Human Resource Management Functions Assignment

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Human Resource Management Functions Assignment
Human Resource Management Functions Assignment
Human Resource Management Functions Assignment


Human Resource Management is the term that is used for describing the formal systems formulated for the management of individuals in a company. The human resource manager is responsible for three significant sections which are staffing, compensation of the staffs as well as benefits and work definition. HSBC Bank was founded in 1865 at Birmingham, United Kingdom. A British-based multinational banking and financial services organisation headquartered in London, UK. It is the world's 4th largest bank by total assets having total assets of US$2.67 trillion.

Task 1

1.1 Differentiate between personnel management and human resource management giving examples in two suitable organisations.

  • Human resource Management – It is the term that is used for describing the formal systems formulated for the management of individuals in a company. The human resource manager is responsible for three significant sections which are staffing, compensation of the staffs as well as benefits and work definition.
  • Personnel Management – It is a traditional approach for the management of individuals in the company. It concentrates on personnel administration, welfare of the staffs as well as labor relation. (Hayton, 2012)

The two organisations that are being chosen are HSBC Bank and Farland Personnel Management Corporation.

Personnel Management

Human Resource Management

The personnel management of Farland Personnel Management Corporation concentrates on the rules as well as agreements that are defined in a clear manner. To follow these rules there is the requirement for administering the manager’s actions.

The human resource management in HSBC Bank It focuses on agreements that are considered to be open-ended in relation with the business demands where disagreements occur because of interpersonal relations that are considered to be negative. (Hayton, 2012)

There is no concentration towards strategic management as well as the main concentration is towards effective relations for labour management at Farland Personnel Management Corporation.

It is considered to be a practical functional scenario as well as depending on relations for labour management that are not viewed as the final conditions in HSBC Bank.

The operational scenario for personnel management depends on the feedback at Farland Personnel Management Corporation. (Hayton, 2012)

It is based on the present needs of the organisation while the future needs will be expected as well as there will be the consideration of proper actions at HSBC Bank. (Hayton, 2012)

Personnel management structure is formed because of the decision that is jointly considered between the staffs as well as the management. Regarding this, the employees will be receiving a standard reward that depends on job assessment.

Major importance is provided towards the aspect that depends on PRP aka performance related pay. The association of payment is with the input provided by an employee for the actualisation of the goals for the organisation.

Personnel management is defined as an administrative functional aspect in respect of a company that exists for providing the personnel required in respect of the activities of the organisation as well as for managing the basic relationship between employees and employers. (Hayton, 2012)
Farland Personnel Management Corporation is a land based agency for recruitment that is duly registered with the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. It is a service based company, which is thriving on offering clients with outcomes that are customised in respect of their needs.  

1.2. Assess how human resource management functions help your chosen organisation in achieving its purpose.

The different human resource management functions are as follows,

1. Tasks
  • Payroll administration – Payroll administration is explained as any task required for organizing the staff compensation in respect of the hours used for working. This might take into consideration keeping totals in respect of hours that the staffs have worked, pay rates as well as management of staff payments.
  • Employee motivation – It is the energy level, assurance as well as creativity that an organisational worker is bringing to their works. Irrespective of the growth or decline of the economy, to find ways for motivating the staffs is always the concern of the management at HSBC Bank.  
  • Reward Management – Reward management is related with the aspect of formulating as well as implementing strategic aspects as well as policies that are aiming towards rewarding individuals in a fair, equitable as well as consistent manner in accord with the organisational values. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Selection – It is associated with the steps that have their involvement in choosing individuals who are having the appropriate qualifications for filling a present or future vacancy in the job at HSBC Bank. Normally, the managers have the responsibility to hire the candidates but the human resource management’s task is defining as well as guiding the managers in this method.
  • Recruitment – Recruitment is considered as the essential functional aspect for human resource management. It is referring to the entire method in respect of attraction, selection as well as appointment of eligible candidates in respect of jobs that might be temporary or permanent in HSBC Bank. (Hayton, 2012)
  • Employee termination – Employee termination is considered to be a staff’s removal from job at HSBC Bank. There might occur voluntary termination on the part of the staff or it might occur at the employer’s hands through firing or layoff.
2. Training and development

Training and development is done for the improvement of performance. This is considered to be an endeavour for the improvement of recent or future performing ability of the staffs through the increase of the ability of a staff for performing with the help of learning, normally through a change in the attitude of the staff or developing the skills as well as knowledge of the individual.

