordance in the following ways:

  • By comparing them with other homes and arrangements on what kinds of policies and  ethics legislations  they have been following. This will help in getting the best practices and conditions in the health and social care settings in the care home.
  • Determining and differentiating on the ethical and non-ethical policies and programs.

The impact of these policies and practices would be:

  • They will help in streamlining the practices, policies and the approaches of health and social care settings. The systems would be planned as per the set standards and approaches.
  • Making the service users get excellent kinds of services. This would be done when the conditions of the patients and people are understood. Then based on the kind of need and the requirements they are given services and the benefits.
  • Spreading the awareness on the policies and procedures and even differentiating on the ethical practices that need to be adopted. When the people will get the services as per the standards then they may recover earlier. This would be done with the help of conducting the training programs and modules that will comprise of the acts, legislations and the regulations that exist with respect to the health and social care function.

Q 8 Explain the theories that accentuate health and social care practice.

There are various kinds of theories that are accentuated in the health and social care practice. These help in the development and support of the service users taking services in health and social care settings:

  • Biological Theories – These theories are actionable as per the biological make up of the various individuals.
  • Domains of the Human Development – These are the domains of the humans divided into 3 types: Social Domain, Cognitive Domain and Physical Domain. Social Domain is self esteem and social skills that should be available among the people. Physical domain refers to the physical processes that are aligned. On the other hand the cognitive domain discusses the intelligence and mental capacities.
  • Socio-Biological Theories – This theory will consider social as well as biological set up in the humans and then take action.
  • Learning Theory – This is learning and then implementation by the various people in their personal as well as professional lives. This refers to the learning of the individual on the basis of his coordination and association with the society he has been living in.
  • Psycho-Analytical Theory – This is the theory that highlights the psycho-analytical factors and accordingly a person takes action with that respect. This will consider the psycho and analytical part of the study.

Q 9 Analyze how social processes such as isolation and exclusion, marginalization impact on users of health and social care services.

The social processes have a great impact on the service users for the health and social care services. These are isolation, exclusion and marginalization. In case the patients are kept in isolation then they will remain stressed and not able to overcome their illness well. They have to be kept with other people so that they remain motivated encouraged. They should be provided with equal treatments and facilities. Unless they are provided with equal services, they tend to remain dependant on the care homes care workers.

It depends on the kind of facilities and the conditions in which the patients have been kept that the recovery of the patient would be done. It is always important that the conditions of the patients are considered and then they are put into any kind of conditions in the care home.

Task 4

This task would be discussing on the creation of the portfolio in the health care sector.

Q 10 Create your portfolio based on your experience working in health care sector; evaluate own contributions to the development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy.

Name: ABC

Job Title: Manager – Care Home

My responsibilities at Work

My performance Objectives

Personal and Professional Development

Areas of recommendations of my work

Care workers and medical professionals working as per the standards and regulations

Enforcement of the standards and regulations

Training and awareness process

Displays and Notices to be displayed.

Effective and efficient implementation for the trainings is done for the care workers & service users.

All trainings are imparted

Development of new skills and competencies.

Monitoring and online approach

Care Workers are following stringent approach and strictness while implementation of the policies, practices and the procedures.

Enforcement, review and audit on regular intervals

Study and benchmark processes with other care homes

Suggestions and feedback from service users and care workers.

Roles and Responsibilities of the care workers and the service users are made clear and performed in time.

Employee Meetings

Clarifications on roles and resolving the responsibilities

Manuals and standard operating procedures could be developed and handed over to various people.

My contributions are that we would be making the care workers clarify on the roles and responsibilities that they have to fulfil and make sure the profit and loss of the unit is intact.

Q 11 In ensuring you meet good practice requirement; make recommendations to develop your own contribution to the development and implementation of health and social care organizational policy.  

In order to ensure that the good practices are met and followed the recommendations would be as follow:

  • Display of the policies, practices and legislations on the notice board of the care home. These will remind all the care workers and service workers on the practices and the policies that have to be followed and implemented by them.
  • Providing training and developmental programs and modules for the various kinds of care workers. These will cover the general as well as technical modules of the health and social care practices that have to be followed at work.
  • Provision of the suggestion or the query box wherein the people could put their comments and suggestions in regard to making care home a best place to work for. This suggestion and query box will help in improving the facilities, benefits and the conditions that are given to the service workers (Hart & Bond, 1995).
  • Follow of the equality act 2000 that will ensure that the people irrespective of their demography will be considered equal. This will ensure that all the people are given equal support and care. As seen in the above case study that Mrs. Helen was Hispanic black and was not given same treatment as other have been given in the care home.

These recommendations will ensure that the correct practices are being followed at the health and social care settings. It is important that certain conditions and factors are kept in mind before finalization of the services for the health and social care rules and regulations at work.

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Care home is a place which has to follow and implement all the rules, regulations, legislations and the acts that are applicable as per the health and safety act. There are many principles that are applicable for the health and social care as per the case study of Bob. These principles have to be implemented and applied. There are certain obligations, duties and responsibilities have to be fulfilled on the part of a manager at a care home. He has to make sure that the care workers are provided ample trainings so that they could understand the concepts, principles and policies of the care home and work in coordination with them. At the same time there many theories based on which health and social care settings function and implement them in their lives. The objectives, targets and the responsibilities of the developing manager of the care home have to be highlighted and reviewed in order that the care home functions accordingly (Andreasen, 1995).

In the nutshell it is important that the health and social care home should follow the latest and proven approaches in treating and dealing with various kinds of service users. Their priority would be to treat the patients as per the requirements and needs that they are exhibiting. The principles, practices and the legislations are to be abided by and followed on regular intervals. The models, theories and their applications in the right way and right time will ensure that the health and social care is taken care of in all the ways.


Kreuter, M. W. (1999). Health promotion planning: An educational and ecological approach.
Curtis, L. A. (2012). Unit costs of health and social care 2012. Personal Social Services Research Unit.
Hart, F., & Bond, M. (1995). Action research for health and social care: A guide to practice. McGraw-Hill International.
Weinstein, M. C., O'Brien, B., Hornberger, J., Jackson, J., Johannesson, M., McCabe, C., & Luce, B. R. (2003). Principles of Good Practice for Decision Analytic Modeling in Health?Care Evaluation: Report of the ISPOR Task Force on Good Research Practices—Modeling Studies. Value in health, 6(1), 9-17.
World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe. Health Promotion Programme. (1985). Health promotion: a discussion document on the concept and principles. Health Promotion Programme, World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe.
Kawachi, I., & Kennedy, B. P. (1997). Socioeconomic determinants of health: Health and social cohesion: why care about income inequality?. Bmj, 314(7086), 1037.
Andreasen, A. R. (1995). Marketing social change.