Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy

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Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy
Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy
Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy

Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy - Assignment Help in UK


In the business environment the companies have to be a lot more careful about the way they work as the tenure that they have in the market is a lot more tough and difficult since they have to deal with the competition and the complexities of the work that they do as this is the only thing that they can ensure that they will still have a connect with the customers and the employees. The Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy discusses the detail description of the travelling industry and discusses the tour operators and their work or activities. The report also explains about the contribution of the tour operators in the tourism industry. For this the management and the employees have to be on their best foot forward if they want to achieve the goals that they have for the future and all this has to be done for the products and the services and they to be developed from time to time. For this it is necessary for the management of the companies to know about the trends and patterns of the business market. the travel and tourism industry needs to be even more careful about the way they conduct themselves as it is one of the most fluctuating industries and the companies have to keep in mind that primarily conduct themselves on the international level and the entire world is virtually the ground zero of their operations. (Booking.com, 2015)

Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

LO1.  Understand the tour operators industry within the travel and tourism sector

Introduction: Travel and tourism industry is one of the most developed and advanced industries of the market given the kind of operations that they do and the products and services that they have to offer and this is the reason that the companies that operate in the market have to consider all the elements that will have an impact n the operations that they do. There are many trends and patterns of the market that have a huge impact on the industry and this is the main reason that the changes have been observed in the working of the industry and its growth. (Booking.com, 2015)

P1.1 Analyze the effects of current and recent trends and developments on the tour operators industry.

When it comes to the working of the travel and tourism industry, the one thing that can be said about it is that there are many branches of the industry which come under the umbrella and the tour operator industry is one of the many branches that have managed to make it big under the umbrella and now provide adequate support to the main sector for a smooth functioning of the work that they do. The impacts and the recent trends that the industry has to face are not one of the kind and they are common for all the companies. Technology is the first thing that have brought around the change in the working of the industry and the main feature that it has brought in the tour operator industry is that the companies of the market can now have an access to almost all the locations of the world whether it is for the purpose of providing packages to the people or to attract new people towards the offerings of the company. It has also enabled the people of the world to know the offerings that they have from the market and know more about the things they want.

The needs and demands of the people from the tour operator companies like the Thomas cook have also changed a clot over the years and the reason for this is that they have the means that they can use to know more about the different parts of the world and once they are aware of what they want from their travelling, they place they requirements. This is the root cause of the fact that the people have their demands which may or may not match with the other customers of the company and the employees have to be on their toes at all times to fulfill them. (Kotler, 1994). Another factor that has a huge impact on the way the trends and patterns of the business market are being transformed is the upcoming and unique destinations in and around the different parts of the world and the offerings that they have are different and something that the people have to explore and experience and since they are now more aware and equipped to afford the offerings, the business for the tour operator companies has increased many folds and this is good not just for the companies but also for the world economy.

One of the most important things that have brought about a change in the working and the flow of the tour operator industry is the people who have the resources and the means to travel to the different parts of the world, do not have the time that is needed to plan and arrange a vacation and this is where the role of the companies like the Thomas cook comes in to play as they organize the trip for the people according to their demands and their budget and the people in the end have everything ready and arrange without any hassle. Another trend that can be seen in the tour  operator industry is that the policies of the government of the different nations have engaged in the process of globalization which means that the people can now travel more liberally from one country to the other and this has done nothing but encouraged their desire to travel and this is the reason that is needed for the companies of the market to have contacts and connections in almost all the parts of the world if they want to make sure that the customers stay with them for a long time. (Sagar, 2014)

Conclusion: All the impacts and the trends that have been discussed in this report have been seen very significantly in the working of the companies of the travel and tourism sector and only the companies that have it in them to work around these impacts will be able to attain the success that they have aimed for and for this they need to plan and formulate for the future and make sure that the management and the employees of the company agree to the terms that have been set for the work that they have to do in their capacity.

