Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment

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Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment
Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment
Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment


One can see that studying organizational behaviour is an inter-disciplinary area, which further draws its observations from sociology and anthropology, economics, cognitive and social psychology. In this assignment a foundation of organizational behaviour, which revolves around the behaviour of employees, either as an individual or in a group is provided that eventually is built on numerous investigations and practical utilization of researches made on the concept of organizational behaviour that are both classic and contemporary.

The study of organizational behaviour will help in developing an understanding on how an employee’s ability, group dynamics and processes, workplace culture, leadership styles, technology and the structure influence behaviour apart from the role of employee motivation, communication and workplace conflicts in affecting behaviour. By studying the concept of organizational behaviour, a person can evolve the ability of analyzing, understanding and ultimately explaining the key aspects and elements within an organization and make a practical application of the theories that are learned in a competent way for resolving the problems in a strategic way, successfully execute an organizational change and emerge as a more competent leaders and managers.

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Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 1

In this assignment the case study of CAPCO has been considered as an example. CAPCO is a preeminent financial service consultant provider, which was established 15 years back and is ranked 27th in 2013 in the list of The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies to Work For.

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The structure of an organization in general highlights the hierarchy of command line, communications and an organization’s right and duties. In other words, an organizational structure determines how power, roles and responsibilities are designated, controlled, coordinated and an information flows amid the management hierarchy. Structure is dependent on an organization like CAPCO’s strategy and objectives. A structure that is centralized, the power of making decisions relies with the top layer of management  who further strictly controls other departments whereas  decision making  power is distributed and freedom can be seen in the departments and divisions in a decentralized structure. Organizational structure can be illustrated an organizational chart. (Schein, 2010)

Types of organizational structures:

  • Divisional structure: this kind of structure is most suited for an organization which has specific business units
  • Functional structure: this kind of structure in general is based on the duties of each job
  • Geographical structure: this kind of structure provides the organizations operating at multiple locations either nationally or internationally with a hierarchy
  • Matrix structure: in this kind of structure employees need to report to two or more supervisors and is best suited for MNCs that operate from many locations and has different functional areas.
  • Flat structure: this kind of structure has fewer or no different levels of management amid the employees and the topmost authority.
  • Tall structure: this kind of structure has many levels of hierarchy leading to a more complicated and complex structure and might respond slowly to the market changes. (Schein, 2010)

Organizational Structure of CAPCO and UNISON:

CAPCO ‘s Flat Structure

UNISON’s Tall Structure

The flat structure of CAPCO promotes in having fewer levels of management eventually reducing the line of command and establishing a wider range of access and control over employees. (Zheng, Yang and McLean,  2010)



The tall structure of UNISON is a reflection of the complications that are involved in the nature of work it carries. Most of its staff work either from the new Euston Road centre or from any other 12 regions in UK


CAPCO’s flat structure further empowers the employees in playing multiple roles at work eventually preparing them for culture that promotes innovation and is entrepreneurial in nature.


In UNISON’s tall structure, one can see a small span of control, closer supervision and advanced jobs and because of many levels in the hierarchy, scope of being promoted is much higher although the communication is poor.

One can see openness at workplace and because of the flat structure, employees are given the freedom of sharing their ideas and information with their colleagues further cultivating a much better coordination and communication.

The process of decision-making in UNISON is much longer and is complicated. Costs burden in maintaining a large number of positions is a key disadvantage of tall structure. (Zheng, Yang and McLean,  2010)




Because of the flat structure at CAPCO, employees are always motivated and the management empowers them by supporting and allowing participation eventually resulting into the organization’s effectiveness. (Zheng, Yang and McLean,  2010)



UNISON’s tall structure  allows the employees in being organized eventually helping them in acting quickly and responding to the changes


Organizational Culture of CAPCO and UNISON:

Culture can be defined as the values and behaviours contributing to an organization’s psychological and social environment and comprises of the experiences, expectations, values and philosophies which hold the organization together and one can eventually see it in the future expectations, interactions with outer world, inner workings etc. Organization culture relies on attitudes that are shared, customs and beliefs, written and unwritten regulations evolved over time. Organization culture determines the ways a business is conducted, how an organization treats the customers, employees and the community, scope of freedom in decision-makings and evolving of new ideas etc. (Rijal, 2010)

