Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment

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Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment
Unit 21 Human Resource Management Assignment

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Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 21 Human Resource Management

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Level 4


Human resource management term has been coined from the traditional perspectives of the employee management or labour management. The human resource management and different concepts which are connected with the human resource management have been discussed within this unit 21 human resource management assignment. The differences within the human resource management are analysed. The role and responsibilities of the line manager and the regulatory framework which influence the human resources are discussed. Different human resource functions and hr planning stages along with the reason of conducting HR planning are illustrated by taking examples of organisations. Different selection and recruitment processes of two organisations and their effectiveness are analysed within this document. The processes of job evaluation, reward system, motivational impacts of HRM, employee performance monitoring are assessed and evaluated in terms of HRM practices. Taking the case study of Faisal, the exit procedures and the regulations related to them are analysed.

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Task 1

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

Personnel management and  human resource management  are the based on similar objectives. Both the management systems have the main aim to manage the human resource of the organisation.  Though they are similar in considering the purpose the approaches and measures are different. Human resource management system had been developed from the personnel management system which is the traditional form of HRM. (managementstudyguide.com., 2016) These key differences are:


Personnel management system

Human resource management system


It follows traditional approaches in managing the people

It applies modern methods in managing the human resources.


It focuses on the employee welfare, administration of the personnel and labour relation

(Torrington., 2014).

The focus of HRM is on development of the human resources, and maintaining them and also on the acquisition.

Concept of employees in the system

Assumes the individuals as the input for achieving the desired result.

It considers the people as the valuable resource for reaching the desired outcome.

Job design

It is based on labour division

It is based on group work or team performances

Training and development

It provides less opportunities in training and development

It considers training and development for increasing the capabilities of the human resources.

Decision making

Decisions are made by the top management system by following the rules and regulations

The decisions are made through collective measures by considering the employee participation  decentralization, authority etc


Indirect communication

Direct communication (managementstudyguide.com., 2016)

In Virgin Media has been practicing the human resource management system for managing the wide range of human resource. The organisation has been focusing on the team working for achieving the goals of the organisation. Through proper training and motivational approaches the management is engaging the employees within the organisation. The management is also offering different career opportunities for the new talents. Through proper communicational methods the organisation has been maintaining direct communication within the employees. Rewards and bonus are also provided to the employee in order to place proper motivational approaches. Wild & Wood coffee shop which has been situated in the central London is practicing personnel management system in the organisational environment. The approaches within the management have been considered as traditional. By focusing on the labour division the basic pay has been regarded by the management of coffee shop. (Torrington., 2014).

1.2 Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

Different approaches and functions are associated with the human resource management system. Within the management of the employees human resource management system focuses on the motivational aspects and training. These functions are:

  • Plan of human resources: the function of human resource management is the HR planning. Through the planning of the current human resources the organisation like Virgin Media will have the ability to conduct a forecast of the human resource by considering the current and future demand and supply within the market. (Price., 2011) Through the HR planning the management of Virgin media will have the acknowledgment on the ability of the current human resource and the desired ability for approaching the future demands.
  • Recruitment and selection: recruitment and selection are also regarded as the functions within the HRM. Through the recruitment and selection processes Virgin Media will include current talents within the workforce. Through this function the organisation can improve the ability of the current human resources and also increase the productivity. These processes are also helpful in adapting the future trends. The qualified talents and skills are included through these functions. (Price., 2011)
  • Performance management: through monitoring the current performances the organisation tends to supervise the performances of the employees. This function is also helpful in tracking the progress of the current workforce. Through the appraisal system and performance assessment done by the line managers the performances are monitored in the Virgin Media.
  • Motivation and reward system: through implementation of the motivation theories the management of Virgin Media motivate the employees towards the better productivity and increase their capabilities. Incentives, bonus, increase in the wages are applied in the rewards system. These motivate the employees to improve their productivity. (Price., 2011)
  • Training and development: through the training and development processes  Virgin Media group  tends to improve the employee performances. They provide proper induction training to the new talents and apprentices. Through these training and development programmes the organisation explains their services and operations and shapes the individuals as per the organisational need. (careers.virginmedia.com., 2016)

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Within the human resource management system line managers have significant roles and responsibilities. They line managers have the responsibilities in planning the objectives and setting priorities within the work management and also they have to communicate these to the teams and the subordinates. (docs.csg.ed.ac.uk., 2016). Within virgin media the line managers are also referred as the operation managers who have certain specific roles and responsibilities. As the working environment is challenging in Virgin Media the line managers also have the roles which are based on excellence.