3. Performance management
  • Planning – It is considered to be the method for identifying recent as well as future requirements of human resources for HSBC Bank to actualise its objectives. It is serving as a connection between human resource management as well as the total strategic organisational plan.
  • Monitoring – Monitoring of the staffs is using different processes of workplace supervision for gathering information in respect of the activities as well as locations of the employees in HSBC Bank. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Recording – This functional aspect takes into consideration the aspect of maintenance as well as retrieval of information related to the staffs for different reasons. Records that should definitely be maintained takes into consideration forms for application, health and medical records, history of employment, working hours, turnover, as well as other staff information. (Hayton, 2012)
4. Employee relations

This is associated with the efforts of HSBC Bank for managing the relationship within the staffs as well as the employer. A company having better employee relation program will be providing fair treatment in respect of every staff so they will have the commitment in respect of their jobs as well as possesses organisational loyalty.

1.3. Evaluate the role and responsibilities of line managers in your organisation or familiar organisation and how it supports human resource management functions.

Line managers are considered to be those individuals who are responsible towards direct management of individual staffs or teams. Consecutively, they are reporting to a higher managerial level in respect of the performing ability as well as welfare of the staffs or teams they are managing. (Griffin, 2011)
The line managers are involved in respect of selection, recruitment, training, coaching, mentoring, appraisal, grievance, discipline as well as termination. They are also associated with providing equal opportunity as well as issues associated with ethical aspects.

  • Selection – The line manager is associated with the process of selection have the responsibility to hire the candidates but the human resource management’s task is defining as well as guiding the line managers in this method.
  • Recruitment – The line manager is associated with the process of recruitment referring to the entire method in respect of attraction, selection as well as appointment of eligible candidates in respect of jobs that might be temporary or permanent in HSBC Bank. (Griffin, 2011)
  • Training – The line manager is associated with an endeavour for the improvement of recent or future performing ability of the staffs through the increase of the ability of a staff for performing with the help of learning, normally through a change in the attitude of the staff or developing the skills as well as knowledge of the individual
  • Coaching – The line manager is associated with an on the job approach that they are using to assist individuals in the development of skills as well as competence level.
  • Mentoring – The line mangers formally or informally does the sharing of their knowledge in respect of a business for achieving organisational goals in respect of HSBC Bank.
  • Appraisal – This is the process by which a line manager does the documentation as well as evaluation of the job performance of a staff at HSBC Bank.
  • Grievance – This is associated with staff dissatisfaction regarding his/her expectations from the organisation. A line manager should be providing a staff with a working environment that is considered safe, as well as having a job preview that is considered realistic. (Griffin, 2011)

The line managers are important for human resource because they have an involvement in employee engagement, performance appraisal, disciplining of the staffs as well as performance related pay. The line managers are taking the approach to supervise their staffs in respect of the most essential issue of employee engagement. The line manager does the implementation of the methods associated with performance appraisals. Workplace discipline gets initiated with the expectations of the line manager from his team. The line manager has an essential task in respect of performance related pay because performance ratings from the line managers will be influencing the amount of increase that will be received by the staffs at HSBC Bank.

