Unit 1 Essay on Business Environment Assignment

Unit 1 Essay on Business Environment Assignment

Unit 1 Essay on Business Environment Assignment

Unit 1 Business Environment | Assignment Writing Service


The business environment is a place that has something for everyone that wants to step into it and this can be said based on the fact that there are many companies that have their own objectives and nature which determines the category in which they fall. The selection that the new entrants make is based on the experience that they want to gain in the market and the education that they have taken in their educational career. It is the decision that they make at this point that determines the experience that they can get and graph that they will make. (Colbourne College, 2011)

Task 1 Be able to negotiate with industry experience.

1.1 research and evaluate suitable organizations that could provide industry experience for you.

As a new entrant in the business market the one thing that I had to do on my own is that I have select the kind of company that I want to work in and the kind of exposure that I want in the market and for this I have selected that I want a experience and career in the marketing field. Since marketing is one of the most sought after processes in the current times, it has been seen that it is used by almost all companies and organisations of the market irrespective of their nature and operations. But the education and the interest that I have is in terms of corporate and commercial marketing so the choices that I had were in infinity. The first organisation that I researched was Red Cross which is a social care working organisation and the marketing that they use is basically for the purpose of generating funds and grants and making the people aware of the existence and the purpose of the organisation. This is not the kind of marketing that I want to get into therefore the option of choosing Red Cross was ruled out. The next in the list were the companies like the banks and the financial institutions and organisations and the kind of marketing that they have in the company is not something that encourages the sales figures of the company but more like creating the brand out of it. The next in the lot is the company of Tesco and the best thing that they have is that even though they deal in perishable items, the marketing that they have is to promote the sales and products of the company and the items that they offer. This is the kind of marketing that I want to deal with. (Garrow, 2008)

1.2 negotiates with work and academic supervisor a proposal for the work experience.

Considering the fact the education and the knowledge that I have in the marketing field is not something that I can say is very concrete but has a big room of improvement and development and the best thing is that it can provide a out of the box thinking for the company of Tesco as it is one of the most sought after companies in their own industry and the need of the hour is that they need things that they can use for the purpose of marketing so that their success can reach a new height. The following points can be included in the work experience that I will gain from the company:

  • to study the marketing techniques that are available in the market, the way it can benefit the company and the future goals that they have and the manner in which they can be incorporated in the working without making any major changes.
  • To analyse the methods and means that are used by the company in the current times, the benefits that are bringing, the attitude of the employees towards them and the way in which they can be improved to get better results.
  • To analyse and report the policies and the methods that are being used by the competitor companies so that we can know where we stand in the market, the image that we have created as a part of the competitive market, the perspective of the customers towards the marketing methods that we have and the future if we continue on the same path.

All these targets and goals are going to be a good way for me to reach the scale and the scope that I have set for myself alongside it will be a good research base for Tesco. (Lifelong learning council Queensland Inc, 2012)

1.3 recognises the business constraints, focusing on conducting the task within the organization of your choice.

While working in the company, one has to be ready to face complications in the work as everything in the market is not as smooth as it looks and there are bound be constraints and hurdles. The following are going to be the issues that I may encounter during the time I provide my services to Tesco:

  • It might be an issue for me to gather the information that is going to be up to date with the current times as it keeps on developing at the speed of light so this is going to be an issue to report it to the management.
  • The second issue is that if at all there are any things that can be improved or changed in the company, then the attitude of the employees is going to matter a lot and any changes is not going to go down well with the employees as they are the ones who are going to be working around them.
  • Collecting the information from the other companies and to judge the opinion of the people about the company is again is going toe difficult given the scale at which it has to be done. (Allen, 2011)

Business Environment

Task 2 Understand the specific requirements of the placement.

2.1 agree and prioritise the tasks and responsibilities involved in the work experience.

Given the state of the business market it will be safe to say that the people that work in the companies have to be on their toes at all times so that they can keep up with the kind of competition and the complexities that they may have to encounter during their working time and this is the reason that it becomes even more important for the employees to arrange the tasks that they have to do in a list and have a priority chart so that there is no confusion and no chaos. The same is the case with the things that want to do in working time in the Tesco as the tasks are a lot to take on and I need to have a system.

