Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment - Morgan Hunt

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Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment - Morgan Hunt
Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment - Morgan Hunt
Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment - Morgan Hunt


With the verification of various aspects of organisation report is prepared in concentration with Human resource management of the organisation. This unit 3 human resource management assignment Morgan Hunt will include information regarding why human resource management is important for the organisation; different aspects of human resource management will be discussed in the report. Information related with recruitment and selection method of Morgan Hunt will be provided in this human resource management assignment Morgan Hunt and various methods of monitoring the employee performance will be discussed. With the help of this report Morgan Hunt will be able to make effective set of changes with the effect of which it would be able to ensure a happy internal environment of the organisation.

Human Resource Management Assignment - Morgan Hunt

Task 1

1.1    Distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.

As an HR consultant in Morgan Hunt it is necessary for me to distinguish between the personal management and human resource management so as to show the importance of human resource management in the organisation. With the help of this difference Morgan Hunt will be able to gain effective set of knowledge regarding various aspects of human resource management:

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management

Personnel management is a work forced centred approach in which the company have whole its focus upon the work of the people.

It is an integrated approach which helps in managing the people working in the organisation

Personnel management is a target focused approach in which company tales care that its targets could be achieved within the time frame.

Human resource management is an aspect in which people are viewed as the asset of the company and ensures that these assets could be managed properly.

Personnel Management is a reactive approach used by the organisation

Human resource management is a proactive approach

It has less power and status in the organisation

It has more power and status in the organisation

In personnel management control system is controlled by the external parties (Al Ariss, 2012).

In human resource management control system is managed itself by the authorities of organisation.

personnel management is found in the beurocratic, mechanised and in a centralised organisations

It is found in a developed and organic organisations

In this organisation relies less upon the employees

In this organisation relies more upon employees and have trust among them.

For personnel management specialists and professionals play a vital role.

In human resource management line manager plays a vital role.

1.2  Assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to the organisational purposes of Morgan Hunt.

There are various functions of human resource management that will help in managing the organisational purpose of Morgan Hunt they are:

  • Recruitment and Selection: Morgan Hunt is a recruitment company whose core work is to recruit the people. As recruitment is a primary function of Morgan Hunt it is necessary that Morgan Hunt should work effectively upon recruiting best people for the vacancies. It can recruit the people from various educational agencies and through advertisement with the effect of which it would be able to fulfil the requirement of the vacancies available with it (Kirac, 2011). Selecting is the process of bifurcating the most skilled people from the applicants applied for the job. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should select the most skilled people for the vacancies.
  • Coaching and Counselling: Human resource management include coaching and counselling process which is most effective process which can be used by any of the organisation. Providing coaching and counselling to the people would help in ensuring that their skills could get refined and polished and they could enhance their performance with the effect of which people will develop the confidence and will be able to get hired for their willing position of the job.

1.3    Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management at Morgan Hunt.

Line manager is one of the most important links who ensures that the human resource management of the organisation could be managed in an effective manner. In Morgan Hunt there are several roles and responsibilities of a line manager which are to be focused upon with the effect of which human resource of it could be managed:

  • Developing Good Staff: First priority of the line manager is to develop the good staff which could work effectively in the organisation. Staff members are the branches of the organisation which helps it in attaining its targeted goals. Therefore, it is a role of line manager to select the good staff and develop them to work effectively at workplace (Saini, 2013).

Developing Good Staff

  • Creating Positive Work Environment: It is necessary that the line manager should create positive work environment as a positive work environment ensures that the organisation will attain its targeted goals in an effective manner (Sundar, 2013). A Line manager should ensure that the people working in the organisation could live happily as if they will be happy then the environment of the organisation will also become happy. 
  • Feedback and Counselling: Line manager at Morgan Hunt should take feedback from the employees so that it could gather the information regarding the issued faced by the employees and could work upon those issues. Removing issues of the employees will help them to focus upon the work and will help in attaining organisation goals and targets (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016). 

1.4 Analyse the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management.

There are various legal and regulatory frameworks which have a great impact on the human resource management. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should keep manage its human resource according to these legal and regulatory framework with the effect of which it would ensure its smooth functioning:

Employee Right Act 1996, suggest that it is necessary that organisation should treat all the employees equally there should be no discrimination among the people working in the organisation. Discrimination and harassment of the people should be avoided by the Morgan Hunt.

Equal Pay Act; suggest that the people working at a same position having same experience and same skills set should be provided same pay. Pay of men and women should not be different. Organisation should provide equal pay to the men and women working in the organisation at same position (Friedman, 2009. 

