Employability Skills Assignment

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Employability Skills Assignment
Employability Skills Assignment
Employability Skills Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Employability Skills

QFC Level

Level 5


Every organisation hires an employee because it wants to accomplish its goals and the same can be accomplished by acquiring and acting upon the inputs given by the employees. The Employability Skills Assignment will provide the recommendations for the objectives of development of employability skills. They hire employees according to a particular skills-set and some qualifications. But there are some skills which should be in every employee for making an organisation successful. These skills are major traits which are needed for being a successful person. These qualities include decision making ability which is the most important quality. Every employee must be able to make quickly and correct decisions which lead in making the organisation successful. They must have a positive attitude and proper behaviour towards the organisation because organisational behaviour creates the environment of the organisation and business environment directly affects the working of employees. Each and every employee must know the goals and objectives of the organisation as they must know that they have to do efforts for achieving which goal.

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Task 1

P1.1 Develop a set of own responsibilities and performance objectives.

In every organisation, there is a different organisational culture and a different way to work, different goals and objectives. Each and every employee has some particular responsibilities and performance objectives and they have to work towards that.They must know their responsibilities which enables them to reach their goal. They have to maintain relationships within the organisation so that they can easily able to adapt the environment of the organisation. Employment relationships usually help employees in a broad way as they can get help out of their relationship if they face any problem. In HR Department of Hotel Hilton, people are working for the whole organisation and the overall manpower working in the hotel. They always make good relationship with other employees as their work is to maintain a healthy environment in the organisation.(Jones, Pascual and Stedman, 2009)

Every employee should have strong decision making ability as this quality is an important quality which an employee has to possess for reaching their objectives. They should possess a quick grasping power as learning is an important element which never stops in the life of an employee and they can only grow by their learning. There are so many things which an employee can learn only by experiencing those things so they must be a good learner. They must know about ethical behaviour within the organisation, their ethical responsibility and all the employment laws which implies to them so that they can know about their rights and responsibilities. Sometimes, employees face so many problems just because they do not have knowledge about the employment laws and they are unaware about their roles and responsibilities. (Sommers, 2008)

P1.2 – Evaluate own effectiveness against defined objectives

To know about the effectiveness level or performance of every task, it should be evaluate on every level and there should be a particular criteria to evaluate that particular task. For evaluation purpose, there should be a particular standard of performance and it should be according to the requirements of the tasks. Then the actual performance should be compare with the set standards of the performance. So, this is the best way to measure the performance.(Frazer and Oswald, 2009)

Developing and managing performance  measurement is necessary in every organisation because this makes an employee to know about his work and the need of improvement in his performance. In Hotel Hilton, there is an evaluation sheet which is prepared for HR department for evaluation of their performance. In this chart, daily star rating has been done as per their performance. So, they can know about that is there a need improvement in their performance or they are performing up to the standards. This will calculate the effectiveness in achieving the objectives. These types of things always motivate the employees and generate a sense of competition ship within them. So, these practices help in improving the performance of the employees

P1.3 Make recommendations for improvement

Performance measurement has been done to know about the status and the quality of the performance. If the performance is not as per the defined goals and objectives then it should need some changes or recommendations by which they can improve their performance. These recommendations are necessary and mostly the superiors will give all these recommendations. Sometimes, an employee do not able to do any task in the correct direction or sometimes, he is not able to understand anything and these two things become the result of the devaluation of performance. That time it should need some recommendations or trainings which can make them to do the work in a proper manner and make them perform in the best manner..  (Frazer and Oswald, 2009)

Motivation also helps employees in increasing their performance level. Today there are different motivational techniques used by different organisation to make the performance of the employees more efficient. These include awards, grading systems, incentives, rating systems, certificates etc. In some organisations, there is an arrangement of motivational seminars for the employees. In these seminars, there are some experts who give motivational lectures to the employees which makes them motivated and confident. This directly affects the performance of the employees. (Sommers, 2008)

P1.4 Review how motivational techniques can be used to improve quality of performance

To make the performance of the employees more efficient and effective, there should be some motivational techniques which can make them perform at the level best. For this, there should be some performance appraisal techniques like salaries increments, bonus payments, promotions, incentives etc.

