Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture

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Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture
Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture
Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour CAPCO & Accenture

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Level 5


At present scenario the structure and culture of an organisation decides its fate. There are various external and internal factors that influence an organisation to deal with their business related issues. Moreover, the organisation develops different strategies to obtain a huge benefit from their business. The journey with huge accomplishment, nurture the entire business setting that promote a planned teamwork. In this assignment, CAPCO is a multinational  financial management  consultancy firm of Belgium that serves different industries by their effective suggestions and finance application policies. (Refer to Appendix 1 for its Logo)

On the other hand Accenture is international professional service companies of Chicago that provides various kinds of solution strategy or support that are related to technology, industry and business. Both of the companies have their own aim to perform their business in a proper manner. Therefore, a comparative analysis has been done between these two companies regarding their structure and culture to understand the main differences which are their fuel material for business performance. Differences of leadership has been analysed between both of the companies and evaluation of their understanding and application of the theories. Finally, the technological impact has been analysed which is very significant for the study.

Unit3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO & Accenture - Uk Assignment Writing Service

Task 1: LO1:

1.1 Contrast and comparison of the structure and culture of CAPCO with Accenture

According to Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (2011, p.5), the business of different organisations across the world continues to grow rapidly. To cope up with this fast growing business every company need to have a good culture in the workplace depending upon the origin of their location. The culture is one of the key elements of business that has a huge impact on the strategies and organisational behaviour.
In CAPCO the foundation of the business culture is dependent of four elements. As CAPCO is a company providing financial advising service, they have taken into account the huge opportunity that is there in the market of fast growing entrepreneurship. These cultural aspects help them to make good profit in the business. They also have a working culture of giving reward to the employees, which help them to motivate the workers. The challenge of accepting difficult task helps to increase the working power and skill level of the employees of CAPCO. The management of the company also gives value to the experience that is gathered from the workplace (www.capco.com, 2016).
The structure followed by CAPCO is very similar to that of Accenture, where a flat or non-hierarchal structure is maintained. Here, the company tries to make all the major decisions by dividing the workforce into particular teams or groups. However, the working culture in Accenture puts top priority to client satisfaction. Unlike CAPCO, the business of Accenture is spread across different nations and hence, they need to maintain a diverse working culture that help to work together with people coming from different cultural background. Moreover, in Accenture the management also gives importance to the future of the company and that of the planet. They always try to employ the best skilled people from different parts of the world (www.accenture.com, 2016). (Refer to Appendix 2 for its Logo)

1.2 Explanation of the relationship between culture and structure of CAPCO that has a huge impact on their business performance

The structural framework of any business is greatly dependent on the cultural values. The organisation structure helps to organise the workforce of the company so that every employees can have a good coordination among themselves. In CAPCO the cultural behavior gives significance to the opinions of the all the workers at different level. Hence, they do not have a tall hierarchical structure, in which all the major business decisions are made only by the top management of the company. The working structure of CAPCO is team driven, which helps to motivate the workers and everyone have the access to gain information from higher authority. The performance level of the workers is always very high due to the friendly working environment.

CAPCO also have a flexible working culture, which allows them to explore new areas of the business and there by expand the level of business. The collaborative working culture also helps to increase the effective output of the company. Moreover, the collaborative working culture also helps to maintain a good commitment level that helps to achieve the target. The innovative working culture helps to update the structural framework of the business regularly. The company also gives top priority to any new innovative ideas and considers the viability of its application in practise. The management of the company also shows respect to the employees at all levels and departments. Hence, they are to earn the trust of all the working people (www.fhnw.ch, 2016). Good communication also has a significant part in the cultural element of CAPCO. This allows them to exchange the ideas and opinions. Hence, they have a good scope of improvement in the structural framework of the business process.

1.3 Discussion on the influencing factors in the individual behaviour of CAPCO

The leadership of CAPCO is the main element that influences the individual behaviour of CAPCO. According to Hau et al. (2013, p.356), the leaders and managers of the company plays a vital role motivating the workforce of the company, thereby influencing the individual behaviour of the employee. The company also has a strong value for respect and integrity with good commitment level. The behaviour of the client also reflects the good commitment level of CAPCO.

The efficient leadership at CAPCO helps the employees to have good performance level and the managers have a positive influence on working stuffs. The encouraging attitudes of the leaders help the workers to overcome all the major challenges in the workplace. CAPCO have appointed distinguished professionals, who are able to provide distinct solutions for all major issues in the workplace. They use the vast experience of their leadership to make solutions for every working situation (www.capco.com, 2016).

