Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Solution

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Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Solution
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Solution
Unit 18 Human Resource Development Assignment Solution


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 Human Resource Development

QFC Level

Level 4


Human resource development means training of the employees according to the need of the organization. The learning includes professional learning, training as per the task etc for the growth of the organization. It is the fundamental part of the organization that designs the skill of the employees for the success of organization and employees as whole. IKEA is the multinational organization that manufactures innovative kind of furniture products for the clients. The current report compares different learning style and role of learning curve and importance of transferring learning at the work place. It compares the training needs for the staff at various levels in the organization and advantages and disadvantages of training methods in the organization. The report prepares an evaluation using the appropriate technique and carry out the workshop by using the document designed and review the success of the evaluation methods. It identifies the role of training, development and lifelong learning and assess the development of the competency movement has impacted on the public and private organizations.

Task 1

1.1 Comparison of different learning style

Learning styles provide guidelines to the employees that how to work in the IKEA and manage the skills as per the requirement of the task. Various learning styles are followed by the senior employees like activist, theorist, pragmatist, reflector etc. It has been evaluated that all four styles provides some unique qualities in the employees thus they are able to give their best towards the organizational goals. The advantages and disadvantages of all the styles are as follows:

Learning styles





Learners under this style have different views and mindset that do not have any presence in the real life.

  • They keen to observe the things.
  • Fixed methods.
  • Not easily accept the change (Schmeck, 2013).
  • Easily reject the things.
  • Not easily involved in theory or general things.


This kind of learns pay special attention to the new ideas and gain knowledge from various sources.

  • Good listeners.
  • Punctual
  • Always listen and then draw the conclusion.
  • Protective.
  • Conclusion drawing process is to slow.
  • Always follow the safe side.


This method always followed by the innovative person in the IKEA.

  • Good to raise the question.
  • Very deep thinkers.
  • Disciplined.
  • Rarely bear the high risk.
  • Always bound in the innovative thinking.


They always focus on completing the task and they are inclined towards the discovery of new ideas.

  • Keen to learn new things.
  • Flexible and free minded.
  • Highly qualified.
  • Sometimes decisions are wrong due to fast actions.
  • Take unnecessary risk.

1.2 Role of learning curve and importance of transferring learning at the workplace

The main aim of the learning curve is to transfer the skills to the employees for better outcome. It is the graphical representation of increase of learning with the experience. The curve is drawn for the various aspects like employee learning curve, training curve, work progress curve etc. The exponential rise or fall to a limited proficiency can explain the approach a limit in way that is same to that in which a capacitor discharge or charge. Learning curve plays vital role in carrying out an effective justification and also help the management to improve the skills of the employees. It generally depicts the fluctuations of learning among the employees. IKEA binds the leaders to give proper training to the employees in order to perform better. The learners curve supports the employees to gain the knowledge and try to maximize the skills of the employees for the growth of the organization (Lebeau.et.al.2012). The learning also contribute in making the effective decision making related to the allocation of the resources and management of the requirement of the employees and provide proper motivation skills to the employees. The learning curve assists the IKEA to improve their skills in all the fields like decision making, machine operation etc.       

1.3 Contribution of learning styles while planning and designing a learning

Learning curve plays vital role in the development of the skills of the employees in the organization and also assists the IKEA to provide self-managed learning to the employees. Different types of learning styles have been identified in the organization that contributes more while designing the marketing planning.

Contribution of learning style: It also helps the IKEA to make the effective decisions and organizing the training as per the demand of the situation like what kind of information must be delivered, when and how it will be delivered among the subordinates thus they are able to perform in very effective manner. It has been identified that while selecting the learning styles the capabilities of the single employee are being assessed and it help the business to gain the competitive advantage.

Planning for training event: It has been identified that learning styles for the development and training of the employees in the organization must be well planned. All the employees give their best in order to complete the task in the organization. But lack of training among the employees is just the failure of the plan in the organization (Kolb, 2014). Learning styles and theories help the organization to deliver quality services to the clients and also help the IKEA to take the relevant decision to the particular situation.

It can be said that with the help to effective learning style management could design the quality working pattern among the employees.

Task 2

2.1 Training needs for staff at different levels in the organization.

Training is the most important aspect in the growth of IKEA if employee are not properly trained they are not able to meet the expectation of the top management. Following are the training needs at the different levels:

Management level: Employees at the management needs high training skills because they are handling the employees in the organization and also give them technical assistance to handle the situation. At this level training assists the developing the potential by having the arguments with the team members, practical guidance etc. In relation to this, it has been identified that job training methods may help the organization to improve the skills and knowledge along with the experience of the employees.