Different roles and responsibilities of line managers:

  • Employee engagement: the line mangers have to supervise the work and performances of the employees. Through placing organisational culture within the working environment the line managers engage the employees. By focusing on the strengths and encouraging by providing career opportunities the line managers of Virgin Media encourage positive workforce among employees. (docs.csg.ed.ac.uk., 2016).
  • Recruitment and selection: the line managers of Virgin media are directly involved within the recruitment and selection processes of HRM functions. The line managers or operation manager is also involved within the induction and ongoing skill development for ensuring the organisation has been attracting the best talent in the working environment. (reed.co.uk. ,2016)
  • Daily operations: the line managers of Virgin Media have the responsibilities in the daily operation management of a team which is handling the client issues and queries. They also have to supervise the multiple teams. They also have to arrange meetings within the higher authority and team managers or leaders in order to ensure all metrics and consistently being achieved. Through the meetings the line managers also ensure proper measures are being taken or will be taken in overcoming any shortfalls. (reed.co.uk. ,2016)
  • Performance appraisals: the line managers have to implement the performance appraisal by assessing the employee behaviours and performances of individuals. On considering the performance appraisal the one to one meeting is conducted within the line managers and the individuals for providing proper feedbacks. In Virgin Media line managers hold the one to one meetings with direct reports against KPIs. (reed.co.uk. ,2016)

1.4 Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

There are different legal and regulatory frameworks which are related to the practices of the HRM functions and practices. The legal and regulatory functions provide proper guidelines to the HRM practices. These legal and regulatory frameworks and their impacts are:

  • Equality act: this act impacts over all the practices and the functions of the human resource management system. This act enforces the organisation to place fair treatment within the human resource management practices. By following this law the management of Virgin Media enforces fair treatment within the workforce and provides proper opportunities to the diverse human resources. (Davis, 2014) While treating the individuals the management do not concern over the race, religion, gender, age etc.
  • Health and safety act: this act focuses on the working environment and its components within the organisation. The Virgin Media has to follow this law to place suitable policies of safety within the working environment. In order implement new technologies the organisation has to train the employees on the safety rules over the usages of those machineries. Through following this rule and placing safety policies within the management Virgin Media will be able to reduce injuries and accidents in the working environment. (Davis, 2014)
  • Discrimination act: this act prevents the discrimination from the working environment and from working practices. The employees can take legal measures on account of any discrimination being made on them in terms of age, religion, disabilities, race, gender, etc. (Davis, 2014)  The human resource functions like recruitment and selection, providing  training and development,  rewarding the employees, providing career opportunities are being done within Virgin Media through following this law.
  • National minimum wage act: within this act minimum wages which should provided by the organisations are defined. For employee age of 21 and above, £7.20 per hour and for staffs of 18-20 age £5.30 per hour must be provided by following this law. (Davis, 2014)

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Task 2

2.1 Analyse the reason for human resource planning

HR planning is the process which has been used by the management of the organisation to identify the current and future human resource needs within organisational operations for achieving the goals. Through the human resource planning the organisation’s current abilities to perform within the competitive market and the required skills needed within the human resources. (Belcourt, and McBey, 2012).  The management of Virgin Media through the human resource planning can achieve the goals by linking the human resources with the overall strategic planning of the organisation. Through the human resource planning the organisation is able to make forecast on the desired profile of human resources and related skills in order to adapt changes. By taking in account the demand and supply the human resource planning tends to evaluate the trends and the demands of the global market and their impacts over the strategic planning of organisation. HR planning also evaluates the gap within the current human resources and the needed human resources through forecasting the changes in the global market. This is the process within which Virgin Media attempts to estimate the demand over the labour. Through the HR planning the management also evaluates the size, nature and sources of the supply for meeting the demands.  (Belcourt, and McBey, 2012).  

