Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Four Season Hotel

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Four Season Hotel

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment - Four Season Hotel

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Four Season Hotel - Assignment help in uk


Human resource management or HRM in common words is the segment of organisations which deals with people and manages them with the purpose to achieve the desired objectives effectively. It is mainly concerned with the activities like acquiring the resources, developing the staff and then supporting them by making sure that they accomplish their assigned roles and responsibilities in proper manner (Parry, 2011). Thus, the present unit 18 human resource management assignment Four Season Hotel is been carried out with the intention to collect adequate knowledge about the human resource management practices and its related facts in order to establish a better understanding with the same. The report would be evaluating the difference between the personnel management and the human resources management along with the functions of HRM within an organisation. It would be identifying the impacts of the legal and regulatory framework on the HRM and the reasons for a human resource planning in the business. The report would further focus on a case study and would assess the link between the reward and the motivational theory. It would evaluate the process of job evaluation and the factors that helps in determining the pay in the business. Furthermore, the report would also identify the reason of termination in the organisation along with the impacts of legal and regulatory framework on the employment cessation arrangements. In order to have specific understanding and relate the facts the functionalities of Four season hotel, which is a luxury 5 star hotel situated at park lane in London, UK would be evaluated in details.

Unit 18 Human Resource Management Assignment Four Season Hotel - Assignment help in uk

Task 1

1.1 Difference between personnel and human resources management

Human resources management  and personnel management are two core practices for similar purpose but are been carried out in different manners. These practices eventually ensures management the human resources but are been differentiated on the basis of different aspects and the priorities of both the concepts. The major aspects which differentiate both human resource management and the personnel management are as follows:

Table 1: Difference between Personnel management and Human resource management





HRM is a branch in organisations which focuses on making most appropriate use of the workforce of an enterprise and achieves the desired goals.

Personnel management is mainly concerned with the manpower and the relationship with the enterprise.


This is a modern approach of management

Personnel management is convectional form of management.

Consideration of workforce

Employees are been considered as assets of the business

While, employees are machines or tools (Parry, 2011)

Labour management

Individual contract

Collective bargaining contracts

Job design

Groups and teams are framed

Division of labour is been performed

Management roles

HRM includes transformational management roles

While personnel management transactional

Basic of determining pay

  In HRM, performance evaluation is the major base of deciding the pay.

Whereas, personnel management considers job evaluation of the pay.

Types of functions

It includes strategic functions

It includes routine functions


  It has been found that Four season hotel makes use of the HRM practices to ensure its success.

On the other hand, landmark hotel follows the personnel management

1.2 Functions of human resource management in achieving its purposes

Human resource management is mainly considered as the most important and effective part of an organisation which helps in moving towards the desired success in an appropriate manner and achieve the same effectively. It is mainly considered as the strategic approach which helps in acquiring, motivating, managing and gaining the commitments of the resources of the organisation i.e. the people who are working in the organisation and working for the organisation. There are wide ranges of the functionalities being carried out in the organisation by human resource department and helps in moving towards the achievement of desired goals (Nuttin, 2014). With respect to hotel four seasons, the functions of HRM are been mainly classified into two segments i.e. managerial functions and operative functions.

  • Managerial functions: It has been found that the human resource manager is a part of the management and thus the manager is liable to perform the basic managerial functions within the organisational framework. Managerial functions of hotel four Seasons mainly includes the various activities such as human resource planning, organising, directing, controlling, etc. These functions ensure basic management of the employees and helps in preparing them for the organisational aims.
  • Operative functions: The operative functions are been mainly concerned with the duties or activities which are assigned to the human resource department particularly. These functions include the activities such as employment, development of the employees, integration, change management, industrial relations, compensation and maintenance of the personnel in an organisation (Mathis.et.al, 2016).          

Therefore, the human resource management of Four season hotel ensures that all the activities are been carried out in systematic and an effective manner.