Performance evaluation measures the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. And these appraisal systems can remove these weaknesses in strengths. This helps in knowing training needs that whether any employee requires some training regarding something. In hotel Hilton, there is a very cooperative staffs that always supports an employee whenever they face some difficulty and motivates them.(Jones, Pascual and Stedman, 2009). There are different types of individual appraisal systems:

  1. Rating Scales- In rating scales, which contains different qualities and an employee is rated on those different perspective like punctuality, attendance, output etc.  It is an easy to use method with low cost.
  2. Checklist- In checklist, there is a statement in which there are checkboxes with yes and no. Here the checker has to do appraisal with only two options.
  3. Forced Choice method- In this method, a statement is arranged in some blocks and the rater shows true or false.
  4. Critical incidents method- This approach emphasises on the critical behaviour of the employees that makes their performance different from others.
  5. Behaviourally anchored rating scales- In this there are different behaviours list and the rater have to determine all the points which describe the performance of the employees.
  6. Field review method- In this method, review has been done by outside employees, mostly HR departments of some other organisations.

There should be a proper applicability of motivational techniques and appraisal systems and every employee who is performing well should give some reward or incentives. These types of motivational techniques really help the employees a lot.These factors are self-motivational factors which makes them an employee self-motivated and happy.

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Task 2

P2.1 – Develop solutions to work-based problems

There are different types of problems which an employee faces in an organisation. Some are personal problems while other is work based problems. An employee has to behave in an organised manner in the organisation. If an employee fails in any task than there are different questions put on him that what are the reasons of the failure, why the performance is not matching with the expected performance? If there are any misunderstandings or problems, they are facing. They are all about work based problems. There are some personal problems too like an employee thinks that what other team members think about him. It becomes difficult for people to deal with these issues related to behaviour and emotions.(Jones, Pascual and Stedman, 2009)

These problems can be solve by concentrate on the problem, know its effects and to resolve them by talking to other members. The employee’s performance can be better, if they are mix with the people of their team. A team will be effective when members know each other and adjust themselves in the team and get knowledge about the strength and weakness of other team members.(Jones, Pascual and Stedman, 2009). Work based problems can be solving by sharing problems with the team members and deciding a solution of this problem. This approach only works when there is a good relationship between each other and team member know about each other’s strengths and weaknesses. There are some team roles which are to be played by each member of the team for working in a team and making the team successful by achieving the goals. Each team member must be a coordinator who can coordinate with all the team members. There should be a leader in the team who can lead the team by controlling team members in a positive way.

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P2.2 Communicate in a variety of styles and appropriate manner at various levels

Communication means to share your thinking and views with others in a manner so that others can understand easily. There is a proper way to communicate in an organization as there are different people on different levels and every employee have to communicate with  his subordinate even if he want to communicate something to top level management. It also includes interpersonal skills, negotiation skills, and social skills too.

There are two ways in which a person can communicate, verbal i.e. to communicate something by words and non-verbal i.e. to communicate with the help of actions like body language, expressions, responsiveness etc. There are different communication networks like chain network, wheel network and all channels network. Employees communicate differently in each network as per their organisational structure. There are different barriers in effective communication and they are-

  1. Filters – Filter means the perception of a person of something in his mind. Sometimes it happens that a person wants to say something else and people perceive him in a different manner.
  2. Selective perception- It means that every person has their different mind-set and they understand everything according to their own perception.
  3. Emotions – Emotions acts as a barrier when a person cannot able to communicate because of his emotions and emotions comes in between of the communication.
  4. Language – Language acts as a barrier because there are so many different languages in this world and it differs according to the religion and culture. So, when person belongs to different culture or different religion than it becomes a problem as language becomes a barrier in that situation.(Sommers, 2008)

There are three key communication skills-

  1. Listening skills- Listening and hearing are two different things. Hearing means just to hear something without using mind and listening means to hear something with the ears as well as mind. Effective listening is very important in an organisation.
  2. Feedback skills- Feedback skills helps an employee as they can get feedback over something as well as they can give feedback for something. This makes him to understand things, evaluate things and modify accordingly.
  3. Presentation skills- Presentation skills is the basis of communicating something. All efforts of a person can become a waste if he is not able to present it in a good manner. Sometimes presentation skills also help people to achieve big things in life.

