Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO Ltd

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Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO Ltd
Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO Ltd
Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment – CAPCO Ltd

Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment CAPCO Ltd - Assignment Help in UK


Developing the understanding with changing trends and requirements of the market the Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment CAPCO Ltd is prepared in concentration with organisation and behaviour. With the help of this report information related with the importance of understanding the employee behaviour and importance of motivation in the organisation will be made. This report will ensure that the organisation could understand various aspects of how to build effective set of relation with the employees and will be able to develop the understanding that which strategies should be used to motivate the employees at the workplace. Information relayed with several technological aspects will be shared and their impact on the organisation and the team working in the organisation will be shared.

Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment CAPCO Ltd - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

CAPCO provides managing financial resources solutions to the companies available in the market. Companies available in the market borrow money from CAPCO so as to manage their funds and capital to process their work and to manage their supplies in the market. CAPCO is one of the leading brands in the market which has a set structure with the help of which it manages its work process and use to manage its employees so that they could work properly and work on the verge to help the company in attaining its targeted goals and objectives. CAPCO follows a traditional structure in which it has made a set hierarchy of the management managing the people working at lower level. Hierarchy of CAPCO include senior manager managing middle level management who manages junior management. Junior management of the organisation manages staff members working in the organisation (Nwankwo, et. al., 2013).

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On the other hand another financial institution named as HSBC is also a leading brand which provides funds to the entrepreneurs and to the well known firms available in the market. HSBC ensures that the quality of the work should remain maintained and wants that the work process should not get hampered therefore, manage the work effectively HSBC also has a set structure with the effect of which work could be managed in a proper manner. Structure of HSBC include board of directors, who manages chief executives of the organisation who manages the internal audit department, internal audit department, internal audit department include audit committee which manages the work process of the organisation (Larsson, et. al., 2010). Chief financial officers also work under chief executives who manage the engineering department of the company and directors of commercials who manages the employees working on the operational level.

It is necessary that with proper set of culture company should also focus on the culture of the company. Culture of the organisation had a great impact on the work that is to be processed and on the people working in the organisation. CAPCO has the culture that the staff members working in the organisation should work as a team. CAPCO believes that an individual alone could not process the work effectively (Hammersley, 2014; 2013). Therefore, management of CAPCO divide the work among the teams, team of the organisation are divide according to the skills of the people so that work could be provided accordingly to them. CAPCO analyse the performance of each and every individual working in the organisation and select the team accordingly. Providing training is another aspect that is included in the culture of CAPCO. Management of CAPCO believes that providing training to the employees working in the organisation will help them to work more effectively.

There are various cultures that could be followed by CAPCO so as to manage the internal process of the organisation like power culture in which control radiates from centre. Power culture tends to be fast paced, another culture is Task culture which is high paced in this work of unique nature is performed by the employees, another culture is role culture which tends to be steady in this pattern of work is predictable and can be performed easily, and last is person culture in this work of micro level are performed which tends to be unique in nature. On the other hand HSBC has the culture to follow all the ethical aspects at the workplace. HSBC ensures that the people working in the organisation should follow all the rules and regulations and should help each other to manage the work. This culture of the organisation helps in maintaining the healthy environment at the workplace and people work more enthusiastically at the workplace (Hammersley, 2014; 2013).

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’S structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

CAPCO has a great relationship between its culture and structure. This relationship has a great impact on the performance of the operations of the organisation. For CAPCO focusing upon the structure and cultures is very important as these aspects helps the organisation to manage its work process and helps in attaining the targeted objectives. Structure of the organisation plays a very vital role in managing the work process and helps in providing the clear instruction regarding the roles and responsibilities that each individual has to follow at the workplace. CAPCO has the structure that all the people will have to work in the team therefore; it becomes necessary that it should maintain the structure accordingly. It is necessary that CAPCO should have a management team which could manage the team of the employees handling the project or task given to them (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).

