Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO and British Airways

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Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO and British Airways
Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO and British Airways
Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO and British Airways

Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment CAPCO and British Airways - Assignment Help in UK


The most important problem that is being faced by the managers in the present scenario is associated with the management of individuals. This is considered to be the most challenging aspect that all types of companies have to deal with in the present scenario. Organisational behaviour is the complete study of individual, group as well as organisation for examining the impact of structure and culture of an organisation in respect of the performance of the organisation. In this Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment CAPCO and British Airways, there will be the determination of the cultural as well as structural of an organisation. To do so, two well-known organisations are being considered which are CAPCO as well as British Airways.

Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment CAPCO and British Airways - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The structure of an organisation will be encompassing its cultural aspect, leadership, internal as well as external business environment and so on. All the organisations are having certain type of organizational structure. It might be informal or formal. It has been stated that the structure of an organisation is the outline of the hierarchy of the organisation as well as chain of command. Since CAPCO and British Airways are considered to very big companies, they are having an official structure of organisation as well as strict rules as well as regulations that are to be followed. (Harrell, 2011). CAPCO is having a hierarchical structure which is formal since it is having a lucid chain of control as well as line for command-execution. In CAPCO, there are huge numbers of staffs that report to more than one individual. It is having a stage of multiple level command as well as decision making. A level of hierarchy is supposed to be productive in large and diversified companies such as CAPCO. The major challenging aspect in regard of CAPCO is that staffs that are functioning collectively are on the same level irrespective of the hierarchy they are having. It is also providing a handsome pay package in respect of the new staffs.

Whereas, British Airways is having a more formal structural aspect as well as standard. The reason being that British Airways is having a huge size as well as its functions are being incorporated throughout the world. In addition to this, the management tries accelerating its capability by using active decision-making scenario. It tries to reduce the gap between the chief executives as well as customer managers. As an alternative to fixed span of control, it currently relies on small ad-hoc groups. (Harrell, 2011) Therefore, these groups presently work along with official groups as well as manage certain additional accountabilities in some scenarios.

Organisational culture is considered to be the collection of collective thought-process, values as well as approaches. Such issues can strongly navigate the organisational staffs regarding the ways by which the work needs to be completed. Whereas, the internal environment as well as organisational customs are considered as culture, that is having a very essential function in the success of the organisation. (Harrell, 2011). The success of CAPCO is majorly impacted by its rich organizational culture. It is having a very efficient cultural aspect associated with the empowering of the staffs throughout the company. It explains in what ways the staffs are accommodating their clients and in what ways are they behaving with one another. (Harrell, 2011) CAPCO is having the belief that all the stakeholders of the organisation will assist in organisational improvement in a major way.

As a result the major agenda of the company is,

  1. accommodating all the clients in a customized manner
  2. providing excellent services
  3. providing exclusive experience to the clients. (Harrell, 2011)

As because, British Airlines is a large organisation, and follows certain stringent rules, it is having a strong impact of culture behind its achievements. It is following certain general rules as a the cultural aspect of the organisation which are,

  1. To deal in a fair manner
  2. To update the client base
  3. To maintain the standards
  4. To meet the requirements of the clients as well as demands in a very effective manner
  5. To re-enforce the tasks that are successful.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s struture and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

CAPCO’s stricture and culture are two essential organisational issues for achieving success. The structures of the organisation are associated in the following manner,

  • The behaviour of the individuals majorly depends on the structure of the organisation – When the CEO of CAPCO is not getting satisfaction with the performing capability of his staffs, he should be looking at the structural aspect of the organisation. It has been evident that, individuals will be acting according to the system where they are working.
  • Empowerment of staffs as well as performance of organisation – Empowerment of staffs could be very efficient method for the success of the organisation. CAPCO is behaving in this manner. They are usually trying for empowerment of their lower level managers, which will finally be ensuring improved performing capability as well as improved satisfaction for the clients. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Structural influence and performance of organisation – CAPCO is trying to give service to its clients. For doing that, it is forming its organisational foundation in the manner that will be ensuring quick replies to any type of call from the clients. In respect of better communication as well as improved solution for the problems of the customers, it is having a friendly customer interface.

