HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel

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HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel
HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel
HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel


Diploma in Business

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HRM in Marriot Hotel

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Level 5

Task 1

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Task 2


Human resource management is the organizational management for the human resources. They perform their activities in order to improve the overall performance of employees. There are various activities performed by the human resource management such as recruitment and selection,  training and development  program, performance appraisal, remunerations, handling legal issues and many more for the betterment of the business organization.

Marriot Hotel is diversified hospitality and in order to retain competitive advantage they need to make use of HRM to support their operational activities. With the help of HRM they build strong team in order to render adequate level of services (Wan Hooi & Sing Ngui, 2014).

HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel 2

Rational to the research: This research study is processed over “Role of Human Resource Management in Marriot Hotel”. With the help of this study contribution of Human resource management in improving their sales is evaluated and it also helps in understanding the need of human resource management in their organisation. Human resource management is engaged into enhancing the overall performance of the employees.

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Research Aim & Objectives: The aim of this research study is to evaluate the role of human resource management in Marriot Hotel in order to improve their sales or not (Wan Hooi & Sing Ngui, 2014). For meeting the set aim there are certain objectives need to be attained effectively which include such as: -

  • Evaluate the benefits rendered by the HRM to Marriot hotel?
  • To measure the impact of HRM on sales activities?

Research Method: There are various methods available in order to conduct the research study. Available methods are mix method, mono method and multi method. In all methods two approaches get utilized as per the preference such as qualitative approach and quantitative approach. Both approaches help in gathering adequate set of information for the purpose of research study.

Mixed method is utilized in this research study where both approaches get utilized in adequate manner. By using both approaches adequate set of information is gathered and helps in processing the research study. Qualitative approach render adequate level of support for collecting theoretical information for analysis and evaluation on the other hand quantitative approach helps in gathering statistical information for research purpose. With the help of both kind of information effective support is rendered to the research study and helps in extracting desired set of required information. For qualitative information secondary sources are utilized such as websites, journals, articles and many more. On the other hand for qualitative information primary sources are utilized such as surveys, interviews and many more as per the suitability.

Data analysis method: The data for research study is gathered with the help of the survey program by using questionnaire. So in order to analyse the data gathered survey evaluation technique is utilised. In this technique adequate sample is taken out of the gathered data and get utilised for the analysis. This technique becomes effective for the purpose of data evaluation and helps in extracting the desired information from it. The data gathered with the help of survey program get evaluated and analysed in adequate manner and utilised further in answering research questions (Correia, et. al., 2013).

Research questions: There is some research questions set in order to extract the required and relevant information from the study. The questions are set below such as: -

  • Human resource is putting direct impact over sales of Marriot Hotel?
  • Is Human Resource Management contributing in improving sales for Marriot Hotel?
  • Organisational activities are hiking with human resource management?

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Literature review

Human resource management or HRM is the strategic tool for Marriott Hotel in order to make effective sales. This department is engaged into managing human resources and for this purpose they perform various activities in effective manner. There are various set of activities performed by the HRM for the betterment of the Marriott hotel such as:

  • Recruitment and selection: HRM department gather  information knowledge  related to the requirement of different department and make recruitment and selection of effective candidate that fulfil the requirement of the departmental needs. With this effect they select right person for the right job and try to fulfil the need to the department (Tremblay, et. al., 2010).
  • Training and development: They evaluate the performance of their employees and as per their performance they make adequate arrangement in order to make adequate improvement. They arrange adequate level of training and development for their employees in order to make adequate level of improvement in their skill set.
  • Resolving issues and problems: Their human resources management directly communicate with their employees who help them in evaluating their problems and issues. They listens them effectively and try to resolve them in adequate manner.
  • Remunerations: They provide adequate level of remuneration to their employees against their job and services. They evaluate their overall skill set in order to set their remuneration after discussing with them in order to make them satisfied initially (Tremblay, et. al., 2010).
  • Motivating employees: They make evaluation of their performance in order to render them adequate incentives for the purpose of motivate them. This evaluation is necessarily required and must be extracted fairly. This remuneration is effectively utilised in order to make their employees motivated.

With the help of these factors or activities human resource management make adequate level of contribution in their sales. They make effective level of contribution in their sales as they improve the employee’s performance by rendering training and development programs to them (Tremblay, et. al., 2010).

Research Methodology

Research approach:

  • Qualitative approach This approach focus over gathering quality information. This approach makes inclusion of theoretical information for the purpose of research study. All the information gathered with the help of this approach is from secondary sources as it helps in getting effective set of information for rendering adequate level of support to the research study.
  • Quantitative approach: This approach focus over gathering quantity information as this makes inclusion of the statistical data. With the use of survey adequate statistical data is gathered for supporting research study in adequate manner (Yusoff, et. al., 2010).