CAPCO should ensure that the structure should be developed in a such manner that the communication system should be managed in a proper manner, this will help the organisation to ensure that flow of information could be managed and people working in the organisation could work according to the information provided to them. Effective flow of information will ensure that allotted tasks could be completed within the time period provided by the management of the organisation. An entrepreneurial culture of the organisation will help in bringing new and innovative ideas by the side of the team members. Following this type of culture will help the organisation to bring effective changes to the workplace and will help in attaining the targeted goals of the company (Larsson, et. al., 2010). Therefore, it is necessary that CAPCO should focus on both the aspects its structure and culture and should ensure that it should bring the necessary changes in both the aspects so as to maintain the decorum of the business.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

To influence the behaviour of an individual there are various factors available with CAPCO. Extraversion is one of the aspects that influence the behaviour of an individual at the workplace. It is necessary that an individual working in the organisation should have the locus of control as this is the aspect that helps the individual to work according to the requirement of the company and helps in managing the work accordingly (Nwankwo, et. al., 2013).

CAPCO uses attribution theory so as to gain the information related with the people working over there. According to attribution theory interpretation related with an individual are made and then comparison of actual behaviour is done with the interpretation made by the organisation. Perception of the employee plays a vital role in interpreting the performance of the employee. There are various factors that influence the perception of the employees such factors includes time, work setting and social setting. There are various elements and aspects that are included in the perception of an employee they are novelty, motion, sound, size, background, proximity and similarity (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).

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Internal qualities of an individual play a vital role in influencing him at the workplace. Every individual working in the organisation has certain set of qualities which help him to ensure that he could manage the work in a different manner and according to the efficiency that he has to manage the work. Decision making is one of the characteristics that help the individual to manage the work as an individual should have the decision making skill that he could manage the work so as to make sure that the work provided to him could be completed in the prescribed time (Morgenroth, et. al., 2015). Another characteristic that an individual should have at the workplace is learned characteristic as an individual should have the behaviour to learn certain set of new things. Learning is a never ending process and if an individual has willed to learn new things at workplace then he could ensure his growth at the workplace and could ensure to provide innovative ideas with the effect of which work place will be benefited. Learning is the main reason due to which managers working in the organisation lay much stress upon studying and predicting the learned characteristics (Pegler, 2012).

There are certain other factors also that influence the behaviour of individual in CAPCO:

  • Attitude of an individual is also a factor that influences the behaviour of an individual at a workplace. Attitude of the people working in the organisation helps in making an effective team at the workplace as the people having same attitude could manage the more effectively in the organisation (Fabjan, et. al., 2013).
  • Ability and skills of an individual are another factor that helps in influencing the behaviour of the individual working in the organisation. Person having the right kind of ability and skills can be placed at right place and could manage the work which could help the company in attaining its objectives.
  • People in the organisation come from different diversity and building the team of people from different diversity help people to come in the comfort zone which helps in coordinating and help in completing the work provide to the team (Nguyen, 2015).

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships and styles at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

CAPCO follows different kind of leadership styles that help it to manage the people and the work process of the organisation. A company should use effective leadership styles as these are the styles that helps the company to manage the work process and helps in maintaining the decorum of company. There are six leadership styles suggested by the experts and it is necessary that the organisation choose the appropriate leadership style so as to manage the work and the people working over there. These leadership styles are coercive leadership style, authoritative leadership style, affiliative leadership style, democratic leadership style, pacesetting leadership style, and coaching.

From all the above leadership styles CAPCO follows coercive leadership style. Coercive is the leadership style which is being used for the people working in the organisation who do not have any kind of interest in participating in any kind of the activity of the workplace. Coercive is the leadership style in which people working in the organisation are encouraged to work more effectively in which they are being motivated to participate in different aspects of the organisation (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010). With the help of Coercive leadership style CAPCO could ensure that all the employees of the organisation could give their 100% and help in meeting the companies’ objectives within the prescribed time. On the other hand HSBC is the organisation which works upon the complex leadership style which includes both affiliative and participative styles. In this authority is given to the subordinates so that subordinates should understand the criticality of the work and should manage the work accordingly.  Delegating the authority on subordinates helps them in managing the work on their own with the effect of which they work more effectively and make sure that they should provide quality work and should provide the work on time (Larsson, et. al., 2010).

