Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Vodafone

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Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Vodafone
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Vodafone
Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Vodafone



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Unit 18 Human Resource Management

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The organization which are chosen for the assignment is Vodafone group PLC And TXO system. The Vodafone group PLC Provides the mobile network facility all over the UK on the other hand TXO system is the small scale company which is engaged in the business of telecom supplier. The human resource management assignment has found the difference how these both company are managing its human resources. Further the human resource management assignment also describes how employee motivation helps the company to deliver the quality outcome and retain its employee for the longer period. The assignment finally provides the information about the termination process which is to be followed by the companies.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Vodafone


1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organizations.

The human resource plays as a key role for the organization to attain its goals and objective. The organization needs to make effort to effectively manage their human resource to attain quality outcome from them.The human resource management is the new way which is adopted by the companies to manage its human resources. Earlier the focus was on managing people but with the increase in the level of the operation the organization stated focusing on the strength of the people in the organization (Cucchiella, Gastaldi & Ranieri, 2014).
The Vodafone group PLC follows human resource management and operates its business at an huge scale on the other hand TXO system is the small scale company which is engaged in the business of telecom supplier which follows personal management to handle its human resource. The Vodafone group PLC Is operating at the huge level so it needs the separate unit to manage the human resource on the other hand TXO system is the small scale company and can effectively manage its operation by using personal management rather than wasting time and resources on HRM.


HRM at Vodafone group PLC

Personal management at TXO system


The Vodafone group PLC uses the process which involves series of steps to identify the skills and knowledge of the employee and makes huge effort to acquire the right resources.

The TXO system follows the normal procedure such as screening, testing and interview while hiring the employee for the company.

Relationship between employees

The Vodafone group PLC has the huge human capital thus requires to maintain the pluralistic approach within the organization to build effective coordination between various unit of the business.

The TXO system operate at the small level so it is easy for the company to manage relationship between the employees thus follows unrealistic relationship between employees.

Compensation and benefit

The company makes a huge effort to motivate there employee towards the work by proving various salary and perks which helps the company to attain its goals and objective.

The TXO system put less emphasize on its employees and offers fix salary and benefit to them.

Training and development

The Vodafone group PLC Makes a huge effort in providing training to their employees to attain the quality outcome from their workers and offer quality service to its employees.

The TXO system put less effort in training their employees and provide group training to all its employees.


These organization put huge emphasize on building effective communication to build coordination between the various units of the business.The organization follows formal chain of communication to build effective control over the all the unit of the business.

The organization follows informal communication as it is easy to build coordination due to limited number of employees.

Pace of decision making

The decision making is quick due to adoption of formal chain of communication

The decision making is slow as the formal chain of communication is followed.

Authority and control

The HRM facilitate effective allocation of authority and responsibility within the organization and is distributed between the various employees to effectively manage the business.

As the team is small thus the company follows centralized control where the major decision are taken by the top level employees of the company.

Job condition

Provides more opportunity to employees to grow their career.

The employee has limited opportunity to grow its career as the company operates at the small level.

Conflict resolution

Easy to handle the conflict which arise within the organization.

Hard to handle conflict as the organization put less effort on its employees.

1.2 How HRM helps in attaining organization purpose.

The HRM of the Vodafone group PLC provides the quality staff to the company and helps in building effective relationship with the employees of the company. The HRM to effectively handle the company employees perform various function such as staffing, training and development, motivating, appraising and retaining employees. This helps in the company to attain the quality outcome from its employees. This helps the management to concentrate on the other key area of the business and provides the opportunity to grow its business. The Vodafone group PLC has deliver the quality service to its customer and effectively handle the expectation of its customer with the help of its employees. The HRM has also motivating the employees which helped the company to receive the quality outcome and control the employee turnover. It also helps the company to hiring the quality staff and easily expand its business to new market. The HRM helps in building the trust of the employee with the company which helps the company to handle the adverse situation. The employee who are motivated towards the work deliver the quality outcome which improves the performance of the company (Vinberg, Avdelningen, Fakulteten & Mittuniversitetet, 2014).
Through HRM the company can easily retain its quality employee whichhelps the company to easily capture the new opportunity in the market. The Vodafone group PLC Can easily retain its customer by motivating the employees towards the work. The HRM helps the company in effectively handle the problem which the workers faces while working for the company (Vinberg, Avdelningen, Fakulteten & Mittuniversitetet, 2014).

