Unit 21 Human Resource Planning Assignment

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Unit 21 Human Resource Planning Assignment
Unit 21 Human Resource Planning Assignment
Unit 21 Human Resource Planning Assignment


The motive of the study is to give learners the new concepts and mechanism of human planning, staffing, organizing, controlling and directing. These all terms collectively serves  the purpose of HRM. There is a need to guide all the human assets that are working in an organization because this act serves them at its best and hence help to work with a quality of management. This will lead to an effective and efficient management by the HR of the organization.

The learner focuses on the learning of theories of motivation and other managerial theories. Some of the HR policies, strategies, reward system, theories, and approaches will also discuss under this study. There is also a brief description of the recruitment and selection of the employees. At the end of the study, there is a mechanism of the cessation and the government policy under cessation are also mentioned.

Task 1

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management.

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Human Resource Management

Personnel Management


HRM is a management which is an updated version of personal management. It is very effective and efficient in nature.

Personnel management is an outdated version of management. It is not applicable in every organization.


This approach is the modern approach that has updated and new policies which work as a systematic arrangement.(Bhatia, 2009)

This is not a modern approach and hence innovation is not involved in this management. It is one of the older approaches.


The objective of this management is to promote growth of the employees work and development.

The objective of this management is to achieve organization as well as employee goal.


It assumes the employees as relevant and valuable assets and gives them equal priority as other elements in the organisation.

It assumes that employees are the inputs that are needed to get desired outputs.(Gonzalez-Perez, 2013)


Through human resource there is adetermination of goals and objectives are determined.

Personnel functions are assumed asdeterminants under personnel management.


Under this the work is divided among the teams and groups. Thereby, the jobs are accordingly designed.

Under this, the division of work is done by themselves only. No team work is appreciated under this arrangement of management.


This management provides many responsibilities to the employees and also authority to perform such responsibilities.

In this no direct responsibility is given to the employees. Under this, the whole work is divided according to the different levels.


Under this management, a proper training and development programmes are provided to the new employees to improve their performance.(Chanda and Shen, 2009)

No proper training and development secessions are provided to the employees, neither to the new nor to the old ones.


It focuses on more participation and involvement of the employees so that they can grasp new things.

Its main aim is to increase the production of the goods and also the satisfaction of the employees.


The delegation of power takes place from top level to the bottom level. (Gruber and Wise, 2007)


Here all the powers are in the hand of one that is personal manager who manages the whole working of the organization.

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1.2 Assess the function of the human resource management in contributing to organizational purposes.

It is a well known fact that human resources are the basic and the most important resource for the organisation. this is because all the functions of the organisation has been conducted by the employees only. Therefore, management of this resource is very essential in terms of completing organisational purposes. Human Resource department in the organisation is meant for managing the employees. This department not only restricted to management of the human resource but also contributes in integration of all other operational departments that function in the organisation. The functions of Human resource department not only affect the department itself but have its impact on all the departments and hence on whole of the organisation. There are mnay functions of HR department of Sainsbury that affects the organisational puposes as a whole. Some of the functions that supports in attaining the organisational purposes are as follows:

  • Recruitment and selection: Recruitmnet and selection si the process of filling the job vacancy in the organisation. this is the hard core function of th organisation. how is it contributing to organisational purposes? The most importamt organisational purpose is to enhance its productivity and customer satisfaction. That can only be achieved by the skilled people working in the organisation. This is the reason why recruitment and selection of the right people at right time is the first step towards achievement of organisational objectives.
  • Training and development: Most of the organisations do not limit their purpose to enhance productivity but they also focuses on enhancing the individual skills of the people. The organisations with this purpose introduce the training and development programs for their employees in order to develop their skills. This can be the competitive advantage for some of the organisations.
  • Reward system and motivation: Reward system in the organisation motivates the employees to work and perform effectively. The main aim of the organisation to introduce reward system is to motivate the employees and retain them in the organisation for future needs.

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management

  • Training and development- It includes the training that is given to the employees before giving them final confirmation. Training also involves when there is a need to train the employees if any new technology is introduced into the organisation. Thisinvolves all in training.
  • The flow of communication- The line manager has the responsibility to maintain a good flow of communication among the employees so that there will be a proper conversation takes place among them.(Taylor, 2008)
  • Work balance- A line manager has to manage a balance in work life between the employees. This balance, helps the employees to perform an effective work. This work will be more appropriate and efficient to perform.
  • Conflicts are handled for employees- The line manager has to look after if any grievance is taking place in the workplace. He has the responsibility to sort it out at his own level to avoid chaos in the organisation.
  • Recruitment and selection- A process that is applied when a new entrance comes to the organization in that case there will be a procedure that must be followed to admit him to the organisation.(Bhatia, 2009)
  • To apply HR policies- A line manager is a person who also acts as an HR in the organisation. He has to adopt the role of line managers as well as manage the task of the HR also.Hence he becomes liable to work withdual responsibilities.
  • To manage the work flow- In each and every organisation there is a specific workflow according to which the taskis distributed and hence performed by the employees. A line manager has to control the overall flow so that there is a systematic work done by all the levels of the organisation.
  • Allocation of resources- Allocation of resources refers to putting all the resources in a place where there will be an optimum utilisation. It can be done by the line manager to improve the input that is provided, to have the best possible output.(Taylor, 2008)