According to Data Protection Act, it is necessary that the Morgan Hunt should maintain the privacy of the people applying for the job with it. It is necessary that all the information should kept confidential by the organisation and access to the organisation should only have with the authorised person. 

2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource planning in organisations like Morgan Hunt. 

Planning for human resource management is necessary for every organisation with the effect of which people working in the organisation would be managed and employee turnover could be reduced. Benefits that would be availed with the help of human resource planning to Morgan Hunt are:

  • Supports Business Strategy: Human resource planning supports business strategies with the effect of which organisation could manage its internal work flow and could achieve its targets in an effective manner (Hunt, 2012). Business strategies are meant for managing the business performance which could be implemented by managing the people working in the organisation by developing effective set of plans.
  • Supports Human Resources Plans: There are various human resource plans that could be managed in an effective manner by planning the human resource management. Various plans like recruitment and selection of the people working in the organisation, placement of the right person at right job, helps in planning for the appraisal of the effective employees, motivating the employees working in the organisation so that they could work in an effective manner, helps in planning for the equal division of work among the employees and reducing employee turnover. 

Therefore, making a proper set of plans for human resource management would help Morgan Hunt to ensure that its work process could be managed and its employee could work effectively with the effect of which they could help the organisation in attaining its targeted objectives.

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements at Morgan Hunt.

There are various stages that are involved in planning human resource requirements at Morgan Hunt with the effect of which organisation will be able to manage its requirements for human resource at workplace:

  • Objectives of Human Resource Planning: First step that is involved in the human resource requirements is to determine the objectives related with the human resource planning. Determining the objectives is necessary as it ensures that following the process organisation will be benefited.
  • Current Manpower Inventory: Analysing the employees available in the organisation capable to manage the workflow is necessary for the organisation. This will help in determining whether more manpower is required at the workplace or not. 
  • Forecasting Demand and Supply: Forecasting the manpower will help in ensuring that Morgan Hunt could hire people according to the requirement at the workplace. It also helps in transferring the people internally according to the requirement of people in organisation.

human resource planning process

  • Manpower Gaps: Manpower gaps can be determined in the organisation by forecasting the demand and supply in it and then these gaps can be fulfilled by the organisation with the effect of which Morgan Hunt could attain its work related objectives in an effective manner.
  • Employee Planning: Selection of the employees and planning to place them on a right job is necessary for Morgan Hunt.
  • Training and Development: After planning to place the employee at a right job next step is to provide training to the employees so that their skills could get enhanced.
  • Appraisal of Manpower Planning: After providing training next stage is to provide appraisal to the employees with the effect of which they could get motivated to work more effectively.

4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with Morgan Hunt.

There are various reasons due to which cessation of employment takes place with Morgan Hunt these reasons are:

  • Inadequate Job Performance: Inadequate job performance is one of the reasons due to which Cessation of employment takes place with Morgan Hunt. Some of the employees do not work due to which company bears loss for which Morgan Hunt provides a warning termed as first warning and after the repetition of such event company decides to terminate the employee from the job.
  • Business Condition: There are several business conditions due to which employees are terminated from the job. Certain situations force company to terminate the employee, situations like recession, lower productivity, and economic reasons force the company to terminate the inefficient employee from the organisation.
  • Unacceptable Behaviour: It is necessary for every employee working in the organisation to follow all the ethical practices so that decorum of the organisation could be maintained. Breaching any ethical practice is termed as the compliance issue which is unacceptable for Morgan Hunt. Therefore Morgan Hunt can terminate the employee for his unethical and unacceptable behaviour.

Breaching the policies and showing unethical behaviour cannot be tolerated by Morgan Hunt due to which it can terminate the employee without giving any prior notice as it is a responsibility of each and every employee to follow all the ethical practice. Following the ethical practices will help in maintaining the decorum of the organisation and will help the employees to perform better.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by Morgan Hunt and its competitors.

Morgan Hunt has a set procedure for employment exit following which an employee could exit from the organisation. Exit procedure of Morgan Hunt includes:

  • In Morgan Hunt an employee has to intimate the manager if he wants to exit from the organisation. Same is to be done by the employee in Aspire.
  • After getting the permission of manager an employee has to provide a written resignation letter to the manager and has to mention a valid reason for resign. In Aspire it has an E-exit provided on its website clicking on which resignation of the employee can be send to the manager.
  • After resigning an employee has to serve a notice period of 1 month in Morgan Hunt whereas a notice period of 2 month has to be served by an employee in Aspire.
  • In this one month employee has to complete all his pending work and has to ensure that should not leave any of his pending works related with the organisation. Same has to be done by the employee in Aspire.
  • It is strictly mentioned in Morgan Hunt that employee should not carry any of the asset of company with it after leaving the job. Same is mentioned in Aspire.
  • If Morgan Hunt wants to terminate the employee for any misconduct, firstly it provides a warning letter to the employee provides counselling to the employee so that it should not repeat the mistake again. Whereas in Aspire it directly fires the employee for its unethical behaviour shown in the organisation.

