Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO - Assignment help in uk


In this fast changing economy where different type of industries are emerging day by day it is required to put the emphasis upon the organization behaviour and culture. Organization culture and behaviour has different kind of impacts either internally or externally. Number of the employee’s stake holders and public at large gets affected with the working procedure and organization culture and behaviour. In this unit 3 organisation and behaviour assignment CAPCO we will come to analysis the effective behaviour of CAPCO and how it manages their structural issues in a systematic and effective manner. Capco being an effective top most rated company in the today’s world has high range of influence on the society and its working process. This study depicts the real behaviour and culture of the organization in a right and effective manner. Beliefculture, policies the way working channel and other important role of conduct in the organization shows the real meaning of organization in this fast moving economy. We have to make a good understanding on each and every phase of the organization in order to get the real idea regarding how organization survives in this real world. 

Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO - Assignment help in uk


1.1Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organization of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organizations?

CAPCO being the leading organization has wide impact over the economy of the U.K. country.  The yearly turnover of the company also covers the vast part of the countries national income. CPCO has main objective to provide the financial services in the  financial management.  This market demands the utmost care and cooperation form the organization. There are other factors which also affects the market that is organization culture. CPACO is comprised of different expert’s channel that helps company to grow by providing the best effective services and good organization culture to its stake holders. It is real fact that in order to make a sustainable profit in long run CAPCO has to develop a good organizational structure with effective culture. It is observed that CAPCO has traditional organization structure with sophisticated plans and effective structure. In this Structure Top management of CAPCO makes plans and policies and other important decisions which are then followed by the lower management the hierarchy of the decision channel works from the top level to bottom level. CAPCO working structure is also segregated into different set of activities such as operational level management, functional level management, project department, and different process channels. In order to make an effective and productive work value chain CAPCO management and its experts panel have come up with the different structural program in which all the department works independently and make cross check of each and every work station (Motivation, 2010).

Advantages of structures:

  • Corporate governance, ethical issues and other regulatory requirement of government makes the good adaption in the organization culture and its behaviour with its stake holders.
  • They are the person without which a company or organization can never service in the long run. In order to make a good profit, interest of stake holder should be considered at the top level.

Disadvantages of structures:

  • The structures create dilution of voting and decision making rights which are sometimes aproblematic situation for the organization.

There is the following diffraction and similarities could be seen between Capco and this other organization



American express


Traditional approach

Capco being the leader and older company in the financial sector of U.K. follows the traditional approach in making decisions and delegation of authority in the working style.

American express is the leading company in banking sector makes different and unique structure in its working cycle. It follows the centralized decision-making process only decisions which are associated with tactical problems are delegated to other department.

Bothcombinesfollows a different and unique working style and provides best effective services to the public at large.


CAPCO and their  top management makes policies and framework which are according the values, beliefs, ethics and code of conduct to the employees and other stake holders. E.g. It has allowed employees to put idol of the God at their front working desk.

It has put more emphasis upon the working style. Employee’s interest and their needs are considered only up to a certain limit.

Both companies work around the interest of the public at large and it is also found that CAPCO and American express shoes the utmost credibility in making good corporate governance at the international level.

Structure of working channel

This organizationfollows the decentralizedfunctional program in which all the value chain of the organization works interdependently upon each other’s.

This organization follows the decentralization process in tactical activities and keeps its decision process only at the top level management.

Both companies functional process is effective and productive. Structural program is also very similar to the extent.

Organization culture of the CAPCO coves all the issue which globe around the benefit of the stakeholders, values, belief, behaviour,  ethical issues , corporategovernance and other law and regulatory requirement(Malloy et. al., 2013).

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’S structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations?

CAPCO in the upcoming Annual return of this year has shown that it has generated a good amount of revenues and legal matters and compliance record also is very effective. This data is the eventual effect of the good management of CAPCO’s culture and structure program. Structure and culture are the set part of the different functional program. Employee satisfaction and their motivation are the most vital part in generating the synergy of the process system. Culture part of CAPCO covers the Employees values and belief. These are the aspects which make a good force in the employee’s motivation to work tremendously well and make them incumbent to work efficiently. Where as in case of Structure of the CAPCO helps all employees to performamicably and cooperatively with other team members. It is found that CAPCO and its top management has managed all the internalactivities very effectively and its different structure parts divided in many names e.g. functional, matrix, project, operational,  and other functional parts. Never the less CAPCO has captured the demanding need of making consistent efforts in making good decisions in its working department so that a best culture and structure program could be developed in long run.  There are the following benefits of effective use of culture and structure program.