1.4. Analyse how legal and regulatory framework impact on human resource management.

The role of legislation in protecting employees at work are mentioned as under,

  • Employee welfare – This is associated with safeguarding of the employees so that the employers cannot exploit the staffs and the staffs possesses the right to fair compensation, as well as a working environment which is considered to be safe.
  • Employer protection – The role of legislation is to safeguard the effectiveness of the employers and as a result assists in remaining competitive in the market.
  • Dual protections – The role of legislation is to provide dual protections in respect of the staffs as well as the employers. This assists in eliminating the conflicting scenarios.
  • Stability of the economy – Since the role of legislation is to safeguard the rights of the staffs for receiving compensation as well as rights of the employer in earning profit, these are considered to be very much essential.
  • Sex Discrimination Act, 1995/97 - This Act is associated with the protection of the staffs from discriminations that are associated with sexual orientation at the workplace.
  • Race Relations Act, 1992 – This does the safeguarding of staffs from discrimination that depends on the scenario of nationality, workplace ethnicity, marital status and so on in the work place. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Race Relations Amendment Act, 2000 - This does the safeguarding of staffs from discrimination that depends on the scenario of nationality, workplace ethnicity, marital status and so on in the work place.
  • Equal Pay Act, 1970 – This Act is associated with the safeguarding of the staffs from getting badly treated and equal payment for male as well as female staffs.
  • Disability Discrimination Act, 1995 and 2005 – This Act protects the staffs from getting treated badly due to their disabilities related to the workplace.
  • Employment Act, 2008 – This Act is associated with the formation of the scenarios regarding the purposes that gets utilised when any sort of conflict takes place amongst the employees as well as employers at HSBC Bank. If this law is not followed in HSBC Bank then there will be the creation of various kinds of confusions in respect of conflicting scenarios that might arise between the staffs as well as the employers and the problems might aggravate further making the situations worse.
  • Work and Families Act, 2006 – This Act assists the staffs at HSBC Bank for managing their work and also their families irrespective of any major challenges. This takes into considerate the leaves that are taken regarding maternity issues, creation of flexible timings for work and many more. (Furnham, 2012) If this law is not followed in HSBC Bank then the staffs will not be able to give their best for the sake of the company as because they will feel that their welfare will not be taken care of by the company in respect of issues related with maternity, flexibility of timing and so on.
  • Data Protection Act, 1998 – This Act offers the aspect of elucidating the ways through which there occurs the scenario of collection of data, preserving as well as transferring knowledge at HSBC Bank. If this law is not followed in HSBC Bank, then there can occur the possibility of important data getting lost or there can occur the risk of data theft. This might create a significant hazard for the organisation.

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Task 2

2.1 Analyse the reasons for human resource planning.

Human Resource Planning is the method that is identifying recent as well as future requirements of human resources in respect of a HSBC Bank for actualisation of its goals. It serves as a relation between human resource management as well as total strategic organisational plan.

  1. The purpose of human resource planning is associated with increased business volume, changing scenarios associated with the needed skills, turnover of the staffs as well as cost control related with labour.
  2. There are three kinds of time horizon which are short term, medium term as well as long term. Short term is associated with accumulating as well as the simplest mark towards the processes of the market that are taking place. (Fernando, 2011)
  3. Internal planning factors are associated with needs of the organisation, demand for product and services, new product and services, new markets, changes in technology as well as profile of the workforce.
  4. External planning factors are associated with supply and demand for labour, government policy, competition of the labour market, changing work nature, technological impact, recruitment and selection, policies and procedures for recruitment. (Fernando, 2011)
  5. Human Resource Planning is important for HSBC Bank because of future manpower needs, coping with changes, recruitment of talented personnel, development of human resources, appropriate use of human resources, as well as reduction of uncertainty.

Human Resource Planning is a method that is identifying recent as well as future human resources requirements in respect of HSBC Bank for the achievement of its objectives. It is responding to the significance of business strategy as well as planning for ensuring the availability as well as supply of individuals in quality as well as quantity. It is also serving as a connection amongst human resources management as well as the complete organisational strategic plan. (Farnham, 2015)

  • Linking human resource planning and organisational purposes: To link human resource planning to organisational purposes, there is the need to consider certain attributes such as understanding HR, forecasting of the demand, to be proactive as well as to find balance.
  • Linking human resource planning and organisational strategy: To link human resource planning to organisational strategy in HSBC Bank, there is a need to consider certain stages that are associated with the aspect of linking which are to assess current human resources, to determine the aspect of labour demand, to estimate the future labour supply, to estimate changing aspects in future supply as well as to match the demand as well as supply of labour. (Fernando, 2011)
  • Linking human resource planning and senior management: There has been a concern amongst the senior management regarding the recruitment of managers for HSBC Bank. For addressing this matter, there is a need for understanding the career system that is prevailing at present that includes the promotional patterns as well as movement towards recruitment, the traits of those occupying senior positions in HSBC Bank as well as company’s future talent supply.

