Unit 4 Sustainability Research of Thomas Cook Assignment

Unit 4 Sustainability Research of Thomas Cook Assignment

Unit 4 Sustainability Research of Thomas Cook Assignment


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Sustainability Research of Thomas Cook

QFC Level

Level 5


Unit 4 Sustainability Research of Thomas Cook Assignment

Thomas Cook is a major player in the travel and tourism sector providing services like package tours, customised tours, holidays, flights, cruise, insurance, foreign exchange, etc. among many customised services for clients all over the world. It is a significant player in the tourism industry and is also one of the major contributors to the countries foreign exchange earnings through inbound travellers.
This research is undertaken to study the sustainability level of Thomas Cook. With changing times and economic conditions, it is necessary for every firm to adjust and acknowledge the change and deviate or reform its strategy to keep its business sustainable and growing.

Task 1

1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specification:

Aims and Objectives of the study:

Following is the aim of this research study:
How sustainable is Thomas Cook in this rapidly changing external environment, especially economic and terrorism related, and how does it cope with it?
Following are the objectives of the research:
1. To find out the existing strategy of the firm
2. To find out how does the firm deal with changes by introducing new products.
3. To find out how will it keep sustaining in its business if it does not adopt to changing demands and external conditions.

Importance of the study

The study is important because, the firm is a major contributor to the country’s economy, and travel and tourism sector is undergoing a severe overhauling process around the world because of the changing of customer demands, and influencing external conditions. Tourism is an important force in the world and is recognised as the largest tour and travel company in the world and an important provider of foreign exchange revenues and employment (Higgins-Desbiolles, 2006). For such an important sector, it is important to undergo periodic audit and consult the performance measure to indicate the future prospective travel scenario. By doing this, it ensures that the firm identifies its own strengths and weaknesses, and tries to change what is needed to be changed according to the market. By enhancing the firm’s performance, it also assists itself in providing appropriate share in the foreign exchange revenues to its country. Thus the research is of significant importance to understand the present status of the firm, where does it lacks in it’s a major efforts, and what it needs to do to maintain its sustainability in the sector with rapid changes around it. In addition, the topic is an important one in determining people’s spending, because tourism spends of people also depends on the travel and tour operators in a particular country of their choice and they do select countries with optimum operators. Thus if almost majority decision rests with the customers, it is even more important to make the firm the most preferred choice for travellers.

