Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment

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Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment
Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment
Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment

QFC Level

Level 5


This Unit 14 Website Design Development Assignment is done to support the website designing process and all activities such as website user interface, navigational system and effective user friendly environment. This assignment is done to get a help in understanding of deep knowledge of website design, website capability and usability. This assignment helps me to enhance my technical skills and website designing techniques.

Unit 14 Website Design And Development Assignment, HND assignment Help


1.1 Concept of website design of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. that have to be considered on time of design of website

The designing part of the website consist several designing step and helping techniques to design a website effectively. In this existing market a website solution is best solution to capture all types of customers and to make an existence in competitive market. As user point of view using a website of the company a user can make an query from anywhere at any time and the customer can make an order or request for any service at any time without going anywhere. In this competitive making brand image is a very tough task so the company have to integrate a reliable more user friendly and very attractive website with unique feature to engage the customer with your website. Now I have evaluated the concept of website design of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. Company. This company is originally located at Gant Hill in Australia which involve in business of variety of granite worktops. They serve genuine product and service to their loyal customer from more than 20 years. They sell different types of Granite worktops and quartz worktops to their retained customer. Now I am going to discuss about the design concept of website of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. Company which is as follows:

  • Not focused just only on visual of website: The user of the website gives their feedback and after making an interaction with website. If the website fails to attract the customer in first interaction then customer never come back again. I have to design the website for Shiny Kitchen Worktop by including much attractive content and using better content management system. I have also analyzed that to design website effectively I have to use dynamic navigation system. The website must have better load balancing capability to recover from heavy traffic. The web page of the website of Shiny Kitchen company have effective and efficient and have minimum loading time as possible.
  • Develop the website as keep in mind  client/consumer: For any business and e-business customer or consumer are primary target audience so to design a website for the Shiny Kitchen I have to develop this website by making it consumer centric. I have to design this website by including all the requirement of shiny kitchen and consumer as well as all the artifacts required by the company and consumer.
  • Gathering information about website design: As user point of view gathering of information and requirement to design a website is most important so I have to pay more attention on time of collecting information to develop the website to support the business of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd.
  • Sketch every webpage and forms roughly: As to facilitate effectively to the user by the website of the company I have to create rough sketch for every webpage and forms by pen and paper until I don’t get the most suitable design for the website. This step save huge effort, much time and help use the available resource by maximizing the use of resource.
  • Unique: if the website doesn’t have unique feature then no business company capable to make image in this competitive age of marketing. So I have design the concept of website by applying uniqueness and by applying powerful content management system.
  • Folder ideas: Make folder to contain all the important aspects such as videos, photos and other useful resources.  These important aspects play vital role in designing of the website to the developer. If the designer forgets some point related to the website design then this folder help designer in making of effective website and due to this all important resources automatically mentioned.
Types of User

I have design the website to support the business of Shiny Kitchen Worktops Ltd. by keeping in mind the offline consumer and as well as online consumer because 60 to 75% of consumer always available as online and they love to make an order using the website to avoid going anywhere and facing lots of difficulties. I have also designed this website by keeping in mind the local customer and retailers because without trust and support of local customer the business company fails to achieve their objectives.
There are some special type of user available in this competitive market such as regular user who make order and interact with website on regular basis, expert user who make and order after comparing specification of products on different websites and non voice user who have primary knowledge about the e-marketing.

  • Regular user: These are those users who visit any website on the regular basis. They have so many expectations with any website, they expected that the bugs, errors, link related problem, periodic updates and other contents of the website should be fixed and removed with latest. So this website must have a regular updates on certain time interval.
  • Expert user: These are those users who know very well about the website and they provide feedback and contact with company for important purposes so the company have to provide detail information on to the website and have to update the contents and blogs regularly
  • Non Voice user: These users have primary knowledge about the website design and development. Just because of as a new user they satisfied with basic user interface. But they don’t able to face any types of difficulties and complexities so the team of designer have to provide simple and sound interface user with full on security and privacy.
  • Important needs: This website is focused on meaning not on appearance so this facilitates the user as any types of user either they are new or don’t have good visibility can be able to use this website easily. A text to audio converter can also be added with this website to facilitate user who has week visibility.
Website analysis

The effective website analysis the website described below:

  • Latest updated information: Latest updated or real time information means that the information receives right now or added as of now. This process help user to receive information at instant and help to monitor the website updates every time.
  • Commercial: This newly designed website is a trading website (commercial website) and as trading website it has a regular flow of cash and generates revenue for the company.
  • Website structure: Structure of the website (Sitemap) provides visuality process about the navigation system and website functionality. Website structure provides important and prior deliverable about the website.
  • Keyword: During development of website the designer uses several keywords so during searching of the website by the user; they can easily capable to find the website of the company. The user can easily able to make search about all the products of company such as kitchen worktop, granite worktop and Dekton and many other products and services.
  • Government: This website is designed to support “Shinny Kitchen Worktops Ltd.” It involves in selling of granite, Dekton and other trading stones. So the designer designed this website as trading purpose and as trading company this involves in selling.