The purposes of human resource planning are as follows,

  • Increased business volume – A significant purpose for human resource planning is to increase the volume of business for HSBC Bank by taking into consideration various factors.
  • Changes to the required skills sets –A significant purpose for human resource planning is to bring specific changes in the skill sets that are needed for the improvement in the conditions of the company. In this regard, the previous set of skills that were being used might get discarded and new sets of skills might get implemented. (Fernando, 2011)
  • Turnover of staffs – For having a control over the aspect of staff turnover, there is a need to do better human resource planning that will assist in retention of the staffs in the organisation.
  • Labour cost control – A significant purpose for human resource planning is associated with labour cost control by providing labour incentives under better technique for incentive that will inspire the staffs to function more dynamically and will be reducing labour cost indirectly. Also, HSBC Bank can give training top the staffs from experts to reduce the loss because of having little knowledge of the process of production or to work in a wrong way.

Three types of Time Horizon for Human Resource Planning

  • Short term (up to 1 year) – Short term time zone for human resource planning are basically stated in terms that are comparatively easier for quantifying such as applicants number, number of hires as well as staff performance level in HSBC Bank.
  • Medium term (2 to 3 years) – Medium term time horizon is encompassing more uncertainties as well as eventualities since the programs are most of the time bigger in opportunity and the proper aspect of analysing the assessment is often the level of efficiency for a whole department in HSBC Bank. (Fernando, 2011)
  • Long term (More than 3 years) – Long term time horizon is associated with the programs that are considered to be complex systems that are designed for safeguarding the organisational health in the long term. The essential activities in this respect are to identify the staffs having high potential, identification of the required competencies as well as to offer experiences for learning for the development of competencies.

Internal planning factors

  • Organisational needs – The needs of the organisation is considered to be a significant factor for internal planning at HSBC Bank.
  • Demand for products and services – The demand associated with products as well as services in respect of HSBC Bank are considered to be an important towards internal planning.
  • New product and services – Implementing new product and services for HSBC Bank is considered to be the part of internal planning factors.
  • New markets – Another important factor for internal planning is to expand the company’s base into new markets.
  • Technological change – Changes associated with technology is considered to be another factor in respect of internal planning.
  • Location of production – Location of production is considered to be another factor in respect of internal planning.
  • Workforce profiles – This factor for internal planning is associated with various workforce profiles such as age, gender, ethnicity, ability as well as skills in respect of HSBC Bank.

External planning factors

  • Supply and demand for labour – This is an important external planning factor that delves with the aspect of supply and demand in respect of labour for HSBC Bank.
  • Government policy – This is another important aspect associated with the factors for external planning that states the policies of the government influences the external planning factors for HSBC Bank.
  • Labour market competition – The competition for the labour market is another external planning factor that HSBC Bank needs to take into consideration.
  • Changing nature of work – Another factor for external planning is associated with changing nature of work in respect of HSBC Bank.
  • Technological impact – The impact of technology is another factor for external planning in respect of HSBC Bank.
  • Recruitment and selection – The two aspects of recruitment and selection are considered to be a significant factor towards external planning.
  • Policies of recruitment – The various policies for recruitment are considered to be the factors for external planning in respect of HSBC Bank.
  • Procedures for recruitment – Another aspect associated with the procedure for recruitment is considered to be an essential factor for external planning for HSBC Bank.

