Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL

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Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 21 Human Resource Management DHL

QFC Level

Level 4


Unit 21 human resource management assignment DHL program has been executed over the problems or practical issues faced in human resource management. Human resource management is an important aspect for every business. There is a need to maintain human resource in an effective manner so as to gain an advantage over the others in this competitive world. Human resource management is concern with the management of the human resource so as to attain the objectives of an organisation in a successful manner. This report discusses various aspects related to human resource management. This report provides an understanding of the difference between personnel management and human resource management, how it helps an organisation in the attainment of its objectives and the impact of legal and regulatory framework over human resource management. It also discusses the analysis of the reasons for human resource planning, the stages which are involved in human resource requirements and evaluation of the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques. Comparison has been made over the recruitment and selection process of two organisations. Motivational theory and the methods for monitoring the performance of the employees have been discussed. This report covers various aspects which affect the human resource management of an organisation (Human Resource Management, 2014).

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL 1 - Assignment Help

Task 1

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL - Assignment Help

This section of the program provides an understanding of the difference between personnel and human resource management and how it helps an organisation in attaining its objectives. The roles and responsibilities of a line manager in an organisation have been discussed. For a better understanding of these aspects a company of United Kingdom has been selected named as “DHL”. It is providing international express mail services mainly through air or sea mails. It was founded in 1969 and it is operating its business in various countries of the world. It’s headquarter is located in Bonn, Germany.    

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.


Personnel management

Human resource management


Personnel management is related with the work force and with relationship with the organisation or company.

It refers to the management which is related with the management of the human resource in an effective manner so as to generate the desired results.

Form of approach

Traditional approach as it is concerned with the management of people in an organisation

Modern approach as it is concerned with the management of people and the strength of the people in an organisation. DHL is using this technique so as to effectively utilise its human resource.


Its focus is on employee satisfaction.

In this functions are undertaken for the purpose of attainment of the objectives or goals. It has helped DHL by focusing over the goals of the organisation.

Job design

In this job design function is dependent on the division of labour.

In this job design function is dependent on group work or team work.


It is a routine function for an organisation.

It is a strategic function for an organisation.

Training and development opportunities

Less focus on training and development opportunities (Smit, 2012).

More focus is on the training and development opportunities. It has helped DHL in the development of the employees by providing training to them (Saini, 2013).

form of communication


Direct. It helps in better coordination and flow of information in DHL.

Decision making process

Decision making process in personnel management is slow.

Decision making  process in human resource management is fast. It has enabled human resource management in attaining the objectives and goals.

Treatment for manpower

Treated as machine or tools.

Treated as asset of the organisation. DHL has used this aspect so as to generate trust among the employees.

Basis of pay

Pay in personnel management is based on job evaluation

Pay in human resource management is based on performance evaluation. This helps in enhancing the performance of the employees of DHL.

Role of management

The role of management is transactional

The role of management is transformational


Brakes group is using personnel management which has focused over the human resource and restricted the area of concern.

River Island is using human resource management so as to provide better management of the human resource of the organisation so as to effectively utilise the human resource of the organisation.

1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help DHL in achieving its purpose.

There are various ways in which human resource management functions help DHL in achieving its objectives. These are discusses below:

  • Planning: human resource management helps in planning the requirements of employees for the purpose of execution of the operations of the business. This identification of the requirement of the employees helps in effectively using the resources so as to attain the objectives and goals of DHL.
  • Staffing: this function of human resource management includes the actual procedure of planning, recruitment and selection process. This function helps in attracting the candidates for the roles an organisation is having. This function helps in identification of the right person for the purpose of execution of the activities of the business (Sundar, 2013).
  • Development of employees: development of the employees is an important task for every organisation. Development of employees helps in the development of the skills and knowledge of the employee which helps in enhancing the performance of the employee and better execution of the duties and roles assigned to it in the organisation and for motivating them. For this purpose there is a need to provide training to the employees and guide them for developing them.
  • Maintenance of employees: there is a need to maintain the human resource of the organisation as human resource is the most important resource of the organisation who actually executes the activities of the business.

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL 2

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in DHL and how it supports human resource management functions.

