Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment

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Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment
 Research Project Sample Assignment
Unit 11 Research Project Sample Assignment



Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Research Project

QFC Level

Level 5

Unit Code



Research title:  - Why does Gender diversity improve financial performance?

Introduction: -

In the present business environment there is effective level of competition in the market which is based on different factors like knowledge, skills and professional academics. In this competitive market there is effective role of human resource which is liable to provide effective services to the various organisational performances that can make impact on the overall performance of the organisation (Díaz-García,  et. al 2013). This research report is defining different aspects related to the role and different aspects related to the effectiveness of the financial performance based on the gender diversity at workplace.

Unit 11 research project

Aims: Aim of the study is to identify various aspects that can make impact on the financial effectiveness which is influenced by the gender diversity at workplace inspiring from different aspects.

Objectives: There are some research objectives which are required to be achieved in the research process.

  • To identify various aspects related to the gender diversity at work place.
  • To analyse the impact of gender diversity on financial performance and its effectiveness.
  • To evaluate various aspects can make impact on financial performance influenced by the gender diversity at work place.

Research questions:

 In every research programme all the activities are executed to find out solution of research questions which are as follows.

  1. Discuss the various aspects and factors which can make impact on financial performance and its effectiveness at work place?
  2. Identify the impact of gender diversity which can influence the financial performance which can be achieved in the organisation?
  3. Define different aspects and methods which can help in managing this diversity in effective manner.

Action plan

There are included various activities in the overall process of the research which are required to be executed in effective manner. These activities are required to be managed in systematic manner to achieve effective results and objectives (Faqih, 2016). There are also defined the estimated time for each activity which will make it more time effective and efficient. The following is the action plan for the research process.



Start Date

End Date

Planning of research

2 weeks

6 October 2016

19 October 2016

Implementation of plan

1 week

20 October 2016

26 October 2016

Data collection

3 weeks

27 October 2016

16 November 2016

Data analysis and evaluation

2 weeks

17 November 2016

30 November 2016

Conclusion and recommendation

1 week

1 December 2016

7 December 2016

Gantt chart

There is graphical representation of activities included in research project which is systematic representation of activities with effective timelines.

unit 11 grant chat

Importance of the Study

This research project is based on the various aspects related to the gender diversification and its impact on different aspects of organisation and its performance. There are various aspects in the present business environment there is effective role of women who are effectively managing, administration and planning of activities in any organisation which is making impact on the growth of the organisation (Gallego-Álvarez, et. al 2010). There are also defined different aspects which are showing the comparison of the performance of women and men in organisation involved in effective running of organisations that can help in achieving organisational goals and objectives.

Literature Review

Increase in the gender diversification in the senior management of organisations making impact on the growth of the company. There are increasing opportunities and chances to take participation and proportion of the involvement of the women in organisational effective management in effective manner. In the process of gender diversification there can be taken advantage of different aspects like benefit of specialisation and skills and qualities which can make impact financial and managerial performance of any organisation making impact on performance of organisation (ACCA, 2012).
There is requirement to understand what are the different aspects involved in the gender diversity and its requirement in the organisation that can make impact on the financial and managerial performance. The organisations are required to manage gender diversity in the organisation in effective manner that can help in managing all the important aspects in the organisation. There are various aspects which defines importance of the gender discrimination in the organisation in accordance with their role in the organisation in effective manner (Helen, 2012).

Human resource or human capital is one of the most important aspects which can define the role of the activities and its different aspects so that there are required various qualities and skills in the human resource so that there can be take advantage of specialisation in the organisation that can improve the managerial and financial performance as well in organisation. This can be achieved by having effective diversity of human resource in the organisation that can help in taking advantage of gender diversification making impact on overall performance of the organisation.
In the effective process of the organisation there are required to have financial and managerial aspects which are related to the finance that can make impact on overall performance of the organisation. In the process of management in the organisational activities there are required to have women in the board of directors can make impact on overall effectiveness by making it outperformed making effective results (Chapple, et. al 2014). There are various advantages and benefits of having women in management of the company and also make impact on the goodwill of the company as in the participation of women provide diversity in the actions of the company.