The reasons for the significance of human resource planning in HSBC Bank are mentioned as under,

  • Future manpower needs – Human resource planning makes sure that there is the availability of manpower for providing the continuous smooth functioning of HSBC Bank. It does the determination of the future manpower needs in respect of quality as well as quantity. (Farnham, 2015)
  • Coping with change – Human resource planning is significant in coping with the changing scenarios related with the external factors in respect of the environment for HSBC Bank.
  • Recruitment of talented personnel – One more HR planning objective is the recruitment as well as selection of most able personnel for filling the vacancies in respect of job at HSBC Bank. (Farnham, 2015)
  • Development of human resources – Human resource planning does the identification of the skill needs in respect of different job levels in HSBC Bank.
  • Proper utilization of human resources – Human resource planning measures that HSBC Bank acquires as well as does the utilization of manpower in an effective manner for the achievement of the goals.

HRP is the ongoing, constant method for methodical planning for achieving optimum utilization of a company’s most worthy asset which is human resources. Its goal is ensuring the best fit amongst the staffs as well as jobs while bypassing lack or excess of manpower. (Farnham, 2015)

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resource requirements.

The stages of human resource planning are analysing the objectives of the organisation, inventory of present human resources, demand forecasting as well as supply of human resource, estimation of manpower gaps, formulation of the final human resource plan of action, and finally monitoring controlling as well as feedback.
Technology is impacting human resource planning through the process of recruiting, training, data storage and retrieval as well as performance management. Recruiting plays a major role in the process of influencing human resource planning. Information technology assists the human resource professionals for training new staffs more effectively. Better management of performance is another aspect of improvement with the help of technology. (Farnham, 2015)
The action points associated with HR plan are recruitment, selection and placement, training and development, retraining and redeployment, retention plan, retrenchment plan, as well as VRS plan.
HSBC Bank is required to do planning for meeting the objectives of business as well as gaining a competitive advantage over competitors. It does the comparison between the current organisational condition with its future objectives and then identifying what changes must be made in respect of its human resources for meeting these objectives.

The stages involved in planning the human resource requirements are,

1. Workforce planning stages

  • Auditing the current workforce – This is associated with the auditing of the present workforce of the company that delves with the reason for undertaking workforce planning. The strategic objectives of the company as well as the internal and external business environment.
  • Analysing the future work force in terms of both demand and supply of labour – This stage delves with the aspect related with the future products as well as services that the company will offer and the requirement for the future environment. Also, to analyse the workforce supply and demand in respect of priority job roles and what future skills as well as capabilities are needed.
  • Identification of gaps – This stage delves with the essential areas in respect of need for shifting from the present position of the company to where it is aiming to reach and in that respect the various issues will be prioritised and there will be the development of a plan of action for addressing the gaps.
  • Implementing strategies for eliminating the gaps – This stage delves with the implementation of various strategic aspects to eliminate the gaps and what are the ways for evaluating the strategies in the workforce plan. (Farnham, 2015)

2. Assessing current workforce needs

The data related with human resource can be analysed for determining,

  • The numbers of staffs that are functioning in every functional business area are to be considered such as finance, human resources, operations or sales and marketing.
  • The skills as well as capabilities of the current employees.
  • The tasks as well as roles that are carried out by the employees.

3. Analysing future workforce needs

  • Supply of labour – This delves with the aspect of analysing the number of current workforce that are working in HSBC Bank will be retiring or leaving for other reasons. Also, to analyse whether the present workforce is having the appropriate skills that are needed.
  • Demand for labour – To analyse the future workforce needs it is required to acknowledge the number of employees that will be required in various areas of HSBC Bank and what skills they will be requiring in that respect. (Farnham, 2015)
  • Objectives of the organisation – For analysing the future workforce needs it is required to understand whether the organisation is intending to develop or not and also, whether the organisation and behavior is making considerations towards shifting its operations to a different place.
  • Demand forecasting for products – To analyse the future workforce needs it is required to understand whether the demand for all the products and services that are provided will increase or decrease.
  • External business environment – For analysing the future workforce needs it is to understand whether more competitors will be entering the market or not and at what level in the business cycle is HSBC Bank is positioned currently.
  • Technological changes – For analysing the future workforce needs it is to be understood whether there will be the introduction of new technologies that might do the reduction in the requirement for certain employees working for HSBC Bank. (Farnham, 2015)

4. Strategies for addressing workforce needs

  • Developing the workforce by recruiting additional staffs for HSBC Bank
  • Reducing the workforce with the help of natural wastage, redundancies or restructuring.
  • Developing the skills as well as abilities of the present workforce at HSBC Bank.