The collaborative working culture of CAPCO helps to have a friendly behaviour among the employees of CAPCO. They can support the each other to deal with all kinds of situations and thereby work as a good team to fulfil target at individual level. Good communication of the managers at CAPCO also helps to build a good interpersonal relationship with the employees and the clients. The user friendly attitude of the CAPCO manager has thereby increased the reputation of the company. With proper communication it is possible for the workers to inform the managers about the challenges they are facing in the workplace and thus can have effective solutions to all the major issues.

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Task 2: LO2

2.1 Comparison of the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and Accenture

Leadership in a  business organisation  can be divided into five main styles. According to Rosete and Ciarrochi (2005, p.388), Laissez-Faire in which the leader shows a little involvement in the project. Only the skilled members of the team accomplished the project on their own. This kind of leadership is not so much effective for any project. CAPCO and Accenture both companies face different situations and projects every time with a new criteria and it is impossible only for the team members to do it successfully.

The other type of leadership is autocratic in which the leader only make or implement his/her decision and strategy and does not allow any interference of the team members. This kind of leadership never provides any fruitful outcome naturally CAPCO and Accenture do not believe in this kind of leadership category. CAPCO and Accenture follow the leadership type which is participative in most of the time.

Unit3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture 1

                      Figure 1: Types of Leadership Styles

Raver et al. (2013, p.14801) mentioned in this context that participative leadership makes team power that act for a particular project. A collective process of decision making is practiced here and the ultimate decision is taken by the leader. Moreover, the leader motivates the team members and empowers them to uplift their working ability in the particular sector. All challenges are effectively dealt by the participative leadership of CAPCO. Distinguished skilled professionals perform a single project under a team that helps to meet up entire requirements of a project. However, Accenture sometimes follow transactional leadership practice for some projects in which a project is provided to the team members with a specific target. Reward or punishment is provided based on the outcome. In addition, transformational leadership also practiced by both of the companies which are same as participative but the target is given by the upper level management in this case.

2.2 Influence of organisational theories on practise of management

Taylorism and Scientific Management Theory is an important theoretical approach that helps to furnish and formulate the strategy of management practice in an organisation. Management of CAPCO and Accenture is very strong to perform their managerial responsibility however this theory helps to develop a suitable direction for both of the companies by its four important principle of scientific management theory. Deenitchin et al. (2015, p.46) stated that the managements do not maintain a traditional or pre formulated method of practice for any project. Regular upgradation and modification of their working strategy enrich them to contribute in their work effectively. This principle is quite effective for an organisation to maintain their good reputation in the international market. Allocation of a project based on the performance skill and ability of a team member is another principle of this theory that highly effective to increase productivity and quality of the project. Regular monitoring of the performance of the workers helps to identify the lacking and the effective way to contribute their effort in the project. In the final principle, the work needs to be allocated between team leader and member in order to achieve equal participation for the job. These principles effectively meet up the issues of the companies.

Human relation theory reflects that productivity of a company is dependent on the relationship between employees and the managerial group of the particular organisation. A supportive team is very effective to provide grand success to a company to achieve its goal in a proper manner. Bratton and Gold, (2012 p.12) commented that to show attention and motivation to the employees influence them to contribute their best in the project. Hawthorne effect can be seen through this theory in which the employees feel proud of their current organisation where they are employed. According through this theory sentiments, attitude feelings are considered as a key point of a business environment that is consciously followed by CAPCO and Accenture.

2.3 Evaluation of different approaches used by CAPCO and Accenture

Application of Scientific Management Theory provides a great space to the companies in which different principles of the theory support the structure and culture of the companies. According to Watson (2013, p.2), four significant approaches are practically applied by the company in their business practice. Financial consultancy is quite tough job and there are lot of dimensions that affect the practice if the process failed somewhere. CAPCO and Accenture observe the current trend and modify their working style as per the present requirement. Modern and effective strategy supports their project in a proper way that ultimately results a positive outcome of that project. They provide a particular job to an expert so that it can be accomplished with proper style and technique. Innovation can only come if a project is handled by project leader and the member both. This process is effective to get an awesome result for resolving a finance related project that comes in the consultancy firm of CAPCO. This approach is very scientific that leave all the positive possibility to meet up every requirements of the company. Team members of these companies are very attentive and application of Human relation theory prepares a significant environment for an organisation to accomplish the project in a great manner. Goldman (2015, p.5) commented that time management and quality of the job is regulated by the theory of relationship. Moreover, relationship between the entire stakeholders provides huge benefit to the companies which are fruitful to them and their business practice. These approaches are proved effective for the positive outcome of the business.