1.3 The role and responsibilities of line managers in human resource management

Line managers are been mainly referred to the managers who looks after the employees and is been reported directly from the teams or the employees individually. The line mangers reports further to the higher management of organization. The manger in the Four seasons hotel leads the departments which helps the business generate higher levels of profits and are responsible for acquiring the set objectives of the business by executing proper  human resource planning  and policies along with the suitable decisions within the framework (Wilton, 2016). The major roles and responsibilities of the line manager of Four season hotel are managing operation cost, ensuring expertise at the workplace, keeping a check on the quality standards and meet the parameters effectively, deal with the customers or clients, measure the performances of the employees, allocating the work and the resources effectively so that to contribute in the achievement of the set objectives effectively. In addition to this, the line manager of Four season hotel also acquires some of the responsibility within the context of human resource department and carries out some of the activities like training and guidance, performance appraisal, recruitment and selection, communication, staff involvement, ensures a work-life balance, appreciation, discipline and grievances of the employees (Seifert.et.al, 2016). The line manager plays an important role in the hotel and helps in achieving the objectives to the great extent. The management of hotel also ensures that all the roles and responsibilities are been fulfilled properly and contributes in the accomplishment of the organisational objectives.

1.4 Legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management

Rules and regulations are the most important aspects which helps an organization to regulate and carry out a systematic and lawful operation in the business. The employment legislation is a lawful body or legislation which is been developed with the intention to regulate or govern the employee and the employer relationship along with the right of both of them at the workplace. There are various acts which impacts the activities of human resource management in an organization (Shields.et.al, 2015). The acts such as employment rights act 2003, sex discrimination act 1975, equal pay act 1970, the race relations act 1976, minimum wage act 1998, working time directive 1999,  health and safety  act, etc. With respect to the Four season hotel, the regulations which majorly impact the HRM of the hotel are:

  • Health and safety act: This is the top most regulation which hampers the functionalities of the Four season hotel as it is very much important to ensure the quality and health standards at workplace. The management of hotel ensures that all the employees are been provided with healthy environment and proper safety equipments so that to ensure there security and make them feel safe. The hotel thus includes systematic fire extinguisher, safety equipments, basic medical facilities to the staff, etc.
  • Equal pay act 1970: This act compels the management to provide the employees equal pay and do not discriminate them based on any of the illogical bases (Phillips and Phillips, 2016). It has been found that employees are normally discriminated on the basis of their strengths, skills or sometime even gender at the workplace. Therefore, there is a serious impact on the human resources in the business.

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Task 2

2.1 Reason of human resource planning

Human resource planning is necessary to identify the right number of employees in the Hotel Four Season so that organizational operations can be regulated smoothly and effectively.. More talents can be hired to meet the organizational objectives or employees can be trained to get advantages on new requirements in operations of Hotel Four Season. Planning of human resource is useful to arrange the training and development programs and the procedure to make new recruitments. Proper balance between the available human resource and workload in workplace is required to make maximum benefits (Monk and Wagner, 2012). There are several reasons for that an organization may need to plan the human resource in workplace. For Hotel Four Season, there may be following reasons behind the planning of human resources:

  • Qualities in personnel: Management of Hotel Four Season is liable to analyse the requirements in personnel so that organization can be managed effectively in respect of market demands. This is required to make arrangements so that talented employees can be selected on right job profile so that overall productivity and management can be improved.
  • Future demands: This is the job of management to study the future demands of man power to meet the upcoming objectives of the organization.
  • Reduction in uncertainty: Due to uncertain nature of employees’ turnover, it is necessary to create the back up with number of talents do that uncertainty conditions in workplace can be defeated to accomplish the organizational goals (Leon, 2014).

2.2 The stages involved in planning human resource requirements

Human resource planning  is a continuous procedure in an organization to be prepared with the requirements of objectives and practices in HRM. Stages in planning of human resource requirements in Hotel Four Season are:

  • Analysis of human resource: This stage involves the analysis of capability of available human resource in workplace so that new demands and improvement can be easily identified. It is helpful to understand the meet with future opportunities and threats associated with human resources (Ulrich, 2013).
  • Prediction of production and consumption: Hotel Four Season predicates the future demands and consumption of services according to statics of market relations with organization. This helps Hotel Four Season to meet the exact number of employees in workplace so that advantages of market opportunities can be gained with right number of quality products.
  • Manpower gaps: This stage determines that manpower and talents available in workplace to meet the requirements of organization. Hotel Four Season can fire or hire the employees with legal procedures to accomplish the organizational objectives and market demands.
  • Action plan: Hotel Four Season makes the study on the market situations and determines the action plan to keep the ratio of talented employees in workplace. New action plan may seek to employ new candidates or to terminate the less effective human power to enhance the progress and profit of organization (Werner and DeSimone, 2011).
  • Supervising: Available human resources can be monitored and controlled in a better manner to achieve the more benefits.