Customer level: Under this employee’s good  communication information and also have the talent to identify the needs of the clients. Management needs to identify the problems of the employees and try managing it giving proper training to the employees (Ford, 2014). The major objective of the employees is to satisfy the needs of the employees in better and effective way.

Operational level: Employees in the operation level have the quality to identify the nature of the task and put the efforts in order to complete the task.

Lavel of HRM

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of training methods that will be used for the workshop in IKEA    

Different training methods are used by the organization in order to complete the task. IKEA used various training methods like job rotation, on the job training, job mentoring etc. To assess the difference between various training methods the following table shows the difference:

Table 2 Advantages and disadvantages of training methods

Training methods



Job Mentoring

  • The employees gain the better guidance from the senior employees.
  • It may increase the moral of the employees.
  • Sometimes leaders are busy with their work so they are not able to guide the employees.
  • Many times practical learning of the employees may finish.

On the Job training

  • It increases the skills of the employees by providing the real life experiences.
  • The outcome of the performed task is announced very fast (Haff and Triplett, 2015).
  • Many times employees feel de-motivated due to failure of the task.
  • The employees are fresher so management has to spend more time on them.

Job rotation

  • Employees get various opportunities.
  • Employees feel more energetic when management allot new task to them.
  • This may raise the chance of conflict among the employees.
  • The transfer of employees may influence the growth of the IKEA.

2.3 Systematic approach to plan a training and development workshop for the team in IKEA

Training at IKEA is the most important factor for the organization and also help the business to gain the competitive advantage. Training and development approach assists the business to gain the competitive advantage. The systematic approach aid the management to identify the training needs of the employees and then setting the aims and objectives to train the employees in the particular felid and then design the training strategy for the success of the set plan. The last step in training and development of the employees is implementation of the training strategy for the better outcome. IKEA is the multinational organization that focuses on the training needs of the employees so organization has to identify various strategies in order to train the employees. Organization identifies the performance gap and poor performers in order to improve their performance (Phillips and Phillips, 2016). To improve the performance level of the employees organization ahs to identify various factors like performance gap, poor performers, competency gap, alternative training solutions and training evaluations. 

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Task 3

3.1 Evaluation of the suitable technique

The evaluation of the best technique in the organization assists the IKEA to identify the level of training among the employees. Assessment of the training needs among employees can be done on the basis of feedback, observation, questionnaire etc. This all the methods facilitates the organization to assesses the different problems faced by the employees while completing the task. The management of IKEA carries out the training session in order to train the employees and then observe the performance of the employees thus it easy for the organization to carry out the poor performer at the work place. After completion of the training program I will collect the feedback of the employees in order to assess the mistakes in the training program (French.et.al.2012). Training program is host by various management leaders so they can easily increase the capabilities of the employees at IKEA.

As a manager I will assess give the feedback form to the employees that contains the question related to the training program.

Tranning Evaluation Form

Table 3 Suitable techniques for training evaluation

Name of technique

Generated by the person        




It generates the views of the employees.


Team leaders

Team leaders monitor the actual performance of the group members.


Filled by the present employees

Employees in all the departments provide their view in questionnaire.

3.2 Evaluation of the workshop by using the document

            The file that used for assessing the competence of training among the employees at IKEA was very good that help the organization to achieve the improvement in all the departments. Managers in the organization have received important comments from the employees for the evaluation of the plan in the organization. Employees have to give their views over the training session in order to improve the services. With the help of this view IKEA may improve the plan in the organization upgrade the training program in the organization. Employees in the organization are upgraded with the latest communication skills so the problems between the clients and employees are eradicated and now employees will not feel any problem while communicating with the clients. Management skills of the employees and are improved now they did not face any problem while taking the decision. The training program may upgrade the efficiency of the employee and also give them brief about the roles and responsibilities. Through this program IKEA can achieve the competitive advantage and also help the employees may get the job satisfaction. Development and training program assists the business to gain trust of the employees and decrease the weakness of the organization (Barkley.et.al.2014). Human resource development has played vital role in the growth of the business and to achieve the management goals in IKEA.

