Computer Systems Merit Copy

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Computer Systems Merit Copy
Computer Systems Merit Copy
Computer Systems Merit Copy


Computer systems are fundamental to any kind of need in today’s world. Computer System is a device which could perform different kind of logical and mathematical operations and can be configured as per the requirement. The study will review the function of computer systems and to be able to design a computer system. A computer system configuration will also be presented to meet the design specification of ABC Company.

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1.2 Computer hardware and their functions

In a computer system there are many hardware components. Hardware refers to elements that can be touched and easily identified by the users. Following are the major hardware sources that used in computer system:

                   Hardware, Assignment Help, Assignment Help UK, Assignment Help London, Assignment Help Coventry, Online Assignment Help

                                          Figure 2: Hardware

  • CPU: It is an important hardware element of computer system that process that input of users and sent directions to software for running the programs. This provides support in using the functions of computer and gives the instructions to user to make effective use of system (Singh, 2009). It comprises of three units namely:
    • Arithmetic and Logic Unit: It performs mathematical and logical processing.
    • Memory Unit: It has all the input and output data
    • Control Unit: This unit recognizes and executes the commands by the users.
  • Monitor: Computer hardware monitor is essential element that displays the activities of users and shows the videos and images.
  • Hard disk: This hardware of computer system provides the space for storing data and information that are important for users and would be useful for future prospective.
  • Keyboard: By using this hardware source users input the data which will be processed by the CPU.
  • Printer: In modern day printer is essential part of individual computer system. This help to print the pages with desired information using images and diagram.
  • Mouse: In computer hardware components mouse plays significant role to input the direction and instructions of users that helps to make easy process.

Use of System Utilities: Computer is integrated system that helps to manage the data according to format as well as outcome. Different types of software and hardware which gives support to manage the tasks with agreed functions and requirements. System software is important element of computer that aid to use the computer at optimum level and produce the desired results (Organick, 2014). Moreover, system software is being used for manipulating the system usages according to needs of users. Following are the utilities of system software:

  • Protection from virus like malware, spyware and crash of system.
  • Firewall is another type of system software that gives the protection from unauthorised access of data or attack of virus.
  • In order to run the program and manage the tasks system software develops the internal platform. System process role of control panel is important which boost the performance of system.
  • Change of language and coding of data also been performed by the system software’s according to needs and requirements.

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Task 2

2.1 System design specification

The client here is ABC Company which aims to train students on graphic design and video editing courses. As the client aims to do video editing and graphic design, the hardware should be able to capture the videos and images and the transfer the same to hard disk which can be then worked upon by software’s. The first phase in designing the system is that of requirement gathering followed by the analysis of the requirement. On the basis of the requirement analysis software and hardware component for the system will be suggested.

  • Requirement gathering: The customer requirements must be distinctly watched and conveyed instantly. The components asked by the customer can be surpassed if the cost structure permits, yet never be shortened (Kavitha and Thomas, 2011).  The requirement can further be classified as technical, functional and economic.
  • Technical requirements: Technical requirement gathering entails to the technical aspects which must be fulfilled by the system. In the scenario of ABC Company, the class room should have 20 computers. Machines should not have any performance and reliability issue and should be available all the time.
  • Functional requirements: The functional requirement is to allow video and graphic editing.  ABC Company will be using the software’s like Adobe Photoshop CC 2014, Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2014), PaintShop Pro X7 Ultimate.
  • Economic requirements: This entails will assessing the customer budget for the project. This allows the seller to restrict from crossing the budget requirement of the client.
  • Feasibility Check: Feasibility analysis is the stage where the customer requirements are evaluated so as to check whether these can be met or not. If the requirement can be met than the implementation cost is evaluated against the budget provided by the client. If the implementation cost is under the budget provided by the client than the project is said to be feasible

Requirement Analysis:

Following are the key requirements which the solution must meet:

  • Audio and video should be read by the solution. System must be able to read the files without any crashing
  • Designing computer graphics and editing of video and files
  • Sharing of the files on the network of class room.