In Hilton Hotel, there is a different training for presentation skills and communication skills as it plays a great importance in tours and tourism industry. In Hilton Hotel , the mostly use way of communication is formal communication because they are surrounded by the guests and they have to behave in a proper manner in front of them and communicate accordingly.

P2.3 Identify effective time-management strategies

Time management problem is a problem which is faced by most of the professionals as today there is a lot of workload and they time. People have to manage everything by doing smart work instead of hard work. (Jones, Pascual and Stedman, 2009). There are different strategies by which time can be managed in a proper way and they are-

  1. Prioritizing workload- There are so many thing to do in a single day. All the things are important but some things are less important while some are more. So, in this situation it is important to prioritizing workload and does it according to their importance.
  2. Set work objective- Setting work objectives means to set particular objective for every task and do it in a suitable manner to satisfy the objectives.
  3. Appointment systems- This also helps you in time management and making appointment helps a person to know in advance about his schedule so that he can manage other things accordingly.
  4. Keep learning- Learning is an important factor for growing as it is not affordable to avoid learning at any point of time because if a person is unable to manage time and uses most of his time in getting the work done and after that there will remain with no time for learning and that makes him backward.
  5. Proper schedule- It is the best way to manage time. Schedules help a person to do everything in a particular and fix time period.(Cheema, 2009)

Task 3

P3.1- Explain the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

Roles and responsibilities are the prescribed behaviour that an individual performs while attaining a particular position in an organisation or a group. But it is very important for every individual to work with full responsibility. When you have to work in a team you can’t think as an individual. You have to act as a  leadership style  and lead the team into one direction so that the whole team is able to achieve the organisation goal. When there is a group of people work together they referred as a team. The work can be done by dividing the whole task among the each member of the team and also give them a particular period of time in which they have to submit their work. In this way a team work together to attain a target.  (Frazer and Oswald, 2009)

  • Honesty is the best trait
  • Hard work will make you successful
  • Leadership quality makes you a shaper
  • Team maker
  • A good judgement of potential
  • Peace and harmony
  • Ready to take initiatives
  • Completion of work
  • Controlling power
  • Employee relation

Honesty is the best trait- Honesty refers to the truthfulness that an individual carries in himself or herself. It is the characteristic of a person that highlights the morale, ethics, integrity, loyalty, etc. his soul will remain pure if he is an honest individual.

  • Hard work will make you successful- Hard work is something that can’t reflect is a shorter period of time but when it’s being a long time you can easily get fruit out of your hard work. Hard work is something that helps you to achieve the goals in prescribed time.
  • Leadership quality will makes you a shaper- Leadership is a quality which is not developed but it is a kind of trait that anindividual carries within him from the time of birth. A leader is a person who guides, leads, help, motivates etc. his followers to achieve a particular goal.
  • Team maker- A team maker is also known as a manger. He performs his activities and also divides the work among other members of an organisation. He acts as a team maker, divide the task, guide the employees and at last control them and give performance appraisal according to the work they performed. (Australian master human resources guide, 2011)
  • A good judgement of potential- Every individual has some hidden qualities. Those qualities are termed as potential. The task is just to memorise and realize your potentials and work according to them.in this way the work become easy and you are able to achieve what you want.
  • Peace and Harmony- Peace gives you satisfaction for a long period of time. If the environment of the organisation is peaceful and calm your ability to work will extend beyond limits. While working in an organisation, it is the responsibility of every person to maintain the courtesy and peace. (Clancy, 2007)
  • Ready to take initiatives- While working in a team it is your responsibility to initiative. Because when you take initiative you stand different from the crown that gives you extra benefits. When someone is unable to do some task you can also help him. In this way you are able to attain goals of the organisation.(Performance measurement, 2006)
  • Completion of work- When a task is assigned to an individual and he is able to done that task in a given time and according to the given rules and regulations, that is termed as completion of work. While working in a team, it is very important for every individual to finish the work and submit it on time. It saves the time and energy of the individual and also the other members of the organisation.
  • Controlling power- Controlling power refers to the power where by an individual observes working of the team and examines the problems that they face. It helps to make relations better among the team and also helps to create a friendly environment.
  • Employer – Employee relation Target can be achieved when there is a good coordination and cooperation lies among the team members. In this situation, they will not work as an individual but try to coordinate with other members also. (Frazer and Oswald, 2009)