2.2 Explain how organisational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relation theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Organisational theories are made so as to ensure that the decorum of the organisation could be maintained and people working in the organisation should work on the verge to benefit the organisation. Every organisation works on the basis of two theories which are theory X and theory Y. Both organisations HSBC as well as CAPCO works upon theory Y. HSBC as well as CAPCO works on the verge to manage their employees and works on to build effective set of relationship with the employees working in it. For better understanding with the fact, it is necessary that scientific management theory as well as human relation theory should be studied in depth:

  • Scientific Management Theory: According to the scientific management theory organisation focus more upon the productivity rather than focusing upon the people working in the organisation. In this, organisations aims that people working over there should produce more so that supplies of the market could be managed. Organisation applying the scientific theory aims at increasing the economic efficiency of the workplace. Organisation applying this theory can manage the requirement of the market and could meet the targeted aim by enhancing the productivity and by providing the competitive price of the product which it is supplying in the market. Scientific management theory leads to de humanity as in this case organisation does not focus upon the human working in the organisation and just wants to increase the productivity so that it could generate more profit and could succeed in the competitive market.
  • Human Relation Theory: Human relation theory is the theory which is being followed by both HSBC as well as CAPCO. This is the theory in which organisation looks after its employees and work to provide them benefits for the work they do to attain the organisational objectives. Organisations using this approach provide appraisals to the employees working hard to attain the objectives (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010). These appraisals are provided in both the terms monitory as well as in non monitory terms. Providing extra benefits to the employees helps in motivating them and they work more hard to attain those targeted objectives of the company.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

Human Relation Approach: Human relation approach is the approach in which organisation focus upon the behaviour of the people working in it. In this approach organisation try to build effective set of relation with the people working in it. This approach include motivating the people, appreciating for their work, helping them at the time of requirement, solving their queries and providing them training so that they could work comfortably in the organisation and can help the organisation in attaining its targeted objectives (Nguyen, 2015). In this approach manager indulge in these activities and ensure that the people working in the organisation could enjoy the working environment and could help the organisation in attaining its targeted goals and objectives.

Contingency Approach: This is the approach which assures that the organisation should work in the flexible condition. Organisation should be rigid in processing out the work process. According to an organisation should be flexible so that it could adopt any type of strategy according to the need and requirement of the work. CAPCO is rigid as it uses only one approach so as to process the work out. It should not be like that CAPCO should be flexible so that it could adopt the approaches required according to the scenario and trend of the market. Management of CAPCO should be flexible so that it can become easy for CAPCO to manage the work and to manage the people working in the organisation (Fabjan, et. al., 2013). CAPCO is required to plan for adopting various types of leadership styles so that the people working in the organisation could be managed in a proper manner and organisation could move on verge of sustainability and success.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Leadership is the aspect that is required to manage the internal processing of the organisation. It is necessary that the organisation should look upon the employees and should provide the leader which could manage the people working in the organisation in a proper manner. A leader is a person who looks after the people working at the workplace. It is necessary that the organisation should use several leadership styles so that it could manage the people working at the workplace. These leadership styles will help the organisation to cooperate the culture with the effect of which people working in the organisation will influence to work effectively and will work to attain organisational objectives.