1.4 Analyse the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on human resource management.

  • The Employment Right Act- This act provides employees a contractual right, which ensures them to have safe and secured working environment. Some of the rights under this act are-
    • All the items include in pay statement are entitled to pay to the employees
    • The minimum wage should be paid to the employees
    • All the terms and conditions must be in written form(Sparrow, 2012)
  • The Sex Discrimination Act, 1975- The act was formed to safeguard the employees against the malpractice takes place on the basis of gender. But this case is still not applied to every place. It has some boundation that will be followed.
  • The Equal Pay Act, 1970- This act is the most relevant act as it provides a right to get an equal pay to all the employees. Under this no discrimination will take place on the basis of caste, religion, gender, etc.
  • The Race Relations Act, 1976- This act generally works for the races. There will be safety provided by the government so that the problem arises due to illegal activities will be eliminated. It is very much similar to the sex discrimination act.(Gilbert et. Al., 2015)
  • The Disability Discrimination Act, 1995-Thisact came intoexistence when there was a need for the employees who are disabled. It is applied where the employees are more than 20 in number. It removes the discrimination where the disabled are treated less favourably.
  • The National Minimum Wage Act, 1998- This is the minimum wage decided by the government. It is the pay that is mandatory to be paid to the employees.
  • The Working Time Directive, 1999- Thisact defines the particular hours and days for which an employer has to work. The maximum hours are 48 hours in a working week. But if any employee wants to work for more hours, then it depends upon the ability of the employee.(Noe, 2006)
  • The Employment Relations Act, 1999-This act affects of the trade unions that are made by the employees in an organisation. Thisact defines the relationship of the employer and the employee. Under this, the employer has to take care of the employee who is working under him.
  • ?Health and Safety Act- This act is the most relevant act as it gives the employee a safety in the organisation where he has to work.(Chanda and Shen, 2009)

Task 2

2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource planning

time to play

Planning refers to a bridge between the present and the future. It acts as a beneficial element to remove the risk and the uncertainties lie in the human resource management.(Noe, 2006)

  1. To achieve the objectives- While planning for human resource management, a manager has to keep in mind the objective for which they are planning. This objective can belong to either the employee or the organisation also. Both the objectives need to be fulfilled under human resource planning.
  2. To forecast the future need for the human resource- When there is a need to examine the number of employees that need to be employed in the organisation then the planning process takes place. Due to planning, the HR manager has an idea about how many employees will be required in the future.(Mondy, et.Al., 2005)
  3. To manage the changes- Through planning, the HR managers will find out the changes that are coming on the working environment. He has the idea and also a well proof plan to cope up with those changes. If any innovation is taking place, is can also be analysed through planning.(Liebowitz, 2009)
  4. The recruitment and selection of the correct personnel- This is the most crucial stage of the organisation where planning help in a very beautiful way. Because planning leads to analyse the type of personnel that need to be recruited and select from the organisation. Further plans will also make to train and develop them.
  5. There must be an optimum and proper utilisation of human as well as other resources- An effective and correct planning will lead to a perfect use of all the resources. The right skill set and the knowledge of employees are judged under this. An effective and efficient use should be made to avoid wastage of resources.(Gruber and Wise, 2007)
  6. Helps to minimise the risk element- A proper planning for all the stages helps to reduce the risk element because under planning all the relevant points are covered which leaps to analyse the risk also. All measures are taken so that risk can be removed. If the risk eliminates then the uncertainties will also get removed from the management of human resource.

2.2. Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.


