Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample

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Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample
Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample
Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample

Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK


This Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample is prepared in relation with the human resource management system which will help the organisation to gain information regarding a human resource management system. With the help of this report an organisation will be able to ensure that what are the corrective actions it has to take while choosing an employee for the vacant the job. This report will also provide the information regarding the process of job evaluation and why it is necessary to evaluate the job. With the help this report employee will also be able to gain information regarding the legal aspects and how they can take action if any wrongful dismissal occurs in the organisation.

Task 1

1.1 Distinguish between personnel management and Human Resource Management.

As an HR consultant it is necessary that the knowledge regarding differentiate between personnel management and human resource management should be there. Very individual working in the organisation should have a knowledge regarding these aspects as it will help in managing the work in an effective manner and will help in ensuring that correct decision could be taken in relation with managing the work process of the organisation. Therefore, here is a difference between personnel management and human resource management which will help in developing the understanding with the two aspects:

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management

In this approach whole focus of the company remains on the work of a person working in it.

This is the approach in which people are managed in an effective and efficient manner.

Whole focus of the company remains upon the targets that are to be achieved by the company within the prescribed timeslot.

In this people working in the organisation are looked as the assets of the company and are treated accordingly.

Approach used in the personnel management is reactive approach.

Approach used in the human resource management is proactive approach.

Personnel management has less power and status in the organisation.

Human resource management has effective set of power and status in the organisation.

External parties control the control system (Al Ariss, 2012).

There are authorities which controls the control system in the organisation.

It is the management system that is found in beurocratic, mechanised and centralised organisation.

Human resource management system is a system which can be found in a developed and organic organisation.

In personnel management system organisation relies very less upon the employees working in it.

Organisation having human resource managements system relies more upon the employees working in it.

In this main role is played by the professionals.

Line manager is the main source which plays a main role in human resource management.

For example: Morgan Hunt uses Personnel management system to manage the internal aspects of the organisation.

On the other hand Aspire uses Human resource management system so as to manage its employees and internal processes (Martin, 2010).

With the above discussion it could be understood that Morgan Hunt purely focuses on the targets and objectives rather it should focus upon the employees working at the workplace. Morgan Hunt should ensure that its employees should remain happy then only they will be able to provide their 100% to the company. Strategy of Morgan Hunt is to train the people so that they could produce more rather it should focus on the growth of the people working over their so that they could work more effectively and build a strong relationship with the company. In short it can be said that Morgan Hunt should use Human resource management so as to manage the human resource at workplace rather than using Personnel management system so as to manage the people of organisation. 

1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

Human resource management has various functions that help an organisation in managing its internal process. In the same manner these functions helps Aspire to ensure that it could manage its internal processing with the effect of which it could ensure to attain its objectives in near future:

  • Recruitment: Recruitment is one of the most important functions of human resource management of Aspire. Human resource management of Aspire ensures that it should use most effective recruitment system so that the people with effective set of skills could be selected in the organisation. Aspire recruits the talent which is innovative and have the skill of managing the work in an effective manner (Powell, 2014).
  • Safety: Safety is the main motive of human resource management of Aspire. Human resource management of Aspire ensures that all the safety equipments should be checked on regular basis and people working in the organisation should be provided the training of how to remain safe at workplace.
  • Employee Relation: Human resource management of Aspire build an effective employee relation with the employees working in it. They ensure that employees working in it could remain satisfied and could ensure that they remain motivated. Human resource management of Aspire have the policy of people first which ensures that its employee could have a direct discussion with the management if they face any issue with the workplace (Powell, 2014).
  • Compensation and Benefits: Human resource management of Aspire make sure that the employee working at the workplace should enjoy all the benefits and should be compensated according to their work and skills they have.
  • Compliance: Human resource management of Aspire keeps a great focus upon the compliance system of the organisation. Proper set of hurdles are taken on regular basis which works as a reminder for the employees working in the organisation.
  • Training and Development: Training and development is one of the most important aspect related with the employees working in the organisation. HRM of Aspire provides proper set of training to the new hires of the organisation. Employees of Aspire are invited in various development programs which help them in refining their knowledge and help them in moving on a further step of development (Saini, 2013).