  • Participative Leadership Effect: Participative leadership effect is one of the most effective leadership styles available with the organisation. Participative leadership style is the style in which people working in the organisation can participate in the decision making aspects. With the help of this style people working in the organisation feels that they are equally important to the organisation due to which they are asked to participate in the important aspects of the organisation (Nguyen, 2015). With the help of participative leadership effect people could get motivated and could help the organisation in attaining its targeted goals.
  • Delegative Leadership Effects: Delegative leadership is also known as laissez-faire leadership. This is the leadership style in which delegation of decision making is done. In this leadership style employees have to make the important decisions related to the work process and to manage the work. Delegating the decision making on the employees helps in developing the feeling of responsibility among the people working in the organisation (Fabjan, et. al., 2013). With the effect of this people indulge in the decision making process work more effectively and ensures that they could manage the internal aspects of the organisation with the help of which organisation could move on the verge of success and sustainability.
  • Free Rein Style: It is also known as Laissez- Faire is a type of leadership style in which leaders of the organisation allow the members of the group to make decision on various aspects. This kind of activity helps in building trust among the group members and helps in bringing new and innovative ideas. With the help of fee reign style work could be processed within the time limits and with quality.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s and Herzberg theories) within organisational setting.

Motivation is the aspect that ensures that the people could remain energetic and work enthusiastically at the workplace. It is necessary that the organisation should work on the verge to motive its employees and should indulge in the practices which could help in motivating the employees working in it. For CAPCO it is necessary that it should do the comparison between different motivational theories and process the processing of motivating the employees accordingly (Pegler, 2012). There are two motivational theories provided by the experts in relation with the fact that what is the role of motivation for the people working in the organisation. Comparison between Maslow’s motivational theory and Herzberg theory will help CAPCO to understand that how important motivation is for the organisation and for the performance of the employees working in the organisation.

According to Maslow’s theory there are stages in the life of every individual working in the organisation. Every employee working in the organisation works on the verge to attain the set objectives and then get motivated to attain another need. According to Maslow’s theory of motivation a person never get satisfied with what he achieve and after achieving every need he gets motivated to attain another need and works more hard to achieve those needs and requirements (Morgenroth, et. al., 2015). On the other hand Herzberg theory is based on the hygiene factors. In this every individual working in the organisation gets motivated to attain those hygiene factors and works accordingly to maintain his hygiene in the life. Herzberg theory is also known as two factor theory. According to Herzberg theory hygiene factors are those factors which when adequate/ reasonable in a job, pacify the employee and works on motivating the employee and do not let them dissatisfied. Mainly hygiene factors are those factors which do not let the employees dissatisfied and works on providing satisfaction to the employees working at the workplace. According to Herzberg certain hygiene factors are: pay or salary of the employees, policies of the company, fringe benefits provided by the company to the employees, physical working conditions, status of the employees, interpersonal relations of the employees working in the organisation and job security provided by the organisation to the employees.

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According to Maslow if any need is fulfilled then he gets motivated. On the other hand according to Herzberg theory a person did not get motivated by fulfilling the need. In this an individual gets motivated so as to maintain the status of the life and to maintain the hygiene of the life. This hygiene includes recognitions, challenges at the work, and appreciations. Understanding both the aspects it could be said that CAPCO should work on both the theories so as to ensure that the people working in the organisation could get motivated (Giltinane, 2013). CAPCO should appreciate the employees working in the organisation and should provide those extra incentives and bonus so that they could get motivated to work more hard and could help the organisation in attaining its target objectives. Focusing upon both the theories will help the organisation to decide that how

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

Managers working in the organisation have the responsibility to lead the employees working under them. It is necessary that the manager should look upon each and every activity and query of the employees working in the organisation and should focus upon the workings of the people working at the workplace. A manager should have the knowledge that motivation is necessary for the organisation and the people working in the organisation.

A manager should have the knowledge of the Maslow’s theory of motivation so that he could apply the theory in the organisation and could ensure that the people working in the organisation could get motivated. Understanding the theory of motivation will help the manager to gain the knowledge regarding the needs and wants of the people working at the workplace according to which he will be able to prepare the strategies to keep the people motivated. People at the workplace will remain motivated if they will be providing effective set of appraisals and rewards for the work they are doing at the workplace (Hammersley, 2014;2013). A manager should keep his eye on each and every employee working in the organisation so that he can evaluate the performance of the employees and could provide rewards and recognitions to the best performers , this activity will help in developing the another stage of need among the employees which will motivate them to work effectively and with more quality. This aspect will help the safety workplace to enhance the productivity and will help it in moving on the verge of success and sustainability.