2.3 Comparison between the recruitment and selection process in Hotel Four Season and Landmark hotel

Process to search and obtain the talented candidates is known as recruitment and to find the right candidate to fill the vacancy in organization is selection process. Recruitment and selection process at Hotel Four Season includes the advertisement in various digital medium like website, e-newspapers and job portals. Because, Hotel Four Season is an international organization, it is necessary to recruit the candidates from different places so that diversity and culture can be managed with objectives of organization. Also the procedure recruitment is done online to reduce the business efforts and time to organize the selection procedure. Various aptitudes and practical knowledge aspects are tested in selection procedure (Wilden.et.al.2010). However the final interview and formalities occurs at related location of organization. At other side, Landmark encourages the existing employees to refer their friends and relatives in organization so that cost on advertisement and time can be reduced. Landmark assumes that this procedure is more effective to manage the trust among employees and to develop a workforce culture in organization. Due to inbound nature, selection procedure is offline and traditional to meet the employees. Also qualification and experience documents are preferred in landmark before the actual knowledge of candidates (French and Rumbles, 2010). Thus, the procedure of Hotel Four Season is more effective in comparison of Landmark hotel because the proper training and development is given to employees to transform their skills in organizational working context.

2.4 Evaluating the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques of Hotel Four Season with Landmark hotel

Recruitment and selection procedure used by Hotel Four Season is more effective as the nature of organizational structure and culture. Organization has branches overseas and need to have employees for the location specific requirements. Thus Hotel Four Season uses the recruitment from different countries to maintain the diversity and culture in organization. Landmark’s approach for recruitment and selection is a good option for organizations those are inbound and limited to investments (Morrow Jr.et.al, 2015). Such organizations use the cost effective methods to advertise the recruitments and to fill the vacancy. They use the traditional articles and templates to aware the employees for opportunities. As a result, Landmark’s strategy is less effective to attract the candidates towards in workplace. Hotel Four Season makes use of internet and communities to spread the chances of growth with more detail on the job profiles and benefits in workplace. Also, organization offers the facility to candidates to appear in test from anywhere (Caldwell.et.al.2010). The result of strategy used by Hotel Four Season for recruitment and selection is that talented candidates always seek for a chance to join the workplace. Addition to it, Hotel Four Season focuses on the actual knowledge of candidates and their perception toward the work situation in hotel so that training and development programs can be organized to sharp the required phase of skills. But at other side, Landmark prefers the academic qualification and experience parameters as the knowledge of candidates and organizes a common training and development program for candidates hired for specific job. Thus, Hotel Four Season reduces the training time and use that time in productivity (Cook, 2016).

Task 3

3.1 Link between motivational theory and the reward system at Hotel Four Season

Motivational theories  helps the organization to understand the basic needs of the employees associated with them in and out the workplace. Hotel Four Season analyzes the motivational theories to determine the reward system. A well managed reward system is those can encourage the employees to be directed with self-motivation so that step by step rewards can be used to meet the personal as well as organizational objectives. Hotel Four Season needs to define the hierarchy of the rewards so that employees at lower level can be motivated to perform their best towards the achievement of rewards and benefits (Galvan, 2010). Also rewards should be container for the motivational theories so that basic requirements of employees can be fulfilled in a progressive manner. Organization provides the basic intramural and extramural facilities to encourage the employees to meet the consistency in work. Extra rewards like fair price shopping, trips, vacations and living accommodation can be used as rewards to praise the performance of employees in their work. For all that, a transparent job evaluation and reward procedure is needed to keep the employees trust in system and structure unless there is no meaning of rewards (Azzone and Palermo, 2011). Management also needs to sharpen the skills with understanding of motivational theories so that proper reward system can be developed.