P3.2- Analyse team dynamics

Team dynamics are termed as the structure of the behaviour of the team that are working in an organisation. It identifies the procedure, tasks, nature, and structure of a particular group. It is influenced by several points that create a long lasting impact on a team. Group dynamics can be defined into two – formal and informal. There are different types of team dynamics-

  1. Formal and informal- there are two types of relationship in an organisation i.e. sometimes an employee have to behave in a proper formal manner and sometimes he can behave in an informal manner.
  2. Team structure- Team structure refers to the structure of the team in which there are some supervisors and some employees who works under them so, it defines there position, roles and responsibilities.
  3. Goals of the organisation- every employee works for the goals of the organisation. It is the responsibility of every employee to attain his goal and which utmost fulfil organisation’s goal.
  4. Strategies and policies undertaken- these are the defined standards that a company set. According to it the employees have to work.
  5. Projects and work assign- employers assigns work to the employees which they have to submit on time.
  6. Nature of the team– every team has its own nature and type. Some teams are formal in nature and other are informal.(Cheema, 2009)

P3.3 Suggest alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

Team building is one by which a team can achieve the set targets and goals of the organisation. First of all, the team is divided according to the specialisation of individuals. This work can be done through the skill set an individual carries within him. Then there is a need to develop a team building exercise so that the team get to know about their workings. Task can goals can be accomplish through giving them a helping hand. It will lead you to a right path. When you are working in a team you’ve to make other persons ready to perform hard work and give their 100% out of it.(Clancy, 2007)There is a need to satisfy the employees to make them work according to the goals and aims of the organisation. The commitment can be made by the members to give an assurance. Health and safety related monitoring is also necessary for an effective team. We have to motivate and help the employees so that their work will become easier and simpler. Feedback should be take on a continue basis to evaluate the performance of the employees. At the end there is a need to control the whole team and also injection of motivational speeches to keep them motivated.You shouldn’t create any kind of chaos and if eventually there is some kind of conflict takes place in the organisation then solve it out peacefully. (Noe, 2013)

Task 4

P4.1 Evaluate tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

Solution to a problem can be found out through a problem solving mind-set that helps to create a perfect solution to a problem. It includes improvement in the productivity of relations or there should be a team who sort out the conflicts. Many times you observe that with a perfect planning,   you are unable to find a solution to your problem. When this condition occur your problem solving mind will start finding the best solutions to the problem. In this way we are able to make proper decisions, quick decisions, and hence you realised that you became an important part of your friends, relatives, family life.(Gregory, 2013). Some points that is helpful in solving any kind of problem-

  • Responsible behaviour-  When any responsibility has given to an individual, he become responsible and accountable for that particular task
  • Emotional attachment- There should be some emotional attachment with the colleagues working with you. It helps to maintain good relations among them
  • Identification of goal- First of all you have to identify that what is the company’s goal. According to that goal you have set your targets and fulfil them in a given time.
  • Details should be descriptive- The task you have assigned should be in a descriptive form to avoid the situation of confusion and chaos
  • Many times active listening helps- This is the most critical problem found among the people nobody feels the importance of active listening and hence the birth of misconception takes place. To avoid this, you've to become a good listener.
  • Positive thinking- Positive thinking makes you a good human being. Our trust level increase and your potential will also rise. In this way half of the problems will sort out by themselves.(Clancy, 2007)
  • Try to find the most suitable solution- When you try to get a best solution to your problem you can’t pick the first solution because first solution never helps. Try to make more solutions and pick the best out of it. (Clinton, 2011)