  • Analyse the goals/aim of the organisation- The first stage of human resource planning is planning for, identifying the goals that need to be achieved by the organisation. According to this only the planning will move further to the next step or stage. Goals are determined through making a proper identification of the objectives.(Mondy,et.Al., 2005)
  • Staffing- Staffing refers to the management of human resource in the organisation. Under this, the need for demand and supply for the man power is examined so that if there is any gap, then it would be fulfilled by recruitment and selection.(Leonard et.Al., 2013)

The two terms through which the demand and supply of manpower is an organisation can be done is-

  • Recruitment- Recruitment refers to the invitation of candidates to come and apply for the job. It is a positive process because many candidates come and show their interest to take part in the recruitment process. It helps the HR to select the best candidate for the organisation.(Gruber and Wise, 2007)
  • Selection- Selection refers to the picking up the right candidate, for a right place, at a right time. It is a negative process because any of the employees get rejected under this process.
  • Training and development- It refers to the indulgence of knowledge to the employees to enhance their performances. It helps to exaggerate the skills of them. Many types of training programs are laid down in the organisation to train the employees. Mostly this process is done for the new employees, but now day’s old employees are also getting various types of training to enhance their skills.(Falcone, 2010)
  • Performance appraisal- An appraisal of the performance by the employer of the employees is termed as performance appraisal. This is a technique under which the working of the employee is judged and according to it feedback is provided. Under these various methods are used to appraise the performance of the employee. It can be rating method, ranking methods, comparison method, etc.
  • Compensation- Compensation refers to the benefits that are given to the employability skills after performing the work. It can be monetary in terms and non-monetary also. It helps the employees to remain motivated and also to increase their capabilities.
  • Control- At last the controlling and monitoring is done to promote a sense of discipline and perfection of work. (Sels, L. (2015)

2.3. Compare the recruitment and selection process in two organization

Recruitment and selection process of the organisation in the case given is compared with Sainsbury:

Case given


The organisation has no separate HR manager. Finanace manager performs the HR functions.

There is a separate HR department for performing the HR functions.

There is no effective means of recruitment.

Recruitment processes involve internal as well as external recruitment.

Internal recruitment refers to recruiting the people from inside the organisation.

External recruitment refers to advertsising about the post and attracting the candidates from outside the organisation.

Selection process starts with telephonic interview.

Selection process starts with short-listing of the cv’s of applicants.

Aptitude and psychometric tests have been conducted after telephonic interview.

The last selection criteria is the face to face interview of the candidate after passing the aptitude.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in two organizations.

The techniques of recruitment and selection help the employees to select the most appropriate employee in the organisation. Every organisation is opting for the techniques that best suits their organisation. There are various ways through which an organisation recruit and select the employees. Here we learn the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques of two organisations-

Recruitment and selection is a process that helps in empowering the human resource in the organisation. Satisfaction in a job can be achieved by HR of the company in which a well designed questions are asked of the candidates. As far as the company in the scenario has been considered, the recruitment and selection process has some drawbacks as company was facing problem of high turnover. This may be because company does not have a hard core HR department and the finance mnager was acting as an HR. This suggests that the recruitment and selection process of the company is not effective. The effective process always involves the alignment of process activities with the requirement of the organisation. in this case, organisation faliled to recruit the right candidate at the job and hence facing the problem of high turnover.

On the other hand, recruitment and selection process of Sainsbury as discussed is very appropriate for the organisation. It focuses on recruiting right people at right time with correct method of recruitment and selection. The HR department of the company is one of the best HR departments in the industry. Ther turnover rate of the company is very low because HR department prefers to conduct job analysis before recuiting anyone as it provides them with all the specifications that is required in the candidate. The recruitment of Sainsbury starts with job analysis and ends at attracting the relevant candidates. The selection process starts with short-listing the applications and ends with the selection of the final candidate after proper assessment. This is called an effective system as it works according to the requirement of the organisation.

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with an organization.

The end of any contract is termed as cessation. It is between the two parties where an agreement takes place. This agreement can be ended either by the wish of the parties or forcefully. It is kind of termination that results in the end of each and every contract between the parties. Some of the major reasons that results in termination of the contract or an agreement are as follows-

  1. Inadequate performance in job- It happens that the employees are unable to perform well in the organisation those results in the loss of the organisation’s reputation. In this case the employers are allowed to terminate. In these cases the organisation is unable to continue with that employee and hence cessation process takes place.
  2. Improper business situations- The conditions that are directly related to the condition of the business and its performance are termed as improper business strategy. Organisation is unable to cope up with the expenditure and there revenue is not that much that they are able to pay to their employees. In such cases, they have to terminate the employees whose performances are not that good and appropriate. This will lead in the fall in the number of the employees. (Gowan, 2005)
  3. Absenteeism- This is one factor due to which most of the employees get terminated. When the relevant percentage of the presence in the organisation is not lies in the employee history in that case the employer has the right to terminate the employees from the organisation. The employees are not allowed to take many holidays.
  4. Reduction in the budgets of the organisation- Due to reduction in the budgets of the employee’s salary, the HR of the organisation has to remove the employee from the organisation. In such cases there is a vast reduction in the number of the employees. .(Gilbert, et.Al., 2015)
  5. Violation of contract: If any of the employee has been found to perform such activities that contradicts his emplymnet contract, then the employee can be terminated by his employment.

