Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment Sample

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Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment Sample
HRM for Service Industries Assignment Sample
Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment Sample


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Sample Assignment

QFC Level

Level 5


Human Resource management plays an important role in recruiting the employees and also takes care of them in providing any type of help in the company, also get them relieve from any of the conflict / dispute. They takes care about their compensation, appreciation etc. Training programs are organized by them for the development of the employees that helps in achieving the goal of the corporation. Workers are the major reflection source of the group so treatment with them should be within the follow of the Business laws. No prejudice will be done with them by any of the organization.

Unit 1 HRM

Task 1

1.1 Analyse the role and purpose of human resource management in a selected service industry

The Human resource Management role in the Meridian hotel is to recruit the Hotel staff that must be skilled full enough to provide the customer service within or outside the Hotel. It is the responsibility of HRM to take care that all services provided to the customer through the various departments must be full of good superiority. The experts to the unskilled work force should give both casual and official training or those are less resourceful (Deery, 2002). It is extremely essential for the Meridian HRM to train their employees and tell them about the history of the hotel as they are the face of the Meridian those who come in the contact of the customer directly as comparison to the top management / employers. HRM performs various tasks to check the accountability and the behaviour of the employees and also welcome their full contributions towards the organization by giving their valuable feedback. HRM aim is only to accomplish the Hotel mission that is only the customer satisfaction and eminence of service. human being are the major supplies those take care about all the activities performed in the hotel and recruitment, planning for working of these resources are all done by the HRM. The one do the designing of the job profile of each worker. Party for all time appreciates the excellent workers and does not want them to leave the company. So, HRM always motivates them and review their performance on a regular interval and also reward them for their good work. Reward in the terms of giving them increment or promotion. It constantly insists human resource to come one step forward and helps in solving the problem if any. Huge benefits are given by the organization through HRM only to their employees in the way of bonuses, insurance plans related to their health or medical benefits etc. there are certain programs are arranged by the Human resource management for giving the recognition to the best employees (DeNisi & Griffin, 2005). Ceremonies are arranged and giving them the reward or appreciation letter to acknowledge them in front of their colleagues / peer group. Last but not the least if any problem is faced by any of the employee then HRM is the best one to provide the solutions and take their personal/ professional problems to the top managing. It is the one who is the intermediate way in between them and the employer.   

Unit 18 HRM Assignment

Task 2

2.1 Assess the current state of employment relations in a selected service industry.

Unit 18 HRM assignment Solution

There are many profile of the job in the hotel Meridian like, Aviation, Reception, steward, human resource, finance, compliance, maintenance, Services for clientele etc. in addition to ensure that in every department each and every employee works efficiently so Hotel meridian take care about their relations with the employees. They have maintained the vigorous relations. There are various behaviours in building good relations. As they are glad about the Staff’s good work and give them the opportunity for the recognition in presence of others. HRM is the one who performs the controlling role in giving the new directions to the employees in their job role. HRM acts a person in charge who takes the decision and plans for the better of the employees. HRM first approach towards the staff are the recruitment of efficient employees and their training that can brings the integration among the employees with the whole group (Duncan,2005). This first attempt taken by the HRM helps the Hotel in achieving their profit targets. As employees are the main face of the meridian hotel so hotel main focuses on the employees that can helps to meet the objective of it. A good treatment of the meridian towards its employees and a proper taking care of them is the way that makes both the Hotel and its employees relations sturdy. It aids in getting rid of the clashes take place with the employees, if any. A union of the employees shows the united among them and fulfilment of their desires whether a decision regarding their perks, salary are all decide  by the Meridian HRM. A proper planning is done behind all activities and in a proper procedure so that no feeling of discrimination shown towards the employees. This conviction shown on the human resources increases their motivation. Workforce is the powerful supply of any of the organization in present time.   

2.2 Discuss how employment law affects the management of human resources in a selected service industry business.

It is the responsibility of the Human resource management to take care about the values of the employees and certain legislature decided by the country’s government for the employees are follows by the Meridian hotel. No prejudice should happen with any of the employee. There are many aspect on those discrimination are done among the employees by the employer but HRM is the one who completes its responsibility to take care of the benefits of the employees besides taking care the benefits of the Hotel (Francis & D'Annunzio-Green,2005). Discrimination is done among the employees on the basis of caste, colour, creed, culture, gender etc. Various policies are adopted by the Meridian Hotel for the welfare of the workers like their Leaves & other perks are given in the proper way to the female & male both at the time of the parenthood. Meridian takes care about this that no bias is done with any of the disabled employee. Government of the United Kingdom has fixed some laws in the favour of the workforce.