  • Development of core competency
  • Proper compliance of all the legal issues
  • Consideration of proper values belief
  • Follow up with ethical program and culture issues in the working department (Storage, et. al., 2013).

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organization of your choice?

There are various factors which influence the individual and their behaviour in the organization. These are the points which are used by the managers In order to make critical decision.  It is seen that relation between manger and employees are not direct. While manager tries to make the efforts to understand the behaviour of the employees at the same time employees try to understand the manager perception for the work performance. There are certain factors which influence the individual behaviour in CAPCO.

Abilities- It is segregated into two following parts such as physical abilities and mental abilities. Employees performance strength in organization is judged on the basis of both abilities and each and every person’s different type of abilities affect other individuals in organization (Muindi& K'Obonyo, 2015).

  • Perception- these are the way of thinking to perform certain tasks in the organization. It is usually consisted with how an individual employee perform task in organization and how he perceived the work performed by him at the same time.
  • Attributes- It is comprised of different set of characteristics to perform certain task. Individual personal outcome to perform specified task with the following intents such as consistency, consensus, capabilities and other things are taken into consideration.

There are some other factors which could also be taken into consideration for determining the individual behaviour.

  • Personal factors- this are the factors which are comprised of two different segments in the individual performance level.  Some influencing factors which could be seen in individual employees are biographical intents- Age, gender, perception, religion, intelligence, ability to perform tasks. There are some others learned intents could also be taken into consideration such as personality, perception, attitude, values (Williams, et. al., 2015).
  • External factors- It is the factors which are made of surrounding and other considered factors which directly affects the individuals in different matters, such as wages rate, generaleconomic environment, technology , political factors.
  • Organizational factors- These are considered the most valuable factors in determine the effectiveness of the individual performance in the long run, such as  leadership role,  delegation of authority, way of performing task, reward system, structure.

These are the points which are used by the mangers in CAPCO for determine the individual motivational program in the organization (Williams, et. al., 2014).

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2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organization of your choice?

Leadership is the intent which is used in organization in order to show the right path the followers in different ways. Leadership is very critical and important task which is used not only in small organization but also in MNCs like CAPCO, American express in order to show the effective path to the employees for the betterment of the organization. In today’s era there are different kind of leadership style have been developed that have significant influence on the organization work performance or productive system. There are number of leadership styles such as Autocratic style, Participative leadership effects, delegateleadership effects, corporate leadership style and so on. But in CAPCO management system Participation leadership skills are followedwhich each leader of particular takes the decision with the help of respective team members. In CAPCO organization it is seen that Top management in making important decision or solving problems related with non-structured issues asks for equal participation of each and every team leader who represents their team. Though CAPCO TOP management has used this leadership style but keeps the eventual right reserved for making decisions (Sperling, et. al., 2010). But in case of American Express it is seen that organization has used the technique of autocratic leadership in which Top management ask no help or no involvement of employees or other line managers in framing policies and issues. This leadership style is not encouraged for the long term purpose. It is seen that American Express is using the dominating cultural behaviour in their working performance. There is wide level of truth that in order to see the long term success in the working process then company needs to take proper care of employees needs and  their satisfaction level in the company. At the end I could say that CAPCO has been using very effective leadership skills in order to make development of social cultural relationship employees and other stake holders. Furthermore it is also considered that CAPCO by using this Eldership style has made the consistent efforts in jointing the nexus between organization success and employees welfare in the long run.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relation theory) have had influence on the practice of management?

Management practices in organization is concerned with the making policies, framework and making good arrangement between all level of employees on the consistent basis.  There are different organizational theories which on have high impact on the organization management practices.

Human relation theory- This theory put emphasis upon the employees and their work performance. It depicts that if organization and top management consider the employee’s participation in orderly manner then there will seesynergy, development of core competencies and creation of increasing productive level. This theory mainly focuses on these following facts such as:

  • Individual relation and how their behaviour is align with the organizational theory
  • Motivational theory
  • Individual support in different functional system.