Types of organizational culture:

  • Power culture: this kind of culture in general has top chief who is responsible of making swift decisions and controlling the direction of the organization and is best suited for small organizations.
  • Role culture: this kind of culture is planted on rules, is eminently controlled where employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities, and has the tendency of being bureaucratic.
  • Task culture: in this kind of culture, teams are formed for solving précised problems which is lead by an expert who is more knowledgeable and experienced
  • Person culture: in this kind of culture, employees are considered as invaluable asset and are placed ahead of the organization itself.

The kind of organizational culture CAPCO promotes lends support to the enterprising nature and modernization. In addition, it satisfies the employees by providing distinctiveness, teamwork and broad-mindedness at work thereby, encouraging them to keep on learning, experiencing new things eventually living their dreams. The organizational culture practiced in CAPCO has integrated elements like growth, performance, rewards, challenge and experience further allowing the employees to adopt innovative approaches at work and becoming a risk-taker for meeting the business environment challenges and changes. (Jones, 2010)

UNISON’s organizational culture allows the human resources to bring in innovation at work and constantly supports in resolving problems. Moreover, UNISON’s organizational culture implies a carefully knitted approach in order to facilitate organizational learning and concurrently highlights the need of evolving a kind of culture that backs the success of business on a global platform.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations

One can see the influence of both CAPCO’s culture and structure in the overall performance of the business. CAPCO’s malleable organisational structure is further helpful in ensuring the management day-to-day operations and other activities involved in the business are executing in a smooth and uninterrupted way by simultaneously increasing teamwork and employee participation at the workplace. CAPCO’s management through its flat organisational structure further ensures a wide range of control which has ultimately assisted in cutting down the communication gap amid various departments. (Jiménez-Jiménez and Sanz-Valle, 2011)

One can see that CAPCO’s structure is supported by its go-getting and contemporary culture. CAPCO’s culture proclaims individuality, integrity and openness in the working atmosphere and employees are encouraged to dream and work towards achieving the same. CAPCO’s culture is further built on four key pillars and has embraced growth opportunities of employees, rewarding outstanding performers, providing a challenging job portfolio and encouraging experience and learning. It has been observed that the structure and culture of CAPCO cherishes resilience, creativeness and risks that are further affiliated with indelible vision. This allows the employees in meeting the challenges and changes of the financial services industry. (Jiménez-Jiménez and Sanz-Valle, 2011)

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice

Researchers suggest that an individual behaves in a certain way under a given situation and that no two individuals behave similarly. One can describe the behaviour of an employee as his/her reaction in a certain workplace situation.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 2

It is important for an employee to maintain a sensible behaviour at workplace just not for gaining appreciation and respect from superiors and co-workers but most importantly for maintaining a healthy workplace culture adhering to its rules and regulations. There are numerous factors responsible for influencing an individual’s behaviour at work further affecting their performance and efficiency levels that can be either positive or negative. As discussed earlier, CAPCO backs a working environment that is decisive, malleable and comprehensive and thereby, it influences the employees’ behaviour allowing them to flourish. (Snape and Redman, 2010)

Factors influencing individual behaviour:

  • Work relations: CAPCO’s flat structure and innovation and entrepreneurial culture allows the employees to interact with authorities and employees at any level irrespective of their departments and establish a cordial professional relationship. Moreover, there are no barriers or strict supervision at the office premises. Employees are provided with necessary freedom in sharing ideas and voicing their concerns further leaving a positive impression of the management on their mind, the influence of which can be seen in their behaviour at work allowing them to learn, getting aspired and gaining more experience.
  • Culture: CAPCO’s organizational culture is in support of an employee’s growth, rewards, challenges and learning that eventually makes them feeling energized. Moreover, the management ensures that the company’s maintains transparency in its policies and there is a proper outflow of information at all hierarchy levels. It makes the employees feeling unified within the system thereby, influencing their behaviour in a positive way.
  • Role clarity: CAPCO ensures that all the roles and responsibilities of various job positions are precisely delegated and are in accordance to their skills and strengths. The line managers also support the employees whenever need and stand by them in crisis situations and also mentors and coaches them so that they can expand in their respective job roles. This develops a sense of confidence and loyalty amid the employees who are ready to take risks for the sake of their line managers.  (Snape and Redman, 2010)
  • Flexibility: employees in CAPCO are provides with ample amount of freedom and flexibleness so that they openly can share ideas for improving the operations and voice their concerns and give feedbacks on any kind of change implemented at workplace. Moreover, employees are also provided with various flexibility arrangements so that they can give ample amount of time to their families too. This keeps the employees away from a stressful atmosphere and its influencing can be seen on their behaviour.

