Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment - British Airways

Unit 18 HRM Service Industries Assignment British Airways

Unit 18 HRM for Service Industries Assignment - British Airways


Human resource development is the structure that helps the business to develop the personal and organizational skills of the employees within the business. HRD contains various opportunities like subordinates training, employee’s growth, and monitoring and effective leadership styles. The current study designs different learning styles and the role of the learning curve and theories while planning and designing the learning event. The report compares the training needs for the staff members and identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the training methods at the work place. It prepares the evaluation using table technique to identify the performance of the employee in the organization and review the success of the methods by selecting the suitable technique. The report explains the role of government in training, development and lifelong learning in the organization and explains the development of competency movement has impacted on the public and private organizations. It will assess the contemporary training initiatives introduced by the government of UK contribute to the HR development for the organization.

Human Resource Development

Task 1       

1.1 Different learning styles

Learning style help the individual employee to identify the different situations from the British Airways. These are the styles that help the person to identify the nature of work the styles are as follows Activists, reflectors, theorists and pragmatists. It has been identified that four styles provide freedom of work to the employees but sometimes this styles bring limitation over the employees.

Table 1 Comparison learning styles

Comparison learning styles

1.2 Role of the learning curve and the importance of transferring learning to the workplace

Learning Curve plays important role in carrying out the suitable justification and also provide improvement in the skills of the employees. It mainly represents the ups and downs in the organization in the skills of the employees. British Airways has supported the management in recognizing the current growth of the organization thus nit can be said that learning curve help the business to evaluate the actual performance of the business in the organization. The learning also contributes in the effective decision making process for the business. The main focus of the learning curve is in the organization in the improvements in the quality of the work. Lack in transfer of the knowledge in the organization affects the growth of the business thus learning curve assists the business to identify the problems faced by the business within the organization (Argote, 2012). It has been identified that training and development activities in the organization help the business decision making the skills of the employees.

S-Shaped learning curve

The S-shaped learning curve is the most common when an individual is learning a complex task. From the curve it is clear that at the initial part the curve is rising slowly as an individual is getting familiarized with the basics and is trying to gain the skill required for the task. Once an individual learns the basics and gain experience there is a rise in curve which gets steeper once an individual makes rapid progress

individual makes rapid progress

1.3 The contribution of learning styles and theories when planning and designing a learning event

Different types of learning styles that would be evaluated to assess the actual contribution to make the event plan for the training event.

Contribution of learning style
Learning styles and theories are generally focused with the evaluation of the learning steels within the organization. It also help the British Airways to make the effective decisions on organizing the training as per the demand like which kind of content is delivered to which person and monitor the performance of employees.

Planning for the training event
It has been identified that training event are organized provide effective training to the employees for the better output (Reigeluth, 2013). Learning styles and theories help the business to improve the capabilities of the employees and also indicate the capabilities of the individual staff members.

Task 2

2.1 Comparing the training needs for staff at different levels in the organization

Many employees have big job responsibilities in an organization, there are always high expectations from them. There is a need of well trained staff, which can take British airways to a next level. When employees retire or resign their job, the manager plans for their replacement with new staff with same competency level and skills. It is very important to develop a career path for employees that their personal needs and organizational needs must be fulfilled. At different levels in the organization, there is a need of training. A recruiting manager at British airways provides training at different levels:

  • Trainee managers with A- levels need to take 24 months of training.
  • Fresher who joins the organization from different colleges needs to go through 12 months training under trained professional.
  • Experienced managers who have some experience goes for a 3 month training.

At British airways different training programs been designed to training each and every employee at operational and management level, this ensures systematic work at the workplace (Phillips and Phillips, 2016). New crew members have to undergo trainings like way of speaking to the customer, way of tackling the situation, providing services to the customers. On the other hand management  in information level trainings are different as they required more professionalism.

2.2 Assess the advantages and disadvantages of training methods that will be used for the workshop

When an organization implements training courses then productivity, morale, competitiveness, profitability, marketing principal, customer satisfaction are improved at the workplace from ground level to management level. On the other hands these training courses have some disadvantages also like workplace accidents, affecting the working hours of the employees, recruitment expenses increases, etc. Training makes British airways more attractive to potential new candidates who want to improve their skills and opportunities. Lack of training strategy to potential candidates would lead to disinterest of such candidates to join the organization. The training strategy involves improvement and systematic training of the employees of the organization, which aids in achieving the goals.

