Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication Assignment

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Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication Assignment
Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication Assignment
Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication

QFC Level

Level 5


Marketing communication can be demonstrated as synchronized advertising messages that can be delivered through the various modes.  It is the fundamental that works within a marketing framework. The foremost goal of marketing communication in any organization is to reach its target market and to influence the assigned target market by informing, persuading, and offering a better quality of products than the other competitors (Jardim, Alves and Maltz, 2009). This Unit 16 Strategic marketing communication assignment will demonstrate the marketing communication of Procter & Gamble which is a listed company in Fortune 500 companies. The strategy of marketing communication of a company is basically implemented to obtain new customers for the brands by building awareness for the product. It also helps in maintain the brand customer base by emphasizing their purchasing behavior and by offering new offers and information about the specified brand product. Marketing communication of any company gets successful, if the company is having strong grip on promotional mix. It mainly includes the way of advertising the products, promoting the sales, direct marketing and direct selling. It also hugely depends on the public relations about the brand or any specified product It will briefly describe the strategies of marketing of one of its famous brand, Oral-B and its best product the electric tooth-brush. The discourse will also identify the marketing theory and its other basic fundamentals like public relations, selling, and promotion in relation to the electric tooth-brush. It will also demonstrate the influences and effectiveness of the marketing communications for this product. Various theories about the marketing will also be disused. In addition to this, the report will also identify the tools that the P&G and its Oral-B has implemented for the  marketing communication  of the specified product.   

Unit 16 Strategic Marketing Communication Assignment, Uk assignment writing service     

1. Brief description of the company and its range of products and an analysis of the specific product and profiling of the target market

Procter and Gamble is the world leading company that provides consumer products in the areas of personal care, pet supplies, cleaning products and in the areas of pharmaceuticals. It was founded in year 1837 by William Procter & James Gamble (Donaldson and O'Toole, 2002). The company is listed in Fortune 500 companies and was in 6th position in the year 2010. The products of the company are sole in 180 countries and to 4.2 billion people of the world. Some of the best products of the company are AmbiPur, Ariel, Duracell, Head & Shoulders, Olay, Oral-B, Pampers and many more. P&G invest a huge amount $400 million for over 20,000 studies and is known and recognized innovator consumer products. The organization has successfully listed its products in the top 25 Pacesetters list which is more than combining its six largest competitors. The company also among the Fortune’s ten most admired companies (Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2011). The company has total sales of $80 billion and yet is among the most innovative brand. The specified company has very closed business with the model of innovation. It has been said that the expenses made by the company is higher than the sales of its competitors. P&G started to innovate into its products after the shares of the company started to fall in the year 2000. After this incident, the company went through a total business transformation and adopts innovation as an open business model.

One of the most famous brands of P&G is Oral-B, which is among the leaders in oral and health care products. Oral-B has developed hundreds of innovative products from the last 50 years and has also added imaginative products for the commencement of professional practice at home. The aim of Oral-B is to develop its products into adjacent categories that involves both high and lower value category. The introduction of Oral-B toothpaste is the biggest breakthrough after the introduction of fluoride in the market (MAYHEW and ROSEWELL, 2009). One of the company most selling items is its toothbrush. The toothbrushes of Oral-B are so good that most of the dentists around the world recommend it to their patients. The company focuses more on quality than the prices. Oral –B has wide range of toothbrushes and the most famous is the newly introduced electric toothbrush. Most of the customers for this product are mainly from high and average class. People who have lower purchasing power usually don’t tend to use the toothbrush of Oral-B, though the company has some couple of cheap toothbrushes. The targeted marketed for Oral-B is the section of people who prefers quality and health first than the price of the product (Miles, 2007). So the most important thing that is differentiating Oral-B from its competitors is the high quality and the preference of most dentists around the globe.                 

Target Market              

As the product life cycle is a crucial point in buying behavior of the customers, it is also very important for Oral-B. The competitive advantage of Oral-B is that it is ahead in the development and introduction stage of the products, and thus beating their competitors and having its positive influence on the customer’s first preference about the product. The designing and ability of the products are also very influential and have bought rapid results for the revenues of the company (Finne and Grönroos, 2009). The major objective of electric tooth brush from Oral-B is to solve the issue of oral care that is neglected by individuals which finally leads to bad breadth. This effect the people that mostly fall under the age bar of 25 to 39 years, which includes those who are just about to start their careers. The major reason for choosing this section of people as the target market is because the company wants to deliver these people with ease, instant gratification, and fast alternative for their busy and hectic life (Malhotra, 2009). This section was also chosen because of the fact that these people want to get linked with experts, special opportunities and innovative products.           

