Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment - Cambridge City

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Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment - Cambridge City
Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment - Cambridge City
Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment - Cambridge City


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism - Cambridge City

QFC Level

Level 5


Reports are prepared for conveying the message or ideas to general public, authority’s corporate houses. There are several topics covered in the span of time where new learning’s, teachings, principles, laws, frictions are prepared and evoked. These are thus helping in different sections of society making independent living and healthy sustaining life. Here I have selected Urban Tourism as my prescribed topic to research the possibilities of urban areas and in general how they are able to attract the public in mean time. There are all types of statistical data which will help in the report making it impressive and compressed to the point. In this Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment Cambridge City the urban tourism is discussed in detail with an example of Cambridge city. The Cambridge city or so called University City as it is having the great Cambridge University famous worldwide. In this report we have categorized these actions to focus on the Cambridge city for its growth and development. The theories and prescribed infrastructure where Cambridge learns to advance and accelerate the growth are discussed separately for a better  understanding specific needs. This report will be useful for the sake of urban tourism with highlighting the demerits of the urban tourism.

Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment Cambridge City - Assignment Help UK


Urban tourism is a wider topic and first we should have knowledge of what actually urbanization is. Urbanization is referred to the proportion of people increasing in the cities rather than the distinct and rural areas. These proportions make the urbanization happens. A statistics provides that 14% of the people were actually urban in 1900, where by 2000 it increases to 47% and predictions for 61% in the future or by 2031.  As any place is surrounded with living it automatically attracts lots of people to study and visit the place, the culture they are adopting, the lifestyle they are living, the food and clothing they are having and lastly the place they have chosen to live with its natural piety. The megacities like Sao Paolo, Tokyo, Mexico City, Mumbai and New York will be facing a huge crowd of over 10 million people in recent years. The volume of the people living in these megacities will be 3 to 5 billion from 2002 to 2020.

The urban areas are having fiscal and monetary benefits where a broad connectivity of the road for transport purpose exists. They are having a proper and adequate economic base to make the survival living equipping better resources. These urban areas are available with proper infrastructure and adequate workforce. These can be utilized in the daily progress in the cities. Although these workforces majorly comprises the majority of people coming from nearby rural areas only, but urban area is said to be well equipped with the workforces. In these urban areas the mutual relationships like social, political, legal, economical are possible with the urban landscape and individuals and groups can have several benefits from them.

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The nature of urban tourism

Urban Tourism is not only related with the leisure purpose tourism in urban areas. It is the one main component but there are several another components for the urban tourism like business, employment, visiting friends and relatives, fashion and infrastructures etc. Tourism is also a competitor of many industries in terms of its revenues and hence land and labour are employed in a discrete manner in this profession. The destinations we have chosen in the urban tourism, Cambridge city provides various means to tourists to appeal and convince like education, transport, services, communications, infrastructure and a mixed fashion (Smith, 2009).

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Purpose of the research

Our research is concentrating the possibilities of the Urban  travel and Tourism  where tourists are more attracted with the appeal and attractions in the urban areas. The appeal from various cities is the main concentration of the tourists while deriving their tour packages. The ratio of urban tourism is significantly increasing in the recent years and hence here we have got an opportunity to study and identify the various factors and theories working in this propaganda to make the urban tourism successful. The main purpose of the research is related with finding the possibilities making the urban areas adequate for urban tourism. For this purpose we have chosen Cambridge city as a preferred city to develop as an urban tourist site (Ritchie & Maitland, 2009).

Research Aims

The main aims related with the research are as follows:

  • To identify the possibilities of urban tourism in Cambridge city
  • To preparing a mechanism making Cambridge city adequate to attend the tourists and crowd of foreigners
  • To define and discuss the characteristics of visitors to urban destinations.
  • To identify and critically evaluate the nature and role of specific components of the visitor product provided by urban destinations.
  • To critically debate management and marketing features distinct to urban sites.

