Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment

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Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment
Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment
Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment

Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment 1


In organisation behaviour structure & culture assignment, we will talk about the structure and the culture with the context of the organization.Then the relationship needs to establish between culture and structure of the organization to increase the performance of the organization. Factors that may influence the behavior of the employees are also we will talk about with context of organization. Effectiveness of leadership and different styles is also we will talk about in this report. Other than this, the organizational theories and approaches that influence the functioning of the organization is also needs to described. Additionally, different leadership styles are discussed in this report. Lastly, we will talk about the group behavior that is essential in mounting the performance of the organization and its employees.

Organisation Behaviour Structure & Culture Assignment

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

Capco is working in global level business and working as the technology consultancy. Additionally, Capco is functioning or providing services in particular six sectors these are banking, capital market, risk and compliance, insurance, investment management and last one is technology etc. Organisations are generally established to meet particular objectives or obligations. For e.g. the objectives of an organisation can be earning high profits, capture the largest pie in the market or can be making their customers more satisfied by providing higher quality services. The organizational structure of the Capco can influence by so many considerations. These considerations or elements can be population of the location, objectives of the organisation and involvement in tasks of the employees of the organisation. On the other hand the culture of the society in which the organisation is running its operations also affects the structure of the Capco (Shypulina, 2010).Capco follows the hierarchical organizational structure. In this type of structure the organization has the pyramid layout. In this structure, other than the chief executive officer of the organisation works under one manager. In Capco organisation the hierarchical structure of the organisation includes the senior management at the top, then middle management who reports to top management, after that junior management who reports to middle management and at the last the staff members who reports to the junior managers. That hierarchical structure of the organisation provides so many advantages like, clear communication can be set up in the Capco, and clear authority department have been established in the Capco that foster the outstanding performance of the employees (Sax, & Torp, 2015). Other than this, the hierarchical structure in the Capco making its employees more specialist. Ingenious and productive structure supports the Capco. On the other hand, the ASDA which is the largest supermarket in the London also have the hierarchical structure. That is consisting of seven layers, which includes CEO then area mangers, store managers, department wise managers, sub – department managers, employees and so on. ASDA is more focusing on quality based services, respect for workforce as well as customers. Difference between the organisations can be that the ASDA organisation is less centralized towards the insights and doctrines. And the structure of the organisation supports the  global marketing  adoption. ASDA by indulging in the beliefs and culture of the organisation can move further (Shypulina, 2010).

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s struture and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

Capco’s creative and proficient culture assists its structure. In Capco organisation, employees are respected through the direct communication between the employees as well as top management of the organisation. In Capco organisation employees have the freedom to express their ideas without any hesitation to the top management that build the self confidence among the employees, as a result the productivity increases. The culture of the Capco is built upon the four pillars these are described below-

  • Performance growth opportunities- Capco organisation believes in performance growth opportunity that is helpful in organisation, because well planned and attractive interactions always increase the performance and that also mount the awareness level of the employees (Reshkoyeh, et. al., 2013).
  • Performance and reward system – Capco gives the rewards in the organisation to the employees for their outstanding performance. Awards can be intrinsic or extrinsic. That plays a very vital role in increasing the performance of the organisation (Sax, & Torp, 2015).
  • Challenge portfolio of work- For the new as well as the old employees of the organisation; the challenging portfolio of work is helpful in recognizing employee’s potential and makes the employees multi skilled, that creates the active environment at the Capco.
  • Experience and learning- Experience and learning in the Capco are very important because it enhances the critical thinking of the employees as well as also elevates the motivation of employees for the learning. That is very crucial for the growth of the organisation.

In Capco organisation, the structure and culture of the organisation has the absolute relation for increasing the performance as well as growth of the employees. An efficient organization’s structure expedites the organisation to attain its mission or target. Other than this duplication of work can prevent and a sound and effective communication can be established in the Capco, which harvest sense of dignity among the employees (Reshkoyeh, et. al., 2013).

1.3  Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

There we have so many factors which affect the individual behaviour in the organisation. First of all the culture of the organisation plays the foremost role to affect the individual behaviour. Every individual have their own desires, aspirations, motives and potential that also affect the individual’s behaviour in the organisation (Chauvin, et. al., 2013). As we know that Capco organisation is basically have belief in its four culture aspects that play a vital role in influencing the whole behaviour of the employees at the Capco. Other than the above, there we mainly have three factors which affect the individual behaviour. These factors are described below-