Virgin Media with the Human resource planning can implement the strategic business planning within the working environment. The objectives along with the vision and mission statement of the strategic planning are implemented through clarification within the human resources for leading the current human resources towards the achievement of the organisational goals. By linking the human resource planning with the strategic planning the management can ensure proper implementations of the strategies within the human resources of the organisation. (Belcourt, and McBey, 2012). The objectives and the goals of the core strategies of Virgin Media have been enforced within the human resources through the human resource planning. The management of Virgin Media places proper motivational aspects for the human resources in order to direct the human resources towards increased productivity. Through the motivational aspects the organisations like Virgin Media can achieve the competitive advantages. (Belcourt, and McBey, 2012).  

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements

Within the stages of the human resource planning there are different steps and processes. These stages of the human resource planning are followed by the organisations in order place better talent within the organisation. (Bohlander and Snell, 2010)These stages are:

Analysis of organisational objectives: in order analyse the organisational goals and objectives the management has to evaluate the core objectives of the organisation regarding the business. Through linking the strategic planning of the business operations to the human resource planning stages the management can be able to incorporate the core objectives within the human resources. (Bohlander and Snell, 2010) Virgin Media has the vision of delivering proficient digital services to the clients. Through  human resource planning  the management can link the strategies of the goals within the workforce with efficient manner. With this planning the desired skills and capabilities needed for the achievements are decided.

  • Assessment of current HR capacity: within the next stage the current HR capacity are analysed by considering the performance supervision. Through this stage Virgin Media can have the idea on the skills and abilities which the employees are holding. Within this stage the positions and the current degrees or certification which are held by the current employees, the vacancy of within the organisation, related skills, retirement profile, etc all are assessed. (Carbery, 2013). This is referred as the internal human resource analysis. Through the internal analysis the Virgin Media can have the idea over the current abilities.
  • Forecasting HR requirements: the forecasting is done on considering the future trends and projecting the HR needs to adapt those trends and changes. By focusing on the organisational future goals the trends within the market can be analysed. The external challenges within the market are also needed to be analysed.
  • Gap analysis: on having the idea about the current capabilities and needed capabilities for achieving the future goals and trends the gap analysis is performed by the management. In this stage Virgin Media has to observe the current position of the organisation and the place where the organisation wants to place it. By conducting the employee counts and the skill audit and by comparing it with the achievement scale the gap in the human resource skills are identified. (Carbery, 2013).
  • Action plan development: within this stage the human resource action plan is conducted by arranging recruitment and selection processes. Through the recruitment and selection the organisation can be able to attract improved skills within the organisation and have better productivity.
  • Evaluation: through monitoring the performances after implementing the HR action plan the evaluation can be done. (Bohlander and Snell, 2010)

2.3 compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation you recommending

Recruitment and selection processes are the necessary parts within the human resource management system. Through these procedures of employment the organisation can include required skills and knowledge within the human resources. These processes are necessary for enhancing the productivity. Though the recruitment and selection processes are similar in every organisation there are certain differences within them.

Different recruitment and selection processes of different organisations:

The employment processes of Virgin media: There are different stages within the recruitment and selection processes of Virgin Media:

  • Analysis of vacancy: by analysing the vacancy within the organisation the management of Virgin Media can have better understanding over the current capabilities and the required skills which should be included within the work force. (virginmedia.com., 2016)
  • Applications: after assessing the current vacant positions Virgin Media develops the job description and advertise through different media. The candidates have to fill up the applications through online measures. For recruiting within the direct and retail sales the organisation places online observation test and for telesales they conduct online situational judgement test. (virginmedia.com., 2016)
  • Screening: the CVs are reviewed by the HR manager for screening. In retail sales and general recruitment HR manager performs phone screening. Through the phone the details of the candidates are measured.
  • Short listing: the successful candidates are shortlisted (virginmedia.com., 2016)
  • Online questionnaire: online personality questionnaires are placed within the recruitment processes for having the proper evaluation of the personality traits of the candidates before conducting the interview.
  • Interview: interview is arranged for the successful candidates. Through the interview the candidates’ perception over the organisational culture are observed.  In retail sales face to face interview is conducted whereas for field operations and apprenticeships phone interview is scheduled. (virginmedia.com., 2016)
  • Final interview: through final interview the candidates are offered the job by the managers.