Data type:

  • Primary data: The data which is gathered from the primary source and attain raw nature termed as primary data. It became necessary to analysed and evaluated properly before utilising it for research evaluation purpose.
  • Secondary data: The data which is gathered from the secondary sources and attain quality in it termed as secondary data. This data is gathered from different sources such as websites, journals, reports and books and directly utilised for analysis purpose (Yusoff, et. al., 2010).

Data collection: In order to gather the primary data or information researcher make use of questionnaire in order to conduct survey program. With the help of it huge data is gathered from the primary source. On the other hand information is also gathered from the secondary sources and with this effect adequate level of theoretical information is gathered for the analysis purpose to support the findings (Townsend, et. al., 2012).

Sampling: Sampling is required as huge data is gathered with the help of questionnaire in survey program. In order to get sample out of whole data random sampling method is utilised in adequate manner. With the help of random sampling equal set of information is taken out for analysis and evaluation purpose. Survey is conducted over 100 employees of the Marriott hotel and in order to make analysis of data 25 responses are taken out as sample (Townsend, et. al., 2012).

Research evaluation techniques:

  • Systematic peer review: - This technique focus over reviewing the suggestions and responses made by the peer’s in context to the research title. This technique demand lots of time in order to make evaluation of the rendered responses by the different candidates.
  • Survey evaluation: - This technique focus over reviewing the responses made in the survey program. Adequate sample is utilised for the purpose of evaluation purpose and this is not so much time consuming process (Chuang, et. al., 2016).
  • Biblio-metric analysis: - This technique focus over making evaluation of the journals, articles, and books in order to gather the relevant set of information. This is also a time consuming process.
  • Case study analysis: - This technique focus over reviewing the different case studies in order to gather the information related to the research topic. It is time consuming process as well as it engage number of people for evaluation process (Chuang, et. al., 2016).

The data for research study is gathered with the help of the survey program by using questionnaire. So in order to analyse the data gathered survey evaluation technique is utilised. In this technique adequate sample is taken out of the gathered data and get utilised for the analysis. This technique becomes effective for the purpose of data evaluation and helps in extracting the desired information from it. The data gathered with the help of survey program get evaluated and analysed in adequate manner and utilised further in answering research questions (Townsend, et. al., 2012).

Limitations: There are different set of limitations are available in order to process the research study and it make inclusion of various factors such as limited time period for research study, limited resources, limited availability of finance, approvals, permission and many more. These factors get considered as limitations and became effective barrier for the progress of the research study.

Overcome from limitations: In order to overcome these limitations it is very necessary to prepare an action plan and perform all the activities accordingly. Action plan helps in making adequate use of the available time and also focus over utilising effective method which is easy to use as well as render adequate results for the completion of the research study (Townsend, et. al., 2012).

Ethical consideration: The ethical consideration associated with this research study in the form of use of ethical information, putting adequate referencing and incitation in the information, maintaining transparency, and make adequate use of information without making any favourable modification in it and many more. These are such factors of ethical consideration that are associated with the research study in adequate manner (Townsend, et. al., 2012).

Significance: This research study is significantly utilised by the management of the Marriott Hotel as they evaluate it in order to make evaluation of the Human Resource Management role in enhancing their sales. This is also utilised by different organisation in order to make effective use of it for their purpose to make improvement in their sales with the help of their HRM department (Lindström & Vanhala, 2013).

Action plan: In order to perform the activities of the research study in systematic manner it become very important to prepare a set plan and process the activities in adequate manner. Action plan is also required for the purpose of completing the activities well on time so that research project is competed on the granted time period so that it extracts the desired information.





Chose research topic for research study and gather information.

2 weeks


Design the research process, target population and get ready with all documents

4 weeks


Implement the planning in order to gather information and analyse it in effective manner.

4 weeks


Make use of analysed information to prepare report.

1 week


Conclude the report and make submission.

2 weeks

Gantt chart

HRM Assignment in Marriot Hotel 4

Finding and Analysis: This is the section where adequate analysis is made over the gathered information in context to the research topic. Information is from the primary sources as well as from secondary sources. Below effective analysis is made over both gathered information in order to extract the required set of information for rendering adequate level of support to the research study (Taylor, et. al., 2012).

Analysis of the responses made over the questionnaire in survey program such as: -

Table 1: - Marriot hotel is Pleasant place to work.

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Analysis: Majority of the employees are agreed with the statement that the working environment of Marriott hotel is pleasant. They are highly satisfied with the rendered working environment and it helps in performing their activities in effective manner. They easily focus over their work and didn’t face any kind of distraction due to the environment (Taylor, et. al., 2012).

