Unit 20 Employee relations Unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment

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Unit 20 Employee relations Unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment
Unit 20 Employee relations Unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment
Unit 20 Employee relations Unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 20 Employee Relations Unitary and Pluralistic Frames

QFC Level

Level 5


Employee relations are the crucial factor in an organization for the better performance and for improved communication among the people of the organization. The employees and the employer should maintain the healthy relations in an organization for the benefit of the organization. Every organization needs the communication system for the smooth flow of the operations in the organization. This Unit 20 Employee relations unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment discusses the employer and employee relations in an organization and the implications of the conflict occur in an organization. In this report the unitary and the pluralistic frames of references are discussed which tells about the implications to solve the conflicts and improve the relationship between employer and employee. The changes in the trade unionism and its effect on the employee relations are also discussed in this assignment.

Unit 20 Employee relations Unitary and pluralistic frames Assignment, Uk assignment writing service

This assignment discusses various key factors related to the organization and the relations between the organizational people and its effects in the organization. In this report the case study of junior doctor and government dispute is also discussed which will tell us about the different features and the effects of the employees relations and the organizational effect with regard of the case study. There is the presentation which presents the impact of employee participation and the  decision making process  involve the employee as well as the impact of human resource management has on the relationship of the employee and the employer in an organization. The major purpose of the assignment is to create the understanding of the employee and the employer relationship in an organization and improve the environment of the organization.

Task 1

Reflective essay

1.1 Unitary and pluralistic frames of reference explaining the implications of each of the perspectives for the appropriate means through which conflict is to be resolved.

Conflicts are the occurrence of the arguments and the fights between the employees and the employer in an organization which directly affects the relationship of the employer and the employee and creates the unbalanced performance level in an organization. Employee relations are the study of the role of the employees to manage the relations of the employees and the employers in an organization to meet the effective communication and maintained relations in the organization. Unitary frames of references are the team work and understanding of the organization as the family to its employees. The unitary frames perspective is the understanding of the people as not being an individual in an organization but the common group and the team in an organization (Taylor, 2015). The people of the organization are understood as the big family and as a team in an organization under the unitary frames of references. In this the conflicts and the arguments between the organizational employees and the employer are understood as the unnecessary and the avoidable conflicts which can be solved with the communication and the better understanding of the both sides perspectives.

As per my experience and opinion, the workers and the mangers of the organization must understand the organization and its people a family and a team which works together and in the unity. But if the management and the staff will have the attitude of being individual and do not announce effective communication in an organization it will be difficult for the organization to achieve the better and effective relations in an organization and will be tough to maintain the employer and employee relations within the organization. I believe the unity in an organization is must to create the maximum level of excellent performance and the effective relations and the communication system in an organization to improve the performance of the organization overall (Thursfield & Kellie, 2013).

The other frames of reference are the pluralistic frames of reference. The pluralistic frames of references are the concept of understanding the people of the organization have the different and the scattered interests, believe, values and the objectives. In the pluralistic frame of reference the organization is divided among different individuals and the groups of people who do not create the cooperation among each other and brings the differences between them. They share loyalty in an organization. In this the conflicts and the arguments between organizational employees and the employers are due to differences in the interests and believe and values of the people and the original difference among them. The conflicts occur in this frame of reference is solved by the mechanisms and the work which enable to achieve the consensus.

As per I believe and understanding the organization employees should maintain the common objectives for every person in an organization. Are we not working in a same organization which provides the same objectives to the every employee of the organization?  I understand if in the organization which adopts the pluralistic frame of references the unitary or its aspects are adopted the people of the organization will not adopt the changes and will be uncomfortable in the same (Cuccurullo & Lega, 2013).

1.2 Assess how changes in trade unionism have affected employee relations.

Trade union has changed the employees and the organizational conditions a lot. The trade unions ate formed for the better trading system in the world and the improved employees and the labour or the workers situations in an organization. After trade union has been emerged the more employees are seen in the organizations and the companies. The trade union provided the enhanced wages policy for the employees and the workers of the organization and also attracted the socialists.

The trade union was internationally adopted in May 1831. The workers employed in the international company took the streets or came down to streets to strike with the wants and desire for increasing the wages and the pay and protesting against the low wages provided and the general employment. This incident gave the trade union to initialise the operations at the international level. The trade unions were established to provide the workers and the labours of the industry and the organization the protection against the exploitation and to bring the improvement in the working conditions (Visser, 2012). Trade unions were formed to provide aid to the workers who have the bad working conditions at the workplace and the not appropriate conditions for the workers. The industry revolution of the different countries brings up the trade unions. The new policies of the industries and the organization gave the importance to the workers and the labours or the employees for working in the better environment and the better conditions in which the organizational employees and the industrial workers can produce individual growth and the work with the security. The workers in the industries have been exploited and are not organised properly before the establishment of the trade unions. The higher class people have the tactic to exploit these employees therefore the labours or the workers or the employees of the industry and the organization respectively decides to form the trade union for the betterment of the employees and the workers. This is the purpose or the aim for which the trade unions were emerged or formed to improve the working and living conditions of the employees of the organization, to protect the rights of the workers and to protect their interests as well (Beale & Noronha, 2014).