2. Provide a report to critically evaluate the characteristics, features and effectiveness of the marketing communications tools of that chosen organization.

The examination and acknowledgement of the possession of a commodity is not enough to guarantee a company to enhance the sales and revenues. Therefore the company has to acquire settings and appropriate measures that should ensure it to obtain a large market share. The implementation of  business strategy  made by the company should ensure that it doesn’t get trailed by other competitors. Oral-B, in order to become a global leader in toothbrushes has successfully implemented strategies to assess the market and enables it to be diverse across the market segment that it has created (Panfilova, 2015). Oral-B which is extensively controlled by P&G, for its target audience in UK has developed a strategy of creating innovative and diverse types of toothbrush for its audience. The specified company has introduced electric toothbrush that has a very unique idea of getting connected with Bluetooth of the mobile handset. The Oral-B latest electric toothbrush, named as Oral-B 7000 can be connected with Oral-B app of the phone. It is developed to get real-time feedback about the brushing results. People now with this innovative technology can know if they are brushing too hard or brushed long enough to clean their teeth (Donaldson and O'Toole, 2002). The app also shows whether the individual has developed its brushing habit over a period or not. P&G knows how the products would benefit a person. They also know that the more effectively they promote their product, the more it will be in demand in market. The innovation made to this product has made it to be in a highly segmented and highly involvement category. Marketing communications of a company is stated as the means by which a company make attempt to inform, persuade and remind its consumers effectively, whether directly or indirectly. Here are some of the marketing communication tools that P&G has implemented for its Oral-B electric toothbrush.

  • Advertising: It is the most effective way for promoting a brand. It helps a corporation to reach a wider audience with a shortest possible time frame. Oral-B has given its product advertisement in newspapers, television, and radio. It has led the people to have believed in the brand and also motivated them to buy the same and be loyal to the brand (Dominici, 2009). Oral-B for its electric toothbrush has implemented very attractive taglines in its advertising campaign, like; the electric-brush has more movements, pressure sensor, 3-D action technology and a facility to set a timer.
  • Sales promotion: Brands can also be promoted with discount coupons, loyalty cards, membership coupons and other attractive packages for loyal customers. Oral-B has gained attention and provides information to the customers that lead them to buy the product (Dominici, 2009). It includes a distinct invitation to the customer to do the transaction in a short period of time.  
  • Direct Marketing: Oral-B does the direct marketing to its customers through direct mail, Email, and through telemarketing. This is done to address a specific person. It enables the specified company to communicate directly with its end-customers. Through the mode of direct marketing, oral-B is able to reach its end customers directly (MAYHEW and ROSEWELL, 2009). Company can also ask for their valuable feedbacks so that they can enhance themselves in the areas in which they are still lacking.  
  • Personal Selling: It is the most essential tool for an effective integrated marketing communication. It usually takes place when a sales person sells the products to the consumers. Oral-B uses its personal selling method to solidify the relationship with the customers (Panfilova, 2015). The personal selling of Oral-B helps them to find the right and potential customers to buy their electric toothbrushes and other customer oriented products. Oral-B in order to achieve this first makes contact with the person through any form of communication mode (Davis, 2013). The foremost thing that made people to believe in the products of Oral-B is that the company never lied to its customers. Another thing is innovation in the products. Oral-B is also always ready to handle the complaints and objection of the clients.   
  • Public relation Activities: Oral-B for its  public relations activities  help to promote their brands through press releases, by organizing a free dental checkup or any social event, and by making public appurtenance (Ajit and Raj, 2015). Oral-B has integrated a million-dollar campaign in order to encourage its consumers about benefits of having a premium electric toothbrush with them.    

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As one of the most effective way to promote any brand is having an effective communication, P&G and its incorporated Oral-B need to communicate well with not only their targeted customers but also to the existing customers and no-targeted customers (Ajit and Raj, 2015). The communication should not be done to strength the relationship but also to give themselves an edge over its rivals. The communication must be done through a unique selling method and should be done till its last users by various promotional tools.

