Research Project Management Assignment

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Research Project Management Assignment
Research Project Management Assignment
Research Project Management Assignment


This Research Project Management Assignment has been conducted to analyse different aspects related to the effective management in the travel and tourism industry and make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. In this research report there is analysed impact of the management between the demand and supply within the organisation which can make impact on the overall quality providing by the company to its customers and achieve positive and effective market positioning and customer loyalty and retention. This report will define various aspects related to the impacts of the financial changes on the managerial changes and their impacts on each other by the way of using an organisation.

Research Project Management Assignment

Task 1 Formulation of Research Specification

1.1. Formulate research project outline specifications

Research title: Customer satisfaction level in Easy Jet Airline


This research report is a detailed study of various aspects related to the customer satisfaction level in an organisation based on the services provided by an organisation in a situation of increase in the demand. Easy jet which is an airline company providing its services in various countries. The company has adopted a strategy in which it has decreased its prices of tickets which leads to increase in the demand and number of customers of the company. With the increase in the customers of the company there can be faced various problems related to the effective service providing to its customers of the company and lead to unsatisfied customers of the company that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the company(Dawson, 2010). Easy jet Plc is Europe’s leading Airline Company which is operating within more than 30 countries and in 820 routes and providing more than 70 million passengers in a year which is huge amount. For further expansion of its services company is working on its budget and reducing its cost of tickets to attract more customers.


Aim of this research project is to identify the effectiveness of the services providing by the company to its customers and their effectiveness and efficiency level which can make impact on the customer satisfaction which make impact on the overall effectiveness and efficiency of the company. This research project will analyse the impact on the level of satisfaction of the customers with the impact of decrease in the product cost of the company(Dawson, 2010). So this overall study will aim to evaluate the customer satisfaction in the airline company EasyJet.


Objectives of the research are the ultimate destination to be achieved in the research project. There are set some objectives in the initial stage of the research which are to be achieved in the research. Following are the objectives of this research project-

  • To identify the demand and supply of the market related to the airline services.
  • To identify the needs and demands of the customers of airline industry.
  • To analyse various aspects related to the offerings making by the rivals in the airline industry.
  • To develop different plans and strategies for providing more effective customer satisfaction.
  • To evaluate the set of actions which can help increase in the customer satisfaction in this industry.
Literature Review

In every organisation there are made efforts to achieve effective customer satisfaction which can help in making effective organisational positioning and lead the organisation to achieve goals of the organisation. Customer satisfaction can be defined as to effectively handle various aspects of customers of the company by analysing their requirements and demand and working on that. Customer satisfaction can be defined as a marketing term in which there are defined the level of matching the customer expectations by the organisation through its products and services.(Samraz & Bakhtiar 2012)

As per the research conducted by the Samraz Hafeez and Bakhtiar Muhammad about the customer satisfaction and loyalty programme and their impact on different industries there is defined that in every organisation the road to success is through its customers and it is opportunity for the organisations to achieve effective growth through satisfying its customers in effective manner by providing effective quality in services to the customers.(JENET, 2011)

There is defined effective relationship between the service quality of the company working in service industry and the customer satisfaction level which is defined as direct relationship as in increase in the service quality will result as increase in the customer satisfaction which is defined in the research report of Jenet Manyi Agbor.

Resource implications: There are implicated various resourceswhich can make impact on theresearch project which are defined as there are various aspects

1.2 The factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

There are various aspects which can make impact on the process of research project selection. To have effective study and opportunity to expand in different aspects there can be done research on this research topic. Following are the factors that contribute in the process of research topic selection.

  • The travel and tourism industry is growing industry which can make impact on its opportunity to analyse its various aspects in which airline industry is growing industry and providing effective services to huge number of customers(Garcia, et. Al., . 2011).
  • The impact of globalisation is making huge impact on this industry.
  • In the present business environment there are available different industries which are enhancing and have scope of expansion in which travel and tourism industry is one of the growing industry which can be studied and analysed in different aspects.