A line manager in DHL needs to perform various roles and responsibilities which help in providing a support to the human resource management functions.These are as follows:

  • Measure for elimination of risk: a line manager manages the people on day to day basis. It focuses over the cost involved in its operation so as to minimise the cost for enhancing the profit margin of DHL. And it directs the individuals so as to achieve the objectives by forming a team.
  • Management of the performance: a line manager focuses over the operational performance so as to enhance the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. And also provides technical expertise and monitors the work performed by the employees and checks the quality of the work performed by the employees.
  • Development of the human resource: it identifies the need of training and development among the employees so as to enhance their knowledge and skills for better execution of the roles and responsibilities assigned to the employees. This helps in the management of human resource of the DHL (Guest, 2011).
  • Record of the information: Line manager keeps the records of information which is of relevant nature for the business activities. This information helps the organisation by providing an advantage over the other and coping with the changing environment and increasing competition.

1.4 Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

There are various laws, rules and regulations framed by the government of United Kingdom for the purpose of providing safety to the employee at the workplace. DHL need to comply with these rules and regulations so as to ensure the safety of the employees as well as to avoid legal consequences. These legal and regulatory frameworks which create impact over the human resource management are as follows:

  • Equal pay act 1970: according to this act discriminatory practices should be avoided at the workplace and equal pay need to be provided to the employees working at the same position regardless of their sex, caste, colour or race.
  • Working time regulations of 1998: according to this act framed by the government of UK proper working hours should be provided to the employees so as to ensure their health and well-being and holidays should be allowed to them as per the specified limit.
  • Data protection act 1998: according to this act, privacy of the personal data or information of the employees needs to be maintained so as to ensure the safety of their confidential information.
  • National minimum wage rate act 1998: according to this act minimum wages prescribed by the government should be provided to the employees (Amin, et. al., 2014).

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Task 2

For the purpose of better understanding of the various aspects two companies have been used in this section named as “DHL” and Brakes group.

2.1 Analysing the reasons for human resource planning

DHL is offering international express mail services to its customers. There are various functions which need to be performed. For this purpose there is a need of human resource planning. The reasons for human resource planning are as follows:

  • Evaluation of the requirement of human resource: human resource planning in DHL helps in identification of the requirement of the work force for the purpose of execution of the activities or operations. This helps in utilising the resources of the organisation in a better manner.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of the employees: human resource planning helps in measuring the performance of the employees so as to identify their effectiveness and need to training for the purpose of development of their skills and knowledge.
  • Expansion of the organisation: for the purpose of expansion of the business there is a need to plan the requirement of human resource for the expansion and for the execution of the additional operations. Human resource planning helps in identifying the need of human resource for the expansion purpose.
  • Cost control: human resource is an important resource which needs to be managed in a proper manner so as to reduce the employee turnover and to reduce the cost involved in the process of recruitment and selection of the employees. Human resource planning helps in controlling this cost (Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh, et. al., 2016).

2.2 Outlining the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

Human resource planning supports an organisation in various ways so as to improve the performance of organisation. There are five stage involved in planning human resource requirements. These are as follows:

  • Accessing human resources: in this stage, identification is done of the availability of the human resource in the organisation. DHL need to identify the availability of the human resource for performing the activities.
  • Demand forecasting: this aspect is related with the identification of the demand of the human resource so as to meet the requirement of human resource in future. It helps in ascertaining the requirement of human resource on the basis of the quality and quantity.
  • Supply forecasting: there is a direct link between demand forecasting and supply forecasting. It can be understood as availability of the human resource in the environment so as to meet the requirement of human resource.
  • Matching of demand with the supply: this stage involves matching of the demand of the human resource of DHL with the supply of human resource in the market. This is donefor the purpose of execution of the activities of DHL without any error or issue or problem.
  • Action plan: this stage involves evaluation of the other stages of the process so as to control the process and guide the process in the right direction (Hafeez, et. al., 2013).

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation you recommending.

For this section comparison has been made between DHL an international express mail service provider and Brakes group a distribution company which supplies food, drink and other products in UK.

Recruitment and Selection process of DHL and Brakes group: DHL is conducting its recruitment process in different ways so as to identify the effectiveness of the employees and to recruit effective employees. Firstly it prefers internal sources for the purpose of recruitment. After that this it considers external sources for recruitment and selection process. It invites the candidates and shortlist the candidates from the available candidates on the basis of the qualities required for the job. A written test is conducted so as to evaluate the understanding level of the candidates about the basis aspects of business. After this process selection is made from the available candidates and an interview is conducted for the final selection. All these activities are conducted by the human resource department of DHL. On the other hand, Brakes group offers this activity to the third party who conducts recruitment process on the behalf of Brakes group and final interview is conducted by the Brakes group so as to make sure that the employees are capable of performing the activities in an effective manner (FLOREA, 2013).

