Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPRO

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Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPRO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPRO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPRO


In unit 3 organisations behaviour CAPRO assignment the first task briefs us about the relationship between the culture and structure of our chosen organization CAPRO. CAPRO is the company that deals with the financial sector in the international market. The second task tells us about the different approaches to the management and leadership. The aim of the third task is to understand different ways in which  motivational theory  can be applied in an organization. The final task briefs us about the understanding the factors that promote the effective teamwork in an organization.

Unit 3 Organisations Behaviour Assignment CAPRO - Assignment Help

Task 1

Understand the relationship between the organizational structure and culture

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPRO’s structure and culture with another organization of your choice. Show the difference and similarity in these two organizations.

The structure of organization tells us about the framework of the organization. Understanding the culture of the organization helps us to manage it effectively. There is a hierarchy within the organization and it makes us familiar with the role of managers at different levels. The two type of organization structure are the tall structure and the flat structure. CAPRO has tall structure of organization. The structure is hierarchical from the top level to the bottom level. The control within the organization is not too broad. There are different levels of managers within the organization. The Walmart has flat structure of organization there are very few levels of management from the top level to the bottom level. The mode of control of the employees is not very intensive. The company has different department such as planning, administration, commerce and financial decision. Each department has its own heads and it is their duty to ensure the performance of each department.

The culture of the organization refer to the thought and the standard principles followed within the organization. The culture of the organization id defines by what people wear, at what time people come and leave the office and how people behave within the workplace. The culture of the organization is greatly affected by the leadership style within the organization. The culture of the organization plays a great role in improving the efficiency of the employees at the workplace. Each organization has different type of culture which is unique to itself. (Biance, 2016)

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPRO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations

The structure of the organization such as CAPRO is the hierarchical framework of the company. The structure gives us an idea how the rule and strategies in the organization might work. The culture of CAPRO is a combination of the values and beliefs of an organization coupled with their responsibility. The structure of the organization has a direct impact on the culture of the organization. In an organization the employees work together to achieve their goals and objectives. The structures of the organization is retained to carry out all the duties of the organization.

The structure and the culture of the organization directly affect the developmental activities within the organization. The culture has to be retained when the organization expands. Customer service is an important part of the culture of the organization. The behavior of the employees within the workplace is dependent upon the culture of the organization. The principles and the beliefs of the organization affects the work and the private lives of the employees. The culture plays an important role in the motivation of the employees and keeping the employees committed towards the cause of the company. The culture also affect the loyalty of the employees. It is the duty of the manager to create the healthy and the positive atmosphere within the workplace and keep the employees motivated. The culture where the viewpoint of the employees is considered encourages creativity and innovation. Healthy and attractive culture improves the performance of the employees. (Davoren, 2016)

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior in CAPRO

The manner in which an individual handles a particular situation all by himself or in a team is known as individual behavior. The behavior of the individual within the organization is influenced by many factors which affect the attitude of the employee.

  • Skills: Skills are the traits that an individual learn during his education in college and training in the company. Some of the skills are god gifted. Some people have exceptional intellectual, physical and mental skills.
  • Gender: Both men and women are equally capable of doing any job. Society should accept this fact and there should be equal pay for equal work for both men and women. Both the genders should be equal responsibilities in the company.
  • Background: Background of the people refer to the different race and culture they belong to. No should be no discrimination based on the race of the people in the workplace. People belonging to different race have different traits which can prove to be beneficial for the organization.
  • Attitude: Attitude is determined by how an individual react to a particular situation within the work place. An organization needs people of different attitudes such as introvert, extrovert, diplomat, etc.
  • Perception: Perception refers to interpreting the information to give a useful meaning. There is a perception of touch, sound, taste and speech. People have different perceptions of the same information. This can be useful in viewing a topic from every point of view. (Kashyap, 2016)

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Task 2

Understand different approaches to management and leadership:

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leadership at CAPRO and any other organization of your choice

Leadership style can have major effect in the large organizations such as CAPRO and Walmart. The effects of different leadership styles at both the organizations is given below:

  • Autocratic leadership style: At Walmart autocratic style of leadership is followed. There is a clear line of distinction between the leaders and other employees. The decision making lies in the hands of the leaders and the employees have to follow their instructions. The employees are not involved in the process of decision making and they are guided by the leaders. The leader have the sole right of making the final decisions. Reviews, feedbacks and suggestions are welcomed from the employees as all the decisions are taken for the benefit of the employees. This style of leadership has less innovation and creativity as no employees are involved in the process of decision making. The employees don’t feel valued in the company and feel disconnected. The employees lose the motivation and lose their efficiency.
  • Participative leadership style: At CAPRO the style of leadership is participative. In CAPRO all the employees are involved in the process of decision making along with the leader. This is also called as the democratic style of leadership as it involves the opinion of all the employees. This is the most effective style of leadership used by most of the companies presently. Here the staff is left to take its own decisions and are guided by the leader wherever needed. The employees feel valued as they are involved in the decision making. Hence, they work with increased efficiency and remain motivated. In this the final power to make the decision also lies in the hands of the leader but by consulting all the others. Participative style of leadership creates a healthy environment at CAPRO. More innovative ideas flow in as all the employees are involved in decision making. (Pirraglia, 2016)

2.2 Explain how organizational theories have had influence on the practice of management

Organizational theory is very important because when applies properly it can improve the performance of the business. There is a close connection between the formal organizations in which it operates. There have been an extensive study of the culture and structure of the organization, different theories related to the organizations, different style of motivation and leadership have been studied to make the managers understand their role in the performance of the organization. Even mangers are given continuous training to make them adopt to the changing environment and manage the business processes effectively. The managers must be competent enough to handle the changing situation.

Organizational theories are the set of the ideas and the rules that help the managers to handle their work efficiently. These theories help the managers to know the various practices of management and make them familiar with the goals of the company. It also gives them the ways to plan their work and finally achieve their goals in a strategic manner. It makes them familiar with the importance of motivation in increasing the efficiency of the employees.

The different types of organizational theories are as follows:

  • Classical theory: This theory was used in 20th century and has scientific and bureaucratic approach involved. It manages the resources through scientific approach. It selects the potential employees and train them to perform the various tasks in the company. This theory is very firm and autocratic in approach. This theory des not lay the emphasis on the working environment and the freedom of the employees.
  • Theory of Human Relations: This is also called as neoclassical theory as it has some of the concept and practices of classical theory while expanding its approach to incorporate the modern principles. The highlighting points of this theory is that it focusses on the motivation of the employees and list down the benefits of motivation. This theory also creates a healthy environment within the workplace and emphases on maintaining healthy relationship between the people. It has participative style of leadership as it involves all the employees in the process of decision making.
  • Theory on Contingency: This is also known as the  decision making  theory as it tells us how to adopt to the different situations. It lays focus on the effective management of the employees and adopting to the changes as and when required. In this theory managers at different level of hierarchy have the authority to make the decisions and control what is happening in the company. This technique gives the managers the ide how to cope up with all the contingency situations.
  • Modern theory: The basis of this theory is that all the components of the organization are inter related and thus a change in one component may affect the other component. A small change in one organization may result in a big change in the other organization. The organizations are in a dynamic state so they have to adopt to the changing environment continuously. (Slide Share, 2011)

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPRO and your chosen organization.

Management theories are of great importance in the company as it handles the employees and make them more creative. By proper training the efficiency of the employees increases and they work together to achieve the common goal of the company. CAPRO uses scientific management to handle their employees. They make the employees in a number of teams. This helps in dividing the work equally. CAPRO gives proper training to the employees and make them more efficient in working. All the employees are involved in the process of decision making at the company. The growth and the performance of the employees is continuously monitored and the feedbacks are given on the performance of the employees.

Walmart uses classical approach of management where the power to take the important decisions of the company lies in the hands of the manager or leader. The employees are required to follow his orders. Reviews and feedbacks are taken from the employees so they have a say if they are not satisfied with the decisions. It is a well-organized system of managing employees as all the employees are under the control of the manager. Walmart uses this approach as it gets very hectic to handle a super market. (Cherian, 2013)

Task 3

Understand ways of using motivational theories in organization:

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

The motivation of the employee within the organization is greatly affected by the leadership style. The environment within the workplace and the behavior of the individual within the workplace id dependent upon their leader. If the employee gets a nice leader during the training period then their base gets stronger. The style in which the leader leads the employee determine the impact of different leadership style on the motivation of employees within the period of change. Different type of leadership styles are discussed below:

  • Bureaucratic: These leaders follow very tough rules and ensure that all their employees follow the same. This is the most appropriate style of leadership which follow all the safety norms. This leadership style has large project involving a great deal of money.
  • Autocratic: This is the extreme form of leadership which has very strict rules. In the leadership style the leader has the complete control over the employees. This leadership style is quiet ineffective as it causes a lot of absenteeism and dissatisfaction of the employees.
  • Democratic: The final power of decision making lies in the hands of the leaders but the leaders consult the council before taking the decisions. It increases the satisfaction of the employees as they feel valued in the company.
  • Laissez-Faire: In this type the leaders make the team members independent and the employees are left to work on their own. This is a very effective style of leadership as the leaders communicate effectively with the employees. Sometimes this type of leadership style is not very effective as the managers lose control sometimes.
  • Task oriented: This type of leadership is operational with the task have to be completed on an emergency basis. This can be a bit autocratic at times but it gets the work dome with high efficiency. (Johnson, 2016)

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories within organizational setting

Employees are the major asset of the company. It is the employees who work hard to take the company to greater heights. It is very important that the employees work on time with increased efficiency. Motivation helps to provoke the employees to be committed to the company. Two different types of motivational theories are given below:

  • Management of the rewards: It is a human tendency to work harder if they will be rewarded for a task. In this type of motivational theory the employees are rewarded for their good work which motivates the other employees to work harder. In this theory the company tries to meet all the expectation of the employees. The various forms of rewards given to the employees are the incentives, promotions and the salary hikes. Employees feel good if their performance is appreciated by the manager. Various rewards increases the commitment of the employees and increases the performance of the company.
  • Perceptions of the employees: Considering the perception of the employees in different situations also plays a role in the motivation of the employees as the employees feel valued in the company. The employees are involved in the process of decision making and in this way their perception to the various  business strategy  of the company and the reward system is analyzed. When employees see their views being considered then they come up with more creative and innovative ideas in the company. This brings creativity in the company and improves the performance of the company. (Zeiger, 2016)

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivational theories within the workplace

The role of the managers at the workplace is to organize the employees and get the quality work done on them. In order to get the work done the managers should motivate the employees appropriately. Motivation theories and their application is a difficult process. In order to understand the motivational theories fully the managers must get an insight into the behavior of the employees and human nature on the whole. Understanding human nature can be sometime simple and sometimes very complex. Thus there should be proper application of the motivational theories at the workplace. There are various theories concerning the human nature and the motivation specifically.

There are many moral values of the motivation as well as many attached benefits. The motivation theories teaches the managers to treat the employees as human being and respect them. These theories instruct the managers to respect the integrity and dignity of the human beings in all forms. Research and surveys have displayed that the motivated employee work with lot of commitment and deliver quality work to the company. It has been noticed that the motivated employees are more creative and come up with the innovative ideas. The reverse of this statement is also true. Motivated employees contribute greatly to the success of the company and hence it is very necessary for the managers to understand the importance and the application of the motivation theory. Job performance of the employee’s s directly related to the motivation and the skills of the employees. (Ingram, 2016)

Task 4

Understand mechanism for developing effective teamwork in organization:

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behavior within CAPRO or your chosen organization

For the effective functioning of CAPRO the effective group work is very important. The efficiency of the individual increases when they work in a group. Group based functioning helps the work to be done in a very short span of time. Group creates a very positive atmosphere within CAPRO which makes the work easier for all the team members. Through the effective leadership within a group the standard of the work also raises. When there are a group of men working sharing a common goal then the innovative idea come in. The work of all the team members is independent of each other. In the management of human resource within CAPRO the formation and the management of the group is the area of main concern. When working in a group the member have a group pressure on them so they complete their work on time and deliver the quality work to our company CAPRO. This way the group incentives increase far more than the individual incentives. There is an increase in the total pay of all the individuals. The nature of our company CAPRO is pluralistic and there are many groups formed within the company which have different goals to achieve. All these groups are managed in a different way. The major function of the group within CAPRO are:

  • Task performance: This function involves collecting all the data and information regarding the task to be performed. Making a plan for carrying out the functions of the group. Making important decisions of the group and finally implementing them in an effective manner.
  • Maintenance: This involves setting and maintaining the standard of the company. CAPRO pays a lot of attention on employee satisfaction. They maintain a healthy atmosphere within the workplace to increase the efficiency of the employees. The company has a customer support system which clarify all the doubts of the customers. (Hall, 2004)