1.3 A critical review of key references about ‘customer satisfaction’ and ‘influential factors on customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is important and essential for the effective running of an organisation which can be influenced with the level of customer expectations and their impact on the overall organisational efficiency. The Easy Jet Airline Company is offering services to its customers from a long duration and making effective revenue from these services and this is helping in making effective market positioning of the company and this cannot be done without satisfying customers of the company which can make impact on the overall efficiency.For understanding the key references of the customer satisfaction we will analyse key influential factors which make impact on customer satisfaction which are as follows.

  • The quality of product and services make impact on the overall level of customer satisfaction and have a direct relationship with the customer satisfaction level.
  • Pricing of products and pricing methodology makes impact on the overall customer satisfaction level.
  • Market positioning and organisational past tracks also makes impact on the customer satisfaction level.
  • Availability of the substitutes and position of competitors make impact on the effectiveness of the customer satisfaction level in the company.
  • Availability of different features and attributes in the product and different offers which are providing by the company on its products and services make impact on the overall customer satisfaction (Meyer, et. Al 2014).

1.4 Produce a research project specification

  • Research title- Customer satisfaction level in Easy Jet Airline
  • Introduction and Background: This research programme is conducted to analyse different aspects related to the customer satisfaction and its different aspects which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of company. This research will identify and evaluate the level of customer satisfaction which is there in the company with the impact of the increased demand.
  • Research aim and objectives: Aim of this research is to provide effective knowledge about the various aspects related to the customer satisfaction and its relationship with the quality of services providing by the company.  Research objectives are those which are to be achieved by the research. Following are the research objectives for this research project(Meyer, et. Al 2014).
    • To identify different factors which make impact on the customer satisfaction level of the company.
    • Effective management skills which can handle the increased demand of customers due to decreased level of cost of the products of Airline company Easy Jet.
    • To identify requirement and needs of the customers of Airline industry.
    • To evaluate the customer satisfaction level in the Easy Jet airline company.
  • Literature Review: Airline industry is emerging industry which is providing services to its customers and making its efforts to satisfy different customers and clients and expand its reach and there is increase in the demand of the company which is making impact on the quality of the services provided by the company. Customer satisfaction and quality of services have direct relationship with each other as in increase in the quality will ultimately increase the level of satisfaction of customers.
  • Research design and methodology: Research methodology includes different methods in which the research can be executed and can lead to effective results of the research. There has been adopted qualitative and quantitative research methodology for the research project. Research design includes various aspects related to the different sources which can be used of the company to effective analysed based on different organisational factors.
  • Data Collection: Data collection is done for the Easy Jet airline company for analysing the collected data. Primary and secondary data is collected by using different sources in the research project (Dignam, et. Al 2016).
  • Limitation: Limitation in this research project is defined as the confidentiality and reliability of the data and its effectiveness in the research project.
  • Ethical consideration: All the data and information collected in the research project must be considered all the ethical and legal considerations which make its effective in different aspects.

1.5 Appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

Action plan



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Planning for research

2 October 2016

5 days

6 October 2016

Initial planning is done for the research for the purpose of gathering data using different sources.


Implementation of the plan made in the initial stage

7 October 2016

8 days

14 October 2016

Implementation of plan is done by the researcher.


Data collection for research purpose

15 October 2016

10 days

24 October 2016

Different sources are used to collect data which can be primary and secondary data.


Analysis of collected data and information.

25 October 2016

3 days

27October 2016

Different tools and techniques are used to analyse collected data and make different conclusion based on this analysis.


Conclusion based on the results ofanalysis

28 October 2016

1 day


Results of data analysis is used to define conclusion of the research process which helps in providing different recommendations for the research programme.