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Task 2

2.1   Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice

A leader can be described as an individual who is capable of influencing a group and driving them towards achieving a common goal. One can observe that leadership is an endless practice of showing direction to the followers in quest of a certain goal, target or desirable result. In other words, a person who motivates, inspires and pushes others towards a desired outcome is said to be a leader. Although an effective leadership practices are said to be enduring, however, the situations under which a leader works tends to differ from time to time and one situation to the other. (O'Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz and Self, 2010)

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 3

Effectiveness of different leadership styles at CAPCO and UNISON:

  • Autocratic style: a leader or manager pursuing this style of leadership makes decisions single handily without considering the employees inputs who are the actual implementers. Under this kind of style, employees are expected to follow the instructions of the leader/manager who commands them fully. At CAPCO, this style is quite ineffective as the culture it promotes is innovative, integrity and empowerment of employees. However, it is effective for UNISON where close supervision is promoted and manager takes the responsibility of taking the employees out of a critical situation. (O'Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz and Self, 2010)
  • Democratic style: a leader or manager pursuing this leadership style believes in establishing acceptance in workplace where the employees are encouraged in sharing their views and opinions with their superiors and freely make discussions with the teammates on various issues related to the business. With an easy flow of information, the suggestions given by the employees is considered for bringing out the best decision that will be beneficial for the business in long-term period. In CAPCO, this style is very effective as one can see rapid changes in the industry that is necessarily not constant in nature. Moreover, it also promotes unity of actions within CAPCO further allowing the leader/manager in making optimum decisions that fits the changing environments. This style not effective for UNISON as it has functional teams and swift information and decision change is not reasonable in maintaining a quality  financial accounting  service. (O'Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz and Self, 2010)
  • Participative style: a leader or manager pursuing this leadership style allows the employees to participate in the process of decision-makings but he/she makes the final call. Employee participation encourages their motivational levels thereby, developing a feeling of importance and being valuable for the organization. Such employees willingly accept challenges and changes in the work process. In the context of CAPCO and UNISON, this style is very effective as one can see that employees’ are in constant look out for motivational factors eventually letting the organizations to convey quality and precision.
  • Transformational style: a leader or manager pursuing this leadership style believes in getting engaged into interaction for achieving the preset goals and objectives and concurrently increasing overall productivity. The management continuously encourages the employees to become risk-takers. The style is very effective for CAPCO’s workplace which involves rapid change of actions and decisions. However, for UNISON the style might not be effective as it always is in need of an information flow that is systematic in nature and is specialized. (O'Reilly, Caldwell, Chatman, Lapiz and Self, 2010)
  • Laissez Faire style: a leader or manager pursuing this leadership style firmly believes in imposing minimal employee supervision and do not accept the concept of giving feedbacks on a regular basis and is best practiced when employees are highly skilled and self-dependent. The style is effective in CAPCO as employees are skilled in their respective areas and are driven through self-motivation. However, in UNISON employees need supervision and implementation of this style will be ineffective leading to indigent control and productivity further enhancing costs.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management

Organizational theories can be defined as the study of organizational designs and its structures, an organization’s relations with the external business environment and managers and technocrat’s behaviour within organizations. Moreover, the study of organizational theories proposes various ways of coping with swift change. (Ansari, Fiss and Zajac, 2010) The term management can be described as an act where people are brought together for accomplishing desirable objectives and goals by making and effective and efficient use of available resources. In an organization that is viewed as a system, one can describe management as a human action, which includes designing for bringing out an outcome that is profitable.