2.4 Evaluating how effectiveness is the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation you recommending.

DHL and Braked group uses different processes for the purpose of recruitment and selection of the employees. It promotes the flow of fresh ideas in the organisation in the form of new employees.The recruitment and selection process adopted by DHL is effective as it helps in the selection of the employees as per the required skills and knowledge so as to maximise the effectiveness of the activities. On the other hand, the recruitment and selection process adopted by Brakes group reduces the effort and time involved in the process of recruitment and selection as it is outsourcing this process to the third party. The employees selected by the third party may or may not be effective or as per the requirement of the post. There is a need to focus over this aspect of the recruitment and selection process by Brakes group (Florea, et. al., 2014).

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Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

Motivation is a technique which helps in encouraging the employees for performing in a better manner. There are various needs of employees which need to be satisfied so as to motivate them. Motivation can be in monetary which includes increment in salary, bonus or reward or non-monetary form which includes promotion or appreciation. Various motivational theories have been given by different people. The most common theories are Maslow’s theory and Herzberg theory of motivationwhich are discussed below:

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: this theory was developed by Abraham Maslow in 1943.In this theory Maslow has explained five stages of need on the basis of priority of a person. Maslow has explained that when one need of a person is satisfied then he moves towards the next need. These include belongingness, esteem, self-actualisation, physiological, safety, and self-supremacy (Bassett, 2016).

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL 3

Herzberg’s Two-factor theory of Motivation: This theory was developed by Herzberg. In his theory he has discussed that there are two types of factors which affects an individual. These two types of factors are motivational factors which include psychological growth and satisfaction and hygiene factors which include dissatisfaction (Hyun,et. al., 2011).

Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment DHL 4

Virgin Mediais using both forms of motivation for encouraging its employees. There is a direct link between motivational theory and reward. It is offering rewards, bonus and appraisal to its employees. Rewards may be provided in different forms which include increment in salary, bonus, insurance or appraisal.

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation

Pay can be understood as the sum paid to the employees for the work they have performed for the purpose of completion of their duties. Job evaluation is done so as to identify the performance of the employees. On the basis of the job evaluation pay of the employees is determined. It forms a base for the evaluation of the pay structure of the jobs in Virgin Media and grading the jobs. For the purpose of job evaluation, performance of the employees is evaluated on the basis of its capability in meeting the targets decided by the organisation for the job and effectiveness in performing the activities and the quality of the performance. All these aspects are considered and evaluated so as to determine the pay of the employees of Virgin Media. Virgin Media evaluates the pay of its employees by evaluating its skills, knowledge;pay in market for the same job, size of the organisation, profit or revenue of the organisation and the performance of the employee (Vicente Pardo, 2014).

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media

Reward system has been considered as an effective tool for the purpose of attracting and motivating employees in an organisation so as to enhance their performance and effectively execute the activities of the business. There are various needs of a person for which it performs numerous tasks. Motivation is an effective measure for enhancing the performance of the employees. There are various factors that affect the performance of an employee and motivation is the most important aspect or factor among those factors. Motivation encourages employees which results in attainment of the goals and objectives of the organisation. Rewards can be of two types. These two types of rewards include extrinsic rewards and intrinsic rewards. Intrinsic rewards can be understood as the rewards which focus on providing personal satisfaction to an individual for example: recognition, appreciation or feedbacks. Extrinsic rewards can be understood as the rewards which are given to an individual for their performance for example: increment or hike in the salary, bonus or promotion.

Virgin Media is using reward system so as to motivate the employees for performing in a better manner so as to enhance the performance of the employees as well as of the organisation. Reward system has helped Virgin Media by improving the  customer satisfaction  level customer and improving the changes of survival and growth of the organisation Semakula-Katende, et. al., 2013).

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media use to monitor the employee performance.