A manager should take the feedback from each and every employee and should ask work related questions with the employees so that employee could share information related with his needs with the manager. This activity will help the manager in identifying the needs and wants of the people working in the organisation and will help in understanding that at which stage of the need is the employee is. Determining the level of need at which an individual is will help the manger to make the strategy accordingly with the effect of which employee working in the organisation will be benefited and will get motivated (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010). If employee will get motivated than he will try to work more hard so as to attain another level of need and so on will get motivated to attain the next level with the effect of which organisational targets and goals will be achieved within the time period provided by the organisation.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of the groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Group term is defined as the number of people working with each other In order to achieve a common goal and objective of any organization. If people do work in group can bring better opportunity to the organization and share variety of thought by which an organization can easily find an appropriate solution for a particular problem.  But it is not an easy task to maintain people in a group and make them work together. There is a term called as group dynamic in which people from diverse groups make interaction with the members of each group.

Group’s nature

There are various people in an organization and they work accordingly with the task’s nature that is given to them and the nature of the group in which they are working. Initial group is known as the normative group in which people of an organization perform as group and accomplish special activities and meanwhile supervise the groups consequently. For example: Team working on a same task ad following the instructions of each other is considered as a normative group in which they are working.

Next group is made according to the member’s critical thought and in that group they perform several activities like team building, role play, self managed team and sensitivity training. This group performs in such a manner in an organization so that it can provide something to learn to the people by which they can easily boost up their performance level (Ammersley, 2014; 2013). For example: research and development team keeps on finding new ways and means of doing the work. Individuals working in the research and development team work on the verge to create something new so that work could be completed in lesser time and with quality.

Last but not the least there is another internal nature of group that perform according to the internal activities of an organization by which entire functions and activities of the same could be managed efficiently and could attain its desired goals. For example: technical department of the organisation. Every individual in technical department works on the internal process and helps in resolving technical issues at workplace.

Group Formation Dynamics

There are several activities in an organization that can be done only by a group. Among various theories, classical theory is very helpful to develop a proper understanding regarding the formation of group in an organization (ammersley, 2014; 2013). By proximity theory better understanding could be developed that why employees of an organization get emotionally attached with each other and get into the closeness. With the help of balance theory a better understanding could also be developed regarding the changes in the attitude of employees in an organization. By analyzing all above group dynamic theories it is to be said that groups play a vital role for any of the organization by which it can perform better day by day and move a step ahead towards the success. For example: to reduce turnover ratio organisation will have to work on proximity theory so that employees at the workplace could get emotionally attached. This activity will help in reducing employee turnover ratio.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO.

Teamwork is considered as the important part of the organization by which all the activities and operations in an organization can be performed easily and managed in an effective manner. To complete a task in an accurate way the thing that is important for an organization is to manage the team effectively. It is beneficial for the CAPCO to develop a strong team and train them in such a manner so that they can be helpful in further promoting the team in an organization. There are several other factors that may also helpful described as below:

  • An efficient team is a combination of various personalities, traits and culture of the people. In an organization employees come from different cultural background so it is important for the organization to make them understand in a better way the benefits of working as a team to the organization as well to them also (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).
  • There is another factor that plays an important role in order to boost up the teamwork in the workplace is communication. In order to do proper information transmission all around CAPCO must use the better communication system because it eliminates all the bars and breaches between the system and transfer the accurate and adequate information to the end user by which organization is capable to attain the goal without wasting any time.
  • In order to maintain the organization’s operations and for providing proper guidance to the employees it is important having a leader in an organization by which all the activities could be equally divided among the respective employees that can eliminate the situation of confusion and the efficiency of each and every employee could be increased and they would be able to contribute equally to achieve the target of the organization (Nwankwo, et. al., 2013).
  • By becoming a part of the team building exercise would be beneficial for the team member of the organization in order to develop a strong team by which organization can take a leap towards the objective and goals of the organization.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO.

