Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines

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Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines
Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines
Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 21 HRM Easy Jet Airlines

QFC Level

Level 4


The present unit 21 HRM easy jet airlines report is been carried out with purpose to evaluate various aspects of human resource management or HRM within an organization. In order to gain an enhanced understanding the report would be entirely focused on the functionalities of Easy Jet airlines which is a leading airline of UK. The present report would be evaluating the difference between personnel and human resource management along with the functions of HRM in Easy Jet airlines. It would be assessing the role of line manager in the organization and would also evaluate the impacts of legal and regulatory framework on HRM.

The report would be helping out in analyzing the reason for  human resource planning  in the airlines and would highlight the stages followed in planning human resources. Furthermore, the report would also compare the effectiveness of selection and recruitment techniques with British airways. It would include the process of job evaluation and the factors which determine pay in Easy Jet airlines. The report would even focus on the case study of Chicken master which is a restaurant along with the aspects related to this. It would elaborate the reason of termination along with the exit procedures of an organization in an effective manner.

Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines - Assignment Help

Task 1

1.1 Difference between personnel management and human resource management



Personnel management is the traditional approach of managing the people working in the organization.

Human resource management is a modern approach for managing the people and their strength in the organization.

It mainly focuses on personnel administration, employee welfare and labor relations.

It focuses on acquisition, motivation, development and maintenance of human resources in the organization.

In personnel management people are assumed as input for achieving the desired goals.

In HRM people are assumed as important and valuable asset of an organization.

Employees are provided with less training and development opportunities.

Employees are provided with more training and development opportunities (Aswathappa, 2013).

The decisions are taken by the top management.

The decisions are made collectively after considering employee's participation, authority, etc.

Job design is done on the basis of division of work.

Job design is done on the basis of group work or teamwork.

The main aim is to increase the production and to satisfy the employees of the organization.

The main focus is on effectiveness, culture, productivity and employee’s participation.

The personnel management is concerned with the personnel manager.

The human resource management is concerned with the all the levels of managers from top to bottom.

It is a routine function.

It is a strategic function.

Management role is transactional in nature.

Management role is transformational in nature.

For example, personnel management is adopted by the British Airways.

For example, human resource management is adopted by Easy Jet airlines.

1.2. Assessment of how human resource management functions help Easy Jet in achieving its purpose

Human resource management plays an important role in managing financial resource for human resources in any of the organization. It has been found that there are ample of functionalities being performed by the department in the organization. However, there are three major functions being carried out by the human resource management i.e. operative function, managerial and advisory functions. Motivation, compensation, development, employment, industrial relations, etc. are some of the components of operative functions. The managerial functions includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the human resources in the organization and the advisory function of HRM includes advices to departmental heads and the higher management of the business (Riley, 2014). With respect to Easy Jet airlines, it has been found that the human resource management carries out these functions in different departments and ensures the achievement of the desired objectives in an effective manner.

In addition to this, the human resource management also ensures an effective recruitment, selection, training and motivation of the employees in the airlines. This helps in making skilled and efficient workforce of the business. Along with this, the advisory functions help the top authorities in making suitable and profitable decisions over any of the act so that to move towards the accomplishment of the desired goals eventually (Armstrong, 2014). It has been also identified that with the help of these functions Easy Jet would be able to manage its manpower in a smooth way and attain a competitive advantage over its services in the industry. It is very much important to manage the employee and the functionalities so that to make them work as per the organizational desires and objectives effectively.

1.3. Evaluation of roles and responsibilities of line managers in Easy Jet airlines

The line manager is a person who directs a revenue generating department and he is accountable for obtaining the objectives of the organization by executing various functions such as target setting, policy making and decision making functions (Hendry, 2012). The line managers are also called as head of department. Line manager plays an important and crucial role in the Easy Jet airlines. There are various roles which are played by a line manager in Easy Jet airlines. The line manager is responsible for taking a leading role in managing the personnel of Easy Jet airlines and solving the sensitive and complex issues related to the workforce.  He is also responsible for considering the risk prevailing in the organization and deciding the appropriate course of action for it. The line manager is accountable for making a decision and to communicate that particular decision to the members of staff. It is the duty of a line manager to seek advice and the guidelines from the members of HR.

