Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project

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Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project
Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project
Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Research Project

QFC Level

Level 5


Research project is comprised of several parts and sub parts in which complete study is made over a certain identified topic. There is made with the extravagant study over the matter of wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. In this method there is made compete level of understanding over the wages offered by organization to its employees. Gender pay gab is the difference between women’s and men’s average weekly full- time equivalent earning, depicted as percentage of earning shown in their salary slip. This type of gender pay is discriminated due to high number of internal and external factors such as interrelated work, family and social conflicts and time management and time devoted by both the respondent in determined approach. Now a day’s with the increasing ramification of changes in this fast moving world all the organization like to keep their gender wages gap difference confidential so that different people could be paid less salary for their work without letting them know. It is observed that disclosure of salary by the employers to their employees may results into conflicts, problems and work hurdles in determined approach. Moreover with the available fact it is understood that women are the half of the workforce as compare to male candidates due to their higher responsibilities toward the society and family. However, in order to compete in this high competition market all the organization needs to close this gender gap and provide an equal working environment for each and every one employee at large. In addition to this there are various benefits of closing wages gap between men and women e.g. creation of brand image, use of high brain drain, creation of synergy, development of effective management ideas.There is made various tools and technique of research sample to identify the required factors of wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. By using of questionnaire accompanied with 100 people engaged in providing their services in organization it is found that the most effective factors in gap difference in wages offered to women and men in organization is the time devoted by women in their official capacity to the working system.


In this research project report various measure and tools have been observed and it is identified wages gap between men and women in corporate organization is the main major factor of conflict in the working process. In every single industry there is wages gap find between male and female and favouring men while offering high wages for the work. Ideally highest gender pay gaps are found in female dominant industry e.g. health care and social assistance and finance and insurance services. However, gender pay gap is found to be less where salary and other rewards are given on the basis of performance of the employees at large. In each and every occupational category it is common to find the wages gap between men and women as more and more cases are found to be noted during this time which has become very much important throughout the time for the better management of the organizations functioning. Various organizations and corporate voids are facing gender issues while deciding the pay scale of employees and rewarding for the peroforamance of worthy candidates. Throughout the time organization has been using several tools and technique to identify the data associated with the equality pay related cases such as pay gab calculator, technical guide and e- learning guide. Despite these challenges there are many benefits to be gained by small business in addressing pay equity gender equity more broadly

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Rational for wages gap between men and women in corporate organization

There are following two reasons which can be used for choosing this topic.

Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization are increasing throughout the time and less salary is paid to women for their work as compare to male candidates (Research, 2015).

While the discriminations in male and female at workplace results into several defaults and non-compliance which provides high amount of penalty to corporate organization.

Eradication of such discrimination and promotion of equal pay act in all organization these  research project  have been prepared so that adamantine study could be made over the determined factors.

Defaults of law while creating wages gap between men and women in corporate organization

Equal pay Act 2010- This act depicts the equity in the employee’s salary whoa are working at the same dignity in spite of differ sex, cast, culture and other factors.

Minimum wages Act-2016- this act reveals all the relevant provisions and laws which are required to be complied while maintaining a positive working environment.

Discrimination Act- This act provides that no employees should be discriminated at the workplace on the basis of race, cast, and gender. All the women and men should be placed at the same dignity and should not be discriminate. Many organizations has been indulging in this kind of activities and facing several penalties of laws and regulation.There are other acts too which are getting indulge in curbing wages gap between men and women in corporate organization several manner. Moreover mangers and other key managerial persons find following reason for wages gap between men and women in corporate organization in determined approach.

Wages secrecy hurts women- Throughout the time with the increasing demand of consistent changes in economic policies and framework it is observed that employers like to frequently changes policies and framework from discussing their salaries even there is set high penalty for making disclosure of salary. Therefore due to lack of information women employees are suffered with less salary offered as compare to other employees.

Habit of doing work from home- Due to the less time of doling work at workplace women tend to take their homework and try to complete their works form home while indulging in other home activities. This results into high loss of set target and leads into various mistakes in work activities. Therefore less efficiency of women at the workplace results into high amount of advantages to other male candidates to grab given opportunity.

Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 1-Uk Assignment Writing Service

Less attention toward work- women are more inclined toward their home activities and paying less attention toward the work which results into wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. In addition to this it is observed that women tend to have less priority toward their official. Therefore this is the biggest reason why wages gap between men and women in corporate organization in increasing throughout the time it is observed that company needs to evaluate various methods and means to measure the efficiency of the women working performance in determined approach (Dunn, et. Al., 2011).

Work performance- It is observed that company has been following several set of activities in order to make effective

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Literature review

Understanding wages gap between men and women in corporate organization

Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization are seen to be the most important in today’s fast moving world. Organization is complex set of activities in which various functions are performed throughout the time. With the increasing changes of the work and complexity of working process it is assumed that female candidates are paid less salary as compare to other male candidates. This study depicts the actual understanding over the number of interrelated factors which is considered over the time in wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.

Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 2

  • Women and men working in organization providing hospitality services are offering more salary to female employees throughout the time.
  • Women’s are assumed to be more precious attachment due to her caring attitude in work place.
  • Women are more likely to take analytical decision than men employees in drastic circumstances still they are paid less salary as compare to men.
  • Wages gap between men and women are found due to difference of education, seniority, work experience and calibre to take care responsibility (Thomas, 2012).

With the help of given information and identified factors it could be evaluated that wages gap between men and women in corporate organization are the most serious concern throughout the time. It is identified that many blue chip companies and other big organization are hiring only male candidate in their key managerial person and female candidates are offered management trainee Job so that they could establish a mainly working environment and positive organizational culture throughout the time. In addition to this wages gap between men and women in corporate organization it usually found only at the key managerial persons position. It is observed that women are less effective in talking strategic and business imperative decision. Therefore their concern and other factors are avoided for the time being in force.

Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 3

Pay equity in men and women could be affected due to segregation of duties and jobs by gender and essential factors. IWPR’s research depicts that irrespective of level of qualification, Job predominantly done by women pay less on average than jobs predominantly done by men. In many highly worth companies women are found to be indulge in managerial activities and have brought effective value addition to the respective company in the given time era. The Institute for women policy and research has revealed various data which are imperative and important too for the betterment of the future of the organization. It is observed that due to the less attention and segregation of less priority of the women toward organization has rendered top management to not to offer high responsibilities work in determined approach. Therefore in many big organization and other small industries are inclined to assigned more tasks to male candidates which are associated with deadlines related work. These sorts of problems are the main concern for wages gap between men and women.

The Gender Pay Gap

Gender inequalities in pay are often assessed through indicators known as gender pay gap measurement. It measure the difference between wages gap between men and women which could arise due to time devoted in the work, education and qualification, occupational category and hours worked.

There are following countries are shown which are having less than 20% genderwages gap between men and women

Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 4

Globally the gender gap is estimated to be around more than 22 % while the wages gap between male and female has been closed throughout the time over the last decades. But still there is substantial wages gap is found in many countries ranging from few % to more than 50 %. In addition to this it is observed with the collected data that higher earning women are specifically suffering from this wages gap throughout the time. It is explained in recent report of Wells Fargo that gender gap has been increased when the men and women are both at the key managerial designation. It is considered that male candidates are more inclined toward their official responsibilitiesand take their jobs as efficiently as women employees.

Global environment  and several multinational companies are making their best efforts to promote women empowerment in this today’s world. In addition to this various international policies and frameworks has made mandatory for the MNC to appoint at least 1/3 women employees. However, they are allowed to pay less salary if they are less efficient as compare to other male employee in the working organization. In addition to this it is also observed that as per the corporate act an organization needs to have one women director in their Board of directors.

What causes the gender pay gap?

Women are often hired at lower salaries than men- In the recent survey it is observed that women are hired lower salary than men and this gaps compounds years and gradually becomes high amount of wages gaps throughout the time.

Departing from board- Board of directors of the company tend to avoid women form the committee meeting as it is observed that including women employees in business decision will bring more conflicts and confusion. Therefore these factors may be causing the several issues in gender wages gaps between men and women.

Motherhood penalty- The most effective factor which wide the gender pay gap is motherhood. As per the data collected in ILO it is found that women take so many offs and other leave due to which they are penalised with monetary benefits at large.