Organizational theories have had influence on the practice of management:

Scientific Management: Frederick Taylor has developed this theory in which he has outlined certain techniques for bringing improvements in the efficiencies of accomplishing a task allotted in a best way that is possible. Taylor has further subdivided the process of doing a work and closely studied the employees’ behaviour and the efforts they given in successfully finishing the given task. The approach undertaken had eventually helped in identifying the best way an employee can adopt in order to complete the task with zero percent errors with the help of available resources in a given timeline. (Ansari, Fiss and Zajac, 2010)

Principles of Scientific Management:

The four principles of Taylor's are:

  • Reinstating by thumb rule and preferably make use of scientific methods for studying the work and eventually identifying the best available option of performing a task in a efficient way.
  • Instead of allocating a job randomly to any employee, match the job with their skills and capabilities and train them how to work with maximal efficiency.
  • Monitor employees performances and guide and supervise them for ensuring that the most efficient ways of working are been used by them.
  • Designate work amid the manager and employees further allowing the manager to spend maximum of their time in planning and training so that employees can efficiently perform their tasks.

The theory of Scientific Management asserts that an organization at the first stage identifies the best method to be used and then determine the kind of outcome it desires. Taylor’s theory also stressed on recognizing the employees’ contribution through rewards.

It has been observed that the practice of management at CAPCO is highly influenced by the theory of Scientific Management as employees are assigned with tasks only after measuring their expertise and abilities further empowering them to give an outstanding performance. Moreover, the employees are also encouraged in openly sharing and discussing their ideas with the management thereby, controlling the outflow of information eventually needed for achieving constructive outcomes even in environments where ample amount of risks are involved making use of flawless efforts and resources so that the process is formulated for encouraging innovation, individuality and integrity of actions. (Ansari, Fiss and Zajac, 2010)

Human Relation Theory: Professor Elton Mayo has developed this theory which emphasizes on giving more value on human aspect within an organization rather than just being dependent on certain process and procedures for achieving a result that is both rewarding and effective. Mayo stresses on the need of generating communication amid the management and employees so that they understand each other in a better way and work together for helping in achieving the desired goals at both personal and professional levels. Furthermore, the theory states that an organization can apply the technique of motivation and emotion for satisfying the employees who when satisfied will walk the extra mile for enhancing the overall growth of an organization. The theory of human relations management believes that an employee craves of being a part of a team that is supportive eventually facilitating growth and development. When employees get special attention and encouragement for participation, they tend to identify the importance of their role and are thereby, get more motivated in being more productive and producing high quality work. (Ansari, Fiss and Zajac, 2010)

One can say that the practice of management at CAPCO is influenced by the theory of Human Relation as the employees are given the empowerment to interact with all layers of management and employees irrespective of their departments without any restrictions and are also constantly encouraged in sharing their ideas and suggestions further facilitating their learning and experience in getting themselves adapted to the various changes of business environment with an improvement in their creativeness and distinctiveness of tailored solutions. Moreover, the employees get the much needed confidence of undertaking calculated risks eventually helping them in maintaining their productivity at work. At CAPCO, the employees are provided with an ample amount of freedom and work challenges so that they get the feeling of invested and connected with the company’s growth further allowing the management in increasing the rate of employee retention. (Ansari, Fiss and Zajac, 2010)

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 4

Different approaches to management:

  • Contingency approach: according to this approach an organization can develop various perceptions of management and implement them successfully only after taking into consideration both internal and external features of environment where the internal environment includes structure, process and technology and the external environment includes the social, economic and political factors. The prime advantage of contingency approach is that the appropriateness of the management is highly dependent on the situations while the only disadvantage is its complicatedness in evaluating the variables a manager needs to implement in different situations, difficulty in the theory’s preliminary testing and its nature which is reactive and not pro-active to the business environment. (Koontz, 2010)
  • Decision Theory approach: according to this approach, manager and employees are treated as decision makers in an organization who are also liable for bring in solution to the problems. Here, the control is with the management and quality of decision making ultimately institutes the efficiency. The prime advantage of this approach is that it applies various tools and techniques in order to make right decisions and the disadvantage is that it does not includes the full view of management and at times is restricted  to the various aspects of decision making.  
  • Socio-Technical System approach: according to this approach, an organization can sustain its efficacies by maintaining an interaction with the social and technical systems as it has been observed that social laws and psychological forces govern an organization although the technical systems can be modified only when the social aspects are altered.

