Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford

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Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford
Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford
Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 1


HRM can be illustrated as a vital and comprehensible approach undertaken by the employer towards the employees who are the indispensible asset of an organization contributing to reach the business objectives. With the change in times HRM which is both an academic theory and a business practice is promptly evolving in the measures employed in addressing the theoretical and practical techniques of handling manpower. The functions of HRM encompass of various activities and deciding the staffing needs is the most important in all. HRM activities also cover managing the approach of an organization’s in providing benefits to employees and pay, employee testimonies and policies. A service industry includes numerous sectors such as tourism industries, hotels and restaurants, hospitals etc. Through human resources management assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford assignment I will discuss the role of HRM in  Hilton Hotel  which comes under hospitality sector.

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 2

An intricate analysis of the HRM practices in Hilton Hotel will be conducted post the introduction of its new chain at Stratford City which will cater to both business class customers and leisure travellers.

Task 1

P 1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

With the change in times, in most of the modern day organizations HR managers are responsible for playing multiple key roles along with playing a major part in a service industries growth and stability of the plans and goals of Hilton Hotel. HR manager as an advocator works for the success of the brand and his/her role revolves around creating a healthy working atmosphere where employees are motivated and are happy with their contributions. Moreover, Hilton’s HR Manager plays the role of an exponent of change which is imperative for the advancement of any organization operating in service sector. The purpose of HRM in Hilton Hotel can be fulfilled through employee motivation, job satisfaction, managing of informal groups and workplace conflicts, team building, employee development, managing change, effective leadership and communication etc. (Harzing and Pinnington, 2010) The roles and purposes served of HRM in Hilton Hotel are:

  • Employment Concerns: Hilton’s principal objective is offering its guests with unparallel services and making their visit an experience of a lifetime. This approach of Hilton helps in thriving ahead of its competitors like Marriott International and acquiring competitive advantage. With the launch of its new hotel in Stratford City, Hilton has also added an array of services like barber shop, spa, fitness room, sauna and steam Room, multi-lingual staff etc. for maximizing the comfort levels of guests during their period of stay in the hotel. Adding of more services has further made it necessary for Hilton to hire employee with specialised skills apart from increasing its manpower ensuring that the services are efficiently served. Adequate use of HRM helps Hilton in ensuring that right and credible employees are engaged as these employees will eventually will leave either a positive or negative image of the brand on the customers mind. Other than recruitment, HRM also keeps an attention on employees’ demands and their wages ensuring employee retention and evading employee turnover. (Harzing and Pinnington, 2010)
  • Morale and Mentoring: the HR department at Hilton is responsible for carrying out effective HRM which ensures proper delegation of work and authority further allowing the employees to look up to their leaders/ managers and getting inspired from their values and skills. The HR Manager acts an adviser who guides and directs the employees at critical times. Apart from mentoring, employees’ morale is also a significant factor of HRM in Hilton. Lower levels of morale in employees can get resulted into poor performance at work and eventually harming Hilton’s organisational objectives. Proper HRM at Hilton assure that programmes for employee engagement and development are organized frequently ensuring high employee morale and overall productivity. (Harzing and Pinnington, 2010)
  • Legalities: it is important that the HR Manager is well versed with the ongoing employment laws. As a result of high business levels in Hilton, there are times when more than required number of employees gets hired and occasionally a situation of under recruitment prevails. In either of the situations, employees are more or less subjected to unprofessional behaviour. In case of employees’ shortage, the existing workforce is overburdened with work which is unethical according to employee laws. More hiring of employees might also bring situations where few of them are being targeted or harassed and it becomes important for the HR Manager to intervene. Therefore, for proper HRM it is mandatory that HR department is aware of laws and regulations for avoiding employee lawsuits and malpractices.(Harzing and Pinnington, 2010)

P 1.2 Justify a human resources plan based on an analysis of supply and demand for a selected service industry with reference to Hilton Hotel Stratford

The process of human resource planning is helpful in indentifying and assessing the current and futuristic needs of Hilton Hotel for attaining its ultimate goals and objectives whereas forecasting is the assessment of future needs and possibilities. Problems and benefits are generally determined in the stage of analysis. In the 1st stage, key workforce is assumed according to the data gathered while analyzing. Also it is important to ensure that information gathered states the hidden impact on Hilton apart from any possible risk or advantage the hotel might subsequently derive. In the 2nd stage credibility of the assumption generated is validated by distributing questionnaire in the topmost management. In the 3rd stage, a scenario keeping in mind the assumptions is built. Scenarios are evolved for providing an alternate future combining the assumptions, trends and analysis. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)

The planning of human resources covers 3 key stages namely forecasting workforce needs, identifying of internal and external supply of employees and formulating strategies for achieving forecast needs.