  • Personal factors- Personal factors can again can be of two types, one is Biological factors that may include genetic nature of an individual and these characteristics cannot be changed. And learning characteristics, which can be defined as the permanent change in the behaviour of the employees because of interaction with the external environment. Learning characteristics of an individual can be his/her personality, attitude, perception related to things and personal values.
  • Environmental factors- Environmental factors include the external environment that has vast impact on the individual’s behaviour. These are economic factors that may consist of employment level or opportunities in the Capco organisation, wages or salary related aspects and technological development in the Capco.
  • Organisational factors- This is considered as the crucial factor that affects the most. This includes the physical facilities that play an affirmative role to influence the individual’s behaviour at the Capco. Organisational culture as well as the structure of the Capco having department in the organisation, so the open communication hierarchy in the Capco influenced the workforce at the organisation(Chauvin, et. al., 2013).Capco also promote the entrepreneurial activities, which impart the leadership skills in the employees. Critical or challenging work environment of the Capco also motivates the employees to perform better in the organisation, for that reward and other benefits are provided to the employees. That generates the affirmative environment at the Capco workplace (Taleghani, et. al., 2013).

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

Leadership is the ability of leader to make sound judgments and to inspire employees of the organisation. An effective leader is able to make its employees to understand their potential (Clifton & Gentle, 2015).

At the Capco, transformational leadership is style is more effective rather than the other styles of the leadership. Transformational leader is the style of the leader, who works with the employees of the organisation to find out the need of change(Aliakbari,&Darabi, 2013).Other styles may include laissez faire style in this the leader fails to direct the employee or lack in providing feedbacks. Autocratic style that allows the mangers to make their decisions their own without interferes of others. Participative leadership style also known as the democratic leadership style, in this the leaders takes the inputs from the employees of the organisation. But in Capco organisation, the transformational leadership style is most suitable. By adopting that leadership style the Capco organisation will be able to get so many advantages these are pointed below-

  • An unbiased and straight forward environment can be created at the Capco.
  • Crystal clear goals and objectives can be set in the organisation.
  • By adopting this style, transformational leaders will always revitalize the Capco organisation as well as its employees.
  • Transformational leaders at the Capco will always able to retain the employees of the organisation and its clients or customers.

Other than this the transformational leaders also able to make self-oriented management. And they also known as risk seekers and have ability to make quick decisions in the critical situations (Aliakbari, &Darabi, 2013). So by the above discussion we can conclude that to become more innovative and ingenious the transformational leadership style is the most suitable for Capco.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific management theory is given by the Fredrick Winslow Taylor. That is why it is also renowned as Taylorism and can influence the whole practices as well as the activities of the management at the organisation. This theory is mainly consist of four principles, which are described below-

  • Working of the organisation can be replaced or reacquired by the “rule of thumb”. This rule is mainly insist to use the practical sense at the organisation rather than using the most critical or scientific practices to perform the particular tasks and activities at the Capco.
  • The second principle in the Taylorism talks about that, rather than providing general work to employees, they should be given the tasks according to their skills and knowledge. And employees can be motivated to perform outstanding at the Capco by providing them training. If in the Capco organisation right people get the right jobs according to his/her capabilities and proficiency that will be more benefitted to reduction in cost.
  • By supervising the performance of the employees at the Capco, the efficiency can be increased. Under the supervision and by providing feedbacks to the employees in the organisation make their work more reliable.
  • Allocation of task and activities should be done in the Capco between mangers and staff members. That will be beneficial for the Capco’s mangers to plan the training and development programs and will allow the employees or workers to perform efficiently.

Taylor’s this theory is considered the most valuable techniques to improve the productivity as well as the efficiency in the organisation. Taylor’s scientific management theory put forward that the organisation should provide its employees  training and development  programs so that they can perform effectively and right job be performed by the right people. By implementing this approach the Capco organisation will be able to bring numerous progressions. Additionally, this approach is also helpful in increasing the cooperation among the top management and lower level employees. This approach is able to bring out the better personnel activities at the Capco (Clifton & Gentle, 2015).

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

In Capco organisation total quality management is adopted. In this approach the employees as well as the management of the Capco put continuous efforts to ensure better quality as well as customer or client satisfaction. Capco’s organisation culture is more tend towards the customer satisfaction and to ensure its customers to fulfil their commitments in effective manner. At the Capco if the organisation adopt total quality management that is beneficial in so many ways like, Capco’s competitive position can be strengthen in the market, productivity can be enhanced to extent level, profitability can be mount to significant level(Edwards, 2012). Total quality management is focus on the continuous development or improvement, same the Capco is also making efforts to mould the financial market by providing better services to the clients. Decision making in the total quality management is mainly based on the facts and figures same the Capco is also move forward by analysing the market. Total quality management (TQM) is also helpful in increasing the morale of the employees by the open communication procedure, in the Capco also there is open communication system is developed between top level management as well as workforce or employees of the organisation. Total quality management is the improved and efficient approach. In Capco the efficiency as well as the effectiveness of employees is at peak because of more innovative processes (Taleghani, et. al., 2013). Capco is mainly focus on increasing the higher satisfaction level of the clients by the adoption of total quality management approach. By adopting the TQM approach the Capco organisation is able to make its goodwill in the market by reducing the deficiency and defects. Cost benefits also enjoyed in the Capco because of this approach.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Impressive leadership is very essential in each organisation to achieve its goals and objectives. Leadership is essential for both employees as well as for the organisation. In organisation leadership ensures the smooth running of operational activities and to the employees it motivates employees and provides the guidelines to perform the activities, so that organizational goals can be achieved. Here we have certain leadership styles which motivate the employees of the organisation and create enthusiasm among employees to perform efficiently as well as effectively (Buble, et. al., and 2014). These are named as-

