Legislation and Ethics in Tourism Assignment

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Legislation and Ethics in Tourism Assignment
Legislation and Ethics in Tourism Assignment
Legislation and Ethics in Tourism Assignment


Tourism industry is developed more and more which is very helpful for the tourist who wants to travel from one place to another safe and secure. There is various number of legislation according to which travel industry has to act according. In this tourist are protected through the authorities which regulated the travel industry.

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Task 2

P2. Understand legislation and regulations relating to health, safety and security in the travel and tourism sector

P 2.1 – Evaluate the impacts of the principles of health, safety and security legislation on the travel and tourism sector

More people are travelled from one place to another every year some are travelling overseas for spending their time with their family.  They always expect that destination where they are travelled should be safe and secure they have not face any kind of problem in relation to the travel industry and at the tourist place. They are expected that their tourist destination should be their own choice and should be safe. So it is the first duty of the travellers that they have to provide safe and secure destination like hotels, bus etc.

  • Need of legislation: Legislation governed and regulated the travel and tourism industry and help in acting in the interest of the tourist.  It also laid down the safety and security at the workplace for the employees which are working under the travel industry. In this there are various rights and duties of employers that they provide safe environment to the consumers. Employees should informed the employers about any hazards which is occurred at the workplace which helps in minimising the risk of accidents. (Reece, 2010)
  • Health and safety for employees: The main purpose of this is to provide health and safety at the workplace is that the workplace should be safe from any hazards activity which causes any accidents at the travel industry. If any employee of the travel industry suffers any loss or injury at the time of working then travel industry has to pay the compensation to the injured employee. In UK health and safety legislation imposed the criminal penalty upon the travel industry if any employees suffer and it is the duty of the employer. [Hse.gov.uk, 2015]
  • Health and safety executive: It helps in regulating all provisions of the health and safety at work act 1974. It is framework which enables regulations and it is the sources through the directive of EC are implemented. It also set out the employer’s duties and obligation towards the employees under the travel industry. It is also known as the “Umbrella Act” because it covers the various acts. [Hse.gov.uk, 2015]
  • Duties of employers are
    • They have provided the training to the employees.
    • Maintain all the machines on time basis.
    • Provides the proper notice related to the health and safety
    • There should be proper place as per the requirement.
    • Provide protective cloth and gloves to the employees [Hse.gov.uk, 2015]
  • Duties of employees are:
    • They have to inform any hazards which is occurred at the workplace.
    • Use protective cloth and gloves which are used as a safety while working at the machines and other things.
    • They have to use the equipments which are safe and secure.
    • They have to cooperate with the policies of the industry.
    • They should take the training. [Hse.gov.uk, 2015]
  • Communicate the health and safety regulations:
    • Health and safety regulation should be communicated to the employees.
    • Employers are under legal obligation that they have to provide the information of health and safety to the employees.
    • If there are more than 5 members then there must be written provisions which are related to the health and safety.
    • Providing the health and safety regulation to the employees through intranet and advising them.
    •  By providing the proper notice on the walls with cautions sign.[Hse.gov.uk, 2015]
  • Occupier liability 1957 and 1984: Occupier liability is that in which occupier is held liable for any lawful visitors and unlawful visitors who is entering in to the land of the occupier. He has the duty to examine the purpose for which he comes at his land and use of visiting his land.
  • The persons who are come under the lawful visitors are:
    • Person who is entered in the land and building or premises in the occupier.
    • Any visitor with whom he has the contract relation

Data protection act 1998: This act protects the individual personal information. Any industry who has the personal information of the consumers should be protected by them. they have no right to pass any information to any person or any other travel company if they pass without taking permission from the consumer then they will sued by the consumer under this act for the damages which they suffers due to the travel industry. They even not use the personal information other than the objective.  [Gov.uk, 2015(2)]

P 2.2 Analyse legislation that relates to equality

Tourism industry should treat all the consumers equally they have not to discriminate their consumers on the basis of caste, sex, region, disability etc. discrimination is that in which people are not treated in fair manner, travel industry not providing the same services to all the member, or providing the low quality product to the consumers.

Equality act 2010 is the single piece of legislation which prohibited the discrimination among the individual in UK.

  • Sex discrimination act: This act is the act of parliament in Uk which prohibited the discrimination on the basis of sex. Normally sex discrimination has been made between men and women. Thus this act provides protection to the men and women.  This type of discrimination has been made in the education sector, travel industry and various other places.
  • Racial discrimination act: Racial discrimination act is the act which was established by the parliament and it is regulated in UK. It helps in preventing the racial discrimination among the individual on the basis of colour, ethnic, nationality etc. in the travel industry.
  • Disability discrimination act 2005: This act prohibited the discrimination which is made between the normal person and disabled person. This cat make easier for the disabled person that they can rent their property. Any consumer or employees are not discriminate in the travel industry on their disability.
  • Employment protection act 2002: In this there are various new provisions are added which are for family-friendly, there are new provision which helps in resolving the disputes between the employees and employers, employees are treated equally in the travel industry.
  • Employment consolidation acts 1978: This act helps in establishing the labor law in UK. The employees who are working at the travel industry are get various rights and obligations. Legislation has been divided in to two parts these are
    • Contract of employment act 1963
    • Redundancy payment act 1965[Legislation.gov.uk, 2015(4)]
  • Human Rights Act 1998: This act is provided in the Uk court in which they provide remedy for breach of rights which is mentioned in the European Convention and in this there is no need to go to the European court for protecting their rights and death penalty has been abolished in Uk.

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As from the above report it is clear that travel and tourism industry plays a very important in the economy. It helps in development of the economic. There are various legislation which regulated the travel and tourism industry. Contract act is also make contract between the travel and tourist and also stated the rights and liabilities of both parties. Hilton hotel is also doing the corporate social responsibility in many ways.


Chuah, J. (2009). Law of international trade. London: Sweet & Maxwell/Thomson Reuters.
Findlaw.co.uk, 2015 Vicarious Liability - Accidents And Injuries (2015) [Accessed: 20 August 2015] http://www.findlaw.co.uk/law/accidents_and_injuries/accident_claims/500045.html
Gov.uk, (2012)  Inland Waterways And Categorisation Of Waters - Detailed Guidance - GOV.UK (2012) [Accessed: 21 August 2015 https://www.gov.uk/inland-waterways-and-categorisation-of-waters
Gov.uk, (2015)  Data Protection - GOV.UK (2015)(2) [Accessed: 22 August 2015  https://www.gov.uk/data-protection/the-data-protection-act
Girvin, S. (2007). Carriage of goods by sea. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hse.gov.uk, (2015) Health And Safety At Work Etc Act 1974 – Legislation Explained [Accessed: 23 August 2015]   http://www.hse.gov.uk/legislation/hswa.htm
Legislation.gov.uk, (2015)  Transport Act 1985 [Accessed: 24 August 2015]    http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1985/67
Legislation.gov.uk, (2015))(2)   Consumer Protection Act 1987 (2015) [Accessed: 25 August 2015]http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1987/43

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