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2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

In the research process there is effective role of resources to carry out any research into effective manner and can reach to efficient results. There is required to match the organisational resources with the research questions and hypothesis which can make impact on the different aspects of the analysis of customer behaviour and client attitude. Easy Jet airline is one of the largest British airline companiesproviding services to various clients all around the globe and there is analysed the level of satisfaction the company providing to its customers and clients (Dignam, et. Al 2016).There are using different tools and techniques for the effective collection of data and information which can make impact on the different aspects of research. Following are the resources which are required for the research-

  • There is required human resource for execution of research which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the research as in human resource is liable to execute all the activities which are required to be executed in the entire process of research.
  • There is a required financial resource in the frame of budgets which is defined for each activity making impact on the overall process of research.
  • Technical resources are used in the research in which there are used various communication channels and tools and techniques which can be make impact on the various aspects which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the research.

Hypothesis: Hypothesis can be defined as the different aspects related to the assumptions of various aspects which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the research. Following are the null hypothesis for the research.

  • The impact on the customer satisfaction is positive and makes impact on the sales of the Easy Jet Airline Company.
  • Customer satisfaction can be achieved only by reducing the process of products and services (Tchuem, et. Al 2011).
  • There is effective relationship between the quality of services and products which are making impact on the overall effectiveness of the company.

Research questions and matching them to resources-

  1. How Easy Jet is making changes in its pricing strategies to attract more customers and developing competitive advantage within its competitors?
  2. How the company is providing customised services to its customers on these low product prices?
  3. In which manner the management is working of the company to manage all the activities of the company to provide effective customer satisfaction by matching with the customer satisfaction?

The company is using various resources which are focused on the direction to match the requirement of the hypothesis and research questions. In the Airline industry the Easy Jet is proving as one of the most effective and leading companies of Britain that means that the company is effectively satisfying its customers.

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

This research project is based on the calculation of customer satisfaction in the airline company Easy Jet which is leading in Britain and different countries around the globe and satisfying its customers. The company had adopted strategy in which the prices and cost of the products are reduced of the company to expand the market share of the company and provide its services to huge number of customers(Tchuem, et. Al 2011).

Research specification defines overall process of the research in which there are defined all the activities and steps which are to be executed in the whole process of research. According to the research specification in the first step there is to define the plan which is to be followed by the company to provide effective management of the research in which there are analysed the literature review related to customer satisfaction and the different levels of services that should be provide to the customers of airline industry. Research methodology of the company is set in which the qualitative and quantitative research methodology is used in this research and data collection is done by taking the views of the customers of the company by way of following primary sources like survey through questionnaire and interviews.The research questions and objectives are to be followed by the researcher and different questions related to the customer satisfaction are asked to the clients and customers of the airline industry.

2.3. Record and collate required data. Record the collected data from participants in the form of a table that shows responses briefly.

In a research project there are required different data which can be collected by using different sources and have their role and importance in the research process and also. The following are different types of data which are collected in the research project (Schimmel, et. Al 2014). There are collected primary and secondary data by using different types of sources. The customers of the Easy Jet airline are taken for the purpose of data collection using different primary sources of data collection. Secondary data is collected by using different websites, research papers, newspaper and magazine and different reports of the company showing its procedures to provide effective services to its customers who make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. The research questions in this research are based on the identification of the level of customer satisfaction in the airline company Easy Jet which is handling huge number of customers due to its decreased product prices(Schimmel, et. Al 2014).There is selected participants based on the sampling method in which there are taken customers and clients of the company and analysingdifferent aspects related to their expectations from the company and the level to which company is meeting that level. Following are the responses which are collected from different participants in the research.

Research questions


Customer satisfaction has direct relationship with the quality of services providing by the Easy Jet Airline company.

Customers of the company responded as 60 % customers were agreed with the statement and 10 % was neutral and rest was disagreed with this statement.

The company is providing customised services to its customers on these low product prices.

50% customers and clients are agreed with this statement and rest was disagreed.

The management is working of the company to manage all the activities of the company to provide effective customer satisfaction by matching with the customer expectation.