In addition to this, the responsibility of line manager towards Easy Jet airlines is to conduct the recruitment procedure and proper management of employees working in airlines. The performance appraisal processes are also implemented by the line managers (Hoque, 2013). Line managers of Easy Jet airlines access the performance and behaviour of the workforce and the feedback is also provided in a one-to-one meeting between   the employee and line manager. When an organization has a performance-related pay structure, the line manager plays an important role in determining whether his report will increase the pay or not.

1.4. Analyze how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

There are wide ranges of legal and regulations being levied on the organisations in order to ensure effective flow of activities and in the legal constraints. Easy Jet airlines is been listed among one of the leading airlines and thus have some of the impacts on its human resource management from its legal and regulatory framework. Some of the major legislations that lay a significant impact on the human resource management are as follows:

  • Health and safety act: It has been found that health and safety is the major concerns of the employees at the workplace. It is very much important that the employees are provided with safe and secure workplace so that to make them feel secured and work effectively. Easy Jet had established a separate department with instructs the employees about the safety parameters (Buckingham and Coffman, 2014). The employees working in the technical fields are strictly instructed to make use of the PPE tool and make use of harnesses when working at heights. This impacts the mind sets of the employees also and impacts the effectiveness at the workplace.
  • Discrimination Act 1995: Under this act, it is very much important to ensure that no discrimination takes place among the employees at the workplace. With respect to the HR department of Easy jet airlines is it been ensured that no candidate is been discriminated on the basis of age, gender, religion, disability, etc. and the best eligible is been selected.
  • Equality Act 2010: The human resource department of Easy Jet ensures that the employees are been provided with equal pay depending on their performances. It is made sure that there is no biasness in paying the remuneration on the basis of gender or any other specific reason (Miley.et.al, 2016).

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Task 2

2.1 Analyzing the reasons for human resource planning

Human resources are the most important aspects and are been considered as the backbones of the organizations. It is very much important to acquire an effective planning of human resources in an organization. The planning mainly helps in finding the actual number of staff members being required in the airlines and makes the relevant planning (Alfes.et.al, 2013) The major reason behind the human resource planning is to find the most eligible and capable candidates for the airlines so that to frame a skilled and proficient workforce. It helps in filling the gap between the demand of the employees and the supply for the same.

The human resources planning include the forecasting of the demand and supply of the employees in order to ensure the availability of the human resources when required. It has been found that the planning also helps in acquiring the best capable individual and attains a competitive advantage over the rivalry at the time high market demands. However, the human resources planning prove to be beneficial for Easy jet airlines and helps in maintain sufficient number of resources in advance (Flamholtz, 2012).

2.2 Stages involved in planning human resource requirements

HR planning is the way through which Easy Jet can evaluates the future need of man power in the organization. Human resource planning depicts the future growth and environmental forces. The main objective of human resource planning is to provide sufficient man power for the organizational activities. It enables the organization to identify the correct person for the Easy Jet Airlines (Schweiger, 2013). Following points depicts the process of HR planning:

  • Assessing man power needs: The first step in HR planning is to identify the available employees in the organization and try to maintain the human need in the organization.
  • Demand Forecasting: In this step HR manager evaluate the demand of the human power in the organization by analyzing through different modes.
  • Supply forecasting: Under this step manager focuses on the supply part of the human capital and creates the analysis of current and future availability of the human resource in the organization (Bratton and Gold, 2012). The step helps the manager to identify the available sources of HR in the organization.
  • Matching demand and supply: Under this step manager identifies the need of human capital in the departments. It matches the requirement of man power in the organization if there is shortage then organization go for hiring and if there is excess then management move for termination.
  • Action plan: The last stage is action plan in this step HR manager execute the plan decided by the top management (Ulrich, 2013). The manager monitors the plan and identifies the problems among the employees.