1.3 Role and responsibility of the line manager and how its support human resource manager.

The line manager is the head of the department which generates revenue and helps the top level management in attaining organization goals and objective.These manger handles the team to effectively manage the particular unit of the business which helps the top level manager toward their goals. They report to the top level manager about the performance of their unit and effectively handle their team. The line manager perform the role of training, hiring and managing the employees in small scale company as they doesn’t have specialized unit for conducting these function. The line manager of the Vodafone group PLC Will help its HRM in hiring the staff as per the appropriate knowledge and skills of that particular area. They also assist the HRM in determining the benefit and incentive structure which motivates the employee towards the work (Janhonen & Lindström, 2015).
They also assist the HRM team in hiring the qualified staff as per the requirement of their department. The line manager by coordinating with the HRM effectively handles the problem which are occurring in their area of business.They play a key role in motivating the employees of their department to deliver the quality outcome. They closely interact with the employees of their department and helps the HRM in framing the policies in relation to their area of the business. The human resource management (HRM) department cannot manage each and employee of the company so the line manager helps them to handle all the queries of the employees of their department.

1.4 How legal and regulatory frame work impact on the human resource management.

The Vodafone group PLC Needs to follow all the regulation which are imposed by the government to protect the employees of the company. The government frames these policy to prevent the exploitation of the employee at the workplace. They also provides the guideline which are to be followed at the workplace to protect the employee of the company.
Sex discrimination act 1975 – It is the act of the parliament of the UK to protect the discrimination on the basis of the gender or marital status (Selander et. al. , 2015).
Race relation act 1992 – The act prevent the individual discrimination on the basis of race, color, nationality and origin in the field of the employment.
Equal pay act 1970- The act prohibits the practice of unequal pay and check that the organization is not exploiting its employees by paying them very less. The act has set the minimum wages below which the company cannot hire its worker.
Disability discrimination act 1995 and 2005-The act promote the right of the people with disability to ensure that they are not discriminated at the workplace and are provided equal opportunity to grow.
European working time directive –The act defines the maximum working hour of the employee at the workplace and prevent the exploitation of employees due to overworking.
Data protection act 1995- The act helps in preventing the personal information of the employees in order to maintain their privacy.

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Task 2

2.1 reason for human resource planning.

The human resource planning is the process which the organization adopt to identify the need of the current and future human resource to conduct the operation of the business. The human resource planning helps the management in building good relation with its employees and motivating them towards the work. The planning helps in effectively managing the human resource of the company which are the most valuable resources of the company. This helps the management to avoid the shortage and excess of the human resources and prevent the companies from the adverse situation.It ensures that the company has qualified and ample of resources to run its operation in the effective way. The planning of the human resource management provide the direction to the employees of the company towards its goals and objective.
The human resource planning provides the adequate and qualified human capital to the company as per the changing requirement of the business. The effective planning helps the company in hiring the qualified staff which helps in attaining both short term as well as long term goals of the business. The inappropriate planning of human resources may hinders the operation of the business which affect the market value of the company. The short term planning helps in determining the current need of the business and the long term planning helps in estimating the human resources required with the change in the activity of the business. There are many internal as well as external factor which affect the demand of the human resource in the particular organization.The goal of the HR planning is to have ample of human resources because the goals and objective of the company changes with the time and human resource planning is the regular occurrence for the company.

2.2 stages involved in planning human resource requirement.

The human resource planning helps the company to ensure that the right number of human capital are there with the company to effectively conduct its operation. The series of steps which are to be followed to plan the human resource requirement are-
Analyze present condition- Before starting the planning of the human resource requirement the management needs to assess the strength and weakness of the current employee of the company.The manger needs to determine that does the existing resource are enough of the company to attain its goals and objective or if whether the company needs new resources to run or expand its operation. Based on the existing condition the manger needs to plan how the company will acquire new resources.
Forecasting demand- The next role of the HR is to forecast the demand based on the strategic goals of the company. The HRM analyze the market trend, industry analyze and technological improvement to find the resource required to meet up the company goals. The manager need to make correct forecast based of the existing condition and the trend towards which the company is moving.
Estimate gaps in manpower- The HRM needs to make effort to identify the gap and makes the effort to narrow the supply of the company labour versus the future demand. By adopting the proper process the manger can ensure that each job is too assigned to the individual who is qualified and experienced to handle the work. This helps in identifying the need of human resource to run the business effectively.
Integrating the plan – The next stage in the planning of the human resource requirement is to integrate the formed plan. For this the HR needs to take steps to integrate the plan with the efforts of the other unit of the organization. The HRM needs a budget to implement the plan and collaborate the effort with all department to implement the plan.