Human Resource Management Functions Assignment

In the above figure of the HRP Process, one of the steps are of strategic planning that delves with technological forecasts, economic forecasts, market forecasts, organisational planning, investment planning, as well as annual operating plans. Another step is of human resource demand that delves with annual employment requirements, numbers, skills, as well as occupational categories and last but not the least there is the step of human resource supply that delves with existing employment, inventory, after application of anticipated loss as well as rates of attrition. (Self)

2.3 Compare the current recruitment and selection process in the organisation with another organisation you recommending.

  • Recruitment - Recruitment is considered as the essential functional aspect for human resource management. It is referring to the entire method in respect of attraction, selection as well as appointment of eligible candidates in respect of jobs that might be temporary or permanent in HSBC Bank.
  • Selection - It is associated with the steps that have their involvement in choosing individuals who are having the appropriate qualifications for filling a present or future vacancy in the job at HSBC Bank. Normally, the managers have the responsibility to hire the candidates but the human resource management’s task is defining as well as guiding the managers in this method.
Tesco Plc
  • Recruitment - Recruitment is considered as the essential functional aspect for human resource management. It is referring to the entire method in respect of attraction, selection as well as appointment of eligible candidates in respect of jobs that might be temporary or permanent in Tesco Plc. (Crawshaw, 2014)
  • Selection - It is associated with the steps that have their involvement in choosing individuals who are having the appropriate qualifications for filling a present or future vacancy in the job at Tesco Plc. Normally, the managers have the responsibility to hire the candidates but the human resource management’s task is defining as well as guiding the managers in this method.

Recruitment: Recruitment is referring to the entire method associated with attracting, selecting as well as appointing appropriate candidates in respect of jobs that can be either permanent or temporary in nature within a company.
Selection: Selection is the method of choosing a qualified individual who will be able to do a job in a successful manner and do the delivery of significant organisational contributions. System of selection depends on the analysis of job. This makes sure that the criteria for selection are related with job and will be providing meaningful value in respect of the organisation.  (Bruck, 2014)

Recruitment and selection process

Points of comparison


Scenario Company

Recruitment policies

The external recruitment policies for HSBC Bank are associated with advertisement as well as employment agencies.

The external recruitment policy for the Scenario Company is associated with employment agencies as well as recommendations.

Aims and objectives of the selection process

The aims and objectives of the selection are associated with the banking process.

The aims and objectives of selection are associated with the retail process.

Job Analysis

The job analysis is associated with the various duties and requirements associated with the banking process.

The job analysis is associated with the various duties and requirements associated with the retail process. (Bruck, 2014)

Job description

The job description for HSBC Bank is associated with the banking process.

The job description for the Scenario Company is associated with the retail process.

Job advertisement

The advertisement for job is given in different job related sites

The advertisement for job is given in the personal website of the Scenario Company.

Initial application

The initial application in HSBC Bank can be found in various job portals.

The initial application in respect of the Scenario Company can be found in their own company website. (Bruck, 2014)

CV screen

The CV is screened in three stages. First, the junior HR, then the senior HR and finally the line manager. (Bruck, 2014)

The CV gets screened only by the HR manager and the retail manager.


There are telephonic as well as face to face interviews.

There only occurs a face-to-face interview.

Final stages of selection

There is a final HR round

There is no final HR round.

Stages of recruitment and selection

  • Stage 1: Identification of vacancy and need evaluation
  • Stage 2: Development of position description
  • Stage 3: Development of recruitment plan
  • Stage 4: Selection of the search committee
  • Stage 5: Post position and implementation of recruitment plan
  • Stage 6: Reviewing the applicants as well as development of short list
  • Stage 7: Conducting interviews
  • Stage 8: Selection of hire
  • Stage 9: Finalizing the recruitment (Bruck, 2014)

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation recruitment and selection techniques with another organisation you recommending.