3.2 Evaluate the process of job evaluation and other factors determining pay at Virgin Media

 In the process of job evaluation, the manager gives the brief detail about the job to the candidate.  During the process, manager briefs the candidate about an individual’s roles and responsibilities before joining the job. The main factor of job evaluation is payment factor on which every candidate wants to negotiate. With the help of job evaluation, manager plans for the payment structure of selected candidate and rank them on the basis of their performance. In the beginning, the top level management identifies the importance of evaluation. Then manger performs analysis of the job from each department (Berman.et.al, 2015). And then HR manager selects the appropriate technique, it may be analytical or non-analytical. Analytical method consists of point rating, comparison etc, whereas Non-Analytical method includes ranking, performance classification etc. Employees must be provided with payment for the job and also for doing hard work and maintaining their stability. Payment gets affected due to various factors like knowledge and experience of the candidate, skills that candidate pursues and performance of the candidate etc. Following points helps the Virgin Media to fix the payment structure of employees:

  • Skills and experience: Virgin Media decides the pay scale of employees based on their capabilities and experience. The payment is fixed on the basis of skill and qualification of the candidate.
  • Profitability of organization: There is the time when organization fails to achieve maximum profits; in that case management may pay low salary to its employees (Pan, 2015). This is the major factor in determining pay scale.
  • Employee performance: The pay scale is fixed on the basis of individual’s aptitude and also if the individual performs well in the organization then the management can increase the pay scale.

3.3 Impact of reward system on Virgin Media

Reward system aids Virgin Media to raise the efficiency of the employees that directly affects the productivity of the organization. Management achieves the growth in the profits by increasing the efficiency of the employees. Reward is the way by which a manager can motivate the employees. Reward system provides the growth opportunities to the employees. It creates the positive image of the organization in the eyes of the employees. It attracts the skilled candidates towards the organization by which HR department can select the best candidate out of the list of various applicants (Klingner.et.al, 2015). Effective reward system satisfies the needs of the employees and manages the employees in very effective manner. Virgin Media can motivate the employees through effective reward system. In convince the employees to achieve the task on time get the rewards. Following points explain the impacts of reward system:

  • Motivation: Reward system assist the manager to keep the employees motivated and try to increase the morale of the employees. Reward system changes the attitude of the employees towards the organization. It is the best way to keep the employees motivated.
  • Attract the skilled talent: Reward system attract the best talent towards the organization. If management will pay good then new candidates will get attracted and try to join the Virgin Media. In this context business will be able to provide the opportunity to the fresh talent (Snell.et.al, 2015).
  • Employee Retention: IF employees get the growth in the terms of the money then they will retain with the business for longer time. Monetary benefits keep the employee motivated and retain with the organization to achieve the high growth.

3.4 Methods to monitor the performance of the employees

Manager of Virgin Media can monitor the performance of the employees through various methods like benchmark, 360 feedback etc. The manger has the liability to monitor the performance of the employee by which he can inform the employee about the performance and suggest the improvement. Following are the points that explain the methods to monitor the performance of the employees:

  • Benchmark: A monitor can set the benchmark for the performance of the employee and try to compare the performance with the set benchmark (Monk and Wagner, 2012). If employee meets the standard of the bench mark then he appraise the performance otherwise suggest the improvement.
  • 360 feedback: The manager collects the feedback from the all the subordinates of the employee about the behavior and performance of the employee. If employee found any negative comment then suggest the employee for the improvement. The manger of Virgin Media collects the feedback of the employee from the customers also.

Task 4

4.1 Reasons for termination of Faisal’s employment contract with The Chicken Master

Cessation of employment could take place due to many of the reasons within the organizational framework. Some of the basic reason due to which the cessation of employment takes place are; retirement, resignation, poor performances, dismissal, unsatisfactory behaviors, absenteeism, etc. In the context to the given case of chicken master, it has been observed that Faisal was been terminated due to the poor performances and the unethical behaviors at the workplace. The employer was highly disappointed with the minimal performances in the restaurant and discovered Faisal performing unethical activities and was using the company equipments for the personal use (Mathis.et.al, 2016). In addition this, non adherence of the  organizational behaviour  is another reason of termination of Faisal as he was been informed about the organizational policies and its terms and conditions which was violated by him.