Research Objectives

The research objectives are as follows:


  • S – Specific – The research aims is specific as Cambridge city is a renowned city for its universities etc. This allows us to choose it as a specific destination for our research.
  • M – Measurable – The mechanism prepared or the factors identified will be measurable as per the revenue generated in the city and hence research aims can be followed properly.
  • A – Attainable – The research aims are attainable as after several efforts publicly, and by authorities the Cambridge city can be developed as a site of Urban Tourism.
  • R – Realistic – Cambridge City is a realistic urban city and hence our research is purely identical and real.
  • T – Time bound – The time is related with the  data collection  and research completion. Although a tentative time of 3 months is chosen for completing the research and evaluating the site to be adequate for urban tourism.

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Cambridge city

Cambridge city is a renowned city all over the world. But of course it is renowned for its University of Cambridge. It is an eastern city of England country situated on the Cam River. Its name also started from the Cam river where a bridge was constructed adjoining the river sides and Cambridge city (Cam + bridge). There are a club of universities which makes it termed as a University City also (Richards & Palmer, 2010). Not only universities, the Cambridge is also famous for its archaeological and anthropological sculptures securely collected in University museums. Besides these there are Fitzwilliam museums, Botanic Gardens, Anglesey Abbey and The Backs which are famous places and can be developed the sites for urban tourism. Although lots of tourists are visiting this places comprising majority of the students but in the discrete manner if this site will be developed as per the tourism standards, this can for sure gain a massive response (Page & Connell, 2009).

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Literature Review

The tourists are thirsty for the advancements and developments. This can attract them from miles. The Urban tourism is worldwide famous due to this concept only. Not only foreign visitors, but the local people also enjoy Urban Touring as they get enormous learning’s platforms, new and innovative ideas and other natural piety visions and pictures. Some tourists move to spend their leisure and the sites like Cambridge cities provides them enormous comforts as they get to know the culture and heritage of the city, state and country (Newman & Maitland, 2008).

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Urban tourism

The urban tourism is the tourism related activities occurring in the urban areas. These activities are not only related with leisure but also with the educational tours, business, conferences, fashion, infrastructuresetc. (Mazanec & Wober, 2009).

Urban Tourism Supply and Demand

The urban tourism is directly depending on the tourists arriving in the site or place. World statistics provides that 898 millions of tourists are globally touring. This count will be reaching to 1.6 billion by 2020. A matter of fact is European countries have faced almost 527 million by 2010 and is expecting 700 million by 2020 which means half of the tourists are wondering to visits European or nearby countries like England and France (Otgaar, Van Den Berg, Berger & Feng, 2010). The incoming of the tourists is better for an economy in terms of the revenue, sites development and recognition. Also the revenue generation is not limited with the purchases they made, it is related with the foreign researches and foreign currency exchanges which is a most crucial factor in economic building of the nation. A lots of employment opportunity is also created with the sites development and urban tourism. Urban tourism attracts and appeals the customers or tourists as for the means of  information and communication, transport and infrastructure facilities they are having. They need not to employ or put extra resources in managing these for the tourists (Maciocco & Serreli, 2009).

Cambridge City

The main attractions for the city are as follows:

  • A club of college and universities:
  1. Lucy Cavendish College
  2. Magdalene College
  3. St John’s College
  4. Trinity College
  5. Christ’s College
  6. Queen’s College
  7. Emmanuel College
  8. Newnham College
  9. Downing College and many others
  • Library
  1. Cambridge University Library
  • Museum
  1. Fitzwilliam Museum
  • Others:
  1. Cambridge Corn Exchange
  2. Cambridge Train Station
  3. Cambridge Arts Theatre
  4. Cambridge University Botanic Garden
  5. Fitzbillies – Chelsea Bun
  6. River Cam – Tours and Punting
  7. Eagle Pub (A story of Francis Crick and James Watson)
  8. Grantchester
  9. Kings College Chapel (Symbol of Cambridge)
  10. Plough
  11. The Round Church
  12. Wandlebury County Park
  13. Buskers and Street Performers festival

These all the attractions are centrally located in the urban areas if the city or nearby. These attractions comprises of historical, anthropological and archaeological elements. There are various educational sites where lots of leaders of the global world learn how to control, monitor and grab the opportunities (Page & Connell, 2009).