  • Autocratic leadership- In this type of leadership leaders take decisions their own and power is decentralized. In autocratic leadership style the employees are closed supervised that creates the responsibility among the employees and they get motivated to perform their tasks and to reduce the punishment they efficiently perform in the organisation, which increases the productivity in the organisation. Autocratic leadership facilitates the quick and rapid decisions in the organisation. Other than this, by adoption of this leadership style the employees perform outstanding because the work is done under the strict control. Now a day, this leadership is less in practice in organisations or at the Capco because the employees in the organisation are becoming more independent now a day (Autocratic management, 2013).
  • Democratic leadership- Participative or democratic leadership is the leadership style where the employees of the organisation also give their input in the decision making. Democratic leaders boost the potential of the employees by making them realize that they are significant to the organisation. Democratic leaders motivate employees by creating the cooperation in the organisation. Participative involvement of the employees also creates the self-respect feeling among the employees that motivates employees. At the Capco, this approach is used when the employees needs to feel their self- esteem and this approach also make them more hard working(Crawford, 2012).
  • Laissez faire leadership- This leadership style also known as, the free- rain leadership style. In this style the leaders shows less interest in the managerial functions and subordinates are responsible their own to perform their activities. In this style the faith of the employees that shown by the manger creates the feeling of responsibility and liability. Authority is given to the employees of the organisation so they are highly motivated. This approach is adopted in the Capco when the managers have to increase the level of responsibility among the employees.
  • Transformational leadership style- Transformational leaders seek for change in the organisation by innovative ideas and creativity. At the Capco, this leadership style suits the best to motivate the employees to perform efficiently and effectively. Leaders aim at big pictures so that they can reach to organizational goals (Aliakbari, &Darabi, 2013).

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

Motivation theories are adopted to build the behaviour of the employees in the organisation. All organisations adopt the motivational theories to make their organisation more productive and more proficient. The most prominent theory of motivation is developed by the Abraham Maslow, known as need of hierarchy. According to this theory when the basic needs fulfilled of the employees; than the second level needs generated that motivates employees to perform better in the organisation or make the employees more effective. In the Capco organisation if the motivation level gets down of the employees Maslow’s need hierarchy play a vital role in motivating the employees(Cao, et. al., 2013). On the other hand the Hertzberg’s motivation theory stats that the employees get motivated through intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors. In both the theories Maslow’s need hierarchy and Hertzberg’s theory, certain differences are there. Maslow says that higher level of needs arises when the basic or lower level needs get satisfied. Whereas, In Hertzberg’s theory there is no hierarchy of needs, but certain intrinsic and extrinsic factors that influences the performance of the employees to achieve personal and organizational goals. Extrinsic factors include salary and pay related increments, bonuses and status. Whereas, intrinsic factors include recognition, achievement and increased responsibility and liability sense among the employees (de Waal & Jansen, 2013).

Theory X and theory Y also used to exemplify the managerial styles in the organisation. X type of managers gets influenced by negative aspects whereas; the Y type of managers gets influenced by the affirmative aspects.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

Motivation theories energies the employees of the organisation; control the behaviour and also maintain the work environment in the organisation. Motivation theories are also the reason behind the higher production level and generation of value system in the organisation (Buble, et. al., 2014). At the Capco the motivation theories play their role that is very important for the organisation to keep their employees or staff members proficient and productive. Motivation theories at the Capco, used to give rewards and extra fringe benefits to the employees who performs more efficient as well as effective. Other than this, in the prominent theory of motivation talks about that in the organisation there is need of hierarchy that must be fulfilled by the organisation to keep motivated employees of the organisation. At the Capco professionalism is also increased because of adoption of motivation theory. Capco organisation is established to serve its clients better and to shape or change the pattern of financial services. By motivating employees of the organisation, Capco will be able to achieve its goals. Motivation theories are also important in the organisation to keep employees more innovative and enthusiastic (de Waal & Jansen, 2013).At the Capco organisation, monetary rewards are given to employees for appreciation. The work environment of the Capco is more tend towards the quality and always look for an efficient and less costly way to perform the tasks and activities. For the Capco organisation, if employees gets motivated that will lead to zero or less opportunity cost. Motivation also builds up the self- disciplined in the employees. So by that discussion we can say that motivation is very necessary for the organisation to learning of the employees and for achieving the organisational goals.