P4.2 Develop an appropriate strategy for resolving the problem of labour turnover in an organisation of your choice

Labour turnover is slotted in negative part of an organisation, but it takes place around 13% in this year. It depicts that the organisations are not doing anything to get out of this problem and hence facing a great rate of labour turnover. To avoid this situation an organisation must follow some rules. Those rules are-

  • Employ the correct person- If you employ the right person at a right time at a right place then it never fails. It also helps to save the money because you need not to spend your money on recruitment of new employees.
  • Fire the incorrect employees- If you are feeling that a particular employee is unable to perform his or her work than you could also fire him from the job. It is an easy way to maintain the employees chart.
  • Fair remuneration- You’ve to give fair salary or wager. You can’t discriminate on the basis of caste, gender, colour etc.(Gregory, 2013)
  • Motivation- if your employees remain motivated for the whole time, there capability will increase to a great extent. You can initiate some motivational classes or praise them so that their morale does not get hurt. It also helps to make employees more happy and satisfied.(Australian master human resources guide, 2011)
  • Rewards and gifts- Rewards and gifts are also a way to praise your employee and to realise the importance of them in the organisation. These give employees an inner happiness and also give them some value.
  • Flexibility- If the environment of the organisation is healthy and flexible, the employee will adjust himself with your company but if the environment is strict he find himself as a prisoner. So make a healthy a happy environment.
  • Performance appraisal- it helps to examine the regular performance of the employee and helps them to improve their performance.(Clancy, 2007)
  • Proper growth – Every individual wants a growth and development. So it’s the responsibility of the employer to take care of the growth and development of the employee. Growth can also be measured through personality development. If there are some personality developments programmes are running into your organisation then it keeps the employees satisfied.
  • Give priority to their happiness- As you know that once you hire an employee he became the part of the organisation. So you should also give priorities to his happiness and health. This will also help to satisfy the morale of the employees.(Performance measurement, 2006)

P4.3 Evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

When we apply all the strategies written above to our organisation, there will be a great decrease in the % of labour turnover. And the labour retention percentage will rise up. It will create a positive impact on the growth of the business as well as on the employees as. With the implementation of such strategy, your organisations will growth on a fast speed and side by side the employment growth rate will also go upwards. Problem solving strategies and  labour market  turn over strategies are inter related to each other as both are related to employees. If you continue keep check on the employee’s priorities then the situation becomes better. The great benefit that a company get after solving the problem of the employees is the level of satisfaction. When an employee of an organisation is satisfied, he never leaves the organisation. Instead of this, he starts working in a better way. The potential of the employee will increase and he works with his full ability and capability. He became more effective and he does his work in a very efficient manner. He also coordinates with other employees and cooperate others when they need help of him. Back stabbing is a very common thing in an\y organisation whether it is a large or a small one. But satisfaction leads to elimination of back stabbing also. Many of the records say that satisfaction among employees plays a vital role. In this way we can convert our labour turnover ratio into retention ratio.(Clinton, 2011)

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Employees are the pillar of each and every organisation. It depicts the importance of employees in an organisation. Employees are the human assets for the organisation in which they work. Through this Employability Skills Assignment we can conclude the importance of this study and also get to know that how an organisation keeps their employees happy and satisfied. Certain strategies are followed by the organisation to maintain the employee retention ratio. An organisation should create a good environment by good communication, team work, flexibility, etc. it will be reflected on the faces of the employees as well as the goodwill of the organisation will also rise. It brings out harmony in the organisation. Some points that an employer should keep in mind are- motivation, guidance, coaching, training, etc. An organisation is able to attain its goal on time. Hence, we can say that a good organisation reflects a good employees and vice versa.



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