4.2 Employment exit procedures used by The Chicken Master and Four season hotel

Every organization acquires their own set of standard norms which must be followed by the employees and ensure that the requirements are been fulfilled properly. In case if any of the employee desires to quit from their jobs regardless of the reason requires following some of the specific steps of exit procedures. However, the management of four season hotel believes to retain the individual to the maximum but if could not retain the employee has to follow these following steps:

  • A written application about the resignation to the HRM manager
  • Formal discussion between the manager of chicken master and the employee desiring to resign
  • Getting final approval on resignation on the basis of the discussion with the manager
  • Handover of all the company assets, reports, manuals, data and information, etc.
  • Additionally the dues are been also cleared with the employees like final adjustments of the salary, submission of all the gadgets like laptop, computer systems, etc (Werner and DeSimone, 2011).
  • At the end an “Exit interview ” is been provided to the employee to ensure the basic reason behind the resignation of the employee
  • With this the employment contract is been dismissed between employer of chicken master and the employee

On the contrary to this, the management of Four season hotel adopts following steps for the exit procedure:

  • A resignation notice prior to 15 days
  • Discussion for the negotiations with the employee to retain
  • Handover of all the responsibilities and the equipments
  • Handover of the assets like credit cards, mobile phones, etc. by employee
  • Dismissal of the employment contract with the employee (Leon, 2014).
  • At last the employee is asked to fill a form ensuring that the confidential information about the hotel must not be disclosed 

4.3 The impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements 

Legal and regulatory framework are been considered as an important aspect as are designed with the intention to develop a legislative environment at the workplace and conduct the activities in an ethical and lawful manner. Every organization acquires a set of regulation which impacts on the arrangements of cessation of chicken master (Wilton, 2016). With the help of these regulations the organizations are been facilitated with the fair and valid procedures of termination. It is very much important for the organization to state the actual and logical reason of termination so that to avoid any of the misunderstanding in the employees. With respect to the case, it the claim of Faisal proves to be true then chicken master would be penalized and could be even charged under the sex discrimination act where no employee could be biased on the basis sex, age, religion, etc.

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With the above report it could be concluded that Human resources is concerned with the activities like acquiring the resources, developing the staff and then supporting them by making sure that they accomplish their assigned roles and responsibilities in proper manner. The report had identified that the human resource practices had eventually ensured management the human resources but are been differentiated on the basis of different aspects and the priorities of both the concepts. It has been also found that the human resource management of Four season hotel ensures that all the activities are been carried out in systematic and an effective manner. Even it has been observed that the human resource planning helps in identifying the right number of employees in the Hotel Four Season so that organizational operations can be regulated smoothly and effectively. Furthermore, the report reveals that hotel Four Season needs to define the hierarchy of the rewards so that employees at lower level can be motivated to perform their best towards the achievement of rewards and benefits


Books and journals:

Azzone, G. and Palermo, T., 2011. Adopting performance appraisal and reward systems: A qualitative analysis of public sector organisational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management24(1), pp.90-111.
Berman, E.M., Bowman, J.S., West, J.P. and Van Wart, M.R., 2015. Human resource management in public service: Paradoxes, processes, and problems. Sage Publications.
Caldwell, P.H., Hamilton, S., Tan, A. and Craig, J.C., 2010. Strategies for increasing recruitment to randomised controlled trials: systematic review.PLoS Med7(11), p.e1000368.
Cook, M., 2016. Personnel Selection: Adding Value Through People-A Changing Picture. John Wiley & Sons.
French, R. and Rumbles, S., 2010. Recruitment and selection.
Galvan, A., 2010. Adolescent development of the reward system. Frontiers in human neuroscience4, pp.116-124.
Klingner, D., Nalbandian, J. and Llorens, J.J., 2015. Public personnel management. Routledge.
Leon, A., 2014. Enterprise resource planning. McGraw-Hill Education.
Mathis, R.L., Jackson, J.H., Valentine, S.R. and Meglich, P., 2016. Human resource management. Nelson Education.
Monk, E. and Wagner, B., 2012. Concepts in enterprise resource planning. Cengage Learning.
Morrow Jr, J.R., Mood, D., Disch, J. and Kang, M., 2015. Measurement and Evaluation in Human Performance, 5E. Human Kinetics.
Nuttin, J. 2014. Future time perspective and motivation: Theory and research method. Psychology Press.
Pan, F.C., 2015. Practical application of importance-performance analysis in determining critical job satisfaction factors of a tourist hotel. Tourism Management46, pp.84-91.
Parry, E., 2011. An examination of e-HRM as a means to increase the value of the HR function. The International Journal of Human Resource Management22(05), pp.1146-1162.
Phillips, J.J. and Phillips, P.P., 2016. Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge.

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