The two organisations that are taken into consideration in this respect are HSBC Bank and Tesco Plc.
In regard to the effective recruitment process, the improved selected procedure is considered as the one that is more competent. Thus in the preliminary phase of selection concerning the vacancies, HSBC Bank will possess more benefits since it is having significant staff number and consequently, the need assessment for human resource is arranged properly and precisely. (Bruck, 2014)
Regarding the process of research that is connected with explanation and requirement of job Tesco Plc will be having bigger number of employees and manpower that possesses the necessary abilities to function in a more efficient and perfect manner. HSBC Bank which is bigger than Tesco Plc possesses improved options regarding the internal and external situations where the other corporation, Tesco PLC should hold on to the external recruitment and selection method since the number of employees is considered to be comparatively lesser.


In respect of person specification, the title of job is associated with the post of a banking manager and the desirable attributes are associated with a management degree in finance. The recruitment method is associated with advertising vacancies as well as application methods that include web based methods. There occur telephonic as well as face-to-face interviews. The tests that are conducted are psychological and aptitude. (Bruck, 2014)


In respect of person specification, the title of job is associated with the post of a retail manager and the desirable attributes are associated with a management degree in retailing. The recruitment method is associated with application method that includes agencies as well as head-hunters. The interview process is only face-to-face. The tests that are conducted are psychometric as well as practical.

The changes to the current recruitment and selection process in HSBC Bank are mentioned as under,

  • From reactive to proactive – The recruitment process should shift from reactive to proactive recruitment that has the requirement for certain level of workforce planning.
  • From recruiting for jobs to recruitment for assignments – There is a need for HSBC Bank to use in a creative manner the scopes for a workforce that is more flexible that will assist in thinking more in terms of assignments and less in terms of jobs.  (Bruck, 2014)
  • From selecting on skills to selecting on values and personality – HSBC Bank is now searching for talent in which there is a proper balance amongst the values as well as the organisational personality and the candidate’s values as well as personalities.

The recruitment and selection process in HSBC Bank in comparison with the Scenario Company is very much effective because in HSBC Bank, the recruitment and selection process looks at the internal as well as external candidates. They spend a good amount of time to research which method of advertisement will be targeting the candidates the company is trying to attract. (Bruck, 2014) Also, HSBC Bank has a clear idea about the requisite skill set they want a staff to possess and then customise their process of recruitment and selection to focus on candidates having those skills.  

Recommendations for the current recruitment and selection process in the Scenario Company
  • Step 1 – There is a need to mention about a systematic job summary that should be including the title of the position as well as description of every aspect of the post.
  • Step 2 – The Scenario Company needs to provide a competitive salary for attracting the most efficient candidates.
  • Step 3 – Then descriptions about the job needs to be posted on the industry based websites as well as publications. (Bruck, 2014)
  • Step 4 – There is a need to provide enough attention in respect of the process for interview.
  • Step 5 – Finally, there should be the hiring of candidates who are most suitable with the long term objectives of the Scenario Company.  


In this report different aspect of the human resource management has been highlighted. The motivational theory of Maslow’s is linked with the reward system of Virgin Media by giving emphasis on the motivational factor. Apart from that job evaluation process which determines the pay structure is also shown in the report. The other factors like cost of living, influence of the trade unions are shown. At last in the case study we have observed that Chicken Master is the small restaurant located at Ilford. The restaurant is very small in size and the owner is Mr. Bob who has recruited Faisal and employee to take care of the entire operation due to the rich experience he has in this field. But after 6 months, violation of the company’s procedures, low productivity and other reasons influence the owner to fired Faisal in replacement of a lady of 40 years. Based on that different aspects regarding the exit procedures and legal framework is being discussed. Thus HRM plays a crucial role in HSBC bank in the terms of smooth work process and employee’s satisfaction along with motivation. Apart from that HRM also predicts the demand and supply of the human resources with the Human resource planning. The systematic approach of the HRM in HSBC bank will increase the level of satisfaction among the employees which will give positive reflection in the productivity.


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