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements for Morgan Hunt.

Legal rules and regulations have a great impact on employment cessation arrangements which affect the whole internal process of Morgan Hunt. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should work under these legal and regulatory frameworks so as to ensure that its decorum could be managed in an effective manner:

  • Wrongful Dismissal: Wrongful dismissal is a breach which could be filed in a common tribunal law by an employee. Party breaching the law is liable to pay 25,000 Pounds. Morgan Hunt ensures that the employee working in the organisation should not be terminated due to discrimination, retaliation or due to employee refusal to commit illegal act.
  • Unfair Dismissal: Dismissing an employee without any valid reason is termed as unfair dismissal. Organisation indulging in such an activity is liable to pay 9900 Pounds as a basic award and 63,000 Pounds as a compensatory award. Morgan Hunt ensures that any of its employees should not get dismissed without any reason.
  • Claim for Redundancy Payment: This claim is reviewed on yearly basis by the government. On weekly basis total redundancy payments are calculated and amount that is to be pad weekly by the company is capped at 280 pounds (Powell, 2014). Morgan Hunt makes the payments accordingly without any due.

2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in Morgan Hunt with one of their competitors.

Current recruitment and selection process followed by Morgan Hunt is before taking a face to face interview of the applicant Morgan Hunt prefers to take a telephonic interview of the applicant.

There are several questions that are covered in a telephonic interview they are:

  • What are you goals,
  • Tell me what motivates you to apply for the job,
  • Tell me how you celebrated your last birthday,
  • Tell me about your last job,

After qualifying the telephonic round applicant is asked to complete the psychometric assessment and an aptitude test.
After clearing the test face to face interview is taken by the HR (Hunt, 2012).
On the other hand Aspire has a different method of selecting the applicants:

  • Aspire takes a preliminary interview
  • Then a selection test of all the applicants is taken
  • Then it take an employment interview of the qualified applicants 
  • Then a round of reference and background check is held by Aspire
  • Selection decision is made by the HR
  • Physical examination of selected candidates is done
  • Offer letter is provided
  • Contract of employment is signed by the selected candidates.
  • Evaluation of the selection process is done.

With the comparison of recruitment and selection process of Morgan Hunt and Aspire it could be analysed that both the organisations have a different process of selecting the candidates. It could be seen that Aspire really has a tough criteria which ensures that it hires the people who are skilled and could perform effectively in the organisation (Friedman, 2009). Morgan Hunt needs to make several changes in the hiring process so that it could ensure that skilled candidates could be hired at the workplace.

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2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in Morgan Hunt and advise on the changes they could introduce. 

Morgan Hunt have an effective recruitment and selection process but then too several changes are required in the process to make it more qualitative and more refined. These changes will help in ensuring that the skilled candidates can be hired at the workplace:


  • Temporal: Effectiveness of the selection tools is determined by the consistency of results obtained over the time with the help of temporal. For example, Morgan Hunt can take the intelligence test of any experienced employee at different time frames which will help in determining the knowledge of the employee related with the work process (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016).
  • Consistence: With the help of performance graph organisation keeps an eye on the consistent performance of the employees. Consistent performance of the employees could be analysed on monthly basis. Below is a human performance curve which shows how performance of the employees could be analysed by Morgan Hunt.

performance graph organisation
Face Validity: Acceptability of the candidate among the applicants applied for the job is termed as face validity. For Example, employees working in the organisations present the reports for the performance of the company but person providing the report which could be measured according to the SMART objectives will get selected (Guest, 2011).

With the help of SMART technique authenticity of the ideas is measured:
Ideas provided should be specific,
Should be measurable,
SMART technique authenticity 
Ideas provided should be attainable by the organisation and by the people working in the organisation,Should be relevant,
And a proper should be attained in a proper time set benefits of which could be enjoyed by the organisation (Sundar, 2013).

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward and find out if it is applicable to employees of Morgan Hunt.  You could look at the employees review online to address this question.