Women are less inclined toward ask for raise- Women are often understood to be reluctant from negotiation and less likely to confront with management regarding the pay.Undervaluing women works and skills- women’s work and skills are often undervalued, especially in the occupation where they are in the majority. There are several tasks in which women could be identified very low factor e.g. in physical task, strength demanding tasks, and further more. However, females are more responsible in discharging their activities as compare to men. That’s why they are paid higher pay in industry such as hospitalization industry and others.

Ethical issue due to Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization

Ethical issues are the concern in which corporate or management department would endeavour toward selecting alternative that must be evaluated as right or wrong depends upon the given circumstances. Now a day’s various organization and other corporate bodies are getting itself caught in the mist of wages gap allegation. This results into loss of brand image of the company and also provides high amount of damages in the ethical working process. In addition to this this gender wages gap is neither ethical nor legal in the eyes of general public. It is observed that company needs to eradicate such sort of problems otherwise it will hit the sustainability in determined approach. In establishment of ethical working environment company could generate understanding work of equal value. This work of equal value covers not only cases where men and women do the same or similar work but when men and women perform work that is completely different in content, responsibilities, authority, and qualification.

In accordance with European Commission published a study containing an inventory of these non-legislative instruments to promote gender equality in business organization and provides that wages gap between men and women in corporate organization is the key problem for the sustainable development therefore it should be eradicated in determined approach for the betterment of society and corporate world at large.

Telstra a global communication provider in its annual report has revealed a strong emphasis on collecting and analysing pay data to promote pay equity. In this report company has provided that Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization should be eliminated and both should be ranked and paid as per their calibre, strength and working performance.

Wall street journal has revealed that there are following top most occupations having largest wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. These occupations are mostly suffering from the wages gap between men and women and resulted into high destruction and impairment of their brand image and goodwill at large.

According to Milehower it was given that wages gap between men and women is the serious concern in the corporate world and if it is not taken care in the earlier stage then company would be facing risk on its sustainability in the eyes of law. In addition to this it is also observed that wages gap between men and women is mostly found in more than 30 % organization and 20 % women employees are paid less salary when they are hired at managerial position.

Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 5

Research specification

This divulges the required points and heading to evaluate the selected research project and define its need, objectives, aim, and goals in determined manner. In addition to this research project user take this research specification to highlights his key components and data collection techniques for the betterment of project report. In this research wages gap between men and women is the main topic which has been taken into consideration for development of this research project.

Research Title

Wages gap between men and women.

Background and research program

The adamantine study has been prepared over the matter ofwages gap between men and women. There are various factors and other important tools have been highlighted with a view to identify the working of corporate organization and eliminating this Wages gap between men and women in corporate world.

Research aim

The main objective of this research project is to identify the major reason behind the emergence ofWages gap between men and women in corporate organization. Moreover various means and methods are being used to evaluate to give recommendation and finding regarding with the wages gap between men and women in corporate world (Kaleebu, et. Al., 2015).

Research objective

The main objective of this research project is to generate and ideas and view over the wages gap between men and women and how an effective plan could be prepared in order to eradicate such problem.

There is other sub objective which could be identified in this research objective

  • Identify the key issues in Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.
  • Generating Action plan and other tools to make adamantine study over the selected topic.

Research questions

Research questions are comprised of several set of question and determined answers are given in this partition. This question depicts the real methodology and provides a valuable judgement in Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.

Question-1 Why is corporate organization is facing wages gap between men and women?

This gap is increasing throughout the time due to ramification of working complexity and women failure to take up given changes whichever has come into the way.

Question-2 Is that ethical to have wages gap between men and women in corporate organization?

In corporate organization reward system has been developed by following several motivational theories in order to create an effective working system. Apart from that women are tend to be less efficient in taking complex or critical task. However, organization should not discriminate its employees on the basis of gender.

Question-3 Specific legislation and collective agreement?

There are following acts has been issued by the government throughout the time Equal pay act makes provision for compulsory collective bargaining on gender equality and demands organization to report on salaries and plan to close the gender gap.

Question-4 What are the tools to make the pay system transparent and identify the gender pay gap?