Unit 21 HRM Assignment Easy Jet Airlines 1

                                        Figure 1:  Human Resource Planning

2.3 Comparison of recruitment and selection process in Easy Jet and British Airways

Recruitment is the process of searching and selecting the appropriate candidate for the organization. This process allows the management to explore the candidate from external links to fulfil the vacant seats in the organization. On contrary, selection is the technique through which employer select the appropriate candidate out of the shortlisted candidates.

The major objective of the process is to select the right candidate among the numerous candidates. Different organization adopts different recruitment process in the organization are as follows:

Easy Jet is renowned airlines business entity of UK which is known for the best selection procedure (Townley, 2014). The organization follows the guidelines of Equality act in the selection procedure which attracts more candidates towards the organization. Management hires the best candidate which matches the specification of the job. Management follows the corporate policies in the staffing process that binds the business to promote the ethical practices in the recruitment process.

The major focus of the organization is to hire the trained and skilled candidates for the business. The main reason behind the experienced candidate is that they need less training in comparison of the fresher candidate. The trained candidates are more matured and talented and they have the capability to handle the different situations. The organization starts the staffing with the advertisement and end with allotting task to the candidates. On converse British Airways recruit the fresher candidates that results candidates needs huge training. Sometimes candidates leave the organization in between the training. The management follows the rigid kind of training procedure that causes loss of experienced candidates (Siavelis, 2012). British Airways hires the candidates through online portals and conduct the online interview. Organization provides priority to the local candidate which shows the partiality among the applicants.

2.4 Effectiveness of recruitment and selection process in two organizations

It is the process in which organization invite the candidates to hire them according to their skills and competence. The process assists management to evaluate the best candidate among the crowd.  The process observes the efficiency of the candidate through various test and interviews. Recruitment assists management to select the appropriate staff for the organization by which organization can grow in positive way. Through this process Easy Jet and British Airways hire the best candidate and train them according to their respective task.

It assists both the organization to fulfil the human capital need in the organization. It facilitates both the organization to recruit the self dependent and experienced candidate for the organization. The process facilitates the organization identify the sources of recruitment either internal or external. Easy Jet recruit candidates from both the sources the management mainly focused to recruit the skilled and trained candidate (Bryson.et.al.2013). On the other hand  British Airways  hire the trustworthy candidates and hire them through internal recruitment.

Both the process aid the management to hire the candidates through educational institutes and various other modes. Organization can recruit the candidates through employee reference, direct recruitment, educational institutes etc. Through internal recruitment management can check the back ground of the candidate and hire the trust worthy candidate. Educational institutes provide assurance to the management about the capability and knowledge of the candidate (Chaneta, 2014). The process recognize the talent of the candidate and aim to upgrade the talent by which employee can give better output towards the organizational goal.

Task 3

3.1 Relation between reward theory and motivational theory

Motivation is the tool for the leader to encourage the employee to increase the efficiency which results to better output. Employee efficiency is affected with various reasons which can be increased with financial and non financial benefits. It is the effective tool to boast the morale of the employees. Motivational theory is the best way to communicate with the employees and try to identify the problems which they are facing. Motivational theory includes two modes one is monetary benefits and other is non monetary benefits. Monetary benefits are related with money like bonus, commission, salary increment etc (Chevallier.et.al.2012). whereas non monetary consist promotions, performance appraisal, free accommodation etc.

Reward is the small part of the motivational theory. It is the monetary way to motivate the employees. Virgin media provides reward to the candidates when they perform well to achieve the set targets. It keeps the employees motivated to get the reward through better performance. It increases the performance of the employees and productivity of the organization as well. Both the theories are interlinked they are used to motivate the employees. Virgin media use the reward system to motivate the employees and want to increase the efficiency of the workers. According to the Maslow need theory employees has various needs so the employer has the liability to fulfil those needs by providing monetary and monetary benefits (Lichtenberg.et.al.2016). Whereas Herzberg states that employer should focus on those things which increase the satisfaction level of the employee rather than focusing on the things which cause dissatisfaction.

3.2 Job evaluation process that determine pay in Virgin Media

Job evaluation is the process through employer can recognize the value of the job and pay according to the responsibility of the employee. In job evaluation process manager assign the duties to the employee. The major factor the job evaluation process is the salary for which employee work for the organization. The process facilitates management to plan the salary structure according to the job specification. Job evaluation assigns ranks to the candidates according to their performance. In very beginning manager selects the job for the evaluation and ask the reason to the employees for evaluation (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). In next step manager selects the department for the evaluation and selects the methods for the job evaluation.