Technology is one of the aspects which keep on changing with the change in time. Technology has a great impact on the organisation as well as the people working in the organisation. Technological changes help in making the work process easy and will help in managing the work process in an effective manner. Technological changes also bring hurdle in the work process of the employees working in the organisation (Larsson, et. al., 2010). It is necessary that the organisation should upgrade the technology whenever it is required as it makes the work process easy and simple. With the upgraded technology people working in the organisation could work more efficiently and could bring more accuracy at the workplace. There are various factors attached with technology that create a great impact on the team work and has a great impact on the team working in CAPCO. These technological aspects are as follows:

  • Email is the factors that help the team working in the organisation. With the help of emails every information and files could be shared with the team members sitting at any place. Email is a very effective method of sharing work related files among the team members working in an organisation. With the help of emails communication between the team members could be done and they could coordinate on any project and could work accordingly (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).
  • I-phones and smart phones have brought a huge change at the workplace. I-Phones and Smart Phones helps in accessing the work at any place. With the help these gadgets people could work from any place and could coordinate from any place. These gadgets helps in staying connected with each other and helps in sharing the work related files from any place.
  • Computers are other factors that help the organisation to manage the work. With the help of the computer people could make the discussion on any project and could create design of the work on which they have to work. With the help of computers people working in the organisation could make the presentations and could use as a mode of discussion. Computer systems and development also help in saving the files and helps in accessing the required material at any point of time. With the help of computers paper work gets reduced (Hammersley, 2014;2013).
  • Internet is one of the best solutions provided to the people in present scenario. With the help of the computers people in the organisation could manage their work in a proper manner. Internet provides access to various things and provides the information related with every aspect required at the workplace. People working in the organisation can get any kind of work related information with the help of internet and can manage the work according to the requirement.

Therefore, understanding all the aspects related with technology it could be seen that people working in a team in the organisation could manage the work in a more effective manner and could access the work from any place at any point of the time. It is necessary that the people should know how to access the technology in a right manner so that they could work accordingly and could ensure that the tasks given to them could be completed within the prescribed time (Giltinane, 2013).

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With the help of the Unit 3 Organisations and Behavior Assignment CAPCO Ltd presented it can be concluded that every organisation should work on various aspects which could help in understanding the behaviour of the people working in it. With the help of this organisation will be able to help the people working in it and will be able to motivate them. Understanding the behaviour of the people will help in building effective set of relation with the employees with the effect of which people working in the organisation will get emotionally attached with the workplace. These kinds of activities ensure that the internal process could be managed and the targeted objectives can be obtained by the organisation.


Ammersley, R. 2014;2013;, "Constraint theory: A cognitive, motivational theory of dependence", Addiction Research & Theory, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
Fabjan, D., Lovec, N. & ?ivre, Ž. 2013, "Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory of Work Motivation: The Case of Tourism Employees", Management, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 219-232.
Giltinane, C.L. 2013, "Leadership styles and theories",Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), vol. 27, no. 41, pp. 35.
Hammersley, R. 2014;2013;, "Constraint theory: A cognitive, motivational theory of dependence", Addiction Research & Theory, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
Heckhausen, J., Wrosch, C. & Schulz, R. 2010, "A Motivational Theory of Life-Span Development",Psychological Review, vol. 117, no. 1, pp. 32-60.
Larsson, J. & Vinberg, S. 2010, "Leadership behaviour in successful organisations: Universal or situation-dependent?", Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 317-334.
Morgenroth, Thekla; Ryan, Michelle K.; Peters, Kim. 2015, "The motivational theory of role modeling: How role models influence role aspirants’ goals", Review of General Psychology, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 465-483.
Nguyen Thi Duc Nguyen & Aoyama, A. 2015, "The impact of cultural differences on technology transfer: Management practice moderation", Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 926-954.
Nwankwo, B.E., Obi, T.C., Sydney-Agbor, N., Agu, S.A. & Aboh, J.U. 2013, "Influence of Pay Satisfaction and Length of Service on Organization Citizenship Behaviour of Bankers", International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 238-244.

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