Transparent pay system is crucial factor in implementing equal pay. There are following tools which are given as below to overcome the gender pay gap.

An online tool Logib has been developed in several countries in order to analyse pay and staffing structure and verify if equal pay exist between male and female candidates in organization.

A wage and salary calculator has been set up by several organizations to determine the equal pay in context with qualification, experience and other factors.

Question-5 How to close the gender pay gap at national level?

Proper level of surveillance at the salary or wages payment mode should be established by the government in determined approach so that proper detection of loophole could be identified (Adams, 2011).

Question-6 What are the strategies for overcome the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization?

There are following strategies could be used such as collection of primary and secondary data and generate effective valuable decision in order to mitigate required problems in wages gap between men and women in corporate organizationSeveral primary data sources (Interview, observation, meeting, direct confrontation, questionnaire and other methods) and secondary data sources (official gazette,Newspaper, documents and other government official)

Research design and methodology

Interview, observation, meeting, direct confrontation, questionnaire and other methods) and secondary data sources (official gazette ,Newspaper, documents and other government official) are used in order to collect the relevant data to formulate a specific research design. In addition to this in order to identify all the important factors there need to cover all the qualitative and quantitative data in determined approach so that a best suitable course of action could be generated for the betterment of the research project over wages gap between men and women in corporate organization (Hallward, et. Al.,  2015).

Research methodology

In this task in order to identify the problems and conflict in wages gap between men and women in corporate organization there is used sample survey. Sample survey helps in identify the factors which could be used with a view to represent the group or bunch of people. There are following types of sample survey which are available to identify the several important factors in wages gap between men and women in corporate organization e.g. cluster sample, stratified sample, random sample and further more.In this research 20 candidates has been taken form the different organization who are accompanied by 10 females and 10 males. These people are asked several research questions in determined or structured approach.With the help of stratified sample survey it is observed that female candidates are paid 20 % less salary at managerial position as compare to male candidates. In addition to this other factors which are analysed is females employees who are involved in value chain activities or operational working channel are equally paid as compare to male candidates. This data is imperatively collected with the help of 10 female and 10 male candidates at different age, position, experience.

Research questionnaire

It is comprised of several questions which are used to evaluate the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.

What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female

Have you been working in corporateorganization?

  • Yes
  • No

Have you ever feelwages gap between men and women in corporate organization?

  • Yes
  • No

Does work palace of the organization get affected due to wages gap between men and women in corporate organization?

  • Yes
  • NO

What is the possible procedure which could be followed to eradicate gender gap?

  • Compliance with laws and regulation
  • Using of rigid discipline
  • Proper surveillance over the work

How wages gap between men and women in corporate organization could be eradicated?


Have you ever get encountered any problems related in wages gap between men and women in corporate organization?

  • Yes
  • No
    How company could be made an effective working system?


Interpret and analyse the results

Table-1 Impact of wages gap between men and women in corporate organization is high in destruction of brand image.



Highly agree

50 %



No Answer




Highly disagree


Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 6

Table-2 establishment of wages calculation tool is enough to eradicated such kind of problems



Highly agree

40 %



No Answer




Highly disagree


Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 7

Table-3 Government intervention is required to overcome wages gap between men and women in corporate organization



Highly agree

45 %



No Answer




Highly disagree


Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 8

Table-4   A separate mechanism is required to establish in organization in order to eradicate wages gap between men and women in corporate organization



Highly agree

55 %



No Answer




Highly disagree


Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 9

Table-5 Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization has become serial concern for the destruction of brand image



Highly agree

65 %



No Answer




Highly disagree


Unit 11 Assignment on Research Project 10Analysed

This information depicts that more than  60 % candidates who have taken participation in this collection of data revealed that wages gap between men and women in corporate organization is very detrimental for its sustainability and provides negative effects throughout the time on the brand image. In addition to this company has to face to several penalties and imposition of fine if ever caught in such kind of negative activities. However now days with the increasing ramification of working changes organization never make any difference and adopt varioussophisticated tools and technique in order to eradicate problems of wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. 65% candidates depicts that this wages gap has become serious concern all over the world and will be the biggest reason in the destruction of brand image on sustainable  basis. In addition to this it is observed that only managerial position or in the group of Board of Directors women are struggling with low amount of wages and at the lower position they are paid equally to male employees. This kind of discrimination is ethical if the performance of women candidates are less effective and other male employees are making their best in the assigned task. Therefore it is observed that company should develop an effective mechanism in determined approach so that a best suitable action plan for avoiding these problems would be made.