Certain varied outlooks that are existing on the relationship between cultural aspect of the organisation and performing ability are mentioned as under,

  • Strong culture, High performance – There exists a strong relation between strong culture and high performance. It has been logically proven that effective culture will be leading to better performance. In respect of CAPCO, in which there exists high competition as well as managing the customers is very essential, there is the need for a strong as well as service related cultural aspect.
  • Culture and efficiency – One more general viewpoint states that the cultural aspect is contributing a great deal towards the productivity of the organisation. It should be realised that, proper culture is considered to be comparative factor. (Lussier, 2011) Culture of a certain company might not be considered or even accepted in a different organisation. CAPCO is holding its cultural aspect in the manner that will be finally contributing to its productivity as well as quick achievement of work.

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  • Diversity of workforce and cultural change – Diversity in the workforce as well as to cope up with the changing aspects are considered to be significant impediments in respect of the company that operates in different countries. For getting success, there is a huge importance related with the creation of an adaptive cultural aspect. The cultural requirements of CAPCO should be in respect of an adaptable culture for having optimum flexibility in respect of changing rapidly. (Lussier, 2011) Cultural aspects that are portrayed by proactive behavioural aspects, taking risks, functioning collectively, trusting one another should be favourable in respect of companies such as CAPCO.

1.3  Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

The staffs that are working for CAPCO are working there because of a fixed salary as well as other beneficial aspects. They are also considered as internal stakeholders. CAPCO will need a large section of productive as well as efficient staffs for carrying out the businesses of the organisation in an effective manner. The salary structure differs in accord with the age, abilities, qualification as well as work-type and so on. (Lussier, 2011). The factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  • Security of job – The staffs will be requiring their job security primarily. In the absence of it, they will be unable to function in a peaceful and prompt manner. Staffs at business should know how much security their jobs are having. An increased standard of job security states that the staffs are having very limited scope to become jobless. Therefore, they are working more effectively as well as their ability to perform is required to get accelerated. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Environment of job – Staffs at CAPCO will be seeking a very efficient environment for working. As because they have a tiring as well as challenging work, they are very naturally seeking a comfortable as well as engaging place to work. It is considered to be a very essential issue in respect of the performance of the staffs. Performances of the staffs are finally contributing to the performance of the organisation.
  • Rates of pay – The staffs at CAPCO are requiring a better pay package. It is quite logical that a better salary will be always motivating the staffs in working in a more efficient manner. Better pay packages also states that the organisation is running successfully, that is why they are able to provide better pay packages to their staffs. (Lussier, 2011)
  • Respect – The employees at CAPCO are mostly technical staffs. They have a sound knowledge of their work in comparison to any other person and they are having sound technical skills in their particular areas of work. Therefore, these staffs are not always working for money. Self-respect as well as an appreciating environment can be their main concerns. At CAPCO, when these individuals are not given proper treatment or enough respect, there might occur the disruption of their performing abilities.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

The senior officials at CAPCO have their commitment for providing exclusive as well as better customer services and for making their companies a better place for working. The CEO of CAPCO is trying to concentrate on the aspects that seem to be of less importance, which will be having the greatest influence on the business. These concentrates on aspects that is unnoticed, making the staffs have a feeling of better fulfilment as well as appreciation. The aspects that are being focused on are,

  • Equal scope for promotion in respect of the staff’s personal quality. Fairness as well as quality of leadership is the key for getting successful.
  • Managers that are having empathy as well as care are well accommodated as well as get better appreciation.
  • Respect to every stage of staffs as well as making decisions in groups are the important leadership traits at CAPCO.
  • Feeling proud to work with CAPCO as a leader or a manager. (Payne, 2012)

Leadership can be explained as the scope for transforming a thought to reality. The style of leadership is simply the approach a leader will be perceiving for leading his staffs. The style of leadership that prevails in British Airways is considered to be supportive. The traditional style of leadership that British Airways has been using for a long time-period has been highly focused, administrative, utilised for reduced staff response, neglecting the junior and many more. This major leadership style has now been altered into a supportive leadership style. In the supportive style of leadership appropriate mentoring of career, training, participative decision making are the keys for the satisfaction of the staffs. (Payne, 2012)

This style of leadership will be creating a trustable environment amongst the management as well as the staffs. Managers are presently having the knowledge of communicating in an effective manner with the staffs and motivating the staffs. They will be allowing the staffs for developing a vision and allow the staffs for using their personal judgement as well as prudence when they will be taking a significant decision. (Payne, 2012) Managers have created a system of support for getting assistance from each other outside the official structure of the organisation. Whereas, the staffs are required to be shown in what ways their works contribute towards complete organisational improvement. In British Airways, the style of leadership as well as motivation is following the aspects,