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Task 2

LO2.  Understand stages involved in creating holidays

P2.1 Assess the stages and timescales involved in developing holidays

Considering all the elements that have been discussed in the different parts of this assignment, the one thing that can be considered for sure is that the companies of the industry have to be very careful and cautious about the way they formulate the plan the vacation as they cannot afford to keep even one element out of the planning process. If the company is successful in doing this than half of their battle will be won in the market as the people will be attracted towards the package that they have to offer and Thomas cook will have to consider the following:

  1. The first thing that they will have to cover is that they have to decide the destination that they will offer to the people by the means of the tour package and this is a tough situation in the present times considering that there are many destinations that have now come up in the market and are attracting the interest of the people as they have different and unique offering to give to the people who visit these destinations. Destination is the main attraction in whatever the tour package the company is making for the people. (Dales, 2010)
  2. Another thing that the company has to consider is that the cost of the package is within the range of the people who are targeted for the package as it is not possible for all the people of the society to be able to have a free range when it comes to their vacation and another thing that they have to keep in mind is that they have to offer these packages to the people at very attractive deals and discounts which will be an added advantage to sell the product as added deals increase the fun of the visit.
  3. Last but definitely not the least point that has to be kept in mind by the companies like the Thomas cook is that they need to have connections and contacts in these destination which make it possible for then to provide best in the class services and experiences to the people. Visiting the attraction and enjoying the experiences of the destination is the most important part of the vacation and this has to be arranged in advance by the company under the tour package that they have  and once this is done they have to work on the price. (Mahika, 2011)

P2.2 Evaluate the suitability of different methods of contracting for different components of the holiday and different types of tour operator

Just like all the industries of the market, even the tour operator industry have the diversity that can be seen in the other industries of the market and the one thing that can be seen in the this is that there are different types of tour operators and broadly there are- inbound and outbound. The inbound tour operators are the one who make it possible for the people to travel to the country in which they are operating. They invite the people from the different parts of the country so that they can increase the economy of the country and also the tourism that they have so that the country can make a place for themselves in the minds of the people and also in the hard core market. The next kind of tour operators is the outbound tour operators of the market which are the exact opposite of the inbound which means that they are there to arrange for the people who want to go out of the country for the purpose of tourism. They are the ones which are basically considered to be the international companies of the market and they contribute towards the growth of the industry. (Koutoulas, 2013)

All this is going to be a waste of effort for the companies if they do not have the right team that they need for the formation of the tour package and this can only be a success which the team has researched the market for the different and new offerings that they can explore and also the demands of the people. If all this is covered by the company then they will know what they have to include in the tour package in terms of the basic needs of the travelers and also in terms of the special and unique experiences of the destinations. All this is important as well as necessary for the companies like the Thomas cook as they are the pioneers of the industry and they have a lot at stake to lose if they go wrong in the decision that they make. They have the means and the resources that they need for making the  tour packages and also the clientele that they need to make it a success and in the end they also have the contacts that they can explore to include different elements in the tour package that they are about to offer. (Sethughes, 2009)

P2.3 Calculate the selling price of a holiday from given information below.

Keeping in mind the fact the every company is there in the business market for the purpose if their own which may or may not be different from each other but the one common thing that they all have is the profit making that they want to achieve and for the purpose of profit making the company has to consider that they cover all the cost and the charges for the provided product and services and decide the percentage of profit that they want to make and for this the price if the tour package should be around 180 Euros per person. (Booking.com, 2015)

Task 3

LO3. Be able to review brochures and methods of distribution used to sell holidays

Introduction: One thing that will fall on the shoulders of the management of the companies of the travel and tourism industry is that they have to finalize the decisions for the future and take all the decisions that have to be taken for the future course of the company. This is the reason that it becomes all the more important for the management to make sure that the decisions that they take are done after a good and deep study of the market and in line with the operations and the goals of the company so that they will suit them. (Booking.com, 2015)