2.3 Compare the current process of the recruitment of the company with those of other company.

The HRM of the company conduct the recruitment process to acquire the human resources which helps the organization to attain its objective. The recruiter during the interview identify the key skills of the employee and find that does tit match with the current position of the business. The recruitment process involves inviting the resources as per the role of the company and selection process involves identifying how the individual will help in the current position of the business.
The Vodafone group PLC Is engaged in the service industry which needs to make huge effort while hiring the staff as they directly deals with the customer of the business.Therefore the Vodafone group PLC Needs to identify the process which helps in selecting the worker which meets with the goal of the company. For this the company needs to clearly define the job description and directly defines the roles and responsibility and check that the individual has the ability to perform these roles (Källmén et. al.  2014)
The company also needs to find the interest of the individual in the current profile and the reason why it is switching from the current profile. The organization also needs to check the background of the employee. The HRM needs to determine the key skills which the employee is demanding from the new employee and use it in while conducting the interview of the employee. The table shows the difference between the processes adopted by the two organization-

Vodafone group PLC

TXO system

The company use the well-defined process while hiring employees.

Follows informal approach while hiring employees.

Use innovation method to identify the key skills of the individual.

Use common method like screening, Selection and conduct interview.

Evaluate the hiring process through observation

Evaluate through interview and the qualification of the employee.

Make effort to hire the employees which matches with the role which he needs to perform

Generally hires the employee which are the part of the family group.

2.4 evaluate the effectiveness of the organization recruitment and selection technique with the other organization and provide the recommendation.

In the current business scenario the organization are making use of innovative to hire the quality staff as it helps in running the business effectively. The organization uses different method and process while conducting the recruitment process. The HRM environment is also continuously changing as the organization are now focusing more on its employees. The major drawback of the process which is used by the manger is that it involves huge cost and may sometime affect the performance of the business. The company is highly affected by the employee turnover as it cost a lot to the company and it’s hard to ascertain the benefit which will arise from it.  The major benefit of the method of the current process adopted by the staff is that it helps in hiring the qualified staff for the company. The TXO group is adopting the informal approach due to which the company is not able to hire the qualified staff which hinders the performance of the business (Bitkowska, 2015).

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Task 3

3.1 asses the link between the motivation theory and reward at the virgin media.

The HRM at the virgin media needs to make the effort to motivate the employee toward the work to build good employer employee relationship.The motivation technique helps in creating the trust of the employee with the company which improves there level of outcome. The motivation technique will help the virgin group to deliver the quality service to its employees which will increase the profitability of the company and improves its position in the market.
The employee can also be motivated by providing various salary and perks to the employee which increase their effort and helps the company to easily adopt to the changes.The employee motivation helps the company to capture the new opportunity in the market and easily adopt the changes. The motivation technique helps in identifying the factor which motivates the employee towards the work.The employee motivation helps in retaining the employee for the longer period and avoid the cost which is incurred due to the employee turnover. The workplace of the company also plays a key role in motivating the employee towards the work. The benefit which the employee receives from the company helps the employees in improving their standard which improves their performance at the business. The employee motivation helps in improving the performance of the business which provides the competitive advantage to the virgin mobile. The virgin media is engaged in the service industry which needs to concentrate on delivering quality service which can be attained by motivating the employee towards the work (Naouar, 2016).

3.2 Evaluate the process of the job evaluation and other factor determining pay at virgin media.

The Virgin media needs to make the job evaluation to motivate the employees towards the work. The employee are highly motivated if they find ample of growth opportunity while working for the company.The job evaluation is the complex task and is to be conducted in the orderly manner to increase its efficiency. The role of the business are defined between the various units to determine the pay structure which is to be followed by the company.
The virgin media can adopt both quantitative as well as qualitative measures to evaluate the performance of the business. The quantitative method has in comparing the performance on the basis of the outcome which the employee is giving to the company. The management can also use non- quantitative method to evaluate such as ranking and grading Job. To effectively evaluate the job the company needs to define the job and choose the job evaluation method to be followed. The company needs to decide the factor which are most valuable for the company and asses the job based on the factor. The company needs to make rank the job based on the certain factor and create the job hierarchy which is to be followed. The management needs to use the hierarchy to develop the new job opportunity within the company (Conrad, Ghosh & Isaacson, 2015).

3.3 Assess in different contexts how effective is the reward systems at Virgin Media.

The reward system includes both internal as well as external benefit which the organization provides to its employees. This motivates the employee towards the work and delivers the quality outcome which improves the performance of the business. The virgin media is motivating its employees by providing various salary and perks to its employees which motivates the employees towards the work. The company also make the effort to fulfill certain needs at the workplace to motivate its employees. The company needs toprovide the incentive structure which motivates the employees to put more effort at the workplace which increase the performance of the business. The Virgin media needs to identify the need of the employees and adopt measures to fulfill those needs to motivate the employees (Porter, Riesenmy, & Fields, 2016).

3.4 method to monitor employee performance.