Task 3: LO3:

3.1 Discussion of the impact of different leadership styles that motivate during period of change

In any business organisations it is the managers, who provide the motivation to all the working staff. The working environment outside and inside the organisation is totally dependent on the leadership styles. There are six major types of leadership that can have huge influence on the behaviour of the employee (www.rose-hulman.edu, 2015).

The autocratic type of leadership is dependent totally on the decision made by the managers of the company. Organisations with autocratic leadership do not give priority to the opinions of the working employees. This is thus the major drawback of this style as it does not give the opportunity to the employees to give their suggestion to the management. However, Clarke (2013, p.23), argues that it allows the managers to keep the important decisions of the company at classified thereby lowering the risk of losing important company information. On the other hand, the democratic form of leadership allows the employees to express their opinions. The manger and the leaders take the consent of the every people of the company before making any major decisions. This leadership style is the best to provide motivation to the working staffs. In the case of CAPCO the management mainly follows the democratic style of leadership. Maintaining a good communication is one of the key features of this kind of leadership.

There is also the paternalistic kind of leadership, where the managers act as teacher and guidance to the workers working under their leadership. This kind of leadership helps to build a strong relationship between the managers and the employees. The paternalistic is very similar to that of transactional leadership, where the leaders mainly focus on providing motivation to the employees. In Laissez-faire leadership style the managers monitors the performance of every working staffs so that it is possible for the management to judge the capability of each individual employee. This kind leadership is also followed in CAPCO as they have the principles of rewarding the deserving employee.

As in CAPCO the working culture is flexible the managers have to follow the transformational leadership. This type of leadership allows the managers to change the perception of guidance depending upon the situation.

3.2 Comparison of two motivational theories in this organisational setup

The managers of business organisation use motivational theories that can be classified depending upon the personal viewpoints and opinion. The two major kinds of theories are Maslow and Herzberg form of classical motivation theories. According to these theories, every individual need to behave in such way that will help to fulfil their desires.

According to Taormina and Gao (2013, p.155), the Maslow's theory depends upon motivating the people and it has gained a lot of interest in various business organisations. The main problem of this theory is that it is totally dependent on the cultural aspect. Many critics have discussed that positive and negative aspect of this theory. It is essential to fulfil the demands of all individual workers that in turn help to create a good working environment. One of the major advantages of this theory is that it is very easy to apply in practice under various kinds of situation. On the other hand as opined by Yusoff et al. (2013, p.18), the Herzberg theory depends upon the motivating factor and hygienic factors. This theory set the guidelines for job satisfaction and motivating factors. According to this theory the managers need to give priority to the job rather than on the environment of the workplace. . The main difference of this theory from the Maslow’s theory is that it is of more descriptive in nature. This is also more practically dependent.

In case of CAPCO the managers mainly use the Herzberg's theory depending upon the working culture of the country. However, they even sometimes apply the Maslow’s theory because of its easy application.

Unit3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture 2

                                Figure 2: Herzberg's Theory of Motivation

3.3 Explanation of the necessity of the managers to understand and utilise the motivational theories in the workplace

It is the duty of the managers of the business organisation to maintain good motivational level in the workplace. This helps the employees to have a good motivational attitude and give their full potential at workplace. It is also the duty if the managers to maintain a good coordination and harmony among the workers so that they can work efficiently as a team. They also need to have good communication skills that will help the workers to understand the working plan of the company.

According to Toegel et al. (2013, p.334), it can be very useful if the managers can maintain a friendly behaviour with the working groups. This will encourage the workers to express their opinions and suggestion without any hindrance. In general cases the employees have high expectation level upon their leaders that will help them to fulfil all their reasonable demands at the workplace. The managers have to be skilful enough so that they can meet the expectation levels of all the workers.

The potential level of all the workers vary according to their capability and it is the duty of the leaders to employ the correct people in correct place. This will ultimately help to increase the performance level of the company. It is also the duty of the managers to set a practical and reasonable target for the company that need to be achieved. To increase the motivation level of the workers they also need to have a reward system after accomplishment of each target.