These all theory depicts or put emphasis upon the importance of the increasing productivity in the value chain activities in the organization if employee performs their tasks in better manner. It is seen fact that if employees and their problems are solved in timely manner then they will be eager to show their 100% efforts in the working performance.  Human relation theory makes a good arrangement in establishment of a nexus between company’s growth and employee’s welfare on the horizontal level.

Scientific management- This is the critical and analytical process of the top management in order to make a good arrangement of the work flow in the employees. It is understood that each and every employee has different set of key skills. There is fact that if in organization if work is allocated in efficient manner then productivity and working performance will also get increased at the same time.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organization?

CAPCO being the market leader in financial market use the utmost care in the management system. It is seen that there are different set of management approaches available in the economy but the most suitable approach which is used by the management in CAPCO are as fellows-

  • Classical management approach- In this approach CAPCO industry make arrangement on setting purpose, objectives, technical requirement, and how organization making efforts in achievement of goal and setting principles. This approach simply used while deciding the common principles for all the process system of the organization and setting structural requirement of the company (Clargo & Tunstall, 2011).
  • Human relation approach- this approach shows the real impact upon the attention of the organization on social factors at work place such as making amicable efforts between all the employees, creation of the leadership skills, and behavioural issues between process and team associates at the office premises.
  • Contingency approach- in this method CAPCO manages the different structural process and its working style. It also makes required changes in working process in order to make good productivity system in different variables situations.

CAPCO use different set of Approaches to the management but above given three approaches are mostly used in different time functional program. These approaches has given ample level of change in the management of the organization in order to provide a  required push in the value chain activities of the internal function system.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change?

There are different leadership styles that could be seen providing drastic impact on the motivation of the employee within the different period of change.

  • Autocratic leadership- This kind of leadership is the different level of management system in which all the leaders have absolute power over their subordinates or followers. In this type of leadership staff members and others employees have least say in putting their perceptions or view. Therefore this kind of leadership suffers from the lack of motivational program and sees the utmost level of employment turnover in the organization (Wickramasinghe& Perera, 2014).
  • Charismatic leadership- It is mostly affected by the leaders powers and influencing style. This leadership style is used in organization where there is need to put high level of enthusiasm in employees so that they can perform well in timely manner. However in this Leadership style employees get demotivated when there is absence of the leader in the work cycle. Employees gradually get dependent upon the instruction of the leader and their working style.
  • Participative leadership - In this type of leadership process there is seen that employee participation is taken into consideration by the leaders in performing the task. This Leadership style has been used by much organization in order to drive the best result in the long run. But there is seen one problem that is connected with the complexity of the decisions. In this process employees get demotivated when there is seen that there involvement has resulted into the wrong decision and shown the great loss to the company (Yahaya & Ebrahim, 2016).
  • Servant leadership - In this type of leaders follows the employees and their way of performing tasks. This might cause demotivation in the employees’ performance if their efforts goes in wrong directions. Some time it is seen that employees could make negligent decisions while performing tasks that could lead into the drastic failure in the working system. These kinds of situation are the most influencing factors in determining the employee’s motivations.
  • Transformational leadership- In this type of leadership style this is understood that leaders’ enthusiasm and other intents are transferred to employees and their followers. Sometime other negative factors in the working process transfer the demotivation in the employee’s performance.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s and Herzberg theories) within organizational setting?

In this demanding market where it has become hard to find qualified and effective employee to perform work. CAPCO has used different set of  motivational theories  in order to achieve some certain stipulated objectives and goals such as reduction in employee’s turnover in each and every process, making production cost effective, and completion of task in timely manner. There are set format and defined task in the application of two different theories in the organization and it provides various benefits in the different process. With the application of the Maslow’s theories in the different process CAPCO has various set of goals and needs that should be shown in horizontal manner. These all needs are associated with each other and once the starting need of the employee is satisfied then other needs comes in the way which helps company to motivate the employees in the effective manner.