It could be seen that Human resource management of Aspire focus on the recruitment and selection of the people so that people could get recruited and selected at the time of requirement, it looks after the safety and security of the people working at the workplace and believes in building effective relation with the people working at the workplace. Human resource management of Aspire looks after all the legal aspects and ensures that people should follow the compliance, provides training to the new employees and makes plans for the development of the people working at the workplace. Human resource management of Aspire also looks after the compensation of the people and monetary benefits that could be provided to the employees so as to motivate them. Hence, it could be concluded that human resource management of Aspire understand all its roles and responsibilities and works accordingly which helps in relaxing the people working at workplace and motivates them to work like a family which ensures the success of the company in a competitive market.

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of the line manager in your organisation for familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Line manager plays a very important role in any organisation. A line manager is a person who has a direct link with the people working in the organisation. Employees of the organisation have a direct access with the effect of which they could discuss their issues effectively with the line manager. Line manager of Aspire has certain set of roles and responsibilities that are to be followed by it and has to ensure that the decorum of the organisation could be managed in an effective and efficient manner. Therefore, certain set of roles and responsibilities that should be carried out by the line manager of Aspire are:

  • Managing the day to day activities of the people working in the organisation is the first and foremost responsibility of a line manager. It should ensure that he should keep a track record of the day to day activities of the people working in the organisation.
  • Managing the cost that would incur in the operations of the organisation is another responsibility that should be focused upon by the line manager (Saini, 2013).
  • Providing coaching and guidance to the people is another aspect that should be taken under consideration by the line manager of Aspire. Line manager of Aspire should ensure that the people hired and people working in the organisation should be provided proper set of guidance and coaching in relation with the internal process of the organisation and in relation with the compliance issues of the organisation. This will help the employees to ensure that they could work properly and effectively at the workplace.
  • Undertaking the performance appraisal of the employees is another important aspect attached with the line manager. It is necessary that the line manager of Aspire should ensure that he should evaluate the performance of the employees and should provide performance appraisal accordingly to the people working in the organisation. This activity of line manager will help in motivating the employees working in the organisation and will help in managing their work in an effective manner (Kirac, 2011).

1.4 Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

Every step of the organisation is covered with certain set of legal and regulatory frameworks. It is necessary for every organisation to make sure that it should follow all the rules and regulations. Violation of any of any legal rule and regulation could affect the reputation as well as the work process of the organisation. Although these legal contract in business and regulatory frameworks are made for the welfare of the organisation but it also has a great impact on the human resource management of the organisation. Certain legal and regulatory frameworks have a great impact on the human resource management of Aspire are:

  • Employee Right Act 1996, is the act that suggest that the all the employees working in the organisation should be treated equally. Organisation should not discriminate the employees working in the organisation it should not discriminate people on their race, religion, culture, gender or disability (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016).
  • According to Equal Pay Act, discrimination should not be there in providing the pay to the people working in the organisation. People working in the organisation at same position at same work having same skill set should be provided equal pay. It should not be like that the female candidate working at the same position on which other male candidates are working should be provided less pay just because she is female. She should be provided equal pay that others are getting in the organisation.
  • According to Data Protection Act, it is suggested that the organisation should ensure that the data of the people should be protected. It is necessary that an organisation should ensure that personal information of its clients; customers and employees should only be used for the official purpose and should only be used by the authorised person. Any information should not be shared to the unauthorised person (Aquinas, 2009).

If in any case Aspire do not comply with the legislation then it will have to pay the penalty decided by the legislation. For example if any kind if discrimination will take place in Aspire and if Aspire will be found guilty then according to law Aspire will have to pay 25,000 Pounds as a penalty which will affect the reputation as well.