  • The first thing that I should be doing is that I should study the methods and means that are there in the business market and which can be used by the companies to develop the current marketing means that they have and how to get the employees on their side to get it done.
  • The next thing that can be done is that the working style of the other companies in the industry can be studied and analysed so that I can know the style in which the companies run and the way they can be benefited out of it. This is going to be an important step to knowhow the company can change their working pattern to fall in line with the market.
  • The last should be to study the methods and means that have been selected by the company for the process of marketing and this is so that if there is any room for improvement then it can be looked upon and suggested to the senior management. (The higher education academy, 2010)
  • 2.2 produce a plan for the work experience.

In order to meet the goals that have been set for the working time in the Tesco there are going to be certain things that I will be needing and the plans that I can follow for the achievement an the accomplishment of the tasks that have been allotted to me. This is a good opportunity for me to show my worth in the company and at the same time ensure that the management can make something good out of it which can be used to improve the future of the company and the profit that they will be making. The first and the foremost thing is to study the market and the plans and policies that can be used in the process of marketing and for this it will be best that attend the workshops and the open house sessions that are conducted on the weekend basis. These are places where you can interact with the pioneers of the market and know about the latest and the more advanced form of working that is available and also what the future has in store for the marketing field. The next plan is to study the working style of the other companies of the market and for this it will be best to use the secondary information that is available to internet and draw out own conclusion. The last plan is to study the working of Tesco and this can be done with the help of the marketing team and the management and any recommendations that have to be done can be made after a good and thorough discussion with the team as this will make the changes more smooth and easy. Also since I am new in the company the assistance and the guidance are going to be helpful. (Skiff, 2009)

2.3 analyse the benefits of the proposed activities to the business and the learner.

Every process that is carried out in the business market is done for the purpose of profit and learning at the end of the company and the employee respectively so one has to be make sure that every plan and procedure that is done in the company has a motive and a goal which is going to be a win-win for both the company and myself. This is the reason that made sure to select the study of the market, industry and the company as this is the one element that can use as much development and improvement as possible since there will always be something lacking. The study of the market is going to be give me the practical knowledge and the information that I need to relate my education with the working of the market and I can know what is the latest that us running in the market. As for the company this is going to be a good way to know where they stand in the market. as for the study of the other companies in the market it is best for me to be aware of the competition that we will be facing in the market as this way I can plan for the future and the operations that I have to do and for the company they can be careful and cautious to maintain the position that they have earned. In the end it is going to be the study of the company and its own marketing plan that they follow and this is will give me the knowledge about the things that I need to work with and I can suggest all that I think can be improved and developed and this is good for the company as it will have a stronger future. (Feher, 2013)

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Task 3 Be able to undertake work experience as identified.

3.1 fulfil specified requirements of placement conforming to all related codes of practice.

In order remain within the protocol of the company it will be best that I maintain the channel of communication that is there in the company and this is the channel that can be used to gather the information that I will need regarding the working and the marketing process of the company. Other than this it will also be good that I remain under constant guidance of the supervisors and the company heads so that they can know what they can gain out of the research that I can doing and can even guide me at the time of difficulty. Another protocol that I can follow is that should report my findings and suggestions back to the higher level management as they are the ones that will decide the future of the company and make the decisions that have to be taken for the operations that have to be done. (Bell, 2011)

3.2 produce systematic records of work undertaken.

I have a good knowledge about the working of the market as this has been developed by attending different workshops and open house sessions where I could interact with the leading people of the business market and how what they think about the future and the scope of the marketing planning process. As far as the study of the industry is concerned, this has given me the knowledge and the information that I needed to establish my career in the company and prove myself to be an asset that they can use at the time of need and urgency. In the end it is the study of the marketing planning style of the company that was final task that that I had to do for the company and the result of this is that there was a certain room of improvement in the plans and I have suggested the recommendations accordingly. (state evaluation guides, 2007)

3.3 revise the initial plan as required.