3. Strategic Marketing Communication Plan to Market Oral B Electric Toothbrush

 Marketing communication strategy helps for developing brand awareness, it means the customers transfer information f the products into opinions regarding the product’s qualities and its position in the broader market. Corporatesutilizes marketing communication strategy for retaining the recent consumers’ base of the products and for establishing connection with the suppliers and the consumers. Marketing Communication strategy refers to the corporate planning for the information of the product distribution and awareness of the brand establishment(Wood, 2005). The main objective of marketing communication strategy is for creating planning as well as strategies with the help every stages of the sales processes. Marketing communication strategy is framed for helping the people as well as the firm can communicate appropriately and efficiently and at the same time can fulfill core objectives and goals of the organization. The communication strategy helps the company in fulfilling as well as accomplishing their entire goals and at the same time associate appropriately with the shareholders. It also helps in signifying the achievement of the company’s performances.

For designing an effective and efficient marketing communication strategy with more than one marketing communication components, personal selling allows the organizations for communicating product advantages directly to its consumers. Public relation includes the outflow of information to the suppliers, consumers of the company.Advertising enables a corporate for reaching great customers with the help of mass market appeals. Sales promotion gives an incentive to the consumers in order to buy the organization’s commodities(Zaltman, 2003). Direct marketing allows the industry for reaching the consumers exclusive of any third party intermediate. Organization owners inspire consumer trust by representing the personal story that directed to the business’s creation. Businesses openly represent its commodities with projected consumer facilities. The business stated why the product is larger to same competitor’s commodities.Businesseven creates brand image by establishing an informational paper on consumer-concentrated topic. An appropriate marketing communication strategy uses more thanone component to distribute the firm’s outgoingmessages. An effective market strategy enhances the firm’s opportunity to exactly convey the product’s advantages.

Every organization should adopt and at the same time include mainly five general marketing communication strategies in its business. Firstly, Market Research- if the marketers want t achieve the function of creating as well as keeping its customers, then they should analyze research for understanding their markets and at the same time changes in the market place. With the help of research of their services and commodities the organization can able to know what customers give importance to the most as well as what obstacles presents to marketing their offerings. Secondly, Positioning- a secure market position along with clarified value position create the foundation for the formation of a  marketing strategy and planning. The information conducted by market research can support the positioning of the organization. Thirdly, Strategies and Tactics- strategies provide the wide-ranging direction that the company can take for accomplishing the stated goals and aims. Tactics are the certain actions that company uses for implementing the strategies, it also improve the actions of the organization(Wood, 2005). Fourthly, Metrics- metrics are the most important part of the company’s marketing plan as it provides a medium for assessing progress and development. With the help of metrics the organization can determine that if they are fulfilling the aims and goals of the plan. The last fifth one is Business Plan Alignment- the most important factor is that the marketing plan should be aligned with the organizational business plan and itshould be based on how the industry can appropriately provide worth.

Product Life Cycle

Product life cycle is a business strategy approach which implements a constant set of business solution that maintains the cooperative formation, distribution, management and utilization of product definition information around the expanded firm as well as it span from commodity conception to end of life- integrating individuals, information and business system. Product life cycle creates the product information key point for the Procter and Gambleand its expanded firm(Volkov, 2005).  Product life cycle management is an entire approach for the new and trendy product development, for innovation as well as for product information management form ideation to end life. Product life cycle management approach as an allowing technology for product life cycle management integrates businesses approaches, individuals, processes and data as well as provides a product information backbone for Procter and Gamble Company.

Marketing Spend Budget

Whether the marketing budget is massive it is essential to create each and every dollar count. The marketers of Procter and Gamble have a clear portion of their budgets that originally for the innovation. It is trying for new experiences, new inventions andnewprocess for communicating with the consumers that don’t have any previous view for return. Many marketer of Procter and Gamble company spend for determining how spending in various channels impact the nature that the marketer are trying to drive. Marketers should focus on forming associating customers’ experiences that contains social, internet, TV etc. in order to drive revenues of the year. Pricing strategy is essential for the organizations as it desires for accomplishing the objectives by finding the prices pint where they can higher the profits and sales.

Pricing Strategy

Various companies uses varieties of pricing strategies but here, Procter and Gamble Company for the Oral B electric toothbrush product,  uses premium pricing strategy that develops a price maximum than the competitors. It is a strategy which can be efficiently utilized when there is something antique regarding the commodity or even when the commodity is new to market and at the same time the business has a dissimilar competitive advantage(Sidhanta and Chakrabarty, 2010). For the pricing strategy of Oral B toothbrush, Procter and Gamble also uses penetration pricing strategy as it is framed for acquiring market share by entering the market with a low price relative to the competition for attracting customers. The company also uses price skimming strategy as it have an important competitive advantage that can enter themarket with a price skimming strategy framed to conduct high revenue benefit before another competitors start offering similar commodity or its alternatives.