Literature Review

Thomas Cook can be considered as the father of mass tourism when he started to use the railway technology to organise inexpensive journeys for the emerged working class group of the industrialized United Kingdom (Turner and Ash, 1975). Tourism in a free market economy can make use of the human need of commercialisation and exploit natural resources for making profit for itself. It thus leads to a notion of exploiting host countries and communities and thus in turn has led to a severe overlapping of culture and environmental risk offsetting (Wearing, 2001). Tourism is important in some contemporary economies because, the tourism experiences consumption is a major growth factor, and this has changed tourism by the hegemony of market. There have been extant literature on this subject of tourism (Mowforth and Munt, 2003; Brohman, 1996; Reid, 2003; Scheyvens, 2002). Tourism is also seen a major social force to unite economics and its communities through it provision for exchange of travellers. Thomas Cook has long been in the industry and has made a significant position for itself in the UK where it started and in many countries around the world. Travel industry though not so unique in its vulnerability, is prone to crisis and exposed to many risks resulting from external events. Internal risks of the firm can be assessed and rectified but external events are uncontrollable and can have major effect on the firm. Further, because it is a service based industry, internal risks are also difficult to manage since they are linked to the external factors and a lot of interdependence exists between internal products and external factors. This makes it difficult to successfully manage the crisis, and supply cannot immediately be matched to the decline in demands (Evans et.al, 2003).
Besides external conditions like economic situations also play a significant role in determining how much holidays’ people will take. For example, in the backdrop of the global recession of 2009-10, there were many people who purposely cut down on their vacation plans, and opted to cut down travel for few years until they were able to meet their personal expenses. This has a severe effect on the survival of tour operators, and selling products in such times becomes the most difficult. Even if the marketing skills is at an optimum level in such times, they may not be able to get their desired number of travellers. This in turn reduces their income from operations and thus profit. Travel is usually seen as a discretionary spend or to go away from stress for a while, but when the extra income is unavailable, people will either travel on their own or make their trips very short. Again the internet and the extensive information about saving money on travel websites is helping to reduce the sales of tour operators. With so much information available online, people look for bargain deals and opt for smaller budget holidays. Thus the firm needs to keep adjusting constantly with the external conditions which produce maximum effect on people choices. Tourists’ habits are effected from terrorism events as well like the Gulf war in 1991, and the Bali bombings in 2002 which killed 180 people most of whom were tourists (Evans and Elphick, 2005). Such events also alter traveller decision and it takes a long time to recover and at least reach the original state from where the decline happened.
Outbound tour operators had to face a severe downturn from the effects of the 9/11 event that occurred in America. Although they were volatile by the nature of the sector in terms of its sales and shareholder returns (Evans and Staber, 1995), the US event further pressed them to balance supply with decreasing demand and forced them to be skilled a managing such fickle demand supply mismatch. The high street trading after a week of the 9/11 event was down 20-25% (Winter sales down, 2001), and this made it compulsory for UK tour operator to manage the capacity levels for winter 2001-02and the vacation of summer 2002 to reflect a significant decline in bookings to the US, Mediterranean, and North Africa. The four largest tour operators which included Thomas Cook, TUI, My Travel, and First Choice had to cut capacity to minimise the decline that was expected to be faced in a late booking market (Holmes, 2001). After the 9/11 event, all four tour operators quickly viewed their strategies and plans and cut down their staff immediately. This was a very quick move by these operators to decrease their loss in an already volatile market. They were suddenly only taking half the number of bookings for 2002 summer than earlier (Huxley, 2001). All tour operators were experiencing a huge decline in sales volumes and were letting go off with maximum staff, which also created a sensitive situation of rising unemployment. The Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA) formerly launched a £50,000 public relations campaign while working closely with all tour operators to regain customer confidence and increase sales (Ad-campaigns to boost, 2001). After the 9/11 event, all tour operators took different actions, and Thomas Cook cut capacity by 15-20% for the summer 2002 holidays and made staff redundant.
Thus it is seen that there are internal and external events that control the travel business to a significant level, and Thomas Cook is not option. There has been extensive literature about the effects of terrorism and market changes due to economic conditions, but there is not periodic check about the vulnerability level of these firms and the crisis management abilities of these firms to manage these type of fickle effects of demand declines. There is a gap here and it needs to be noticed by addressing the crisis management abilities of firms to better understand their vulnerability factor for any kind of future events of similar kind or even larger in its effects.

Hypothesis Development

Based on the literature review, it is seen that there is a broad consensus among authors and commentators that external events like economic conditions, and especially terrorism events have a negative effect on the UK tour operators and Thomas Cook. Since this research is pertaining to Thomas Cook only, the following hypothesis is being developed:
External events like the health economy and terrorism events have significant negative effects on Thomas Cook’s sales and profit.

Research Methodology

The method used for research will be both qualitative and quantitative. Since this research is related to a single company, it is imperative that the company’s view is being taken first-hand so that correct and accurate information is gathered.

Qualitative method

A personal interview will be conducted with the firm’s employees. An appropriate time and date will be fixed prior to the interview giving them two or more options to avid cancelation. The interviews will be conducted personally in private with single individual to extract personal information and avoid getting their answers influenced by other employees’ prompts and suggestions. Questions will be asked pertaining to the economic conditions and terrorism effectson the firm to keep it to the subject of the research.

Quantitative method

In this method, a small literature review will be carried out to confirm the hypothesis by comparing it with the employee replies. This will provide much more evidence for the testing of the hypothesis. Details will be taken from various travel websites, analysis websites, journals on the subject, books etc. to gather data.
Analysis will be carried out by studying both data collected and comparing it with each other as well with the literature review and a suitable conclusion will be derived to produce the testing result of the hypothesis generated.