P3.1 Evaluate the planning decisions taken for the design of a selected brochure

Reaching out to the people is one of the most important thing for the companies of the market as this will be only way that they can reach out to the people to sell the product that they have to offer and for this the one thing that the one thing that will work for the travel and tourism industry is that they can reach out to the people by the means of broachers which is one of the most common thing in the market and one of the oldest thing that they can use for the process of marketing. But even when it comes to the formation of the broachers, the management has to cover many points as this is the only way that they can convey their point to the customers and attract them to the product. The first point that the company has to cover in this concept is that the text of the broacher bright, clear and easy to read so that there is not confusion in the minds of the people who will be reading it and also the management has to ensure that the text that they give out in the broacher is easy to read and understand and the main attractions that they have to offer for the tour package are mentioned very clearly for the people to take and make their financial decision. Only all this has been covered, the layout of the broacher also has to be made by the company in which they have to ensure that it is attractive yet subtle so that the people feel attractive to read it and then buy what it is promoting. All this will ensure that the company will be able to use it to the best of the ability and be a success. (Doole and Lowe, 2008)

P3.2 Assesses the suitability of alternatives to a traditional brochure for different types of tour operators and recommends the most appropriate for your tour package.

The one good thing that can be said about the business market is that even though there is a very high degree of competition between the company yet they have the freedom that they need to choose what they think will be the best for the company and this is the reason that there are many different working style in the business market and every management has means that they can choose from depending upon the goals that they want to achieve in the market and the resources that they have for it. The same is the case for the marketing process of the company as well in which the companies have the chance to reach out to the people to make them aware of the products that they have to offer and also attract them to buy it. For a very long period of time it has been seen the companies of the tour operators have been using the broachers for the promotion of the products that they have but in the present  time it can be seen that there are many different means that the can be seen in the market and one of them happens to be the use of internet and other related technology which basically means that the companies can promote the products and services that they have on the company website or other related sites which will help to promote the services that they have. As far as the company of Thomas cook is concerned it is going to be good for the company to sue the modern as well as the traditional means for the promotion of the new offerings that they have as given the scale of the company it will be good that they attract as many people as possible. (Kent, 2007)

P3.3 Evaluate the suitability of different methods of distribution used to sell a holiday for different types of tour operator and recommend the most appropriate for your tour package.

Just like it has been mentioned in the last part of the assignment that the choices that are there for the companies of the market are there in the hands of the management and they can use this process for all the operations that they have to carry out for the functioning of the company and in the end it is going to be the choices that they make that will determine the success that they are going to achieve in the market. Like it has been discussed in the last part of the assignment that the company can carry out their choices in the department of marketing in the same way they can carry it out for the distribution process of products and services as well. The most common concept that has been used in the past is that they can invite the people to visit the retail outlet of the company where they can purchase the products that they like and also attain the information that they want. But it is not possible for all the people to be able to reach out to the retail offices of the company and this is the reason that it will be good for the company to have an online system in which the people can purchase their offerings in the comfort of their homes. This is going to be a good way for the management of Thomas cook to reach out to the people who want to connect with the company but cannot do it because of the physical distance that is there between them. Another thing that they can do is that they have contract with the online sites for tourism to sell the product that they are offering to the people as this will help them to reach out to the places where they do not have their offices. (Hartman, 2010)

Conclusion: Every company in the business market has their own way of operations and this is the reason that it can be seen that the companies even those who belong to the same industry are very different from each other in terms of the products and services that they offer and even the way they draft the plans and policies for the future. It is the duty of the human resources management of the company to ensure that they study the way the competitors are making the decisions for their company but the final call should be as per the needs of the company.