4. Effectiveness of Marketing Communication Strategy for International Business

Oral B has manufactured hundreds and thousands of innovative products over the previous 50 years. Oral B includes therapeutic pas well as imaginative products for utilization in the home andalso in the professional practices. Apart from this along with Oral- B productstheconsumers also get innovation, excellent value, quality as well as efficiency. When Oral-B presents their products they educating their target market n the benefits of their commodities without wasting nay time.  Even it is possiblefor the Procter and Gamble to conduct its business in almost any nation all over the world that advances in the international market(Sidhanta and Chakrabarty, 2010). Brands and products of Oral B originatein one nation are enthusiastically accepted in other countries. International marketing is the therapy of marketing principles in various countries with help of firms overseas; this type of marketing is based on an expansion of the firm’s local marketing strategy. International marketing contains customer nature, cultureand market saturation. The company has turned their international marketing efforts into more than exporting as they have implemented their branding to evaluate for differences in demographic, world market as well as customers(Reid and Plank, 2004).The consumers who stay in foreign markets have different buying nature, priorities and tastes and preferences than the consumers they are familiar with. So with the help of tracking these foreign consumers by market research as well as cultural surveys the marketers of Oral B can able to inventappropriate method of reaching those customers. For convert the market of a brand to international customers without market research can be very difficult so careful concern of a culture’s beliefs is essential in international marketing.

For developing international marketing plan Oral-B partnering with other group experts with knowledge of foreign markets as well as smaller firms can establish their culture research can be successful. The experts of Oral B analyses as well as modifies its brand’s marketing strategy whether its fits their targetdemographic(Reid and Plank, 2004). For an emerging international market the company building partnership and at the same time networking with another firm in the nation are important for achievement. Partners in a target market supports new firms to develop themselves where they have gone overlooked.Oral-B set up international marketing campaigns that are actually directed by a marketingmanager with the knowledge as well as training essentially t manage and at the same time efficiently led a globalcampaign. Marketing of the company overseevariousactivities in the firm’s marketing, promotional section, advertising, abroad and locally. The firm also develops brand guidelines as well as development strategiesfor evaluating consumers’ requirements in foreign market.For gaining the international brand image Oral-B improves brushing habits as well as patient-dentist interaction, the product has formed an associated toothbrush that aligns with a mobile app. The innovation aims purposeful customers with minimum prices sensitivity. The smart toothbrush and app have c\earned mediaaheadof the global launch and at the same time have m-commerce potential for the brand.

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From the above analyzed report it has been found thatthe strategy of marketing communication of a company is basically implemented to obtain new customers for the brands by building awareness for the product. It also helps in maintain the brand customer base by emphasizing their purchasing behavior and by offering new offers and information about the specified brand product. Procter and Gamble is the world leading company that provides consumer products in the areas of personal care, pet supplies, cleaning products and in the areas of pharmaceuticals (Panfilova, 2015). The aim of Oral-B is to develop its products into adjacent categories that involves both high and lower value category. The marketers of Procter and Gamble have a clear portion of their budgets that originally for the innovation. It is trying for new experiences, new inventions and new process for communicating with the consumers that don’t have any previous view for return.

Many marketer of Procter and Gamble company spend for determining how spending in various channels impact the nature that the marketer are trying to drive. The introduction of Oral-B toothpaste is the biggest breakthrough after the introduction of fluoride in the market. Oral B has manufactured hundreds and thousands of innovative products over the previous 50 years (Panfilova, 2015). Oral B includes therapeutic pas well as imaginative products for utilization in the home and also in the professional practices.  The competitive advantage of Oral-B is that it is ahead in the development and introduction stage of the products, and thus beating their competitors and having its positive influence on the customer’s first preference about the product. Oral-B, in order to become a global leader in toothbrushes has successfully implemented strategies to assess the market and enables it to be diverse across the market segment that it has created. Oral-B which is extensively controlled by P&G, for its target audience in UK has developed a strategy of creating innovative and diverse types of toothbrush for its audience. Oral-B has given its product advertisement in newspapers, television, and radio. It has led the people to have believed in the brand and also motivated them to buy the same and be loyal to the brand.


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