Evaluation of different approaches to management used by CAPCO and UNISON:  

  • Scientific Management approach: at CAPCO, this approach is basically been pursued in order to complete a task in a scientific way instead of simply going by the rule of thumb for eventually increasing flexibility of the company. One can see the result in the form of increase in the productiveness of CAPCO and the optimization of the structure of a certain job. The zeal of Scientific Management approach is that tasks are designated by measuring the employees expertise and capabilities which ensure a rise in their level of productivity whereas the down side is the lack of use of techniques like Management by Objective or Business Process Re-engineering. It has been observed that UNISON makes maximum use of this theory while carrying out its activities and developing the same. UNISON makes use of this theory in developing the element of science that is involved in the work done by the employees further allowing the management to easily replace the old rules and use measures that are helpful in training and developing employees’ skills. (Koontz, 2010)
  • Social System approach: it stresses on the relations that exists in between an internal and external environment. It has been observed that in CAPCO, a team is basically formed on the basis of sub systems that specializes in certain areas while in the case of UNISON, use of this approach has helped the management in forming groups according to the requirements of the clients. The plus point of this approach is that it addresses both factors and forces that influence the business while the negative impact is the absence of of management approaches applications such as planning, controlling etc. 

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

The word motivation is evolved from the word motive meaning need, desire or wants that drives a person as either an individual or an employee in achieving a predefined goal. In other words, motivation is the process of inspiring a person in taking adequate actions for accomplishing certain goals. In a working environment, the psychological factors that stimulate an employee’s behaviour include their desire for money, success, recognition, job satisfaction, teamwork etc.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 5

There are various leadership styles in a business world and each can used in a particular way for employee motivation. Managers reach out to these leadership styles for motivating the teammates and increasing their productivity levels and at times also integrate their own personal touch while executing their brand of leadership.

  • Autocratic Leadership: a manager who is autocratic very seldom considers the employees inputs while making business related decisions. This style is best for fast moving working atmosphere where quick decisions are made on regular basis. An autocratic manager has the tendency of motivating the employees by establishing confidence in their own ability of making decisions that are meticulous and constructive. Employees under the leadership of this kind of a manger become comfortable and completely believe on his/her expertise thereby deriving motivation from their abilities of keeping the team focused on attaining the goals. (Zhang and Bartol, 2010)
  • Democratic Leadership: a manager who is democratic encourages the employees to participate in the process of decision-makings and rarely takes any major decision without their consensus. The key motivational ploy used by a democratic manager is involvement which allows the employees in taking an emotional interest in the department’s success because of their contributions in crafting the departmental policies and processes.
  • Quiet Leadership: a quite leader simply sits back and allows the employees who are involved in dealing the everyday operations take the decisions. This style can be effective in an environment where the employees are trained in their areas, highly skilled and self-motivated. The manager usually motivates the employees by acting as a source of information whenever needed but allows them to direct their own success. In situations where the manager notices a downfall in the employees productivity, he/she organizes a developmental program for helping them in getting back on track. (Zhang and Bartol, 2010)
  • Transformational Leadership: this kind of a manager is very charismatic and believes in his/her vision that will be bringing success to both the employees and the organization as a whole. They motivates the employees by ardently bringing them on board and then makes use of their vision of a luminous future as an encouragement for employees in order to enhance their productivity. With the change in business times, we have started to live in place where change is unavoidable and should be accepted for surviving in the markets. It has been observed that CAPCO is planning to re-engineer the business process and for managing this period of change, it is important that the manager adopt a good leadership style for keeping the employees morale high. One can see that numerous approaches are available for the manager to overcome the difficult times during a period of change that eventually is based on the kind of power he enjoys as a manager and freedom given to the employees. When the management is planning an impending change in the workplace, it is important that the manager adopts authoritarian approach and makes decision on his own and takes the situation under his/her direct control, guiding the staff. In case the manager chooses to opt for the consultative approach, he/she will involve the employees in the process and make them aware of the impending change and ask them to give their suggestions which is very good approach for keeping them motivated. (Zhang and Bartol, 2010)