Motivating the employees is one of the most important aspects attached with every organisation. It is necessary that the organisation should focus upon various aspects which could help in motivating the employees with the effect of which employees could work more effectively and help the organisation in attaining its targeted goals. Motivation and rewards have a very common link as both the aspects are used by the organisation to ensure that performance of the employees could be enhanced.

According to Maslow’s theory of motivation, employees working in the organisation have several set of needs which are necessary to be fulfilled. After fulfilling every need employees gets motivated to fulfil another stage of need and works more hard to achieve its targeted goals. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should provide rewards to the workers who work hard in the organisation as rewards will help in motivating them with the effect of which they will help the organisation to attain success in the market (Saini, 2013).
Maslow’s theory of motivation
With the help of survey Morgan Hunt found that there are about 77% of the companies which are using the technique of providing rewards to the employees so as to motivate them. Therefore, providing rewards is one of a most important aspect for motivating the people working in the organisation (Powell, 2014).

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay and how is it applicable to Morgan Hunt.

Process of job evaluation is a very critical aspect attached with Morgan Hunt and it is necessary that Morgan Hunt should evaluate the job so as to make sure that workflow of the organisation could be processed in an effective manner. Job evaluation process includes analysis of the job in which two aspects are included job description and job specification, and then job evaluation program is set by the organisation, after job evaluation program wage survey is conducted in which wages of the employees are determined on the basis of their skills and positions in the organisation. Determining the wages of the employees is one of the most important aspects as it helps in ensuring that the employees working could get wages accordingly and they could remain satisfied with their job (Martin, 2010). After completing the survey employee classification is done on the basis of their performance with the effect of which they could be rewarded and motivated to perform better in the organisation.

job evaluation

3.3 Assess the effectiveness of reward systems in different contexts.

  • Helps in Attracting Talent: Reward is the factor that helps in attracting the talent. If a company provides rewards to the best performer then people initiate to work more effectively. People in the organisation get motivated as they get a chance to prove themselves in the organisation. 
  • Helps in Retention: Reward system also helps in retention as to get rewards people try to work more effectively and tries to process the work with more quality (Kirac, 2011). It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should have reward system. To get recognised people in the organisation will work more effectively which will ensure the success of organisation in market.
  • Helps in Motivation: Reward system also helps in motivating the people working in the organisation. People get motivated to work more hard with the effect of which they could be rewarded for their hard work and could get recognition in the organisation (Bing, 2009).

3.4 Examine the methods Morgan Hunt uses to monitor employee performance.

There are several methods that are used by Morgan Hunt to monitor the performance of the employees. It is necessary that the organisation should monitor the performance of the employees as with the help of this organisation could ensure that it could resolve the issues faced by the employees while performing for the organisation. Various methods used by Morgan Hunt are:

  • Morgan Hunt take reviews of the employees on weekly basis
  • Manager makes the round around the desk to monitor the employees working in the organisation.
  • Analysis of the performance report of the employees done on monthly basis.
  • Feedbacks from the employees will help in gathering information regarding the issues faced by them at the workplace. This method will help in resolving the issues of the employees with the effect of which they will be able to work more effectively and will help the organisation to grow in the market (Al Ariss, 2012). 

A 360 degree method could be used by Morgan Hunt so as to assure that the performance of employees can be monitored. In this information regarding the behaviour of the employee is collected from his boss, colleagues, and peer members and from his subordinates working in Morgan Hunt.

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With the help of various factors indulge in the report it could be concluded that Human resource management is one of the most aspect attached with the organisation. It is necessary that Morgan Hunt should work more upon human resource management so that the people working in the organisation could be managed in an effective manner. Morgan Hunt should prepare a proper recruitment and selection process with the effect of which it could hire skilled and effective candidates at the workplace. It should focus upon motivating the employees and should start a reward system with the effect of which it would be able to make the happy working environment and would be able to increase its performance in the market.


Al Ariss, A. 2012, "Human Resource Management",Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 147-151.
Bing, J. (2009), Linking Research and Practice in Human Resources Development, Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol.11no.4, pp.417-419.
Figueiredo, E., Pais, L., Monteiro, S. & Mónico, L. 2016, "Human resource management impact on knowledge management", Journal of Service Theory and Practice, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 497-528.
Friedman, B.A. 2009, "Human Resource Management Role Implications for Corporate Reputation", Corporate Reputation Review, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 229-244.
Guest, D.E. 2011, "Human resource management and performance: still searching for some answers", Human Resource Management Journal, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 3-13.
Hunt, S.D. 2012, "The evolution of resource-advantage theory", Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 7-29.