For the purpose of monitoring the performance of the employees Virgin media is using different methods so as to enhance the performance of the employees and of the organisation. Monitoring the performance helps in identification of the effectiveness of an employee. These methods of monitoring the performance of the employees used by Virgin Media are discussed below:

  • Punctuality of the employees: Virgin Media keeps a check over the punctuality of the employees regarding the job. This helps in the identification of the seriousness of the employees for its role and responsibilities.
  • Quality of the work: quality of the work is the most important aspect which affects the performance of the employee. It is the most appropriate indicator of the performance of an employee. Virgin Media is measuring the performing by evaluating the performance of the employees.
  • Conducting client survey: client survey is one of the most effective measures for evaluating the performance of the employees. Satisfaction level of the employees helps in identification of the effectiveness of the employee in meeting the requirements or expectations of the employees.
  • Random checks: random checks help in keeping a check over the performance of the employees as well as guide them for performing well so as to enhance their performance for better future aspects.
  • Setting benchmarks: setting benchmarks helps in providing a target to the employees which they need to achieve so as to fulfil their responsibilities and to perform their duties well (Dauda, et. al., 2011).

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

There are two ways in which an employment can be terminated. These are Voluntary and non-Voluntary termination. Voluntary termination refers to the termination in which employee’s leaves the job as per it wish. And non-voluntary termination can be understood as the termination the termination is done on the part of employer or employer ends the contract of employment with the employer. There can be various reasons due to which non- voluntary termination can take place. These includes adoption of unethical code of conduct, misuse of the power or authority, breaking the rules and regulations of the contract of employment, disclosing the confidential information of the company in front of others, harming to the image of the company, irresponsible behaviour of the employee towards its duties or responsibilities.

The main reason behind the termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master was the careless of Faisal in meeting his responsibilities and not performing well. It was against the rules and regulations of The Chicken Master to use the office equipments for personal use and Faisal was performing against the rules and regulations of the company and was following unethical code of conduct at the workplace. He misused the powers which were given to him which could have adversely affected the image of the company (Blackham, 2013).

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice

The Chicken Master and DHL have adopted an exit procedure so as to terminate the contract of employment with the employee in a correct manner. They have laid a procedure according to which the employee who is vacating the job or post in the organisation needs to fill a form so as to give a notice to the company and a letter for serving the notice period which was discussed in the contract of the employment. After filling the form and submitting the letter it is the liability of the employee to serve its notice period. And this notice period is given to the employee so as to provide it a chance to reconsider its decision. If the probation period is not complete then the employee need to complete its probation period and a letter of experience will be given to the employee by the employer. The Chicken Master and DHL conduct a feedback survey from the employee who is leaving the job so as to identify that the decision is based on the judgement of the employee and it is not vacating the job due to any other reason (Vosko, et. al., 2014).

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

The government of United Kingdom has framed various rules, regulations and acts which are focused over the termination of the contract of employment. It is mentioned in the act that the contract gets expired after the expiry of the contract of employment. Or the employee or employer may terminate the contract of employment due to various reasons after giving a proper notice to each other. For the purpose of providing safety to the employees and employers government have framed various rules and regulations or acts which bounds both the parties to act in an unethical manner. Every organisation need to comply with these rules and regulations so as to execute within the legal framework and to avoid the legal consequences. There are various reasons due to which an employer can terminate the employee and end the contract of employment after providing a notice to the employee and stating the reason in the notice. According to the act an employee who has not completed one year of service can be terminated without giving any reason for the termination. But if the termination is due to unethical or unfair reasons then it is the right of an employee to sue a case against the company (Bach, et. al., 2013).

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This section of the program provides an understanding of the key aspects discussed in the report so as to provide summary of the whole program. It has provided knowledge of the various aspect of human resource management. It has discussed the role of a line manager in motivating the employees for enhancing their performance and the roe of recruitment and selection process and effectiveness in the process of recruitment and selection. It also covers employment exit procedure adopted by the organisations, reasons of cessation of employment in the organisation and the impact of legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements.


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Abdul Amid Aziz Jalloh, Habib, M.A. & Turay, B. 2016, "THE EFFECTS OF HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF OPERATIONAL ACTIVITES IN LARGE SCALE ENTERPRISES", International Journal of Information, Business and Management, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 252.
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Blackham, A. 2013, "Uncertain junctures between employment and  contract law ", Cambridge Law Journal, vol. 72, no. 2, pp. 269.
Dauda, Y.A. & Akingbade, W.A. 2011, "TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN SELECTED MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY IN LAGOS STATE OF NIGERIA", Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, vol. 1, no. 5, pp. 32-43.
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