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Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Groups are the basic part of the society as well as in the organisation. Group in the organisation, are formed to perform the organisational practices with different employability skills and knowledge. A group in the Capco organisation is formed to perform the activities in the organisation so that the organisational goals can be accomplished (Thompson & White, 2010).However, in the organisation working in a group is very artful task. In the Capco organisation, working together is required to establish the social treats in the organisation. The main characteristics of the group is that the individuals or employees come together to work with different capabilities and efficiency to achieve the common goal of the organisation. Teams of the organisation are more competitive rather than the groups in the organisation (Ana Ortiz de Guinea, et. al., 2012).And in the Capco organisation there is mainly formal groups are found. Formal groups are permanent in nature. The group formation of the Capco follows the five stages which are described below-

  • Forming- In the first stage of group forming in organisation, where people or employees come together to attain organisational goals. In this stage the employees of the organisation are more cautious.
  • Storming- In the second step of group development, organisation conflict arises among the employees. The reason behind this can be competition, personal values and behaviour of the employees.
  • Norming- In this step the individuals of the organisation get the clarity regarding their needs and group people of the organisation come forward to work as a team.
  • Performing- This is the fourth stage of the group development, where employees or staff members work together to attain the organizational goals.
  • Adjourning- This is the last step in the group development. And in this step, group of the organisation adjourned after achieving the ultimate goal or mission of the organisation.

By discussing above, we can say that group and group behaviour play a vital role in the organisation. Other than this, the innovative technology and training and development programs of the organisation also influence the Capco’s functioning. Because the goal of the Capco is to provide the innovative software tools to its clients and to shape the financial market can be fulfilled by adoption of new technology (Thompson & White, 2010).

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Effective teamwork can be established in the Capco’s work environment if employees and staff members of the organisation are satisfied with the working environment, reward system and so on(Ana Ortiz de Guinea, et. al., 2012).For the successful management there we have certain factors which play important role in the Capco. Such factors can be effective and open communication, effective leadership strategy and planning in the organisation.

Capco follow the effective leadership style in the organisation. Managers of the Capco help the employees in their tasks and also create a faithful working environment. Group members at the Capco had given preference at the work that creates the high morale among the employees (Crawford, 2012).Training and development programs in the Capco organisation also, so that the profits and productivity can be increased. Other than this the open communication at the Capco creates the direct communication between the higher level management and employees that increases the self- confidence of the employees. And size of groups, satisfaction level of members, interaction also the major factor that can affect the working of the organisation for e.g. small groups are considered higher productive in the Capco.    At the Capco organisation diversity also helps to increase the creativity and innovation that is fruitful in mount the goodwill of the organisation. Successful management can be established in the Capco by understanding and accepting the differences of different culture employees. But sometimes diversity can because behind the conflicts too that can reduce the productivity of the organisation.  It is also helpful in creating awareness among the people.

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

In the organisation external as well as internal factors affect the functioning of the organisation. External influences like technology in the organisation play a vital role in affecting the organisation. By using the most innovative and trendy technology the Capco organisation able to reduce the cost of the organisation as well as the rich production can be done (Edwards, 2012). Capco use the high technology to compete with its competitors. Most innovative products and less costly products attract the customers and clients of the organisation that is helpful in increasing the profits at the Capco. Working or functioning of the Capco is fully dependent on the technology because the organisation provides the services of information technology. The numbers of the staff also has reduced in the Capco organisation by using innovative technology and group functioning has reduced to vast level (Ana Ortiz de Guinea, et. al., 2012). If in the Capco is technology updates, the employees also get benefitted, because this improves the knowledge of the employees. Creativity level can be enhanced in the Capco by using technology. Now days the organisation are using emails in communication that is less time consuming and employees of the Capco are able to communicate any time because of using of mobile phones and social media. Additionally, the security level also has increased in the Capco by using technology (Linton, 2011).

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In the above report we discussed the structure and culture of the organisation that influence the whole organisation with the suitable example. After that, the impact of the culture and structure is also studied with respect to performance. Other than this the factors that influence the employee’s performance in the Capco is also talked about. Then the leadership and different styles of the leadership is described well. Different approaches that an organisation can use for the effective performance is also described in this report. Motivational theories also talked about which is helpful in increasing the effectiveness in the organisation. Lastly, Group and group behaviour is also explained with the technological impact in the organisation.


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