Forecasting workforce needs can be done with the use of techniques like

  • Trend Analysis: In this technique past trends of activities and happenings occurred within Hilton are intently studied and forecasting is done in accordance to the future. It further gives an implication of what to expect in future and as a result adequate forecasting is done. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)
  • Ratio Analysis: this is a technique where an identified relationship amid one variable and another is assumed. Hilton already has a set of standard tables for the purpose of ratio analysis.
  • Turnover Analysis: it helps in determining the expected turnover that Hilton might reach by further considering the past trends of employees leaving the hotel. It will help in understanding the situations that what can arise in future and the relative measures needed to be taken for meeting a desirable outcome. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)

Identifying of internal and external supply of employees can be with the use of techniques like

  • Replacement Charts: are auto generated information records helpful in identifying the eligible employees for promotion and as a result of mechanized data generation, Hilton’s internal vacancies are met by the supply of employees.
  • Succession Planning: relatively similar to replacement charts with only difference in time frame, this technique is helpful in identifying the eligible candidates for future openings and at Hilton this technique is used for the top level positions. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)
  • Human Resource MIS: under this technique a database of the skills and qualifications of the existing employees is prepared and once the forecasting of the demand is done, the database is referred for fulfilling the supply of potential candidates.

The external supply of human resources can be identified with the help of information available with the State and Local Workforce Development Agencies which literally maintains a data for every location. Availability of external candidates is eventually influenced by the condition of the economy, rate of unemployment, skill of prospective employees, labour competition in market and net migration locality. (Snell and Bohlander, 2010)

Developing of strategies covers 3 stages namely

  • Strategy Planning: At this stage, the prevalent gaps identified at the time of analysis are considered and likewise, an effective strategy is codified for meeting Hilton’s organisational objectives. At this point, future development is kept in prime view and  business strategy  planning can be done for employee training and development, succession planning, hiring, technology development, etc.
  • Strategy Implementation: at this stage, strategy evolved is executed. It is important that strategies are implemented effectively as in case improper execution, productive results cannot be yielded in spite of the plan been creditable.
  • Strategy Evaluation: at this stage, strategies implemented have produced desired outcomes are measured and in case of failure, the strategy is evaluated and amended wherever needed.

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Task 2

P2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations for the Hotel industry

UK’s Horeca sector because of the size plays a significant role in the growth of the economic conditions simultaneously generating ample number of employment opportunities. The present state of employment relations for the hotel industry can be analysed by consecutive factors like

Employment in the sector: different levels of employment can be seen in the EU nations mainly in countries like Cyprus, Portugal, Italy, United Kingdom and Ireland.  High percentage of employment is also reported in Eastern countries like Austria and Bulgaria. The lowest employment rate in hotel industry can be seen in nations like Romania and Poland. (Kusluvan, Kusluvan, Ilhan and Buyruk, 2010)

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 3

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 4

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 5

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Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 7

Undeclared Work: in spite of being an important employment sector in UK, differences prevail in the volume of undeclared work done in the country including other nations of EU. Estonia and Denmark are the current examples of countries where undeclared work is a common thing. Denmark has the highest percentage of women doing undeclared work in hotel industry because of factors like low wages, social security, illegitimate foreign workers, etc. (Kusluvan, Kusluvan, Ilhan and Buyruk, 2010)

Working Condition of youths: hotel industry like Hilton eventually focuses on engaging young employees because of demand of low pay and vast availability of labour in this sector. Chances of being minimal pay are high in hotel industry as it is necessarily not important for the employees to possess specialised skills. UK government is concerned about hotels like Hilton’s role and objective in integrating young employees into unemployment. The situation is drastic in South European countries with a slightly better condition in UK, Netherlands etc.  Hence, more people getting into the hotel industry indicate that long term careers are offered in the sector.