After gathering the requirement, hardware components for the solution would be reviewed:

  • Hardware components: For the ABC Company, the hardware would be selected keeping in mind the high processing capabilities required for the graphics and video editing. The required RAM and hard disk for each machine will be 4 GB and 1 TB.  Each machine will have a 2 GB graphics card and will have a high resolution monitors. Speaker or headphones will also be provided for listening to audio while editing videos. The 20 machines will be connected to a sever using a wired network.
  • Software Components: The software required for each machine will be Adobe Photoshop CC 2014, Adobe Premiere Pro CC (2014), PaintShop Pro X7 Ultimate. Operating system is an important software consideration to be considered. Windows 10 will be installed in each machine. Along with these each machine will be provided with DVD writing tools to write the videos on DVS’s

Following table presents the required and suggested configuration for each machine. The required configuration is good enough to meet the requirement while the suggested configuration will provide best performance on each machine.

Specification for the ABC Company:





4 Giga byte

8 Giga byte

Hard disk




Windows 10

Windows 10

Graphic card Configuration

2 Giga byte







Cloud server

2.2 Evaluate the suitability of a system design specification      

Video editing and the graphics work will require considerable CPU time thus it is important that the CPU should be latest. Another important component to focus is GPU as it is require steaming the videos without affecting the image and the video quality. The recommended size for the hard disk is 4 TB as the size of the good quality images and video is more. The product recommended for the ABC Company is suitable as it provides the processing capability to the client as desired by his business and is also meeting the defined budget. In terms of the technology the solution is up to date in terms of the operating system as well as the physical hardware. Looking into the future needs of the organisation, use of cloud technology is also recommended which will help the employees to access the images and videos from any place. Overall the suggested system design is given considering the requirement of the ABC Company and the users can experience fast and robust performance with minimal idle time.             

 Read About Managing Financial Resources

Task 3

3.1 Build and configuring a computer system

Safety measures:

During the configuration, following measures needs to be taken care of:

  • Do not touch the bronze teeth
  •  In case of a static charge, touch a metal piece immediately
  • For cleaning use compacted air
  • Make sure proper electrical connections are available

Assembling of Computer:

In system installation, the first task would be to lay down the case. The case is a slide-out tray. The spacer mounts should be attached keeping in mind the end goal to settle the motherboard after this CPU is implanted. For this, we have to draw the lever of the connection and put the processor in the space such that all the CPU pins fit into the connection slots. To guarantee the processor is set up precisely, put some warm glue at the highest point of the CPU. Its significance can be comprehended from the way that the paste encourages sending the CPU warmth to the cooler.

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                                                   Figure: Fixing Processor

Prior to the fixing of RAM, its openings ought to be lined up and afterward the RAM should be squeezed into the spaces. We ought to be watchful in squeezing as a considerable measure of weight can harm the RAM and the opening on the motherboard. Best practice is to settle the RAM by squeezing one side downwards. Next in line is the establishment of the Graphic cards in the space. Next step is to place the PCI expansion should be placed set up. Next is the establishment of HDD in cabinet.

After configuring HDD, the CD-ROM drives should be introduced which are entirely like mounting a HDD. To begin with we have to confirm the jumper arrangement and after that present the CD-ROM inside the case implied for it. We have to cautious while fixing the CD-ROM not to try too hard.  Once the ROM has been fixed power connections could be linked.

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                                                Figure: Assembling completed

Installation of Operating System:

Windows 10 will be installed in the client machines. Following are the installation steps:

  • Switch on the computer with a bootable disk
  • As the system is booted it will ask for a key to be pressed, a installation wizard prompts the user with further instructions.

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                          Figure: Bootable disk

  • The system asks for a setup language as well as the regional preferences

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                 Figure: Language and region selection

  • System asks for the product key, once it is correctly entered system proceeds

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                          Figure: Product key

  • The system then prompts for acceptance of license agreement

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                Figure: License Agreement

  • Select the installation type and proceed

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                            Figure: Installation type

  • The user is prompted for the hard drive selection

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                 Figure: Prompt for drive selection

  • Installation begins, all the instructions are followed
  • Enter the computer name and other information

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                       Figure: Create an account

3.2 Produce a test report showing the process you would take to verify the installation.

Validation of a computer system is the procedure of checking the computer system and review whether the configured machine is correctly configured and meet the customer requirements. Validation can be done by checking the hardware and the software components of the configured machine. Validation of computer system can be done by checking the ideal working of all the introduced software and the hardware. Device manager of a machine can be referred to check whether the devices have been installed correctly.