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting

Employees are the most valuable asset of any organization and hence it is the utmost responsibility of the manager in keeping the employees morale high making them wilfully give their best performances. However, with change in times, keeping the employees motivated is a challenging job. Although there are numerous motivational theories, CAPCO’s manager should understand and choose the best, which suits the workplace. (Lam and Lambermont-Ford, 2010)

The workplace like CAPCO promotes a cohesive workgroup with amicable supervision where the employee craves for the fulfilment of the social needs. The management then applies the Maslow’s motivational theory in order to fulfil the employees’ needs with the help of belongingness and affection. Employees need recognition and belongingness from the management and senior authorities, which motivates them to work. In Maslow’s theory of motivation the hierarchy is designed in the order in which needs are fulfilled. At CAPCO, the employees physiological and safety needs are satisfied by giving them the opportunities of being employed further enabling them to arrange for the basic necessities of a human being such as food, clothes and shelter. Once both these needs are fulfilled, employees tend to crave for the need of belongingness, which eventually is based on relationships and is fulfilled by the management by cultivating a working  atmosphere that is more friendlier and healthier allowing the employees in giving their 100% best. Moreover, CAPCO keeps the employees motivated through benefits like recognition, appraisal, discounted lunch coupons, incentives for over achieving the targets etc. which in turn increases their productivities. (Lam and Lambermont-Ford, 2010)

In Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, one can see that the parameters of motivation are categorized into two factors namely Motivators and Hygienic Factors. In CAPCO’s context, it is important for the management in determining the Hygiene factors and the Motivators and then accordingly design adequate strategies. For example, if proper remuneration, other perks and extra benefits are given to the employees that further meet the changing  marketing strategy  then it automatically will keep the employees motivated and satisfied. Employee can also be motivated by offering them with their due recognition. (Lam and Lambermont-Ford, 2010)

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

One can define motivational theory as a concept, which outlines the incitement of behaviours that are goal-oriented with the employees.

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 6

Herzberg two-factor theory emphasizes on motivator factors such as responsibility and recognition, prosperity and improvement which are needed to be fulfilled by an organization in order to stimulate fulfilment within employees whereas the hygiene factors like salary, promotion, administration, relations and working conditions do not leave a direct impact on the employees motivation however, in the absence of these factors they tend to get dissatisfied. (Yuan and Woodman, 2010)

Instinct theory of motivation emphasizes on a person’s biological approach to motivation and further proposes that a person’s behaviour is driven by his/her instincts which are goal-directed and innate behavioural patterns that are not based on learning or experience. The theory developed by Psychologist William McDougall stressed that an employee’s instinctive behaviour is made of three fundamental elements namely perception, behaviour and emotion.

For improving employees’ performances, the managers must evolve their knowledge linked with motivational theories and how it must be successfully applied in various situations at work. By understanding the use of motivational theories, managers can not only keep the employees highly motivated but can also develop the sense of being sincere towards work in them. Moreover, managers also need to identify those factors which drives motivation within employees keeping in mind that a factor which drives one employee may not necessarily be a motivation for the other. (Yuan and Woodman, 2010)

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

One can define group behaviour as the behaviour of groups or teams at workplace from the time they are formed until their disintegration. As common in animals, human beings too have the tendency of forming a group and being engaged in coordinated activities. A group’s behaviour varies depending on the situations and can vary in terms of size and composition. Social psychologists studying group behaviour state that the a group makes contributions in almost every activity from designing of advertisements that are targeted to specified customer group to understand how they will react in adverse conditions. For an organization working together as a group is necessary for socialization of the employees. (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011)

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 7f

Nature of Groups:

In an organization, there are types of groups, which are formed for getting précised outcomes. Team members agree in doing a general task and then become mutually interdependent working in support of each other for achieving success. The nature of groups can be seen in three different views where the first is normative in which how a performance is carried out and the team is managed is explained and second view includes methods, group building, role play, self- managed groups and sensitivity training of teammates. The third is been assigned as team dynamic from the internal nature of a groups point of view. (Griffin and Moorhead, 2011)