Table 2: - For organisation HRM is strategic tool that helps in sustaining competitive advantage.

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Analysis: As per the responses made by the Marriott employees it is clearly observed that majority of them are agreed with the statement that HRM helps them in sustaining competitive advantage. HRM helps in improving their overall performance which increases overall productivity and helps in sustaining their competitive advantage (Taylor, et. al., 2012).

Table 3: - HRM works over selecting right person for right job.

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Analysis: As per the responses made by the employees of the Marriott Hotel is it analysed that most of employees get agreed with the statement. As per the employees HRM is focused over evaluating the skill set of the employees so that they easily assign the right person over right job as it helps in making effective productivity along with high level of accuracy (Bartram, et. al., 2013).

Table 4: - HRM focused over retaining their employees.

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Analysis: As per the employees of the Marriott above statement is fully correct as their HRM is fully focused over retaining their employees. Working environment in hotel industry is little bit pressurised and with this effect their HRM department is effectively focused over meeting the needs and wants of their employees. They render them equal opportunity in order to attain growth along with this they render them adequate remuneration and other benefits and keep them motivate to perform their activities in adequate manner (Bartram, et. al., 2013).

Table 5: - Human resource management improve the functionality of employees by providing them adequate level of training.

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Analysis: As per the responses made by the employees of the Marriott it is clearly observed that they are highly satisfied with the statement. Their HRM department make evaluation of their performance on regular basis and make analysis over it in order to get to know about the requirements of training and development programs. As per the deficiency in skills they render adequate set of training program in order to make adequate level of improvements (Fay, et. al., 2015).

Table 6: - Employees get adequate level of support from HR management.

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Analysis: Marriott hotel employees are highly satisfied with the statement as they get effective support from their employees. HRM render equal growth opportunities, adequate remuneration and other benefits in order to motivate them. This motivation reflects over their activities as their performance gets enhanced and it helps in increasing their overall sales. HRM department effectively listen their problems or issues and try to resolve them well on time (Fay, et. al., 2015).

Table 7: - HRM didn’t focus over wellbeing of employees.

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Analysis: Majority of the employees of Marriott hotel is highly disagreed with the statement as they neglect the statement because they get effective support from their Human Resource department. As per Marriott employees their HRM department is always ready for them in order to resolve their problems and other issues or conflicts. They render them adequate trainings in order to make them capable to render effective productivity (Chand, 2010).

Table 8: - Marriot Hotel HRM values its employees.

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Analysis: As per the employee of Marriott hotel their HRM department value them in effective manner. Majority of them are agreed with the statement. As per their employees statement it is observed that the suggestions made by them taken into consideration and after evaluating their suggestions they try to implement in adequate manner so that desired outcome get attained by them in effective manner (Chand, 2010).

Table 9: - HRM is not capable enough for motivating their employees.

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Analysis: As per the responses made by the Marriott employees it is analysed that majority of them is not agreed with the statement. As per their employees it is clearly observed that their HRM department is effectively efficient in order to motivate their  employee relationship  as they render adequate remuneration to them as well as they also provide equal growth opportunity and render them training program after evaluating their performance in order to make them capable & skilled (Frenkel, et. al., 2012).

Table 10: - Marriot Hotel’s policy of hiring and recruiting is fair enough.

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Analysis: As per the responses made by the employees of the Marriott hotel it is clearly observed that majority of the employees get agreed with the statement. As per their employees it is stated that hiring and recruiting policy is effective as they make selection of the capable and skilled employee only. They follow adequate channel of the recruitment and didn’t make any unnecessary modification in it (Frenkel, et. al., 2012).

Analysis of the information gathered from the secondary sources such as: -

Figure 1: - Impact of HRM on different factors such as: -

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Analysis: On the basis of the above figure it is clearly observed that there is effective impact rendered by the Human resource management over different factors such as customer satisfaction, profitability, innovation or product development, success in integrating acquisitions, revenue per employee, speed to market, growth and many more. There is effective increase in the above factors with the effect of the HRM. HRM enhance the overall capability of their employees in order to perform their activities. They effectively evaluate the overall performance of the employees and render them effective training and development programs to reduce their weakness and make them effective. With this effect employees become more effective and results shows in the form of increase in productivity and quality of outcome. With the quality outcome customer get satisfied which increases their overall customer satisfaction. With the increase in their productivity and customer satisfaction level there is adequate increase in their profitability (Frenkel, et. al., 2012).

Discussion: -  As per the findings and it’s analysis it is clearly observed that Human Resource Management put adequate impact over the sales of the Marriott Hotel. They make adequate level of improvement in the employee’s performance which ultimately impact over their performance and help them in improving their sales. With the help of these findings the set research questions get answered in effective manner such as: -

Human resource Management is putting direct impact over sales of Marriot Hotel?