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Task 2

2.1 Analysing the reasons for human resource Planning.

Human resource planning is a very important aspect attached with every organisation. It is necessary that the organisations like Aspire should prepare itself to manage the human resource in an effective manner. Planning is the way with the effect of which Aspire will be able to manage its human resource in an effective and efficient manner. There are various benefits that will be provided to Aspire by planning human resource:

Business strategies are supported by human resource planning. It ensures that the strategies which the business is preparing could be implemented effectively. If the human resource of the organisation will be managed then the strategies that are planned by the organisation for future perspective will be able to manage effectively and objectives related with the strategies will be attained (Aquinas, 2009). Human resource planning helps the organisation in evaluating the requirement of the employees at the workplace so that work could be managed in an effective manner. It helps in ensuring that the organisation could manage all the plans related with the human resource and implement them which could help in attaining organisational goals (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016).

Human resource planning is the way with the effect of which succession planning could be done by the organisation. With the help of succession planning organisation can make sure that the continuity in the operations could be maintained and work could be completed on time. This helps in achieving the targets on time and leads to the success of the organisation. With the help of human resource planning people working in the organisation can be trained and developed which brings quality in the work and enhance the productivity of the organisation.

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.

There are various stages involved in human resource planning with the effect of which organisation could manage its human resource in an effective manner:

  • First stage of Human resource planning is analysing the workforce of Aspire which will help in determining the surplus or shortage of workforce at workplace.
  • Second stage is internal check which will include the internal factors which could affect the business process of Aspire.
  • Third stage is external check; it will include the external priorities for Aspire and will help in determining various external aspects that could affect the process of the workplace.
  • Gap analysis is the fourth stage which will help in determining the current and future needs of the human resource in Aspire.
  • Fifth stage is to set the priorities for the work that are to be done first with the effect of which Aspire could be benefited ("Human Resource Management: Volume 53", 2014).
  • Sixth and last stage is monitoring, evaluating and reporting which will help in setting the targets and keeping eye on each and every process with the effect of which work could be processed in a smooth manner.

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation.

Every organisation has a set process of recruitment and selection in the same manner Aspire also has a recruitment and selection process with the effect of which it uses to hire the new candidates to manage its work process. Therefore, current recruitment and selection process of Aspire is: In Aspire candidates are given a telephonic interview before face to face interview and there are several questions that are asked to the candidates which are as follows:

  • What are your life’s goals,
  • What is your main motivation in applying for this role,
  • If you were to be anything in life what would it be,
  • Tell me about your last 4 jobs (they needed 4 jobs to apply).
  • Applicants are then asked to complete a psychometric assessment and an aptitude test.
  • After this candidates are selected for the face to face interview and eligible candidates are selected so as to work in the organisation.

On the other hand Morgan Hunt has a different process of recruiting and selecting the candidates for the prescribed job.

  • In Morgan Hunt there is a set process of recruitment and selection which is as follows:
  • First Morgan Hunt takes the preliminary interview of the candidates
  • Then selection test is taken
  • Then candidates who qualifies the selection test gives the employment interview
  • After that company do a reference and background check of the selected candidates
  • After that selection decisions are taken by discussing with the management
  • Then the selected candidates has to give the physical test (Al Ariss, 2012)
  • Then offer letter is provided to them
  • Contract of employment is provided which has to be signed by the candidates
  • Then evaluation of the selection process is done to analyse the requirement of more candidates in the organisation.

Therefore, it could be seen that Morgan Hunt which is using the current recruitment selection process assures itself that it will hire the effective candidate for the job who will help in processing the work and will help in attaining the objectives of the company. Aspire should make certain set of changes in its recruitment and selection process so that it could hire best candidates to the company.

2.4 Evaluating how effectiveness is the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation.

Understanding the discussion held above related with the current recruitment and selection process of Aspire it could be seen that it requires a change in the process as following the traditional way of recruiting and selecting people will not help the organisation.

Aspire will have to contact with the education institutes to hire the fresh talent and will have to make decisions for the fresher. To hire the experienced people it will have to provide advertisement for the vacancies and will have to process the hiring process accordingly (Al Ariss, 2012). Like Morgan Hunt Aspire will have to take the test to gain information regarding the basic knowledge of the people working in the organisation and the work they have to process at the workplace. Recruitment and selection process of Morgan Hunt is more effective then Aspire as it has various stages that are to be qualified by the applying candidates. Aspire will have to make the recruitment process more tough so that refined and efficient workers could get hired which could help in processing out the work more effectively and with more refined quality (Bing, 2009).