  1. To motivate staffs for compromising their personal interest for the organisational improvement.
  2. To create awareness in respect of the significance of the organisational goals.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific management theory: This is considered to be the organisational theory that is analysing as well as synthesizing the workflows. Its major goal is to improve the efficiency of the economy, particularly the productivity of the labour at the workplace. The influence of the scientific management theory on the practice of management are mentioned as under,

  1. Replacement of work by “rule of thumb”, or general habit as well as common sense and as a substitute using the scientific method for studying work as well as determining the most effective process of performing particular tasks.
  2. Rather than just assigning staffs to just any work, staffs should be matched with their jobs depending on motivation as well as capability, as well as training them for working at maximum productivity. (Ramaswamy, 2013)
  3. Monitoring the performance of the workers as well as providing instructions as well as regulation for ensuring that they will use the most productive methods for work.
  4. Allocating the work between managers as well as staffs so that the managers will be spending their time to plan as well as train, allowing the staffs in effectively performing their tasks.

Human relations theory: This is considered to be a theory of management that is a researched belief that individuals have the desirability for being part of a supportive team that will be facilitating development as well as growth. As a result, when the staffs are receiving special attention and are motivated for participating, they perceive that their work is significant and they are inspired towards being more efficient that results in improved work quality. (Ramaswamy, 2013). The influence of the human relations theory on the practice of management are mentioned as under,

  1. Basics – Human relations in the workplace are considered to be the significant aspect for making a business function. Staff should function collectively in a frequent manner in respect of projects, communicating ideas as well as providing motivation for getting things done. (Ramaswamy, 2013) In the absence of a workplace culture that has stability, difficult challenging aspects might be arising both in the logistics to manage staffs as well as lower stages. Businesses having attractive workplaces as well as better workforce are more able in retention as well as attraction of qualified staffs, fostering customer loyalty as well as quick adaptation towards meeting the requirements of a marketplace that is changing.
  2. Improving retention – The workplace relation quality is very much essential for retaining the staffs. Though retention of the staffs may seem insignificant particularly in a place of work that is familiar with a high turnover, the managers should keep in mind that turnover is considered to be very costly. All the new staffs are requiring a major investment of time as well as energy in their training as well as recruitment. (Ramaswamy, 2013)
  3. Motivation and Productivity – Relationships at workplace are providing a source of motivating the staffs, which is significant for the maintenance of efficiency. Staffs that are having an interest in their work as well as welfare of other staffs are normally more efficient than those who are not doing so. This effectiveness will be paying apparent financial surplus for the organisation. (Ramaswamy, 2013)
  4. Fostering creativity – The recent environment of business are often rewarding businesses that have the ability towards quick development of products that will be meeting the changing requirements of the clients.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

There exist three types of management as well as managerial approaches which are,

  1. Approach of active listening or passive management
  2. Approach for cultivating or building of capacity
  3. Approach to steer or stage of high control

It can be seen that, the management as well as working culture at CAPCO is participative. There exists no fixed line of command and staffs can report to more than a single line manager. Cultivating approach is considered to be a type of approach related with facilitative management that relies comprehensively on individual skills. (Lancaster, 2010) This approach will be recognizing the requirement for external stimuli to have improved ability to perform. CAPCO normally follows a cultivating approach due to the below mentioned aspects,

  1. Identifying the specific community of clients depending on local community
  2. Explanation of specific crisis situations as well as particular answers
  3. Activities that is collective as well as associative.

Many organisations are familiar with the approach of steering management. The approach of steering management is common in respect of particular as well as physical result based scenarios. British Airways normally does the encouragement of design that is participatory as well as positive reception. This approach is generally concentrated on the agencies. British Airways has the knowledge of the fact that efficient steering requires extensive preparation as well as guidelines for development. (Lancaster, 2010) Appropriate planning of methods as well as rules and regulations that are predetermined are also considered to be significant. The major aspects of contract law approach that British Airways is using are,

  1. Project planning, goals, methods that are clearly mentioned
  2. Assimilated development of project within wide range of the process for planning.
  3. Evaluation associated with the development of the project and outcome of the project against standards that are already defined. (Lancaster, 2010)
  4. Requirement for particular evaluation of task.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