Trade Union: in spite of vast diverseness in the hotel sector like Hilton operating in different EU nations, one can see that ratio of trade union is comparatively lower and abated. Because of the size of Hilton, the chances of it unionised over smaller companies’ increases. In nations like Lithuania, Estonia, Slovakia and Czech Republic, lesser than 1% trade union density rate can be seen whereas in UK more than 1% density rate of trade unions can be seen. (Kusluvan, Kusluvan, Ilhan and Buyruk, 2010)

P 2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources for the Hilton Hotel as selected service industry business

As Hilton has currently opened a new chain at Stratford City, for me as a trainee HR Manager it is important to be aware of employment laws and its impact on managing of human resources. The practices of HRM cover functions compiling with employment laws which enforces organizations practice fair employment methods subjected to employees further ensuring that employees at the same time discharge their duties by adhering to the regulations set by the law. (Bratton and Gold, 2012)

Different employment laws influencing HRM at Hilton Hotel:

  • The Equality Act (2010): according to the act Hilton should avert from practicing any kind of discrimination based on age, gender, race caste, color, etc. This states that every individual has the right of employment and equal treatment with the legislation of equal compensation based on the job. It restricts Hilton from being biased to any employee or preferring any added privileges or advantage to an employee. If found guilty of any HR practice related to employee discrimination, Hilton can face legal action for violating the law. (Bratton and Gold, 2012)
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974): according to this act Hilton cannot refuse employment to a person convicted of any criminal offence in case the imposed period of time has expired. Take for example, Hilton cannot deny employment to an individual who had severed imprisonment for say 30 months 10 years ago.  
  • Health & Safety at work Act (1974): a hotel industry like Hilton needs to ensure a lot more safety of its employees as compared to any other sector. Employees in Hilton are might be subjected to potential threats like food poisoning, hearing impairment resulted from high noise levels in bars, uncontrollable employee outbreaks, fire etc. Hence, it is important for Hilton providing the employees with a workplace with minimal or zero threat to health and safety. Hilton executes the health & safety measures by following legislations like Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations, Manual Handling Operations Regulations, Workplace Regulations, Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations. (Bratton and Gold, 2012)
  • The implementation of these legislations at workplace ensures that the equipments used in the premises are of no harm to any employee. Moreover, Hilton must exercise control over the usage of equipments proving to be unsafe for employees’ health. Favourable working conditions other than just providing employees safety and security helps in keeping them engaged and motivated which is a good sign for Hilton Hotels.
  • The Employment Rights Act, 1996: the significant aspects for Hilton concerning its employees are wages and remuneration considering the legislation for minimum wage which is a common thing in UK. This act has enforced a set of regulations revolving around deductions. There have been cases where minimum wages in general are modified for catering staff because of the earnings they get from services. Hilton needs to provide a lot of significance concerning to employee wages and earnings and wage deductions should be done compiling to the regulations of the act. (Bratton and Gold, 2012)
Read About Managing Financial Resources

Task 3

3.1 Discuss a job description and person specification for a hotel industry job

Job description is usually a statement drafted in respect to a certain position within Hilton which eventually is based on the results derived from the job analysis process and predominantly includes a job’s purpose, duties, scope, responsibilities etc. Going through a job description helps the interviewer and the applicant to understand the details of the vacant position whereas job specification is also a written description revolving around information like educational qualifications, experience level, specific qualities and other responsibilities related to the job. In other words, job specifications helps in defining the aspects the applicants must possess for getting a certain job. (Moore, Whalen and Gathman, 2010)

Job Description and Person Specification for the position of Banquet manager in Hilton Hotel

Position: Banquet Manager

Report to: Director of F&B

Department: Catering

Supervises:Banquet staff: Banquet Captains, Servers and Housemen

Liaises with: Director of Catering and Conference Services, Executive Chef, Corporate event and Sales Coordinator, Wedding Coordinator

Scope and Purpose of Job: Banquet Manager is responsible for overseeing various facets of a banquet which also includes set-up, selection of menu and presentation of food, serving and cleanup. Focus on detailing and quality, customer service. Also subjected for recruiting, guiding, coaching, disciplining and evaluating of banquet personnel.

Key Duties:

  • Friendly approaches towards guests and co-workers in a way that is service-oriented
  • Maintaining ofsteady interaction with guests and vendors for getting assured that outlooks are fulfilled
  • Perceptive towards complaints and unsatisfied guests and immediate response for ensuring guest gratification
  • Coordinating with employees and other divisions for arranging the timely delivery of desired services
  • Keeping in touch with the kitchen personnel ensuring efficient connection amid food production and service
  • Ensuring functions are set and staff is well prepared and coordinated ahead of BEO
  • Inspecting table settings which includes table linen, glassware, silverware and ensuring that everything is clean, undamaged
  • Ensuring decent ambience of buffet and other food service tables. Arranging and ensuring appropriate arrangement of services
  • Monitoring banquet team members and ensuring operating procedures are pursued and supervising clearing, cleanup and removal of wastes
  • Maintaining a clean and arranged back areas, pre-function and storage areas and assuring that everything is kept back in proper place after every event
  • Supervising handling, storing and security of all equipments related with catering service which includes catering vans and golf carts
  • Ensuring implementation of training programs for the staff and measuring everyday achievement and conducting daily based staff meetings for building affinity and keeping the staff well informed
  • Providing colleagues with a work schedule and clearly projecting the department’s visions and measuring growth
  • Conducting quarterly reviews of staff performance and planning events
  • Conducting meetings with catering managers, catering director and director of F&B for evaluating strategies
  • Reviewing of payroll