The employment and selection processes of McDonalds:

  • Job analysis: current vacant positions and related skills are assessed
  • Job description: the job descriptions over the vacant positions are developed. Within the job description the details of the positions are mentioned. Through different media the job descriptions are published. (wethriveindia.wordpress.com., 2014).
  • Application: through the official website of the McDonalds. Within this stage the candidates have to fill certain questionnaires which are developed on their competency level. Here the candidates also have to provide personality test.
  • On job evaluation: the selected candidates are invited for the skill test. A real time scenario will be provided to them within the test. (wethriveindia.wordpress.com., 2014).
  • Interview: on succeeding the skill test the candidates are asked for the interview. Here with the face to face interview the candidates are analysed upon their background, ability to handle work pressure etc.

2.4 evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation.

The employment stages of McDonalds and Virgin Media have certain similarities within them, such as both of them are performing the personality test. Through the personality test the organisations are obtaining the acknowledgement over the personality traits of the candidates. This is helpful for the HR manager to evaluate the candidates and their CV is efficiency. (virginmedia.com., 2016). Within the recruitment and selection processes of Virgin Media the management is arranging the over phone interview before conducting the face to face interview. This is helpful in reducing the time and cost of actual interview, as after having the interview over phone the manager only invites those candidates who are able to pass the phone interview. (virginmedia.com., 2016) Through the phone interview the management will get the proper valuation of the candidates. This is also helpful in screening the details placed in the CVs. In  McDonalds marketing  processes the management does not conduct any over phone interview. As a result, the HR managers have to arrange a face to face interview. Though the different screening methods of Virgin Media are helpful in assessing the proper skills by comparing with the specific job details the recruitment and selection processes of McDonalds also pose certain effectiveness. The skill tests of the McDonalds are more adequate than Virgin Media. Through the skill tests of McDonalds the ability of the candidates in real measures can be evaluated. (wethriveindia.wordpress.com., 2014).

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation. Your answer must show if you think there is a link, what connects the two.

Through the motivational aspects the organisations try to enhance the productivity and lead the employees or current human resources towards the achievements. The organisational management has been placing their focus on the motivational theories. Through the motivational aspects the management of Virgin is having he employee engagement within the human resource management. (McGuire, 2012) There are certain theories which are associated with the management of the employees. Considering the Virgin Media Maslow’s need theories can be related to the motivational aspects of the employees. Within the theory of motivation Maslow has described five needs which are associated with the motivations of the employees these are:

  • Physiological needs: these are the basic needs of the employees. These needs are associated with the food, shelter, medicine etc. through providing job opportunities and proper wages the organisations tries to meet the satisfaction of the employees. In order retain the employees Virgin Media provides career opportunities, training and development opportunities, remuneration etc. (McGuire, 2012)
  • Security needs: different security needs are associated with the psychology of the employees such as the safety within the employment, job security, health, property, family security etc. Virgin Media by providing the life insurances, other insurances tries to satisfy these needs of the employees.
  • Psychological needs: belongingness within the employees, friendship, family is related to these needs. The diversity within the teams of Virgin media are placing belongingness within the employees of different cultural backgrounds and also helping the organisation to place efficient services to different clients. (McGuire, 2012)
  • Self esteem: recognition within the Virgin Media has been provided through the promotions, opportunities in career paths, etc.
  • Self-actualisation: by providing challenging situations within the working environment