Given the fact that the tasks that I had been allotted in the company of Tesco have been completed with a very high success rate and there fore it will be safe to say that I am now ready to take on even more tasks and operations in the company as now I have the knowledge and the experience that is needed to do better in the company and move up the ladder. This is the reason that it will be safe to say that I can now add things to the plan that was made in the initial stage and this time I can take up the duty of drafting a marketing plan for the company as this is the time that they can bring changes in the company if they want to keep up with the demands of the market and to maintain the position that they have gained. (US department of states, 2006)

3.4 make suggestions for improvement and review these with the appropriate supervisor.

Tesco is one of the best companies in the market un the current times and this is the reason that it becomes even more important for them to make sure that they follow the best policies and plans so that they retain the position that they have gained in the market and for this the first thing that they need to do id that they need to have a constant connect with the customers of the market so that they can be aware of the offerings of the company and this is where the role of marketing comes into the picture and this is the reason that it has been suggested that the company needs a new marketing plan that they can use for the improvement and the development of the current tools and techniques that they are using which will be good for the end financial result. (Dartmouth, 2013)

Question | Assignment Writing Assignment

Task 4 Be able to monitor progress against original proposal.

4.1 monitor progress against original proposal.

Every plan that is introduced in the working of the company is done with the purpose of gaining success and the aim of the management is to go higher on the ladder of success sand prepare the employees to be ready to take up more duties and role in the company as it is not possible for the management to be available at all times and it will be good for the company if the employees are capable enough to handle the difficult situations that they may have to encounter during their working tenure. This is the reason that becomes even more important for the business management to ensure that the employees gain success in the tasks and the duties that they have been allotted and the same has been the case with the project that I was given in the company of Tesco. The best thing about the project is that it gave me the exposure that I needed in the business world and also made sure that the overall growth of the project was directly to the amount of knowledge that I managed to gain. As far as the knowledge of the business market I had a vague idea about the way the operations are conducted thanks to the education that I have taken in business administration and therefore the research on the market made it a wholesome package. Other than this, when we talk about the industry of food and groceries, it will be safe to say that the exact knowledge of the market was only taken by me by the means of this project and this is the reason that I am now extremely well aware of the working style of the company of Tesco and the goals that they have for the future and also the employees. (Home learning college, 2009)

4.2 evaluate the quality of own performance.

To survive in the business market it is not just the companies that have to be on their toes but it also the employees that have to ensure that the work that they do in the companies that they work for is counted towards the ultimate success and this is the reason that it is needed that it is of the best quality and quantity as only then will they be able to prove their worth in the company and be an asset for the management. This is the reason that it can be seen that there are personal and professional development plans that are carried out by the employees at all levels of the company and this is why I have been very particular about the way I handle the work that was given tome and set my own objectives and standards that I wanted to achieve for my company. as far as the research for the business market as a whole is concerned I will say that the work was done to a very good and satisfying standard but considering the scale and the scope of the market there is still a lot of scope of improvement and this will be improved with time and experience. The next in the lot was the study of the competitor companies and this is the one area in which I have succeed par excellence as all the information that I needed to conduct my research was easily available and complying data to draw conclusions is one of the main qualities that I have. The final set of operations was to study the marketing planning for the company of Tesco and make suggestions and recommendations and this is one of the areas of the project that has been carried out well. (Erven, 2014)

4.3 analyse the learning which has taken place during the work experience using suitable reflections.

It is one of the most known facts that the business market is not easy place in the current times since the level of competition and the complexities is at their highest level and this is the reason that it becomes even difficult for the companies to survive and retain their position in the market so it can be left unsaid that the employees have to struggle even more to be able to make their place in the market and in the companies that they work for. one of the most important things that the employees have to do is that they have ensure that they select the field which matches the education that they have taken and holds their interest since only then they will be able to perform. Another thing that they need to do is that they have to make sure that whatever work they have been allotted by the management id carried out to the best of their ability as only then will they is noticed in their company. The same is for the project that I carried out for the company of Tesco and the success of the project was not just limited to the benefit of the company but as a new entrant in the market, it gave me the knowledge and the exposure that I needed to set my feet. The first thing that I did for the company was to research the business market as a whole and the knowledge that I gained out of it was enough to compliment the education that I had gained and this is the platform that I needed to know about the core of the market, the flow of the patterns and trends that cause the changes in the market which have a huge impact on the working style of the companies and also their future. The next thing was to study the plans and policies of the competitor companies which gave me insight of on the way the companies of the industries operate when they are dealing with the perishable goods and the things that I need to know if I want to make a career in this industry. The last was the study of the marketing plan of Tesco which gave me the information and the knowledge that I needed for making sure that I am in line with the working style of Tesco. (Imel, 2011)

4.4 make recommendations on how the experience could be enhanced.

