Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel

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Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel
Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel
Employability Skills Assignment - Travelodge Hotel

Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel - Assignment Help in UK


Employability skills are identified as the skills which can be transferred to employees as per the demand. It includes technical knowledge and good communication skills which are the foremost requirement of the employer while hiring the candidate. Travelodge is largest accommodation service Provider Company of UK which operates business in various parts of the world. The Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel identifies the challenges at the work place and working environment of the Travelodge hotel. It depicts the motivational techniques to the quality of performance and finds the solutions for work based problems. Report justifies the various communication styles used by the manager of Travelodge Hotel at various levels. The research evaluate the various time management studies which are related to work based placement and assess the roles of employees play in team to meet the organizational goal. It can be evaluated through study that company adopts various methods for developing manager solutions for the problems in Travelodge hotel and identifies various strategies for resolving problems for labour turnover.  

Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel - Assignment Help in UK

Task 2

2.1 Solutions for work-based problems

Problem solving means to identify the problem and then provide the suitable alternative to resolve the problem. Problem solving includes indentifying problem, quality assurance, risk management etc. Initiative to solve the problem means to take suitable action to solve the problem. Every manager tries to find the effective solution for the problem by which organization can resolve the issue. Following problems are identified and their solutions:

  • Communication barrier: One of the problems in the organization is communication channel between the top management and employees. Employees find the difficulty while communicating with the top management (Hall, 2015). Management did not create the proper channel for communication so it is difficult for the employees to share the problems with higher authority. They are not able to share innovative ideas and cannot give feedback over a issue. In order to find the solution, manager has to provide freedom to the employees by which they can directly put their view in front of the superiors. Top management should interact with the employees in order to share their views. A weekly meeting is scheduled for a discussion between managers and their respective teams where they can discuss the issues and can do brainstorming over issues.
  • Recruitment: The recruitment process at Travelodge was poor. Job analysis was not done for different job positions due to which suitable candidates were not recruited due to which the service quality was hampered. To resolve the problem, job analysis was carried out for different position and a local HR consultancy firm was hired for providing the resumes of the suitable candidates (Abbasbandy.et.al.2014). The process has helped in improving the resource quality.

2.2 Variety of communication styles at various level in Travelodge Hotel

Proper communication is necessary for the growth of organization. Management can communicate with the employees in various  way by which they can easily express their view for the problems. Proper communication channel creates good working environment in the organization. Manager use different ways of communication at different levels by which each and every employee of organization get in touch with higher authority (Burgoon.et.al.2016). Following are the medium to get in touch with different levels:

  • Team meetings: It is one of the most effective medium to communicate with the employees. Through meetings manager can easily communicate with the employees and express their roles and responsibilities to the teams. Meetings are the effective tool by which higher authority can easily express objective of the organization.
  • Email: Through email management can communicate with the large number of employees in less time. Email provides facility to communicate with individual employee and inform him about his mistakes. Email facilitates manager to communicate with the employees who are located in different parts of the world.
  • One to one interaction: In this style a manager calls every employee individually and asks him that what kind of problems he is facing at the work place. This method of communication is not possible in big organizations (Wenger, 2014). Manager provides freedom to every employee to speak and share ideas to improve the working conditions at the work place if manager finds anything which is relevant and should be improve then manager takes the necessary steps.
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2.3 Time management strategies at Hotel Travelodge

To achieve the allotted task on time is among the important objectives of Travelodge Hotel. The management always tries to reach the deadline with appropriate time planning. However due to poor time management strategies, there are chances that the tasks may not be completed on time. (Chase.et.al.2013). To overcome time management issues following strategies are implemented by the Travelodge Hotel:

  • Scheduling: Scheduling means to set the targets to complete the task on time. As a manager I will schedule the task of every employee on time by which they can complete the task. I will frame and define the deadline for the activities which will act as a guide for the workers that work should be completed on time. For example schedule could be defined for daily cleaning and housekeeping activities such that the activities are complete before 9 AM in the morning
  • Benchmark: Management sets the bench mark to achieve the task by which each and every employee is required to put more efforts to achieve the task on time (Pinedo and Walter, 2013). Benchmark sets the sense of competition among the employees which assists organisational growth.