Results and Analysis

Following was the result from both the methods carried out for research:

Qualitative data

Q. What is the most vulnerable factor for the company’s sales and profits?
A. Most employees answered that the most vulnerable factor was any unexpected event that occurs in the UK or anywhere else which tends to have a direct effect on our business. This finding relates to the effect of terrorism on sales provided by Holmes (2001). Out of these terrorism was one such event which is completely unexpected, and its effects are also sometimes difficult to manage. Terrorism tends to have a severe and immediate effect on the company in terms of staff layoffs, reduction in salaries and bonuses, reduction in sales and work, cost cutting across all departments, etc. It produces a very negative effect and the environment becomes more vulnerable to any other shocks. Unlike terrorism, economic recession is more manageable and predictable, and hence it does have its share of effects but not to the extent to terrorism. Economic recession is on an overall basis and here are measures taken by everyone to improve the condition. Terrorism is a personal shock and fear of life is more than fear of losing money, which makes the recession shock more manageable.
Q. How do you cope with the above mentioned challenges?
A. The first thing we do is to go back to our crisis management strategy and study that carefully. Since it was designed for managing the business during any unexpected crisis, its solidity needs to be proven. We produce reports from the strategy and see if it was well managed. After this, there is a cost cutting exercise along with promoting sales in countries which likely would have the least effect from such events and where travel was necessary. We promote our business in such countries and create smaller budget holidays, we start offering e-brochures to save cost on paper brochures, paperless communicating, realigning our strategy with our new goals, we reduce debt if possible since in such events the interest rates climbs up, we reduce or cut bonuses and salary hikes, and look at staff layoffs as the last option to opt for. Overall, we do adopt a strategy which refocuses our attention on our individual strengths and develop new products suitable for the time and also work along with the government to win back customer support. This finding relates to the one provided by ‘winter sales down’ (2001).
Q. What improvements must be made in your crisis management strategy?
A. We think that the first change would be to bring about all potential and possible events under the crisis management strategy, because foretelling any particular crisis is impossible and to manage any unexpected crisis, it requires extraordinary skills and knowledge application. We would save more by cutting down permanently on unrequired expenses, and make customers aware about the environment issues and also make them environmentally responsible travellers. We would initiate to build a corpus of funds which would be more useful and meant only for usage in crisis periods, which will reduce staff layoffs, an often undesired activity. We would try and reduce costs in all departments permanently, be prepared and show or readiness for handling all types of crisis, we would respond in the most appropriate manner by producing minimum harm, and we would immediately apply the recovery plan designed prior to any crisis.

Quantitative data

Derek Moore, the chairman of the association of independent tour operators said that, ‘it is seen that if a client gets into a crisis, it is difficult to determine whether he is in the crisis because of you or himself (Dennis, 2011). Thus if this happens, the customer would probably blame the company and media would be upon the company for an answer. This is a severe situation for the company and its image would certainly go down.
The crisis management plan must have the following (Ntaonline.com, 2014):
1. Listing of crisis management advisors, government officials, insurance agents, public relations, etc.
2. A call center for receiving panic calls for some customer in a crisis to handle their communication with their family.
3. An emergency fund for such events.
4. Prepared media event releases.
Sue Ockwell, spokesperson for Travel PR mentions that every company must have a crisis management plan. It is important to plan forward which helps to react immediately during a crisis occurrence (Travel PR, 2014).
In September 1999, a rail coach of a train carrying 34 elderly British holidaymakers in South Africa suddenly crashed (Regester and Larkin, 2002). Out of 34, 26 elderly tourists were killed immediately and the tour operator and some others died few days after because of their injuries. As soon as Thomas Cook received this news, it immediately set up its crisis management plan in action. It contacted the family members and set up a public relation team at work. A team of trauma counsellors, legal and customer advisers including mortuary technicians were immediately sent to Africa. The team did a substantially commendable job in Africa, and handled each case with care. Thus it did react in the best way they could and received good response from the media at home and they decided to be pro-active rather than reactive.
The above findings and analysis, confirms that there is a significant effect of external events on the performance of Thomas Cook and it proves the hypothesis right. The economic conditions and terrorism are seen to be the most affecting the business and in response they need to build a solid crisis management plan which address any potential crisis. It is also seen that if the company wishes, it may and can help those who are in crisis and can provide immense relief for their own customers. The other thing they could have added in their crisis plan was to check the railway travel in Africa and how much risky that could have been. These and other meticulous acts in the plan may save more lives and money for the company and few of such events may make it the most preferred choice of tour operator. It needs to keep building its crisis management plan and make it more and more resilient to all possible crisis that may arise in the future.