Customers and clients of the company responded as 45% are agreed and rest was disagreed with the statement.

Task- 3

3.1 Use appropriate ‘research evaluation techniques’. Which types of evaluation (formative or summative) is more appropriate for your research? Why?

In the research project to identify the customer satisfaction level of the airline company Easy Jet there are analysed the collected data which is making impact on the different aspects related to the research results and provide conclusion of the research. The following are some research evaluation techniques which can define the various aspects related to the research conducted (Clausen, et. Al 2010).

  • Systematic peer review: This research evaluation technique is effective and provides most efficient results as in it consumes more time in which the management department of the company who analyse every aspect of this research report including various activities.
  • Benchmarking: In this evaluation there are analysed and calculated variances which are calculated by comparing the research outcome with the set standards made in the initial stage of the research.
  • Biometric analysis: This research analysis method helps in identifying the various methods of data collection in the research project which making impact on overall research process. In this research the client information and their reviews are collected of the Easy Jet airline company(Clausen, et. Al 2010).
  • Advanced quality planning: There are analysed the advanced planning which is done for maintaining the quality of services and products of the company.
  • Case study method: There can be adopted the case study method in which there is analysed various aspects related to the company which is airline company Easy Jet Plc.
  • Statistical survey method: In this method there are taken statistical analysis of data and other aspects of research which are analysed by using different methods and techniques related to the different aspects of the company.

3.2 Interpret and analyze the results in terms of the original research specification by using ‘Frequency’ and/or ‘Percentage’ calculations.

Table 1: Easy Jet is making changes in its pricing strategies to attract more customers and developing competitive advantage within its competitors.


Respondent (%)

Highly agree




No Answer




Highly Disagree


customers and developing competitive advantage

Analysis- The company is adopted this strategy to attract huge number of customers to provide them services and expand the market of the company. This is supported by the maximum number of respondents in the research project.

Table 2: The company is providing customised services to its customers on these low product prices.


Respondent (%)

Highly agree




No Answer




Highly Disagree


low product prices analysis

Analysis- It is analysed in the respondents are satisfied with the quality of services providing by the company and making it effective in the low product prices which are making impact on the overall aspects of the organisational productivity.

Table 3: The management is working of the Easy Jet Plc to manage all the activities of the company to provide effective customer satisfaction by matching with the customer expectation.


Respondent (%)

Highly agree




No Answer




Highly Disagree


Easy Jet Plc to manage

Analysis- The major number of respondents are agreed that the company is having effective management in the company to handle all the aspects which can help in effectively manage the customer services and expectations and satisfy them.

3.3 Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration customer satisfaction in easy Jet or Ryan air.

  • Findings: The company Easy Jet is providing effective services to its customers which is making impact on the level of efficiency of the company as in it is effectively satisfying the customers and proving itself as leading British airline company. The company is cutting its product prices as in to attract more customers and building core competency in market within its competitors which is making impact on the organisational productivity. The company is making its efforts to provide effective services with high customer satisfaction which is depended on various aspects and key factors and can make impact on the organisational effectiveness (Abdelghany, et. Al 2012).
  • Recommendations: The British Airline Company Easy Jet should increase effective management in its activities by making different level of authorities and check points which can define the various aspects related to the customer service level and there must be effective market survey by which the customer expectations can be analysed and identified in organisation. The company should increase the facilities providing by them to customers in the limited charges and ticket fair by which the customers can be effectively satisfied (Wu, et. Al 2014).


Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience?
finding for easy jet airline company


There are defined various aspects related to the customer satisfaction and its impacts on the organisational effectiveness and there are also analysed the various factors which make impact on the customer satisfaction and can lead to influence them. There are also analysed various aspects which define the positive relationship between the quality of product and customer satisfaction. Easy Jet British airline company is provising services on low charges which is making impact on the customer satisfaction. And this research report has been conducted on the identification of the customer satisfaction level of the company.


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