Francis Crick and James Watson, students of University of Cambridge, invented DNA and announced the success in Eagle Pub of the city. There are various people who have joined politics, are a great scholar and doing research works. Some examples are as follows: Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed (St Catharine's) President of India 1974–1977, Ba Maw (unknown) First Prime Minister of Burma (Myanmar) 1937–1939; Head of State 1943–1945, Rupiah Banda (Wolfson) President of Zambia 2008–2011, Sir Francis Bell (St John's) Prime Minister of New Zealand 1925, Stanley Bruce (Trinity) Prime Minister of Australia 1923–1929 and many more, these counting’s are endless (Heeley, 2011).

Cambridge city are able to attract the portfolio of tourists. The students are attracted with the universities and education styles having here. There is a Cam River where lots of river exercises can be initiated which includes, ploughing, punting, river carrier’s exercises etc. There is a Fitzwilliam Museum uniquely renowned for anthropological and archaeological attributes. The lovers of historical places and ancient monuments can also visit the library of University of Cambridge where they actually get the details of the truth of monuments all over the world written by famous writers and research scholars. Also the leisure spending tourists can visits this place where they can utilize the Cam River with its full potential, they can chose walking in the several abbey fields here, lastly they can enjoy in the Eagle Pub, the historical and classical pub sharing food and beverages (Hayllar, Griffin & Edwards, 2008). These places nearly require four to seven days to complete the trip where a person can have time for them as well as carefully observe the whole process and platform. The unique selling proportions or points for this site or Cambridge city are:

  • Its compound and collaboration of universities having renowned teachers and professors from all over the world
  • Cam river and excursions based on it
  • Archaeological and anthropological museum
  • City structure and infrastructure
  • Food and beverages – Chelsea Bun
  • Botanical gardens and library

These all the places will be USP or unique selling propositions for the Cambridge city and they can face the huge crowd if marketing is done on a proper adequate basis (Hayllar, Edwards & Griffin, 2008).

Although with these virtues in Cambridge city they are not facing the adequate crowds in their locations for the several reasons which we will be identifying in the later part. A question arise in front of the authorities whether tourism disturb the education level of the city and will make the reputation of Cambridge city in danger. Urban tourism includes lots of facilities provided to tourists for their transport, food, water and living. There needs to be several standards for the work to make the arrangements for tourists to make the m conniving and convenient in the place. For this purpose a lots of funds are also required to make the process suitable. All of these can make some obstructions or breaks in the already and traditionally accepted way of the Cambridge city. Hence there should be a fairly treated mechanism which can make the Cambridge city developed as an urban tourism site neither disturbing the educational resources here nor the natural resources. Tourism creates great revenue in the entire world and hence government are in great favour for these tourisms (Hannam & Knox, 2010). There are several theories working in the Tourisms which are highlighted as we follows:

Maslow hierarchy needs of motivation: According to Maslow, every site is developed as per the resources they have. After a certain period its saturation for that resources are over and they start to demand more. This is a phase of the every site all over the world. For an example, United States today is known as a super power but in the past it was not. It has their own resources with its limits; they identify new ways of trading and developing their countries economic base. Sooner they reach to the stage of saving and investing composition where they start trading inter countries and dealing with foreign reserves and exchanges (Hall, Hubbard & Short, 2008). This initiates the imports and exports. Now these all are the stages of motivation where firstly a site crosses its basic period where they have limited resources and they are just fulfilling the basic needs. Then they move towards, esteem needs and later on self-actualization. The self-actualization for USA can be seen as involvement if UNO and United Nations bodies to make the world together and have peace.


The quantitative methodology will be utilized as the research is related with a live site. The quants will help in the decision making as the real data will be collected and analysed as per the circumstances (Edwards, Griffin & Hayllar, 2008). The data collected in this research will be as follows: We need to use secondary research where we are available with the data already of the successful sites of Urban Tourism. Although a questionnaire based on the primary research technique will be utilized for collecting the live data from the sources in Cambridge University. These research methods will be utilized as following:

Secondary sources are taken with the help of journals, magazines and e-portals of universities and Cambridge city history. Primary sources are taken from the students of Cambridge universities where ethical issues consent form and no objection certification will be taken in advance to make the research sound and stable.