Sustainability of a firm is related to its ability to manage any crisis of any magnitude with resilience and Thomas Cook, because of its vast experience and decades of superior performance has developed a predictable crisis management plan. It has seen the worst kind of recession occurring due to economic recession and also due to the most shocking terrorism events. It has managed to handle complex events in the past and has been able to maintain its image in the market for a resilient organisation with quality performance in sensitive periods. It has seen much reduction in sales due to recent terrorism events and has also regained its position. However, in order to remain a preferred choice of tour operator for long and for maximum number of people it needs to further its capacity in managing various events of the future which may affect its sales and profit. Such events mean to affect everyone and not just Thomas Cook, but since the interconnectivity of the firm with external influencers, it becomes difficult to regain the market position that it earlier occupied.  With better planning in managing any crisis, be it economic, social, environmental, or terrorism related, it can make itself more resilient to external shocks and provide relief to its team and customers.

1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection:

This is a company, which appear to be very interesting. As I have travelled through Thomas Cook last year and for that reason, I have selected for my research survey. Thomas Cook group is one of the renowned Travel and Tourism Company. This company has started their international business in the year 1841it is very easy to gather information for this company as it is well established. I have selected this research work as because no one earlier has done any research on this specific topic to put some light in the research. Regarding this project, I do have some suggestions and thoughts, after the research work the outcome of the research of this project, may benefit for the company. I belief that hospitality management is a very challenging subject because from this management can review about their company. This is an important sector where Thomas Cook has a need to go through about the result for the potential in travel and tourism sector and the areas where they are lacking need to improve and go for more travellers and sustain in the market and to grow. For me there is a chance to get more marks if I provide better thoughts and views, which may be benefited for the company after doing the research work (Robinson, 2012).

1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references:

In this research work, it will point out the important factors, which plays a major role to acquire more travellers or customers to sustain in today’s market in UK and  to have a growth in the business. In this research work researcher wants to do the research work in the market about the sustainability in the market of Thomas Cook (Thiele, 2013). If a researcher conducts a research work, they use a technique. They should look how to meet the needs of the company, and how the company will contribute in the business. To understand the actual problem in sustaining in the market and to make growth in the business they should improve the service and pay attention more to their valuable customer. The points, which are mentioned above, management of the company, can keep it in mind that may be able to compete with their competitor in the market. By this, they may earn more profit. The researcher feels that it will draw attention to the result and the fact. The organization is very eager to know how to sustain in the field of travel and tourism (Thiele, 2013).

1.4 Produce a research project specification

This project is focused on the sustainability issues of Thomas Cook Company. They are facing many issues regarding their market sustainability. Their products and services are creating trouble for them. Thus, they cannot compete in the market with other companies. Though they are holding their brand image in the market of UK, they cannot secure their sustainability, as many companies are there to take over the Thomas Cook Company (Aldridge, 2005). New companies are providing more effective service and products to the customers and this is the reason of losing many customers from the market. Therefore, it is the high time for Thomas Cook to make an effective plan for their marketing and developing the business as well as their services. The main motto of the company is to attract more customers with best quality and service, which will be according to customers’ budget. This can increase the profitability of the company and they can get more customers and can retain the old buyers who are willing to change their providers of tour and travel planning (Eberts et al., 2006). Sustainability can increase their strength in the market also. They can take over more companies with their increasing customers and profits. Or this reason the researcher has planned to make a questionnaire which will gather more information according to the customers’ point of view (Aldridge, 2005). These questions will bring more customers’ opinion about the service and quality, their approach towards the company. The data, which will be collected from the market survey, will be kept in the company documents and will help the management to take proper decision about the sustainability of Thomas Cook (Goodall, 2012).

sustainability of Thomas Cook
The above Gantt Chart elaborates about the researcher planning on the research project. On the first week of the research researcher will find out the problems. After that on the first and the second week researcher will go for a literature review (Fox, 2010). On the second day of the research, work researcher will go for data analysis. On the second week of the research work researcher will find the market gap. Researcher on the second week will frame aims and objective. On the second and third week he will go for a primary data collection. After collecting primary data researcher will scrutinize the data. Explanation and interpretation will be done on second and third week. On second, third and fourth researcher will find for a valid submission of the project and at last on the fourth week researcher will   submit the research work.