Unit 18 HRM image

  • Equal pay act 1970: Salary of all the human resources as per the criteria defined by the meridian Hotel according to the employee’s designation/ job level.
  • Discrimination of sex act 1975 & 1986: It is offense & punishable act by the court. Both female and male workforce are treat equally by the meridian hotel
  • Race relations act 1976: Discrimination based on caste, colour, and creed is not acceptable in the premises of the meridian hotel. All are equal within the Hotel all over the countries.
  • Disability discrimination act 1995: Both disabled and normal employees are treated equally.
  • Equality among employees, 2003: By following all the above legislatures automatically the meridian hotel is bringing the quality in the organization within the employees.

Under the act of employment 1982, if any conflict rose in between the employer of the meridian hotel with its employees then there will be no role of union to play its role, this legislature plays an important role and on the grounds of it meridian follows all its responsibilities and handle all chaos at his own level (Gilmore& Gregoire, 2001). These all above legislatives gives the security to the employees in an organization and make them protected if still these troubles are not solve at the level of the HRM then employees are free to go the court for resolving the conflict and asking for the fair dealing. Civil courts are there those, which handle all such conflicts that are raised to hurt their self-respect and injustice with them.

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3.2 Compare the selection process of different service industries businesses.

There are different industries those gives the service to the customers. By providing the excellence of service they can reach their objectives. Different process of selection of their employees is done by the different organization.
There are three to four steps are followed by the Meridian hotel to select an efficient employee for their hotel. It is followed in major all of the hotel departments.

Unit 18 HRM

  • Screening of the candidate: Screening is possible by just observing and valuation of the Curriculum vitae of the candidate so one can emphasis and put all his/ her efforts in making the effective Curriculum Vitae. CV helps the Meridian hotel in value the skill, facts of the candidate.
  • Telephonic Interview: It helps in knowing the message skills. It is forever required for every high level position. It is a two-way progression. A veteran employee of a relevant department asks the verbal questions from the candidate and evaluates his judgment.
  • Main Interview: Main interview is conducted by the employer to know about the candidate confronting each other. Looks and existence is significant in the business of Hospitality. Applicant explains about his skills and his current / past experience (Hoque, 1999b).
  • Demonstration: After clearing all above rounds of the interviews, this stage shows the practical knowledge of the job profile. This round will work for the Chef, customer service, Receptionist etc.
  • Human Resource Round: It is the final round that is conducted for any level of the job and in every department. It finalizes the payment and other terms & conditions designed by the company for their employees.

On the other side, the selection process of employees followed by the restaurant.

Unit 18 HRM image

There are many ways of hiring employees. Small service industries like restaurants select their employees through the advertisements of vacancy given in the newspaper / on websites, hire some  Hr agencies those are out of company sources, also by appointing any one out of the known people and ask for some references for the vacancy from family member or friends. The selection process is everywhere same as per the Hotels but yes of course getting more rigid in Hotels as it goes for the superior level.

  1. Reviewing the personal & professional details about the candidates to know more about his experience and studies.
  2. Screening includes the interview on telephone conduct by the manager of the concern department to the candidate.
  3. Face to face Interview will be done by the top management in recruiting the person.
  4. Finally, for completing the process of selection, the feedback given to the employer and the decision is taken on behalf of all negotiations (Haynes & Fryer, 2000).
  5. Medical check-up or any criminal enquiry will finish in the last but before hiring the employee as formal.


HRM helps in building the good relations in between employer and the employees. It is possible by putting all efforts of HRM and makes the Hotel environment Healthy without any fear of conflict. All legislatures related to employees are followed by an organization and also no cheating done by the human resources. It depends on mutual consent then only a proper disciplined and healthy work environment is available in the company.


Deery. M, 2002. 'Labour turnover in international hospitality and tourism', in Human resource management international perspectives in hospitality and tourism, Continuum. London.
DeNisi. AS & Griffin. RW, 2005. Human resource management, 2nd
edn, the customer service activity book: 50 activities for inspiring exceptional service, AMACOM. New York.
Duncan. T, 2005. 'Current issues in the global hospitality industry', Tourism and Hospitality Research.  vol. 5.  No. 4, pp. 359-366.
Francis. H & D'Annunzio-Green. N, 2005. 'HRM and the pursuit of a service culture: managerial encounters with competing discourses'. Employee Relations, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 71 – 85
Gilmore. S & Gregoire. MB, 2001. 'Developing professionalism in a hospitality undergraduate program'. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, vol. 13, no. 3/4, pp. 14-19.
Glinow. MV, Drost. EA & Teagarden. MB, 2002. 'Converging on IHRM best practices: lessons learned from a globally distributed consortium on theory and practice'. Human Resource Management. vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 123-140.
Haynes. P & Fryer. G, 2000. 'Human resource, service quality and performance: a case study'.  International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 240-248.
Hogue. K, 1999b. Human resource management in the hotel industry: strategy, innovation and performance. Rout ledge. London.