Application of these Maslow theories in the CAPCO shows the descriptive needs and various  motivational prospects which aremuch needed in order to get work done simultaneously satisfying employees demands and need. Whereas in the application of Herzberg theory CAPCO put emphasis upon the hygiene factors and need in which different employees working in various department makes effective efforts in order to accomplish set factors or hygiene needs. Explanation of Maslow’s theory In the CAPCO states that each and every employee has different needs and demand to satisfy and if management wants to get the work done in a systematic manner then these needs must satisfy. Failure to comply with this theory may result into demotivation in the employees and their performance. In the case of Herzberg hygiene factors tells that there are no set of objectives and goals in the organization which could cater the need of motivation in the employees. But there are shown that if employees achieve the challenging level or standard performance in the working process then these factors would act motivational factors. These are the needs which could act as motivators for the employees in the CAPCO.

Application: These both theories tell that how the employees in the CAPCO gets motivated to perform extra ordinary performance and provide the high level of productivity in each and every process. CAPCO has bifurcate different sort of employees in application of different theories. Employees who are less efficient or care for satisfying their primary need are covered in the Maslow theory so that CAPCO could take care of their need and cater this need in order to make right level of efficiency in organizational value chain activities. Whereas at the same time employees who are ready to sacrifices each and everything to make the stipulate results are motivated with the help of Herzberg theories. As these are covered with the hygiene factors which depicts that achievement of high level of challenges, overcome the threats, and providing synergy in the working performance is motivational tool own its own. Furthermore CAPCO apart from this also provides some monetary reward so that extra motivation could be given to the respective employees for certain level of work.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace?

Manager being the driver of the company has very effective role to play. In CAPCO there is seen that there are various employees working in different process for the common objectives. Different line mangers or process leaders are appointed in order to make a good level of motivation in each and every phase of employees. It is seen with the increasing productivity and effectiveness of the organization program that motivation is the key factors in the employee’s performance. Managers of the different department are the top most authority who helps employees in various fields. It is also understood that manger needs to analyse the factors which are needed to understand the different need of the employee in the organization in order to get work done in efficient manner. Manger is the person who is on the position where work is managed and divided in order to assign it to other subordinate authorities. There are different motivational approaches which are given by various economists in this present era and manager has to make a deep understanding with some of these effective approaches in order to put emphasis on the employees and their working style.

Applying different motivational theory will provide aid to mangers in different manners such as-

  • It helps employees to exhibit their internal problems and team queries with new and effective manner.
  • Managers being in the position of managing employees have idea of how to bifurcate the work in employees as per their calibre to perform the work.
  • Mangers understand the basic needs and required intent in order give high level of motivation in the employees for the work.
  • This theory helps mangers to cater the different needs and hidden demand of the employees so that they could be satisfied with their need and more efforts could be given in the working process.

These all are the benefits which could be used by the mangers if he has understanding of different motivational program.


4.1 Explain the nature of the groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organization?

CAPCO organization is comprised of various employees and team members who perform works under the same common objectives. In the full study of CAPCO there is seen that two kind of employees group is found in order to make amicable work performance that is comprised of companionship, common interest, helping nature, growth and support. Informal association and friendship group are the namely group in CAPCO. The friendship group is comprised of different set of employees who are mostly of same age, views, ethnic behaviour. They are tending to enjoy each other perception and views but in case of informal group they are made of enjoying gossips and other personal talks. Sometime communication between such groups provides important level of information to the management team (Parumasur & Govender, 2013).

In CAPCO there is different type of groups exit but it is also found that groups in the organization some time gives positive and negative effects in organization development.  Synergy in the production level, core competency, competitive advantages all are the utmost outcome of the collective efforts of the official group members formally known process members. Groups in CAPCO are the essential factors which can’t be disappeared with a view to eliminate its negative effects on the organization. CAPCO has understood the need of groups whether formal and informal in different prospects as it provides the information which are imperative in determining the functional remedies at the top most level. In today’s world different stages of the group development in organization have been describes. Forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning are the different stages in the group development. Forming stage is the initial stage in which groups in the organization is created then it gets complicated with the different level of conflicts in the group members afterward common set of behaviour and different need of the group members are identified. In the second last stage performance level and working style in groups are generated in different team members. At the end due to the high level of conflicts and other problems might lead into the termination of the groups. CAPCO has faced all the stages for the time being in force consistently.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO?