3.3 Review the success of the evaluation methods

            The success of evaluation methods in the organization may improve the skills of the employees. The training and development may help the business to gain the competitive advantage and also improve the sales figure of the organization. With the help of this program employee’s communication and decision making skills are improved very frequently. The meet the client’s employees did not face any problem and solve the problem of the clients. As per the observation living standard of the staff members in IKEA is improved and now they are giving their best for the achievement of the organizational goals. Observation method is been adopted by the IKEA to assess reviews of the employees for the training and development program. Te method gives clear picture of the whole program and also suggests the changes to improve the outcome of the program in the organization. With the help of this program management can easily identify the problems faced by the employees in the whole program (UzZaman.et.al.2012). The evaluation method may help the manager to be prepared for the next training and development program.


4.1 Role of government regard training and lifetime learning

The government of UK is supporting the business by offering high quality training and learning to candidates. The organizations like IKEA are getting the benefits with skilled and trained employees in workplace. The government is supporting the business by providing the education and awareness to employees. The education system of the government is directed towards the business demands in country. IKEA has the following role of governmental training and learning:

Training according to trends: the government of the country is offering the training and tools according to standardization of business process. The knowledge of modern work practices and tools helps the organizations to achieve high benefits with employees.

National Vocational Qualification: IKEA organization is encouraging the employees to participate in vocational qualifications so that overall quality and performance can be standardize and set according to demands in market (Grant, 2016).

Business monitoring: The government has control over the training quality and methods in organizations. IKEA needs to make the practices effectives according to governmental policies and rules.

Role of govermenrt

4.2 Impact of competency movement on the public and private sector organization

The competition in market affects the private as well as public sectors to set their strategies and practices accordingly for the sustainable purpose. NHS needs to manage the customer satisfaction and regulation implication along with products and services to conquer the market. The public sector may influence with numbers of employees and their skills to meet the competition in market. High reliability in services and availability in assets are effective in competency movement in public sectors. At other side, the IKEA need to enhance the quality of products and employees to meet the competitive advantages. The movement needs to be according to number of assets and availability of financial resources in private sector (Casalino, 2014). Private sectors are although flexible in work practices but have constraint of employee’s rights and implication of legal framework to meet the competitive benefits.

4.3 Contemporary training initiatives introduced by the UK government contribute to human resources development for IKEA

The government of UK has taken the various initiatives for the development of the skills of the employees in the organizations. The initiatives taken by the government always develop both the sector in the market. The steps taken by the government are beneficial for the business strategy like easy finance availability, easy availability of the human resource in the organization etc. the private organizations does not spend their money and other resources on the employee training because they always hire the experienced and trained people in the organization. IKEA hire the candidates from the different institutes colleges or any other source thus organization does not need to give training to the employees (Hiatt.et.al.2015). Government of UK is spending on the development of the infrastructure in the country so government is giving financial rebate to the private organization for infrastructure development.

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The report will identify the merits and demerits of the learning style in the organization and also help the organization to assess that learning curve improves the skills of the employees in the organization. IKEA organize the training program in the organization for the development of the employees and also help the business to maintain the learning of the employees in the organization. Training plays vital role in the growth of the organization so it can be concluded that training and development program help the business to judge the competency of the employees.


Books and Journals  

Barkley, E.F., Cross, K.P. and Major, C.H., 2014. Collaborative learning techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons.
Casalino, N., 2014. Learning to connect: a training model for public sector on advanced e-government services and inter-organizational cooperation. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 7(1), pp.24-31.
Ford, J.K., 2014. Improving training effectiveness in work organizations. Psychology Press.
French, S.D., Green, S.E., O’Connor, D.A., McKenzie, J.E., Francis, J.J., Michie, S., Buchbinder, R., Schattner, P., Spike, N. and Grimshaw, J.M., 2012. Developing theory-informed behaviour change interventions to implement evidence into practice: a systematic approach using the Theoretical Domains Framework. Implementation Science, 7(1), p.1.
Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Haff, G.G. and Triplett, N.T. eds., 2015. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition. Human kinetics.
Hiatt, S.R., Grandy, J.B. and Lee, B.H., 2015. Organizational responses to public and private politics: An analysis of climate change activists and US oil and gas firms. Organization Science, 26(6), pp.1769-1786.
Kolb, D.A., 2014. Experiential learning: Experience as the source of learning and development. FT press.
Lebeau, T., Rouprêt, M., Ferhi, K., Chartier?Kastler, E., Bitker, M.O., Richard, F. and Vaessen, C., 2012. The role of a well?trained team on the early learning curve of robot?assisted laparoscopic procedures: the example of radical prostatectomy. The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 8(1), pp.67-72