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and rewards at Virgin Media.

There are certain changes that are required in Virgin Mobile for which it is necessary that the employees working in the organisation should help the organisation so that organisation could ensure to implement those changes in the work process. It is necessary that the employee working in the organisation should perform better and effectively this will ensure that the changes that the organisation needs to bring can be implemented successfully. To enhance the performance of employees working in the organisation it is necessary that the people working should get motivated. Therefore, to motivate the employees Virgin Mobile has to work on the Maslow’s Theory of motivation.

According to Maslow every employee working in the organisation has certain set of needs and requirements. To fulfil those needs and requirements employee works in the organisation. Therefore, it becomes necessary that the organisation should work on the factors which could help the employee to fulfil his needs and if he will fulfil his one need then he will get motivated to attain another need (Bing, 2009). This type of hrm motivation theories will help the employee to ensure that he should work hard so as to attain its objectives and his hard work helps the organisation in attaining its targeted objectives.

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Rewards and recognition is one of the major sources which ensures that the employee of the organisation could motivate to work hard and ensures that organisation could attain success in the market. Below is the survey showing data of percentage of companies in marketing using rewards a tool to motivate employees to work more effectively (Al Ariss, 2012).

Rewards and recognition - Assignment Help in UK

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pat at Virgin Media.

Process of job evaluation is the technique with the help of which requirement of the job could be analysed by the organisation. It is necessary for Virgin Media to determine the job evaluation process so that organisation could ensure to make changes accordingly. Process of job evaluation include following aspects:

  • Determining the objectives of evaluating the job
  • Then job analysis is to be done by the company
  • Job analysis include two factors job description and job specification
  • After that job evaluation program is formulated by the company

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Then the company do the wage survey in which pay of the employees is determined. Pay of the employees or the new hires should be determined according to the skills and position and the on the basis of the performance of the employee (Friedman, 2009). Pay is one of the most important factors which helps in satisfying the employee and helps in assuring that the employee could work on the verge to help the company in attaining its objectives. Employee classification is another aspect that is to be done while evaluating the job by an employee in the organisation.

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media.

Providing reward is one of the factors which help in influencing the employees to participate in the new activities and bringing innovative ideas for the welfare of the organisation. To get recognised and to win the rewards employees working in the organisation will initiate to show their effective performance (Figueiredo, et. al., 2016). This process will help in attracting the talent in the organisation. With the help of rewards that Virgin Mobile will provide to its employees, then the employees will work with quality and will prefer to help the organisation to attain its objectives. Employee retention is done with the help of reward system as they prefer to work more effectively and prefer to provide quality in the work. Rewards also help in motivating the employees working in the organisation. People working in the organisation get motivated and work hard to get those rewards and to maintain the position in the organisation (Powell, 2014).

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance.

To monitor the performance of the employee Virgin Mobile prefer to use a set process and ensures that it could evaluate the performance and recognise the best performer of the organisation. Therefore, aspects that help in monitoring the performance of the employee are:

  • By reviewing the peer members on weekly basis
  • Manger could have a check on the work of the employee by making a round around desk of the employee
  • By analysing and reviewing the work done report of the employee his performance could be monitored.
  • One on One discussion with the employee could also help in evaluating the performance of the employee working in the organisation (Martin, 2010).

With the help of 360 degree method Virgin Mobile could evaluate the performance of the employee as this is the method in which review of all the people attached with the organisation is taken in relation with the employee. Their valuable information helps in determining the performance of the employee.

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

Before terminating the employee it is necessary that every employer should have a strong and appropriate reason behind it.  According to the law any employee of the organisation could not be terminated without any valid reason and authenticate reason. Reason behind the termination of Faisal was valid as he had violated the policies of the organisation due to which employer terminated him ("Termination and due process: a case study", 2014). Reason behind why Bob had terminated Faisal was the non performance of duty on the job and was also running his own business by using the equipments and materials of the organisation. He was violating all the rules and regulations of the company. Faisal was doing his own business environment in the company hours which was against the policies of the company. Therefore, Bob can terminate Faisal for his unethical behaviour by providing a legal notice to him.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice.