Virgin Media tends to satisfy these needs of the employees. Reward system is also adapted by the organisations like Virgin Media for motivating the employees. Non-monitory and monitory reward systems are adapted by Virgin Media. The management of Virgin Media provides competitive salary for retaining the employees and having proper employee satisfaction. Apart from these different benefit schemes are also provided by the management for rewarding through non-monitory system such vouchers, insurances, care plans, NPS Hero Championship Scheme etc. these increase the psychological motivational aspects. (McGuire, 2012)

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation

The job evaluation process has been adapted by the organisations in order to evaluate the pay. Through the job descriptions and job evaluation the management understand the responsibilities which are associated with the particular jobs.
(Jabbour, Santos, and Nagano, 2010)  Through the job evaluation the payment schemes are also decided. Job evaluation is done through certain processes:

  • Job description: within the job description the responsibilities and the roles which are associated with the job and the standards of the performances desired by the organisation within the job have been clarified to the employees. Within the Virgin Media different job descriptions are associated with the workforce. Through a structured document the related roles and responsibilities are clarified to the employees of the Virgin Media such as client dealing, sales, supervision of the services, checking feedbacks etc. Through the job description the roles and responsibilities are measured for determining the pay. (Jabbour, Santos, and Nagano, 2010)  
  • Job specification: within the job specification the associated skills, related knowledge which are needed for performing eh job roles are illustrated. Different skills which are associated with the job roles such as the communicational skills, leadership skills, management skills are associated with the Operation Manager of the Virgin Media. Considering the required skills and knowledge the p0ay which is related to the specific job role are determined.

In order to determine the pay apart from job evaluation processes there are other factors such as:

  • Policies of organisation: by providing higher salary than the other businesses within the similar industry the Virgin Media has been attracting the talent pool. Through employment opportunities the organisation is determining the related pay.
  • Market standards: the current pay of the similar job profile within the market or industry is also influences over the decisions for determining the pay. (Jabbour, Santos, and Nagano, 2010)  
  • Growth rate: the growth rate of the industry and the demands of the human resources within the demographical region influence the determination processes of pay.
  • Trade union: within Virgin Media the trade Union CWU has been impacting over the payment related issues.

3.3 Assess in different contexts (for e.g. attracting talent, retention, and motivation) how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media or your chosen organisation

Reward system is essential tool for motivating the existing employees while attracting the current talents towards the organisation. Through the reward system the employees within the Virgin Media has been engaged and motivated. (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2014) The effectiveness of the reward system can be measured through certain options:

  • Attracting talent: for attracting proper talent within the workforce Virgin Media has been providing proper reward schemes through internships, apprenticeships, medical plan, vouchers, insurances etc. through the effectiveness reward system the organisation has been attracting the current young generation. (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2014) 
  • Motivation: through reward system the employees are highly motivated towards the organisational goals and achievements. Through the reward system the employees are encouraged towards improved productivity. The rewards which were provided by the Virgin Media are efficient to satisfy the motivational needs of the employees. By providing the medical benefits the organisation has been meeting the physical as well as the psychological needs of the employees. Through the training and development facilities the organisation has been placing career progress opportunities within the human resources. (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2014) 
  • Retention: in order to retain the current skilled employees Virgin Media has placed proper apprenticeship and training schemes for increasing the current abilities of the employees. Through this approaches the organisation has been reducing the cost of the new recruitments. (Armstrong, and Taylor, 2014) 

3.4 Examine the methods Virgin Media or your chosen organisation use to monitor employee performance

Monitoring the performances of the employees are significant measures for analysing the current productivity of the organisation. By considering the roles and the responsibilities of the employees and by evaluating the desired outcome of the performances the performances are measured within Virgin Media. (Price., 2011)