The trade unions have the small groups of people with the large objectives. The trade unions also recruit the people from the organization. There are two recruiting strategies of the trade unions. Some trade unions recruit the employees performing the particular job whereas some trade unions recruit the employees from any job without having specifications form a particular industry. Employee relation is the term which defines the relationship between the employee and the employer of the organization or the workers and the management of the industry. The trade unions aim at managing and providing the better relations to the employees and the employer and maintain the healthy relationship between the workers and the management of the industry. Employees and the employer relations affect the performance of the organization or the industry (Solaja, 2015).

1.3 Explain the role of the key players in employee relations.

The employee relations refer to the management of the relationships of the workers of the organization or the working place. Two groups which play the role in the employee relations are:

  • Employer-employee: The employer and employee relation is the important factor in an organization. The relationship between employer and the employee provides the healthy environment in an organization. The effective communication between these two creates the operations of the organization easier. The employees of the organization should follow the rules and the policies of an organization and should be loyal and responsible towards the work and the organization. The employer expects from an employee that he should be ready for the challenges and the opportunities in the working of the organization and should be committed to his work. The employer as well provides the safe and secured environment to the employees and should create the healthy environment for the employees to provide the friendly and cooperative environment. The employer should consider the motivation strategy of the management to increase the morale and boost up the employees intention to work to gain the excellent performance of the employees in achieving the organizational goals and the objectives. The employer and employee should always create the healthy environment for the organization with their effective communication and the behaviour (Turek, 2015).
  • Trade unions and representatives: The trade unions are the formed group of some people who decide to provide the employees and the workers of the organization and the industry their rights and the good working conditions in the organization. The trade unions play the important role in the employee’s relation. Trade union aims at increasing the employer and employee relation in a manner to provide the benefit to the organization. The employees have the various rights in the organization which are communicated by the trade unions:
  • Collective bargaining- This right of the employees communicates that the employees have the equal rights of bargaining. The employees have the rights to equally bargain the terms and conditions of the work and the pay. The trade unions help the employees in putting their terms and the conditions of the working and increase their potential to deal with the employers individually.
  • Unfair practices- The trade unions help the employees of the organization and the workers of the industry by checking and keeping eye on the employers and their activities. The unfair practices against the employees done by the employers are punishable and are unlawful according to the trade unions (Saundry, et.al, 2011).

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Task 2

2.1 Explain the procedures an organisation should follow when dealing with different conflict situations.

Relationship between employer and employee is the crucial and important factor in the organization. The employer and employee relations show the managerial as well as marketing relationship between each other. The worker or the employee is employed at the fixed prices and management allot the tasks accordingly. Other characteristic of their relationship is that they have the relationship in which one has the continuous pressure on each other. The employee and the employer willing to adjust according to price and the work provided.

Conflict between the parties of the employment is generally seen and the different topics of the arguments make the arguments difficult to resolve. The conflicts of the employer and employee have the resolution of solving out the arguments or the conflicts by entering of the third party. Conflicts between people in the workplace can be generated between the co-workers, employer and the employee, between the partners and others. The conflict can be the cause of any situation aroused in the course of action regarding the work, payment, working conditions, operations, employment decisions etc. (Pantry, 2013). To maintain the workplace environment healthy and the understanding for the employees and the employers it is necessary to take some positive steps:

  • Formal step- According to the formal step the conflict should be resolved with the help of the third party from outside the organization who can decide the solution without taking anyone’s side. This step includes the arbitration in which both the parties are bound to perform the task asked by the third party.
  • Informal step- According to the informal step the conflict is to be resolved by imposing the mitigation on the parties without the third party.

The general procedure to solve the conflicts between the parties in the case above is:

  1. Realize the problem pattern
  2. Understanding problem
  3. Developing strategies to solve conflict

The strategies to be imposed or developed to solve the conflict are:

  1. - To avoid the problem and move on is the way to solve the conflict between two in an organization.
  2. - The compromise is the situation in which one party decide to step back and compromise to the problem.
  3. - By creating communication and enhancing the understanding the problem can be resolved.

2.2 Explain the key features of employee relations with reference to the above conflict situation.

Employee relations are the true and trusted commitment of the people to gain the benefit of the effective relations in an organization and  business environment. The effective relationship of the employers and the workers of the industry as well as the organization is the important factor to enhance the performance of the organization and creating the healthy and the safe environment in an organization. The employee relations can be maintained by the less conflict or no conflicts at working place. The conflicts in an organization can be removed and resolved by the creating improved employment conditions, appropriate working hours, incentives and bonuses to the employees, loyalty and commitment towards work etc.

The aim of the British Medical Association with regard to the above case is to provide the rights to the junior doctors and the better working conditions, the powers to the junior doctors and to protect them from exploitation. The employees of the organization or the concerned doctors should avoid the conflicts by treating employees or the junior doctors effectively (Mathew, & Jones, 2012).