Research Questions

  • What will be the benefit of making Cambridge City an Urban Tourism site?
  • Why the people will be appealing or convincing to come a barren University City?
  • How the mechanism will be implemented in the Cambridge city within due course?

Purpose of the research

Our research is concentrating the possibilities of the Urban Tourism where tourists are more attracted with the appeal and attractions in the urban areas. The appeal from various cities is the main concentration of the tourists while deriving their tour packages. The ratio of urban tourism is significantly increasing in the recent years and hence here we have got an opportunity to study and identify the various factors and theories working in this propaganda to make the urban tourism successful. The main purpose of the research is related with finding the possibilities making the urban areas adequate for urban tourism. For this purpose we have chosen Cambridge city as a preferred city to develop as an urban tourist site.

Research Aims

The main aims related with the research are as follows:

  • To identify the possibilities of urban tourism in Cambridge city
  • To preparing a mechanism making Cambridge city adequate to attend the tourists and crowd of foreigners
  • To define and discuss the characteristics of visitors to urban destinations.
  • To identify and critically evaluate the nature and role of specific components of the visitor product provided by urban destinations.
  • To critically debate management and marketing features distinct to urban sites.

Research Objectives

The research objectives are as follows:

The research aims is specific as Cambridge city is a renowned city for its universities etc. This allows us to choose it as a specific destination for our research.The mechanism prepared or the factors identified will be measurable as per the revenue generated in the city and hence research aims can be followed properly.The research aims are attainable as after several efforts publicly, and by authorities the Cambridge city can be developed as a site of Urban Tourism. Cambridge City is a realistic urban city and hence our research is purely identical and real. The time is related with the data collection and research completion. Although a tentative time of 3 months is chosen for completing the research and evaluating the site to be adequate for urban tourism.


The findings for the research are as follows:

First Research question findings:

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The sales of the Cambridge city are increased with the inflow of the urban tourists in the city. These tourists are well educated and invest their money in the process of Cambridge city where they learn many attributes like learning’s related to academics, infrastructure learning’s, fashion knowledge etc. The main benefit of making the Cambridge city to be an urban tourist city is related with the sales which will generate huge revenues for the city and will be utilized in developing the site more attractively and conveniently. Hence our first research question is addressed here - What will be the benefit of making Cambridge City an Urban Tourism site?

Second Research question findings:

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The above data presents the tourists visiting in the Cambridge city, which provides that around 16 million of customers have visited the country in 2015 – 2016. This makes a huge audience in the city which is visiting it without the adequate sites, hence if the Urban Tourism will be developed here it will definitely attract the visitors and tourists and support in the revenue and economic development of the country. Here we achieve the second research question which is - Why the people will be appealing or convincing to come a barren University City?

Third research question findings –

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The Cambridge city is not limited with the infrastructure and funds. As lots of foreign students come over here for their academic education and hence a lot of revenue is generated here. This attracts lots of sited to be developed for the people coming along with the students so that they can spend some time here and enjoy. Also the students can make them relaxed with the studies. Lastly the tourists can come over this place and can have a tour trip with convenience. There are many attractions which can be developed as per the tourist requirements in which Cam River is one of the most prominent resources. There are several empty fields which can be utilized by Disney world, Hogwartsetc. for their theme parks and attract the people from all over the world to this place. Hence the last research question is achieved here which is - How the mechanism will be implemented in the Cambridge city within due course?


In the discussion part we will be discussing the responses we have received from the questionnaire provided to the students of the universities.