As far as the case provided is considered, Faisal has been terminated because of his poor performance and contract violation. He was found to do some of the activities at the workplace that are not acceptabl and are against hie emplymnet contract.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by two organizations

Every organisation opt for a different type of exit procedure in there organisation. This depends on the type, size and kind of the termination takes place. Usually the process of retirement is one way of termination but in many case the employer has to initiate the exit procedure in between the tenure of the employee job. following is the emplymnet exit procedure used in Sainsbury.

  • Identify the Need of the termination- First of all employers has to identify the reasons and the cause due to which the termination need to be made for the employee.(Liebowitz, 2009)
  • Documentation- Then he has to ensure and give a surety that a proper documentation needs to be completed as a part of the termination process.
  • Approval from the top level of management- The HR need to take some of the necessary approvals from the top level of the management that whether termination need to be continued or not.(Leonard et.Al., 2013)
  • Collection of the data- After taking approvals there is a requirement of collecting all the documents, data, and information before proceeding further.
  • A meeting conducted for termination- a meeting between all the top management is conducted by the HR. In this meeting, all the head of the company and the employee who is going to be terminated are present. They have to discuss all the relevant topics alike salary, and other important matters.(Gilbert, et.Al., 2015)
  • Surrender of the assets- Under this meeting they also have to ensure that whether the employee has surrendered all the property and the asset of the company or not. And also whether the company gives back the employee's property to him or not. These all things need to be discussed.
  • Clear of accounts- Afterwards all the accounts of the employee and the organisation get clear of both of them. There will be no balance left with both of the parties.
  • Final termination- At last the employee gets terminated.(Falcone, 2010)

As in the case of the senerio, the termination process that has been used was as follows:

  1. Performance check: The performance and activities of Faisal was checkedcand observed by Bob.
  2. Warning: Bob has given him warning and provide him training to imrprove his performance.
  3. Termination letter: The termination letter has been given to Faisal due to his further non performing attitude and violation of contract.
  4. Tribunal court: Faisal filed a case against Bob on the charge og Sex discrimination within the workplace.

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment some cessation arrangements

These days the government is becoming very effective in terms of the employee’s safety and security. They are making lots of policies to safeguard the rights of the employees at their workplace. It will be beneficial for the employees and also for the organisation. Due to these policies, a systematic management takes place that results in a good performance of the employees rights and policies. These policies are very effective as they applied everywhere in each and every organisation. (Liebowitz, 2009)

Some of the acts and rights given by government to the employees are as follows-

  • Dismissal and redundancy- An act that tells the employees about their rights and duties is termed as dismissal and redundancy.(Jenkins, 2016)
  • Employment Right Act, 1996- The entire employee related information is mentioned under this act. This act also gives a right to be informed.
  • ACAS practice- A guide or a coach is provided to the employees to help them with problems. This is a guide which is hired by the HR of the organisation only. (Gowan, 2005)
  • Punishments and penalties- This right gives the employees a benefit that if in case there will be any problem that arise at the workplace due to the employer, they can sue for it and the employer get punished or penalty will be charged.
  • Fair remuneration- A fair and equal remuneration must be provided to all the employees..(Gilbert, et.Al., 2015)


The study of human resource management leads to a deep knowledge to the learners. They will get to know about the management of the human asset of an organisation. It will also help them to know about the rights of the employers and the employees. They will utilise all the resources in a full fledge manner. All the terms that help in the planning of the human resource management and the systematic forms of the human resource management will come under this.

Human resource management will teach them their rights, obligations, policies, government intervention etc. This study will also lead to a strategic formation of human resource policies. There will be standardized in the performances of the employees and the employers. This will result in better performance and better reputation of the organisation as well as employees. These kind of studies will help the learner to gain the knowledge of the human resource management techniques also..



Bhatia, S. (2009). HRM in global scenario. New Delhi: Deep & Deep Publications
Chanda, A. and Shen, J. (2009). HRM strategic integration and organizational performance. Los Angeles: Response Books.
Gruber, J. and Wise, D. (2007). Social security programs and retirement around the world. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Lazarova, M., Morley, M. and Tyson, S. (2014). INTERNATIONAL HRM POLICY - LAZAROVA. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis
Leonard, L. and Gonzalez-Perez, M. (2013). Principles and strategies to balance ethical, social and environmental concerns with
orporate requirements. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald
Liebowitz, J. (2009). Knowledge retention. Boca Raton: CRC Press.
Noe, R. (2006). Human resource management. Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill
Sparrow, J. (2012). The culture builders. Burlington, VT: Gower
Taylor, I. (2008). The assessment and selection handbook. London: Kogan Page.