Keeping in mind Types of design
Graphical design and Dynamic website design are the two available types of design.

  • Graphical Design: These types of website design only consists wireframe of the website and represent website logically. All the design and development of the website is considered as logical.
  • Dynamic Website design: This type of website design consist only the website’s coding part and developed and designed on the basis of real time. To make any update with this website there is only need to update the website’s records.

Task 2

2.1 Design an interactive website to meet the requirements of Shiny Kitchen Worktops Ltd.

I have created many rough sketches to meet all the requirements of the Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. and at last selected only one as a final design. The interactive website design of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. as per the requirement is as follows:
 Interactive website design of Shiny Kitchen Worktop, HND Assignment writing Service

2.2 Website design evaluation with for other user in terms of Effectiveness, Efficiency, Reliability and compliance

Here I have evaluated design of the website of the Shinny kitchen in terms of other user effectiveness, efficiency, reliability and compliances.

  • Effectiveness of the website Shiny Kitchen worktop Ltd: By ensuring for quality of products to the customers the Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. Company perfectly and effectively manages their customer. The customer can make an order or they can purchase at anytime from anywhere.
  • Efficiency of the website of Shinny kitchen Worktop Ltd. company: The website which is designed and developed by me is much more reliable and easily useable by every type of customer. I have designed the interface of the website user friendly and very attractive as well as this website has strong navigational system.
  • Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. website’s Reliability: The specification of the products which is updated by the product image is genuine so the customer of the Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd. is trusts on this website and the company capable to make loyal customers. The website consist only those images which are original and the specification of the products along with usability, name and the price list of the product. This reliability of the company’s website results in satisfaction of the customer.
  • Compliances of the new developed website of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd: After development of this website the customer of Shiny Kitchen can get immediate response in favor of their queries. The company provide all contact detail, email address and other helpful information on to the website so the customer don’t have go anywhere for any kind of help. The data of the customer kept secured and proper privacy is maintainer by the Shiny Kitchen Worktop. In this way the Website of this company Is much more compliance.

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Task 4

4.1 Review and test the developed website by employ a range of testing methods across the whole website for functionality, navigation and so on

Here I have developed a website in order to support the company Shiny Kitchen worktop Ltd. and performed various types of test for variety of purpose. Different test for this website to check out about, the functionality, navigational system and so on which are as follows:

  • Functionality Testing: Functionality testing is done to test functionality of all webpage, interfaces, forms and other aspects are tested to minimize errors. This test is also performed to check the functionality of links means under this testing I have tested that the developed website responds properly or not.
  • Testing over usability: Under this testing I have tested that the navigational system of the website of Shiny kitchen worktop Ltd. is works accurately or it generates unambiguity. I have also check that the content which is select by me is understandable or not by all types of user. I have performed crosscheck test for content management system which is selected as per the requirement of the Shiny kitchen.
  • Testing on interface of website: In interface testing of the web solution I have tested the user interface is verified, means the interface which is designed for this website is easier and reliable or not. Under this test I have also test that the web solution is reliable or not for the Shiny Kitchen Worktop. Data flow between the more than two systems is also considered under this testing.
  • Testing of Compatibility: Under compatibility testing I have tested the website compatibility with variety of available browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, UC browser, Safari and many more and also I have performed this test to get the compatibility result as per the operating systems compatibility and other devices like tablet and Smartphone’s.
  • Testing of performance: I have test performance of website When huge number of customer increases at any instant then what will happen with website and what will its response time. Using this test I have found the minimum and maximum limit and capability and load of number of transaction.
  • Testing of security: Security testing is performed to check the security aspects of the website of Shiny Kitchen Worktop. Less response time, maximum through put of the website. Under this testing I have performed several tests and management test such as session management, integrate required material, security check on authentication and many more.

4.2 Analysis on the actual test results against expected results to identify and report any discrepancies


Expected test result

Actual test result


The Shiny Kitchen worktop should have an online order form.

The Website solution has an Online form to make an order.


The webpage should not have off cutting age when the consumer uses this website in mobile or tablet.

The new designed website never have off cutting webpage when it is used in mobile or tablet or any other devices.


All the requirement of company such as detail description about variety of granite, Quartz, Dekton, Popular design catalogue and  company offer should be fulfilled.

This website fulfills all need and requirements of the Shiny Kitchen.


The webpage of the website should have testimonies to share experience and logo of the company should be visible to each of the webpage of the website.

The developed website has testimonies on bottom up and by using this customer can share their shopping experience and review. The logo of shiny kitchen is clearly visible on all webpage of the website.


The contact us page should consist a map view of the company.

The contact us page has a map view of shiny kitchen worktop company.


The website should have strong navigational system and the respected links of webpage integrated and tested effectively.