All the data collected are from primary and secondary sources which provide only quantitative data. It is observed that there is need to make collection of required qualitative data for the betterment of good analysis on this research project on wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. Moreover it is also analysed that all the required information has been generated with the help of collected study over the Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization and various measures has been found throughout the collection of data.Sample survey has been used to as research methodology which does not divulge the true indicators of all the people opinion. However, a complete adamantine study has been made over the factors and contributories which put emphasis upon the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization (Research, 2011)


With the help of adamantine study over the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization there are following finding has been made in determined approach given as below.
Women are paid less salary as they are less inclined toward the official work as compare to other male candidates (Research, 2012).

  • Discrimination between male and female while paying wages and salary may results into high amount of penalty to the corporate organization.
  • 80 % of women in blue chip companies are paying 20 % less salary to women as compare to men.
  • Women are often hired at lower rate of pay scale which gradually results into higher difference in the pay scale of male and female candidates
  • Women are often more occupied with their personal works and devote less time in the working of the organization.
  • There are various reasons which are taken into consideration while deciding the pay scale of women.
  • Male candidates are more up-to-date with the current affairs as compare to female candidates.
  • Corporate organizations are more inclined to hire male candidates because of their calibre and working strength.
  • Women are tend to be paid more only in hospitalized industry and management work.
  • In order to avoid conflict and other management issues women candidates are less promoted to take  business decision making .
  • If the work is related with deadlines and set target then women are found to be less efficient as compare to male candidates

There are various reasons for which female candidates are paid less salary as compare to male candidates which results into Wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. In addition to this if the Wages gap between men and women arise due to working capacity and other professional issues then this approach will not be counted as unethical working program.


There is various set of activities which could be used by corporate organization in order to diminish wages gap between male and female candidates. In addition to this various tools and technique are identified with the sophistication of working of the organization such as Volga, Wages calculators. There are various recommendations in order to   remove wages gap between men and women in corporate organization (Research, 2012).

  • Company should establish a separate mechanism for the removing ethical working environment
  • A separate body should be establishing for resolving the male and female wages pay problems in each and every process system.
  • Management department should endeavour to evaluate the each and every employee’s performance for the better management of pay scale of employees.
  • Equal pay act and its rules, regulation should be followed in determined approach for establishment of harmonised system.
  • Company should evaluate all the problems associated with wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.
  • A separate body of grievance system should be established for removing the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization
  • Proper corporate compliance and wages act should be followed so that wages gap should be removed.
  • Proper use of tools and technique should be used in determining the wages pay of employees.
  • Women in the corporate process should be allowed to follow liberal policies and framework.
  • There should be proper notes and working system to determine wages pay to employees for the eliminating wages gap between men and women in corporate organization.
  • Gender pay scale should be implemented in the working process of the organization for the betterment of the working process
  • Pay scale or measurement of wages paid toe employees should be depended upon qualification, education, experience and other factors (Adams,2011).

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In this report various important factors regarding the wages gap between men and women in corporate organization are taken into consideration. With the adamantine study over such problems in this today’s working environment it is observed that company should develop an effective mechanism in order to eradicate such wages gap between men and women. In addition to this wages gap between men and women is the most effective problem which results into high destruction of image of the company and impair brand image in determined approach. In this report various factors and issues has been highlighted which divulges that company should make effective efforts to eradicate this sort of problems. Various sophisticated tools and technique are the main concern which should be taken into account by the management department of the organization. Now days various cases are coming across in the tribunal regarding the conflicts of wages gap between men and women in corporate organization. Therefore corporate bodies and their management department should read onto these cases in adamantine study so that a best effective approach could be created for the betterment of the working of the organization. Now in the end in order to conclude this report it could be said that wages gap between men and women is the serious nature of issue which should be managed by organization in timely approach otherwise it may results into high amount of loss for the brand image of the organization.


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