CAPCO might be involved in business method re-engineering, or any kind of technological or incremental change that depends on their requirements as well as circumstances and for managing any changing aspect, better style of leadership is needed for motivating the staffs. (Kotler, 2014). There exists a large difference between management as well as leadership. Management is considered to be the method to accomplish the activities of the organization through the use of limited resources in a wise manner as well as leadership is the process of leading the staffs of the company for actualisation of the objectives. Leadership also takes into consideration the aspect to handle as well as motivate the staffs in the time of change in the organisation. (Kotler, 2014)

There exist various approaches that have their availability in respect of the leaders for leading the changes depending on the authority of the leader as well as freedom of the staffs. The managers of CAPCO will be considering any of the approaches for motivating the employees during the changes in the organisation. Certain significant approaches in respect of the leaders of CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  1. At the time of the occurrence of change, the leaders of CAPCO will be taking the decisions on their own and then directing the employees regarding what they should be doing. This approach is considered to be authoritarian approach.
  2. When the leaders of CAPCO will be going for consultative approach, they will be involving the employees in the method by informing them regarding the imminent changes as well as questioning them regarding their views. This is considered to be a better approach for motivating them. (Kotler, 2014)
  3. An approach associated with teamwork might be considered to be the most appropriate one for the leaders at CAPCO, the reason being that the structure of this approach will be encouraging the team to take responsibilities of their actions.

The leaders at CAPCO might utilise any of the approaches between consultative and teamwork since here the staffs have a feeling of importance and therefore they feel motivated. Hence, it can be said that irrespective of whichever style is considered, there is significance for the leaders in,

  1. Being passionate in respect of work
  2. Encouraging the staffs for participating in the making of decisions
  3. Letting the staffs have an understanding in respect of the beneficial aspects of change
  4. Having close communication
  5. Describing the changing objectives in a clear manner

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

The application of two motivational theories within organisational setting in regard to their comparison can be mentioned as under,

Type of factors

Maslow’s motivational theories

Herzberg motivational theories

1. Meaning

It depends on the concept of individual requirements as well as their satisfaction.

It depends on using motivators that takes into consideration achievement, identification as well as scope for development.

2. Basis of theory

It depends on the hierarchy of individual requirements. Maslow did the identification of five types of human requirements and satisfying them to motivate the staffs. (Harrell, 2011)

It is referring to the hygiene as well as motivating factors in his theory. Hygiene factors are associated with dissatisfaction whereas motivating factors will be motivating the juniors.

3. Nature of theory

This is simple as well as explanatory and depends on long experience regarding the needs of individuals.

This theory is more prescriptive suggesting the factors of motivation that can be effectively utilised. (Harrell, 2011)

4. Applicability of theory

This theory is applied widely, majorly in the countries that are poor as well as developing in which money is considered to be a strong factor for motivation.

This theory has narrow applicability and is applied to countries that are rich and developed where money is considered to be a less significant factor for motivation. 

5. Descriptive or perspective

It is by nature descriptive.

It is by nature prescriptive.

6 Motivators

Any type of requirement might be acting as motivator considering the aspect that it is not satisfied or the satisfaction is comparatively less. (Harrell, 2011)

Hygiene factors will not be acting as motivators. The higher level requirements such as actualisation, identification as well as challenging task are acting as motivators.

3.3   Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

For achieving the organisational goals, managers have the requirement for increasing the efficiency and increased efficiency means highly efficient staffs. For making the staffs highly efficient, there is a definite requirement for appropriate motivation theories. Theories of motivation are effective, since managers are required towards encouraging the staffs regarding better performing ability. When there is the absence of incentive such as status, fringe benefits and so on at the place of work, staffs will not be having any interest for giving their optimum. Therefore, there is a very significant need for having motivational theories. The staffs that are motivated finally raise the organisational benefit with the help of better performing ability and efficiency. (Furnham, 2012). In accord with the hygiene theory, which is also considered as Herzberg’s motivational theory, in similarity to some factors that will be leading to satisfaction of job in the company, there exists certain other issues as well that are causing dissatisfaction at job.