Payment is the mode of motivation to the employee. It is a reward for the employee for his hard work and consistency towards the work. Payment is affected with various factors like experience of the candidate, skills, communication skills, performance etc.

Following points assist Virgin Media to decide the payment of the candidate:

  • Experience of the candidate: Virgin media pay salary to the candidate according to the previous experience of the candidate if he has the experience of work in any pervious organization then Virgin media will pay the higher amount then the general salary.
  • Performance of the employee: If the employee perform well meet the deadlines on time, no mistakes regarding work then management will increase the salary of the candidate (Puterman, 2014). Employee is responsible for his salary if efficiency increase then payment will also increases.

3.3 Impacts of reward system on Virgin Media

Reward system facilitates Virgin Media to increase the efficiency of the employees by which productivity of organization also increased. Management is getting growth in very positive way and increasing the opportunities for the employees also. Reward system reflects positive impact on the organization. It aid management to recruit talented candidates for the organization by attracting them with various monetary benefits. Reward system assists management to retain the employees by satisfying the needs of the candidates. Virgin Media can motivate the employees through reward system. It assists the management to meet the targets on time by employees (Kohls.et.al.2012). Effective reward system helps the manager to motivate the employees and bind them to achieve task on time. Following points explain the results of reward system:

  • Motivation: Effective reward system increases the motivation level of the employees and tries to increase the efficiency of the employees. Reward change the behaviour of the employee in positive way and boast the morale of the candidates. Reward is the best way for Virgin Media to motivate the employees.
  • Attract talented person: Reward system attract the fresh and new candidates for the organization which provide suitable employee for the organization. Effective reward system provides growth opportunity to the candidate by which they motivated to join the Virgin Media.
  • Employee Retention: Monetary growth retains the employees in the organization which keeps them motivated (Lombardo.et.al.2012). Reward system assist management to retain the employees for long time and provide them growth opportunities in the organization.

3.4 Methods to monitor performance of candidates

Manager has the responsibility to monitor the performance of the employees and suggest them to improve the performance to achieve the predefined goals. The process assists manager to evaluate the performance of the employee and manage the record of the employees according to the grade. It keeps eye on the every function of the employee and makes them aware about their mistakes (Zikmund.et.al.2013). Monitoring helps the  developing  manager  to design the work according to the work standards. Following are the methods that assist manager to monitor the performance of candidates:

  • Benchmark: A manager set the performance benchmark which binds the employees to perform the task up to the set benchmark. If any employee fails to perform up to benchmark then manager provide him feedback to improve the services. Setting benchmark is made the task easy for the manager to measure the performance of the employee. It set the criteria for the employees that they have to perform the job according to the benchmark.
  • Feedback: Feedback is another technique to measure the performance of the employee. A manager collects the data related to the employee like behaviour of the employee, loyalty towards work, consistency etc (Rummler and Brache, 2012). If employer found any negative comment about the performance then take corrective action to improve the performance of the employee.

Task 4

4.1 Reasons of employee cessation

There are various reasons to employee cessation in the organization. If employee is not performing well, in capabilities, unethical behaviour, theft etc. With respect to this reasons the main reason behind the cessation of Faisal’s employment contract was due to the poor performance and violation of Chicken master policies. The case depicts that Faisal is not performing well and giving suitable contribution in the achievement of organizational objective. He also breaks the rules and regulation of the organization and challenges the judgment of the organization (AlBattat and Som, 2013). He also breaks the policies of the organization and show the unethical behaviour in the organization.

In addition to this cessation take place when higher authority faces the difficulty due to employees. If employee is does not follow his roles and responsibilities in corrective manner or harm the profits of the organization. Employees are also terminated because of their unethical behaviour with the seniors that creates unhealthy environment in the organization. Some reasons are also that if employee is unskilled he is not achieving the targets on time which causes loss to the organization (Bidwell.et.al.2013). Sometimes employees are also terminated because they work against the set polices of the management.