One of the best things that can be said about the business market is that because of the changes that take place in the flow of the trends and patters of the working factors there is always a room for improvement whether it is for the companies of the market or for the employees that work in them. Working on the improvement plan is also one of the things that have to be done by the employees if they want to ensure that they will be able to sustain in the company that they work for and make a career for themselves and achieve the goals that they have for their own working tenure. One of the most important things that have to be done in this regard is that they the employees have to make sure that the throughout the execution of their plan, they are under the direct supervision of their seniors so that thy can be approached at the time of need or for any sort of guidance. This will also be useful at the end of the project when they want the feedback on the quality of the performance that they have delivered and also seek methods of improvements that they can aim for. The same has been the case with the project that I have done for the company of Tesco and the one thing that can be said about the project is that even though it has been done with very good results, there I still a huge room for improvement. For the purpose of the study of the market, it will be good for me to join some crash courses which are available on the study of the market as they will contain all the information that is needed to analyse and predict the present and the future of the market. For the purpose of the study of the working style of the other companies of the market, the best thing to gain more experience will be to conduct the research and analysis based on the primary source of information which will be more practical. And as for the purpose of study of the working style of the company of Tesco and the policies that they have for the purpose of marketing will be to draft them a new policy which they will be able to use for the better results in the future. (Bell, 2011)


The only thing that can lead to gathering knowledge about the business market is to work in the companies so that one can know how the things are done in the market and the manner in which the companies conduct themselves at the international level such as the Tesco. This is the experience which is the backbone of the success and the career graph that one can have in the market. Therefore, it is best that the employees make sure that they give in their best to the work that they have been allotted in the company that they work for.


Allen, M., (2011), What is Continuing Professional Development, [Online], Available:http://www.jobs.ac.uk/careers-advice/managing-your-career/1318/what-is-continuing-professional-development-cpd [Accessed 13 July 2016]
Bell, A., (2011), Six Steps to Implementing a Learning and Development Review, [Online], Available:http://www.inpublishing.co.uk/kb/articles/six_steps_to_implementing_a_learning_and_development_review.aspx [Accessed 16 July 2016]
Colbourne College, (2011), Personal and Professional Development; what is Self-managed Learning?, [PDF], Available: http://www.colbournecollege.com/files/MAN_100_LESSON_1-7.pdf  [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Dartmouth, (2013), Performance Development Process Overview, [PDF], Available: http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hrs/manager/toolkit/peoplemanagement/perfdev_workbook.pdf [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Erven, B., (2014), Evaluating Performance and Providing Feedback to Employees, [Online], Available: https://www.extension.org/pages/17552/evaluating-performance-and-providing-feedback-to-employees#top [Accessed 16 July 2016]
Feher, R., (2013), Personal SWOT Analysis, [Online], Available: http://www.slideshare.net/RonFeher/personal-swot-analysis [Accessed 16 July 2016]
Garrow. V., (2008), Self Managed Learning: Development for 21st Century; survey results, [PDF], Available: http://www.mbsportal.bl.uk/secure/subjareas/hrmemplyrelat/roffeypark/115747selfmanagedlearning98.pdf [Accessed 15 July 2016]
https://www.homelearningcollege.com/HLC/media/PDF/SampleMaterial/BusinessAndMarketing/Certificate-in-Management-Sample.pdf [Accessed 14 July 2016]
Imel, S., (2011), Managing your Professional Development, [Online], Available: http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-9215/guide.htm [Accessed 16 July 2016]
Lifelong learning council Queensland Inc, (2012), What is Lifelong Learning, [Online], Available: http://www.llcq.org.au/01_cms/details.asp?ID=12  [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Skiff, D., (2009), Benefits of Self Directed Learning: organisation, [Online], Available: http://www.selfdirectedlearning.org/benefits-of-self-directed-learning-organization [Accessed 13 July 2016]