Chicken Master has a set employment exit procedure using which an employee could easily move out of the organisation. Violating the any of the set procedure could the violation of law and due to which claim could be charged by the employer. Therefore, exit procedure of The Chicken Master is:

  • Firstly employee will have to talk about his exit with the employer.
  • Then according to the discussion help employee will have to prove a written application for the resignation
  • And after approval he has to serve a notice period of 1 month
  • It is necessary that an employee should keep in mind that he should not carry any kind of assets of the company with him ("Human Resource Management: Volume 53", 2014).
  • If the employee is being terminated, then in this case employer will have to provide a valid and authenticated reason behind it and will firstly has to give the warning letter and after the repetition of the mistake the employer could terminate the employee directly.

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

According to legislation of UK there are several rules and regulations that should be followed by the employer and by the employee working in the organisation. Therefore, certain set of legal rules and regulations attached with employment cessation arrangements are as follows:

  • Wrongful Dismissal: Wrongful Dismissal is a breach which could be filed in a common tribunal law. Breaching party has to pay a penalty of 25,000 Pounds if it is found guilty (Kirac, 2011). An employer should ensure that its employee should not be terminated due to discrimination, retaliation, employee refusal to commit illegal act or due to any other unnecessary reasons.
  • Unfair Dismissal: Employee gets dismissed due to unjust or being dismissed due to unauthorised reason, that dismissal is known as unfair dismissal. Indulging in the wrongful dismissal will lead in the maximum to pay 9900 pounds as a basic award and 63,000 Pounds as a compensatory award.
  • Claim For Redundancy Payment: Claim for the redundancy is reviewed by the government on yearly basis. On weekly basis the total redundancy payments are calculated which is to be paid on weekly basis as capped at 280 Pounds (Saini, 2013).

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Understanding all the aspects indulge in the Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample it could be concluded that the organisation should manage its internal process and to manage its internal process it is necessary that the human resource should be managed. Therefore, to manage the human resource of the organisation it will have to make sure that it should have an effective human resource management system. An organisation should ensure that it should follow all the legal rules and regulations and policies which could help it out in maintaining its internal decorum and could help in managing the employees working in it. Report also helped in gaining the information regarding the termination procedure and legal frameworks attached with the employee cessation. This information will help the employee in taking right path to exit and will help in take action in any kind of wrongful activity done by the employer.


"Human Resource Management: Volume 53", 2014, Human Resource Management, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. no-no.
"Termination and due process: a case study", 2014, Journal of the Alabama Academy of Science, vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 117.
Al Ariss, A. 2012, "Human Resource Management",Academy of Management Learning & Education, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 147-151.
Aquinas (2009), Human Resource Management,Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
Bing, J. (2009), Linking Research and Practice in Human Resources Development, Advances in Developing Human Resources, vol.11no.4, pp.417-419.
Figueiredo, E., Pais, L., Monteiro, S. & Mónico, L. 2016, "Human resource management impact on knowledge management", Journal of Service Theory and Practice, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 497-528.
Friedman, B.A. 2009, "Human Resource Management Role Implications for Corporate Reputation", Corporate Reputation Review, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 229-244.
Kirac, F.S. 2011, "Publishing termination process in the event of scientific fraud: an important and controversial subject/Bilimsel yaniltma olayinda yayin sonlandirma sureci: onemli ve tartismali bir konu.(Publication Ethics/Yayin Etigi)", The Anatolian Journal of Cardiology (Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi), vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 79.
Martin (2010),Key Concepts in Human Resource Management, SAGE
Powell, T. (2014), Strategic management and the person, Strategic Organization, vol.12 no. 3, pp.200-207
Saini, D.S. 2013, "Human Resource Management", Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 98-98.

This Unit 21 Human Resources Management Assignment Sample is prepared in relation with the human resource management system which will help the organisation to gain information regarding a human resource management system, Locus Assignment Help in UK posting units solutions so scholars can explore assignment help and get review the quality of our work.