  • Performance appraisal: performance appraisal has been the common tool for measuring the performances. The line managers or the operation managers assess the performances of the employees or the team members. After evaluating the performances the performance assessment forms are filled up by line managers. Ratings are given on the performances of the employees. The ratings are calculated by the higher management in order to evaluate the performances. Apart from these the line managers also provide feedbacks over the performances and abilities of the employees. (Price., 2011)
  • Feedbacks: feedbacks from the clients and the service management are also considered to measure the performances of the sales and field operators in Virgin Media. By analysing those feedbacks and comments proper trainings are provided to the employees if needed.
  • Observation: the line managers have the responsibilities to monitor or supervise the performances of the subordinates. Line managers observe the performances of individuals on considering the targets. Through direct observation the clear evaluation of the performances are measured. (Price., 2011)

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

The cessation of employment has been referred as the termination of the employment contract of the employee. The termination of the employment can be done on different issues raised within the performances of the employees. The employees are also able to terminate the employment on own accord. In both cases the organisation and the employee have to follow certain rules and policies and procedures of exit. These procedures are referred as the exit procedures. (DeTienne, 2010) Any organisation in general terminates any employee on account of several reasons. These reasons can include the violation of the Code and Conduct of organisation, doing any immoral or illegal practices within the organisation, using the working hours for own means or personal cause, lower performances status than the organisational expectations etc. In the case study the situation the termination of Faisal has been referred. Faisal has been appointed in the restaurant of Chicken Master by Bob, the employer. Bob had employed Faisal by considering the experiences of Faisal. After certain time Bob had to fire him by considering his immoral practices and dropping performances. (DeTienne, 2010) There are several reasons behind the termination of Faisal from Chicken Master:

  • The works which have been assigned to him was not performed by him properly such as, cleaning in the kitchen and the front door was not done with proper manner.
  • He had been assigned to supervise the work of employees. For his lack of supervision the employees were not providing proper performances.
  • He was using the office equipment for the personal means such as helping daughter in home work or talking with wife during the office hours.
  • Without informing the concerning authorities he left the office within office hours.
  • Spending the working hours and using the office machines for immortal activities.
  • Lower performances of Faisal were affecting the organisational performances and goals though training were provided to him by Bob.
  • He violated the rules and policies which were provided within the guidelines of Chicken Master. He also violated the Code of Conduct while several warning has been given to him.          

These reasons were concerned while Bob terminated Faisal. His lack of sincerity and efficiency within the performances are the main reason behind his termination.  (DeTienne, 2010)

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and another organisation of your choice

Exit procedures are the processes which are followed by the organisations in order to terminate any employee or end the employment of the employee with proper maintenance of the legal and regulatory framework. Terminating the contract of the employment or the contract of the employment include different processes which are followed by both the organisation and also the employees. Organisation can terminate the employment contract of an employee on violation of any rules or policies of the organisation or practicing any illegal practices within the organisation premises or violating the code of conduct written in the organisation’s guidelines. (Elayi, Di Biase, Barrett, Ching,  Aly, Lucciola, Bai, Horton,  Fahmy, Verma, and Khaykin, 2010). By taking account the case study of Faisal, the employer Bob of Chicken Master had followed certain processes while terminating the employment contract of Faisal. While terminating employment of Faisal Bob has placed certain aspects such as violating the rules and policies of the organisation, not following the guidelines provided by the organisation, using the office machines or other equipment for the personal means, leaving the organisation within the working hours while not informing higher authority, irregular presence, not maintaining the hygienestandards within the work place, not doing the work which has been assigned, using the working hours in personal work and practicing immoral activities  etc. Bob has terminated Faisal on these reasons. Apart from these Faisal’s performances were also not meeting the organisational requirements and also inefficient performances even after having training from the employer. (Elayi, Di Biase, Barrett, Ching,  Aly, Lucciola, Bai, Horton,  Fahmy, Verma, and Khaykin, 2010). In Virgin Media there are certain steps which are measured while terminating any employee or performing the exit procedure:

  • If the employee is terminating the employment on his/her own accord then the organisation tries to retain the employees through negotiation
  • If any employee has been violating any rules and policies of the organisation then the management send a warning letter to the employee
  • The employees have to serve notice period as per the employment contract (Elayi, Di Biase, Barrett, Ching,  Aly, Lucciola, Bai, Horton,  Fahmy, Verma, and Khaykin, 2010)