There can be achieved effective and better skills of leadership in the organisation that can make impact on overall growth and effectiveness of the organisation. There is defined that women are having quality of providing effective roles and responsibilities in the organisation. In different manner there are proved that there are various cases in which there is defined that organisation with women in the management and senior management team of the company can lead to effective generation of profits in the organisation (Loukil,  et. al 2016).
There is effective role of gender diversification in organisation as in provides effective approach towards the pool of talent in the market which is having in female candidates who are not getting any chance to show their talent and can make impact on financial and managerial results in organisation (Rhode,  et. al 2014). Having more gender diversity leads to effective and diversified talent in the organisation which can make impact on financial performance of the organisation by utilising the talent in effective manner.
In the process of all the activities in the organisation there are included various activities which requires effective control and monitoring of activities that can make impact on overall performance which can be financial and managerial in effective manner (Dezsö,  et. al 2012). There will be following of the corporate governance in effective manner due to gender diversity in the organisation.

Effectiveness in the decision making emerges in organisation due to the impact of the effectiveness in understanding and analysing various aspects which are making impact on overall effectiveness in the organisation and can lead to effective achievement of the organisational goals and objectives that can be possible due to gender diversity in the organisation (Terjesen,  et. al 2016).
There is effective requirement to increase the number and opportunities for employing the female employees in effective manner that can lead to effective results in the organisation and can lead to reduced chances of any kind of misunderstanding and misconceptions that can make the overall financial performance improved of the company (Ye,  et. al 2010).
There are executed various methods to analyse effectiveness of the gender diversity in the organisation that can make impact on overall effectiveness of the organisation that can be identified by using different methods and reports that can define overall performance of the organisation (Østergaard,  et. al 2011). This is making impact on the perspectives of the companies and  their goodwill in the market making impact on financial performance of the organisation.
There are also effective impacts of the women empowerment in the success of any organisation that can make impact on the stock market of the company as in these shows the effective decision making in the organisation (Park, 2013).
A variety of explanation has been made regarding how gender diversity in the business function will improve the financial performance of the origination. In the report given by Mckinsey it was found that women tend to have better analytical skills than men while taking business decisions at large (Badal, et. al 2014). However in the business like blue chip companies it is observed that there management board or directors are accompanied with at least 1 women director and this results into provide analytical skills for retaining employees in the value chain activities.

Many studies throughout the time has suggested that women tend have more sensitive power in management of resources either man power or other resources at large. Having senior women in the top management in the business life cycle provide development of analytical skills for retaining employees in the value chain activities (Marquardt,  et. al 2016).
Positive effects of having women directors at the Board level of the organization. Higher market capitalization than other companies, Increment in the brand image and international sustainability for the business, Use of resource in better and effective manner, Development of promotion of sex equality act in the business functioning of the organization, Reduction in the cost of capital as women tend to make less mistake while doing management activities and eventually results into higher financial performance of the organization (Machado-Taylor,  et. al 2014).
Enhanced female participation in the big companies’ management functioning could not be seen as nice to have or a necessary box clicking exercise which is imposed to satisfy quotas (Simo Kengne, 2016). In the given time manner it is observed that many women have proved to be working effectively and eventually resulted into several benefits such as increment in the financial performance, reduction in the employment turnover, increment in the quality of the working condition.
The research study on the women management skills have depicted that women are the skillful managers who use their analytical skills to manage work more efficiently (Solakoglu,  et. al 2016). However there are many other non-monetary benefits such as management of the working conditions, development of the positive environment in the business functioning, creation of strategic business plan and required strategic alliances in determined approach.
While the statistic finding highlights that diversity does coincide with improved corporate financial performance and higher stock market valuations and increment in the credit worthiness in effective manner (McMahon, 2010). Women in the top management in the business life cycle results into less loss making decision for the better future of the organization.
This study is based upon the Credit Suisse gender 3000 which depicts the board structure of the big organizations and provides that there is law in several companies which required at least one woman directors for the better functioning for the business (Kakabadse,  et. al 2015). The results shows that companies with more than 30 % women employees tend to have 3 times more market capitalization than other companies in the same market segment.

It also affects the brand image and corporate sustainability of the business if company has more women employees in its value chain activities (Nakagawa,  et. al 2014). However, various companies such as Tesco, Parle, and Fairfax telecommunication are some of the companies who are found to be the best management working organization in the business functioning in their respective fields.
The return on equity of the firms with women on their Board of directors is also higher than those without, signalling premium results. Companies working under the guidance and supervision of women tend to make less mistakes and wrong strategic alliance as women directors are the best in analysing of all internal and external factors in determined approach (Lapid,  et. al 2013).