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation

A team is said to be effective only if it is successful in providing satisfaction to the members involved, attain growth and improved performance. Factors like communication, leadership, diversity etc. are necessary for developing a successful teamwork. The most fundamental component of teamwork is leadership thereby, the team leader must be capable enough of generating and maintaining a positive work culture further motivating the others to works towards the attainment of the goals that are targeted. (Goldman, Meuser, Lawrie, Rogers and Reeves, 2010)

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 8

CAPCO pursues good leadership styles and the managers too are very helpful who are always there whenever employees need them for getting motivation and encouragement further creating a working atmosphere that is more friendlier. The manager always encourages the team members in sharing of ideas and opinions that might be beneficial for the businesses overall growth and concurrently advocate high motivational levels amid the members as result of which they feel being supported and invaluable. In every 3 months, CAPCO arranges for various training programs for enhancing the employees’ skills and burnishing their communication skill which is considered as an indispensible factor in the cultivation of interpersonal relations at work. In addition, open communication is another integral factor of effective teamwork where every member are given the right of expressing their ideas, suggestions and ideas and understand each other’s point of views. Moreover, diversification is also a factor promoting innovation and grows respectfulness towards CAPCO amid employees, the effectiveness of which can be seen on teamwork. (Goldman, Meuser, Lawrie, Rogers and Reeves, 2010)

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation 

Unit 3 Organizational Behaviour developing Assignment 9

With a change in business scenario, every organization has introduced the use of modern technology at work for coping the pressure and aggressive market competition. CAPCO considers the involvement of technology has been beneficial in increasing its revenue generation and has simultaneously has helped in attracting more number of customers. Working in a financial industry, CAPCO is highly dependent on the use of technology for making it easier for the customers to buy the products. By making an effective use of technology, CAPCO has cut down its staff capacity, evolved job roles and responsibilities and enhancing job satisfaction through excellent communication. Technology enables the teams in maintaining and updating their knowledge for effectively doing a task. Using email, smartphones, computers etc. have helped in improving the performances of teams allowing the members to stay in touch round the clock and from any location even while on a holiday. (Ahuja, 2010)

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At the end, it can be concluded that the study of an organizational behaviour is the reflection of how an organization like CAPCO functions and comprises of the structure and culture further determining the company’s future. CAPCO’s success and failure in the long-term period is at large dependent on the kind of culture it possesses and how helpful is the culture in employee retention. CAPCO’s innovating and entrepreneurial culture cultivates loyalty amid employees. In addition, the managers are helpful and cooperative in nature driving the employees in achieving a common goal


Ansari, S.M., Fiss, P.C. and Zajac, E.J., 2010. Made to fit: How practices vary as they diffuse. Academy of Management Review35(1), pp.67-92.
Ahuja, J., 2010. A study of virtuality impact on team performance. IUP Journal of Management Research9(5), p.27.
Griffin, R.W. and Moorhead, G., 2011. Organizational behavior. Nelson Education.
Goldman, J., Meuser, J., Lawrie, L., Rogers, J. and Reeves, S., 2010. Interprofessional primary care protocols: a strategy to promote an evidence-based approach to teamwork and the delivery of care. Journal of Interprofessional Care24(6), pp.653-665.
Jones, G.R., 2010. Organizational theory, design, and change. Upper Saddle River.
Jiménez-Jiménez, D. and Sanz-Valle, R., 2011. Innovation, organizational learning, and performance. Journal of  business research 64(4), pp.408-417.
Koontz, H., 2010. Essentials of management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Lam, A. and Lambermont-Ford, J.P., 2010. Knowledge sharing in organisational contexts: a motivation-based perspective. Journal of knowledge management14(1), pp.51-66.
O'Reilly, C.A., Caldwell, D.F., Chatman, J.A., Lapiz, M. and Self, W., 2010. How leadership matters: The effects of leaders' alignment on strategy implementation. The Leadership Quarterly21(1), pp.104-113.

Rijal, S., 2010. Leadership style and organizational culture in learning organization: a comparative study. International Journal of Management & Information Systems (Online)14(5).