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPRO or your chosen organization

In the recent times there had been a lot of focus on building the team and increasing the efficiency of the employees through it in CAPRO. There had been a lot of pressure on the managers to maintain independent teams to give flexibility to the employees for performing their work. Team building keeps the employees motivated and dedicated towards their work as it gives them the liberty to take their own decisions. Every individual is unique in its own way and have different behavior this cause the difficult in smooth running of the team. The factors which make the team running difficult are physical, behavioral and social. Similar skills and taste of members within the team cause matching of interest and there stands a larger chance of success of the team. There is more understanding and co-operation among the members with the similar taste. With the co-operation among the members helps in creating more stable teams. In this way the permanent teams are formed and they help in taking CAPRO to greater heights. When all the members within the team possess similar skills then they can be trained together.

In CAPRO there is a lot of diversity in the members so this may hinder the training of the employees. Each employee possess different skills and they need to be trained differently. This decreases the efficiency of the team. In a way diversity in the team also helps in bringing innovative ideas in the team. People of different age group are present within the team. This may also decrease the efficiency of the team as different age group have different perspective and different method of working. (Wolski, 2016)

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPRO or your chosen organization

These days a lot of management process within CAPRO is carry out through the computer by an automated program. This was made possible only through the development of technology. The technology has replaces a lot of manual work in CAPRO. The programs also the administrative work within the company. Thus, the employee have a greater flexibility in working and they can control their own decisions. Technology enables the managers to see the work and progress of the employees on their computer. With the advanced technology at CAPRO the employees can choose their way of working and this gives the more independence. The power to take their own decision motivate the employees to work harder and keep them motivated to give their hundred percent to the company. With the better IT department at CAPRO the employees can communicate well with each other as well as the managers. This helps all the members to work together as a connected team. The major advantage of the technology is that it can handle the work of a supermarket in a far better way than any other department through strong and efficient teamwork.

There are some drawbacks of the technology development at CAPRO. The increased use of technology causes employees to interact less among themselves and lessen the connection they have. The technology replaces the human workforce which causes the dissatisfaction among the employees. The technology has created fear among the employees that they stand at the risk of losing their job. This makes the employees lose their motivation at times. (Ubarrie, 2015)

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The major objective of this assignment is enhance the understanding of the individual and group behavior within the organization. The assignment examine the various theories pertaining to management and their application in the organization. The first task deals with the understanding of structure and culture of the organization. . The second task tells us about the different approaches to the management and leadership. The aim of the third task is to understand different ways in which motivational theory can be applied in an organization. The final task briefs us about the understanding the factors that promote the effective teamwork in an organization.


Biance, A., (2016), Organizational structure and culture change, [Article], Available: http:// small business .chron.com/organizational-structure-culture-change-16106.html  [Accessed 06 July 2016]
Cherian, G., (2013), various approaches to management, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/georgetcherian/various-approaches-to-management  [Accessed 03 July 2016]
Davoren, J., (2016), Organizational culture and employee Performance, [Article], Available: http://small business.chron.com/organizational-culture-employee-performance-25216.html  [Accessed 07 July 2016]
Hall, B., (2004), the nature of group and group behavior, [Article], Available: http://www.markedbyteachers.com/as-and-a-level/psychology/the-nature-of-groups-group-behaviour.html  [Accessed 07 July 2016]
Ingram, D., (2016), how to apply motivational theory in workplace, [Article], Available: http://small business.chron.com/apply-motivational-theories-workplace-10962.html  [Accessed 05 July 2016]
Johnson, R., (2016), 5 different type of leadership styles, [Article], Available: http://small business.chron.com/5-different-types-leadership-styles-17584.html  [Accessed 03 July 2016]
Kashyap, D., (2016), Top 3 factor affecting individual behavior, [Article], Available: http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/organization/individual-behaviors/top-3-factors-affecting-individual-behaviour/63786/  [Accessed 17 July 2016]
Pirraglia, W., (2016), the effects of leadership styles on the organization, [Article], Available: http://small business.chron.com/effects-leadership-styles-organization-10387.html  [Accessed 03 July 2016]
Slide Share, (2011), organization theory, [Article], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/rajat_tota/organisation-theories  [Accessed 01 July 2016]