Task 4: LO4:

4.1 Explanation of the group behaviour within CAPCO

Group formation is the basic need to accomplish teamwork in a successful manner. As per Tuckman’s theory a perfect group is formed by five effective steps such as forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning. Through these steps a dynamic group is formed and in the saturation stage of the group different factors influence the group behaviour. In CAPCO the financial consultancy team form following Tuckman’s theory and then during the performing hour group behaviour shows a huge impact in the workplace. According to Braithwaite (2010, p.1), group norm is established by the team members in which standardisation of working pattern and behaviour style is enforced through a rule or principle. In this behavioural factor group cohesion is an effective component in which a huge bonding is made between the team members that helps to provide a productive flow. This multi-faceted method has different components such as task related, social relation, emotions and perceived unity. Each of the components enriches the group behaviour that influences the team members to contribute their active performance to the project. Task relation helps to share  information and knowledge  among the co-workers that strengthen the bond between the team members. Social relation among the group increases the good bonding of relationship of the team members. Emotion of the members binds them under a similar psychology and the perception of unity develops a strength that help to produce an effective outcome of that project. Antoni and Hertel (2009, p.253) stated that group role is another component of group behaviour that consists of work, maintenance and blocking role in a group. In working role the monitoring on job accomplishment, assignment, progress evaluation and clarification of the goals of the group is done in a proper manner in CAPCO. In maintenance, observation on participation and reward system are controlled. Finally, blocking is done if any subject creates obstruction to the project. Group conflict is a common factor that arises during team formation and at the functional time. Here the conflict help to make suitable decision for the project that is effective enough.

Unit3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & Accenture 3

                                  Figure 3: Tuckman’s theory

4.2 Discussion of the promoting factors that increase the effective teamwork in CAPCO

Different promoting factors help to increase the teamwork that become very effective to accomplish a project within time. In teamwork various components have huge impact to make teamwork successful such as team leadership helps to promote the activity of a team and maintain the dynamic nature of the team that can produce an effective solution from CAPCO consulting firm. Rosen et al. (2008, p.1190) stated that mutual performance monitoring affects the entire teamwork in a professional way. Sharing responsibility of supervision helps the team to identify the processing quality and the skill of performance of the team members. It helps to identify the deficiency of the team members to provide them empowerment that can uplift their performance skill for the particular project. Team orientation helps to promote the teamwork that helps to segregate the entire job within skilled workers. Adaptability of new kind of functional method helps a team to increase their productibility that is strictly followed by the team performances to achieve successful accomplishment. Moreover, Van den Bossche et al. (2006, p.492) stated in this context that there are also some important factors that support the upliftment of teamwork such as communication in closed loop in which no communication gaps are left for further step and ensure to kill the possible issue as an emergency mode. Mutual trust among the team members help to relay on their performed task that serve the job in a fluent manner. Assessment and monitoring in every step is quite impossible for the team members therefore performance of own responsibility is based on the trust that is provided through the bonding of the team members. Finally, Salas et al. (2005, p.555) stated that mental mode sharing is an effective promoting factor of teamwork that helps to develop knowledge and idea about the entire job condition without any confusion.

4.3 Evaluation of the impact of technology on the functioning team in CAPCO

CAPCO performs its management process by technological aids which are very important aids at current days. The functional team of CAPCO resolves finance related issues for different companies by their efficient employees. Technological application helps an organisation to accomplish a project with more perfection. Speed is supplied by the technological systems that are used by the company to meet up their business activity. Tiinanen et al. (2016, p.65) commented that communication related practices are performed through the internet and computer. This is a common gadget present in every sector. Email and online calling help the sectors to achieve their information and solution within a very short time. Moreover, the project team is able to deal with the critical complications of the company that they are dealt with in a professional manner. Evaluation of a situation and comparison is effectively possible with the help of advanced technology that are utilised by the company. Regulation of management and formulation of strategy with innovative idea is possible because of the use of advanced technological method in the project work. This company widely delivers program management in a large state, customisation of application, integration of the technology with different operational model etc. CAPCO provides biasness free result to their customer because of the effective use of the technological support of this company.

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The organisational behaviour is the key component of making working plans in any company. The cultural and moral values of the company have a huge influence on the working environment. From the discussion in the above assignments it is clear that CAPCO has maintained a good organisational structure in the workplace. They try to maintain a good interpersonal relationship with employees so that there is a healthy environment in the workplace. They mainly follow the democratic style of leadership, which allows them to take the opinions of the employees and make critical decisions. The working culture of the CAPCO is very similar to that of Accenture. However, unlike Accenture they have non-hierarchical structure. The application of good motivational theories like that of Maslow and Hertzberg help to maintain a positive attitude while dealing with all the major challenges in workplace. The managers have a vital role in the application of the motivational theories. The technology has also a major implication on the organisational behaviour on CAPCO. This helps to build a good relationship by efficient communication technique.


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