Task 3           

3.1 Roles of people in team work to achieve the shared goals and Importance of Team Dynamics

Team works assists the management to achieve the task on time and achieve the assigned objectives. Member in teams  different experience and encourage each other to work as per their capabilities. An efficient group provides their best efforts to find the solution of the problems. The capabilities of the good team are different from other teams as such a team is capable of handling a situation in very significant manner. The team provides full efforts to achieve the organizational goal. Team play significant role in attaining the objectives set by the higher authorities (Levi, 2016). Team coordination creates a healthy working environment in the organization. Team work achieves the task on time by dividing the task among the group members.

It has been found that team working is more beneficial in comparison to the individual working in the organization to achieve the goal. Successful and quality services can be achieved through team work. It develops the mutual understanding among the employees and and helps in improving operational efficiency improve the operation of the organization better way. Team work can help Travelodge Hotel to enhance the customer experience by offering quality services (Belbin, 2012). Team work brings the different experts under a group and helps the management to build up a high performance team which is capable of delivering complex tasks. For example, in Travelodge Hotel, the IT and the Sales team work together for increasing the revenue of the organisation. The Sales team plans and develops packages and marketing plans which are implemented by the IT team for marketing of the hotel on web. This has helped in increasing the turnover of the hotel

Team Dynamics: Team dynamic business are the forces which affects the performance and behaviour of a team. An Effective team dynamics raises the performance of the employees and company to grow with maximization of the profits (Amin and Gilbert, 2014). Following points describes the results of team dynamics on the Travelodge Hotel:

  • It increases the satisfaction level of the employees and creates good working environment in the organization.
  • Team dynamics is positive due to positive thinkers which assists the organization to grow in better and efficient way.
  • It powers the thinking of the group members and assists them to take initiative to communicate with each other and share the ideas to solve the problem.
  • It assists the organization to grow by maximizing the team efforts and try to bring harmony among the team members (Moura.et.al.2013).
  • Manger of Travelodge Hotel focuses on team dynamics by which each and every group member follow the concept of building positive group dynamics.  

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3.2 Alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

Organizational goals can be achieved efficiently with motivated and self-directed employees. Individual’s capabilities can be enhanced with the help of proper training and development programs so that productivity can be improved.  Responsibilities and objectives for each employee can be defined according to which they can work to meet the objectives. Hotel Travelodge uses this approach to attain the maximum outcome from individual’s skills (Gong.et.al.2013).

Travelodge uses several strategies to motivate employees to complete their task within time frame and with desired quality. Employees consistently meeting the timelines and quality are rewarded with financial awards. Organisation also offers additional benefits to employees like offering them bonuses, memberships of clubs, travel packages etc which helps the employees give their best performance.. Higher authorities like project leader and manager can use strategies like brainstorming to simplify the procedure used to accomplish specific goal and ensure implementation of new idea at all sides. In other terms, Travelodge management is innovative to understand and perform a given task with minimum effort. Consistency in work is managed to complete the task in time. Reliability and communication among team members is useful to solve the queries and difficulties arrived in task so that maximum time can be given toward completion of task rather than moving around with problems. Reliability among employees and higher authorities like managers is important to establish a communication channel between the management and employees. Communication allows the employees to give suggestion, solutions and feedback which is useful in meeting the organisational goals and objectives (Leasure.et.al.2013). Employees’ contribution in a task can be accounted to praise them with bonus and appreciations.

Task 4

4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

Problem solving process goes through the recognition of problem and cause, development & evaluation of possible solutions and implementation of solutions to eliminate problem and achieve the desired result. A problem can be  solved easily by taking it as an opportunity to improve. Several strategies can be used to eliminate a problem: Porter’s five forces, force field analysis, SWOT, PESTLE and trial and error (Richey and Klein, 2014). Some of them are described regarding hotel Travelodge:

  • PESTLE: Information about political, economical, social and technological factors can be obtained with the help of tool and is used to analyze the external environment of hotel business. These factors affect the operation and coordination of hotel business. Using PESTLE analysis, hotel Travelodge can negotiate with concerns like political strategies, governmental rules, monetary and fiscal policies that have drastic effect on the strategies and planning of Hotel Company. Organizational goals can be achieved more easily by considering external factors.
  • SWOT: Opposite to PISTLE, SWOT is used to analyze the internal environment of hotel so that function and performance of hotel can be measured and weaknesses, strengths, future opportunities and scope of the business can be identified. This tool requires less time and management effort to analyze the facts. The collected data from analysis can be used by hotel Travelodge to improve weaknesses and strengths (Mertens, 2014). Company can use the opportunities to develop the business and brand values.
  • Trial and Error: This approach is based on to apply suggested solutions to find the optimized solution of problem. Several solutions can be implemented to a problem and an efficient solution can be selected as final solution of problem. The organisation is required to go through all solutions. Thus, smaller number of expected solutions can help to navigate exact solution easily.

4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

It is better to design a strategy to solve the problem rather than starting randomly. A particular problem like labour turnover can be resolved by using following four strategies:

  • Recognition of problem: The initial need to solve a problem is identification of problem. In this phase, problem, problem type and cause are identified to gather the required information about labour turnover. Recognition is the main task done at this strategy.
  • Planning: This strategy is dedicated to develop the solutions for problem according to the data collected in recognition of problem. Strategies are made to think on problem and available solutions and how organization can reach to specific solutions (Moore, 2014). Proper planning helps to set up essential tools and techniques to come up with a right solution for labour turnover. For e.g. a solution can be planned for hiring labour from labour contractors
  • Implementation: Testing of available and developed solutions is done in this phase to find the right solution for problem. Several solutions may be applicable for a specific problem. Thus, implementation is dedicated to find all the solutions from set of solutions to defeat the problem. 
  • Evaluation: Evaluation means to find the exact solution of problem that can give the desired result efficiently. Also analysis is made to know whether problem is solved completely or not (Carnmarata.et.al.2014). If solution is partial fitted than it is important to find the reason behind it to eliminate problem.

4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

Strategies help to achieve organizational goals efficiently using the internal and external analysis of company based on various factors so that it helps continues survival and existence of organisation. It helps to organize resources, develop goals and vision. Thus, a great financial management and non-financial impact of strategies can be seen on business (Zikmund.et.al.2013). It depends on an organization how it takes the strategically part of management.

Good Impacts:

  • Organisation can find the strengths and weakness of business by analyzing environmental facts.
  • Proper solutions can be developed easily to set vision and mission for improvements in organisation.
  • Future opportunities can be used in effective time to ensure the development of organization.
  • Strategies help to gain maximum outcome from available resources.

However organization may not be interested to conduct strategies due to the following reason:

  • Cost: Organization may not adapt strategic analysis due to the cost. Strategies are costly to initiate as well as carrying out strategic analysis may also require lot of investment.
  • Insufficient knowledge: Organization may not be able to plan strategies in term of essential structure and requirements (Chang, 2016).
  • Fear of failures: There is a risk that strategies will lead positive results. So company may avoid implementation of strategies. Also, the prior bad experience doesn’t allow them to include strategies.
  • Overconfidence: It is possible that organization ignore strategy based analysis of system due to over confidence on current environment.


The Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel develops the responsibilities and various performance objectives of the manager in the organization. It also evaluates effectiveness of the objectives which are set by the managers of Travelodge Hotel. The report provides the recommendations for the improvement in operations of the organizations. The research throws light on the motivational techniques of the organization to improve the performance of the employees in the Travelodge.The study has focused onhow  managers can solve the problems related to work and provide the various communications channel by which employee can communicate with the high authorities. The study evaluates the team work to achieve the shared goals through sharing the ideas. The study has suggested the alternative ways to achieve the organizational goals and provide tools and techniques to find the solutions to the problems for Travelodge Hotel. Current report assesses the appropriate strategy to remove the labour problem in the organization and evaluate the impact of the strategy on the Travelodge Hotel.


Books and Journals

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The Employability Skills Assignment Travelodge Hotel identifies the challenges at the work place and working environment of the Travelodge hotel, We are posting Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our Assignment Help in UK and get review the quality of our work.