Marginal Duties:

  • Preparing ofdaily summary of events and attending meetings/ trainings whenever required and performing administrative tasks

Knowledge, Skills & Ability Requirements:

  • Degree in hospitality or  business management
  • Prior experience as a Banquet Manager in global hotel is mandatory
  • Food knowledge and idea in beverage operations and preparation
  • Good communication and guest relation art, preferably English
  • Ability of working with a large group as a team
  • Capacity to work in stress and high-pressure, handling of guest complaints and disputes
  • Effective listener and ability to understand and clarify team concerns and issues
  • Ability to work a flexible schedules

3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 8

The term selection can be referred to attaining of potential and eligible candidates for a vacant position so that their contributions can drive Hilton towards its organisational objectives. The selection process can be of 4 type namely external recruitment, Job Description, Job Specification and Induction and Training. (Münstermann, Eckhardt and Weitzel, 2010)

Selection process of Pizza Hut: At Pizza Hut there are 2 type of recruitment and selection process namely external and internal. The source of internal recruitment is job posting whereas the sources of external recruitment are advertisements in newspapers, job portals, corporate website and internship programs.

Stages of selection process:

  • Screening of candidates: once the applications are received, the HR Manager short lists the selective applications fulfilling the requirement of the job.
  • Written Test: the selected candidates are called for a written test for assessing their general practical knowledge and ability of fulfilling the job’s requirement.
  • Initial Interview: candidates who pass the write test are then called for a face to face interview with the Restaurant Manager
  • On-Job evaluation: candidates selected in the interview round go through an OJE round for 3 days at the restaurant where their performances are observed and assessed
  • Reference Checks: at this stage references provided by the candidate are checked for confirming its authenticity
  • Final Interview: Candidates who pass the OJE round are then called up for a final interview in front of a panel which includes the HR Manager, Floor Manager and Team Leader.

Selection process of British Airways

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 9

Human Resources Management Assignment Hilton Hotel Stratford 10

Hilton Hotel has a broad expansion of its services in the global platform and its new chain at Stratford City is launched with 50 luxury rooms with added services like spa, barber shop, baggage storage, concierge Desk, foreign currency exchange, gift shop, laundry service, lounge, multi-lingual staff, parking facility, safety deposit box, shoe shine stand, fitness room, sauna and steam room. It is important that these new services are properly managed for ensuring customer satisfaction. Hence, Hilton needs to select skilful and specialized staff for executing the services and should primarily adopt the method of induction and training to the semi skilled employees. For engaging highly skilled and experienced employees, an expanded external recruitment should be carried out. This will help Hilton in establishing a meticulous and perfect selection process producing credible and skilled employees. (Münstermann, Eckhardt and Weitzel, 2010)

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At the end I come to a conclusion that HRM is an integral aspect of successfully running any business for a long-term. Through this report the various aspects of HRM needed to be considered in a newly launched chain of Hilton at Stratford City has been discussed. The various functions of HRM such as training and development, recruitment and selection, employment relations etc. also have been explained. Being a significant part of hotel industry it is important that Hilton ensures employee satisfaction for deriving desirable outcomes and establishing customer satisfaction. Furthermore, Hilton should also frequently arrange for adequate training and development programs for enhancing employees’ performances which eventually will help in meeting the changing demands and customers preferences.


Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan
Harzing, A.W. and Pinnington, A. eds., 2010. International human resource management. Sage.
Kusluvan, S., Kusluvan, Z., Ilhan, I. and Buyruk, L., 2010. The human dimension a review of human resources management issues in the tourism and  hospitality industryCornell Hospitality Quarterly51(2),
Moore, R.J., Whalen, J. and Gathman, E.C.H., 2010. The work of the work order: document practice in face-to-face service encounters. Organisation, Interaction and Practice Studies of Ethnomethodology and
Conversation Analysis
, pp.172-197.
Münstermann, B., Eckhardt, A. and Weitzel, T., 2010. The performance impact of business process standardization: An empirical evaluation of the recruitment process. Business Process Management
16(1), pp.29-56.
Snell, S. and Bohlander, G.W., 2010. Principles of human resource management. South-Western Cengage Learning.