Task 2

2.1 Match resources efficiency to the research question or hypothesis2.1 Match resources efficiency to the research question or hypothesis

In order to collect the primary data, the questionnaire plays an essential part in the research (Pawar, 2009). The primary data is collected through survey and a sampling frame of people is required for the same. A form of questionnaire is given below:

1 What is your name?


2 What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female

3 Mention your age?

  • 18-27
  • 23-37
  • 38-47
  • 48 and onwards

4 What is your opinion on the services of Thomas cook?


5 Do you believe package tour of Thomas cook is better?

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagreed
  • Strongly disagreed

6 Are you satisfied with the service?

  • Very satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Less satisfied
  • Not at all satisfied

7 Do you think tariff rate of Thomas cook is better as compared to that of their competitors?

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neutral
  • Disagreed
  • Strongly disagreed

8 If Thomas cook decreases their rate, do you think customers will be more attracted?

  • Yes
  • No
  • May be

9 What will be the preferred cost of your tour package (£)?

  • 2001-3500
  • 3501-5000
  • 5001-8000
  • 8001-1000

10 State your opinion to improve the service of Thomas cook?


2.2 undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

Research Philosophy

The whole research is performed through a process a specific method is taken by the researcher to complete this of research. This process is called philosophy. Research philosophy will enable to help the researchers with dissimilar types of methodologies and as such avoiding unsuitable and unrelated works. Research philosophy is distinct as the development of information and the nature of knowledge. Positivism and interpretative method is the two type of research method that regularly used by any researcher. The positivism research is mostly used for the outgoing research purpose (Pring, 2004).

Research approach

After the approach method has been selected then the research should continue. Deductive and inductive are two most recognizable approach. Inductive approach usually use for research questions to fine the scope of the study and purposeful on exploring new phenomena at previously researched phenomena from a dissimilar perspective. Deductive approach usually begins with a theory (Federman, Hanna and Rodriguez, 2003).

Research Design

For acquiring more criticism, suggestion and the data are to be used in investigative research techniques from the customers for presenting to the Thomas cook. Exploratory, descriptive and casual are the different type of research. Exploratory research type is collecting secondary data and interprets them in shapeless way. And the descriptive research type is find information of around the competitors, market treads, business and environmental issues (Pring, 2004).

Research type

There are two kind of research which could be secluded from each others. The first research is qualitative research and the previous one is quantitative research. The collective information is all concerning the advices and recommendations, which should be delivered to the Thomas cook. To evaluate the research, the researcher will borrow the quantitative research type (Federman, Hanna and Rodriguez, 2003).

Research universe

The research universe is the effective clients and the customers of the Thomas cook. The management needs the all advice and the recommendations, for getting better the customer support and service.

Research sample

Correct example has to be selected if someone keen to find out type research correctly. In this method mainly the necessary data will collected from the consumers.

Data collection

The main part of research is the investigation. Data must be composed in correct order to make or complete an investigation. Primary data is collecting from the survey and secondary data is collected by the respondents face to face. Secondary data will be very much obliging in research. Data collection is the most valuable part of a research.

Data analysis

To fix out with aim of the organisation the object of research is very important, for that the research data is required.

Ethical consideration

An organisation have to be uphold or follow some exist policies and main beliefs in cost or any matter. The set of question which comprise in the questionnaire should be free from any type of bias. According to protection act hey will protect all the information and will not disclose it to any other person (Miller and Selgelid, 2008).

Research limitation

It is not possible of the researcher to gather all the funds or research. So, it is a bug factor for the researcher. Researcher can take help of college or any institution to undertake the research properly.

Time is also a big issue. They might not get proper time to express the research properly. That can affect the research badly as they will not gather all the information within the given time period. In this way the research can be harmed in case of result (Miller and Selgelid, 2008).

2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate

In order to analyse the research properly the primary data collection plays very significant role. In this research, customer satisfaction is the main motive which should be fulfiled by the organization. Different types of problems, issues and challenges come in way of the research project because the Thomas cook is reputed organization. Some factors must be fulfilled by the organization such as meet customer’s desire, improve quality service, make innovative ideas. In addition with that they can easily develop their business (Pawar, 2009). 

Task 3

3.1 Use appropriate research evaluation techniques

In order of collecting data, the sources require being appropriate and the data provided has to be very precise. In such a scenario, collecting primary data is the top option here. In the market of such rivalry, it’s very essential to a brand or organisation to work on its projects and tactics for sustaining their customers’ base and maintaining a high-quality business. Here in this investigation project, the subject has to be intense on the management and management planning related to the organisation Thomas Cook. Thus, the management team of this organisation get some plans and ideas from the collected data and create useful decisions in favour of the brand. The management of Thomas Cook has to focus on their brand’s productivity and customer base, and as well as retention. They will be kept in front of the customers and they are expected to answer the questions voluntarily. In this way, they will be clever to grip on the idea about their position in the middle of the consumers (Govaert, 2009). 