Question Number/Options























































Questionnaire is attached in the appendices section. In total there were 90 respondents for which we have taken the survey. The answers were mixed nature. The overall discussions for the research will be related with the positive attitude towards the Cambridge city of the tourists as well as the students. The unique matter of fact for our survey was 45 males and 45 females were chosen for the survey where transparency will be there in the results. Also the chosen people were equal from the age brackets so that no majority can exist in the  decision making. This means age bar 18 to 30 is 30 respondents, 30 to 45 age bracket are 30 respondents and 45 and above are also 30 brackets not considering for any majority. The inbound respondents are 40 whereas outbound respondents are 50. This means the traffic coming from foreign countries is really nice and fair. Also the inbound traffic is also attracted to this place. When the question of Why Cambridge was asked from the audience we got a mixed answer and nit focused only on the education. 25 respondents choose education which means rest of the respondents are there for leisure, nature, business and other reasons. The audience provides several audience for getting the details of the Cambridge from the journals, magazine, web based sources, acquainted people and other sources. The maximum were recommended candidates and coming from other sources. This provides an option to Cambridge city for marketing as well as developing the site to get its reputation advertised properly addressing the tourists decently. People comes from bus facilities majorly which are connected from London and other major cities. 50 respondents from the total survey are the ones coming from the above said options. Rest of the respondents are travelling with flights, train and own medium of transport.All of the respondents provided us the positive comments for the satisfaction of journey which again prove our point to be united in making the destination as Urban Tourism.30 respondents provided us negative responses in visiting the Cambridge again, when we got to know the reasons they simply indicate the course completion. Rest 60 respondents provide positive comments on coming back to the Cambridge place. 90 respondents provided us fair and reasonable comments on recommending people for visiting Cambridge city.

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From above all points we can conclude that our research aims are achieved. We have identified the possibilities of urban tourism in Cambridge city. We have also suggested preparing a mechanism making Cambridge city adequate to attend the tourists and crowd of foreigners. We have discussed the characteristics of visitors to urban destinations. We have evaluated the nature and role of specific components of the visitor product provided by urban destinations. We have evaluated management and marketing features distinct to urban sites. Besides these we have successfully achieved the research questions which were what will be the benefit of making Cambridge City an Urban Tourism site?Why the people will be appealing or convincing to come a barren University City?How the mechanism will be implemented in the Cambridge city within due course? With the help of the research objectives.


Edwards, D., Griffin, T., Hayllar, B. (2008). Urban tourism Research: developing an agenda. Annals of Tourism Research 35(4), 1032-1052.   
Hall, T. Hubbard, P. Short, R.S. (2008). The SAGE Companion to the City. Sage. London. Hannam, K. Knox, D. (2010). Understanding
Tourism. Sage. London.
Hayllar, B., Edwards, D., Griffin, T. (2008). City spaces- tourist places: urban tourism precincts. Oxford: Butterworth- Heinemann.
Hayllar, B; Griffin, T; Edwards, D. (2008). City spaces - tourist places: urban tourism precincts. Butterworth-Heinemann. Available as (eBook) 
Heeley, J. (2011). Inside City Tourism: A European Perspective. Channel View. (EBook)
University Press. • Page, S. And Connell, J. 2009. Tourism: A Modern Synthesis. Chapter 21: Urban Tourism, pp. 470-493. London: Cengage Learning.
Maciocco,G. Serreli, S. (2009). Enhancing the City: New Perspectives for Tourism and Leisure. Springer, New York.  (ebook)
Mazanec, J. Wober, K.(2009). Analysing International City Tourism. Springer. Vienna. (ebook)
Newman, P. Maitland, R. (2008). World tourism cities : developing tourism off the beaten track. Cabi. London. 
Otgaar,A. H. J. Van Den Berg,L. Berger,C. Feng,, R. X. (2010). Industrial Tourism: Opportunities for City and Enterprise. Ashgate. London.(ebook)
Page, S. And Connell, J (2009) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis 2nd edition, London: Thomson Learning.
Richards, G. Palmer, R. (2010). Eventful Cities. Butterworth-Heinmann. London.
Ritchie, B. W; Maitland, R. (2009). City Tourism : national capital perspectives. Wallingford, Cambridge. (ebook)
Smith, M.K. (2009). Issues in Cultural Tourism Studies. Tayor and Francis. London.(ebook)

In this Unit 4 Research Project on Tourism Assignment - Cambridge City the urban tourism is discussed in detail with an example of Cambridge city, We are posting units solutions so scholars can explore the our  Assignment Help UK  and get review the quality of our work.