An important step in marketing planning a training program is designing an appropriate training schedule, it looks at the training inputs you want to provide, the time you need for each session and overall timeframe of the workshop (Andersson and Titov, 2014). More emphasis should be given on communication skills, which is most important for airline industries. The training programs should be so designed that the normal working of the organization would not be disturbed; otherwise it is of no use.

2.3 Systematic approach to a training and development plan

Training and development session is an important approach for improving the growth and potential of the employees. In this the employees are able to identify their skills, ability, value, strength and weaknesses. British Airways prepare the following plan that encompasses:

Table 2 Training plan of BA

Requirement areas for training

Problem in Lacking

Overcome action to be taken

Practical Computer skills

Lacking in computer based task, presentation, spreadsheet preparation (Phillips  and Phillips,  2016)

Practical computer based training so that they can provide online services and prepare attractive presentable websites of airways.

Team work

Conflict  in opinions and improper utilization of resources

Communicate effectively on the conflict issue and execute changes in the existing plan for proper use of resources by using past records.

Efficient customer services

Lacking in interaction and unable to handle customer enquiries on time.

By improving communication and interaction skills, providing satisfied services to the customer by handling feedbacks on time.

For development and implementing the plan the organization works in a systematic approach. It starts from selecting the method of training, evaluating the training session of workshop, meeting with the gap. Manager of BA selects the best way of training, measure the outcome and gap is filled by comparing with benchmark standards (Kerzner, 2013).

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Task 3

3.1 Evaluation using suitable technique

The questionnaire form is the most suitable form for evaluation in British Airways:



The questionnaire framed is used to analyze the training and development staff of BA. With that the organization will improve the customer services and customer satisfaction through effective communication skills provided in training. The manager would be in position to enhance the efficiency through deploying expensive computer hardware, software equipments by attaining organizational goals and leaving the impact on market to set the benchmark standard (Rao, 2014).

3.2 Assessment of workshop for training and development using the document

The organization uses various documents for the effectiveness of the training of the employees. British airways always try to provide innovative services to their employees which help in building the core competencies. The documents like feedback forms received from the trainees are very important for the improvement in the training plan for future references. Workshop can be updated by using the approach of reviewing the existing training programs and analyzing the performance of trainee’s whether they are meeting the benchmarking standards. Training program assessment is done to ensure that BA uses its best business practices by ensuring the best decision making in providing the quality services (Ulrich et.al. 2013).

Training and development workshop had left a positive impact on the organisation as well on employees. It had provided with job satisfaction, individual growth, overcoming of weakness like resistant to change and promotion opportunities. It had opened the door to achieve the competitive edge over its competitors by providing attractive websites offering which ensures the agenda of providing excellent quality services to the customer for their value. Moreover, training and development plays an important role in human resource development by taking initiative to solve the real complex problem in routine business life.

3.3 Review success of evaluation method based on response

To review the success of the British Airways the organization uses different approaches. To improve the various skills, the organization had made training and development program for the employees. Customer services are improved by improving their communication and decision making skills. Monitoring the plan is an important part of employee’s performances. With training employees are able to meet the benchmark standard this is shown by increase in number of customers of British Airways which will enhance their reach to international platform as well maintaining the exiting brand image in domestic market.

BA can also review the evaluation method through feedbacks method for development programs. Past statistics and summative techniques were been used in the organization for training and development (Singh et.al. 2012). With training and development programs employee’s work in effective and efficient manner and remain committed to their jobs in the BA. New doors of opportunities have been developed for the employees which promotes working in team groups.  Now the organizations are managing to enter into the diversification strategy to achieve the competitive advantage. A healthy and safety working with workplace culture is promoted through training and development programs.