The key features of the employee relations are with regard to the above case are:

  1. Negotiation- The negotiation is the situation of addressing the conflict of employee and the employer.
  2. Collective bargaining- The collective bargaining is the raised voice of the common group for their rights.
  3. Ineffective communication- The ineffective communication is the cause of conflicts and the arguments in an organization.
  4. Grievances- The interpersonal relationship with the problem regarding is the grievances.

2.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of procedures followed so far from both parties in this conflict situation.

The procedure used for the resolving of the conflicts is the negotiation which is not as effective because it may not provide the ultimate satisfaction to the employees. This procedure involves the unified steps which may be harmful to the employees and may be the employees are not satisfied after the solution to the problem also. Therefore, the formal procedures in the organization are more effective to solve the conflicts between the employer and the employees as the case of sensitive problems such as less salary. The union is formed for the maximum satisfaction and the protection of the rights of the employees and workers of the organization and the industry.

The different organizations have the different approaches and the procedures to solve out the conflicts. The approach of win-win situation is the popular and effective approach to resolve the conflicts between the workers and the management. The win-win approach provides the situation of gaining or winning some benefit to both the parties (Cutcher?Gershenfeld, 2011). The parties of the conflict get the satisfaction of winning something in the argument and losing something in the argument with the same ratio. There are other situations of win-lose situation in which one party win the conflict or the argument and another lose which is not satisfactory and effective approach. The other approach is lose-lose approach in which both the parties lose the conflict and the argument. The parties will be unsatisfied in this situation too.

Conflict management is the process of solving the conflict and maintaining the arguments at the level to solve easily by the management and the staff of the organization. The conflict management is necessary in the environment of the organization to provide the maximum efficiency and effectiveness working environment and the proper arrangement of the organization. The employers also take the wrong and ineffective decision in the environment of stress which will generate the loss to the organization (Cutcher?Gershenfeld, 2011).

Task 3

3.1 Explain the role of negotiation in collective bargaining as in the above conflict.

Collective bargaining is the process of negotiating the amount of the salary or the wages between the employees and the employer of the organization. The collective bargaining aims at providing the benefit of collective agreement of the employment parties on the particular discussion related with the salary or the wages, the working conditions and the working hours or the protection of the rights of the employees. As the collective bargaining provides the decision done with the mutual agreement it helps in reducing the conflicts and improving the employee relations in an organization or the working place.

Collective bargain help to gain the satisfaction of all the parties and ensure the better and improved relation of the employer and employee in an organization to gain the benefit to the organization (Cutcher?Gershenfeld, 2011). It concerns the work related issues and solute them in a way to improve the relations. As it involves the decision making process in joint and together with the organizational staff it is helpful in creating mutual understanding among the people of the organization.

Negotiation can cause the positive as well as negative effect on the situation of the conflict as the negotiation may not favour the one party or the other. The negotiation between the parties may have the situations or the wants which cannot be fulfilled as the policies of the organization or the workers willingness (Cutcher?Gershenfeld, 2011).

3.2 Assess the impact of the negotiation strategies adopted by both parties in the above conflict situation and comment on other negotiating strategies and the potential impact it could have.

The negotiation strategy adopted by both the parties impacted the organization in a manner to provide the benefit to both the parties and the improved relations and removal of the conflict in an organization. The above parties have discussed the conflict problems and negotiate and decided to increase the salary of the junior doctors and in protecting their rights as well as in giving them the better and improved working conditions in an organization.

The negotiation strategies would have impacted in the lose-lose situations to both the parties in which both the parties have to lose something and this would not provide the satisfaction to the parties as well as the not even the improved relations of the junior doctors and the management (Cutcher?Gershenfeld, 2011).

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Task 4


4.1 Assess the influence of the EU on industrial democracy in the UK.

EU on industrial democracy slide 1, Uk assignment writing service

EU on industrial democracy slide 2

EU on industrial democracy slide 3, Uk assignment writing service

4.2 Compare methods used to gain employee participation and involvement in the decision making process in organisations considering methods that have gained popularity in recent year and which have declined.

employee participation and involvement in decision making slide 1

employee participation and involvement in decision making slide 2, Uk assignment writing service

employee participation and involvement in decision making slide 3

4.3 Assess the impact human resource management approach has had on employee relations.

impact human resource management slide 1, Uk assignment writing service

impact human resource management slide 2

impact human resource management slide 3, Uk assignment writing service


By the above research and the understanding of the study we concluded that the organization is said to be the successful organization and the effective performance of the organization is measured if the employee and the employer relations are strong and effective. The people of the organization are affected by the environment and the employees working in an organization needs the proper working conditions, appropriate salary and the protection of the rights. The employers in return need the loyalty and commitment towards work from the employee. The organization effectiveness needs the effective communication between the people of the organization. This strategy of keeping the points into consideration can improve the conditions of the country of employee relations and the organization benefits.


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