CAPCO is the one of the most effective and high income generating organization in U.K. which also has another business channels worldwide. It is the world known fact that CAPCO has worldwide effective teams who are engaged in performing different process work. It is noticeable thing that there are various factors which inhibit the development of teamwork within the process of CAPCO.

  • Communication level- Team work is associated with the various employees who make their efforts under the common goals. Communication is the utmost level of required factor which is very important in determines the various needs of assigned tasks. Proper communication establishes the responsibilities and authority in a systematic manner so that proper work could be discharged.
  • Team building efforts- CAPCO has used various approaches and ways in order to make a proper team building so that proper works could be performed in timely manner. Furthermore it is also understand that in big Organizationlike CAPCO works is divided in various teams and for achieving the stipulated goals it is required to get the work done at each and every level (Paramour& Govender, 2013).
  • Leadership- Leader is the person who drives the whole team and it is seen with the different drastic aspects that leader has to be well known with the stipulated objectives and mission so that proper efforts could be made by the team members for accomplishment of set goals.
  • Setting proper culture and behaviour – It is organization policies and behaviour which provides utmost effects on the employees behaviour and building positive culture in the team working process.

There could be seen various intent of team work in the organization in long run such as tailored trouble shoot of problems, flexible schedule for the working performance, generation of effective and innovative ideas, development of competency ideas, customers oriented results, helps in using different newly technology in process system of the organization (Giltinane, 2013). With all study and aspects it could be said positive team building exercise helps CAPCO to achieve the set objectives and goal in more effective manner.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO?

Over the last few decades there has been seen the drastic changes in the technologies and its uses. Many customers and retails now a days taking aid of internet to provide demand and supply of the products and services. Much organization has taken help of different newly introduced technology in making high profits and some organizationthat has not put phase with this technology has gotten beaten up by other rivals in same group making. This topic has provided me the best understanding of the newly introduced technology which should be used by the organizations in order to keep phase with this economy. Now with the extravagant efforts I would like to make my perception on this topic with the subjective study of management information system data base that is imperative for the CAPCO. Introduction of management information system in today’s era has helped company to generate a good data management. In the last decade there is found the biggest problem of managing the data and its securities but afterward the joint venture of CAPCO and ORACLE was made this problem got mitigated with the time. In the working process different team members used to download the data from the Google in order to make further proceeding with their work. But with the help of ORCALE data base management their time and efforts are saved and now they can focus on proper functioning and maintain work in more effective manner. Different further benefits which could be seen in CAPCO are effective work performance, completion of work with no difficulties, proper management of data, image building with new joint venture. Cost reduction and development of synergy and so on.

Pitfalls- There are various benefits and increasing effects of new technology in the working performance of the organization but at the same time there is also seen other negative aspects of this newly technology that is this security. Now a days there is seen various security crimes such as hacking data, and several cybercrime, problems in  network access, fear of unauthorized entry, loss of complete data and other problems.

There for it could be said that new technology has given various different benefits and negatives impacts on the working performance of the technology. CAPCO has to determine the level and accepting point of technology for the proper discharge of works and other effective working style. CAPCO is being using all the new technology in its working system in order to keep ahead itself from other rivals in the market. Now with the complete study I could say that technology is the essential factor which could never be ignored although the equilibrium in the security and its usage should be considered at the different level of functioning.

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With the whole study and different level of research has shown that CAPCO has very effective functioning channel in order to discharge proper functions.  It is also understood that organizational structure and behaviour toward its employees and other external environment is essential factors in achieving set objectives and goals. I now would like to conclude this report by saying that employees are the assets of the organization and their collective efforts are intent for completion of the objective in more effective manner. Organisations culture  and ethical behaviour is the most effective tool in establishment of development of core competency, characteristics, intents and set effective process. Different motivational program provides that employee’s needs should be cater in timely manner so that proper working process could be developed in the organization. At the end of this research my advice would be that CAPCO should make proper leadership style so that team building in the organization could be developed for the sustainable life span of the company.


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In this Unit 3 Organisation and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO we will come to analysis the effective behaviour of CAPCO and how it manages their structural issues in a systematic and effective manner, Assignment Help in UK posting free units solutions so scholars can explore assignment help and get review the quality of our work.