As per the findings and analysis it is clearly analysed that Human resource management put direct impact over the Marriott Hotel sales. If the HRM is performing adequate activities for the betterment of their employees it directly enhances their sales. Because employees become effective enough in order to perform their activities efficiently and maintain adequate level of accuracy with them. With the increase in productivity and enhanced quality measures their sales get increased in adequate manner (Ballesteros-Rodríguez, et. al., 2012).

Is Human Resource Management contributing in improving sales for Marriot Hotel?

The findings helps in analysing that human resource management improve the capabilities of the employees which help them effectively in executing their activities in effective manner. With the increase in the performance of the employees there is adequate level of improvement noted down in sales as employees make effective contribution in the sales. The HRM make adequate improvement in the overall performance of the employees by rendering training and development which directly reflects over increase in the improved sales of Marriott Hotel.

Organisational activities are hiking with human resource management?

With the help of Human Resource management there is adequate hike in the operational activities as they perform various activities in order to enhance the capabilities of the employees. They render training programs in order to improve their activities and make them skilled which reflects over their productivity and accuracy level (Kazlauskaite, et. al., 2012).

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Conclusion and Recommendations

This section makes inclusion of the conclusion of report and some recommendations in order to make improvement in the sales as per the requirement of the topic: -

Conclusion: -

As per the discussion made it is concluded that the research study get completed in successful manner as all the set research questions get answered in adequate manner. The measures rendered by the Human resource management put adequate level of impact over the organisational performance and helps them in increasing their overall sales. HRM department focus over enhancing their employees performance and make them adequate capable in order to perform their activities in adequate manner. HRM render training and development programs to their employees in order to increase their efficiency and accuracy which help them in increasing their productivity along with accuracy level. With the effect of the Human resource management there is adequate level of improvement is noted down in the overall performance of the organisation which also impact positively over their sales. So it is concluded that Human resource management of Marriott Hotel effectively impact their sales and helps in making adequate level of improvement in it (Davidson, et. al., 2011).

Recommendations: -

There are few recommendations need to be made in order to make effective improvements or increase in the sales of Marriott Hotel such as: -

  • Human resource management need to render them adequate level of training and development programs to enhance the skills of their employees.
  • Human resource management need to make fair evaluation of the employees which make them motivated and they perform effectively in their activities.
  • Human resource management need to make regular evaluation of the employee’s performance in order to evaluate their skill set.
  • Gather the information from the different departments in order to hire or fire the employees (Farouk, et. al., 2016).
  • Human resource management need to hire skilled employees in order to perform the activities in adequate manner.
  • HRM need to evaluate the capability of the employees and as per their skill set deploy them in right role.
  • HRM need to build such workforce which is focused and effective enough in order to increase their sales ratio (Farouk, et. al., 2016).

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Ballesteros-Rodríguez, J.L., De Saá-Pérez, P. & Domínguez-Falcón, C. 2012, "The role of organizational culture and HRM on training success: evidence from the Canarian restaurant industry", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 23, no. 15, pp. 3225-3242.
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C.G. Davidson, M., McPhail, R. & Barry, S. 2011, "Hospitality HRM: past, present and the future",International Journal of Contemporary  Hospitality Managementvol. 23, no. 4, pp. 498-516.
Chand, M. 2010, "The impact of HRM practices on service quality, customer satisfaction and performance in the Indian hotel industry", The International Journal of Human Resource
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Chuang, C., Jackson, S.E. & Jiang, Y. 2016, "Can knowledge-intensive teamwork be managed? Examining the roles of HRM systems, leadership, and tacit knowledge",Journal of Management, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 524.
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Correia, M.F., Cunha, R.C.e. & Scholten, M. 2013, "Impact of M&As on organizational performance: The moderating role of HRM centrality", European Management Journal, vol. 31, no. 4, pp.
Farouk, S., Hossam M Abu Elanain, Obeidat, S.M. & Al-Nahyan, M. 2016, "HRM practices and organizational performance in the UAE banking sector: The mediating role of organizational innovation", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 65, no. 6, pp. 773.
Fay, D., Shipton, H., West, M.A. & Patterson, M. 2015, "Teamwork and Organizational Innovation: The Moderating Role of the HRM Context", Creativity and Innovation Management, vol. 24,
no. 2, pp. 261-277.
Frenkel, S., Li, X. & Sanders, K. 2012, "How leader-member exchange, work engagement and HRM consistency explain Chinese luxury hotel employees’ job performance", International journal of hospitality management, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 1059-1066.