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Depending on this theory, it can be stated that the manager’s at CAPCO have the ability in motivating the staffs. There might occur change in the factors of motivation but the individual requirements for earning respect as an individual never get altered. The satisfaction of the staffs is achieved through responsibility, identification as well as challenging tasks and dissatisfaction occurs from factors of hygiene such as security in job, fringe benefits and many more, when they are not present. Therefore, the managers at CAPCO, should be considering the aspect of job satisfaction as well as factors associated with dissatisfaction. (Furnham, 2012) In this regard, they should be increasing the scope to get reward for raising satisfaction as well as improving the condition towards working, processes and so on for reducing discontent. And, as a result there will be the increase in efficiency.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

There is the formation of groups for getting particular outcomes from a company. The group members are having certain particular tasks as well as having certain previously mentioned set of objectives for working with. The members have natural dependence with one another. Like every other company, there might be the existence of various types of groups in CAPCO and they could range from formal or informal to primary or secondary. (Frydman, 2013). The nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO are mentioned as under,

Formal Groups: The formation of formal groups occurs by the company itself. Its formation takes place for the achievement of certain particular task. These types of groups are created by the management and particular goals are set for reaching. (Frydman, 2013) These group members are having certain fixed roles. The formal groups are again divided into two segments which are,

  1. Command Group
  2. Task Group

Informal Groups: The organisation does not form the informal groups and is formed by the organisational members themselves.  There exist two kinds of informal group which are,

  1. Friendship Group
  2. Interest Group

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4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

The factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  1. Communication – It is essential for the team members of CAPCO to have a communication that will have clarity and is open. Members of the team should have the freedom for asking anything, sharing information as well as giving their feedbacks in the company.
  2. Trust – In the absence of trust, it will not be possible for CAPCO in promoting any strategic aspect or for taking any decisions. Since, if there is the absence of trust amongst the staffs, they will not be sharing any information or will partake any risks that might be the cause for failure of the organization. (Fernando, 2011)
  3. Diversity in workforce – There is a difference in thinking amongst individuals from different age, gender, ethnicity, and so on. Therefore, the more diversity is existing in the teams of CAPCO, the more chances are there for ideas that are innovative as well as creative to prevail.
  4. Leadership – An appropriate leader will be driving the team rapidly in respect of the objective. For making the teamwork more productive, there is a need for leadership since the leaders will be directing the staffs of CAPCO, will be coordinating with them, will be handling different kinds of disputes that take place among the members and will try resolving them. (Fernando, 2011)
  5. Positive attitude – When any type of challenge is faced by the teamwork and no one is providing any effort, there is a strong chance for the project to fail. Hence, every team member of CAPCO should possess a positive attitude in respect of their task and give their optimum till the very end.

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.  

Technology has helped in bringing the individuals closer throughout the globe. The technological influence is also enormous in the companies such as CAPCO. The company is having a workforce that is geographically scattered in various places. The virtual teams are doing majority of the projects that are technologically connected. With the help of technology, there is a possibility for CAPCO in continuing their activities in regard to any distance as well as time for increasing the effectiveness. It has a significant influence on various team-functioning such as structure of the team, trust, coordination, leadership and so on. Therefore, CAPCO primarily requires in understanding the members of the team as well as their business cultural aspects and accordingly, they should be reporting the technological benefits. (Clay, 2013)

Through a research study, it was found out that technological influence on the teams of the organisation is varying from one team to another since it is depending on the type of work and the members of the team. But another research study stated that there is slow advancement in virtual teams regarding team functioning. (Clay, 2013). Therefore, it can be stated that although there exists certain partial problems, teamwork will be bringing a positive result to the company. As a matter of fact, the team member’s contribution will be increasing since the technological aspect will assist in making the members more and more specialists which will be resulting in additional productivity in CAPCO.

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To understand the personal and team behaviour in a company and to efficiently develop them is the means for getting success in the world of business. There exists a possibility towards effective motivation of the staffs for accomplishing their tasks as well as to develop a strong connection that should be depending on cooperation as well as trust. From this viewpoint, it can be stated that CAPCO is on the right path as their main goal is to maximize the benefits of the organization by satisfying the staffs. In this respect, the cultural aspects of the staffs are being understood as well as their requirements and fulfilments of these are being tried.


Clay, M. (2013). Sales Strategies for Business Growth. Thorogood Publishing
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Lussier, R (2011). Management Fundamentals: Concepts, Applications, Skill Development. CENGAGE Learning
Payne, A. (2012). Marketing Plan for Services. Routledge.
Ramaswamy., N. (2013). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

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