The website has strong navigation system and all the webpage links on same position.


The background of the website should be white and website should be similar to the standard websites of the UK.

The developed website has white background and a standard look n feel like other trading company’s website in the UK.

4.3 Evaluate independent feedback on the website and make recommendations in your report, for improvements

I have made an independent feedback on the website and onto the basis of evaluation I suggest for some improvement as a recommendation.
Some of the recommendation as a future improvement of the developed website is given as:

  • A Chat room must be developed for the owner, stakeholders, Management operation team and for other staff member of the Shiny kitchen Worktops Ltd. to discuss about feedback of the company.
  • A backup on by the regular basis must be there to support the company. I have enable mobile version of the website of the company to capture mobile and tablet customer and so as a future recommendation thus the company can have to make an improvement by providing new version of website time to time.
  • In future the website must have a reseller option to facilitate the local seller.
  • As a future recommendation the website solution must have same day delivery option.
  • The website has capability to generate an electronic payment bill while ordering the product.

4.4 Create onscreen help to assist the users of Shiny Kitchen Worktops Ltd.

Here I have provided some techniques and common methodologies to assist the use of Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd.
URL of the Shiny Kitchen Worktop Ltd- http://serbann95.wixsite.com/shinnykitchenworktop

  • The user has to click on to the above mentioned link to access into the website of the shiny kitchen worktop Ltd.
  • As when the user clicks on the URL of the website they reach at the homepage of the company.
  • The Homepage of the website consist all the menus of the website at the top with their associated link such as Products, contacts, testimonials and more.
  • http://serbann95.wixsite.com/shinnykitchenworktop/shop. this is the link of product page. The Product page consist three links of three submenus which is stands for three products of the company such as granite, Dekton and Quartz.
  • http://serbann95.wixsite.com/shinnykitchenworktop/contact. this is the link of contact menu. Contact menu provides method by which a user can contact with owner of the company or they can send message or email to the authorized person. This webpage also contains a map view to facilitate the user to check the physical availability of the website.
  • The link of the testimonial webpage has link http://serbann95.wixsite.com/shinnykitchenworktop/testimonials. By the help of testimonial one can send their feedback.
  • The “More” link consist four sub links of four different submenus named as Shopping and delivery, returns policy, tracking and about. By clicking one of them the user can reach on to the separate page of the shiny kitchen worktop website solution.
  • The Website user can buy any product online through filling a form of order and also they can pay online.
  • The user can join this company through the social networking sites which links is given on to the bottom of the webpage.
  • The user can pay for any product through the visa car, matter card, master card, American express and PayPal.
  • The home page is divided into three sections such as top selling products, new arrivals and best deals.
  • Onto the top of the homage a search option is available. The user can search for any products by entering the relevant name or keywords of the products.

4.5 Create documentation for the support and maintenance of the website

I have creates a document for support and maintenance of the website which is developed in favor of shiny kitchen worktop Ltd. The developed website consist full required functionalities and features as per the requirement of owners of the company. Now after development of website the company surely requires a supported document to maintain their website and facilitates their client by polishing their website time to time. The company has to maintain a team or hire a team to keep protective and make the Content management system attractive. The maintenance of website can be done by several ways and in multiple steps. The website support and maintenance step is as follows.

  • Content should be clean and updated: The newly designed  website consists  many pages and form, links and URL links for different pages, blogs and other information. The blogs and static content requires corrections and updates. The new pages will be out-dated after some time so the website requires updates and I have to check the working functionality of form, WebPages and links and URL’s. The image, blog and other contents must be clean and updated every time. The Webpage of policy, terms and conditions, services and contract must be clear and updated on the basis of real time. The documentation of software including product and services, bugs also required to be updated.
  • Update, Fix issues and errors and repair: The website solution of shiny kitchen worktop Ltd. must have to update on certain time interval by updating new feature, fixing issue of older version, provide different look n feel with unique content management system and by repairing the URL’s of the WebPages. The links and connectivity error must be checked.
  • Compatibility Testing: After designing and implementing of the website during maintenance of the website the shiny kitchen worktop Ltd. has to check compatibility testing with all type of browser to check the optimal compatibility such as opera, chrome, safari, Firefox and many more platforms. The company team members of the maintenance may use selenium web application testing system. The selenium suite includes IDE selenium, selenium remote control and Selenium Grid.
  • Accessibility improvement: The team member has to check accessibility improvement and has to ensure that the website can be accessible to the every user who comes to visit the website of shiny kitchen worktop Ltd. company.

Technical guide as to help the user
Technical guide as to help the user, HND assignment help
Technical guide as to help the user

Top selling Product
Top selling Product
Best deals
Best deals, HND Asignment Writing Service
New Arrivals
New Arrivals


The designing of the website is done to facilitate the user in more effectively and efficiently. All the task of this Website Design Development Assignment is done to help the user and every phase completed as per the requirement of user.


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