3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification

1 What is your name?


2 What is your gender?











The above chart shows that out of 100% of respondents female were 60%, so management should focus on them more effectively.

3 Mention your age?













48 and onwards




40% respondents were belonging from 48- above age group. So Thomas cook should focus on them in order attract more customers thereby increasing the same.

4 What is your opinion on the services of Thomas cook?


5 Do you believe package tour of Thomas cook is better?




Strongly agreed












Strongly disagreed




40%people said that the package tour of Thomas cook is better, so the management should focus to improve the tariff of package tour so that the tourists get fascinated towards the organization.

6 Are you satisfied with the service?




Very satisfied






Less satisfied



Not at all satisfied




The majority of respondents 60 % said that they were satisfy with the service, so Thomas cook should improve the service quality that would help them to increase their revenue.

7 Do you think tariff rate of Thomas cook is better as compared to that of their competitors?




Strongly agreed












Strongly disagreed




80%people said that the tariff rate Thomas cooks is better; if the management decreases the tariff rate they will be able to attract more customers.

8 If Thomas cook decreases their rate, do you think customers will be more attracted?










May be




Majority of respondents 50% said that Thomas cook can attract more customers by decreasing their rate, so management must decrease their rate to attract more customers. 

9 What will be preferred cost tour package (£)?

















Most of the respondents support the basic tour package which is 2000-3500, so the management should make their plan according to customer’s demand. They must set the price in such a way so that it can enable them to enhance their sales.

10 State your opinion to improve the service of Thomas cook?


3.3 Recommendation and consideration

After evaluating the overall research it is very much clear that they have to make proper planning of their business. In this way it has came out from the research that they have to focus on their marketing process, as well as they have to understand the customers preference about the tour package (Hunt, 2007). The budget is very much important for the customer. After examine the graphs it is visible that the average customer has a desire of extracting the amount of £2000-3500 on the packages. Making proper planning of packages will be best for Thomas Cook. There are many organizations new and existing, which are providing better quality of service and packages to customer. In that case, the communication between organization and customer should be well versed. 

Task 4

4.1 Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience


A learn on brand image is very necessary for understanding of any organisation. This will help the corporation to figure out their ability and disability. In this project the main problem are the service quality is average. Here the organisation has to make improve their service process. This project will be based on the standing, ability and the market rank. So, the answer will help us to finish the project with pertinent data of resolve the process (Govaert, 2009).


On the basis of the research it is clear that some customers are satisfy with service of the Thomas and Cook. The communication system is not clear is every section of their business. As well as the relation between customer and employee of Thomas Cook is not solid. The aged people like their service than younger, their tour package is not affordable to every customer so minimum costly tour package got high attention in the research. The most of the people are satisfied with the services of the Thomas cook (McQuail, Golding and Bens, 2005). The responses were derived positive but the management must focus on the negative impact as well. It was observed that 40%people said that the package tour of Thomas cook is better, so the management should focus to improve the tariff of package tour so that the tourists get fascinated towards the organization. The majority of respondents 60 % said that they were satisfy with the service, so Thomas cook should improve the service quality that would help them to increase their revenue. Majority of respondents 50% said that Thomas cook can attract more customers by decreasing their rate, so management must decrease their rate to attract more customers.  Most of the respondents support the basic tour package which is 2000-3500, so the management should make their plan according to customer’s demand. They must set the price in such a way so that it can enable them to enhance their sales.


The project is a viewpoint of the company Thomas Cook. We can find that the organisation have some issues like the behaviour able issue, communiqué issue, and customer service issue. The company must have to get better their communication between customers and staffs. They have to appreciate the customer’s desire and will to give them the best service. They have to make proper preparation to keep their existence if not they will dissolve from the market for ever (Lavrakas, 2008).


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Hunt, D. (2007). Department of Conservation fire research needs analysis. Wellington, N.Z.: Science & Technical Pub., Dept. of Conservation.
McQuail, D., Golding, P. and Bens, E. (2005). Communication theory & research. London: SAGE.
Pawar, B. (2009). Theory building for hypothesis specification in organizational studies. Los Angeles: Response.
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Goodall, C. (2012). Sustainability. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
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Thiele, L. (2013). Sustainability. Cambridge: Polity.