The virgin media needs to regularly monitor the performance of its employees to check that they are effectively performing the role which is assigned to them. There are the certain methods which the company can use to monitor the performance of the employees.
Quality of the work- The performance of the employee can be highly evaluated with the quality of outcome which they are providing to the company. The management needs to set the standard against which the performance is to be measured (Bhatti, Aslam, Hassan & Sulaiman, 2016).
Observe the employees- The organization can also monitor the performance of the employees by observing their behavior at the workplace.
Check the attitude- the management needs to regularly check the attitude of the employee with other people or subordinate within the organization there are certain group of employee which doesn’t comply with the company policy and creates disrespect against the company and other employee of the company.
Carry out the client survey- The organization needs to conduct the survey to identify the problem which the employee are following at the workplace.
Random check –The management needs to regularly check the performance of the employees against the set standard. The random check can also motivate the employees to put the consistent performance at the workplace (Graves, Sarkis & Zhu, 2013).

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Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master and generally explain other reasons for cessation of employment.

The company generally terminates the employee due the inappropriate behavior of the employee at the workplace. The reason why the organization terminated Faisal was because he was accomplishing the role which was assigned to him and moreover he was also using the company resources for its personal benefit. The organization has fired Faisal for the violation of policies or the code of conduct which are to be followed by the employee at the workplace. The company can also terminate the service of its employee due to other reason such as conducting violence, failure to adhere company rules and regulation, harassment or any other unethical behavior conducted by the employee (Waterfill, 2015).
The Faisal was terminated from the service due to non- performance of the role which is assigned to them and also he was found doing misconduct at the workplace.The behavior of Faisal at the workplace has affected the value of the employees as he was not effectively handling the customer of the company and also not maintain basic hygiene at the workplace. The company generally doesn’t terminate any of its employees but the behavior of Faisal was so bad that the company feels the urgency to terminate Faisal.

4.2 Describe the employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master.

The company needs to follow the certain procedure and exit route for its employee as per the regulations which are imposed by the government. The chicken master has terminated Faisal because he was not following the company policy and was also not performing the role which was assigned to him. The company generally terminates the employees if they doesn’t meet the standard which is set by the company. The chicken master needs provide the warning and opportunity to improve to the Faisal before terminating him from the work. The chicken group terminated Faisal immediately whereas the Vodafone group PLC Provides the opportunity to it employees and provide training to its employees to retain its employees. The employee needs to serve the notice period if he voluntary leaves the company. The employee before the termination need to serve the notice to the company (Lamothe & Lamothe, 2015).

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements with an organization such as The Chicken Master if Faisal’s claim was proven to be true.

If the Faisal claim is proven true than the chicken master needs to provide the reason for terminating the employee and paid the compensation to the Faisal in relation to the business. The chicken master has to pay huge charges if they terminate the employee for the inappropriate behavior. The government set certain regulation which these organization needs to follow not adherence to which may cause the penalty to the company. These regulation are generally framed to protect the employee from exploitation at the workplace. The chicken master was not able to prove the reason for the termination of Faisal and thus has to pay huge expenses to him for terminating him from service (Fink, 2013).


So it may be concluded from the above study that the employee of the company plays a key role for the company to attain its goals and objective. The company should effectively motivate its employees to deliver the quality service to its customer. It will help the company in increasing its profit and maximize its share by attaining customer satisfaction. The organization maintain HRM and personal management to effective handle its human resource.


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Bitkowska, A. 2015, "The Orientation of Business Process Management toward the Creation of Knowledge in Enterprises", Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 43-57.
Conrad, D., Ghosh, A. & Isaacson, M. 2015, "Employee motivation factors: A comparative study of the perceptions between physicians and physician leaders", International Journal of Public Leadership, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 92-106.
Conrad, D., Ghosh, A. & Isaacson, M. 2015, "Employee motivation factors", International Journal of Public Leadership, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 92-106.
Cucchiella, F., Gastaldi, M. & Ranieri, L. 2014, "Managing Absenteeism in the Workplace: The Case of an Italian Multiutility Company", Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 150, pp. 1157-1166.
Fink, J.L., III 2013, "Wrongful termination in violation of public policy?", Pharmacy Times, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. 66.
Graves, L.M., Sarkis, J. & Zhu, Q. 2013, "How transformational leadership and employee motivation combine to predict employee proenvironmental behaviors in China", Journal of Environmental Psychology, vol. 35, pp. 81.
Janhonen, M. & Lindström, S. 2015, "Routes to team goal attainment in retail", International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 26-42.
Källmén, H., Leifman, H., Hermansson, U., Vinberg, S., Avdelningen för hälsovetenskap, Fakulteten för humanvetenskap & Mittuniversitetet 2013, "The Prevalence of Alcohol Prevention Efforts in Swedish Workplaces", International Journal of Disability Mangement Research, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1.
Lamothe, M. & Lamothe, S. 2015, "Exploring the Determinants of Local Service Termination", Social Science Quarterly, vol. 96, no. 5, pp. 1453-1474.