4.2 Employee exit procedures

It has been identified that all organizations follows their own exit procedures and mention in the contract. According to the given case, Chicken Master has its own rules and regulation of the exit. Chicken master follow the rigid kind of exit procedure which every employee need to follow (McClean.et.al.2013). Following steps depicts the exit procedure of Chicken Master:

  • Employee has to give written application for resignation and submit it to the senior authority.
  • Management will evaluate the performance of the employee.
  • Manager will commit the general discussion with employee.
  • HR Manager takes the suitable decision regarding the employee exit.
  •  Provide the consent on the resignation application of the employee.
  • Collect all the reports, information, manuals from the individual.
  • Management clears all the dues from the employee and facilities that are provides to him like laptop, mobile, printers etc (Kulik.et.al.2012).
  • The documents related to the organization like identity cards, credit or debit cards, account details etc have been collected from the employee.
  • At the end Chicken Master organize the exit interview in which manager ask the reasons about leaving the organization.

On contrary, British Airways follows different kind of exit procedure:

  • Employee has to send an e-mail message to the HR manager that dignifies the resignation.
  • A notice have to be deliver before one month.
  • HR manger conducts the general discussion to ask the reasons of exit.
  • Then approval on the resignation after the discussion.
  • Employee has to clear all the dues related to the business.
  • Then British Airways cancel the contract with the particular employee.

4.3 Impact of legal and regulatory frame work on employment cessation 

According to the provided scenario of Chicken Master, it has been observed that if the claim of the Faisal has been proved right than organization may face the difficulty regarding regulatory frame work. Senior employees have been framed various clauses to handle such kind of situations in the organization. There are some provisions have been framed by the authorities which binds the organization to follow instructions while terminating the employee (Zuiderwijk and Janssen, 2014). Following act depicts the legal and regulatory frame work:

  • Equality act 2010 states that all the employees should be treat equal. The employer cannot terminate them on the basis of their caste, gender, colour, age etc. The employee has the right to object the wrong decision of the master.
  • The organization must have valid and correct explanation for the termination of the employee.
  • The Chicken Master has the liability to provide notice of one month before termination of Faisal (Betcherman, 2015).
  • Organization has the right to terminate the employee if he practice any unethical thing or perform any illegal work in the organization.

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With the above report it has been concluded that human resource management plays an important role in managing the human resources in any of the organization. The report had revealed that the major reason behind the human resource planning is to find the most eligible and capable candidates for the airlines so that to frame a skilled and proficient workforce. The major objective of the process is to select the right candidate among the numerous candidates. It has been also found that motivational theory proves to be the best way of communicating with the employees and try to identify the problems which they are facing. Even it has been identified that human resource management had helped in managing the human resources of Easy jet in an effective manner.


Books and Journals
AlBattat, A.R.S. and Som, A.P.M., 2013. Employee dissatisfaction and turnover crises in the Malaysian hospitality industry. International Journal of  Business Management , 8(5), p.62.
Alfes, K., Truss, C., Soane, E.C., Rees, C. and Gatenby, M., 2013. The relationship between line manager behavior, perceived HRM practices, and individual performance: Examining the mediating role of engagement. Human resource management52(6), pp.839-859.
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Armstrong, P., 2014. Limits and possibilities for HRM in an age of management accountancy. New Perspectives On Human Resource Management op. cit. at, pp.154-166.
Aswathappa, K., 2013. Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Betcherman, G., 2015. Labor market regulations: what do we know about their impacts in developing countries?. The World Bank Research Observer,30(1), pp.124-153.
Bidwell, M., Briscoe, F., Fernandez-Mateo, I. and Sterling, A., 2013. The employment relationship and inequality: How and why changes in employment practices are reshaping rewards in organizations. The Academy of Management Annals, 7(1), pp.61-121.
Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Bryson, J., James, S. and Keep, E., 2013. Recruitment and selection.Managing human resources. Human Resource Management in transition, pp.125-149.
Buckingham, M. and Coffman, C., 2014. First, break all the rules: What the world's greatest managers do differently. Simon and Schuster.