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Research Specification

For research specifications there are two adequate methods available in the form of the deductive method and inductive method. Both of these methods are effective enough but both are adverse to each other. Both of the methods helps in processing the research study in systematic manner and helps in getting desired results or meet out the set objectives. Both methods follows different processing and their results are also not similar (Hanly, 2014). Below is the effective level of discussion is made over them such as: -

Deductive Method: -

It is an top down approach that focused from general to specific. This is an effective method that flows from top to bottom as firstly research gather the information over the selected theory or topic. It also referred as firstly problem statement get identified and some set of information is gathered with this secondly hypothesis get set over it and for satisfying the hypothesis adequate set of information is collected (Hanly, 2014). This method is an close end method as its nature is narrow and for the purpose of satisfying the hypothesis researcher make use of the facts.

urpose of satisfying the hypothesis researcher make use of the facts.

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 Inductive Method: -

It is an bottom up method and it is completely adverse of the deductive method. According to this method researcher initially make adequate level of observation over the different areas and select adequate topic. After observation they set some pattern and then they set adequate hypothesis (Heit & Rotello, 2010). In order to meet out the hypothesis theory is created that helps in satisfying the hypothesis.

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In order to process the research study the research specification which is considered is deductive reasoning or method. As with the help of this method research study is process from top to down and conform the theory with the help of the observation or the data gathered.

Both of the methods are effective enough in rendering adequate results but the results are effectively different as the processing and base of executing research is completely different. By preferring deductive method to process the research study further researcher effectively set some potential objectives that helps in executing the research study successfully. Adequate set of theory is gathered in the form of literature review and also set some research questions that get answered with the use of that information. In order to make observation researcher make use of questionnaire to collect the information also (Barbieri, et. al., 2010). Once data is gathered adequate set of information is gathered that helps in meeting the hypothesis and execute the research study successfully.

Limitation of Research

Limitation or the barriers that restrict the processing of the research study and there are various factors are available that get considered as the limitations such as availability of the time period as it is very limited and researcher need to complete the research study within time period only. Other research limitations are resources and tools and techniques as researcher is having limited and basic form in order to gather and analyse the gathered data. These are the limitations that adequate impact the overall processing of the research study as with the use of limited resources it become difficult to complete the research study well on time.
There is adequate requirement of considering these available limitation during the processing of the research study as it helps in executing the research study in successful manner.


It is concluded that research study is get executed in the successful manner as all the set research questions get answered with the use of the literature review made. Along with this adequate approaches such as qualitative and quantitative approaches is followed in order to get the adequate set of information which is utilised further for meeting the set objectives of the research study as well as utilised for making some effective recommendations. These recommendations are followed in order to resolve the problem statement. There is a challenge of processing of research study in systematic manner and in order to resolve this issue action plan is prepared which make inclusion of the adequate path and it also helps in monitoring over the activities. The overall research is showing that in the present business environment there is effective role of the gender diversification in which there are effective role of the women empowerment and women participation in the financial performance and ultimately growth of the company that can help in achieving the goals and objectives of the company. This research is also showing all the important aspects related to the various performance measures and effective methods and techniques which are making impact on overall performance of the company.


There are adequate set of recommendations are made with the use of the gathered information and these are as follows such as: -

  • Organisation need to make inclusion of the qualified and skilled diverse gender in their management that helps in making decision.
  • They need not to hire more and more female employees but they need to hire the skilled and knowledgeable members that helps in focusing over their attaining their objectives.
  • Management need to make adequate discussion with their diverse gender group that helps in making effective decisions.
  • Females are effective enough in managing the things as they manage their personal and professional life in effective manner that helps in managing their overall activities.
  • There must be provided effective opportunities in the organisational policies and procedures which are required to be followed in the organisation that can make impact on financial and managerial performance of the company.
  • There must be increased awareness in the organisation about the benefits and effectiveness of the adoption of gender diversity in which there are taken effective decisions related to providing effective place to the women employee in the senior management team of the company.
  • There must be provided effective trainings and development sections which can help to the women employees to improve their performance. This can also help in taking effective decisions in the organisation to provide effective positioning to them in the organisation which can help in taking effective decisions in the organisation.


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