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                      Figure: Device Manager

For validating the system, following are the measures to be adopted:

  • Check whether the computer peripherals are working
  • Monitor is set to optimal resolution
  • System has booted in optimal time
  • Free space is available in hard disk as per the specification.
  • Background tasks are running
  • Free random memory

For checking whether the software’s are installed and running as per specification; users can run these software’s and create a dummy file. These variables can figure out if the computer can be approved and set to workplaces or not.

System document: System document is a document which has all the details about the technical specification, any flaws or errors found during the testing which can affect the performance of a machine. In case of a failure, system document is refereed.


Task 4

4.1 Types of backup and choice of backup strategy

For avoiding the data losses and use the data in future backup of system is essential. In current scenario many incidents can happen that could lead to system crash and data loss which cannot be used anymore. To protect the data and take the back up of system information; different types of backup methods can be used by ABC. A backup strategy is defined as the  series of activities which are performed to take the backup of the data of an organisation.

Following are the types of back up:

Differential backup: According to this back up strategy, the user can take the backup of whole computer system.  Differential back up cover all elements of computer system that are important and useful for users (, 2008). It boots the system from beginning to end of the task performed on the system. In spite of that, it provides more space as well is faster than the other back up methods.

  • Incremental backup: This back up method can be run periodically and full time to make the back up of data that store in system. However in this method; the system backups the data from starting of system and end of the tasks perform by the users but it is considered as more costly then other backup methods (, 2008).
  • Back up strategy for ABC company: The top management of ABC graphic data design company looking for a good data backup strategy that would help to protect the data. For that purpose, it is being suggested to management to implement the differential backup method that create full back of stored data and information and is a faster mode of backup
  • Defragmentation tools: Defragmentation tools are used for the maintenance if hard drive. These tools can defrag the drives manually or can be schedule so as to improve the system performance. Defragmentation is reduces the fragmentation of hard drives (Veldema and Philippsen, 2012).  Defragmentation can be scheduled on a periodic basis. There is a system utility available with the name of disk defragmenter which has a frequency option where a time period may be defined. On this schedule the system will automatically defragment the system.

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                                 Figure: Disk Defragmenter.

Routine System Maintenance Checklist

  • Regular backup is taken.
  • UPS is connected so as to save from power failure
  • Proper ventilation should be provided to avoid any loss due to heating
  • Avoid any loose connection in power cable
  • Regular removal of cookies and temporary internet files
  • Firewalls and antivirus should be installed.
  • Regular audits to be done to find malwares.
  • Scheduled disk fragmentation should be done

4.2 Up gradation of system

In order to upgrade the system, management is required to consider the following components that plays important role to improve the performance of system.

  • RAM: ABC Company is working in graphical designing and video editing field, for those staff members needs high performing systems. In order to upgrade the system organization needs to increase the RAM of the system that will influence the performance of system.
  • Processors: In order to improve the performance of system, organization needs to improve the processers that have significant impact on the performance of computer. By using the advance core processor like Intel, organization will able to boost the performance and capability of existing computer systems. 

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The computer systems merit copy has reviewed the different aspects of computer. The study has proposed a configuration for ABC Company which is involved in graphic designs and video editing. The study has also focused on assembling of system and installing of operating system. Backup processes and defragmentation has also been studies.


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Kavitha, C.R. and Thomas, S.M., 2011. Requirement gathering for small projects using agile methods. IJCA Special Issue on Computational Science-New Dimensions & Perspectives, NCCSE.
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Singh, P.K., 2009. Basics of Computer. VK PUBLICATIONS.
Schenk, O., 2008. BMC Performance assurance for mainframes. DM Review, 18(7), pp.35-36.

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