Task 4

4.1 Role of government with regards to training, development and lifelong learning

Government is supporting the businesses with training and support to employees for lifelong learning. The government has enrolment in business support of British Airways in following manner:

Vocational training: the organizations are encouraging their employees to become part of governmental vocational and general training to reach the employees work performance and satisfaction. Employees can select own subjects to get training. The use of equipments and knowledge are major points of considerations

QCDA and Ofqual: These are governmental agencies to regulate the external qualification in England. The government of England is offering the proper test and examination to enhance the quality of employees in organizations (Afeti, 2012). The employees in British Airways need to get clear from the scanning of QCDA (Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency) and Ofqual in specific subjects.

Learning and Skills Council (LCS): the public body of England is responsible to strengthen the education and to fund the educational structures. The organization plans and support to make the better education in country. Recently it has been replaced by other agencies of government. British Airways uses LCS to fund the employees to enhance skills and learning for organizational operations.

Addition to it, government is using online apprenticeship, direct learning schemes and train to gain movements to enhance the training and development of employees (Hodgson and Spours, 2013). National academies are built to support the subject specific skills in employees of organizations. 

Role of government with regards to training

4.2 Impact of competency movement on the public and private sectors

The increased competency in public and private sector has reshaped the approaches and operations to meet the changes. The public sector like NHS is offering better research supports and employee facilities to sustain with effective outcomes. The internal operations are purified for performance and quality along with enhancement in presentation of organization and fulfillment of requirements at customer side. Competency movement has increased the barrier in growth and reduces the coverage in market to earn the benefits. The policies and procedures are constraints to investments and resource usage.

The private like British Airways are also going with same kind of constraints as the organization is offering better quality within reduced prices. The loyalty and coverage to customers are enhanced to sustain in market. The competition has reshaped the procedures to use the fund and to acquire the skilled employees to lead the organization (Jaeger, 2013). The competency movement has great impact on private sectors in comparison of public sectors as they are limited to number of resources and assets. But public sectors are also not so flexible to meet the changes and demands.

4.3 Contemporary training initiatives and Contribution of UK government in HRD

Government has contribution in human resource development of British Airways in the form of vocational training and development process. Learning and Skills Council has introduced train and gain program to encourage the employees in organizations to enhance their skills and get rewards. British Airways has links to governmental agencies and bodies to support the financial and vocational situations in workplace (Bailey, 2012). Time based seminars and knowledge of equipments to employees through government initiatives helped the organization to achieve the better management. The government of country is supporting the organizations to implement the rules and to meet the employees’ rights. Temporary supports and guidelines are also given to British Airways to make the services, pricing and procedures according to governmental initiations. In order to meet the demand and requirements in country, government also motivates and lead the organizations and behaviour to train the employees. Government has great enrolment in business operations to arrange the resources and to make the business robust against the external factors (Grant, 2016).


The report has been compared various learning styles and explained the learning curve and it’s important in workplace operations. The report has been also assessed the contribution of learning styles and theories in event designing. Later the training needs have been identified and various approaches and methods are analyzed in planning and development of training event. The suitable training techniques has been identified and discussed for the success factor in training program. The report has been discussed the role of governmental agencies to train and learn the employees for lifelong supports. The report has been discussed the impact of competency movements on public and private sector and discussed the governmental initiations to contribute in organizational human resource development.


Afeti, G., 2012. Technical and vocational education and training for industrialization. In African Research and Resources Forum (ARRF) (pp. 1-16). 
Andersson, G. and Titov, N., 2014. Advantages and limitations of Internet?based interventions for common mental disorders. World Psychiatry13(1), pp.4-11.
Argote, L., 2012. Organizational learning: Creating, retaining and transferring knowledge. Springer Science & Business Media.
Bailey, N., 2012. The role, organisation and contribution of community enterprise to urban regeneration policy in the UK. Progress in Planning77(1), pp.1-35.
Brooks, T.J. and Khandker, A.W., 2013. Returns to different ‘learning styles’: Evidence from a course in microeconomics. New Zealand Economic Papers47(3), pp.227-244.
Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.
Hodgson, A. and Spours, K., 2013. New Labour's New Educational Agenda: Issues and Policies for Education and Training at 14+. Routledge.
Jaeger, R.M., 2013. Minimum competency achievement testing. The Rise and Fall of National Test Scores, p.223.