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Task 4

LO4. Understand strategic and tactical decision making for tour operators 

P4.1 Evaluate the strategic decisions made by different types of tour operator

It has been discussed in the different parts of the assignment that there are many different types of tour operators that are there in the market and it is quite possible that the offerings that they have for the people are going to different in nature and this is the reason that it can also be seen that the companies that are there in this industry have their own way of operations which they can carry based in the targets that they have for the future and the means that they have to achieve them. This is also the root cause for the fact the companies have their own way of conducting the operations that they need to do and also the decisions that they need to make. For this, the first example that will take will be of the company of Thomas cook which is a broad offering company in the market and this is why they have to careful about what they offer to the people and they conduct research and analysis which will make their decision making process a lot more easier and smooth. The drawback of this is that the company has to be careful and at full attention every time they offer something new to the people and sometimes it may also happen that the company does not have the means that they use to satisfy the demands of the people. But the positive side of this is they can offer new products to people and then gain the customer database that they need to succeed. Whereas on the other hand the next kind of tour operators in the market will be the specialized tour operators who handle special demands of the people and the products and services that they have to offer to the people do not change much and one such example will be the Cox & Kings. The good thing that they get out of this process is that the people know what the company has to offer and this is the reason that every time they are sure what they need they will not hesitate to approach the company but the drawback of this is that the company and the customer database that they will be limited as they will not much diversity to attract more amount of people and they will not be the pioneers of the market. (Thomas Cook, 2015)

P4.2 Compare the tactical decisions that could be taken by a selected tour operator in different situations

Like it has  been mentioned in the introduction of the assignment that the companies have to carry out operations that will lead them to success that they want in the market and for this it is in the hands of the management to take the decisions which will either make their work easier and bring the much  needed success tot he company or it will complicate it even more so that the company will have to face which they might not be able to cover up in the future and this is the reason that it becomes very important for the companies to know what they are dealing with and have guidelines and protocols that can followed in tough and emergency situations. The first and the most tactical decision that they will have to take and this is in reference to the company of Thomas cook is going to be the selection of the destination that they are going to offer in their tour package and accordingly the company can form the plan that they will offer to the people at a minimum value. But for this to be carried in the best possible method, it is going to be the duty of the management to have a  research team in the company which will study the demands of the people and the offerings of the different destinations of the world and decide which all combinations will bring them success and customers. They will also have to draft an itinerary that will be followed by the people who will purchase this tour package and in the end the cost that they will have fix for it and all this has to be done after a thorough research and analysis of the market. (Middleton, 1994)

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In the end it will be safe to say that working in the business market is going to be one of the most difficult things for the companies in all the industries and this is even the rule for the big and international companies of the market and they have to be even more careful about the way they function as they have a lot at stake to loose and if they go wrong in any of the decisions that they make then it will not be good for the company and also not for the products and the services that they have to offer. This is even the same for the travel and tourism industry as well as the companies have to keep up with the continuous change in the demands of the people and also the technology and the trends that they use to attract then towards the products that they have to offer and in the end it is in the hands of the management of the company since the decisions that they make are the ultimate base which is used for the operations and the duties that have to be done by the staff.


Booking.com, (2015), [Online], Available: www.booking.com [Accessed 4 July 2016]
Doole, I., and Lowe, R., (2008), International Marketing Strategy, 5th Edition, Cengage Learning, [Textbook], [Accessed 4 July 2016]
Hartman, D., (2010), The Value of Marketing to Society, [Online], Available:  http://smallbusiness.chron.com/value-marketing-society-21508.html [Accessed 5 July 2016]
Kent, R., (2007), Marketing Research, Approaches, Methods and Applications    in Europe, Thomson Learning, [Textbook], [Accessed 7 July 2016]
Kotler, P., (1994), Marketing Management – Analysis Planning and Control, 8th ed. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, [Text Book],
Koutoulas, D., (2013), Understanding the Tourist Product, [Online], Available:http://www.academia.edu/1861406/Understanding_the_Tourism_Product [Accessed 8 July 2016]
Mahika, C., (2011), Current Trends in Tourist Motivation, [Online], Available:http://www.academia.edu/2496818/Current_trends_in_tourist_motivation [Accessed 7 July 2016]
Middleton, V., (1994), Marketing in Travel and Tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, [Text Book],

The Unit 14 Tour Operation Management Assignment Copy discusses the detail description of the travelling industry and discusses the tour operators and their work or activities, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.