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organisation such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

Through the regulatory framework the organisation gets the guidelines for implementing better working environment and operational activities. These frameworks also impact negatively on the organisations’ operations. Through the use of the legal frame work the organisation as well as the employees both can be benefitted. (DeTienne, 2010). The equality act prohibits the discrimination from the organisational operations. Through this act employees can take legal actions against the organisational management’s practices of discriminations in terms of gender, race, age, nationality, religious etc. Discrimination has been prohibited within the Equality Act 2010. The victim of discrimination can take legal procedures or can complain to the tribunals against the actions. Equality advisory support services can also be approached by the victim, who can provide proper support. (DeTienne, 2010)

Considering the case of Faisal, he has approached to the tribunals and filed case against his termination from the Chicken Master. He has complained that the employer of Chicken Master Bob had terminated his employment with discrimination. He complained that Chicken Master has fired him in order to hire a female employee whose age is less than 40 years. This has been a case of discrimination in terms of age and gender. In this situation the tribunals can take several legal actions against the employer of Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim will prove to be true. Before taking any action the tribunals make analysis over the situation in which the termination has been conducted. After hearing from both employer Bob and employee or victim Faisal the tribunals will take any measures. The employment tribunal will evaluate the situation based on the guidelines or the terms and code of conduct of Chicken Master Employment policies. The procedures through which Faisal has been terminated will be considered. It will check if proper processes are followed while terminating Faisal. (DeTienne, 2010). If Bob and the process through which Faisal was terminated have been proven to be true then Bob has to face certain legal actions. The tribunal will also ask Bob to review the employment policies and he can be charged will penalty. If Faisal will be proved to be guilty and Bob win the case then Faisal will have to face legal actions. (DeTienne, 2010)

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Through this assignment different concepts and subject matter related to the human resource management has been discussed. Every organisation in order to have efficient achievement of goals and placing itself in the advantageous place within the competitive market, has to consider the management of the human resources as the human resources are the key components of the organisation. Within the human resource management the organisations have to consider the human resource policies, human resource planning, legal and regulatory frameworks which are connected to different practices of the human resources such in the management if human resource, termination of the employment etc. Through the efficient use of the human resource management system the organisation can increase the productivity of the human resources.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Belcourt, M. and McBey, K. (2012). Strategic Human Resources Planning, Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Bohlander W., G. and Snell., S. (2010). Managing Human resources. Cengage learning.
Carbery, R. (2013). Human resource management. Palgrave Macmillan
careers.virginmedia.com. (2016). Training and development. [online available at:]. http://careers.virginmedia.com/working-here/training-and-development/. (assessed on 26/7/16)
Davis, A. (2014). Human resource management. SAGE
DeTienne, D.R., 2010. Entrepreneurial exit as a critical component of the entrepreneurial process: Theoretical development. Journal of Business Venturing25(2), pp.203-215.
docs.csg.ed.ac.uk. (2016). Information for line managers. [online available at: ].http://www.docs.csg.ed.ac.uk/HumanResources/Policies/Information_for_Line_Managers_Managing_Staff.pdf . (assessed on 26/7/16)
Elayi, C.S., Di Biase, L., Barrett, C., Ching, C.K., al Aly, M., Lucciola, M., Bai, R., Horton, R., Fahmy, T.S., Verma, A. and Khaykin, Y., 2010. Atrial fibrillation termination as a procedural endpoint during ablation in long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm7(9), pp.1216-1223.
Jabbour, C.J.C., Santos, F.C.A. and Nagano, M.S., 2010. Contributions of HRM throughout the stages of environmental management: methodological triangulation applied to companies in Brazil. The International Journal of Human Resource Management21(7), pp.1049-1089.
managementstudyguide.com. (2016). Difference between personnel management and HRM. [online available at: ].http://www.managementstudyguide.com/personnel-management-vs-hrm.htm . (assessed on 26/7/16)
McGuire, K (2012), Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: An introduction, GRIN Verlag.
Price., A. (2011). Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.

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